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* '''pata''' - tile; brick
some ideas...
* '''pato''' - duck; male prostitute (slang)
* '''paka''' - be a fool; idiot
=== Numbers ===
* '''pako''' - be fresh; new; young
* '''paku''' - beat with the fist; cudgel; hammer
Cardinal numerals are placed in the same syntactical position as other quantifiers, but they cannot head a noun phrase and are thus always preceded by a determiner. Ordinal numerals behave like nouns syntactically.
* '''pakyo''' - storm; violent commotion
* '''pama''' - whip; lash; flog; thrash
{| {{bluetable|lightbluebg c}}
* '''pami''' - invent; invention; concoct
! !! 1 !! 2 !! 3 !! 4 !! 5 !! 6 !! 7 !! 8 !! 9 !! 10
* '''pamua''' - not enough; be insufficient; inadequate
* '''pamya''' - okra
! unit
* '''panto''' - tomato
| na'o || ta'o || ha'o || ma'o || ya'o || tsa'o || ka'o || pa'o || sa'o || ue'o
* '''panka''' - capture; catch; seize
* '''pana''' - rain; rainy
! x10
* '''pani''' - vanilla; vanilla extract [fruit; tree; color]
| x|| x|| x|| x|| x|| x|| x|| x|| x|| x
* '''pano''' - cloth; woven material; textiles
* '''panu''' - pastry; steamed bun; cake
! ordinal
* '''panue''' - colon (large intestine)
| kina'o || kita'o || kiha'o || kima'o || kiya'o || kitsa'o || kika'o || kipa'o || kisa'o || kiue'o
* '''panya''' - rodent [rat; mouse]
* '''pasa''' - nausea; feel sick; disgust
* '''pasi''' - bronze; brass; copper alloy
* '''pasua''' - expand; inflate; swelling
* '''pasue''' - drain; divert water; run dry
== Personal pronouns ==
* '''paha''' - be evil; fierce; vicious; ugly; coarse
* '''pahe''' - against; touching
Personal pronouns in --- inflect for three cases (nominative, accusative, and possessive), and have an animacy distinction in the 3rd person (more or less along the line of human vs. non-human). Note that the paradigm of the possessive pronouns is defective, with a number distinction existing only in the first person.
* '''pahi''' - be compatible; conform; tolerate
* '''pahu''' - burst; crack; breach
{| {{bluetable|lightbluebg c}}
* '''patsa''' - grate; shred [vegetable]
* '''patsi''' - breed livestock; herd
! !! nominative !! accusative !! possessive
* '''patsu''' - penalize; punish
* '''patla''' - field; pasture; plain
! 1sg
* '''patle''' - act spoiled; throw tantrum
| e || ə || axe
* '''patlo''' - broom; brush; sweep
* '''pala''' - can; may; possible; able to
! 2sg
* '''pale''' - sale; sell
| lɛñɔ || lɛño || adɔ
* '''pali''' - be saved/spared from [something]
* '''palo''' - cane; staff; walking stick
! 3sg anim.
* '''pa'a''' - be well-ordered; regular; organized
| loru || luru || ayru
* '''pa'e''' - apart from; other than; except for
* '''pa'o''' - eight; 8
! 3sg inan.
* '''pa'u''' - tree bark
| loyo || luño || ah
* '''paue''' - be bland; tedious
* '''paye''' - beyond; exceeding; farther than
! 1pl
* '''peta''' - to map; to chart; to draft; cartographic
| wi || wɛ || aymɛ
* '''peka''' - bat [animal]
* '''penka''' - impetus; impulse; be impulsive
! 2pl
* '''penku''' - conjunction; connective
| wɛñɔ || wɛño || adɔ
* '''pena''' - go about; busy oneself; occupy onself
* '''penua''' - continent; island
! 3pl anim.
* '''penya''' - grapple; scuffle; wrestle
| wəru || waru || ayru
* '''penyo''' - hot pepper; jalapeño; chili; paprika
* '''pesa''' - bolt of cloth
! 3pl inan.
* '''pese''' - gland
| wayo || waño || ah
* '''peso''' - meet; meeting
* '''peha''' - drill; penetrate; puncture
* '''pehu''' - admire; revere
* '''petsa''' - be delicate; soft; tender [inexperienced]
* '''petsi''' - basement; cellar
* '''petso''' - abdomen; belly; stomach
* '''petle''' - noise imitative of a fart; raspberry
* '''pela''' - cancel; cancellation
* '''pele''' - volcano; volcanic
* '''pelo''' - advance; improve; progress
* '''peua''' - admit defeat; concede
* '''peya''' - particle;  piece of; dot; speck; spot; bit
* '''pita''' - be void; hollow; empty
* '''pite''' - manatee; walrus
* '''pito''' - navel; belly button
* '''pima''' - buttermilk
* '''pisa''' - savage act; outrage; atrocity
* '''pinka''' - biscuit; cookie; cracker
* '''pina''' - be clever; intelligent; wise
* '''pitsa''' - pancake; pizza
* '''pitsu''' - hall; museum
* '''pitle''' - discriminate;  discrimination
* '''pila''' - crush; grind; pulverize
* '''pili''' - hyena
* '''piua''' - loquat [fruit; tree; color]
* '''piyo''' - bee; honeybee
* '''poti''' - goat; ram
* '''poto''' - image; picture; photograph
* '''poka''' - seal; pinniped
* '''poke''' - obscure; confuse; mix up; blur; mislead
* '''poko''' - bladder; urinate; urine
* '''poku''' - cost; fee; price; charge
* '''poma''' - apple  [fruit; tree; color]
* '''ponto''' - cannon; gun; artillery [fire ~]
* '''pono''' - face powder
* '''posa''' - divorce
* '''poso''' - radical [glyph]
* '''posu''' - award; prize; reward
* '''potsa''' - blot; erase; wipe out
* '''potsu''' - lay siege to, besiege
* '''pola''' - shovel; spade; spatula [kitchen utensil]
* '''poli''' - force; violence
* '''polo''' - hops; seed cones
* '''poya''' - complain; grumble; grievance
* '''poye''' - ally with; form an alliance with
* '''pute''' - deficiency; deficit
* '''puti''' - mint; spearmint
* '''puka''' - be corrupt; decay; rot
* '''puki''' - pomegranate [fruit; tree]
* '''puku''' - attire; clothes; wear
* '''pukue''' - blowfish; puffer
* '''punta''' - betray; rebel; revolt
* '''punka''' - fruit; fruit tree
* '''puna''' - dirt; earth; land; soil; mud
* '''punu''' - minute [of time]
* '''punya''' - jab; poke; stab [fuck]
* '''pusa''' - adverb
* '''pusu''' - shake; shock; vibrate
* '''pusue''' - be superfluous or useless; superfluities
* '''puha''' - lung
* '''putsu''' - goblin; monster; phantom
* '''pula''' - cauldron; kettle; pot
* '''puaka''' - forehead; skull; temples
* '''puampo''' - misinterpret; misread; misunderstand
* '''puama''' - afternoon; dusk; evening [p.m.]
* '''puana''' - deity; spiritual; ghost
* '''puani''' - bank; beach; coast; shore
* '''puatli''' - calf [of the leg]
* '''pue''' - after; back; behind; rear
* '''pueto''' - be ready/willing to do sth
* '''puetsa''' - mantis; octopus
* '''pyaka''' - tiger
* '''pyano''' - piano
* '''pyasa''' - custom; convention; popular; common
* '''pyeta''' - egg; ovum; spawn
* '''pyete''' - be slimy [of rotten food]; viscous
* '''pyota''' - cube; block; be square
* '''pyoki''' - disease; ill; sick
* '''pyonka''' - be parallel; parallelogram
* '''pyona''' - be brittle; fragile; crisp; crunchy
* '''pyoho''' - flea; mite; tick
* '''pyotsi''' - tail or caudal fin or feathers
* '''pyola''' - to rotate; to revolve; to spin; to whirl
* '''pyolo''' - business; office
* '''pyo'o''' - multiply by itself; square
* '''ta''' - you [2sg]
* '''tapa''' - lid; top; cover; canopy; roof; ceiling
* '''tapo''' - shoulder; upper arm
* '''tapu''' - be ample; buxom; shapely
* '''tapua''' - rectangle; be square-like
* '''tapya''' - to follow; to accompany
* '''tapyo''' - cassava [leaves]
* '''taka''' - to esteem; to respect; to honor
* '''take''' - scenery; scene; landscape; view
* '''taki''' - coat; jacket; robe
* '''taku''' - brother
* '''takue''' - demand; to request; to coerce
* '''tam''' - you [2pl]
* '''tama''' - be good; well; proper; fine; complete
* '''tame''' - be fried; pan-fry; sauté
* '''tami''' - yourselves [2pl.refl]
* '''tami''' - fix; mend; patch; repair
* '''tamyo''' - your(s) [2pl.poss]
* '''tanti''' - truck
* '''tanka''' - eagle; falcon; hawk
* '''tanko''' - group; organization; team
* '''tanku''' - you ~ each other [2pl.recp]
* '''tana''' - fight; war; battle; combat
* '''tane''' - enjoy; benefit; have the use of
* '''tani''' - gully; ravine; valley
* '''tano''' - describe; depict; portray; description
* '''tanu''' - plate; dish; tray; shallow container
* '''tanya''' - damage; break; ruin; destroy
* '''tanye''' - carpet; mat; rug
* '''tasa''' - hunt; seek; look for
* '''tase''' - consulate; embassy; diplomacy
* '''tasi''' - be comical; funny; amusing
* '''taso''' - be firm; hard; stable and steady; level
* '''tasu''' - cushion; mat; pad
* '''tasua''' - expect; presume; think [sth is likely]
* '''taha''' - big; large; grand [aug]
* '''tahe''' - below; beneath; under
* '''tahi''' - son
* '''tahue''' - nephew
* '''tahya''' - grandson
* '''tatsa''' - basin; wide-mouthed jar or pot
* '''tatse''' - preposition
* '''tatsi''' - to stand; to set up; to establish
* '''tatso''' - drift about; wander; roam
* '''tatsu''' - glyph
* '''tatli''' - collective plural [COL]; group; pack
* '''tala''' - to return; to come [back]; to arrive
* '''tale''' - pronounce; pronunciation; emit sound
* '''tali''' - church; shrine; temple
* '''talo''' - be patient; patience
* '''ta'i''' - yourself [2sg.refl]
* '''ta'o''' - two; 2; pair of; both
* '''taua''' - anticipate; expect; foresee
* '''taue''' - (male) cousin
* '''taya''' - husband
* '''taye''' - about [pertaining to; on the topic of]
* '''tayo''' - your(s) [2sg.poss]
* '''te''' - of [belonging to; = GEN]
* '''tepa''' - distinguish; identify; recognize
* '''tepe''' - conceal; cover; shield
* '''tepu''' - scales [of fish]
* '''tepye''' - beat; knead; pulse
* '''teka''' - cure; heal; treat
* '''teki''' - combative; enemy; hostile
* '''teko''' - bottle; pitcher; vase
* '''tekyo''' - dough; noodle; pasta
* '''teme''' - impress; make an impression
* '''temu''' - nurture; raise; foster; tend
* '''tenta''' - curtain; partition; screen
* '''tena''' - block; hinder; obstruct
* '''teni''' - diary; journal; log
* '''tenya''' - be elegant; in good taste; refined
* '''tesue''' - encourage; motivate; support
* '''teha''' - accomplish; achieve; finish; succeed
* '''tetsu''' - dates [fruit; tree; color]; jujube
* '''tetla''' - contribution; donation; offer
* '''tetlo''' - bring up a situation
* '''tela''' - cut up [into pieces]; shred; slice
* '''teli''' - ass; donkey; mule
* '''telo''' - circumstances; situation; state; condition
* '''te'e''' - kick; trample; tread on
* '''teue''' - reign [enthroned]
* '''teya''' - propose; request [PREC]; suggest
* '''teye''' - clause; phrase; sentence
* '''teyo''' - call on; find; look for [sb]
* '''tipa''' - align; fit; be suitable
* '''tipe''' - be counterfeit; fake; forge
* '''tipua''' - to decline; to drop; to fall
* '''tika''' - cane; rattan; vine
* '''tiko''' - clove [Eugenia aromatica]
* '''timpa''' - annotate; message; note
* '''tima''' - bleed; blood
* '''timu''' - east
* '''tinta''' - act; play role of  ~
* '''tinto''' - extend; reach; stretch
* '''tina''' - bend; fold; twist
* '''tini''' - spiral; whirlpool
* '''tinua''' - be firm; resolute; strong
* '''tisi''' - bulk; volume
* '''tiha''' - to multiply (math.); multiplication; multi-
* '''titsua''' - to swagger; walk with a wide stance
* '''tila''' - finger; indicate; toe
* '''tili''' - stain; sully; tarnish
* '''tilo''' - railway; track; train
* '''ti'a''' - grammatical aspect
* '''ti'u''' - fig [Ficus carica]
* '''tiya''' - bread; make bread
* '''tiye''' - medal prize; trophy
* '''to''' - manner; method; way
* '''topa''' - bed; couch; mattress
* '''tope''' - firearm; gun; rifle
* '''topi''' - ankle bone; ankle
* '''topo''' - door; entrance; gate
* '''topu''' - to jump; to bounce; to hop
* '''topue''' - undertow; be dragged down
* '''tok''' - no way
* '''toka''' - tone; manner of speaking; mood
* '''toko''' - be devoted; fidelity; loyal; loyalty
* '''toku''' - settle [a dispute]; resolve; solve
* '''tokua''' - every way; all ways
* '''tokya''' - inspect; examine; look over
* '''tokyo''' - be brave; bold; courage
* '''toma''' - deplete; exhaust; use-up; run out
* '''tome''' - preserve; to maintain
* '''tomi''' - characteristic; distinctive feature; trait
* '''tomo''' - offer; supply; provide; furnish
* '''tomu''' - be frugal; thrifty; economical
* '''tomua''' - hire; rent; charter; lease out
* '''tonta''' - permafrost; tundra; layer of frozen soil
* '''tonke''' - enter without permission; trespass; invade
* '''tona''' - tuna
* '''tono''' - emote; emotion; feel
* '''tonua''' - allophone; allophony
* '''tonye''' - be automatic; voluntary
* '''tosa''' - waste; squander; dissipate; splurge
* '''toso''' - be clumsy
* '''tosu''' - fragrant; sweet smelling; aromatic
* '''tohe''' - always [or routinely] cooperate or agree with
* '''tohi''' - broccoli; cauliflower
* '''toho''' - assert; claim; state
* '''tohu''' - bean; pea
* '''tohyo''' - choose; decide; select
* '''totso''' - eavesdrop; monitor [secretly]
* '''totsue''' - feeling after cracking one's back
* '''totla''' - be accurate; be exact; be precise
* '''tola''' - somehow; in some way
* '''tole''' - deck of playing cards
* '''tolo''' - entice; tempt; seduce; bait; allure
* '''to'o''' - pay; compensate
* '''toua''' - arbitrate; mediate
* '''toya''' - awareness; conscience; thinking
* '''ka''' - question marker
* '''kapa''' - be adequate; enough; suffice
* '''kape''' - usurp; overstep one's authority
* '''kapi''' - ugly; repulsive; not nice
* '''kapu''' - basket; box; bucket; container
* '''kapya''' - to receive; to accept; to collect
* '''kapye''' - card [small stiff paper]
* '''kapyo''' - gull; seagull
* '''kata''' - essence; nature; universe
* '''kate''' - calligraphy; handwriting; penmanship
* '''kati''' - be ancient; old; paleo-; classic
* '''kato''' - two story building
* '''kam''' - they; them [3pl]
* '''kampa''' - cheers!; a toast
* '''kampo''' - catch cold; [common] cold
* '''kama ''' - city; town; village
* '''kame''' - be artless; innocent; naive
* '''kami''' - themselves [3pl.refl]
* '''kamu''' - dictionary; encyclopedia; lexicon
* '''kamue''' - general; senior commander; military leader
* '''kamyo''' - their(s) [3pl.poss]
* '''kanta''' - generous; magnanimous
* '''kanka''' - corn; maize
* '''kanko''' - print; publish; publication; periodical
* '''kanku''' - they ~ each other [3pl.recp]
* '''kana''' - lead; leading; leadership; leader
* '''kane ''' - dispel; refute; repudiate
* '''kani''' - sausage
* '''kano''' - my dear; my darling
* '''kanu''' - stringed instrument
* '''kanue''' - canvas [sail; paitning surface]
* '''kanyo''' - question; ask; raise a question
* '''kasa''' - bamboo; parasol; umbrella
* '''kase''' - announce; report; newspaper
* '''kasi''' - infection; infect; influence
* '''kasu''' - lend; loan; borrow
* '''kaha''' - paper; document; letter; page
* '''kaho''' - operculum; a covering flap [of skin]
* '''kahu''' - furniture
* '''kahue''' - mirage; shadow
* '''kahyo''' - porcelain; ceramic
* '''katsa''' - glass; windshield; window
* '''katse''' - subjunctive; assumptive
* '''katsi''' - dignity; sanctity; worth
* '''katso''' - meal; meal time
* '''katsu''' - modest; self-effacing; modest remarks
* '''katsua''' - slip; slide; slippery; polished
* '''katla''' - blemish; defect; flaw
* '''kala''' - language; talk; say; speak
* '''kale''' - legume
* '''kali''' - slant; slope; incline
* '''kalo''' - substitute for; replace; supersede
* '''ka'e''' - to; towards; at [moving toward]
* '''ka'o''' - seven; 7
* '''kaua''' - coffee
* '''kaue''' - chin; jaw [look at sb]
* '''kaya''' - earth; planet; world
* '''kaye''' - around; encircling; surrounding
* '''kayo''' - lose; lost; loss; misplace
* '''ke''' - object particle [O]; compare [COMP] than
* '''keta''' - behave; conduct oneself
* '''kete''' - polarization; polarized
* '''keti''' - compose; construct by mental labor; think up
* '''keto''' - migrate; migration; mobile; portable
* '''kema''' - work; labor; task
* '''kenko''' - humble; humility; modesty
* '''kena''' - circle; be circular; spherical
* '''kesa''' - keep score; tally
* '''kese''' - be obscene; coarse; vulgar
* '''keso''' - image; form; figure; visualization
* '''keha''' - body [human]; health; anatomy
* '''kehe''' - shark
* '''keho''' - alarm; alert; warning signal
* '''ketsa''' - doubt; suspicion [dubitative DUB]
* '''ketsu''' - unruly; rude
* '''ketsua''' - resolution; decision; statement of intent
* '''ketla''' - red
* '''ketle''' - chain; linked
* '''kelo''' - castrate; a castrate; neuter
* '''ke'e''' - so; such; to such a degree
* '''keua''' - abandon; discard; spurn; forsake
* '''keue''' - permanent; constant; fixed
* '''keya''' - gram [unit of mass]
* '''keye''' - course; class; lesson
* '''keyo''' - description; qualification; adjective
* '''ki''' - reflexive [REFL]; self [essence]
* '''kipa''' - gums; inner mouth
* '''kipe''' - to favor; favorite; darling
* '''kipo''' - aspire; hope; wish
* '''kita ''' - north
* '''kiti''' - accelerate; expedite; speed-up
* '''kito''' - subsist; survive
* '''kimu''' - duty; responsibility; obligation
* '''kimyo''' - strange; odd; weird; unusual
* '''kinta''' - be rampant; run wild; spree
* '''kinte''' - invert; swapped; upside-down
* '''kinti''' - squirrel
* '''kinto''' - spanner; lever [on a machine]; wrench
* '''kina''' - mammal
* '''kinya''' - silver; coins
* '''kinyo''' - intervene; get involved
* '''kisa''' - tear; split; separate
* '''kisi''' - deny; disclaim; disavow
* '''kiso ''' - base; foundation; root; radical [chemistry]
* '''kisua''' - root of plant
* '''kisue''' - soda water
* '''kiha''' - high; tall; above average; long
* '''kiho''' - as things allow; opportune moment
* '''kihu''' - weather; climate; atmosphere; situation
* '''kihua''' - clear; fine [weather]
* '''kihya''' - root; source; origin
* '''kihyo''' - business; trade; commerce
* '''kitsa''' - dark; darkly; darkness
* '''kitse''' - graffiti; scrawl; scribble
* '''kitla''' - create; invent; make-up
* '''kila''' - obvious
* '''kili''' - giraffe
* '''ki'i''' - screech; shriek [of tanka]
* '''kiue''' - stink; odor; pungent aroma
* '''kiya''' - self-awareness; be self aware
* '''ko''' - agentive [AG]; individual; person
* '''kopa''' - fungi; mushroom
* '''kope''' - baste [cookery]; grease; oil
* '''kopi''' - bridge; crosspiece
* '''kopo''' - fermentation; yeast
* '''kopu''' - knock on a door; rap on something
* '''kota''' - details; particulars
* '''kote ''' - divulge; leak out
* '''koti''' - beat a ~; drum; rhythm
* '''koto''' - drum beat; rhythm
* '''kompo''' - seaweed
* '''kompu''' - computer; programmable device
* '''koma''' - conceal; hide away [lurk]
* '''komi''' - allergic; allergy
* '''komo''' - barn;  stall; stable; manger; shed
* '''komu''' - advertise; a commercial; advertisement
* '''konte''' - convey; distribute; send
* '''konto''' - flow [the movement of liquid]
* '''kona''' - dress; skirt
* '''kone''' - to awe; to intimidate
* '''koni''' - skunk
* '''kono''' - gray; stone; ash
* '''kosa''' - cut down; mow; eliminate; scythe; sickle
* '''kosi''' - be formal; be ritualistic; be ceremonial
* '''koso''' - assure; guarantee
* '''kohe''' - plateau; bluff; mesa
* '''koho''' - to float; to drift; to be buoyant
* '''kohu''' - fog; mist; vapor; steam
* '''kohya''' - to castrate; fig. to emasculate; neuter
* '''kotsa''' - spiteful person [male or female]..."bitch"
* '''kotse''' - factory; plant; workshop
* '''kotsi''' - evidence; proof; prove
* '''kotso''' - earthenware; ceramic
* '''kotsu''' - clavicle; collarbone
* '''kotlo''' - boiler; pan; pot
* '''kola''' - someone; anyone; whoever
* '''koli''' - extremity; tag along; tail
* '''kolo''' - notch; groove; indentation; hole
* '''koua''' - republic
* '''koya''' - apologize; remorse; sorry
* '''koye''' - be deliberate; on purpose
* '''koyo''' - whose; of who
* '''kupa''' - die; death; [be] dead
* '''kupe''' - arthropod; tick
* '''kupi''' - nipple; teat [on baby's bottle]
* '''kupu''' - butterfly
* '''kupye''' - excessive; too many/much
* '''kuta''' - fence; wall
* '''kute''' - bite; sting [of insect]
* '''kuto''' - mathematics; mathematical; math
* '''kumpu''' - rational number [fraction of two integers]
* '''kuma''' - bear
* '''kume''' - cancel; repeal; undo
* '''kumu''' - include; inclusion
* '''kunta''' - army; military force
* '''kuna ''' - excrete; expel; defecate; shit
* '''kunye''' - moon; lunar
* '''kusa''' - repetition; iteration; a layer
* '''kusu''' - push [away]; press; shove; squeeze
* '''kuha''' - to cook; to prepare food
* '''kuhi''' - to hold; to grasp; to clench (one's fist)
* '''kuhu''' - to object; to differ; to challenge; to protest
* '''kutsa''' - spoon; ladle
* '''kutsi''' - prawn; shrimp
* '''kutsu''' - flesh; meat
* '''kutsua''' - invite; invitation
* '''kutla''' - be lumpy; rock pile; uneven
* '''kule''' - keep; tower
* '''kuli''' - soul; spirit; vigor
* '''kua''' - everything; every; all
* '''kuate''' - double; twin [identical/fraternal]
* '''kuampo''' - egotistical; arrogant; brassy
* '''kuama''' - forever; always; perpetual
* '''kuami''' - eel; water snake
* '''kuanta''' - lenient; spacious; wide
* '''kuanto''' - cherry [tree; wood]
* '''kuanka''' - irrigate; wash with water
* '''kuana''' - peach  [fruit; tree; color]
* '''kuanu''' - bush; woody plant
* '''kuaha''' - study; science; -ology
* '''kuaho''' - be short; soon [duration]
* '''kuatse''' - opossum
* '''kuatla''' - reptile; snake
* '''kuali''' - drill; bore; dig into
* '''kue''' - like; similar to
* '''kuepa''' - escape; run away; flee
* '''kueta''' - spring [season]
* '''kuesi''' - absence; be absent
* '''kuetsa''' - cigarette
* '''kuetso''' - to stroll; to amble; to walk leisurely
* '''kuetsu''' - precious; valuable; rare
* '''kueli''' - rights; legal entitlement
* '''kuelo''' - gorge; strait; ravine; isthmus
* '''ku'u''' - cereal; grain
* '''kuya''' - green; foliage; verdant
* '''kuye''' - grab; catch; arrest; snatch; scratch
* '''kya''' - imperative [IMP] / co-hortative [HORT]
* '''kyapu''' - fleece; wool; woolen
* '''kyanki''' - refrain; abstain; avert
* '''kyaho''' - to practice; to train; to drill
* '''kyatlo''' - commander; officer in charge
* '''kyalo''' - gem; jewel; precious stone
* '''kyaua''' - be belligerent
* '''kye''' - indirect speech particle
* '''kyepe''' - diagonal; sharp turn; zigzag
* '''kyeha''' - to get along well; compatible
* '''kyehu''' - to have a moment of leisure; to take a break
* '''kyetsa''' - mustard; wasabi
* '''kyela''' - wreath; garland
* '''kye'o''' - hundred thousand ; 10^5
* '''kye'u''' - gills of fish
* '''kyo''' - hurry up! Quickly!
* '''kyopa''' - match; tool to start a fire
* '''kyopo''' - afraid; fear; frighten
* '''kyota''' - be crazy; deranged; insane; demented
* '''kyoma''' - barren place; desert
* '''kyomi''' - interest; interested; be interesting
* '''kyonko''' - flavoring; seasoning; spice
* '''kyono''' - comforting habit or ritual
* '''kyosa''' - sex; copulation; fornicate
* '''kyoso''' - compete; competition; match
* '''kyohi''' - to refuse; to decline; to reject
* '''kyohu''' - be drastic; extreme; aggressive
* '''kyotlo''' - coyote
* '''kyoli''' - spacing; distance; interval; length
* '''kyolo''' - fast; rapid; quick; velocity
* '''kyo'a''' - quiet; silence; soundless
* '''mpa''' - many; much
* '''mpaka''' - border; boundary; frontier; line
* '''mpana''' - wide; broad; extensive; vast; width
* '''mpano''' - clamp; pincers; pliers; tongs
* '''mpasu''' - make do; manage; get by with
* '''mpaha''' - valuable; costly; expensive
* '''mpahe''' - integrate; synthesize
* '''mpatso''' - comfort; console; stroke; caress
* '''mpala''' - odd number
* '''mpale''' - turn over; flip over; overturn
* '''mpali''' - balloon; hot air balloon
* '''mpa'a''' - film; movie; cinema
* '''mpe''' - only; merely; just
* '''mpeka''' - frog; toad
* '''mpekue''' - off the beaten track [go ~]
* '''mpelo''' - buzzard
* '''mpiko''' - black eagle; condor; vulture
* '''mpina''' - sound nice; be euphonic
* '''mpila''' - ball [game]; sphere
* '''mpoka''' - squid; ink fish; cuttlefish
* '''mponi''' - ethnicity; folk; people
* '''mpoho''' - gift; a present; an offering
* '''mpuku''' - be complicated; complex; intricate
* '''mpuni''' - ostrich
* '''mputsa''' - cheese
* '''mpula''' - lamp; lantern; light
* '''mpuli''' - fluff; lint [feel nervous]
* '''ma''' - and; also; too; as well
* '''mata''' - kill; murder
* '''mate''' - be distressed; grieved; uneasy
* '''mato''' - touch; contact; access
* '''maka''' - music; play ~; tune
* '''make''' - be idle; lazy; negligent; careless
* '''mako''' - absorb; assimilate; ingest
* '''maku''' - pillow; rest one's head
* '''mampu''' - duct; pipe; straw; tube
* '''manta''' - logic; principle
* '''mante''' - asparagus
* '''manti''' - facial tissue; napkin; paper towel
* '''manka''' - chill; cold; cool
* '''mana''' - force; power; strength
* '''mane''' - prohibit; forbid; ban
* '''mano''' - chicken; fowl; poultry
* '''manye''' - manage; handle; run; deal with
* '''manyo''' - size; height; stature
* '''masa''' - cervine; deer; elk
* '''mase''' - to dance; move to music; to flicker [flame]
* '''masi''' - door/window frame
* '''masu''' - countryside; areas outside the city
* '''masua''' - pipe [smoking utensil]
* '''masue''' - be nimble; agile; lithe; graceful
* '''maha''' - add; more
* '''mahe''' - around; approximate; close to
* '''matsa''' - nonsense; ridiculous talk; gibberish
* '''matse''' - blend; mix; various; stir
* '''matsi''' - perception; perceive; perceptive
* '''matsu''' - victory; success; victorious; win
* '''matsua''' - be flavored; smell; hint of; taste
* '''matla''' - broth; casserole; soup
* '''matle''' - statue; sculpture; carve
* '''mala''' - bad; be unfavorable; unpleasant
* '''mali''' - fictitious; theoretical; virtual
* '''malo''' - brown
* '''ma'a''' - with [accompanied by / furnished with]
* '''ma'e''' - before; in front
* '''ma'o''' - four; 4
* '''ma'u''' - spicy hot [taste]; fig. biting [criticism]
* '''maua''' - flower; plant
* '''maue''' - as soon as; when
* '''maya''' - fluid; water; wet
* '''maye''' - between; among
* '''mayo''' - apparatus; device; equipment; tool [INSTR]
* '''meta''' - meter [unit of length]
* '''mete''' - be ambiguous; unclear; vague
* '''menka''' - cotton
* '''mesa''' - example; precedent; model; for instance
* '''meha''' - hit; slap; strike
* '''mehu''' - vacuum
* '''metse''' - cricket; grasshopper
* '''metla''' - flute; sound of wind; whistle
* '''mela''' - continue; endure; last
* '''meli''' - kowtow; prostrate; bow
* '''me'a''' - at the same time; simultaneous
* '''meya''' - refined language; poetic genre
* '''mi''' - few; small amount; handful
* '''mita''' - canine; dog
* '''mika''' - clippers; scissors; shears
* '''miku''' - garlic chives; leek
* '''minta''' - sample; specimen
* '''mina ''' - south
* '''misa ''' - highway; road; street
* '''misu''' - copper
* '''mitse''' - disappear; to vanish
* '''mitla''' - arrow; dart
* '''mitli''' - suit; tunic
* '''mila''' - word; language component; morpheme
* '''milo''' - bubble; foam; suds
* '''miya''' - core; pit; stone; dig out the center
* '''mo''' - location; place; where
* '''mota''' - recall; bring to mind; reminisce
* '''moto''' - remember; memory
* '''mok''' - nowhere
* '''moka''' - flour; wheat; white-faced
* '''moko''' - lizard [reptile w/ legs]
* '''moku''' - to rest; to sleep
* '''mokua''' - everywhere; all over
* '''monto''' - trunk; torso
* '''monka''' - expert; adept; experienced; a professional
* '''mona''' - safe; secure; safety; security
* '''mono''' - blonde; fair
* '''mosa''' - book; letter; scroll; record
* '''moha''' - far; distant; remote
* '''mohe''' - install; place; put
* '''motsa''' - banana
* '''motsi''' - bag; pouch; sack
* '''motso''' - undulation; wave; ripple [effect]; tide
* '''motsua''' - creepy; unnerving; disturbing
* '''motsue''' - violate s/o or s/th
* '''motla''' - trash; throw away
* '''motlo''' - engine; motor; machine
* '''mola''' - somewhere; anywhere; wherever
* '''mole''' - apricot [fruit; tree; color]
* '''moli''' - forest; trees
* '''molo''' - cod
* '''mo'a''' - explicit explanation; specify
* '''mo'i''' - soap
* '''moue''' - plastic; synthetic resin; plastic cement
* '''moya''' - mark; symbol; write; spell
* '''moyo''' - heart; mind; centre; core
* '''muta''' - back; spine; dorsal; vertebrae
* '''muti''' - fad; fashion
* '''muto''' - sexiness; sexy; sensual; voluptuous
* '''muka''' - facing; towards sb/st
* '''muku''' - knife; blade; weapon; arms
* '''munta''' - change; alter; transform; rearrange; revise
* '''muna''' - care; concern; important; worry
* '''mune''' - breast; chest; cleavage
* '''muni''' - itch; itchiness
* '''muno''' - table of contents
* '''munua''' - culture; civilization; cultural
* '''munye''' - be a problem; be a hassle; be difficult
* '''musa''' - vowel
* '''muha''' - monk; nun
* '''muhe''' - sadness; grief; be sad
* '''mutsa''' - society
* '''mutsi''' - urgent; emergency
* '''mutla''' - be absolute; unconditional
* '''mula''' - begin; initial; start
* '''muli''' - comfortable; at ease
* '''muapa''' - set apart for a particular use; appropriate
* '''muata''' - manners; be polite [ness]
* '''muaka''' - to dump; to pour; to empty out
* '''muana''' - ocean; sea
* '''muanya''' - opening made by parting; gap; hole
* '''muasa''' - season
* '''muasi''' - be parallel; of equal rank; simultaneous
* '''mu'e''' - rhombus
* '''muena''' - clams and crabs; seafood
* '''muetlo''' - sweat; perspiration
* '''muela''' - raspberry
* '''muele''' - direction; orientation
* '''mue'o''' - ten thousand; 10^4
* '''muya''' - cause; do; make [CAUS]
* '''mya''' - as ... as
* '''myana''' - variety; variation; vary
* '''myano''' - alliteration
* '''myasu''' - aim; alignment; target
* '''myatsua''' - point out mistakes or weak points for correction
* '''myali''' - symphony; orchestra
* '''mya'a''' - meow; cat noise
* '''mye''' - redo; resume
* '''myeto''' - show fear or surprise on face
* '''myeka''' - neck; throat; voice
* '''myena''' - extent; surface [area]
* '''myene''' - be dazed; stare blankly; distracted
* '''myokua''' - software [computer]
* '''myonta''' - allow; permit [PERM]
* '''ntaku''' - sibling
* '''ntane''' - internet; network; web
* '''ntasa''' - equator; circle around any sphere
* '''ntasi''' - be excited; excite
* '''ntaha''' - ancestor; elder
* '''ntahi''' - child; offspring
* '''ntahue''' - sibling's child [nibbling]
* '''ntahya''' - grandchild
* '''ntalo''' - deliberate; consider
* '''nta'i''' - baby; inffant
* '''ntaua''' - derogatory sense; negative connotation
* '''ntaue''' - cousin
* '''ntaye''' - overgrown; unkempt [of hair]; matted
* '''ntayo''' - call sb away from a task/work
* '''ntela''' - interact; interplay; interrelated
* '''nte'o''' - million; 10^6
* '''ntimu''' - lemon
* '''ntopi''' - cliché; stereotype; truism
* '''ntoka''' - button; fasten; knot
* '''ntolo''' - locket; medallion; pendant
* '''nka''' - emphatic negative
* '''nkapa''' - alcohol; ale; beer
* '''nkapi''' - kiss; kiss
* '''nkata''' - agree; consent; approve
* '''nkampo''' - segment into equal pieces
* '''nkanu''' - short [in height and from end to edge]
* '''nkasa''' - measure; measurement
* '''nkahi''' - molluscs; crustaceans; echinoderms
* '''nkatso''' - spy; secret agent
* '''nkali''' - martial art; military skill
* '''nkalo''' - pronoun
* '''nka'e''' - in spite of; regardless of
* '''nke''' - negative [NEG]; no; not
* '''nkepa''' - charge [military term]; sudden attack
* '''nkeni''' - visit; be guest; patronize
* '''nkeli''' - cassia or cinnamon
* '''nkina''' - steep incline; water chute; sluice
* '''nkiha''' - to judge; to discriminate; to discern
* '''nkihua''' - be lengthy; be long [duration]
* '''nkitso''' - be stressed; be tense; be nervous
* '''nkila''' - blink; glance; appear in a flash
* '''nkilo''' - be bright; clear; resonant; distinct
* '''nkiye''' - vegetables
* '''nkopa''' - delusion; paranoia
* '''nkoma''' - to raise; to hoist; to rise
* '''nkoso''' - continue; proceed; progressive [PROG]
* '''nkoha ''' - to shake (a part of one's body); to shrug (shoulders)
* '''nkolo''' - are [unit of area]
* '''nkoyo''' - lamb; sheep
* '''nkumu''' - burden; cumbersome; difficult
* '''nkusa''' - sneeze; act of sneezing
* '''na''' - I; me [1sg]
* '''napa''' - grape; raisin
* '''nape''' - be cooperative; cooperate; collaborate
* '''napo''' - turnip
* '''napu''' - treaty; agreement; promise; pact
* '''napya''' - wine
* '''nata''' - family member; relative
* '''nati''' - belief; myth; religion
* '''nato''' - straight [direction]
* '''naka''' - female; woman [fem]
* '''naku''' - sister
* '''nam''' - we [1pl]
* '''nampa''' - blouse; shirt; vest
* '''nampu''' - fountain; spring
* '''nama''' - mature; grow; growth; ripen
* '''nami''' - ourselves [1pl.refl]
* '''namyo''' - our(s) [1pl.poss]
* '''nanka''' - emphasizing disgust; [interj. of contempt]
* '''nanku''' - we ~ each other [1pl.recp]
* '''nasa''' - be born; give birth
* '''nase''' - arachnid; spider
* '''nasi''' - pear [fruit; tree; color]
* '''nasua''' - climax; orgasm; upsurge
* '''nasue''' - copy; duplicate; transcribe
* '''naha''' - creek; river; stream
* '''nahe ''' - in [located inside of]; internal
* '''nahi''' - daughter
* '''naho''' - grammar; order; rule
* '''nahue''' - niece
* '''nahya''' - granddaughter
* '''natsa''' - draw; paint; drawing; painting
* '''natsi''' - poem; poetry; verse
* '''natsu''' - summer
* '''natsua''' - let go; release
* '''natla''' - put on airs; self-important; high and mighty
* '''natlo''' - plum; prune [fruit; tree; color]
* '''nala''' - illuminate; light; shine
* '''nale''' - fork; pitchfork; prong
* '''nalo''' - grin; laugh; smile
* '''na'am''' - we (but not you) [1pl.excl]
* '''na'ami''' - ourselves (but not you) [1pl.excl.refl]
* '''na'amyo''' - our(s) (but not your(s)) [1pl.excl.poss]
* '''na'anku''' - we (but not you) ~ each other [1pl.excl.recp]
* '''na'i''' - myself [1sg.refl]
* '''na'o''' - one; 1
* '''naua''' - cord; string; rope; bind together; twist
* '''naue''' - (female) cousin
* '''naya''' - wife
* '''naye''' - during
* '''nayo''' - my; mine [1sg.poss]
* '''neka''' - make reprisals; retaliate; revenge
* '''neko''' - cat; feline
* '''neku''' - winter
* '''nekua''' - cupboard; pantry
* '''nema''' - knee; patella
* '''neme''' - take over; ~ duties; ~ responsibilities
* '''nesa''' - system; organization; form
* '''nehe''' - fingernail; toenail; scratch
* '''netsa''' - be advantageous; have advantages
* '''netsi''' - helix; screw; spiral
* '''neli''' - lethargic; listless; unenergetic; sluggish
* '''neua''' - advise; urge; try to persuade; exhort
* '''neya''' - ought to; suggest [SUG]
* '''nipa''' - stretch back while extending legs
* '''nipi''' - be curious; inquisitive
* '''nipo''' - compel; force
* '''nipue''' - be dull [not sharp]; blunt
* '''nita''' - exclaim; insert; interject
* '''nika''' - acerbity; be bitter; tart
* '''niko''' - experiment; examination; test
* '''niku''' - muscle; tendon
* '''nikya''' - swallow; take in
* '''nime''' - appoint; assign; designate
* '''ninka''' - television; to watch ~
* '''nisa''' - compare; contrast; ratio
* '''nisi ''' - west
* '''niha''' - good; pleasant; regular / منيح
* '''nihi''' - glutton; greedy; piggish
* '''nila''' - blue
* '''niua''' - depot; garden; yard
* '''niya''' - goal; purpose; reason
* '''niye''' - undergarment; underwear
* '''niyo''' - be contained; content; substance
* '''no''' - adverbial; matter; object; thing [-ish; -ly; -ous]
* '''nopa''' - pull; stretch; draw sth out
* '''nopi''' - pile; stack; heap
* '''nota''' - lie; be in horizontal position; horizon
* '''noto''' - compassion; relent; sympathize; sympathy
* '''noka''' - beak; bill; mouth
* '''noki''' - vertical; erect; set upright; vertical stroke
* '''noko''' - continue unchanged; remain; stay behind
* '''nokua''' - everything; every; all
* '''nokye''' - agriculture
* '''noma''' - thing; matter; object; noun
* '''nomo''' - be fond of; like; prefer [things]
* '''nomya''' - act; action; activity; take action
* '''nosa''' - subject; theme; topic
* '''noho''' - chickpea; garbanzo; hummus
* '''nohya''' - bundle; pack; wrap
* '''notsa''' - ride horseback; mount; cavalry
* '''notli''' - hotel; inn; tavern
* '''nola''' - something; anything; whatever
* '''nolo''' - be cursed; be jinxed [slang]
* '''noya''' - be content; happy; pleased
* '''nupa''' - trash; garbage; waste
* '''nuta''' - be tedious; convoluted; boring; pedantic
* '''nuka''' - joke; banter; tease; mock
* '''nuku''' - detest; dislike; hate
* '''numu''' - style; standard; pattern
* '''nusu''' - steal; pilfer; snatch
* '''nutsu''' - unbelievable; incredible
* '''nula''' - lick; lap [up]
* '''nulo''' - smear; daub; apply
* '''nua''' - frequent; often; regular
* '''nuesi''' - flood; submerge; drown
* '''nya''' - for [benefactive; BEN]; purpose of; by
* '''nyakua''' - by all means; by any means
* '''nyamu''' - mosquito; fly; gnat
* '''nyanku''' - whale
* '''nyana''' - algorithm; program [computer]; function
* '''nyasa''' - gratitude; thank [you]
* '''nyase''' - eyelashes
* '''nyahe''' - by means of; per; via
* '''nyahi''' - white; snow
* '''nyatsa''' - expose; reveal; lay bare; show
* '''nyalo''' - call; number; telephone
* '''nya'e''' - in order that; so that
* '''nya'o''' - five hundred; 500
* '''nyaue''' - outside of; exterior to
* '''nye''' - because of; due to
* '''nyepa''' - cloud
* '''nyete''' - open; start; turn on
* '''nyema''' - century
* '''nyemi''' - cape; headland; promontory; peninsula
* '''nyetsi''' - traditional; archetype; typical; classic
* '''nyetle''' - quote; to cite as evidence
* '''nyela''' - arrowhead
* '''nyeli''' - pink; rose
* '''nyelo''' - extra; remainder; surplus
* '''nye'o''' - hundred; 100
* '''nyopa''' - poor; impoverished
* '''nyota''' - thirst; be thirsty
* '''nyoto''' - write quickly; jot
* '''nyoki''' - dumpling; pot-sticker
* '''nyoma ''' - rice
* '''nyome''' - beige; tan; khaki
* '''nyonka''' - choke [on]; choke up; suffocate; strangle
* '''nyotlo''' - nut; seed
* '''nyolo''' - ant; insect
* '''sapa''' - boot; footwear; shoe
* '''sata''' - administer; govern; manage; control
* '''sati''' - sadism; sadistic
* '''sato''' - sense; perceive; be aware of; detect
* '''saka''' - gender; sex
* '''saku''' - deadlock; result in a stalemate; impasse
* '''sama ''' - sun; star; solar; stellar
* '''samya''' - exhale; blow; puff
* '''sanka''' - delta [geography]
* '''sana''' - health; hygiene; welfare
* '''sane''' - cover; sheath; encase; overlap
* '''sani''' - wasp
* '''sanya''' - second [of time]
* '''saha''' - annals; history
* '''sahe''' - across; opposite; other side
* '''sahi''' - color; hue; shade
* '''saho''' - be drunk; intoxicated
* '''sahya''' - right; correct; proper
* '''satsa''' - weave; knit
* '''satse''' - brake [when driving]
* '''satsi''' - recruit; cast; enlist
* '''satsu''' - scrub; rub; scour
* '''sala''' - chamber; room; section
* '''sali''' - native; person from a particular place
* '''salo''' - press; push down; keep under [control]
* '''sa'o''' - nine; 9
* '''saua''' - damp[ness]; humid[ity]; moist[ness]; wet
* '''saya''' - soothe; be calm; relax
* '''saye''' - along; following [a line]
* '''sayo''' - calendar month
* '''sayoma''' - calendar; date
* '''sepa''' - injury; wound; hurt; wound; injure
* '''sepu''' - mill; grain mill; millstone
* '''seta''' - be flat; silk; smooth
* '''seto''' - olive
* '''seka''' - be dry; sharp; strict
* '''seko''' - scorpion
* '''sempo''' - abacus; plan; scheme
* '''sema''' - week [7 days]
* '''semye''' - explain; comment; annotate
* '''senta''' - mimic; satirize; mock; irony; sarcasm
* '''sento''' - leftovers [food]; salad
* '''senku''' - think poorly of someone
* '''sena''' - liter [unit of volume]
* '''senu''' - hair
* '''senyo''' - oval; ellipse; be elliptic
* '''setsi''' - sage
* '''sela''' - waterfall; cascade; heavy rain
* '''seua''' - care for; tend to
* '''seya''' - seal; sign; stamp
* '''seye''' - dowry; trousseau
* '''sipi''' - acne; pimple; zit; wart
* '''sipo''' - be fat; lard; grease
* '''sita''' - accompany; be with; to keep company
* '''sika''' - sip; smack one's lips; suck; savor
* '''siku''' - an unforeseen event; accident; misfortune
* '''sikue''' - pig; pork; swine
* '''sikyo''' - womb; placenta; uterus
* '''simpa''' - be anxious; neurosis; anxiety
* '''simpu''' - clam; mussel; oyster
* '''sima ''' - to sit; to take a seat
* '''simya''' - spend; pay out; expense
* '''sinta''' - finacial credit
* '''sinka''' - lion
* '''sino''' - curl [hair]; crimp; roll up
* '''sitsa''' - heat; hot; warm
* '''sitsi''' - support; sustain; uphold
* '''sitla''' - lawn; meadow; sod; turf
* '''sila''' - arteries; veins; blood vessel
* '''sile''' - bell; sounding of a bell as a signal
* '''silo''' - tender; puerile; soft and immature
* '''si'i''' - crow; raven
* '''siua''' - nerve; bundle of neurons
* '''siue''' - herb; leaf
* '''siya''' - act without a plan; improvise [slang]
* '''siyo''' - use; employ; apply; to make use of
* '''so''' - kind; genus; type; category; sort; class
* '''sopa''' - balcony; patio; terrace
* '''sota''' - sow; scatter; spread; broadcast; disperse
* '''soto''' - speed; rate; velocity
* '''sok''' - no kind; no type
* '''soka''' - introduce; introduction
* '''soki''' - muddy; mud
* '''soko''' - rescue; pluck from danger
* '''soku''' - font; typeface; typeset
* '''sokua''' - any kind; any type
* '''sokyo''' - helium
* '''some''' - be dyed; be stained; be tinted
* '''sonka''' - ode; eulogy; praise in writing
* '''sono''' - partridge
* '''sonu''' - outcome; result; conclusion; as a result
* '''sonya''' - dream; imagine
* '''sonyo''' - wrist
* '''soho''' - crop; harvest
* '''sohua''' - digest; digestion; digestive
* '''sotsi''' - dish; platter; specific food
* '''sotla''' - foot; heel
* '''sola''' - some kind (of); any kind
* '''sole''' - gelatin; jelly
* '''soli''' - badger; ferret
* '''solo''' - socks; stockings; tights
* '''so'o''' - that kind; type
* '''soya''' - to omit; to delete; to leave out
* '''soye''' - index; list
* '''soyo''' - be abstract; abstraction
* '''supa''' - prescription; recipe; formula; cookbook
* '''supye''' - butter; cream; extract
* '''suta''' - live; reside; dwell; inhabit; settle
* '''suka''' - acid; sour; vinegar
* '''suku''' - market; shop; store
* '''suma''' - window
* '''sumi''' - repress emotional expression
* '''sumu''' - puff; spout; spray; spurt
* '''sunta''' - trend; tendency
* '''sune''' - shin
* '''sunu''' - poison; narcotics; venom
* '''suha''' - mouth; taste; tongue
* '''sutse''' - to register; to enroll; log in
* '''sutsi''' - recommend; recommendation
* '''sutsu''' - muttering; whisper; mouthing words
* '''sula''' - melt; fuse; dissolve
* '''suli''' - tired; weary; strain; wear out
* '''suata''' - account; bill; debt
* '''suaki''' - hare; rabbit
* '''suama''' - sew; seam; mend
* '''suante''' - lime [fruit; tree; color]
* '''suani''' - be absent-minded; preoccupied; inattentive
* '''suala''' - be heavy
* '''suepa''' - blister; bleb [watery blister]
* '''sueho''' - surf; the sound of waves
* '''suetsa''' - marrow; quintessence; pith
* '''suele''' - water lily [pad]; lotus
* '''su'u''' - still; calm; quiet; not moving; static; stasis
* '''ha''' - she; he [3sg]
* '''hapa''' - retain; preserve; reserve; reservations
* '''hapi''' - dove; pigeon
* '''hapu''' - consonant; the initial consonant
* '''hata''' - error; mistake
* '''hate''' - develop; to make full use of; evolve
* '''hati''' - gardens; park
* '''hato''' - breed; incubate; hatch
* '''haka''' - drawers; pants; trousers
* '''hake''' - peel; skin; flay; shuck; shell
* '''haki''' - true; real
* '''hako''' - you're welcome
* '''haku''' - vomit; regurgitate; throw up
* '''hakyo''' - college; school; university
* '''hama''' - protect; defend; safeguard; protection
* '''hamo''' - fish-hook
* '''hamu''' - ash; bit by bit
* '''hana''' - emit; give off; send out [up; forth]
* '''hane''' - change sides in a war; politically; turncoat
* '''hani''' - extent; range; scope
* '''hanu''' - edition; version
* '''hanya''' - country; nation; state; national; region
* '''hasa''' - personal; private; secret
* '''hase''' - derive; derivative; derivation
* '''hasi''' - chopsticks; eating utensils
* '''haso''' - special; unique; distinguished
* '''hasu''' - conjecture; guess; supposition; assumption
* '''hasua ''' - edge; brink; lip; margin; rim; boundary
* '''hatsa''' - luck; fate; fortune; chance
* '''hatsu''' - fever; temperature; pyrexia
* '''hala''' - informal greeting [on phone]
* '''halo''' - argue; debate; discuss; dispute; quibble
* '''ha'i''' - herself; himself [3sg.refl]
* '''ha'o''' - three; 3
* '''haua''' - believe; confidence; trust
* '''haue''' - carrot; radish
* '''haya''' - animal; beast
* '''haye''' - early; quick[ly]; sudden[ly]; abrupt
* '''hayo''' - her(s); his [3sg.poss]
* '''heka''' - cliff; rock face
* '''heki''' - oregano [plant/flavor]
* '''heko''' - congratulate; congratulations
* '''heme''' - tremble; shiver; shake; vibrate
* '''hemya''' - stutter; stammer [speech impediment]
* '''henka''' - bias; prejudice
* '''hena''' - piece; part; fraction; strip; scrap
* '''henyo''' - resist; oppose
* '''hela ''' - comb [fine-toothed]
* '''he'u''' - munitions or ordnance factory; arsenal
* '''heua''' - air; oxygen; sky
* '''heya''' - need; necessity; require [NEC]
* '''hipa''' - infiltrate; sneak into
* '''hita''' - throw; cast; expel
* '''hika''' - to wait; to wait for
* '''hikya''' - be ancient; old
* '''hinti''' - turkey
* '''hina''' - here; this place [by me]
* '''hini''' - reed; rush
* '''hisu''' - department; branch; section; division
* '''hitsua''' - just; morally fair; righteous
* '''hila''' - analyze; analysis
* '''hilo''' - plaza; public square
* '''hiyo''' - prolific; fertile; high yield; rich
* '''hope''' - blush; flushed; redden
* '''hopu''' - busy; despondent; hurried
* '''hoka''' - custard; pudding
* '''homa''' - inform; notice; notify
* '''homu''' - platform; stage
* '''hono''' - harbor; port
* '''honu''' - turtle [sea]
* '''hosa''' - radiation; rays of radiation
* '''hoso''' - hold; keep; store
* '''hotso''' - roach; cockroach
* '''hola''' - cloth; towel; headscarf
* '''holo''' - dig; excavate; scoop out
* '''huta''' - bury; buried; interred
* '''hute''' - flush [out]; purge; rinse
* '''huku''' - courteously wait everyone sit before eating
* '''humpa''' - differentiate; distinguish; discriminate
* '''huma''' - be insubordinate; defy
* '''huna''' - be confused; be mixed up
* '''hunu''' - pollen
* '''husa''' - goose; swan
* '''husu''' - artichoke
* '''hutsi''' - gruel; oatmeal; porridge
* '''huli''' - moan; hum; mutter; mumble; murmur
* '''huata''' - shelf; stair
* '''huamyo''' - perverse; unreasonable; absurd; ridiculous
* '''huanu''' - illusion, fantasy, mirage
* '''huatso''' - midnight
* '''huatla''' - acorn; oak
* '''hue''' - at [in the same location as] [LOC]
* '''hueta''' - testicle
* '''huesa''' - company; firm; enterprise; corporation
* '''huetla''' - peanut
* '''hueli''' - startle; surprise; amaze; astonish
* '''hue'o''' - billion; 10^9
* '''hueya''' - be a slut; floozy; prostitute; prostitution
* '''hueye''' - an outing; a night out; a soirée
* '''huye''' - be deep; profound; abstruse
* '''hyata''' - grandfather
* '''hyanta''' - grandparent
* '''hyana''' - grandmother
* '''hyala''' - cucumber
* '''hyali''' - dairy; milk
* '''hya'o''' - weird; unusual
* '''hyepo''' - set; tune; calibrate; fix; adjust; modulate
* '''hyeka''' - sand; beach; finely ground rock
* '''hyeku''' - kidney
* '''hyesu''' - esophagus
* '''hyesua''' - beetle
* '''hyele''' - attract; entice; titillate
* '''hyota''' - juice
* '''hyoto''' - benefit; effectiveness; efficiency
* '''hyoka''' - attack; hit; strike
* '''hyoko''' - bulb; bulbous; bloated
* '''hyome''' - surface; top-side
* '''hyotso''' - elasticity; elastic force; spring
* '''tsapa''' - effort; trouble; endeavor; struggle
* '''tsata''' - council; committee; parliament
* '''tsati''' - hornet
* '''tsato''' - chaotic; messy; in disorder
* '''tsaka''' - house; residence; reside
* '''tsaki''' - chewing gum
* '''tsaku''' - idea; thought; conception
* '''tsama''' - pretend; feign; play a role
* '''tsame''' - accumulate; collect; gather
* '''tsami''' - pluck; pull off; pull out; unplug; extract
* '''tsamo''' - reef; coral reef; shoal rock
* '''tsanto''' - practice of meditation
* '''tsanka''' - tire; bored with; be fed up of; tired
* '''tsanko''' - ape; monkey; primate
* '''tsana''' - meditation; meditate
* '''tsani''' - story; tale; tell ~
* '''tsanye''' - starter button; on switch
* '''tsasu''' - cursive writing
* '''tsaha''' - automobile; carriage; vehicle
* '''tsahe''' - for [in exchange for]
* '''tsatla''' - pop knuckles; crack bones
* '''tsatle''' - crane; egret; heron
* '''tsatli''' - pineapple
* '''tsala''' - dip; paste; sauce
* '''tsale''' - splinter; shard; slice; sliver
* '''tsali''' - crime; offense; fault
* '''tsalo''' - clear; transparent
* '''tsa'a''' - beaver
* '''tsa'e''' - across; through
* '''tsa'i [tsai]''' - tea [leaves; plant]
* '''tsa'o''' - six; 6
* '''tsaua''' - complexion; looks; appearance of one's face
* '''tsaue''' - so long as; provided that
* '''tsaya''' - damn [general invective]
* '''tsaye''' - since; until; up to; as far as
* '''tsepa''' - please
* '''tseka''' - pull; draw near; tug; tow; yank
* '''tseko''' - wood charcoal; coal; carbon
* '''tsekua''' - condense; solidify; coagulate; clot (of blood)
* '''tseme''' - drawer; tier; tray
* '''tsemu''' - jam; marmalade
* '''tsemua''' - candle; illuminate; wax
* '''tsenta''' - overdo it; overcook; exaggerate
* '''tsenka''' - orange  [fruit; tree; color]
* '''tsenku''' - commonly used phrase; idiom; colloquial usage
* '''tsena''' - funeral; encoffin a corpse; carry to burial
* '''tsene''' - lightning; thunderbolt
* '''tseno''' - thigh; crotch
* '''tsesa''' - apron
* '''tsehue''' - pick teeth; toothpick
* '''tse'e''' - appear; seem
* '''tseua''' - longevity; ability to live long; long lived
* '''tseye''' - be exhilarated; be stimulated; be invigorated
* '''tseyo''' - loose; to loosen; to relax
* '''tsipa''' - ephemeral; not constant; temporary
* '''tsipe''' - basic; fundamental; main; elementary
* '''tsipue''' - late; delayed; slow
* '''tsiti''' - sparrow
* '''tsika''' - economy; economic
* '''tsiki''' - porcelain; china [made from ~]
* '''tsiko''' - furnace; oven; stove
* '''tsikua''' - avian; bird
* '''tsikue''' - habit; custom; usual practice; tradition
* '''tsikya''' - chirp or peep (onomatopoeia); birdsong
* '''tsimpa''' - to be lame; move with difficulty
* '''tsima''' - hour; o'clock; time
* '''tsimua''' - be vicious; fierce; ominous; inauspicious
* '''tsinti''' - stingray
* '''tsinka''' - be at a negative angle
* '''tsinku''' - mathematical analysis; calculus
* '''tsina''' - tame; domesticate; docile
* '''tsine''' - key; button [to strike]
* '''tsini''' - sugar; sugarcane
* '''tsinu''' - entice; arouse; provoke; erogenous
* '''tsise''' - unfamiliar at first ; an acquired taste
* '''tsisu''' - coefficient; factor; modulus; ratio
* '''tsihi''' - mercy; to empathize
* '''tsihyo''' - discharge of the eyes; rheum
* '''tsitla''' - adorn; festoon; garland; decorate
* '''tsitli''' - farm; ranch
* '''tsila''' - lip; outer mouth
* '''tsili''' - tailor; to make clothes
* '''tsilo''' - be naked; bare; uncovered; exposed
* '''tsi'a''' - paprika; pepper
* '''tsi'e''' - famine; shortage of food; starve
* '''tsi'u''' - transitive; transitivity
* '''tsiua''' - lake; pond; pool
* '''tsiue''' - elbow
* '''tsiya''' - freedom; liberty; independent
* '''tsiyo''' - corridor; aisle; hallway; passageway; piazza
* '''tsopa''' - pair; a mate; a couple; couple
* '''tsopo''' - prefer; preference
* '''tsopua''' - ulna (anatomy); bone of the forearm
* '''tsota''' - breed; reproduce; propagate
* '''tsoto''' - surrender; capitulate; give up
* '''tsoka''' - bump; collide with; strike
* '''tsoko''' - cacao; chocolate
* '''tsoku''' - be direct; immediate; straightforward
* '''tsoma''' - tobacco [plant; leaves]; smoke
* '''tsomye''' - smug; vain; shameless
* '''tsonta''' - teenager
* '''tsonka''' - public; common; open; fair
* '''tsonyo''' - alert; warn; police
* '''tsosa''' - chimney; fireplace
* '''tsosi''' - silk
* '''tsoho''' - data; information; resource
* '''tsola''' - fox
* '''tsoya''' - center; middle; mid-; half
* '''tsoyo''' - one of a pair [missing ~]
* '''tsupa''' - saliva; spit
* '''tsupu''' - mead [honey wine]
* '''tsuta''' - backward; reverse
* '''tsute''' - slip and fall; stagger; stumble
* '''tsuka''' - pride; hubris; arrogance
* '''tsuke''' - salt; pickle; to cure [meat]; marinade
* '''tsuki''' - next; order; sequence [ordinal]
* '''tsuku''' - rumpled feathers; bedraggled; wet and limp
* '''tsukua''' - tassel; ribbon; bow
* '''tsumpa''' - buy; purchase
* '''tsuma''' - metal
* '''tsume''' - mellow and rich; simple and kind; relaxed
* '''tsumi''' - guilt; sin; offense
* '''tsumu''' - be careful; cautious
* '''tsunti''' - attend; take part in; participate
* '''tsunka''' - bug; insect; worm
* '''tsunki''' - filter; strain; perforated screen
* '''tsunku''' - can; jar; pot; urn
* '''tsuna''' - join; connect; link up; communicate
* '''tsusu''' - focus; concentrate; be attentive
* '''tsuhi''' - leopard / jaguar
* '''tsuhu''' - candy; dessert; sweets
* '''tsula''' - celebration; party; social gathering
* '''tsule''' - wire; string
* '''tsuli''' - currant; gooseberry
* '''tsua''' - almost; nearly; more or less
* '''tsuama''' - sandwich; wrap
* '''tsuasi''' - stock; share; capital raised by a company
* '''tsuala''' - prosper; be prosperous
* '''tsuali''' - thunder
* '''tsue''' - position; stance
* '''tsuene''' - baboon
* '''tsu'u''' - cork; plug
* '''tsuya''' - be main; principal; major; primary
* '''tsuye''' - take note of; pay attention to
* '''tsuyo''' - armadillo
* '''tla''' - it [4sg]
* '''tlapa''' - horn; wind instrument
* '''tlapo''' - siphon; seep
* '''tlati''' - clear-headed; sober
* '''tlato''' - recite rhythmically; chant; intone
* '''tlaka''' - male; man [masc]
* '''tlaku''' - enmesh; wrap around; web; net
* '''tlakua''' - cricket; slug; snail
* '''tlam''' - them [4pl]
* '''tlampi''' - distill; distillation
* '''tlama''' - anytime; sometime; whenever
* '''tlami''' - themselves [4pl.refl]
* '''tlamyo''' - their(s) [4pl.poss]
* '''tlanka''' - level; grade; rank
* '''tlanke''' - oval; ellipse; ellipsoidal
* '''tlanku''' - they ~ each other [4pl.recp]
* '''tlana''' - human; person
* '''tlani''' - curse; damn; epithet
* '''tlanyo''' - abuse; berate; mistreat
* '''tlasa''' - honey; nectar
* '''tlasi''' - cough [up]
* '''tlaso''' - skin deep; superficial; shallow
* '''tlaha''' - to leave; to depart
* '''tlahe''' - confluence; convergence
* '''tlahi''' - convenient; be easy; facilitate
* '''tlatsa''' - fire; flame; burn
* '''tlatso''' - be final; be last
* '''tla'a''' - likely; probable; presumable
* '''tla'i''' - itself [4sg.refl]
* '''tlaya''' - marry; in-law; wed
* '''tlaye''' - according to; based on
* '''tlayo''' - its [4sg.poss]
* '''tlepa ''' - teach; instruct; educate
* '''tleka''' - be mean; be petty; be cruel
* '''tleke''' - fan
* '''tleki''' - boast; brag; exaggerative; pompous
* '''tlempe''' - lymphatic fluid; lymph
* '''tlema''' - banner; flag; ensign
* '''tleme''' - disc; sheet; CD
* '''tlemo''' - caravan; trailer
* '''tlena''' - gradual; sluggish
* '''tleno''' - log; piece of wood; timber
* '''tlenyo''' - millennium
* '''tlehe''' - esteemed; honest; candid; sincere
* '''tletsa''' - column; cylinder; file
* '''tletso''' - prism; prismatic lens
* '''tletsu''' - lettuce
* '''tlela''' - bathe; clean; purify; wash
* '''tlelo''' - toy; plaything
* '''tle'o''' - thousand; 1000
* '''tlipa''' - ascot; cravat; necktie
* '''tlipi''' - tie; bind or fasten together; kidnap
* '''tlipu ''' - suspended by hanging; hung
* '''tlipua''' - glide; soar
* '''tlika''' - clan; family; kin
* '''tliki''' - sulfur; brimstone [color and element]
* '''tlima''' - plough; plow; turn the soil; till
* '''tlinka''' - herring
* '''tlinku''' - clink of jewels; tinkling of gem-pendants
* '''tlina''' - to stop; to halt; to cease
* '''tline''' - aluminum (chemistry)
* '''tlise''' - axis; axle
* '''tlisua''' - bribe; bribery
* '''tlihya''' - beard; moustache
* '''tlitsi''' - reasoning; capacity of the human mind
* '''tlila''' - purple
* '''tliya''' - effect; efficacy; result
* '''tlopa''' - forget; neglect; overlook
* '''tlota''' - be in a correct attitude
* '''tlok''' - no one; nobody
* '''tloka''' - lie; tell an untruth
* '''tloke''' - rye [Secale cereale]
* '''tloko''' - syllable
* '''tloku''' - arch; arched
* '''tlokua''' - everybody; everyone
* '''tlompa''' - bomb; explosive
* '''tloma''' - feather; plumage; plume
* '''tlome''' - Romanize; Romanization
* '''tlomi''' - fascinate; strongly attract; obsess; captivate
* '''tlomya''' - crawl; creep; lie prostrate
* '''tlona''' - feed; fuel; nourish
* '''tlonya''' - citron; grapefruit [fruit; tree]
* '''tlonye''' - accommodate; flexible; pragmatic
* '''tlosa''' - almond [fruit; tree; color]
* '''tloso''' - annoy; bother; disturb; harass; irritate
* '''tloha''' - grass; straw; weeds
* '''tlohi''' - salmon; trout
* '''tlotsi''' - chives; onion; scallions
* '''tlotso''' - loot; plunder; rob
* '''tlotsua''' - corrode; erode; rust
* '''tlola''' - intersperse; place between; wedge
* '''tlo'e''' - tide of thought; Zeitgeist
* '''tlo'o''' - elephant
* '''tloua''' - dew
* '''tloya''' - discover; uncover; find
* '''a''' - exist; be; yes
* '''apa''' - close; stop up; shut; obstruct
* '''apo''' - grasp firmly; make the most of
* '''apu''' - be subsidiary; auxiliary
* '''apua''' - sing; song
* '''apya''' - be clean; neat; pure; not dirty
* '''apyo''' - celery
* '''ata''' - be named; name [so called]
* '''ate''' - liver [organ]
* '''ati''' - be normal; ordinary; plain
* '''ato''' - that way [over there]
* '''aka''' - to drive; to move slightly; to shift
* '''akai''' - deep red
* '''aki''' - autumn; fall
* '''akya''' - wake up; awaken; be awake
* '''ampa''' - as soon as possible; with all speed
* '''ampi''' - mucus; snot
* '''ampu''' - nose; smell
* '''ama''' - time; moment; period
* '''amak''' - never; at no time
* '''ame''' - axe; hatchet
* '''ami''' - amylum; starch
* '''amo''' - transport; carry
* '''amya''' - be fond of; like; prefer [people]
* '''amye''' - be alone; lonely
* '''anta''' - breathe; suck in; absorb; inhale
* '''anti''' - suspenders; garters; strap; sling
* '''anto''' - oath; pledge; swear
* '''anka''' - pelvis; hip joint
* '''anko''' - cipher; encode
* '''anku''' - reciprocate; [in] return; reciprocal [RECP]
* '''ana''' - brain; head; mind
* '''ano''' - one more time; once again; repeat; iteration
* '''anu''' - ear; hear; listen
* '''anua''' - ask for quiet; request silence
* '''anya''' - eye; look; see
* '''anyo''' - year [365/366 days]
* '''asa''' - live; alive; living
* '''asi''' - salt
* '''aso''' - broil; grill; roast
* '''asua''' - hide; pelt; skin; fur; leather
* '''ahe''' - dolphin; porpoise
* '''ahi''' - diminutive [DIM]; few; small
* '''aho''' - chives; garlic; leak
* '''ahua''' - avocado  [fruit; tree; color]
* '''ahya''' - potato; yam
* '''atsa''' - disc; rotate; wheel
* '''atsi''' - angle; bend; corner
* '''atsu''' - thick; chunky; solid; stocky
* '''atla''' - mean; average
* '''atle''' - salary; wage
* '''atli''' - future; future tense [FUT]
* '''atlo''' - fairness; justice; righteousness
* '''ala''' - wing
* '''ale''' - barley; oats; wheat
* '''alo''' - be cunning; be sly
* '''a'i''' - worm
* '''aoya''' - deep blue
* '''aya''' - be beautiful; be handsome; be pretty
* '''aye''' - past; past tense [PST]
* '''e''' - er; um; uh
* '''epye''' - scrape; scratch; play something (using a bow)
* '''eta''' - you [p.2sg]
* '''etam''' - you [p.2pl]
* '''ete''' - pen; pencil; writing brush
* '''eti''' - case; instance; occurrence
* '''eto''' - be shy; timid; bashful
* '''eka''' - affix: adhere; paste
* '''ekam''' - them [p.3pl]
* '''eke''' - object [in grammar]; patient [P]
* '''empa''' - to run; to flee
* '''empi''' - chalk; limestone; lye
* '''eme''' - verb tense
* '''emya''' - happen; occur; take place
* '''emyo''' - to walk in an awkward, drunken fashion
* '''enka''' - narrow; tight; thin
* '''enke''' - be simple; not complicated; easy
* '''enku''' - confidential; secret; hush-hush
* '''ena''' - me [p.1sg]
* '''enam''' - us [p.1pl]
* '''ena'am''' - us (but not you) [p.1pl.excl]
* '''eno''' - be angry at; be displeased and annoyed
* '''enu''' - forecast; predict; estimate
* '''enua''' - get over sth; to cheer up
* '''enue''' - stubborn; obstinate
* '''enya''' - mirror; reflect; reflection
* '''eha''' - him; her [p.3sg]
* '''ehe''' - but; yet; however
* '''ehua''' - worsen; impair; make worse
* '''ehya''' - be complete; intact; whole
* '''etsa''' - extent; degree [temperature etc]
* '''etla''' - it [p.4sg]
* '''etlam''' - them [p.4pl]
* '''etle''' - postpone; defer; stall; stave off
* '''ela''' - become; change into; turn into
* '''ele''' - relative clause marker
* '''elila''' - pink; rose
* '''elo''' - resign; quit
* '''eua''' - fin [of a fish]
* '''eya''' - maybe; perhaps
* '''ipa''' - be different; distinct; not same/alike
* '''ipu''' - dried meat; preserved fruit
* '''ipye''' - horn of animal
* '''ito''' - tree; wood
* '''ika''' - age; generation
* '''iko''' - this (person)
* '''iku''' - this much; many
* '''ikua''' - wolf down food; devour ravenously
* '''ima''' - now; present; yet
* '''imya''' - dialect; slang; vernacular
* '''inta''' - even; so much so that
* '''inti''' - self-restraint; discipline
* '''inka''' - to be still; calm; quiet; not moving
* '''inko''' - macaw; parrot; puffin
* '''ina''' - eat; food; sustenance
* '''inu''' - beverage; drink; liquid
* '''inya''' - be hungry; hunger
* '''iso''' - this kind; type
* '''isu''' - peel; rind
* '''itsa''' - adore; affection; love
* '''itsu''' - to squeak; to chirp or peep
* '''itla''' - this (near me) [prox]
* '''itlo''' - equal; even; same
* '''ila''' - to sail; to fly; to navigate
* '''ile''' - hollow at the back of the knee
* '''ilo''' - cave; cavern
* '''iua''' - knead; massage; rub
* '''iye''' - if [but not] *irrealis
* '''o''' - venerated [honorific]
* '''opa''' - be dangerous; danger; peril; endanger
* '''opi''' - belt; sash; strap
* '''opua''' - end; finish; complete [PFV]
* '''opye''' - hug; embrace
* '''ota''' - father
* '''oto''' - sound; [make] noise; tone; phone[me]
* '''ok''' - none; nothing
* '''oka''' - bake; cook
* '''oko''' - honorific reference; "yes sir/ma'am"
* '''oku''' - owl
* '''oma''' - roar or howl; bellow of rage; yell; shout
* '''omo''' - consider; ponder; think
* '''omya''' - cut; carve; engrave; chisel
* '''omyo''' - way of looking at a thing; view; opinion
* '''onta''' - parent
* '''onto''' - tread on; trample; stamp
* '''onko''' - aloud; be loud
* '''ona''' - mother
* '''ono''' - delight
* '''onyo''' - learn; practice; study
* '''osa''' - know-how; savoir-faire
* '''oso''' - genitalia; groin
* '''oha''' - gape; yawn; open one's mouth
* '''ohi''' - to decrease; to reduce; to subtract
* '''ohua''' - luxurious; extravagant; wasteful
* '''ohya''' - drive; pilot; operate [a vehicle]
* '''ohyo''' - evaluate; assess; examine
* '''otsi''' - comply with; to abide by; obey
* '''otso''' - wolf; lupine
* '''otlo''' - falsely accuse; defame
* '''ola''' - gold
* '''ole''' - crust; husk; shell
* '''oli''' - apiece; each; every
* '''olo''' - patrol; make one's rounds
* '''oya''' - black
* '''oyo''' - bead; small round object; pearl
* '''u''' - double for redundant syllable
* '''upya''' - attempt; try [ATT]
* '''uta''' - deliver; hand in; hand over; submit
* '''ute''' - arm; armpit; forearm
* '''uko''' - be sumptuous; a luxury
* '''uku''' - amount; digit; number
* '''ukue''' - as many as; as much as
* '''umpa''' - hinge; pivot
* '''umpu''' - form; shape; dimension
* '''uma''' - equine; horse
* '''umo''' - unify; unite; integrate; unity; combine; join
* '''umua''' - ache; pain; sorrow; be sore
* '''umye''' - electric[al/ity]
* '''unta''' - camel
* '''unu''' - be callous; stone-faced; emotionless
* '''unua''' - address; direction for correspondence
* '''unya''' - comprehend; know; understand
* '''usa''' - stripe; streak; striation
* '''usu''' - even number
* '''uha''' - anus; buttock
* '''utsa''' - serve; service
* '''utse ''' - exclude; ignore; leave out
* '''utsi''' - parsley
* '''utsu''' - outer space; empty; vacant; unoccupied
* '''utla''' - otter
* '''ula''' - any; indefinite; some~
* '''uli''' - filling material; stuffing; lining; filling
* '''ua''' - or; either
* '''uapa''' - visit; call on; seek
* '''uapo''' - basin; sink
* '''uapya''' - insult; ridicule; disgrace
* '''uata''' - intestine; bowel; guts
* '''uati''' - verb
* '''uato''' - that way; in that direction
* '''uaka''' - ox; cow; bull
* '''uaki''' - boil; stew; simmer
* '''uako''' - that (person by you)
* '''uaku''' - that much; many
* '''uakya''' - babble, speak incoherently; inane talk
* '''uampa''' - government; political; politics
* '''uampu''' - cone; awl; to bore
* '''uama''' - then; at that time
* '''uame''' - certain; fixed; sure
* '''uanta''' - confer; consult; hold a conference
* '''uanka''' - uncooked; untreated; raw
* '''uanki''' - confine; imprison; jail
* '''uanku''' - spectacles; eyeglasses; -ocular; -scope
* '''uana''' - there [by you]
* '''uani''' - alligator; crocodile
* '''uanyo''' - bay; gulf [body of water]
* '''uasa''' - skill; profession; trade; craft
* '''uase''' - harmonize; harmonious; harmony
* '''uasi''' - acquire; obtain; get; take
* '''uaso''' - drinking glass [cup]; jug; pot; vessel
* '''uahe''' - instead of; rather than
* '''uahi''' - be arbitrary; at will; at random
* '''uaho''' - feel absence; miss
* '''uatsa''' - welcome; welcome
* '''uatse''' - to correlate with; to correspond to
* '''uatsi''' - fish
* '''uatsu''' - constitution; law; statute
* '''uatla''' - that (by you) [med]
* '''uatli''' - inferior; of lower quality
* '''uala''' - really; truly; indeed; real; be true
* '''uale''' - source material, raw material
* '''uali''' - chart; diagram; graph; scheme
* '''ualo''' - to bring; to fetch; to get
* '''ua'a''' - spinach
* '''ua'e''' - above; over / on
* '''uaya''' - ascend; rise; climb; go up; ascent
* '''uaye''' - from [moving out of or away from]
* '''ue''' - either X or Y
* '''ueta''' - uncle
* '''uete''' - amuse; entertain; make sb laugh
* '''ueti''' - accuse; charge; indict
* '''ueka''' - weigh; weight; measure
* '''ueke''' - lentil
* '''ueko''' - barter; bargain
* '''uemi''' - barracks; castle; fortress
* '''uemye''' - be aloof; standoffish; unsociable
* '''uenta''' - parent's sibling
* '''uento''' - be prey; victim
* '''uenke [uek]''' - neither X nor Y
* '''uenku''' - spleen
* '''uena''' - aunt; nurse
* '''uene''' - ship; boat; vessel; canoe
* '''ueni''' - blame; criticize; condemn
* '''ueno''' - ink; typeface
* '''uenya''' - strain after something; make efforts
* '''uenyo''' - decade; era; period
* '''uese''' - louse
* '''ueso''' - bone
* '''ueha''' - desire; want; wish [VOL]
* '''uehyo''' - be available
* '''uetsa''' - balance up; offset; counterbalance
* '''uetse''' - toilet; outhouse; WC
* '''uetsi''' - dispirited downcast [idiom]; in low spirits
* '''uetla''' - an upright drum
* '''uetli''' - exponent [math.]; power
* '''uela''' - sail [boat]
* '''uele''' - abbreviate; contraction
* '''uelo''' - bicycle; bike
* '''ue'o''' - ten; 10
* '''ueyo''' - intend; intent; intention [VOL]
* '''ya''' - vocative particle [VOC]
* '''yapa''' - an extra or unexpected gift or benefit
* '''yapo''' - build; erect; assemble
* '''yapu''' - be ashamed; disgrace; embarrassment
* '''yata''' - farewell; greet; hello
* '''yato''' - hand; palm
* '''yaka''' - appendage; leg; limb
* '''yake''' - pursue; chase
* '''yako''' - berry; strawberry
* '''yaku''' - to translate; to interpret
* '''yampa''' - be bored; fed up with sth; sick of sth
* '''yampo''' - mortar (bowl for grinding with pestle)
* '''yama ''' - mountain; hill
* '''yamu''' - trapezium (geometry)
* '''yanka''' - positive; greater than zero; principle
* '''yanku''' - beg; implore; plead
* '''yana''' - yellow
* '''yani''' - definition; meaning; symbolism
* '''yano''' - avoid; shun; evade
* '''yanu''' - be depressed; dispirited; dejected; dismayed
* '''yasa''' - air; wind; [news, style]
* '''yasi''' - cosmetics; makeup
* '''yaso''' - prepare; get/be ready
* '''yasu''' - bison; buffalo
* '''yasue''' - cheap; inexpensive; low
* '''yaha''' - be scarce; barren
* '''yahe''' - of [containing the measured quantity]
* '''yatsa''' - bridle; halter; reins
* '''yatsi''' - bite; chew; tooth
* '''yatso''' - ferment; brew; make honey; liquor
* '''yatsua''' - sigh in regret or pity
* '''yatli''' - therefore; if X then Y
* '''yala''' - to walk; to go; to travel
* '''yale''' - door lock; key
* '''yali''' - excuse; forgive; pardon
* '''yalo''' - covet; envious; jealous
* '''ya'a''' - medicine; drug; cure
* '''ya'e''' - near; close to
* '''ya'o''' - five; 5
* '''yaua''' - reply; answer; return; respond; echo
* '''yeta''' - give; transfer; donate
* '''yete''' - extraneous; redundant; superfluous
* '''yeto''' - authority; authoritative; power
* '''yeka''' - to divide; to separate; partition
* '''yeko''' - that (person over there)
* '''yeku''' - circulate; distribute; circulation; distribution
* '''yekua''' - cabinet; closet; wardrobe
* '''yempa''' - table; desk; flat work surface
* '''yema''' - both X and Y
* '''yemua''' - there [over there]
* '''yente''' - aghast; consternation; horror
* '''yento''' - retire (from society, esp. from working)
* '''yena''' - coin; currency; money
* '''yeno''' - complete; fill; full
* '''yesa''' - still; calm; not moving; peace; tranquil
* '''yeso''' - that kind; type (by you)
* '''yesu''' - art; fine arts; painting; literature
* '''yetsa''' - cry; tear; weep
* '''yetsi''' - chair; seat; stool
* '''yetso''' - boar [wild]
* '''yetsu''' - fact; actual; real
* '''yetla''' - that (over there) [dist]
* '''yetli''' - if it were not; if not X then Y >> X yatli Y
* '''yetlo''' - malnourished and sickly in appearance
* '''yela''' - fart; talk nonsense; rubbish! [euphemism]
* '''yele''' - pedestal; plinth; saddle
* '''yeli''' - summarize; generalize; generalization
* '''yelo''' - freeze; hail; ice
* '''ye'o''' - zero; 0
* '''yeua''' - taste; try; sample
* '''yopi''' - mail; post [office]
* '''yota''' - deduce; infer; derive; extrapolate
* '''yote''' - aid; assist; help
* '''yoti''' - game; play; sport
* '''yoto''' - in this way; so; thus
* '''yoka''' - deck; floor; story
* '''yoko''' - to swim; to wade
* '''yompe''' - specter; apparition
* '''yoma''' - day; daytime
* '''yome''' - be famous; fame
* '''yomi''' - bow; weapon used for shooting arrows
* '''yomo''' - right side
* '''yomu''' - read; study; count; recite
* '''yomua''' - dawn; daybreak; morning [a.m.]
* '''yonto''' - be fanatical
* '''yonka''' - lava; magma
* '''yoni''' - ethic; moral; virtue
* '''yono''' - drama; play; theater
* '''yoso''' - left side
* '''yoha''' - have; possess [POSS]; genitive [GEN]
* '''yoho''' - eyelid; flitter; blink
* '''yohua''' - night; nighttime
* '''yotsa''' - cheek; face
* '''yotso ''' - midday; noon
* '''yotsu''' - grub; larva
* '''yotla''' - immerse; soak; steep; gradual
* '''yotli''' - gourd; melon; squash
* '''yola''' - rely on; depend on
* '''yole''' - zip; zipper
* '''yolo''' - armor; shell
* '''yo'i''' - rib; ribcage
* '''youa''' - be weak; feeble

Revision as of 16:24, 14 January 2016

some ideas...


Cardinal numerals are placed in the same syntactical position as other quantifiers, but they cannot head a noun phrase and are thus always preceded by a determiner. Ordinal numerals behave like nouns syntactically.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
unit na'o ta'o ha'o ma'o ya'o tsa'o ka'o pa'o sa'o ue'o
x10 x x x x x x x x x x
ordinal kina'o kita'o kiha'o kima'o kiya'o kitsa'o kika'o kipa'o kisa'o kiue'o

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns in --- inflect for three cases (nominative, accusative, and possessive), and have an animacy distinction in the 3rd person (more or less along the line of human vs. non-human). Note that the paradigm of the possessive pronouns is defective, with a number distinction existing only in the first person.

nominative accusative possessive
1sg e ə axe
2sg lɛñɔ lɛño adɔ
3sg anim. loru luru ayru
3sg inan. loyo luño ah
1pl wi aymɛ
2pl wɛñɔ wɛño adɔ
3pl anim. wəru waru ayru
3pl inan. wayo waño ah