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Senjecas dict. h: Difference between revisions

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m (Red color added. Style revision.)
(Additional word. Style revision.)
Line 24: Line 24:
z /z/
z /z/
| align=center | x /ç~x/
| align=center | x /ç~x/
ᵹ /ç~ʝ
ᵹ /ç~ʝ/
Line 75: Line 75:
| align=center |a /a/
| align=center |
| align=center |
| align=center |
| align=center |
| align=center |a /a/
| align=center |
| align=center |
| align=center |ɔ /ɑ/
| align=center |ɔ /ɑ/
Line 96: Line 96:
*h003 '''ha̋-ȝa''', ''1.'' ''t.v.'' lose, forfeit, let slip; miss [train, etc.]. ''2.'' ''i.v.'' lose.
*h003 '''ha̋-ȝa''', ''1.'' ''t.v.'' lose, forfeit, let slip; miss [train, etc.]. ''2.'' ''i.v.'' lose.
::'''–ilı̋t=o''', {{color|red|felony}}.
::'''–ilı̋t=o''', {{color|red|felony}}.
:::'''=ą̋gu''', felon.
:::'''=ą̋gu''', {{color|red|felon}}.
:::'''=ı̋ȝo''', felonry.
:::'''=ı̋ȝo''', {{color|red|felonry}}.
:::'''=i''', ''adj.'' felonious.
:::'''=i''', ''adj.'' {{color|red|felonious}}.
::'''-ilu''', loser.
::'''-ilu''', loser.
::'''–ȝaþi''', ''adj.'' lost, lorn.
::'''–ȝaþi''', ''adj.'' lost, lorn.
Line 117: Line 117:
*h007 '''ha̋t''', ''intrj.'' hey look!
*h007 '''ha̋t''', ''intrj.'' hey look!
*h008 '''ha̋us-u''', neighbor.
*h008 '''ha̋us-u''', neighbor.
::'''-de̋ro''', neighborhood.
::'''-de̋ro''', neighborhood, vicinity.
::'''-i''', ''adj.'' neighborly.
::'''-i''', ''adj.'' neighborly.
::'''-ta''', neighborliness.
::'''-ta''', neighborliness.

Revision as of 14:08, 3 December 2015

  Bilabial Dental Alveolar Palatal
Plosives p /p/

b /b/

t /t/

d /d/

c /ʦ/

ƶ /ʣ/

k /c~k/

g /ɟ~g/

Spirants f /ɸ/

v /β/

þ /θ/

ð /ð/

s /s/

z /z/

x /ç~x/

ᵹ /ç~ʝ/

Sonorants ɱ /m̥/

m /m/

ł /l̥/

l /l/

r /ɾ̥/

n /n/

h /ȷ̊/

ȝ /j/

  Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
Close i /i/ u /u/
Near-close ı /ɪ/ y /ʊ/
Mid ɘ /ə/
Close-mid e /e/ o /o/
Open a /a/ ɔ /ɑ/

The tengwar are not visible on Frathwiki.

Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.

h - ȷ̊ - ⱶ - h - ? - ჱ - հ - ह - ᚺ - 9 - ה – ح

  • h001 hą̋, intrj. ha! [exclamation denoting contempt or disgust].
  • h002 h-a, postp. at, because of, by, for, in, of, on account of, by reason of, in consequence of, as a result of, out of, over, owing-, due-, -to, from, through, under, with.
–i, conj. because, at, for, since; now that, given that, considering that.
  • hais-mi, adj. tree-like, dendroid, arborescent. (< haice, tree)
-sɱa̋li, adj. strong as a tree.
-sɱűȝa, timber line, tree limit.
  • h003 ha̋-ȝa, 1. t.v. lose, forfeit, let slip; miss [train, etc.]. 2. i.v. lose.
–ilı̋t=o, felony.
=ą̋gu, felon.
=ı̋ȝo, felonry.
=i, adj. felonious.
-ilu, loser.
–ȝaþi, adj. lost, lorn.
-ȝo, loss.
  • h004 ha̋ɱ-a, 1. t.v. call (-up), call to, hail, summon; call-, ring-, -up, (tele)phone. 2. i.v. call, hail.
-o, call, hail, summons, appeal; telephone call.
-lo, telephone.
–ne̋uo, call signal.
  • hansɘþűȝo, goose feast [meal on the winter solstice]. (< ha̋nse, goose)
  • h005 ha̋r-a, t.v. abrade, excoriate.
–i, adj. abrasive.
-o, abrasion, excoriation.
–t̬i, abrasive.

h006 ha̋s-a, 1. t.v. strip (off), divest, denude, bare. 2. i.v. strip.

-i, adj. naked, bare, nude, callow.
-ta, nakedness, bareness, nudity, callowness.
-u, nude [person].
  • h007 ha̋t, intrj. hey look!
  • h008 ha̋us-u, neighbor.
-de̋ro, neighborhood, vicinity.
-i, adj. neighborly.
-ta, neighborliness.
  • h009 hę̋ȝ-a, 1. t.v. follow up, prompt, abet; force [plants]. 2. i.v. drift-, float-, -against, -ashore.
  • h010 hę̋-ka, t.v. fork.
–xlo, fork.
  • h011 hę̋ḷ-a, i.v. be twilight.
-a , twilight.
-i, adj. crepuscular.
  • h012 hę̋r-a, 1. t.v. beam, radiate, emit [light, rays]. 2. i.v. beam, radiate.
-a, radiance, radiation.
–i, adj. beaming, radiant.
-o, beam, ray, jet.
  • h013 he̋ba, t.v. convince.
  • h014 he̋-ȝa, t.v. shoot, fire.
-ȝo, projectile, missile; bullet.
-il=o, gun.
=te̋mlu, gunsmith.
  • h015 he̋lɱ-a, 1. t.v. color-, make-, yellowish-green. 2. i.v. turn-, become-, -yellowish-green.
-i, adj. yellowish-green.
  • hel-ǫ̋sta, lightning speed. (< he̋le, lightning; ǫ̋sta, speed)
-vi, adv. like lightning, in a flash.
  • h016 he̋m-a, i.v. (spend the-, pass the-) –winter; become wintry.
-a, winter (Nov 22-Jan 19).
-i, adj. wintry.
-le̋ga, winterleach.
–sűka, winter solstice (Dec 21).
–še̋=pa, i.v. hibernate.
=fda̋ro, hibernaculum.
=pa, hibernation.
  • h017 he̋-na, 1. t.v. allow, permit, admit of, let, go along-, be in accord-, -with. 2. i.v. assent, consent, accede, concur, give in, go along, be in accord.
–na, permission.
–no, permit.
-ṅi, adj. permissible.
-sa̋ɱo, password.
  • h018 he̋s-i, adj. yester-.
-a̋h=a, yesterday.
=vi, adv. yesterday.
-ą̋ȝa, yestermorning.
-e̋na, last year.
-ȝı̋ta, last night.
  • h019 , huh?
  • h020 hı̋n, adj. fifteen.
  • h021 hı̋s-a, t.v. sharpen.
-i, adj. pointed, sharp; acute; shrill.
-ta, sharpness, acuteness, acuity; shrillness.
  • h022 hı̋þ-i, adj. frail, feeble, infirm, decrepit.
–o, physical-, -infirmity, -defect, handicap; fig. short-coming.
–ta, frailness, feebleness, decrepitude.
  • h023 hǫ̋l-o, pole.
  • -i, adj. polar.
  • h024 hőm-u, person, personage, character.
-i, adj. personal.
-o, role, part.
-ri, adj. personable.
-sa̋pu, bodyguard.
-šę̋ðta, personality.
-űðo, personal property.
  • hor-kǫ̋flu, swineherd. (< hőre, pig; kǫ̋pa, tend livestock)
-ɱi, adj. porcine, pertaining to pigs.
–ni, adj. porcine, piglike, piggish.
  • h025 hű-ci, adj. fruitless, infertile, unfruitful, unprofitable, unproductive, barren, sterile.
-sta, barrenness, infertility, sterility.
  • h026 hű-ga, t.v. scourge, lash, whip, flagellate.
-ga, flagellation; fig. calamity, affliction.
-go, lash, whip; scourge.
–ᵹlu, fig. scourge.
  • h027 hű-ki, adj. prudent, sagacious, circumspect.
–xta, prudence, sagacity.
  • h028 hűl-a, 1. t.v. make crooked, spoil by bending. 2. i.v. grow-, become-, -crooked, bend down.
-(ɘl)a̋xmi, adj. bow-legged.
-i, adj. crooked, wry, bow, bandy.
-keðmi, adj. wry-necked.
-o, crookedness of the limbs.
–ta, crookedness, wryness.
  • h029 hűr-o, (standing-, still-), -water.
hur-, adj. used as prefix, e.g., hurkǫ̋ze, water fowl.
-i, adj. watery.
-ɱi, adj. aqueous, aquatic, pertaining to water.
–ną̋i, adj. afraid of water.
-ni, adj. aqueous, resembling water.
–ᵹa̋vi, adj. aqueous, watery, hydrous, hydrated.
-ṡǫ̋mi, adj. waterproof.
-še̋nti, adj. watertight.
  • h030 hűs-u, boy.
-i, adj. boyish.
-ta, boyhood.
  • h031 h̬a̋k-a, t.v. light [a torch]
-o, torch.
  • h032 h̬a̋l-a, i.v. crystallize.
-i, adj. crystal, crystalline.
-o, crystal.