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Ilya part of speech gloss notes
amek v love; adore
-an pro I, me [1SG] see pronoun section
anab n ear from the root nap
(related to hearing, audio, etc)
plural aryim
n eye from the root ray
(related to seeing, vision, etc)

  • shun - because; reason
  • bu - this [PROX]
  • shu - that [MED]
  • da / ush - Locative [LOC]
  • ha / ak - Instrumental [INSTR]
  • la - no; not [NEG]
  • esh - past tense [PST]
  • ed - causative [CAUS]
  • em - interrogative [Q]
  • ey - accusative [ACC]
  • ib - dative [DAT]
  • im / m - plural [PL]
  • u - that [DIST]
  • ur - remote tense [REM]
  • wa / o - Oblique [OBL]
  • ya / ai - Genitive [GEN]
  • bet - house; dwelling
  • kih-a - liquor, ale, beer, wine
  • lesh - milk
  • anab - ear
  • arya - eye
  • eyem - food; sustenance
  • iyib - heart
  • sha - six; 6
  • da - ten; 10
  • ha - four; 4
  • hesha - thousand; 1000
  • kish - five; 5
  • nen - nine; 9
  • ni - two; 2
  • nul - zero; 0
  • oka - eight; 8
  • ush - three; 3
  • sada - hundred; 100
  • seb - seven; 7
  • wa - one; 1
  • ne - no; not [NEG]
  • an - I; me
  • uk - we; us
  • um - they; them
  • u / a / il - he; she; it
  • ut - you [pl]
  • ti / e - you
  • bet-ra - live [in]; dwell
  • shab-ra - know; understand
  • da-ra - give; donate; transfer
  • hab-ra - like; enjoy
  • kan-ek - read; study; look over
  • kay-ek - exist; be
  • ker-ra - be red
  • kih-ek - fermnet; brew
  • nap-ra - listen; hear
  • nesh-ra - need; require
  • pan-ek - stagger; stumble; totter
  • ash-ek - want; desire
  • am-ek - love; adore
  • ed-ek - do; make; cause
  • em-ek - ask; request
  • ish-ek - drink; take in
  • ray-ek - see; look; watch
  • sob-ra - collect; gather
  • suh-ek - hang; suspend
  • yem-ek - eat; consume
  • yib-ra - pump


  • ray-an-ti
I see you
  • ne shab-an
NEG know-1s
I don't know
  • ma ed-e
what do-2s
What are you doing?
  • ish-esh-em-il-u
Did she drink it?
  • bet-im-wa kai ker-um
houe-PL-OBL 1p.poss red-3p
Our houses are red