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*v024 '''vę̋l-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' be in charge of, super-intend, supervise. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' be in charge.
*v024 '''vę̋l-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' be in charge of, super-intend, supervise. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' be in charge.
::'''-(ɘl)u''', supervisor; archon.  
::'''-(ɘl)u''', supervisor; archon.  
*v026 '''vę̋ᵹ-a''', ''i.v.'' squabble, dispute, wrangle, disagree, brawl.
*v025 '''vę̋ᵹ-a''', ''i.v.'' squabble, dispute, wrangle, disagree, brawl.
::'''–o''', squabble, dispute, disagreement, brawl.
::'''–o''', squabble, dispute, disagreement, brawl.
::'''–si''', ''adj.'' disputatious, argumentative.
::'''–si''', ''adj.'' disputatious, argumentative.
*v027 '''ve̋d-a''', ''t.v.'' hunt up, seek out, search-, look-, -for, locate, go in quest of, go to see, quest-, -after, -for; look up [''a person''], come for.
*v026 '''ve̋d-a''', ''t.v.'' hunt up, seek out, search-, look-, -for, locate, go in quest of, go to see, quest-, -after, -for; look up [''a person''], come for.
::'''-o''', search, quest.
::'''-o''', search, quest.
*v028 '''ve̋-ga''', ''t.v.'' batter.
*v027 '''ve̋-ga''', ''t.v.'' batter.
::'''–ga''', battery.
::'''–ga''', battery.
::'''–ᵹlu''', batterer.
::'''–ᵹlu''', batterer.
*v029 '''ve̋ka''', ''i.v.'' hiccup.
*v028 '''ve̋ka''', ''i.v.'' hiccup.
*v030 '''ve̋l-a''', ''i.v.'' shine.
*v029 '''ve̋l-a''', ''i.v.'' shine.
::'''-a''', shine, gloss, luster.
::'''-a''', shine, gloss, luster.
::'''-i''', ''adj.'' shiny, glossy, lustrous.
::'''-i''', ''adj.'' shiny, glossy, lustrous.
*v031 '''ve̋-na''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' hear. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' hear.
*v030 '''ve̋-na''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' hear. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' hear.
::'''-na''', audition.
::'''-na''', audition.
::'''–nlu''', hearer.
::'''–nlu''', hearer.
::'''-ṅi''', ''adj.'' audible.
::'''-ṅi''', ''adj.'' audible.
*v032 '''ve̋ᵹ-a''', ''i.v.'' desert.
*v031 '''ve̋ᵹ-a''', ''i.v.'' desert.
::'''–lu''', deserter.
::'''–lu''', deserter.
*'''ver-gős=a''', ravenous hunger.
*'''ver-gős=a''', ravenous hunger.
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::'''–mőso''', bearskin.
::'''–mőso''', bearskin.
::'''–(ɘ)rı̨̋si''', ''adj.'' grumpy.
::'''–(ɘ)rı̨̋si''', ''adj.'' grumpy.
*v033 '''ve̋uð-a''', ''t.v.'' examine, respect, inspect, assay, check up, look-, -over, -on, go over.
*v032 '''ve̋uð-a''', ''t.v.'' examine, respect, inspect, assay, check up, look-, -over, -on, go over.
::'''–lu''', examiner, inspector.
::'''–lu''', examiner, inspector.
*'''vį-dı̋ho''', bee sting.
*'''vį-dı̋ho''', bee sting.
*'''-ke̋lso''', bee stinger.  
*'''-ke̋lso''', bee stinger.  
*v034 '''vı̨̋ki''', ''adj.'' tense, tight, taut.
*v033 '''vı̨̋ki''', ''adj.'' tense, tight, taut.
*'''vı̋-ca''', despair, hopelessness.
*'''vı̋-ca''', despair, hopelessness.
::'''-smi''', ''adj.'' hopeless, desperate.
::'''-smi''', ''adj.'' hopeless, desperate.
*v035 '''vı̋d-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' leave, go-, -forth, -from, -out, depart (from), exit, quit, get-, -out of, -off, set off; graduate. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' go away, depart, leave, step out, exit, set-, -forth, -out, leave; retire, graduate.
*v034 '''vı̋d-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' leave, go-, -forth, -from, -out, depart (from), exit, quit, get-, -out of, -off, set off; graduate. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' go away, depart, leave, step out, exit, set-, -forth, -out, leave; retire, graduate.
::'''-a''', departure, parting, farewell; retirement, graduation.
::'''-a''', departure, parting, farewell; retirement, graduation.
::'''–o''', exit(way), outlet.
::'''–o''', exit(way), outlet.
*v036 '''vı̋ði''', ''adj.'' tart, acrid, pungent; fig. rough [''road''].
*v035 '''vı̋ði''', ''adj.'' tart, acrid, pungent; fig. rough [''road''].
*v037 '''vı̋g-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' surprise, take-, -by surprise, -unawares, -aback. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' be surprised, be taken aback.
*v036 '''vı̋g-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' surprise, take-, -by surprise, -unawares, -aback. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' be surprised, be taken aback.
::'''-a''', surprise.
::'''-a''', surprise.
::'''-i''', ''adj.'' surprised.
::'''-i''', ''adj.'' surprised.
*v038 '''vı̋l-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' befriend, make friends with. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' make friends.
*v037 '''vı̋l-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' befriend, make friends with. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' make friends.
::'''–i''', ''adj.'' friendly, genial, congenial.
::'''–i''', ''adj.'' friendly, genial, congenial.
::'''–ta''', friendliness, congeniality.
::'''–ta''', friendliness, congeniality.
::'''–u''', friend.
::'''–u''', friend.
*v039 '''vı̋m-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' color-, make-, -orange. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' turn-, become-, -orange.
*v038 '''vı̋m-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' color-, make-, -orange. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' turn-, become-, -orange.
::'''–i''', ''adj.'' orange.
::'''–i''', ''adj.'' orange.
*v040 '''vı̋n-a''', ''i.v.'' be of importance, matter, make a difference.
*v039 '''vı̋n-a''', ''i.v.'' be of importance, matter, make a difference.
::'''-a''', import, importance, significance, signification.
::'''-a''', import, importance, significance, signification.
::'''-e̋do''', staple.
::'''-e̋do''', staple.
::'''-i''', ''adj.'' important, significant; staple.
::'''-i''', ''adj.'' important, significant; staple.
*v041 '''vı̋-pa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' pitch, hurl, heave, project. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' pitch, heave.
*v040 '''vı̋-pa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' pitch, hurl, heave, project. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' pitch, heave.
::'''–fta''', projection.
::'''–fta''', projection.
::'''–f̣ǫ̋lo''', trajectory.
::'''–f̣ǫ̋lo''', trajectory.
*v042 '''vı̋r-a''', ''i.v.'' fall-, cave-, -in, collapse.
*v041 '''vı̋r-a''', ''i.v.'' fall-, cave-, -in, collapse.
::'''–o''', crash.
::'''–o''', crash.
*v043 '''vı̋s-i''', ''adj.'' every [''sg.''].
*v042 '''vı̋s-i''', ''adj.'' every [''sg.''].
::'''-ą̋ȝ=i''', ''adj.'' every morning.
::'''-ą̋ȝ=i''', ''adj.'' every morning.
:::'''=vi''', ''adv.'' every morning.
:::'''=vi''', ''adv.'' every morning.
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::'''–za̋lt=i''', ''adj.'' every month, monthly.
::'''–za̋lt=i''', ''adj.'' every month, monthly.
:::'''=ɘvi''', adv. every month.
:::'''=ɘvi''', adv. every month.
*v044 '''vle̋ɱa''', ''i.v.'' boil over.
*v043 '''vle̋ɱa''', ''i.v.'' boil over.
*v045 '''vle̋nδ-i''', ''adj.'' red-haired.
*v044 '''vle̋nδ-i''', ''adj.'' red-haired.
::'''–u''', redhead.
::'''–u''', redhead.
*v046 '''vlǫ̋ri''', ''adj.'' blond, fair.
*v045 '''vlǫ̋ri''', ''adj.'' blond, fair.
*v047 '''vlőko''', oakum, tow.
*v046 '''vlőko''', oakum, tow.
*v048 '''vǫ̋-i''', ''adj.'' both, ambi-.
*v047 '''vǫ̋-i''', ''adj.'' both, ambi-.
::'''-a''', postp. around.
::'''-a''', postp. around.
::'''-ǧı̨̋ȝi''', ''adj.'' amphibian, amphibious.
::'''-ǧı̨̋ȝi''', ''adj.'' amphibian, amphibious.
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::'''-u''', ''pron.'' both.   
::'''-u''', ''pron.'' both.   
::'''-vi''', ''adv.'' about, around.
::'''-vi''', ''adv.'' about, around.
*v049 '''vǫ̋ɱo''', million.
*v048 '''vǫ̋ɱo''', million.
*v050 '''vǫ̋ur-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' steal, thieve, pilfer, filch (from, '''ápa'''). '''2.''' ''i.v.'' steal, thieve, pilfer (from, '''ápa''').
*v049 '''vǫ̋ur-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' steal, thieve, pilfer, filch (from, '''ápa'''). '''2.''' ''i.v.'' steal, thieve, pilfer (from, '''ápa''').
::'''-a''', theft, thievery.
::'''-a''', theft, thievery.
::'''-lu''', stealer, thief.
::'''-lu''', stealer, thief.
::'''-űðo''', stolen property.
::'''-űðo''', stolen property.
*v051 '''vő''', ''interjection expressing protest or assertion.''
*v050 '''vő''', ''interjection expressing protest or assertion.''
*v052 '''vőð-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' dig, spade, delve. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' dig, delve.
*v051 '''vőð-a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' dig, spade, delve. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' dig, delve.
::'''–lo''', spade, shovel.
::'''–lo''', spade, shovel.
::'''–lu''', digger.
::'''–lu''', digger.
*v053 '''vőga''', ''i.v.'' stream.
*v052 '''vőga''', ''i.v.'' stream.
*v054 '''vőȝ-i''', ''adj.'' frightening, frightful.
*v053 '''vőȝ-i''', ''adj.'' frightening, frightful.
*v054 '''vőlᵹo''', leather bag; paunch.
*v054 '''vőlᵹo''', leather bag; paunch.
*v055 '''vőri''', ''adj.'' disagreeable, unfavorable, unfriendly, unkind, ungracious, uncharitable.
*v055 '''vőri''', ''adj.'' disagreeable, unfavorable, unfriendly, unkind, ungracious, uncharitable.
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*v059 '''vų̋-a''', ''i.v.'' be [''temporary existence''] (''cf.'' '''e̋sa''').
*v059 '''vų̋-a''', ''i.v.'' be [''temporary existence''] (''cf.'' '''e̋sa''').
::'''-la''', ''i.v.'' there-, -is, -are.
::'''-la''', ''i.v.'' there-, -is, -are.
*v060 '''vų̋-da''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' take-, seize-, -as booty, sack, plunder, pillage. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' plun¬der, pillage.
*v060 '''vų̋-da''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' take-, seize-, -as booty, sack, plunder, pillage. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' plunder, pillage.
::'''–da''', pillage, plunder, brigand¬age.
::'''–da''', pillage, plunder, brigand¬age.
::'''-do''', booty, loot, spoils, plunder.
::'''-do''', booty, loot, spoils, plunder.
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*v068 '''vűrka''', ''i.v.'' spring, snap, fly-, -back, -off with a jerk.
*v068 '''vűrka''', ''i.v.'' spring, snap, fly-, -back, -off with a jerk.
*v069 '''v̌e̋ka''', ''i.v.'' twinkle.
*v069 '''v̌e̋ka''', ''i.v.'' twinkle.
*v070 '''v̌ę̋-to''', world, earth. (PIE ? >)
*v070 '''v̌ę̋-to''', world, earth.
::'''–ta̋ƶo''', earth axis.
::'''–ta̋ƶo''', earth axis.
::'''-tę̋lo''', zone [''Geog.''].
::'''-tę̋lo''', zone [''Geog.''].

Revision as of 19:19, 4 November 2015

  Bilabial Dental Alveolar Palatal
Plosives p /p/

b /b/

t /t/

d /d/

c /ʦ/

ƶ /ʣ/

k /c~k/

g /ɟ~g/

Spirants f /ɸ/

v /β/

þ /θ/

ð /ð/

s /s/

z /z/

x /ç~x/

ᵹ /ç~ʝ

Sonorants ɱ /m̥/

m /m/

ł /l̥/

l /l/

r /ɾ̥/

n /n/

h /ȷ̊/

ȝ /j/

  Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
Close i /i/ u /u/
Near-close ı /ɪ/ y /ʊ/
Mid ɘ /ə/
Close-mid e /e/ o /o/
Open a /a/ ɔ /ɑ/

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v – ϐ - в - ვ - վ – भ - ᚡ - ⰲ - ? - ב - ف

  • v001 vą̋, assev. ptc. indeed, no doubt, to be sure, forsooth, I shouldn't wonder, I daresay.
  • v002 -vą, enclitic to form the intenstive pronoun, e.g., muvą, I myself.
  • v003 vą̋-a, 1. t.v. discuss, speak of, talk over, go through. 2. i.v. converse, discuss; communicate, commune.
-o, conversation, discussion.
  • v004 vą̋-da, 1. t.v. accustom, habituate; inure, familiar¬ize, get used to. 2. i.v. be accustomed, be used to.
-da, habituation, familiarization, propriety, etiquette.
-do, usage, fashion, wont, routine, mode, prac¬tice.
-ðm=i, adj. familiar, acquainted, accus-tomed, used (with/to, túȝa).
=u, acquaintance.
=us, kith.
-ðɱ=i, adj. routine, usual, ordinary, common, bourgeois.
=ɘta, bourgeoisie.
=u, commoner, bourgeois(e).
–ðvi, adv. in general, generally, usually, customarily, by and large.
  • v005 vą̋h-a, 1. t.v. (carry on the) shoulder, shoulder [push]. 2. i.v. shoulder.
  • v006 vą̋ȝ-a, t.v. lay; deposit.
-a, deposition; sedimentation.
-o, deposit, sediment.
  • v007 vą̋l-a, i.v. perch.
–o, perch.
  • v008 vą̋n-a, t.v. make, manufacture, fabricate, create, -fy.
-a, creation, act of creating.
–aþ=u, creature.
=e, creature.
-i, adj. creative.
-lu, creator, maker, -wright.
-o, creation, that which has been created.
  • v009 vą̋r-a, 1. t.v. sieve, filter, strain. 2. i.v. sieve, filter, strain.
–lo, sieve, filter, colander, strainer.
  • v010 vą̋s-a, 1. t.v. gnaw, nibble-, (-at, -on). 2. i.v. gnaw, nibble.
-o, nibble.
  • v011 vą̋ta, t.v. push, shove, jostle.
  • v012 va̋-di, adj. good; vıva̋di, adj. better.
–ðta, goodness.
-ðtę̋o, good news, gospel.
  • v013 va̋ð-a, t.v. deafen.
-i, adj. deaf.
–ta, deafness.
–u, deaf person.
  • v014 va̋g-a, t.v. assign, allot, allocate, distribute; impute, ascribe, attach, post, appoint [Mil.].
–o, assignment, allotment, post, appointment.
  • v015 vái, rel. conj. where.
  • v016 va̋iᵹ-a, 1. t.v. dawn on. 2. i.v. dawn.
-a, dawn, twilight [daybreak to sunrise].
  • v017 va̋is-a, 1. t.v. disdain, despise, scorn, show-, have-, contempt for. 2. i.v. have contempt.
–ta, disdain, scorn, contempt.
–ti, adj. scornful, contemptuous, disdainful.
–ṭi, adj. contemptible.
  • vaxfı̨̋xlo, nailfile.
  • v018 va̋l-a, i.v., produce leaves, be in leaf.
–ða̋lo, chlorophyll.
–o, leaf; leaf, page [of book]; sheet, piece [of paper].
–re̋uðo, carotin.
-ri, adj. leafy.
  • v019 va̋n-a, 1. t.v. damage, impair. 2. i.v. damage.
-o, damage, impairment.
  • v020 va̋ra, i.v. portend, presage, foreshadow.
  • v021 va̋-ti, adj. unmarried.
–tu, bachelor.
–þta, bachelorhood.
  • v022 va̋x-a, 1. t.v. augment. 2. i.v. augment.
–a, augmentation.
  • ve-dőlɱ̇o, glasspaper, glassine.
-ðge̋lko, glass bead.
–ðpa̋lto, pane of glass.
–ða̋mo, cellophane.
  • v023 vę̋ða, t.v. plague, torment; harass.
  • v024 vę̋l-a, 1. t.v. be in charge of, super-intend, supervise. 2. i.v. be in charge.
-(ɘl)u, supervisor; archon.
  • v025 vę̋ᵹ-a, i.v. squabble, dispute, wrangle, disagree, brawl.
–o, squabble, dispute, disagreement, brawl.
–si, adj. disputatious, argumentative.
  • v026 ve̋d-a, t.v. hunt up, seek out, search-, look-, -for, locate, go in quest of, go to see, quest-, -after, -for; look up [a person], come for.
-o, search, quest.
  • v027 ve̋-ga, t.v. batter.
–ga, battery.
–ᵹlu, batterer.
  • v028 ve̋ka, i.v. hiccup.
  • v029 ve̋l-a, i.v. shine.
-a, shine, gloss, luster.
-i, adj. shiny, glossy, lustrous.
  • v030 ve̋-na, 1. t.v. hear. 2. i.v. hear.
-na, audition.
–nlu, hearer.
-ṅi, adj. audible.
  • v031 ve̋ᵹ-a, i.v. desert.
–lu, deserter.
  • ver-gős=a, ravenous hunger.
=i, adj. ravenous, voracious.
-i, adj. ursine.
-me̋=ƶi, adj. huge, enormous.
=zta, hugeness, enormousness.
–mőso, bearskin.
–(ɘ)rı̨̋si, adj. grumpy.
  • v032 ve̋uð-a, t.v. examine, respect, inspect, assay, check up, look-, -over, -on, go over.
–lu, examiner, inspector.
  • vį-dı̋ho, bee sting.
  • -ke̋lso, bee stinger.
  • v033 vı̨̋ki, adj. tense, tight, taut.
  • vı̋-ca, despair, hopelessness.
-smi, adj. hopeless, desperate.
  • v034 vı̋d-a, 1. t.v. leave, go-, -forth, -from, -out, depart (from), exit, quit, get-, -out of, -off, set off; graduate. 2. i.v. go away, depart, leave, step out, exit, set-, -forth, -out, leave; retire, graduate.
-a, departure, parting, farewell; retirement, graduation.
–o, exit(way), outlet.
  • v035 vı̋ði, adj. tart, acrid, pungent; fig. rough [road].
  • v036 vı̋g-a, 1. t.v. surprise, take-, -by surprise, -unawares, -aback. 2. i.v. be surprised, be taken aback.
-a, surprise.
-i, adj. surprised.
  • v037 vı̋l-a, 1. t.v. befriend, make friends with. 2. i.v. make friends.
–i, adj. friendly, genial, congenial.
–ta, friendliness, congeniality.
–u, friend.
  • v038 vı̋m-a, 1. t.v. color-, make-, -orange. 2. i.v. turn-, become-, -orange.
–i, adj. orange.
  • v039 vı̋n-a, i.v. be of importance, matter, make a difference.
-a, import, importance, significance, signification.
-e̋do, staple.
-i, adj. important, significant; staple.
  • v040 vı̋-pa, 1. t.v. pitch, hurl, heave, project. 2. i.v. pitch, heave.
–fta, projection.
–f̣ǫ̋lo, trajectory.
  • v041 vı̋r-a, i.v. fall-, cave-, -in, collapse.
–o, crash.
  • v042 vı̋s-i, adj. every [sg.].
-ą̋ȝ=i, adj. every morning.
=vi, adv. every morning.
–ą́lu, adv. every way.
–ą́ru, adv. for every reason.
-a̋h=i, adj. every day, daily.
=vi, adv. every day.
-e̋n=i, adj. every year, annual.
=vi, adv. every year.
–(ɘs)efa̋h=i, adj. every week, weekly, hebdomadal.
=vi, adv. every week.
-ı̋mo, every kind.
-ȝı̋=ti, adj. every evening.
=þvi, adv. every evening.
–la̋t=i, adj. every night, nightly.
=þvi, adv. every night.
-o, everything.
-u, pron. every-, -one, -body.
–um, adv. every time, always, ever.
–váþ=i, adv. (at) everywhere.
=im, adv. to everywhere.
=is, adv. from everywhere.
–za̋lt=i, adj. every month, monthly.
=ɘvi, adv. every month.
  • v043 vle̋ɱa, i.v. boil over.
  • v044 vle̋nδ-i, adj. red-haired.
–u, redhead.
  • v045 vlǫ̋ri, adj. blond, fair.
  • v046 vlőko, oakum, tow.
  • v047 vǫ̋-i, adj. both, ambi-.
-a, postp. around.
-ǧı̨̋ȝi, adj. amphibian, amphibious.
-i...-i, conj. both...and.
-ma̋ni, adj. ambidextrous.
-ɱi, adj. endemic.
-o, vicinity, environs, surroundings, environment, milieu.
-s, adv. both times.
-u, pron. both.
-vi, adv. about, around.
  • v048 vǫ̋ɱo, million.
  • v049 vǫ̋ur-a, 1. t.v. steal, thieve, pilfer, filch (from, ápa). 2. i.v. steal, thieve, pilfer (from, ápa).
-a, theft, thievery.
-lu, stealer, thief.
-űðo, stolen property.
  • v050 , interjection expressing protest or assertion.
  • v051 vőð-a, 1. t.v. dig, spade, delve. 2. i.v. dig, delve.
–lo, spade, shovel.
–lu, digger.
  • v052 vőga, i.v. stream.
  • v053 vőȝ-i, adj. frightening, frightful.
  • v054 vőlᵹo, leather bag; paunch.
  • v055 vőri, adj. disagreeable, unfavorable, unfriendly, unkind, ungracious, uncharitable.
  • v056 vőrm-a, 1. t.v. dread, have a horror of. 2. i.v. feel horror.
-a, dread, horror, terror.
–aþi, adj. horrified, terrified, aghast.
-i, adj. horrible, horrifying, dreadful, ghastly, terrible, hideous.
-u, terrible ghost.
  • v057 vős-a, i.v. train naked, practice gymnastics.
–lu, gymnast.
–ų̋ra, gymnastics.
  • v058 vőx-a, i.v. flame; blaze, flare.
–o, flame.
  • v059 vų̋-a, i.v. be [temporary existence] (cf. e̋sa).
-la, i.v. there-, -is, -are.
  • v060 vų̋-da, 1. t.v. take-, seize-, -as booty, sack, plunder, pillage. 2. i.v. plunder, pillage.
–da, pillage, plunder, brigand¬age.
-do, booty, loot, spoils, plunder.
–ðlu, brigand.
  • v061 vų̋m-a, 1. t.v. owe. 2. i.v. be indebted; ought to, be to.
-a, debt; ~ vų̋la, thank you; ~ vų̋la ne, you're welcome.
-lu, debtor.
-tűso, account, bill, invoice, check.
  • v062 vų̋n-o, barrier.
–viðı̋ȝo, barricade.
  • v063 vűᵹ-a, 1. t.v. escape, elude. 2. i.v. escape, get away, slip away.
–fe̋do, centrifugal force.
-lu, escapee.
-o, escape, slip.
-si, adj. escapist.
  • v064 vű-ra, 1. t.v. excite, rouse. 2. i.v. be-, -excited, -aroused.
–ra, excitement, arousal.
–ri, adj. excited, aroused.
–rıta, excitability.
-ṙi, adj. excitable.
  • v065 vula̋ku, watchman.
  • v066 vűl-i, adj. iridiscent.
–ta, iridiscence.
  • v067 vűra, t.v. scrape-, grind-, -off.
  • v068 vűrka, i.v. spring, snap, fly-, -back, -off with a jerk.
  • v069 v̌e̋ka, i.v. twinkle.
  • v070 v̌ę̋-to, world, earth.
–ta̋ƶo, earth axis.
-tę̋lo, zone [Geog.].
-ti, adj. earthly, terrestrial.
-tu, (people of the) earth.
–þba̋lo, earth’s orbit.
–þ(ɘþ)ı̋fa, apogee.
-þfe̋lo, hemisphere.
–þȝővto, perigee.
–þkőðo, earth’s crust.
–þne̋m=o, continent.
=ka̋pa, continental drift.
–þsą̋ra, geography.