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Senjecas dict. o

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a õ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


lat grk cyr arm geo dev gla run tng heb arb kat hir han
o ο o օ ? מֹ ع
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  1. comp = a word made of two or more roots, e.g., oork̬a̋pu, cloth merchant < őőro, cloth; k̬a̋pu, merchant.
  2. derv = a word derived from a root, e.g., őrl̨e, eaglet < őre, eagle.
  3. poly = a word with a different but related sense, e.g., őőuma, i.v. scheme, intrigue, conspire < őőuma, set up a warp.
  4. Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  5. At the end of each alphabetic section is a legend, e.g., total: 35/22+3/71%. This means that there are 35 root words (lemmata) of which 22 are verbs and three are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. The last number means that 71 percent of the vocabulary is verbs.


  • o001 őő|da, i.v. flee, take flight, run away, retreat [> Tamil ōṭu, flee]. –ðlu, fugitive.
  • o002 őőða, lunar year [> Finnish vuosi, year].
  • o003 őőfo, [Lithan] clan [> Mongolian ob, clan].
  • o004 őőko, hole in ice. [> Turkish öɣü, hole in ice].
  • o005 őőla, 1. t.v. scorch, singe, sear; toast; carbonize. 2. i.v. water [> Telugu oliki, funeral pyre].
  • o006 őőm|i, adj. raw, unrefined, untanned, undressed, unformed, unwrought, crude, rough [> Old Greek ὠμός, raw]. -ta, rawness, roughness, crudeness.
  • o007 őőn|i, adj. tall, high, lofty [inam. obj.]. –ta, height. -u, adv. aloft [> Korean undu, height].
  • comp oor|k̬a̋pu, cloth merchant [< őőro, cloth; k̬a̋pu, merchant ]. -sı̋do, tapestry [< sı̋do, hanging].
  • o008 őős|a, 1. t.v. seize-, catch-, -in the mouth. 2. i.v. enter a-, -river, -channel; mouth. -ne̋mo, mouthpiece [> English oral].
  • poly őőum|a, i.v. contrive a plot, scheme, intrigue, conspire. -lu, plotter, schemer, intriguer, conspirator.-ra, plot, scheme, conspiracy.
  • o009 ő, intrj. vocative particle.
  • o010 o, postp. for, to [indirect object]; to [when there is no motion, e.g. return to work].
  • o011 o-, demon. proclitic, yon [> Turkish o, that].
  • o012 ő|da, 1. t.v. smell, scent (out). 2. i.v. smell, scent. –ðra, (sense of) smell, olfaction. -di, adj. scented, odorous. -do, smell, scent, odor [ > English odor].
  • o013 őg|a, t.v. orphan. –aþu, orphan [ > Korean we, orphan].
  • o014 ői|ki, adj. mad, crazy, insane, daft. –xta, madness, craziness, insanity.
  • o015 őisa, 1. t.v. move-, rush-, -quickly past; run-, fly-, sweep-, -over; cut-, plow-, -through [the waves]; fig. plunge into. 2. i.v. move-, rush-, -quickly past; run-, fly-, sweep-, -over; cut-, plow-, -through [the waves], flit.
  • o016 ői|ta, i.v. swear an oath (by, dása); take an oath [ > English oath]. -to, oath; ~om ȝa̋fa, i.v. perjure. –þȝa̋f=a, perjury, forswear. =a̋a̋gu, perjurer. =m̃i, adj. perjured, forsworn. –þvi, adv. by-, upon-, -oath.
  • o017 ő|ȝa, t.v. remove, take-, -off, -out, -away, omit, detach, rule out, clear [the dishes, the snow, etc.]; eliminate; elide; wash away, rule out [> Tamil oy, carry away]. –ira, removal, omission. -ȝi, adj. removable, detachable.
  • o018 ők|a, 1. t.v. recite. 2. i.v. recite [> Turkish oku-, recite]. –o, recital.
  • o019 ő|la, 1. t.v. tear down, destroy, demolish, raze, wreck. 2. i.v. destroy, havoc, wreck [> English lethal]. -lra, destruction, demolition. -lo, wreck. –l̤u, destroyer, demolisher; sundered adept. -l̨i, adj. destructible.
  • comp oɫ|ȝa̋mo, wormhole. -ka̋a̋ðt̬i, vermicide, vermifuge, anthelminthic. -sa̋a̋r̈a, vermeology.
  • derv őɫ|m̃i, adj. vermicular, pertaining to worms. -ri, adj. wormy, vermiculate, infested with worms.
  • o020 őm|u, army, host, militia [> Georgian om-, war]. -i, adj. military. -xa̋po, army base.
  • o021 őn|a, t.v. burden, load, weigh down, encumber, lade; charge (with, súna) [> English onerous]. -i, adj. burdened, weighted, encumbered, cumbersome, burdensome, onerous, laden, fraught. -o, load, burden, weight; cargo, freight, encumbrance; charge. -þa̋se, beast of burden.
  • o022 ő|pa, t.v. choose, select, pick out, go with; elect, vote; draw [a card] [> English option]. –fda̋so, elective office. –fȝőma, suffrage, franchise. -flu, chooser, elector, voter. –fmi, adj. optional, alternative. –fm̃i, adj. choice, select. -frı̋l=a, age of choice. =i, adj. of the age of choice. –pa, choice, selection, alternative, election, option, adoption. -paþu, delegate. -pi, adj. adopted. -po, choice, selection, vote. -ƥi, adj. eligible.
  • o023 őrb|a, 1. t.v. color-, make-, -purplish-red. 2. i.v. turn-, become-, -purplish-red. -i, adj. purplish-red.
  • o024 őr|i, adj. all, whole, complete, total, aught, pan-, omni-, entire, universal [> Gipuzkoan oro, all]. -fa̋a̋ra, t.v. sell out. -ı̋mi, adj. all kinds. -ȝe̋ko, panacea. –ȝumőa, pantheism. -móxsu, adv. much too soon. -sem̨ı̋ȝo, pandect. -s̨a̋fo, cosmos. -ta, wholeness, completeness, thoroughness, entirety. -vi, adv. wholly, completely, thoroughly, all, in all, all the way. -że̋f=e, omnivore. =i, adj. omnivorous.
  • comp őr|f̨őbo, aerie. -t̬a̋lmi, adj. eagle-eyed.
  • derv őr|l̨e, eaglet [< őre, eagle]. -m̃i, adj. aquiline, pertaining to eagles. -ni, adj. aquiline, similar to an eagle.
  • o025 őrm̃|a, t.v. urge (on), impel, importune. -ĕra, urgency, importunity. -i, adj. urgent, importunate.
  • o026 őrp|u, tribe. –i, adj. tribal.
  • o027 őrs|o, hind-, back-, -part; crupper [> English ass]. –ĕȝa̋mo, asshole.
  • o028 ő|sa, t.v. incriminate, inculpate, accuse of [> Turkish osal, bad]. -si, adj. guilty, at fault. -sra, guilt. -s̨i, adj. inculpatory. –ta, guilt.
  • o029 ő|ṡa, 1. t.v. speed, accelerate, step up [> English accipiter]. 2. i.v. speed, accelerate. –sta, fastness, rapidity, speed. –svi, adv. fast. -ṡi, adj. fast, rapid.
  • o030 ő|ta, 1. t.v. change places with. 2. i.v. change places [> Japanese utsúr-, change place]. -þlu, changeling.
  • o031 őþ|a, i.v. take lodging [> Jap. utena, high building]. -lu, lodger. -ra, lodging for the night.
  • o032 őun|a, t.v. sanitize. -bı̋ı̋ðo, toilet paper. -i, adj. sanitary. -ṡ̨űgo, sanitary napkin. -t̬i, sanitizer.
  • o033 őuþ|a, t.v. censure, reprehend, condemn. –ra, censure.
  • o034 őx|a, t.v. notch [an arrow], mill; tally, score; tap [> Manchu oki jōro, arrow with wooden head]. -i, adj. jagged, notched. -ȝa̋ro, scorecard. -o, notch, nick; tally, score.
  • o035 őz|a, t.v. torment, molest. –lu, tormenter, molester.

Total: 35/22+3/71%