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* '''pata''' - tile; brick
* '''pato''' - duck; male prostitute (slang)
* '''paka''' - be a fool; idiot
* '''pako''' - be fresh; new; young
* '''paku''' - beat with the fist; cudgel; hammer
* '''pakyo''' - storm; violent commotion
* '''pama''' - whip; lash; flog; thrash
* '''pami''' - invent; invention; concoct
* '''pamua''' - not enough; be insufficient; inadequate
* '''pamya''' - okra
* '''panto''' - tomato
* '''panka''' - capture; catch; seize
* '''pana''' - rain; rainy
* '''pani''' - vanilla; vanilla extract [fruit; tree; color]
* '''pano''' - cloth; woven material; textiles
* '''panu''' - pastry; steamed bun; cake
* '''panue''' - colon (large intestine)
* '''panya''' - rodent [rat; mouse]
* '''pasa''' - nausea; feel sick; disgust
* '''pasi''' - bronze; brass; copper alloy
* '''pasua''' - expand; inflate; swelling
* '''pasue''' - drain; divert water; run dry
* '''paha''' - be evil; fierce; vicious; ugly; coarse
* '''pahe''' - against; touching
* '''pahi''' - be compatible; conform; tolerate
* '''pahu''' - burst; crack; breach
* '''patsa''' - grate; shred [vegetable]
* '''patsi''' - breed livestock; herd
* '''patsu''' - penalize; punish
* '''patla''' - field; pasture; plain
* '''patle''' - act spoiled; throw tantrum
* '''patlo''' - broom; brush; sweep
* '''pala''' - can; may; possible; able to
* '''pale''' - sale; sell
* '''pali''' - be saved/spared from [something]
* '''palo''' - cane; staff; walking stick
* '''pa'a''' - be well-ordered; regular; organized
* '''pa'e''' - apart from; other than; except for
* '''pa'o''' - eight; 8
* '''pa'u''' - tree bark
* '''paue''' - be bland; tedious
* '''paye''' - beyond; exceeding; farther than
* '''peta''' - to map; to chart; to draft; cartographic
* '''peka''' - bat [animal]
* '''penka''' - impetus; impulse; be impulsive
* '''penku''' - conjunction; connective
* '''pena''' - go about; busy oneself; occupy onself
* '''penua''' - continent; island
* '''penya''' - grapple; scuffle; wrestle
* '''penyo''' - hot pepper; jalapeño; chili; paprika
* '''pesa''' - bolt of cloth
* '''pese''' - gland
* '''peso''' - meet; meeting
* '''peha''' - drill; penetrate; puncture
* '''pehu''' - admire; revere
* '''petsa''' - be delicate; soft; tender [inexperienced]
* '''petsi''' - basement; cellar
* '''petso''' - abdomen; belly; stomach
* '''petle''' - noise imitative of a fart; raspberry
* '''pela''' - cancel; cancellation
* '''pele''' - volcano; volcanic
* '''pelo''' - advance; improve; progress
* '''peua''' - admit defeat; concede
* '''peya''' - particle;  piece of; dot; speck; spot; bit
* '''pita''' - be void; hollow; empty
* '''pite''' - manatee; walrus
* '''pito''' - navel; belly button
* '''pima''' - buttermilk
* '''pisa''' - savage act; outrage; atrocity
* '''pinka''' - biscuit; cookie; cracker
* '''pina''' - be clever; intelligent; wise
* '''pitsa''' - pancake; pizza
* '''pitsu''' - hall; museum
* '''pitle''' - discriminate;  discrimination
* '''pila''' - crush; grind; pulverize
* '''pili''' - hyena
* '''piua''' - loquat [fruit; tree; color]
* '''piyo''' - bee; honeybee
* '''poti''' - goat; ram
* '''poto''' - image; picture; photograph
* '''poka''' - seal; pinniped
* '''poke''' - obscure; confuse; mix up; blur; mislead
* '''poko''' - bladder; urinate; urine
* '''poku''' - cost; fee; price; charge
* '''poma''' - apple  [fruit; tree; color]
* '''ponto''' - cannon; gun; artillery [fire ~]
* '''pono''' - face powder
* '''posa''' - divorce
* '''poso''' - radical [glyph]
* '''posu''' - award; prize; reward
* '''potsa''' - blot; erase; wipe out
* '''potsu''' - lay siege to, besiege
* '''pola''' - shovel; spade; spatula [kitchen utensil]
* '''poli''' - force; violence
* '''polo''' - hops; seed cones
* '''poya''' - complain; grumble; grievance
* '''poye''' - ally with; form an alliance with
* '''pute''' - deficiency; deficit
* '''puti''' - mint; spearmint
* '''puka''' - be corrupt; decay; rot
* '''puki''' - pomegranate [fruit; tree]
* '''puku''' - attire; clothes; wear
* '''pukue''' - blowfish; puffer
* '''punta''' - betray; rebel; revolt
* '''punka''' - fruit; fruit tree
* '''puna''' - dirt; earth; land; soil; mud
* '''punu''' - minute [of time]
* '''punya''' - jab; poke; stab [fuck]
* '''pusa''' - adverb
* '''pusu''' - shake; shock; vibrate
* '''pusue''' - be superfluous or useless; superfluities
* '''puha''' - lung
* '''putsu''' - goblin; monster; phantom
* '''pula''' - cauldron; kettle; pot
* '''puaka''' - forehead; skull; temples
* '''puampo''' - misinterpret; misread; misunderstand
* '''puama''' - afternoon; dusk; evening [p.m.]
* '''puana''' - deity; spiritual; ghost
* '''puani''' - bank; beach; coast; shore
* '''puatli''' - calf [of the leg]
* '''pue''' - after; back; behind; rear
* '''pueto''' - be ready/willing to do sth
* '''puetsa''' - mantis; octopus
* '''pyaka''' - tiger
* '''pyano''' - piano
* '''pyasa''' - custom; convention; popular; common
* '''pyeta''' - egg; ovum; spawn
* '''pyete''' - be slimy [of rotten food]; viscous
* '''pyota''' - cube; block; be square
* '''pyoki''' - disease; ill; sick
* '''pyonka''' - be parallel; parallelogram
* '''pyona''' - be brittle; fragile; crisp; crunchy
* '''pyoho''' - flea; mite; tick
* '''pyotsi''' - tail or caudal fin or feathers
* '''pyola''' - to rotate; to revolve; to spin; to whirl
* '''pyolo''' - business; office
* '''pyo'o''' - multiply by itself; square
* '''ta''' - you [2sg]
* '''tapa''' - lid; top; cover; canopy; roof; ceiling
* '''tapo''' - shoulder; upper arm
* '''tapu''' - be ample; buxom; shapely
* '''tapua''' - rectangle; be square-like
* '''tapya''' - to follow; to accompany
* '''tapyo''' - cassava [leaves]
* '''taka''' - to esteem; to respect; to honor
* '''take''' - scenery; scene; landscape; view
* '''taki''' - coat; jacket; robe
* '''taku''' - brother
* '''takue''' - demand; to request; to coerce
* '''tam''' - you [2pl]
* '''tama''' - be good; well; proper; fine; complete
* '''tame''' - be fried; pan-fry; sauté
* '''tami''' - yourselves [2pl.refl]
* '''tami''' - fix; mend; patch; repair
* '''tamyo''' - your(s) [2pl.poss]
* '''tanti''' - truck
* '''tanka''' - eagle; falcon; hawk
* '''tanko''' - group; organization; team
* '''tanku''' - you ~ each other [2pl.recp]
* '''tana''' - fight; war; battle; combat
* '''tane''' - enjoy; benefit; have the use of
* '''tani''' - gully; ravine; valley
* '''tano''' - describe; depict; portray; description
* '''tanu''' - plate; dish; tray; shallow container
* '''tanya''' - damage; break; ruin; destroy
* '''tanye''' - carpet; mat; rug
* '''tasa''' - hunt; seek; look for
* '''tase''' - consulate; embassy; diplomacy
* '''tasi''' - be comical; funny; amusing
* '''taso''' - be firm; hard; stable and steady; level
* '''tasu''' - cushion; mat; pad
* '''tasua''' - expect; presume; think [sth is likely]
* '''taha''' - big; large; grand [aug]
* '''tahe''' - below; beneath; under
* '''tahi''' - son
* '''tahue''' - nephew
* '''tahya''' - grandson
* '''tatsa''' - basin; wide-mouthed jar or pot
* '''tatse''' - preposition
* '''tatsi''' - to stand; to set up; to establish
* '''tatso''' - drift about; wander; roam
* '''tatsu''' - glyph
* '''tatli''' - collective plural [COL]; group; pack
* '''tala''' - to return; to come [back]; to arrive
* '''tale''' - pronounce; pronunciation; emit sound
* '''tali''' - church; shrine; temple
* '''talo''' - be patient; patience
* '''ta'i''' - yourself [2sg.refl]
* '''ta'o''' - two; 2; pair of; both
* '''taua''' - anticipate; expect; foresee
* '''taue''' - (male) cousin
* '''taya''' - husband
* '''taye''' - about [pertaining to; on the topic of]
* '''tayo''' - your(s) [2sg.poss]
* '''te''' - of [belonging to; = GEN]
* '''tepa''' - distinguish; identify; recognize
* '''tepe''' - conceal; cover; shield
* '''tepu''' - scales [of fish]
* '''tepye''' - beat; knead; pulse
* '''teka''' - cure; heal; treat
* '''teki''' - combative; enemy; hostile
* '''teko''' - bottle; pitcher; vase
* '''tekyo''' - dough; noodle; pasta
* '''teme''' - impress; make an impression
* '''temu''' - nurture; raise; foster; tend
* '''tenta''' - curtain; partition; screen
* '''tena''' - block; hinder; obstruct
* '''teni''' - diary; journal; log
* '''tenya''' - be elegant; in good taste; refined
* '''tesue''' - encourage; motivate; support
* '''teha''' - accomplish; achieve; finish; succeed
* '''tetsu''' - dates [fruit; tree; color]; jujube
* '''tetla''' - contribution; donation; offer
* '''tetlo''' - bring up a situation
* '''tela''' - cut up [into pieces]; shred; slice
* '''teli''' - ass; donkey; mule
* '''telo''' - circumstances; situation; state; condition
* '''te'e''' - kick; trample; tread on
* '''teue''' - reign [enthroned]
* '''teya''' - propose; request [PREC]; suggest
* '''teye''' - clause; phrase; sentence
* '''teyo''' - call on; find; look for [sb]
* '''tipa''' - align; fit; be suitable
* '''tipe''' - be counterfeit; fake; forge
* '''tipua''' - to decline; to drop; to fall
* '''tika''' - cane; rattan; vine
* '''tiko''' - clove [Eugenia aromatica]
* '''timpa''' - annotate; message; note
* '''tima''' - bleed; blood
* '''timu''' - east
* '''tinta''' - act; play role of  ~
* '''tinto''' - extend; reach; stretch
* '''tina''' - bend; fold; twist
* '''tini''' - spiral; whirlpool
* '''tinua''' - be firm; resolute; strong
* '''tisi''' - bulk; volume
* '''tiha''' - to multiply (math.); multiplication; multi-
* '''titsua''' - to swagger; walk with a wide stance
* '''tila''' - finger; indicate; toe
* '''tili''' - stain; sully; tarnish
* '''tilo''' - railway; track; train
* '''ti'a''' - grammatical aspect
* '''ti'u''' - fig [Ficus carica]
* '''tiya''' - bread; make bread
* '''tiye''' - medal prize; trophy
* '''to''' - manner; method; way
* '''topa''' - bed; couch; mattress
* '''tope''' - firearm; gun; rifle
* '''topi''' - ankle bone; ankle
* '''topo''' - door; entrance; gate
* '''topu''' - to jump; to bounce; to hop
* '''topue''' - undertow; be dragged down
* '''tok''' - no way
* '''toka''' - tone; manner of speaking; mood
* '''toko''' - be devoted; fidelity; loyal; loyalty
* '''toku''' - settle [a dispute]; resolve; solve
* '''tokua''' - every way; all ways
* '''tokya''' - inspect; examine; look over
* '''tokyo''' - be brave; bold; courage
* '''toma''' - deplete; exhaust; use-up; run out
* '''tome''' - preserve; to maintain
* '''tomi''' - characteristic; distinctive feature; trait
* '''tomo''' - offer; supply; provide; furnish
* '''tomu''' - be frugal; thrifty; economical
* '''tomua''' - hire; rent; charter; lease out
* '''tonta''' - permafrost; tundra; layer of frozen soil
* '''tonke''' - enter without permission; trespass; invade
* '''tona''' - tuna
* '''tono''' - emote; emotion; feel
* '''tonua''' - allophone; allophony
* '''tonye''' - be automatic; voluntary
* '''tosa''' - waste; squander; dissipate; splurge
* '''toso''' - be clumsy
* '''tosu''' - fragrant; sweet smelling; aromatic
* '''tohe''' - always [or routinely] cooperate or agree with
* '''tohi''' - broccoli; cauliflower
* '''toho''' - assert; claim; state
* '''tohu''' - bean; pea
* '''tohyo''' - choose; decide; select
* '''totso''' - eavesdrop; monitor [secretly]
* '''totsue''' - feeling after cracking one's back
* '''totla''' - be accurate; be exact; be precise
* '''tola''' - somehow; in some way
* '''tole''' - deck of playing cards
* '''tolo''' - entice; tempt; seduce; bait; allure
* '''to'o''' - pay; compensate
* '''toua''' - arbitrate; mediate
* '''toya''' - awareness; conscience; thinking
* '''ka''' - question marker
* '''kapa''' - be adequate; enough; suffice
* '''kape''' - usurp; overstep one's authority
* '''kapi''' - ugly; repulsive; not nice
* '''kapu''' - basket; box; bucket; container
* '''kapya''' - to receive; to accept; to collect
* '''kapye''' - card [small stiff paper]
* '''kapyo''' - gull; seagull
* '''kata''' - essence; nature; universe
* '''kate''' - calligraphy; handwriting; penmanship
* '''kati''' - be ancient; old; paleo-; classic
* '''kato''' - two story building
* '''kam''' - they; them [3pl]
* '''kampa''' - cheers!; a toast
* '''kampo''' - catch cold; [common] cold
* '''kama ''' - city; town; village
* '''kame''' - be artless; innocent; naive
* '''kami''' - themselves [3pl.refl]
* '''kamu''' - dictionary; encyclopedia; lexicon
* '''kamue''' - general; senior commander; military leader
* '''kamyo''' - their(s) [3pl.poss]
* '''kanta''' - generous; magnanimous
* '''kanka''' - corn; maize
* '''kanko''' - print; publish; publication; periodical
* '''kanku''' - they ~ each other [3pl.recp]
* '''kana''' - lead; leading; leadership; leader
* '''kane ''' - dispel; refute; repudiate
* '''kani''' - sausage
* '''kano''' - my dear; my darling
* '''kanu''' - stringed instrument
* '''kanue''' - canvas [sail; paitning surface]
* '''kanyo''' - question; ask; raise a question
* '''kasa''' - bamboo; parasol; umbrella
* '''kase''' - announce; report; newspaper
* '''kasi''' - infection; infect; influence
* '''kasu''' - lend; loan; borrow
* '''kaha''' - paper; document; letter; page
* '''kaho''' - operculum; a covering flap [of skin]
* '''kahu''' - furniture
* '''kahue''' - mirage; shadow
* '''kahyo''' - porcelain; ceramic
* '''katsa''' - glass; windshield; window
* '''katse''' - subjunctive; assumptive
* '''katsi''' - dignity; sanctity; worth
* '''katso''' - meal; meal time
* '''katsu''' - modest; self-effacing; modest remarks
* '''katsua''' - slip; slide; slippery; polished
* '''katla''' - blemish; defect; flaw
* '''kala''' - language; talk; say; speak
* '''kale''' - legume
* '''kali''' - slant; slope; incline
* '''kalo''' - substitute for; replace; supersede
* '''ka'e''' - to; towards; at [moving toward]
* '''ka'o''' - seven; 7
* '''kaua''' - coffee
* '''kaue''' - chin; jaw [look at sb]
* '''kaya''' - earth; planet; world
* '''kaye''' - around; encircling; surrounding
* '''kayo''' - lose; lost; loss; misplace
* '''ke''' - object particle [O]; compare [COMP] than
* '''keta''' - behave; conduct oneself
* '''kete''' - polarization; polarized
* '''keti''' - compose; construct by mental labor; think up
* '''keto''' - migrate; migration; mobile; portable
* '''kema''' - work; labor; task
* '''kenko''' - humble; humility; modesty
* '''kena''' - circle; be circular; spherical
* '''kesa''' - keep score; tally
* '''kese''' - be obscene; coarse; vulgar
* '''keso''' - image; form; figure; visualization
* '''keha''' - body [human]; health; anatomy
* '''kehe''' - shark
* '''keho''' - alarm; alert; warning signal
* '''ketsa''' - doubt; suspicion [dubitative DUB]
* '''ketsu''' - unruly; rude
* '''ketsua''' - resolution; decision; statement of intent
* '''ketla''' - red
* '''ketle''' - chain; linked
* '''kelo''' - castrate; a castrate; neuter
* '''ke'e''' - so; such; to such a degree
* '''keua''' - abandon; discard; spurn; forsake
* '''keue''' - permanent; constant; fixed
* '''keya''' - gram [unit of mass]
* '''keye''' - course; class; lesson
* '''keyo''' - description; qualification; adjective
* '''ki''' - reflexive [REFL]; self [essence]
* '''kipa''' - gums; inner mouth
* '''kipe''' - to favor; favorite; darling
* '''kipo''' - aspire; hope; wish
* '''kita ''' - north
* '''kiti''' - accelerate; expedite; speed-up
* '''kito''' - subsist; survive
* '''kimu''' - duty; responsibility; obligation
* '''kimyo''' - strange; odd; weird; unusual
* '''kinta''' - be rampant; run wild; spree
* '''kinte''' - invert; swapped; upside-down
* '''kinti''' - squirrel
* '''kinto''' - spanner; lever [on a machine]; wrench
* '''kina''' - mammal
* '''kinya''' - silver; coins
* '''kinyo''' - intervene; get involved
* '''kisa''' - tear; split; separate
* '''kisi''' - deny; disclaim; disavow
* '''kiso ''' - base; foundation; root; radical [chemistry]
* '''kisua''' - root of plant
* '''kisue''' - soda water
* '''kiha''' - high; tall; above average; long
* '''kiho''' - as things allow; opportune moment
* '''kihu''' - weather; climate; atmosphere; situation
* '''kihua''' - clear; fine [weather]
* '''kihya''' - root; source; origin
* '''kihyo''' - business; trade; commerce
* '''kitsa''' - dark; darkly; darkness
* '''kitse''' - graffiti; scrawl; scribble
* '''kitla''' - create; invent; make-up
* '''kila''' - obvious
* '''kili''' - giraffe
* '''ki'i''' - screech; shriek [of tanka]
* '''kiue''' - stink; odor; pungent aroma
* '''kiya''' - self-awareness; be self aware
* '''ko''' - agentive [AG]; individual; person
* '''kopa''' - fungi; mushroom
* '''kope''' - baste [cookery]; grease; oil
* '''kopi''' - bridge; crosspiece
* '''kopo''' - fermentation; yeast
* '''kopu''' - knock on a door; rap on something
* '''kota''' - details; particulars
* '''kote ''' - divulge; leak out
* '''koti''' - beat a ~; drum; rhythm
* '''koto''' - drum beat; rhythm
* '''kompo''' - seaweed
* '''kompu''' - computer; programmable device
* '''koma''' - conceal; hide away [lurk]
* '''komi''' - allergic; allergy
* '''komo''' - barn;  stall; stable; manger; shed
* '''komu''' - advertise; a commercial; advertisement
* '''konte''' - convey; distribute; send
* '''konto''' - flow [the movement of liquid]
* '''kona''' - dress; skirt
* '''kone''' - to awe; to intimidate
* '''koni''' - skunk
* '''kono''' - gray; stone; ash
* '''kosa''' - cut down; mow; eliminate; scythe; sickle
* '''kosi''' - be formal; be ritualistic; be ceremonial
* '''koso''' - assure; guarantee
* '''kohe''' - plateau; bluff; mesa
* '''koho''' - to float; to drift; to be buoyant
* '''kohu''' - fog; mist; vapor; steam
* '''kohya''' - to castrate; fig. to emasculate; neuter
* '''kotsa''' - spiteful person [male or female]..."bitch"
* '''kotse''' - factory; plant; workshop
* '''kotsi''' - evidence; proof; prove
* '''kotso''' - earthenware; ceramic
* '''kotsu''' - clavicle; collarbone
* '''kotlo''' - boiler; pan; pot
* '''kola''' - someone; anyone; whoever
* '''koli''' - extremity; tag along; tail
* '''kolo''' - notch; groove; indentation; hole
* '''koua''' - republic
* '''koya''' - apologize; remorse; sorry
* '''koye''' - be deliberate; on purpose
* '''koyo''' - whose; of who
* '''kupa''' - die; death; [be] dead
* '''kupe''' - arthropod; tick
* '''kupi''' - nipple; teat [on baby's bottle]
* '''kupu''' - butterfly
* '''kupye''' - excessive; too many/much
* '''kuta''' - fence; wall
* '''kute''' - bite; sting [of insect]
* '''kuto''' - mathematics; mathematical; math
* '''kumpu''' - rational number [fraction of two integers]
* '''kuma''' - bear
* '''kume''' - cancel; repeal; undo
* '''kumu''' - include; inclusion
* '''kunta''' - army; military force
* '''kuna ''' - excrete; expel; defecate; shit
* '''kunye''' - moon; lunar
* '''kusa''' - repetition; iteration; a layer
* '''kusu''' - push [away]; press; shove; squeeze
* '''kuha''' - to cook; to prepare food
* '''kuhi''' - to hold; to grasp; to clench (one's fist)
* '''kuhu''' - to object; to differ; to challenge; to protest
* '''kutsa''' - spoon; ladle
* '''kutsi''' - prawn; shrimp
* '''kutsu''' - flesh; meat
* '''kutsua''' - invite; invitation
* '''kutla''' - be lumpy; rock pile; uneven
* '''kule''' - keep; tower
* '''kuli''' - soul; spirit; vigor
* '''kua''' - everything; every; all
* '''kuate''' - double; twin [identical/fraternal]
* '''kuampo''' - egotistical; arrogant; brassy
* '''kuama''' - forever; always; perpetual
* '''kuami''' - eel; water snake
* '''kuanta''' - lenient; spacious; wide
* '''kuanto''' - cherry [tree; wood]
* '''kuanka''' - irrigate; wash with water
* '''kuana''' - peach  [fruit; tree; color]
* '''kuanu''' - bush; woody plant
* '''kuaha''' - study; science; -ology
* '''kuaho''' - be short; soon [duration]
* '''kuatse''' - opossum
* '''kuatla''' - reptile; snake
* '''kuali''' - drill; bore; dig into
* '''kue''' - like; similar to
* '''kuepa''' - escape; run away; flee
* '''kueta''' - spring [season]
* '''kuesi''' - absence; be absent
* '''kuetsa''' - cigarette
* '''kuetso''' - to stroll; to amble; to walk leisurely
* '''kuetsu''' - precious; valuable; rare
* '''kueli''' - rights; legal entitlement
* '''kuelo''' - gorge; strait; ravine; isthmus
* '''ku'u''' - cereal; grain
* '''kuya''' - green; foliage; verdant
* '''kuye''' - grab; catch; arrest; snatch; scratch
* '''kya''' - imperative [IMP] / co-hortative [HORT]
* '''kyapu''' - fleece; wool; woolen
* '''kyanki''' - refrain; abstain; avert
* '''kyaho''' - to practice; to train; to drill
* '''kyatlo''' - commander; officer in charge
* '''kyalo''' - gem; jewel; precious stone
* '''kyaua''' - be belligerent
* '''kye''' - indirect speech particle
* '''kyepe''' - diagonal; sharp turn; zigzag
* '''kyeha''' - to get along well; compatible
* '''kyehu''' - to have a moment of leisure; to take a break
* '''kyetsa''' - mustard; wasabi
* '''kyela''' - wreath; garland
* '''kye'o''' - hundred thousand ; 10^5
* '''kye'u''' - gills of fish
* '''kyo''' - hurry up! Quickly!
* '''kyopa''' - match; tool to start a fire
* '''kyopo''' - afraid; fear; frighten
* '''kyota''' - be crazy; deranged; insane; demented
* '''kyoma''' - barren place; desert
* '''kyomi''' - interest; interested; be interesting
* '''kyonko''' - flavoring; seasoning; spice
* '''kyono''' - comforting habit or ritual
* '''kyosa''' - sex; copulation; fornicate
* '''kyoso''' - compete; competition; match
* '''kyohi''' - to refuse; to decline; to reject
* '''kyohu''' - be drastic; extreme; aggressive
* '''kyotlo''' - coyote
* '''kyoli''' - spacing; distance; interval; length
* '''kyolo''' - fast; rapid; quick; velocity
* '''kyo'a''' - quiet; silence; soundless
* '''mpa''' - many; much
* '''mpaka''' - border; boundary; frontier; line
* '''mpana''' - wide; broad; extensive; vast; width
* '''mpano''' - clamp; pincers; pliers; tongs
* '''mpasu''' - make do; manage; get by with
* '''mpaha''' - valuable; costly; expensive
* '''mpahe''' - integrate; synthesize
* '''mpatso''' - comfort; console; stroke; caress
* '''mpala''' - odd number
* '''mpale''' - turn over; flip over; overturn
* '''mpali''' - balloon; hot air balloon
* '''mpa'a''' - film; movie; cinema
* '''mpe''' - only; merely; just
* '''mpeka''' - frog; toad
* '''mpekue''' - off the beaten track [go ~]
* '''mpelo''' - buzzard
* '''mpiko''' - black eagle; condor; vulture
* '''mpina''' - sound nice; be euphonic
* '''mpila''' - ball [game]; sphere
* '''mpoka''' - squid; ink fish; cuttlefish
* '''mponi''' - ethnicity; folk; people
* '''mpoho''' - gift; a present; an offering
* '''mpuku''' - be complicated; complex; intricate
* '''mpuni''' - ostrich
* '''mputsa''' - cheese
* '''mpula''' - lamp; lantern; light
* '''mpuli''' - fluff; lint [feel nervous]
* '''ma''' - and; also; too; as well
* '''mata''' - kill; murder
* '''mate''' - be distressed; grieved; uneasy
* '''mato''' - touch; contact; access
* '''maka''' - music; play ~; tune
* '''make''' - be idle; lazy; negligent; careless
* '''mako''' - absorb; assimilate; ingest
* '''maku''' - pillow; rest one's head
* '''mampu''' - duct; pipe; straw; tube
* '''manta''' - logic; principle
* '''mante''' - asparagus
* '''manti''' - facial tissue; napkin; paper towel
* '''manka''' - chill; cold; cool
* '''mana''' - force; power; strength
* '''mane''' - prohibit; forbid; ban
* '''mano''' - chicken; fowl; poultry
* '''manye''' - manage; handle; run; deal with
* '''manyo''' - size; height; stature
* '''masa''' - cervine; deer; elk
* '''mase''' - to dance; move to music; to flicker [flame]
* '''masi''' - door/window frame
* '''masu''' - countryside; areas outside the city
* '''masua''' - pipe [smoking utensil]
* '''masue''' - be nimble; agile; lithe; graceful
* '''maha''' - add; more
* '''mahe''' - around; approximate; close to
* '''matsa''' - nonsense; ridiculous talk; gibberish
* '''matse''' - blend; mix; various; stir
* '''matsi''' - perception; perceive; perceptive
* '''matsu''' - victory; success; victorious; win
* '''matsua''' - be flavored; smell; hint of; taste
* '''matla''' - broth; casserole; soup
* '''matle''' - statue; sculpture; carve
* '''mala''' - bad; be unfavorable; unpleasant
* '''mali''' - fictitious; theoretical; virtual
* '''malo''' - brown
* '''ma'a''' - with [accompanied by / furnished with]
* '''ma'e''' - before; in front
* '''ma'o''' - four; 4
* '''ma'u''' - spicy hot [taste]; fig. biting [criticism]
* '''maua''' - flower; plant
* '''maue''' - as soon as; when
* '''maya''' - fluid; water; wet
* '''maye''' - between; among
* '''mayo''' - apparatus; device; equipment; tool [INSTR]
* '''meta''' - meter [unit of length]
* '''mete''' - be ambiguous; unclear; vague
* '''menka''' - cotton
* '''mesa''' - example; precedent; model; for instance
* '''meha''' - hit; slap; strike
* '''mehu''' - vacuum
* '''metse''' - cricket; grasshopper
* '''metla''' - flute; sound of wind; whistle
* '''mela''' - continue; endure; last
* '''meli''' - kowtow; prostrate; bow
* '''me'a''' - at the same time; simultaneous
* '''meya''' - refined language; poetic genre
* '''mi''' - few; small amount; handful
* '''mita''' - canine; dog
* '''mika''' - clippers; scissors; shears
* '''miku''' - garlic chives; leek
* '''minta''' - sample; specimen
* '''mina ''' - south
* '''misa ''' - highway; road; street
* '''misu''' - copper
* '''mitse''' - disappear; to vanish
* '''mitla''' - arrow; dart
* '''mitli''' - suit; tunic
* '''mila''' - word; language component; morpheme
* '''milo''' - bubble; foam; suds
* '''miya''' - core; pit; stone; dig out the center
* '''mo''' - location; place; where
* '''mota''' - recall; bring to mind; reminisce
* '''moto''' - remember; memory
* '''mok''' - nowhere
* '''moka''' - flour; wheat; white-faced
* '''moko''' - lizard [reptile w/ legs]
* '''moku''' - to rest; to sleep
* '''mokua''' - everywhere; all over
* '''monto''' - trunk; torso
* '''monka''' - expert; adept; experienced; a professional
* '''mona''' - safe; secure; safety; security
* '''mono''' - blonde; fair
* '''mosa''' - book; letter; scroll; record
* '''moha''' - far; distant; remote
* '''mohe''' - install; place; put
* '''motsa''' - banana
* '''motsi''' - bag; pouch; sack
* '''motso''' - undulation; wave; ripple [effect]; tide
* '''motsua''' - creepy; unnerving; disturbing
* '''motsue''' - violate s/o or s/th
* '''motla''' - trash; throw away
* '''motlo''' - engine; motor; machine
* '''mola''' - somewhere; anywhere; wherever
* '''mole''' - apricot [fruit; tree; color]
* '''moli''' - forest; trees
* '''molo''' - cod
* '''mo'a''' - explicit explanation; specify
* '''mo'i''' - soap
* '''moue''' - plastic; synthetic resin; plastic cement
* '''moya''' - mark; symbol; write; spell
* '''moyo''' - heart; mind; centre; core
* '''muta''' - back; spine; dorsal; vertebrae
* '''muti''' - fad; fashion
* '''muto''' - sexiness; sexy; sensual; voluptuous
* '''muka''' - facing; towards sb/st
* '''muku''' - knife; blade; weapon; arms
* '''munta''' - change; alter; transform; rearrange; revise
* '''muna''' - care; concern; important; worry
* '''mune''' - breast; chest; cleavage
* '''muni''' - itch; itchiness
* '''muno''' - table of contents
* '''munua''' - culture; civilization; cultural
* '''munye''' - be a problem; be a hassle; be difficult
* '''musa''' - vowel
* '''muha''' - monk; nun
* '''muhe''' - sadness; grief; be sad
* '''mutsa''' - society
* '''mutsi''' - urgent; emergency
* '''mutla''' - be absolute; unconditional
* '''mula''' - begin; initial; start
* '''muli''' - comfortable; at ease
* '''muapa''' - set apart for a particular use; appropriate
* '''muata''' - manners; be polite [ness]
* '''muaka''' - to dump; to pour; to empty out
* '''muana''' - ocean; sea
* '''muanya''' - opening made by parting; gap; hole
* '''muasa''' - season
* '''muasi''' - be parallel; of equal rank; simultaneous
* '''mu'e''' - rhombus
* '''muena''' - clams and crabs; seafood
* '''muetlo''' - sweat; perspiration
* '''muela''' - raspberry
* '''muele''' - direction; orientation
* '''mue'o''' - ten thousand; 10^4
* '''muya''' - cause; do; make [CAUS]
* '''mya''' - as ... as
* '''myana''' - variety; variation; vary
* '''myano''' - alliteration
* '''myasu''' - aim; alignment; target
* '''myatsua''' - point out mistakes or weak points for correction
* '''myali''' - symphony; orchestra
* '''mya'a''' - meow; cat noise
* '''mye''' - redo; resume
* '''myeto''' - show fear or surprise on face
* '''myeka''' - neck; throat; voice
* '''myena''' - extent; surface [area]
* '''myene''' - be dazed; stare blankly; distracted
* '''myokua''' - software [computer]
* '''myonta''' - allow; permit [PERM]
* '''ntaku''' - sibling
* '''ntane''' - internet; network; web
* '''ntasa''' - equator; circle around any sphere
* '''ntasi''' - be excited; excite
* '''ntaha''' - ancestor; elder
* '''ntahi''' - child; offspring
* '''ntahue''' - sibling's child [nibbling]
* '''ntahya''' - grandchild
* '''ntalo''' - deliberate; consider
* '''nta'i''' - baby; inffant
* '''ntaua''' - derogatory sense; negative connotation
* '''ntaue''' - cousin
* '''ntaye''' - overgrown; unkempt [of hair]; matted
* '''ntayo''' - call sb away from a task/work
* '''ntela''' - interact; interplay; interrelated
* '''nte'o''' - million; 10^6
* '''ntimu''' - lemon
* '''ntopi''' - cliché; stereotype; truism
* '''ntoka''' - button; fasten; knot
* '''ntolo''' - locket; medallion; pendant
* '''nka''' - emphatic negative
* '''nkapa''' - alcohol; ale; beer
* '''nkapi''' - kiss; kiss
* '''nkata''' - agree; consent; approve
* '''nkampo''' - segment into equal pieces
* '''nkanu''' - short [in height and from end to edge]
* '''nkasa''' - measure; measurement
* '''nkahi''' - molluscs; crustaceans; echinoderms
* '''nkatso''' - spy; secret agent
* '''nkali''' - martial art; military skill
* '''nkalo''' - pronoun
* '''nka'e''' - in spite of; regardless of
* '''nke''' - negative [NEG]; no; not
* '''nkepa''' - charge [military term]; sudden attack
* '''nkeni''' - visit; be guest; patronize
* '''nkeli''' - cassia or cinnamon
* '''nkina''' - steep incline; water chute; sluice
* '''nkiha''' - to judge; to discriminate; to discern
* '''nkihua''' - be lengthy; be long [duration]
* '''nkitso''' - be stressed; be tense; be nervous
* '''nkila''' - blink; glance; appear in a flash
* '''nkilo''' - be bright; clear; resonant; distinct
* '''nkiye''' - vegetables
* '''nkopa''' - delusion; paranoia
* '''nkoma''' - to raise; to hoist; to rise
* '''nkoso''' - continue; proceed; progressive [PROG]
* '''nkoha ''' - to shake (a part of one's body); to shrug (shoulders)
* '''nkolo''' - are [unit of area]
* '''nkoyo''' - lamb; sheep
* '''nkumu''' - burden; cumbersome; difficult
* '''nkusa''' - sneeze; act of sneezing
* '''na''' - I; me [1sg]
* '''napa''' - grape; raisin
* '''nape''' - be cooperative; cooperate; collaborate
* '''napo''' - turnip
* '''napu''' - treaty; agreement; promise; pact
* '''napya''' - wine
* '''nata''' - family member; relative
* '''nati''' - belief; myth; religion
* '''nato''' - straight [direction]
* '''naka''' - female; woman [fem]
* '''naku''' - sister
* '''nam''' - we [1pl]
* '''nampa''' - blouse; shirt; vest
* '''nampu''' - fountain; spring
* '''nama''' - mature; grow; growth; ripen
* '''nami''' - ourselves [1pl.refl]
* '''namyo''' - our(s) [1pl.poss]
* '''nanka''' - emphasizing disgust; [interj. of contempt]
* '''nanku''' - we ~ each other [1pl.recp]
* '''nasa''' - be born; give birth
* '''nase''' - arachnid; spider
* '''nasi''' - pear [fruit; tree; color]
* '''nasua''' - climax; orgasm; upsurge
* '''nasue''' - copy; duplicate; transcribe
* '''naha''' - creek; river; stream
* '''nahe ''' - in [located inside of]; internal
* '''nahi''' - daughter
* '''naho''' - grammar; order; rule
* '''nahue''' - niece
* '''nahya''' - granddaughter
* '''natsa''' - draw; paint; drawing; painting
* '''natsi''' - poem; poetry; verse
* '''natsu''' - summer
* '''natsua''' - let go; release
* '''natla''' - put on airs; self-important; high and mighty
* '''natlo''' - plum; prune [fruit; tree; color]
* '''nala''' - illuminate; light; shine
* '''nale''' - fork; pitchfork; prong
* '''nalo''' - grin; laugh; smile
* '''na'am''' - we (but not you) [1pl.excl]
* '''na'ami''' - ourselves (but not you) [1pl.excl.refl]
* '''na'amyo''' - our(s) (but not your(s)) [1pl.excl.poss]
* '''na'anku''' - we (but not you) ~ each other [1pl.excl.recp]
* '''na'i''' - myself [1sg.refl]
* '''na'o''' - one; 1
* '''naua''' - cord; string; rope; bind together; twist
* '''naue''' - (female) cousin
* '''naya''' - wife
* '''naye''' - during
* '''nayo''' - my; mine [1sg.poss]
* '''neka''' - make reprisals; retaliate; revenge
* '''neko''' - cat; feline
* '''neku''' - winter
* '''nekua''' - cupboard; pantry
* '''nema''' - knee; patella
* '''neme''' - take over; ~ duties; ~ responsibilities
* '''nesa''' - system; organization; form
* '''nehe''' - fingernail; toenail; scratch
* '''netsa''' - be advantageous; have advantages
* '''netsi''' - helix; screw; spiral
* '''neli''' - lethargic; listless; unenergetic; sluggish
* '''neua''' - advise; urge; try to persuade; exhort
* '''neya''' - ought to; suggest [SUG]
* '''nipa''' - stretch back while extending legs
* '''nipi''' - be curious; inquisitive
* '''nipo''' - compel; force
* '''nipue''' - be dull [not sharp]; blunt
* '''nita''' - exclaim; insert; interject
* '''nika''' - acerbity; be bitter; tart
* '''niko''' - experiment; examination; test
* '''niku''' - muscle; tendon
* '''nikya''' - swallow; take in
* '''nime''' - appoint; assign; designate
* '''ninka''' - television; to watch ~
* '''nisa''' - compare; contrast; ratio
* '''nisi ''' - west
* '''niha''' - good; pleasant; regular / منيح
* '''nihi''' - glutton; greedy; piggish
* '''nila''' - blue
* '''niua''' - depot; garden; yard
* '''niya''' - goal; purpose; reason
* '''niye''' - undergarment; underwear
* '''niyo''' - be contained; content; substance
* '''no''' - adverbial; matter; object; thing [-ish; -ly; -ous]
* '''nopa''' - pull; stretch; draw sth out
* '''nopi''' - pile; stack; heap
* '''nota''' - lie; be in horizontal position; horizon
* '''noto''' - compassion; relent; sympathize; sympathy
* '''noka''' - beak; bill; mouth
* '''noki''' - vertical; erect; set upright; vertical stroke
* '''noko''' - continue unchanged; remain; stay behind
* '''nokua''' - everything; every; all
* '''nokye''' - agriculture
* '''noma''' - thing; matter; object; noun
* '''nomo''' - be fond of; like; prefer [things]
* '''nomya''' - act; action; activity; take action
* '''nosa''' - subject; theme; topic
* '''noho''' - chickpea; garbanzo; hummus
* '''nohya''' - bundle; pack; wrap
* '''notsa''' - ride horseback; mount; cavalry
* '''notli''' - hotel; inn; tavern
* '''nola''' - something; anything; whatever
* '''nolo''' - be cursed; be jinxed [slang]
* '''noya''' - be content; happy; pleased
* '''nupa''' - trash; garbage; waste
* '''nuta''' - be tedious; convoluted; boring; pedantic
* '''nuka''' - joke; banter; tease; mock
* '''nuku''' - detest; dislike; hate
* '''numu''' - style; standard; pattern
* '''nusu''' - steal; pilfer; snatch
* '''nutsu''' - unbelievable; incredible
* '''nula''' - lick; lap [up]
* '''nulo''' - smear; daub; apply
* '''nua''' - frequent; often; regular
* '''nuesi''' - flood; submerge; drown
* '''nya''' - for [benefactive; BEN]; purpose of; by
* '''nyakua''' - by all means; by any means
* '''nyamu''' - mosquito; fly; gnat
* '''nyanku''' - whale
* '''nyana''' - algorithm; program [computer]; function
* '''nyasa''' - gratitude; thank [you]
* '''nyase''' - eyelashes
* '''nyahe''' - by means of; per; via
* '''nyahi''' - white; snow
* '''nyatsa''' - expose; reveal; lay bare; show
* '''nyalo''' - call; number; telephone
* '''nya'e''' - in order that; so that
* '''nya'o''' - five hundred; 500
* '''nyaue''' - outside of; exterior to
* '''nye''' - because of; due to
* '''nyepa''' - cloud
* '''nyete''' - open; start; turn on
* '''nyema''' - century
* '''nyemi''' - cape; headland; promontory; peninsula
* '''nyetsi''' - traditional; archetype; typical; classic
* '''nyetle''' - quote; to cite as evidence
* '''nyela''' - arrowhead
* '''nyeli''' - pink; rose
* '''nyelo''' - extra; remainder; surplus
* '''nye'o''' - hundred; 100
* '''nyopa''' - poor; impoverished
* '''nyota''' - thirst; be thirsty
* '''nyoto''' - write quickly; jot
* '''nyoki''' - dumpling; pot-sticker
* '''nyoma ''' - rice
* '''nyome''' - beige; tan; khaki
* '''nyonka''' - choke [on]; choke up; suffocate; strangle
* '''nyotlo''' - nut; seed
* '''nyolo''' - ant; insect
* '''sapa''' - boot; footwear; shoe
* '''sata''' - administer; govern; manage; control
* '''sati''' - sadism; sadistic
* '''sato''' - sense; perceive; be aware of; detect
* '''saka''' - gender; sex
* '''saku''' - deadlock; result in a stalemate; impasse
* '''sama ''' - sun; star; solar; stellar
* '''samya''' - exhale; blow; puff
* '''sanka''' - delta [geography]
* '''sana''' - health; hygiene; welfare
* '''sane''' - cover; sheath; encase; overlap
* '''sani''' - wasp
* '''sanya''' - second [of time]
* '''saha''' - annals; history
* '''sahe''' - across; opposite; other side
* '''sahi''' - color; hue; shade
* '''saho''' - be drunk; intoxicated
* '''sahya''' - right; correct; proper
* '''satsa''' - weave; knit
* '''satse''' - brake [when driving]
* '''satsi''' - recruit; cast; enlist
* '''satsu''' - scrub; rub; scour
* '''sala''' - chamber; room; section
* '''sali''' - native; person from a particular place
* '''salo''' - press; push down; keep under [control]
* '''sa'o''' - nine; 9
* '''saua''' - damp[ness]; humid[ity]; moist[ness]; wet
* '''saya''' - soothe; be calm; relax
* '''saye''' - along; following [a line]
* '''sayo''' - calendar month
* '''sayoma''' - calendar; date
* '''sepa''' - injury; wound; hurt; wound; injure
* '''sepu''' - mill; grain mill; millstone
* '''seta''' - be flat; silk; smooth
* '''seto''' - olive
* '''seka''' - be dry; sharp; strict
* '''seko''' - scorpion
* '''sempo''' - abacus; plan; scheme
* '''sema''' - week [7 days]
* '''semye''' - explain; comment; annotate
* '''senta''' - mimic; satirize; mock; irony; sarcasm
* '''sento''' - leftovers [food]; salad
* '''senku''' - think poorly of someone
* '''sena''' - liter [unit of volume]
* '''senu''' - hair
* '''senyo''' - oval; ellipse; be elliptic
* '''setsi''' - sage
* '''sela''' - waterfall; cascade; heavy rain
* '''seua''' - care for; tend to
* '''seya''' - seal; sign; stamp
* '''seye''' - dowry; trousseau
* '''sipi''' - acne; pimple; zit; wart
* '''sipo''' - be fat; lard; grease
* '''sita''' - accompany; be with; to keep company
* '''sika''' - sip; smack one's lips; suck; savor
* '''siku''' - an unforeseen event; accident; misfortune
* '''sikue''' - pig; pork; swine
* '''sikyo''' - womb; placenta; uterus
* '''simpa''' - be anxious; neurosis; anxiety
* '''simpu''' - clam; mussel; oyster
* '''sima ''' - to sit; to take a seat
* '''simya''' - spend; pay out; expense
* '''sinta''' - finacial credit
* '''sinka''' - lion
* '''sino''' - curl [hair]; crimp; roll up
* '''sitsa''' - heat; hot; warm
* '''sitsi''' - support; sustain; uphold
* '''sitla''' - lawn; meadow; sod; turf
* '''sila''' - arteries; veins; blood vessel
* '''sile''' - bell; sounding of a bell as a signal
* '''silo''' - tender; puerile; soft and immature
* '''si'i''' - crow; raven
* '''siua''' - nerve; bundle of neurons
* '''siue''' - herb; leaf
* '''siya''' - act without a plan; improvise [slang]
* '''siyo''' - use; employ; apply; to make use of
* '''so''' - kind; genus; type; category; sort; class
* '''sopa''' - balcony; patio; terrace
* '''sota''' - sow; scatter; spread; broadcast; disperse
* '''soto''' - speed; rate; velocity
* '''sok''' - no kind; no type
* '''soka''' - introduce; introduction
* '''soki''' - muddy; mud
* '''soko''' - rescue; pluck from danger
* '''soku''' - font; typeface; typeset
* '''sokua''' - any kind; any type
* '''sokyo''' - helium
* '''some''' - be dyed; be stained; be tinted
* '''sonka''' - ode; eulogy; praise in writing
* '''sono''' - partridge
* '''sonu''' - outcome; result; conclusion; as a result
* '''sonya''' - dream; imagine
* '''sonyo''' - wrist
* '''soho''' - crop; harvest
* '''sohua''' - digest; digestion; digestive
* '''sotsi''' - dish; platter; specific food
* '''sotla''' - foot; heel
* '''sola''' - some kind (of); any kind
* '''sole''' - gelatin; jelly
* '''soli''' - badger; ferret
* '''solo''' - socks; stockings; tights
* '''so'o''' - that kind; type
* '''soya''' - to omit; to delete; to leave out
* '''soye''' - index; list
* '''soyo''' - be abstract; abstraction
* '''supa''' - prescription; recipe; formula; cookbook
* '''supye''' - butter; cream; extract
* '''suta''' - live; reside; dwell; inhabit; settle
* '''suka''' - acid; sour; vinegar
* '''suku''' - market; shop; store
* '''suma''' - window
* '''sumi''' - repress emotional expression
* '''sumu''' - puff; spout; spray; spurt
* '''sunta''' - trend; tendency
* '''sune''' - shin
* '''sunu''' - poison; narcotics; venom
* '''suha''' - mouth; taste; tongue
* '''sutse''' - to register; to enroll; log in
* '''sutsi''' - recommend; recommendation
* '''sutsu''' - muttering; whisper; mouthing words
* '''sula''' - melt; fuse; dissolve
* '''suli''' - tired; weary; strain; wear out
* '''suata''' - account; bill; debt
* '''suaki''' - hare; rabbit
* '''suama''' - sew; seam; mend
* '''suante''' - lime [fruit; tree; color]
* '''suani''' - be absent-minded; preoccupied; inattentive
* '''suala''' - be heavy
* '''suepa''' - blister; bleb [watery blister]
* '''sueho''' - surf; the sound of waves
* '''suetsa''' - marrow; quintessence; pith
* '''suele''' - water lily [pad]; lotus
* '''su'u''' - still; calm; quiet; not moving; static; stasis
* '''ha''' - she; he [3sg]
* '''hapa''' - retain; preserve; reserve; reservations
* '''hapi''' - dove; pigeon
* '''hapu''' - consonant; the initial consonant
* '''hata''' - error; mistake
* '''hate''' - develop; to make full use of; evolve
* '''hati''' - gardens; park
* '''hato''' - breed; incubate; hatch
* '''haka''' - drawers; pants; trousers
* '''hake''' - peel; skin; flay; shuck; shell
* '''haki''' - true; real
* '''hako''' - you're welcome
* '''haku''' - vomit; regurgitate; throw up
* '''hakyo''' - college; school; university
* '''hama''' - protect; defend; safeguard; protection
* '''hamo''' - fish-hook
* '''hamu''' - ash; bit by bit
* '''hana''' - emit; give off; send out [up; forth]
* '''hane''' - change sides in a war; politically; turncoat
* '''hani''' - extent; range; scope
* '''hanu''' - edition; version
* '''hanya''' - country; nation; state; national; region
* '''hasa''' - personal; private; secret
* '''hase''' - derive; derivative; derivation
* '''hasi''' - chopsticks; eating utensils
* '''haso''' - special; unique; distinguished
* '''hasu''' - conjecture; guess; supposition; assumption
* '''hasua ''' - edge; brink; lip; margin; rim; boundary
* '''hatsa''' - luck; fate; fortune; chance
* '''hatsu''' - fever; temperature; pyrexia
* '''hala''' - informal greeting [on phone]
* '''halo''' - argue; debate; discuss; dispute; quibble
* '''ha'i''' - herself; himself [3sg.refl]
* '''ha'o''' - three; 3
* '''haua''' - believe; confidence; trust
* '''haue''' - carrot; radish
* '''haya''' - animal; beast
* '''haye''' - early; quick[ly]; sudden[ly]; abrupt
* '''hayo''' - her(s); his [3sg.poss]
* '''heka''' - cliff; rock face
* '''heki''' - oregano [plant/flavor]
* '''heko''' - congratulate; congratulations
* '''heme''' - tremble; shiver; shake; vibrate
* '''hemya''' - stutter; stammer [speech impediment]
* '''henka''' - bias; prejudice
* '''hena''' - piece; part; fraction; strip; scrap
* '''henyo''' - resist; oppose
* '''hela ''' - comb [fine-toothed]
* '''he'u''' - munitions or ordnance factory; arsenal
* '''heua''' - air; oxygen; sky
* '''heya''' - need; necessity; require [NEC]
* '''hipa''' - infiltrate; sneak into
* '''hita''' - throw; cast; expel
* '''hika''' - to wait; to wait for
* '''hikya''' - be ancient; old
* '''hinti''' - turkey
* '''hina''' - here; this place [by me]
* '''hini''' - reed; rush
* '''hisu''' - department; branch; section; division
* '''hitsua''' - just; morally fair; righteous
* '''hila''' - analyze; analysis
* '''hilo''' - plaza; public square
* '''hiyo''' - prolific; fertile; high yield; rich
* '''hope''' - blush; flushed; redden
* '''hopu''' - busy; despondent; hurried
* '''hoka''' - custard; pudding
* '''homa''' - inform; notice; notify
* '''homu''' - platform; stage
* '''hono''' - harbor; port
* '''honu''' - turtle [sea]
* '''hosa''' - radiation; rays of radiation
* '''hoso''' - hold; keep; store
* '''hotso''' - roach; cockroach
* '''hola''' - cloth; towel; headscarf
* '''holo''' - dig; excavate; scoop out
* '''huta''' - bury; buried; interred
* '''hute''' - flush [out]; purge; rinse
* '''huku''' - courteously wait everyone sit before eating
* '''humpa''' - differentiate; distinguish; discriminate
* '''huma''' - be insubordinate; defy
* '''huna''' - be confused; be mixed up
* '''hunu''' - pollen
* '''husa''' - goose; swan
* '''husu''' - artichoke
* '''hutsi''' - gruel; oatmeal; porridge
* '''huli''' - moan; hum; mutter; mumble; murmur
* '''huata''' - shelf; stair
* '''huamyo''' - perverse; unreasonable; absurd; ridiculous
* '''huanu''' - illusion, fantasy, mirage
* '''huatso''' - midnight
* '''huatla''' - acorn; oak
* '''hue''' - at [in the same location as] [LOC]
* '''hueta''' - testicle
* '''huesa''' - company; firm; enterprise; corporation
* '''huetla''' - peanut
* '''hueli''' - startle; surprise; amaze; astonish
* '''hue'o''' - billion; 10^9
* '''hueya''' - be a slut; floozy; prostitute; prostitution
* '''hueye''' - an outing; a night out; a soirée
* '''huye''' - be deep; profound; abstruse
* '''hyata''' - grandfather
* '''hyanta''' - grandparent
* '''hyana''' - grandmother
* '''hyala''' - cucumber
* '''hyali''' - dairy; milk
* '''hya'o''' - weird; unusual
* '''hyepo''' - set; tune; calibrate; fix; adjust; modulate
* '''hyeka''' - sand; beach; finely ground rock
* '''hyeku''' - kidney
* '''hyesu''' - esophagus
* '''hyesua''' - beetle
* '''hyele''' - attract; entice; titillate
* '''hyota''' - juice
* '''hyoto''' - benefit; effectiveness; efficiency
* '''hyoka''' - attack; hit; strike
* '''hyoko''' - bulb; bulbous; bloated
* '''hyome''' - surface; top-side
* '''hyotso''' - elasticity; elastic force; spring
* '''tsapa''' - effort; trouble; endeavor; struggle
* '''tsata''' - council; committee; parliament
* '''tsati''' - hornet
* '''tsato''' - chaotic; messy; in disorder
* '''tsaka''' - house; residence; reside
* '''tsaki''' - chewing gum
* '''tsaku''' - idea; thought; conception
* '''tsama''' - pretend; feign; play a role
* '''tsame''' - accumulate; collect; gather
* '''tsami''' - pluck; pull off; pull out; unplug; extract
* '''tsamo''' - reef; coral reef; shoal rock
* '''tsanto''' - practice of meditation
* '''tsanka''' - tire; bored with; be fed up of; tired
* '''tsanko''' - ape; monkey; primate
* '''tsana''' - meditation; meditate
* '''tsani''' - story; tale; tell ~
* '''tsanye''' - starter button; on switch
* '''tsasu''' - cursive writing
* '''tsaha''' - automobile; carriage; vehicle
* '''tsahe''' - for [in exchange for]
* '''tsatla''' - pop knuckles; crack bones
* '''tsatle''' - crane; egret; heron
* '''tsatli''' - pineapple
* '''tsala''' - dip; paste; sauce
* '''tsale''' - splinter; shard; slice; sliver
* '''tsali''' - crime; offense; fault
* '''tsalo''' - clear; transparent
* '''tsa'a''' - beaver
* '''tsa'e''' - across; through
* '''tsa'i [tsai]''' - tea [leaves; plant]
* '''tsa'o''' - six; 6
* '''tsaua''' - complexion; looks; appearance of one's face
* '''tsaue''' - so long as; provided that
* '''tsaya''' - damn [general invective]
* '''tsaye''' - since; until; up to; as far as
* '''tsepa''' - please
* '''tseka''' - pull; draw near; tug; tow; yank
* '''tseko''' - wood charcoal; coal; carbon
* '''tsekua''' - condense; solidify; coagulate; clot (of blood)
* '''tseme''' - drawer; tier; tray
* '''tsemu''' - jam; marmalade
* '''tsemua''' - candle; illuminate; wax
* '''tsenta''' - overdo it; overcook; exaggerate
* '''tsenka''' - orange  [fruit; tree; color]
* '''tsenku''' - commonly used phrase; idiom; colloquial usage
* '''tsena''' - funeral; encoffin a corpse; carry to burial
* '''tsene''' - lightning; thunderbolt
* '''tseno''' - thigh; crotch
* '''tsesa''' - apron
* '''tsehue''' - pick teeth; toothpick
* '''tse'e''' - appear; seem
* '''tseua''' - longevity; ability to live long; long lived
* '''tseye''' - be exhilarated; be stimulated; be invigorated
* '''tseyo''' - loose; to loosen; to relax
* '''tsipa''' - ephemeral; not constant; temporary
* '''tsipe''' - basic; fundamental; main; elementary
* '''tsipue''' - late; delayed; slow
* '''tsiti''' - sparrow
* '''tsika''' - economy; economic
* '''tsiki''' - porcelain; china [made from ~]
* '''tsiko''' - furnace; oven; stove
* '''tsikua''' - avian; bird
* '''tsikue''' - habit; custom; usual practice; tradition
* '''tsikya''' - chirp or peep (onomatopoeia); birdsong
* '''tsimpa''' - to be lame; move with difficulty
* '''tsima''' - hour; o'clock; time
* '''tsimua''' - be vicious; fierce; ominous; inauspicious
* '''tsinti''' - stingray
* '''tsinka''' - be at a negative angle
* '''tsinku''' - mathematical analysis; calculus
* '''tsina''' - tame; domesticate; docile
* '''tsine''' - key; button [to strike]
* '''tsini''' - sugar; sugarcane
* '''tsinu''' - entice; arouse; provoke; erogenous
* '''tsise''' - unfamiliar at first ; an acquired taste
* '''tsisu''' - coefficient; factor; modulus; ratio
* '''tsihi''' - mercy; to empathize
* '''tsihyo''' - discharge of the eyes; rheum
* '''tsitla''' - adorn; festoon; garland; decorate
* '''tsitli''' - farm; ranch
* '''tsila''' - lip; outer mouth
* '''tsili''' - tailor; to make clothes
* '''tsilo''' - be naked; bare; uncovered; exposed
* '''tsi'a''' - paprika; pepper
* '''tsi'e''' - famine; shortage of food; starve
* '''tsi'u''' - transitive; transitivity
* '''tsiua''' - lake; pond; pool
* '''tsiue''' - elbow
* '''tsiya''' - freedom; liberty; independent
* '''tsiyo''' - corridor; aisle; hallway; passageway; piazza
* '''tsopa''' - pair; a mate; a couple; couple
* '''tsopo''' - prefer; preference
* '''tsopua''' - ulna (anatomy); bone of the forearm
* '''tsota''' - breed; reproduce; propagate
* '''tsoto''' - surrender; capitulate; give up
* '''tsoka''' - bump; collide with; strike
* '''tsoko''' - cacao; chocolate
* '''tsoku''' - be direct; immediate; straightforward
* '''tsoma''' - tobacco [plant; leaves]; smoke
* '''tsomye''' - smug; vain; shameless
* '''tsonta''' - teenager
* '''tsonka''' - public; common; open; fair
* '''tsonyo''' - alert; warn; police
* '''tsosa''' - chimney; fireplace
* '''tsosi''' - silk
* '''tsoho''' - data; information; resource
* '''tsola''' - fox
* '''tsoya''' - center; middle; mid-; half
* '''tsoyo''' - one of a pair [missing ~]
* '''tsupa''' - saliva; spit
* '''tsupu''' - mead [honey wine]
* '''tsuta''' - backward; reverse
* '''tsute''' - slip and fall; stagger; stumble
* '''tsuka''' - pride; hubris; arrogance
* '''tsuke''' - salt; pickle; to cure [meat]; marinade
* '''tsuki''' - next; order; sequence [ordinal]
* '''tsuku''' - rumpled feathers; bedraggled; wet and limp
* '''tsukua''' - tassel; ribbon; bow
* '''tsumpa''' - buy; purchase
* '''tsuma''' - metal
* '''tsume''' - mellow and rich; simple and kind; relaxed
* '''tsumi''' - guilt; sin; offense
* '''tsumu''' - be careful; cautious
* '''tsunti''' - attend; take part in; participate
* '''tsunka''' - bug; insect; worm
* '''tsunki''' - filter; strain; perforated screen
* '''tsunku''' - can; jar; pot; urn
* '''tsuna''' - join; connect; link up; communicate
* '''tsusu''' - focus; concentrate; be attentive
* '''tsuhi''' - leopard / jaguar
* '''tsuhu''' - candy; dessert; sweets
* '''tsula''' - celebration; party; social gathering
* '''tsule''' - wire; string
* '''tsuli''' - currant; gooseberry
* '''tsua''' - almost; nearly; more or less
* '''tsuama''' - sandwich; wrap
* '''tsuasi''' - stock; share; capital raised by a company
* '''tsuala''' - prosper; be prosperous
* '''tsuali''' - thunder
* '''tsue''' - position; stance
* '''tsuene''' - baboon
* '''tsu'u''' - cork; plug
* '''tsuya''' - be main; principal; major; primary
* '''tsuye''' - take note of; pay attention to
* '''tsuyo''' - armadillo
* '''tla''' - it [4sg]
* '''tlapa''' - horn; wind instrument
* '''tlapo''' - siphon; seep
* '''tlati''' - clear-headed; sober
* '''tlato''' - recite rhythmically; chant; intone
* '''tlaka''' - male; man [masc]
* '''tlaku''' - enmesh; wrap around; web; net
* '''tlakua''' - cricket; slug; snail
* '''tlam''' - them [4pl]
* '''tlampi''' - distill; distillation
* '''tlama''' - anytime; sometime; whenever
* '''tlami''' - themselves [4pl.refl]
* '''tlamyo''' - their(s) [4pl.poss]
* '''tlanka''' - level; grade; rank
* '''tlanke''' - oval; ellipse; ellipsoidal
* '''tlanku''' - they ~ each other [4pl.recp]
* '''tlana''' - human; person
* '''tlani''' - curse; damn; epithet
* '''tlanyo''' - abuse; berate; mistreat
* '''tlasa''' - honey; nectar
* '''tlasi''' - cough [up]
* '''tlaso''' - skin deep; superficial; shallow
* '''tlaha''' - to leave; to depart
* '''tlahe''' - confluence; convergence
* '''tlahi''' - convenient; be easy; facilitate
* '''tlatsa''' - fire; flame; burn
* '''tlatso''' - be final; be last
* '''tla'a''' - likely; probable; presumable
* '''tla'i''' - itself [4sg.refl]
* '''tlaya''' - marry; in-law; wed
* '''tlaye''' - according to; based on
* '''tlayo''' - its [4sg.poss]
* '''tlepa ''' - teach; instruct; educate
* '''tleka''' - be mean; be petty; be cruel
* '''tleke''' - fan
* '''tleki''' - boast; brag; exaggerative; pompous
* '''tlempe''' - lymphatic fluid; lymph
* '''tlema''' - banner; flag; ensign
* '''tleme''' - disc; sheet; CD
* '''tlemo''' - caravan; trailer
* '''tlena''' - gradual; sluggish
* '''tleno''' - log; piece of wood; timber
* '''tlenyo''' - millennium
* '''tlehe''' - esteemed; honest; candid; sincere
* '''tletsa''' - column; cylinder; file
* '''tletso''' - prism; prismatic lens
* '''tletsu''' - lettuce
* '''tlela''' - bathe; clean; purify; wash
* '''tlelo''' - toy; plaything
* '''tle'o''' - thousand; 1000
* '''tlipa''' - ascot; cravat; necktie
* '''tlipi''' - tie; bind or fasten together; kidnap
* '''tlipu ''' - suspended by hanging; hung
* '''tlipua''' - glide; soar
* '''tlika''' - clan; family; kin
* '''tliki''' - sulfur; brimstone [color and element]
* '''tlima''' - plough; plow; turn the soil; till
* '''tlinka''' - herring
* '''tlinku''' - clink of jewels; tinkling of gem-pendants
* '''tlina''' - to stop; to halt; to cease
* '''tline''' - aluminum (chemistry)
* '''tlise''' - axis; axle
* '''tlisua''' - bribe; bribery
* '''tlihya''' - beard; moustache
* '''tlitsi''' - reasoning; capacity of the human mind
* '''tlila''' - purple
* '''tliya''' - effect; efficacy; result
* '''tlopa''' - forget; neglect; overlook
* '''tlota''' - be in a correct attitude
* '''tlok''' - no one; nobody
* '''tloka''' - lie; tell an untruth
* '''tloke''' - rye [Secale cereale]
* '''tloko''' - syllable
* '''tloku''' - arch; arched
* '''tlokua''' - everybody; everyone
* '''tlompa''' - bomb; explosive
* '''tloma''' - feather; plumage; plume
* '''tlome''' - Romanize; Romanization
* '''tlomi''' - fascinate; strongly attract; obsess; captivate
* '''tlomya''' - crawl; creep; lie prostrate
* '''tlona''' - feed; fuel; nourish
* '''tlonya''' - citron; grapefruit [fruit; tree]
* '''tlonye''' - accommodate; flexible; pragmatic
* '''tlosa''' - almond [fruit; tree; color]
* '''tloso''' - annoy; bother; disturb; harass; irritate
* '''tloha''' - grass; straw; weeds
* '''tlohi''' - salmon; trout
* '''tlotsi''' - chives; onion; scallions
* '''tlotso''' - loot; plunder; rob
* '''tlotsua''' - corrode; erode; rust
* '''tlola''' - intersperse; place between; wedge
* '''tlo'e''' - tide of thought; Zeitgeist
* '''tlo'o''' - elephant
* '''tloua''' - dew
* '''tloya''' - discover; uncover; find
* '''a''' - exist; be; yes
* '''apa''' - close; stop up; shut; obstruct
* '''apo''' - grasp firmly; make the most of
* '''apu''' - be subsidiary; auxiliary
* '''apua''' - sing; song
* '''apya''' - be clean; neat; pure; not dirty
* '''apyo''' - celery
* '''ata''' - be named; name [so called]
* '''ate''' - liver [organ]
* '''ati''' - be normal; ordinary; plain
* '''ato''' - that way [over there]
* '''aka''' - to drive; to move slightly; to shift
* '''akai''' - deep red
* '''aki''' - autumn; fall
* '''akya''' - wake up; awaken; be awake
* '''ampa''' - as soon as possible; with all speed
* '''ampi''' - mucus; snot
* '''ampu''' - nose; smell
* '''ama''' - time; moment; period
* '''amak''' - never; at no time
* '''ame''' - axe; hatchet
* '''ami''' - amylum; starch
* '''amo''' - transport; carry
* '''amya''' - be fond of; like; prefer [people]
* '''amye''' - be alone; lonely
* '''anta''' - breathe; suck in; absorb; inhale
* '''anti''' - suspenders; garters; strap; sling
* '''anto''' - oath; pledge; swear
* '''anka''' - pelvis; hip joint
* '''anko''' - cipher; encode
* '''anku''' - reciprocate; [in] return; reciprocal [RECP]
* '''ana''' - brain; head; mind
* '''ano''' - one more time; once again; repeat; iteration
* '''anu''' - ear; hear; listen
* '''anua''' - ask for quiet; request silence
* '''anya''' - eye; look; see
* '''anyo''' - year [365/366 days]
* '''asa''' - live; alive; living
* '''asi''' - salt
* '''aso''' - broil; grill; roast
* '''asua''' - hide; pelt; skin; fur; leather
* '''ahe''' - dolphin; porpoise
* '''ahi''' - diminutive [DIM]; few; small
* '''aho''' - chives; garlic; leak
* '''ahua''' - avocado  [fruit; tree; color]
* '''ahya''' - potato; yam
* '''atsa''' - disc; rotate; wheel
* '''atsi''' - angle; bend; corner
* '''atsu''' - thick; chunky; solid; stocky
* '''atla''' - mean; average
* '''atle''' - salary; wage
* '''atli''' - future; future tense [FUT]
* '''atlo''' - fairness; justice; righteousness
* '''ala''' - wing
* '''ale''' - barley; oats; wheat
* '''alo''' - be cunning; be sly
* '''a'i''' - worm
* '''aoya''' - deep blue
* '''aya''' - be beautiful; be handsome; be pretty
* '''aye''' - past; past tense [PST]
* '''e''' - er; um; uh
* '''epye''' - scrape; scratch; play something (using a bow)
* '''eta''' - you [p.2sg]
* '''etam''' - you [p.2pl]
* '''ete''' - pen; pencil; writing brush
* '''eti''' - case; instance; occurrence
* '''eto''' - be shy; timid; bashful
* '''eka''' - affix: adhere; paste
* '''ekam''' - them [p.3pl]
* '''eke''' - object [in grammar]; patient [P]
* '''empa''' - to run; to flee
* '''empi''' - chalk; limestone; lye
* '''eme''' - verb tense
* '''emya''' - happen; occur; take place
* '''emyo''' - to walk in an awkward, drunken fashion
* '''enka''' - narrow; tight; thin
* '''enke''' - be simple; not complicated; easy
* '''enku''' - confidential; secret; hush-hush
* '''ena''' - me [p.1sg]
* '''enam''' - us [p.1pl]
* '''ena'am''' - us (but not you) [p.1pl.excl]
* '''eno''' - be angry at; be displeased and annoyed
* '''enu''' - forecast; predict; estimate
* '''enua''' - get over sth; to cheer up
* '''enue''' - stubborn; obstinate
* '''enya''' - mirror; reflect; reflection
* '''eha''' - him; her [p.3sg]
* '''ehe''' - but; yet; however
* '''ehua''' - worsen; impair; make worse
* '''ehya''' - be complete; intact; whole
* '''etsa''' - extent; degree [temperature etc]
* '''etla''' - it [p.4sg]
* '''etlam''' - them [p.4pl]
* '''etle''' - postpone; defer; stall; stave off
* '''ela''' - become; change into; turn into
* '''ele''' - relative clause marker
* '''elila''' - pink; rose
* '''elo''' - resign; quit
* '''eua''' - fin [of a fish]
* '''eya''' - maybe; perhaps
* '''ipa''' - be different; distinct; not same/alike
* '''ipu''' - dried meat; preserved fruit
* '''ipye''' - horn of animal
* '''ito''' - tree; wood
* '''ika''' - age; generation
* '''iko''' - this (person)
* '''iku''' - this much; many
* '''ikua''' - wolf down food; devour ravenously
* '''ima''' - now; present; yet
* '''imya''' - dialect; slang; vernacular
* '''inta''' - even; so much so that
* '''inti''' - self-restraint; discipline
* '''inka''' - to be still; calm; quiet; not moving
* '''inko''' - macaw; parrot; puffin
* '''ina''' - eat; food; sustenance
* '''inu''' - beverage; drink; liquid
* '''inya''' - be hungry; hunger
* '''iso''' - this kind; type
* '''isu''' - peel; rind
* '''itsa''' - adore; affection; love
* '''itsu''' - to squeak; to chirp or peep
* '''itla''' - this (near me) [prox]
* '''itlo''' - equal; even; same
* '''ila''' - to sail; to fly; to navigate
* '''ile''' - hollow at the back of the knee
* '''ilo''' - cave; cavern
* '''iua''' - knead; massage; rub
* '''iye''' - if [but not] *irrealis
* '''o''' - venerated [honorific]
* '''opa''' - be dangerous; danger; peril; endanger
* '''opi''' - belt; sash; strap
* '''opua''' - end; finish; complete [PFV]
* '''opye''' - hug; embrace
* '''ota''' - father
* '''oto''' - sound; [make] noise; tone; phone[me]
* '''ok''' - none; nothing
* '''oka''' - bake; cook
* '''oko''' - honorific reference; "yes sir/ma'am"
* '''oku''' - owl
* '''oma''' - roar or howl; bellow of rage; yell; shout
* '''omo''' - consider; ponder; think
* '''omya''' - cut; carve; engrave; chisel
* '''omyo''' - way of looking at a thing; view; opinion
* '''onta''' - parent
* '''onto''' - tread on; trample; stamp
* '''onko''' - aloud; be loud
* '''ona''' - mother
* '''ono''' - delight
* '''onyo''' - learn; practice; study
* '''osa''' - know-how; savoir-faire
* '''oso''' - genitalia; groin
* '''oha''' - gape; yawn; open one's mouth
* '''ohi''' - to decrease; to reduce; to subtract
* '''ohua''' - luxurious; extravagant; wasteful
* '''ohya''' - drive; pilot; operate [a vehicle]
* '''ohyo''' - evaluate; assess; examine
* '''otsi''' - comply with; to abide by; obey
* '''otso''' - wolf; lupine
* '''otlo''' - falsely accuse; defame
* '''ola''' - gold
* '''ole''' - crust; husk; shell
* '''oli''' - apiece; each; every
* '''olo''' - patrol; make one's rounds
* '''oya''' - black
* '''oyo''' - bead; small round object; pearl
* '''u''' - double for redundant syllable
* '''upya''' - attempt; try [ATT]
* '''uta''' - deliver; hand in; hand over; submit
* '''ute''' - arm; armpit; forearm
* '''uko''' - be sumptuous; a luxury
* '''uku''' - amount; digit; number
* '''ukue''' - as many as; as much as
* '''umpa''' - hinge; pivot
* '''umpu''' - form; shape; dimension
* '''uma''' - equine; horse
* '''umo''' - unify; unite; integrate; unity; combine; join
* '''umua''' - ache; pain; sorrow; be sore
* '''umye''' - electric[al/ity]
* '''unta''' - camel
* '''unu''' - be callous; stone-faced; emotionless
* '''unua''' - address; direction for correspondence
* '''unya''' - comprehend; know; understand
* '''usa''' - stripe; streak; striation
* '''usu''' - even number
* '''uha''' - anus; buttock
* '''utsa''' - serve; service
* '''utse ''' - exclude; ignore; leave out
* '''utsi''' - parsley
* '''utsu''' - outer space; empty; vacant; unoccupied
* '''utla''' - otter
* '''ula''' - any; indefinite; some~
* '''uli''' - filling material; stuffing; lining; filling
* '''ua''' - or; either
* '''uapa''' - visit; call on; seek
* '''uapo''' - basin; sink
* '''uapya''' - insult; ridicule; disgrace
* '''uata''' - intestine; bowel; guts
* '''uati''' - verb
* '''uato''' - that way; in that direction
* '''uaka''' - ox; cow; bull
* '''uaki''' - boil; stew; simmer
* '''uako''' - that (person by you)
* '''uaku''' - that much; many
* '''uakya''' - babble, speak incoherently; inane talk
* '''uampa''' - government; political; politics
* '''uampu''' - cone; awl; to bore
* '''uama''' - then; at that time
* '''uame''' - certain; fixed; sure
* '''uanta''' - confer; consult; hold a conference
* '''uanka''' - uncooked; untreated; raw
* '''uanki''' - confine; imprison; jail
* '''uanku''' - spectacles; eyeglasses; -ocular; -scope
* '''uana''' - there [by you]
* '''uani''' - alligator; crocodile
* '''uanyo''' - bay; gulf [body of water]
* '''uasa''' - skill; profession; trade; craft
* '''uase''' - harmonize; harmonious; harmony
* '''uasi''' - acquire; obtain; get; take
* '''uaso''' - drinking glass [cup]; jug; pot; vessel
* '''uahe''' - instead of; rather than
* '''uahi''' - be arbitrary; at will; at random
* '''uaho''' - feel absence; miss
* '''uatsa''' - welcome; welcome
* '''uatse''' - to correlate with; to correspond to
* '''uatsi''' - fish
* '''uatsu''' - constitution; law; statute
* '''uatla''' - that (by you) [med]
* '''uatli''' - inferior; of lower quality
* '''uala''' - really; truly; indeed; real; be true
* '''uale''' - source material, raw material
* '''uali''' - chart; diagram; graph; scheme
* '''ualo''' - to bring; to fetch; to get
* '''ua'a''' - spinach
* '''ua'e''' - above; over / on
* '''uaya''' - ascend; rise; climb; go up; ascent
* '''uaye''' - from [moving out of or away from]
* '''ue''' - either X or Y
* '''ueta''' - uncle
* '''uete''' - amuse; entertain; make sb laugh
* '''ueti''' - accuse; charge; indict
* '''ueka''' - weigh; weight; measure
* '''ueke''' - lentil
* '''ueko''' - barter; bargain
* '''uemi''' - barracks; castle; fortress
* '''uemye''' - be aloof; standoffish; unsociable
* '''uenta''' - parent's sibling
* '''uento''' - be prey; victim
* '''uenke [uek]''' - neither X nor Y
* '''uenku''' - spleen
* '''uena''' - aunt; nurse
* '''uene''' - ship; boat; vessel; canoe
* '''ueni''' - blame; criticize; condemn
* '''ueno''' - ink; typeface
* '''uenya''' - strain after something; make efforts
* '''uenyo''' - decade; era; period
* '''uese''' - louse
* '''ueso''' - bone
* '''ueha''' - desire; want; wish [VOL]
* '''uehyo''' - be available
* '''uetsa''' - balance up; offset; counterbalance
* '''uetse''' - toilet; outhouse; WC
* '''uetsi''' - dispirited downcast [idiom]; in low spirits
* '''uetla''' - an upright drum
* '''uetli''' - exponent [math.]; power
* '''uela''' - sail [boat]
* '''uele''' - abbreviate; contraction
* '''uelo''' - bicycle; bike
* '''ue'o''' - ten; 10
* '''ueyo''' - intend; intent; intention [VOL]
* '''ya''' - vocative particle [VOC]
* '''yapa''' - an extra or unexpected gift or benefit
* '''yapo''' - build; erect; assemble
* '''yapu''' - be ashamed; disgrace; embarrassment
* '''yata''' - farewell; greet; hello
* '''yato''' - hand; palm
* '''yaka''' - appendage; leg; limb
* '''yake''' - pursue; chase
* '''yako''' - berry; strawberry
* '''yaku''' - to translate; to interpret
* '''yampa''' - be bored; fed up with sth; sick of sth
* '''yampo''' - mortar (bowl for grinding with pestle)
* '''yama ''' - mountain; hill
* '''yamu''' - trapezium (geometry)
* '''yanka''' - positive; greater than zero; principle
* '''yanku''' - beg; implore; plead
* '''yana''' - yellow
* '''yani''' - definition; meaning; symbolism
* '''yano''' - avoid; shun; evade
* '''yanu''' - be depressed; dispirited; dejected; dismayed
* '''yasa''' - air; wind; [news, style]
* '''yasi''' - cosmetics; makeup
* '''yaso''' - prepare; get/be ready
* '''yasu''' - bison; buffalo
* '''yasue''' - cheap; inexpensive; low
* '''yaha''' - be scarce; barren
* '''yahe''' - of [containing the measured quantity]
* '''yatsa''' - bridle; halter; reins
* '''yatsi''' - bite; chew; tooth
* '''yatso''' - ferment; brew; make honey; liquor
* '''yatsua''' - sigh in regret or pity
* '''yatli''' - therefore; if X then Y
* '''yala''' - to walk; to go; to travel
* '''yale''' - door lock; key
* '''yali''' - excuse; forgive; pardon
* '''yalo''' - covet; envious; jealous
* '''ya'a''' - medicine; drug; cure
* '''ya'e''' - near; close to
* '''ya'o''' - five; 5
* '''yaua''' - reply; answer; return; respond; echo
* '''yeta''' - give; transfer; donate
* '''yete''' - extraneous; redundant; superfluous
* '''yeto''' - authority; authoritative; power
* '''yeka''' - to divide; to separate; partition
* '''yeko''' - that (person over there)
* '''yeku''' - circulate; distribute; circulation; distribution
* '''yekua''' - cabinet; closet; wardrobe
* '''yempa''' - table; desk; flat work surface
* '''yema''' - both X and Y
* '''yemua''' - there [over there]
* '''yente''' - aghast; consternation; horror
* '''yento''' - retire (from society, esp. from working)
* '''yena''' - coin; currency; money
* '''yeno''' - complete; fill; full
* '''yesa''' - still; calm; not moving; peace; tranquil
* '''yeso''' - that kind; type (by you)
* '''yesu''' - art; fine arts; painting; literature
* '''yetsa''' - cry; tear; weep
* '''yetsi''' - chair; seat; stool
* '''yetso''' - boar [wild]
* '''yetsu''' - fact; actual; real
* '''yetla''' - that (over there) [dist]
* '''yetli''' - if it were not; if not X then Y >> X yatli Y
* '''yetlo''' - malnourished and sickly in appearance
* '''yela''' - fart; talk nonsense; rubbish! [euphemism]
* '''yele''' - pedestal; plinth; saddle
* '''yeli''' - summarize; generalize; generalization
* '''yelo''' - freeze; hail; ice
* '''ye'o''' - zero; 0
* '''yeua''' - taste; try; sample
* '''yopi''' - mail; post [office]
* '''yota''' - deduce; infer; derive; extrapolate
* '''yote''' - aid; assist; help
* '''yoti''' - game; play; sport
* '''yoto''' - in this way; so; thus
* '''yoka''' - deck; floor; story
* '''yoko''' - to swim; to wade
* '''yompe''' - specter; apparition
* '''yoma''' - day; daytime
* '''yome''' - be famous; fame
* '''yomi''' - bow; weapon used for shooting arrows
* '''yomo''' - right side
* '''yomu''' - read; study; count; recite
* '''yomua''' - dawn; daybreak; morning [a.m.]
* '''yonto''' - be fanatical
* '''yonka''' - lava; magma
* '''yoni''' - ethic; moral; virtue
* '''yono''' - drama; play; theater
* '''yoso''' - left side
* '''yoha''' - have; possess [POSS]; genitive [GEN]
* '''yoho''' - eyelid; flitter; blink
* '''yohua''' - night; nighttime
* '''yotsa''' - cheek; face
* '''yotso ''' - midday; noon
* '''yotsu''' - grub; larva
* '''yotla''' - immerse; soak; steep; gradual
* '''yotli''' - gourd; melon; squash
* '''yola''' - rely on; depend on
* '''yole''' - zip; zipper
* '''yolo''' - armor; shell
* '''yo'i''' - rib; ribcage
* '''youa''' - be weak; feeble

Revision as of 07:57, 8 October 2015

  • pata - tile; brick
  • pato - duck; male prostitute (slang)
  • paka - be a fool; idiot
  • pako - be fresh; new; young
  • paku - beat with the fist; cudgel; hammer
  • pakyo - storm; violent commotion
  • pama - whip; lash; flog; thrash
  • pami - invent; invention; concoct
  • pamua - not enough; be insufficient; inadequate
  • pamya - okra
  • panto - tomato
  • panka - capture; catch; seize
  • pana - rain; rainy
  • pani - vanilla; vanilla extract [fruit; tree; color]
  • pano - cloth; woven material; textiles
  • panu - pastry; steamed bun; cake
  • panue - colon (large intestine)
  • panya - rodent [rat; mouse]
  • pasa - nausea; feel sick; disgust
  • pasi - bronze; brass; copper alloy
  • pasua - expand; inflate; swelling
  • pasue - drain; divert water; run dry
  • paha - be evil; fierce; vicious; ugly; coarse
  • pahe - against; touching
  • pahi - be compatible; conform; tolerate
  • pahu - burst; crack; breach
  • patsa - grate; shred [vegetable]
  • patsi - breed livestock; herd
  • patsu - penalize; punish
  • patla - field; pasture; plain
  • patle - act spoiled; throw tantrum
  • patlo - broom; brush; sweep
  • pala - can; may; possible; able to
  • pale - sale; sell
  • pali - be saved/spared from [something]
  • palo - cane; staff; walking stick
  • pa'a - be well-ordered; regular; organized
  • pa'e - apart from; other than; except for
  • pa'o - eight; 8
  • pa'u - tree bark
  • paue - be bland; tedious
  • paye - beyond; exceeding; farther than
  • peta - to map; to chart; to draft; cartographic
  • peka - bat [animal]
  • penka - impetus; impulse; be impulsive
  • penku - conjunction; connective
  • pena - go about; busy oneself; occupy onself
  • penua - continent; island
  • penya - grapple; scuffle; wrestle
  • penyo - hot pepper; jalapeño; chili; paprika
  • pesa - bolt of cloth
  • pese - gland
  • peso - meet; meeting
  • peha - drill; penetrate; puncture
  • pehu - admire; revere
  • petsa - be delicate; soft; tender [inexperienced]
  • petsi - basement; cellar
  • petso - abdomen; belly; stomach
  • petle - noise imitative of a fart; raspberry
  • pela - cancel; cancellation
  • pele - volcano; volcanic
  • pelo - advance; improve; progress
  • peua - admit defeat; concede
  • peya - particle; piece of; dot; speck; spot; bit
  • pita - be void; hollow; empty
  • pite - manatee; walrus
  • pito - navel; belly button
  • pima - buttermilk
  • pisa - savage act; outrage; atrocity
  • pinka - biscuit; cookie; cracker
  • pina - be clever; intelligent; wise
  • pitsa - pancake; pizza
  • pitsu - hall; museum
  • pitle - discriminate; discrimination
  • pila - crush; grind; pulverize
  • pili - hyena
  • piua - loquat [fruit; tree; color]
  • piyo - bee; honeybee
  • poti - goat; ram
  • poto - image; picture; photograph
  • poka - seal; pinniped
  • poke - obscure; confuse; mix up; blur; mislead
  • poko - bladder; urinate; urine
  • poku - cost; fee; price; charge
  • poma - apple [fruit; tree; color]
  • ponto - cannon; gun; artillery [fire ~]
  • pono - face powder
  • posa - divorce
  • poso - radical [glyph]
  • posu - award; prize; reward
  • potsa - blot; erase; wipe out
  • potsu - lay siege to, besiege
  • pola - shovel; spade; spatula [kitchen utensil]
  • poli - force; violence
  • polo - hops; seed cones
  • poya - complain; grumble; grievance
  • poye - ally with; form an alliance with
  • pute - deficiency; deficit
  • puti - mint; spearmint
  • puka - be corrupt; decay; rot
  • puki - pomegranate [fruit; tree]
  • puku - attire; clothes; wear
  • pukue - blowfish; puffer
  • punta - betray; rebel; revolt
  • punka - fruit; fruit tree
  • puna - dirt; earth; land; soil; mud
  • punu - minute [of time]
  • punya - jab; poke; stab [fuck]
  • pusa - adverb
  • pusu - shake; shock; vibrate
  • pusue - be superfluous or useless; superfluities
  • puha - lung
  • putsu - goblin; monster; phantom
  • pula - cauldron; kettle; pot
  • puaka - forehead; skull; temples
  • puampo - misinterpret; misread; misunderstand
  • puama - afternoon; dusk; evening [p.m.]
  • puana - deity; spiritual; ghost
  • puani - bank; beach; coast; shore
  • puatli - calf [of the leg]
  • pue - after; back; behind; rear
  • pueto - be ready/willing to do sth
  • puetsa - mantis; octopus
  • pyaka - tiger
  • pyano - piano
  • pyasa - custom; convention; popular; common
  • pyeta - egg; ovum; spawn
  • pyete - be slimy [of rotten food]; viscous
  • pyota - cube; block; be square
  • pyoki - disease; ill; sick
  • pyonka - be parallel; parallelogram
  • pyona - be brittle; fragile; crisp; crunchy
  • pyoho - flea; mite; tick
  • pyotsi - tail or caudal fin or feathers
  • pyola - to rotate; to revolve; to spin; to whirl
  • pyolo - business; office
  • pyo'o - multiply by itself; square
  • ta - you [2sg]
  • tapa - lid; top; cover; canopy; roof; ceiling
  • tapo - shoulder; upper arm
  • tapu - be ample; buxom; shapely
  • tapua - rectangle; be square-like
  • tapya - to follow; to accompany
  • tapyo - cassava [leaves]
  • taka - to esteem; to respect; to honor
  • take - scenery; scene; landscape; view
  • taki - coat; jacket; robe
  • taku - brother
  • takue - demand; to request; to coerce
  • tam - you [2pl]
  • tama - be good; well; proper; fine; complete
  • tame - be fried; pan-fry; sauté
  • tami - yourselves [2pl.refl]
  • tami - fix; mend; patch; repair
  • tamyo - your(s) [2pl.poss]
  • tanti - truck
  • tanka - eagle; falcon; hawk
  • tanko - group; organization; team
  • tanku - you ~ each other [2pl.recp]
  • tana - fight; war; battle; combat
  • tane - enjoy; benefit; have the use of
  • tani - gully; ravine; valley
  • tano - describe; depict; portray; description
  • tanu - plate; dish; tray; shallow container
  • tanya - damage; break; ruin; destroy
  • tanye - carpet; mat; rug
  • tasa - hunt; seek; look for
  • tase - consulate; embassy; diplomacy
  • tasi - be comical; funny; amusing
  • taso - be firm; hard; stable and steady; level
  • tasu - cushion; mat; pad
  • tasua - expect; presume; think [sth is likely]
  • taha - big; large; grand [aug]
  • tahe - below; beneath; under
  • tahi - son
  • tahue - nephew
  • tahya - grandson
  • tatsa - basin; wide-mouthed jar or pot
  • tatse - preposition
  • tatsi - to stand; to set up; to establish
  • tatso - drift about; wander; roam
  • tatsu - glyph
  • tatli - collective plural [COL]; group; pack
  • tala - to return; to come [back]; to arrive
  • tale - pronounce; pronunciation; emit sound
  • tali - church; shrine; temple
  • talo - be patient; patience
  • ta'i - yourself [2sg.refl]
  • ta'o - two; 2; pair of; both
  • taua - anticipate; expect; foresee
  • taue - (male) cousin
  • taya - husband
  • taye - about [pertaining to; on the topic of]
  • tayo - your(s) [2sg.poss]
  • te - of [belonging to; = GEN]
  • tepa - distinguish; identify; recognize
  • tepe - conceal; cover; shield
  • tepu - scales [of fish]
  • tepye - beat; knead; pulse
  • teka - cure; heal; treat
  • teki - combative; enemy; hostile
  • teko - bottle; pitcher; vase
  • tekyo - dough; noodle; pasta
  • teme - impress; make an impression
  • temu - nurture; raise; foster; tend
  • tenta - curtain; partition; screen
  • tena - block; hinder; obstruct
  • teni - diary; journal; log
  • tenya - be elegant; in good taste; refined
  • tesue - encourage; motivate; support
  • teha - accomplish; achieve; finish; succeed
  • tetsu - dates [fruit; tree; color]; jujube
  • tetla - contribution; donation; offer
  • tetlo - bring up a situation
  • tela - cut up [into pieces]; shred; slice
  • teli - ass; donkey; mule
  • telo - circumstances; situation; state; condition
  • te'e - kick; trample; tread on
  • teue - reign [enthroned]
  • teya - propose; request [PREC]; suggest
  • teye - clause; phrase; sentence
  • teyo - call on; find; look for [sb]
  • tipa - align; fit; be suitable
  • tipe - be counterfeit; fake; forge
  • tipua - to decline; to drop; to fall
  • tika - cane; rattan; vine
  • tiko - clove [Eugenia aromatica]
  • timpa - annotate; message; note
  • tima - bleed; blood
  • timu - east
  • tinta - act; play role of ~
  • tinto - extend; reach; stretch
  • tina - bend; fold; twist
  • tini - spiral; whirlpool
  • tinua - be firm; resolute; strong
  • tisi - bulk; volume
  • tiha - to multiply (math.); multiplication; multi-
  • titsua - to swagger; walk with a wide stance
  • tila - finger; indicate; toe
  • tili - stain; sully; tarnish
  • tilo - railway; track; train
  • ti'a - grammatical aspect
  • ti'u - fig [Ficus carica]
  • tiya - bread; make bread
  • tiye - medal prize; trophy
  • to - manner; method; way
  • topa - bed; couch; mattress
  • tope - firearm; gun; rifle
  • topi - ankle bone; ankle
  • topo - door; entrance; gate
  • topu - to jump; to bounce; to hop
  • topue - undertow; be dragged down
  • tok - no way
  • toka - tone; manner of speaking; mood
  • toko - be devoted; fidelity; loyal; loyalty
  • toku - settle [a dispute]; resolve; solve
  • tokua - every way; all ways
  • tokya - inspect; examine; look over
  • tokyo - be brave; bold; courage
  • toma - deplete; exhaust; use-up; run out
  • tome - preserve; to maintain
  • tomi - characteristic; distinctive feature; trait
  • tomo - offer; supply; provide; furnish
  • tomu - be frugal; thrifty; economical
  • tomua - hire; rent; charter; lease out
  • tonta - permafrost; tundra; layer of frozen soil
  • tonke - enter without permission; trespass; invade
  • tona - tuna
  • tono - emote; emotion; feel
  • tonua - allophone; allophony
  • tonye - be automatic; voluntary
  • tosa - waste; squander; dissipate; splurge
  • toso - be clumsy
  • tosu - fragrant; sweet smelling; aromatic
  • tohe - always [or routinely] cooperate or agree with
  • tohi - broccoli; cauliflower
  • toho - assert; claim; state
  • tohu - bean; pea
  • tohyo - choose; decide; select
  • totso - eavesdrop; monitor [secretly]
  • totsue - feeling after cracking one's back
  • totla - be accurate; be exact; be precise
  • tola - somehow; in some way
  • tole - deck of playing cards
  • tolo - entice; tempt; seduce; bait; allure
  • to'o - pay; compensate
  • toua - arbitrate; mediate
  • toya - awareness; conscience; thinking
  • ka - question marker
  • kapa - be adequate; enough; suffice
  • kape - usurp; overstep one's authority
  • kapi - ugly; repulsive; not nice
  • kapu - basket; box; bucket; container
  • kapya - to receive; to accept; to collect
  • kapye - card [small stiff paper]
  • kapyo - gull; seagull
  • kata - essence; nature; universe
  • kate - calligraphy; handwriting; penmanship
  • kati - be ancient; old; paleo-; classic
  • kato - two story building
  • kam - they; them [3pl]
  • kampa - cheers!; a toast
  • kampo - catch cold; [common] cold
  • kama - city; town; village
  • kame - be artless; innocent; naive
  • kami - themselves [3pl.refl]
  • kamu - dictionary; encyclopedia; lexicon
  • kamue - general; senior commander; military leader
  • kamyo - their(s) [3pl.poss]
  • kanta - generous; magnanimous
  • kanka - corn; maize
  • kanko - print; publish; publication; periodical
  • kanku - they ~ each other [3pl.recp]
  • kana - lead; leading; leadership; leader
  • kane - dispel; refute; repudiate
  • kani - sausage
  • kano - my dear; my darling
  • kanu - stringed instrument
  • kanue - canvas [sail; paitning surface]
  • kanyo - question; ask; raise a question
  • kasa - bamboo; parasol; umbrella
  • kase - announce; report; newspaper
  • kasi - infection; infect; influence
  • kasu - lend; loan; borrow
  • kaha - paper; document; letter; page
  • kaho - operculum; a covering flap [of skin]
  • kahu - furniture
  • kahue - mirage; shadow
  • kahyo - porcelain; ceramic
  • katsa - glass; windshield; window
  • katse - subjunctive; assumptive
  • katsi - dignity; sanctity; worth
  • katso - meal; meal time
  • katsu - modest; self-effacing; modest remarks
  • katsua - slip; slide; slippery; polished
  • katla - blemish; defect; flaw
  • kala - language; talk; say; speak
  • kale - legume
  • kali - slant; slope; incline
  • kalo - substitute for; replace; supersede
  • ka'e - to; towards; at [moving toward]
  • ka'o - seven; 7
  • kaua - coffee
  • kaue - chin; jaw [look at sb]
  • kaya - earth; planet; world
  • kaye - around; encircling; surrounding
  • kayo - lose; lost; loss; misplace
  • ke - object particle [O]; compare [COMP] than
  • keta - behave; conduct oneself
  • kete - polarization; polarized
  • keti - compose; construct by mental labor; think up
  • keto - migrate; migration; mobile; portable
  • kema - work; labor; task
  • kenko - humble; humility; modesty
  • kena - circle; be circular; spherical
  • kesa - keep score; tally
  • kese - be obscene; coarse; vulgar
  • keso - image; form; figure; visualization
  • keha - body [human]; health; anatomy
  • kehe - shark
  • keho - alarm; alert; warning signal
  • ketsa - doubt; suspicion [dubitative DUB]
  • ketsu - unruly; rude
  • ketsua - resolution; decision; statement of intent
  • ketla - red
  • ketle - chain; linked
  • kelo - castrate; a castrate; neuter
  • ke'e - so; such; to such a degree
  • keua - abandon; discard; spurn; forsake
  • keue - permanent; constant; fixed
  • keya - gram [unit of mass]
  • keye - course; class; lesson
  • keyo - description; qualification; adjective
  • ki - reflexive [REFL]; self [essence]
  • kipa - gums; inner mouth
  • kipe - to favor; favorite; darling
  • kipo - aspire; hope; wish
  • kita - north
  • kiti - accelerate; expedite; speed-up
  • kito - subsist; survive
  • kimu - duty; responsibility; obligation
  • kimyo - strange; odd; weird; unusual
  • kinta - be rampant; run wild; spree
  • kinte - invert; swapped; upside-down
  • kinti - squirrel
  • kinto - spanner; lever [on a machine]; wrench
  • kina - mammal
  • kinya - silver; coins
  • kinyo - intervene; get involved
  • kisa - tear; split; separate
  • kisi - deny; disclaim; disavow
  • kiso - base; foundation; root; radical [chemistry]
  • kisua - root of plant
  • kisue - soda water
  • kiha - high; tall; above average; long
  • kiho - as things allow; opportune moment
  • kihu - weather; climate; atmosphere; situation
  • kihua - clear; fine [weather]
  • kihya - root; source; origin
  • kihyo - business; trade; commerce
  • kitsa - dark; darkly; darkness
  • kitse - graffiti; scrawl; scribble
  • kitla - create; invent; make-up
  • kila - obvious
  • kili - giraffe
  • ki'i - screech; shriek [of tanka]
  • kiue - stink; odor; pungent aroma
  • kiya - self-awareness; be self aware
  • ko - agentive [AG]; individual; person
  • kopa - fungi; mushroom
  • kope - baste [cookery]; grease; oil
  • kopi - bridge; crosspiece
  • kopo - fermentation; yeast
  • kopu - knock on a door; rap on something
  • kota - details; particulars
  • kote - divulge; leak out
  • koti - beat a ~; drum; rhythm
  • koto - drum beat; rhythm
  • kompo - seaweed
  • kompu - computer; programmable device
  • koma - conceal; hide away [lurk]
  • komi - allergic; allergy
  • komo - barn; stall; stable; manger; shed
  • komu - advertise; a commercial; advertisement
  • konte - convey; distribute; send
  • konto - flow [the movement of liquid]
  • kona - dress; skirt
  • kone - to awe; to intimidate
  • koni - skunk
  • kono - gray; stone; ash
  • kosa - cut down; mow; eliminate; scythe; sickle
  • kosi - be formal; be ritualistic; be ceremonial
  • koso - assure; guarantee
  • kohe - plateau; bluff; mesa
  • koho - to float; to drift; to be buoyant
  • kohu - fog; mist; vapor; steam
  • kohya - to castrate; fig. to emasculate; neuter
  • kotsa - spiteful person [male or female]..."bitch"
  • kotse - factory; plant; workshop
  • kotsi - evidence; proof; prove
  • kotso - earthenware; ceramic
  • kotsu - clavicle; collarbone
  • kotlo - boiler; pan; pot
  • kola - someone; anyone; whoever
  • koli - extremity; tag along; tail
  • kolo - notch; groove; indentation; hole
  • koua - republic
  • koya - apologize; remorse; sorry
  • koye - be deliberate; on purpose
  • koyo - whose; of who
  • kupa - die; death; [be] dead
  • kupe - arthropod; tick
  • kupi - nipple; teat [on baby's bottle]
  • kupu - butterfly
  • kupye - excessive; too many/much
  • kuta - fence; wall
  • kute - bite; sting [of insect]
  • kuto - mathematics; mathematical; math
  • kumpu - rational number [fraction of two integers]
  • kuma - bear
  • kume - cancel; repeal; undo
  • kumu - include; inclusion
  • kunta - army; military force
  • kuna - excrete; expel; defecate; shit
  • kunye - moon; lunar
  • kusa - repetition; iteration; a layer
  • kusu - push [away]; press; shove; squeeze
  • kuha - to cook; to prepare food
  • kuhi - to hold; to grasp; to clench (one's fist)
  • kuhu - to object; to differ; to challenge; to protest
  • kutsa - spoon; ladle
  • kutsi - prawn; shrimp
  • kutsu - flesh; meat
  • kutsua - invite; invitation
  • kutla - be lumpy; rock pile; uneven
  • kule - keep; tower
  • kuli - soul; spirit; vigor
  • kua - everything; every; all
  • kuate - double; twin [identical/fraternal]
  • kuampo - egotistical; arrogant; brassy
  • kuama - forever; always; perpetual
  • kuami - eel; water snake
  • kuanta - lenient; spacious; wide
  • kuanto - cherry [tree; wood]
  • kuanka - irrigate; wash with water
  • kuana - peach [fruit; tree; color]
  • kuanu - bush; woody plant
  • kuaha - study; science; -ology
  • kuaho - be short; soon [duration]
  • kuatse - opossum
  • kuatla - reptile; snake
  • kuali - drill; bore; dig into
  • kue - like; similar to
  • kuepa - escape; run away; flee
  • kueta - spring [season]
  • kuesi - absence; be absent
  • kuetsa - cigarette
  • kuetso - to stroll; to amble; to walk leisurely
  • kuetsu - precious; valuable; rare
  • kueli - rights; legal entitlement
  • kuelo - gorge; strait; ravine; isthmus
  • ku'u - cereal; grain
  • kuya - green; foliage; verdant
  • kuye - grab; catch; arrest; snatch; scratch
  • kya - imperative [IMP] / co-hortative [HORT]
  • kyapu - fleece; wool; woolen
  • kyanki - refrain; abstain; avert
  • kyaho - to practice; to train; to drill
  • kyatlo - commander; officer in charge
  • kyalo - gem; jewel; precious stone
  • kyaua - be belligerent
  • kye - indirect speech particle
  • kyepe - diagonal; sharp turn; zigzag
  • kyeha - to get along well; compatible
  • kyehu - to have a moment of leisure; to take a break
  • kyetsa - mustard; wasabi
  • kyela - wreath; garland
  • kye'o - hundred thousand ; 10^5
  • kye'u - gills of fish
  • kyo - hurry up! Quickly!
  • kyopa - match; tool to start a fire
  • kyopo - afraid; fear; frighten
  • kyota - be crazy; deranged; insane; demented
  • kyoma - barren place; desert
  • kyomi - interest; interested; be interesting
  • kyonko - flavoring; seasoning; spice
  • kyono - comforting habit or ritual
  • kyosa - sex; copulation; fornicate
  • kyoso - compete; competition; match
  • kyohi - to refuse; to decline; to reject
  • kyohu - be drastic; extreme; aggressive
  • kyotlo - coyote
  • kyoli - spacing; distance; interval; length
  • kyolo - fast; rapid; quick; velocity
  • kyo'a - quiet; silence; soundless
  • mpa - many; much
  • mpaka - border; boundary; frontier; line
  • mpana - wide; broad; extensive; vast; width
  • mpano - clamp; pincers; pliers; tongs
  • mpasu - make do; manage; get by with
  • mpaha - valuable; costly; expensive
  • mpahe - integrate; synthesize
  • mpatso - comfort; console; stroke; caress
  • mpala - odd number
  • mpale - turn over; flip over; overturn
  • mpali - balloon; hot air balloon
  • mpa'a - film; movie; cinema
  • mpe - only; merely; just
  • mpeka - frog; toad
  • mpekue - off the beaten track [go ~]
  • mpelo - buzzard
  • mpiko - black eagle; condor; vulture
  • mpina - sound nice; be euphonic
  • mpila - ball [game]; sphere
  • mpoka - squid; ink fish; cuttlefish
  • mponi - ethnicity; folk; people
  • mpoho - gift; a present; an offering
  • mpuku - be complicated; complex; intricate
  • mpuni - ostrich
  • mputsa - cheese
  • mpula - lamp; lantern; light
  • mpuli - fluff; lint [feel nervous]
  • ma - and; also; too; as well
  • mata - kill; murder
  • mate - be distressed; grieved; uneasy
  • mato - touch; contact; access
  • maka - music; play ~; tune
  • make - be idle; lazy; negligent; careless
  • mako - absorb; assimilate; ingest
  • maku - pillow; rest one's head
  • mampu - duct; pipe; straw; tube
  • manta - logic; principle
  • mante - asparagus
  • manti - facial tissue; napkin; paper towel
  • manka - chill; cold; cool
  • mana - force; power; strength
  • mane - prohibit; forbid; ban
  • mano - chicken; fowl; poultry
  • manye - manage; handle; run; deal with
  • manyo - size; height; stature
  • masa - cervine; deer; elk
  • mase - to dance; move to music; to flicker [flame]
  • masi - door/window frame
  • masu - countryside; areas outside the city
  • masua - pipe [smoking utensil]
  • masue - be nimble; agile; lithe; graceful
  • maha - add; more
  • mahe - around; approximate; close to
  • matsa - nonsense; ridiculous talk; gibberish
  • matse - blend; mix; various; stir
  • matsi - perception; perceive; perceptive
  • matsu - victory; success; victorious; win
  • matsua - be flavored; smell; hint of; taste
  • matla - broth; casserole; soup
  • matle - statue; sculpture; carve
  • mala - bad; be unfavorable; unpleasant
  • mali - fictitious; theoretical; virtual
  • malo - brown
  • ma'a - with [accompanied by / furnished with]
  • ma'e - before; in front
  • ma'o - four; 4
  • ma'u - spicy hot [taste]; fig. biting [criticism]
  • maua - flower; plant
  • maue - as soon as; when
  • maya - fluid; water; wet
  • maye - between; among
  • mayo - apparatus; device; equipment; tool [INSTR]
  • meta - meter [unit of length]
  • mete - be ambiguous; unclear; vague
  • menka - cotton
  • mesa - example; precedent; model; for instance
  • meha - hit; slap; strike
  • mehu - vacuum
  • metse - cricket; grasshopper
  • metla - flute; sound of wind; whistle
  • mela - continue; endure; last
  • meli - kowtow; prostrate; bow
  • me'a - at the same time; simultaneous
  • meya - refined language; poetic genre
  • mi - few; small amount; handful
  • mita - canine; dog
  • mika - clippers; scissors; shears
  • miku - garlic chives; leek
  • minta - sample; specimen
  • mina - south
  • misa - highway; road; street
  • misu - copper
  • mitse - disappear; to vanish
  • mitla - arrow; dart
  • mitli - suit; tunic
  • mila - word; language component; morpheme
  • milo - bubble; foam; suds
  • miya - core; pit; stone; dig out the center
  • mo - location; place; where
  • mota - recall; bring to mind; reminisce
  • moto - remember; memory
  • mok - nowhere
  • moka - flour; wheat; white-faced
  • moko - lizard [reptile w/ legs]
  • moku - to rest; to sleep
  • mokua - everywhere; all over
  • monto - trunk; torso
  • monka - expert; adept; experienced; a professional
  • mona - safe; secure; safety; security
  • mono - blonde; fair
  • mosa - book; letter; scroll; record
  • moha - far; distant; remote
  • mohe - install; place; put
  • motsa - banana
  • motsi - bag; pouch; sack
  • motso - undulation; wave; ripple [effect]; tide
  • motsua - creepy; unnerving; disturbing
  • motsue - violate s/o or s/th
  • motla - trash; throw away
  • motlo - engine; motor; machine
  • mola - somewhere; anywhere; wherever
  • mole - apricot [fruit; tree; color]
  • moli - forest; trees
  • molo - cod
  • mo'a - explicit explanation; specify
  • mo'i - soap
  • moue - plastic; synthetic resin; plastic cement
  • moya - mark; symbol; write; spell
  • moyo - heart; mind; centre; core
  • muta - back; spine; dorsal; vertebrae
  • muti - fad; fashion
  • muto - sexiness; sexy; sensual; voluptuous
  • muka - facing; towards sb/st
  • muku - knife; blade; weapon; arms
  • munta - change; alter; transform; rearrange; revise
  • muna - care; concern; important; worry
  • mune - breast; chest; cleavage
  • muni - itch; itchiness
  • muno - table of contents
  • munua - culture; civilization; cultural
  • munye - be a problem; be a hassle; be difficult
  • musa - vowel
  • muha - monk; nun
  • muhe - sadness; grief; be sad
  • mutsa - society
  • mutsi - urgent; emergency
  • mutla - be absolute; unconditional
  • mula - begin; initial; start
  • muli - comfortable; at ease
  • muapa - set apart for a particular use; appropriate
  • muata - manners; be polite [ness]
  • muaka - to dump; to pour; to empty out
  • muana - ocean; sea
  • muanya - opening made by parting; gap; hole
  • muasa - season
  • muasi - be parallel; of equal rank; simultaneous
  • mu'e - rhombus
  • muena - clams and crabs; seafood
  • muetlo - sweat; perspiration
  • muela - raspberry
  • muele - direction; orientation
  • mue'o - ten thousand; 10^4
  • muya - cause; do; make [CAUS]
  • mya - as ... as
  • myana - variety; variation; vary
  • myano - alliteration
  • myasu - aim; alignment; target
  • myatsua - point out mistakes or weak points for correction
  • myali - symphony; orchestra
  • mya'a - meow; cat noise
  • mye - redo; resume
  • myeto - show fear or surprise on face
  • myeka - neck; throat; voice
  • myena - extent; surface [area]
  • myene - be dazed; stare blankly; distracted
  • myokua - software [computer]
  • myonta - allow; permit [PERM]
  • ntaku - sibling
  • ntane - internet; network; web
  • ntasa - equator; circle around any sphere
  • ntasi - be excited; excite
  • ntaha - ancestor; elder
  • ntahi - child; offspring
  • ntahue - sibling's child [nibbling]
  • ntahya - grandchild
  • ntalo - deliberate; consider
  • nta'i - baby; inffant
  • ntaua - derogatory sense; negative connotation
  • ntaue - cousin
  • ntaye - overgrown; unkempt [of hair]; matted
  • ntayo - call sb away from a task/work
  • ntela - interact; interplay; interrelated
  • nte'o - million; 10^6
  • ntimu - lemon
  • ntopi - cliché; stereotype; truism
  • ntoka - button; fasten; knot
  • ntolo - locket; medallion; pendant
  • nka - emphatic negative
  • nkapa - alcohol; ale; beer
  • nkapi - kiss; kiss
  • nkata - agree; consent; approve
  • nkampo - segment into equal pieces
  • nkanu - short [in height and from end to edge]
  • nkasa - measure; measurement
  • nkahi - molluscs; crustaceans; echinoderms
  • nkatso - spy; secret agent
  • nkali - martial art; military skill
  • nkalo - pronoun
  • nka'e - in spite of; regardless of
  • nke - negative [NEG]; no; not
  • nkepa - charge [military term]; sudden attack
  • nkeni - visit; be guest; patronize
  • nkeli - cassia or cinnamon
  • nkina - steep incline; water chute; sluice
  • nkiha - to judge; to discriminate; to discern
  • nkihua - be lengthy; be long [duration]
  • nkitso - be stressed; be tense; be nervous
  • nkila - blink; glance; appear in a flash
  • nkilo - be bright; clear; resonant; distinct
  • nkiye - vegetables
  • nkopa - delusion; paranoia
  • nkoma - to raise; to hoist; to rise
  • nkoso - continue; proceed; progressive [PROG]
  • nkoha - to shake (a part of one's body); to shrug (shoulders)
  • nkolo - are [unit of area]
  • nkoyo - lamb; sheep
  • nkumu - burden; cumbersome; difficult
  • nkusa - sneeze; act of sneezing
  • na - I; me [1sg]
  • napa - grape; raisin
  • nape - be cooperative; cooperate; collaborate
  • napo - turnip
  • napu - treaty; agreement; promise; pact
  • napya - wine
  • nata - family member; relative
  • nati - belief; myth; religion
  • nato - straight [direction]
  • naka - female; woman [fem]
  • naku - sister
  • nam - we [1pl]
  • nampa - blouse; shirt; vest
  • nampu - fountain; spring
  • nama - mature; grow; growth; ripen
  • nami - ourselves [1pl.refl]
  • namyo - our(s) [1pl.poss]
  • nanka - emphasizing disgust; [interj. of contempt]
  • nanku - we ~ each other [1pl.recp]
  • nasa - be born; give birth
  • nase - arachnid; spider
  • nasi - pear [fruit; tree; color]
  • nasua - climax; orgasm; upsurge
  • nasue - copy; duplicate; transcribe
  • naha - creek; river; stream
  • nahe - in [located inside of]; internal
  • nahi - daughter
  • naho - grammar; order; rule
  • nahue - niece
  • nahya - granddaughter
  • natsa - draw; paint; drawing; painting
  • natsi - poem; poetry; verse
  • natsu - summer
  • natsua - let go; release
  • natla - put on airs; self-important; high and mighty
  • natlo - plum; prune [fruit; tree; color]
  • nala - illuminate; light; shine
  • nale - fork; pitchfork; prong
  • nalo - grin; laugh; smile
  • na'am - we (but not you) [1pl.excl]
  • na'ami - ourselves (but not you) [1pl.excl.refl]
  • na'amyo - our(s) (but not your(s)) [1pl.excl.poss]
  • na'anku - we (but not you) ~ each other [1pl.excl.recp]
  • na'i - myself [1sg.refl]
  • na'o - one; 1
  • naua - cord; string; rope; bind together; twist
  • naue - (female) cousin
  • naya - wife
  • naye - during
  • nayo - my; mine [1sg.poss]
  • neka - make reprisals; retaliate; revenge
  • neko - cat; feline
  • neku - winter
  • nekua - cupboard; pantry
  • nema - knee; patella
  • neme - take over; ~ duties; ~ responsibilities
  • nesa - system; organization; form
  • nehe - fingernail; toenail; scratch
  • netsa - be advantageous; have advantages
  • netsi - helix; screw; spiral
  • neli - lethargic; listless; unenergetic; sluggish
  • neua - advise; urge; try to persuade; exhort
  • neya - ought to; suggest [SUG]
  • nipa - stretch back while extending legs
  • nipi - be curious; inquisitive
  • nipo - compel; force
  • nipue - be dull [not sharp]; blunt
  • nita - exclaim; insert; interject
  • nika - acerbity; be bitter; tart
  • niko - experiment; examination; test
  • niku - muscle; tendon
  • nikya - swallow; take in
  • nime - appoint; assign; designate
  • ninka - television; to watch ~
  • nisa - compare; contrast; ratio
  • nisi - west
  • niha - good; pleasant; regular / منيح
  • nihi - glutton; greedy; piggish
  • nila - blue
  • niua - depot; garden; yard
  • niya - goal; purpose; reason
  • niye - undergarment; underwear
  • niyo - be contained; content; substance
  • no - adverbial; matter; object; thing [-ish; -ly; -ous]
  • nopa - pull; stretch; draw sth out
  • nopi - pile; stack; heap
  • nota - lie; be in horizontal position; horizon
  • noto - compassion; relent; sympathize; sympathy
  • noka - beak; bill; mouth
  • noki - vertical; erect; set upright; vertical stroke
  • noko - continue unchanged; remain; stay behind
  • nokua - everything; every; all
  • nokye - agriculture
  • noma - thing; matter; object; noun
  • nomo - be fond of; like; prefer [things]
  • nomya - act; action; activity; take action
  • nosa - subject; theme; topic
  • noho - chickpea; garbanzo; hummus
  • nohya - bundle; pack; wrap
  • notsa - ride horseback; mount; cavalry
  • notli - hotel; inn; tavern
  • nola - something; anything; whatever
  • nolo - be cursed; be jinxed [slang]
  • noya - be content; happy; pleased
  • nupa - trash; garbage; waste
  • nuta - be tedious; convoluted; boring; pedantic
  • nuka - joke; banter; tease; mock
  • nuku - detest; dislike; hate
  • numu - style; standard; pattern
  • nusu - steal; pilfer; snatch
  • nutsu - unbelievable; incredible
  • nula - lick; lap [up]
  • nulo - smear; daub; apply
  • nua - frequent; often; regular
  • nuesi - flood; submerge; drown
  • nya - for [benefactive; BEN]; purpose of; by
  • nyakua - by all means; by any means
  • nyamu - mosquito; fly; gnat
  • nyanku - whale
  • nyana - algorithm; program [computer]; function
  • nyasa - gratitude; thank [you]
  • nyase - eyelashes
  • nyahe - by means of; per; via
  • nyahi - white; snow
  • nyatsa - expose; reveal; lay bare; show
  • nyalo - call; number; telephone
  • nya'e - in order that; so that
  • nya'o - five hundred; 500
  • nyaue - outside of; exterior to
  • nye - because of; due to
  • nyepa - cloud
  • nyete - open; start; turn on
  • nyema - century
  • nyemi - cape; headland; promontory; peninsula
  • nyetsi - traditional; archetype; typical; classic
  • nyetle - quote; to cite as evidence
  • nyela - arrowhead
  • nyeli - pink; rose
  • nyelo - extra; remainder; surplus
  • nye'o - hundred; 100
  • nyopa - poor; impoverished
  • nyota - thirst; be thirsty
  • nyoto - write quickly; jot
  • nyoki - dumpling; pot-sticker
  • nyoma - rice
  • nyome - beige; tan; khaki
  • nyonka - choke [on]; choke up; suffocate; strangle
  • nyotlo - nut; seed
  • nyolo - ant; insect
  • sapa - boot; footwear; shoe
  • sata - administer; govern; manage; control
  • sati - sadism; sadistic
  • sato - sense; perceive; be aware of; detect
  • saka - gender; sex
  • saku - deadlock; result in a stalemate; impasse
  • sama - sun; star; solar; stellar
  • samya - exhale; blow; puff
  • sanka - delta [geography]
  • sana - health; hygiene; welfare
  • sane - cover; sheath; encase; overlap
  • sani - wasp
  • sanya - second [of time]
  • saha - annals; history
  • sahe - across; opposite; other side
  • sahi - color; hue; shade
  • saho - be drunk; intoxicated
  • sahya - right; correct; proper
  • satsa - weave; knit
  • satse - brake [when driving]
  • satsi - recruit; cast; enlist
  • satsu - scrub; rub; scour
  • sala - chamber; room; section
  • sali - native; person from a particular place
  • salo - press; push down; keep under [control]
  • sa'o - nine; 9
  • saua - damp[ness]; humid[ity]; moist[ness]; wet
  • saya - soothe; be calm; relax
  • saye - along; following [a line]
  • sayo - calendar month
  • sayoma - calendar; date
  • sepa - injury; wound; hurt; wound; injure
  • sepu - mill; grain mill; millstone
  • seta - be flat; silk; smooth
  • seto - olive
  • seka - be dry; sharp; strict
  • seko - scorpion
  • sempo - abacus; plan; scheme
  • sema - week [7 days]
  • semye - explain; comment; annotate
  • senta - mimic; satirize; mock; irony; sarcasm
  • sento - leftovers [food]; salad
  • senku - think poorly of someone
  • sena - liter [unit of volume]
  • senu - hair
  • senyo - oval; ellipse; be elliptic
  • setsi - sage
  • sela - waterfall; cascade; heavy rain
  • seua - care for; tend to
  • seya - seal; sign; stamp
  • seye - dowry; trousseau
  • sipi - acne; pimple; zit; wart
  • sipo - be fat; lard; grease
  • sita - accompany; be with; to keep company
  • sika - sip; smack one's lips; suck; savor
  • siku - an unforeseen event; accident; misfortune
  • sikue - pig; pork; swine
  • sikyo - womb; placenta; uterus
  • simpa - be anxious; neurosis; anxiety
  • simpu - clam; mussel; oyster
  • sima - to sit; to take a seat
  • simya - spend; pay out; expense
  • sinta - finacial credit
  • sinka - lion
  • sino - curl [hair]; crimp; roll up
  • sitsa - heat; hot; warm
  • sitsi - support; sustain; uphold
  • sitla - lawn; meadow; sod; turf
  • sila - arteries; veins; blood vessel
  • sile - bell; sounding of a bell as a signal
  • silo - tender; puerile; soft and immature
  • si'i - crow; raven
  • siua - nerve; bundle of neurons
  • siue - herb; leaf
  • siya - act without a plan; improvise [slang]
  • siyo - use; employ; apply; to make use of
  • so - kind; genus; type; category; sort; class
  • sopa - balcony; patio; terrace
  • sota - sow; scatter; spread; broadcast; disperse
  • soto - speed; rate; velocity
  • sok - no kind; no type
  • soka - introduce; introduction
  • soki - muddy; mud
  • soko - rescue; pluck from danger
  • soku - font; typeface; typeset
  • sokua - any kind; any type
  • sokyo - helium
  • some - be dyed; be stained; be tinted
  • sonka - ode; eulogy; praise in writing
  • sono - partridge
  • sonu - outcome; result; conclusion; as a result
  • sonya - dream; imagine
  • sonyo - wrist
  • soho - crop; harvest
  • sohua - digest; digestion; digestive
  • sotsi - dish; platter; specific food
  • sotla - foot; heel
  • sola - some kind (of); any kind
  • sole - gelatin; jelly
  • soli - badger; ferret
  • solo - socks; stockings; tights
  • so'o - that kind; type
  • soya - to omit; to delete; to leave out
  • soye - index; list
  • soyo - be abstract; abstraction
  • supa - prescription; recipe; formula; cookbook
  • supye - butter; cream; extract
  • suta - live; reside; dwell; inhabit; settle
  • suka - acid; sour; vinegar
  • suku - market; shop; store
  • suma - window
  • sumi - repress emotional expression
  • sumu - puff; spout; spray; spurt
  • sunta - trend; tendency
  • sune - shin
  • sunu - poison; narcotics; venom
  • suha - mouth; taste; tongue
  • sutse - to register; to enroll; log in
  • sutsi - recommend; recommendation
  • sutsu - muttering; whisper; mouthing words
  • sula - melt; fuse; dissolve
  • suli - tired; weary; strain; wear out
  • suata - account; bill; debt
  • suaki - hare; rabbit
  • suama - sew; seam; mend
  • suante - lime [fruit; tree; color]
  • suani - be absent-minded; preoccupied; inattentive
  • suala - be heavy
  • suepa - blister; bleb [watery blister]
  • sueho - surf; the sound of waves
  • suetsa - marrow; quintessence; pith
  • suele - water lily [pad]; lotus
  • su'u - still; calm; quiet; not moving; static; stasis
  • ha - she; he [3sg]
  • hapa - retain; preserve; reserve; reservations
  • hapi - dove; pigeon
  • hapu - consonant; the initial consonant
  • hata - error; mistake
  • hate - develop; to make full use of; evolve
  • hati - gardens; park
  • hato - breed; incubate; hatch
  • haka - drawers; pants; trousers
  • hake - peel; skin; flay; shuck; shell
  • haki - true; real
  • hako - you're welcome
  • haku - vomit; regurgitate; throw up
  • hakyo - college; school; university
  • hama - protect; defend; safeguard; protection
  • hamo - fish-hook
  • hamu - ash; bit by bit
  • hana - emit; give off; send out [up; forth]
  • hane - change sides in a war; politically; turncoat
  • hani - extent; range; scope
  • hanu - edition; version
  • hanya - country; nation; state; national; region
  • hasa - personal; private; secret
  • hase - derive; derivative; derivation
  • hasi - chopsticks; eating utensils
  • haso - special; unique; distinguished
  • hasu - conjecture; guess; supposition; assumption
  • hasua - edge; brink; lip; margin; rim; boundary
  • hatsa - luck; fate; fortune; chance
  • hatsu - fever; temperature; pyrexia
  • hala - informal greeting [on phone]
  • halo - argue; debate; discuss; dispute; quibble
  • ha'i - herself; himself [3sg.refl]
  • ha'o - three; 3
  • haua - believe; confidence; trust
  • haue - carrot; radish
  • haya - animal; beast
  • haye - early; quick[ly]; sudden[ly]; abrupt
  • hayo - her(s); his [3sg.poss]
  • heka - cliff; rock face
  • heki - oregano [plant/flavor]
  • heko - congratulate; congratulations
  • heme - tremble; shiver; shake; vibrate
  • hemya - stutter; stammer [speech impediment]
  • henka - bias; prejudice
  • hena - piece; part; fraction; strip; scrap
  • henyo - resist; oppose
  • hela - comb [fine-toothed]
  • he'u - munitions or ordnance factory; arsenal
  • heua - air; oxygen; sky
  • heya - need; necessity; require [NEC]
  • hipa - infiltrate; sneak into
  • hita - throw; cast; expel
  • hika - to wait; to wait for
  • hikya - be ancient; old
  • hinti - turkey
  • hina - here; this place [by me]
  • hini - reed; rush
  • hisu - department; branch; section; division
  • hitsua - just; morally fair; righteous
  • hila - analyze; analysis
  • hilo - plaza; public square
  • hiyo - prolific; fertile; high yield; rich
  • hope - blush; flushed; redden
  • hopu - busy; despondent; hurried
  • hoka - custard; pudding
  • homa - inform; notice; notify
  • homu - platform; stage
  • hono - harbor; port
  • honu - turtle [sea]
  • hosa - radiation; rays of radiation
  • hoso - hold; keep; store
  • hotso - roach; cockroach
  • hola - cloth; towel; headscarf
  • holo - dig; excavate; scoop out
  • huta - bury; buried; interred
  • hute - flush [out]; purge; rinse
  • huku - courteously wait everyone sit before eating
  • humpa - differentiate; distinguish; discriminate
  • huma - be insubordinate; defy
  • huna - be confused; be mixed up
  • hunu - pollen
  • husa - goose; swan
  • husu - artichoke
  • hutsi - gruel; oatmeal; porridge
  • huli - moan; hum; mutter; mumble; murmur
  • huata - shelf; stair
  • huamyo - perverse; unreasonable; absurd; ridiculous
  • huanu - illusion, fantasy, mirage
  • huatso - midnight
  • huatla - acorn; oak
  • hue - at [in the same location as] [LOC]
  • hueta - testicle
  • huesa - company; firm; enterprise; corporation
  • huetla - peanut
  • hueli - startle; surprise; amaze; astonish
  • hue'o - billion; 10^9
  • hueya - be a slut; floozy; prostitute; prostitution
  • hueye - an outing; a night out; a soirée
  • huye - be deep; profound; abstruse
  • hyata - grandfather
  • hyanta - grandparent
  • hyana - grandmother
  • hyala - cucumber
  • hyali - dairy; milk
  • hya'o - weird; unusual
  • hyepo - set; tune; calibrate; fix; adjust; modulate
  • hyeka - sand; beach; finely ground rock
  • hyeku - kidney
  • hyesu - esophagus
  • hyesua - beetle
  • hyele - attract; entice; titillate
  • hyota - juice
  • hyoto - benefit; effectiveness; efficiency
  • hyoka - attack; hit; strike
  • hyoko - bulb; bulbous; bloated
  • hyome - surface; top-side
  • hyotso - elasticity; elastic force; spring
  • tsapa - effort; trouble; endeavor; struggle
  • tsata - council; committee; parliament
  • tsati - hornet
  • tsato - chaotic; messy; in disorder
  • tsaka - house; residence; reside
  • tsaki - chewing gum
  • tsaku - idea; thought; conception
  • tsama - pretend; feign; play a role
  • tsame - accumulate; collect; gather
  • tsami - pluck; pull off; pull out; unplug; extract
  • tsamo - reef; coral reef; shoal rock
  • tsanto - practice of meditation
  • tsanka - tire; bored with; be fed up of; tired
  • tsanko - ape; monkey; primate
  • tsana - meditation; meditate
  • tsani - story; tale; tell ~
  • tsanye - starter button; on switch
  • tsasu - cursive writing
  • tsaha - automobile; carriage; vehicle
  • tsahe - for [in exchange for]
  • tsatla - pop knuckles; crack bones
  • tsatle - crane; egret; heron
  • tsatli - pineapple
  • tsala - dip; paste; sauce
  • tsale - splinter; shard; slice; sliver
  • tsali - crime; offense; fault
  • tsalo - clear; transparent
  • tsa'a - beaver
  • tsa'e - across; through
  • tsa'i [tsai] - tea [leaves; plant]
  • tsa'o - six; 6
  • tsaua - complexion; looks; appearance of one's face
  • tsaue - so long as; provided that
  • tsaya - damn [general invective]
  • tsaye - since; until; up to; as far as
  • tsepa - please
  • tseka - pull; draw near; tug; tow; yank
  • tseko - wood charcoal; coal; carbon
  • tsekua - condense; solidify; coagulate; clot (of blood)
  • tseme - drawer; tier; tray
  • tsemu - jam; marmalade
  • tsemua - candle; illuminate; wax
  • tsenta - overdo it; overcook; exaggerate
  • tsenka - orange [fruit; tree; color]
  • tsenku - commonly used phrase; idiom; colloquial usage
  • tsena - funeral; encoffin a corpse; carry to burial
  • tsene - lightning; thunderbolt
  • tseno - thigh; crotch
  • tsesa - apron
  • tsehue - pick teeth; toothpick
  • tse'e - appear; seem
  • tseua - longevity; ability to live long; long lived
  • tseye - be exhilarated; be stimulated; be invigorated
  • tseyo - loose; to loosen; to relax
  • tsipa - ephemeral; not constant; temporary
  • tsipe - basic; fundamental; main; elementary
  • tsipue - late; delayed; slow
  • tsiti - sparrow
  • tsika - economy; economic
  • tsiki - porcelain; china [made from ~]
  • tsiko - furnace; oven; stove
  • tsikua - avian; bird
  • tsikue - habit; custom; usual practice; tradition
  • tsikya - chirp or peep (onomatopoeia); birdsong
  • tsimpa - to be lame; move with difficulty
  • tsima - hour; o'clock; time
  • tsimua - be vicious; fierce; ominous; inauspicious
  • tsinti - stingray
  • tsinka - be at a negative angle
  • tsinku - mathematical analysis; calculus
  • tsina - tame; domesticate; docile
  • tsine - key; button [to strike]
  • tsini - sugar; sugarcane
  • tsinu - entice; arouse; provoke; erogenous
  • tsise - unfamiliar at first ; an acquired taste
  • tsisu - coefficient; factor; modulus; ratio
  • tsihi - mercy; to empathize
  • tsihyo - discharge of the eyes; rheum
  • tsitla - adorn; festoon; garland; decorate
  • tsitli - farm; ranch
  • tsila - lip; outer mouth
  • tsili - tailor; to make clothes
  • tsilo - be naked; bare; uncovered; exposed
  • tsi'a - paprika; pepper
  • tsi'e - famine; shortage of food; starve
  • tsi'u - transitive; transitivity
  • tsiua - lake; pond; pool
  • tsiue - elbow
  • tsiya - freedom; liberty; independent
  • tsiyo - corridor; aisle; hallway; passageway; piazza
  • tsopa - pair; a mate; a couple; couple
  • tsopo - prefer; preference
  • tsopua - ulna (anatomy); bone of the forearm
  • tsota - breed; reproduce; propagate
  • tsoto - surrender; capitulate; give up
  • tsoka - bump; collide with; strike
  • tsoko - cacao; chocolate
  • tsoku - be direct; immediate; straightforward
  • tsoma - tobacco [plant; leaves]; smoke
  • tsomye - smug; vain; shameless
  • tsonta - teenager
  • tsonka - public; common; open; fair
  • tsonyo - alert; warn; police
  • tsosa - chimney; fireplace
  • tsosi - silk
  • tsoho - data; information; resource
  • tsola - fox
  • tsoya - center; middle; mid-; half
  • tsoyo - one of a pair [missing ~]
  • tsupa - saliva; spit
  • tsupu - mead [honey wine]
  • tsuta - backward; reverse
  • tsute - slip and fall; stagger; stumble
  • tsuka - pride; hubris; arrogance
  • tsuke - salt; pickle; to cure [meat]; marinade
  • tsuki - next; order; sequence [ordinal]
  • tsuku - rumpled feathers; bedraggled; wet and limp
  • tsukua - tassel; ribbon; bow
  • tsumpa - buy; purchase
  • tsuma - metal
  • tsume - mellow and rich; simple and kind; relaxed
  • tsumi - guilt; sin; offense
  • tsumu - be careful; cautious
  • tsunti - attend; take part in; participate
  • tsunka - bug; insect; worm
  • tsunki - filter; strain; perforated screen
  • tsunku - can; jar; pot; urn
  • tsuna - join; connect; link up; communicate
  • tsusu - focus; concentrate; be attentive
  • tsuhi - leopard / jaguar
  • tsuhu - candy; dessert; sweets
  • tsula - celebration; party; social gathering
  • tsule - wire; string
  • tsuli - currant; gooseberry
  • tsua - almost; nearly; more or less
  • tsuama - sandwich; wrap
  • tsuasi - stock; share; capital raised by a company
  • tsuala - prosper; be prosperous
  • tsuali - thunder
  • tsue - position; stance
  • tsuene - baboon
  • tsu'u - cork; plug
  • tsuya - be main; principal; major; primary
  • tsuye - take note of; pay attention to
  • tsuyo - armadillo
  • tla - it [4sg]
  • tlapa - horn; wind instrument
  • tlapo - siphon; seep
  • tlati - clear-headed; sober
  • tlato - recite rhythmically; chant; intone
  • tlaka - male; man [masc]
  • tlaku - enmesh; wrap around; web; net
  • tlakua - cricket; slug; snail
  • tlam - them [4pl]
  • tlampi - distill; distillation
  • tlama - anytime; sometime; whenever
  • tlami - themselves [4pl.refl]
  • tlamyo - their(s) [4pl.poss]
  • tlanka - level; grade; rank
  • tlanke - oval; ellipse; ellipsoidal
  • tlanku - they ~ each other [4pl.recp]
  • tlana - human; person
  • tlani - curse; damn; epithet
  • tlanyo - abuse; berate; mistreat
  • tlasa - honey; nectar
  • tlasi - cough [up]
  • tlaso - skin deep; superficial; shallow
  • tlaha - to leave; to depart
  • tlahe - confluence; convergence
  • tlahi - convenient; be easy; facilitate
  • tlatsa - fire; flame; burn
  • tlatso - be final; be last
  • tla'a - likely; probable; presumable
  • tla'i - itself [4sg.refl]
  • tlaya - marry; in-law; wed
  • tlaye - according to; based on
  • tlayo - its [4sg.poss]
  • tlepa - teach; instruct; educate
  • tleka - be mean; be petty; be cruel
  • tleke - fan
  • tleki - boast; brag; exaggerative; pompous
  • tlempe - lymphatic fluid; lymph
  • tlema - banner; flag; ensign
  • tleme - disc; sheet; CD
  • tlemo - caravan; trailer
  • tlena - gradual; sluggish
  • tleno - log; piece of wood; timber
  • tlenyo - millennium
  • tlehe - esteemed; honest; candid; sincere
  • tletsa - column; cylinder; file
  • tletso - prism; prismatic lens
  • tletsu - lettuce
  • tlela - bathe; clean; purify; wash
  • tlelo - toy; plaything
  • tle'o - thousand; 1000
  • tlipa - ascot; cravat; necktie
  • tlipi - tie; bind or fasten together; kidnap
  • tlipu - suspended by hanging; hung
  • tlipua - glide; soar
  • tlika - clan; family; kin
  • tliki - sulfur; brimstone [color and element]
  • tlima - plough; plow; turn the soil; till
  • tlinka - herring
  • tlinku - clink of jewels; tinkling of gem-pendants
  • tlina - to stop; to halt; to cease
  • tline - aluminum (chemistry)
  • tlise - axis; axle
  • tlisua - bribe; bribery
  • tlihya - beard; moustache
  • tlitsi - reasoning; capacity of the human mind
  • tlila - purple
  • tliya - effect; efficacy; result
  • tlopa - forget; neglect; overlook
  • tlota - be in a correct attitude
  • tlok - no one; nobody
  • tloka - lie; tell an untruth
  • tloke - rye [Secale cereale]
  • tloko - syllable
  • tloku - arch; arched
  • tlokua - everybody; everyone
  • tlompa - bomb; explosive
  • tloma - feather; plumage; plume
  • tlome - Romanize; Romanization
  • tlomi - fascinate; strongly attract; obsess; captivate
  • tlomya - crawl; creep; lie prostrate
  • tlona - feed; fuel; nourish
  • tlonya - citron; grapefruit [fruit; tree]
  • tlonye - accommodate; flexible; pragmatic
  • tlosa - almond [fruit; tree; color]
  • tloso - annoy; bother; disturb; harass; irritate
  • tloha - grass; straw; weeds
  • tlohi - salmon; trout
  • tlotsi - chives; onion; scallions
  • tlotso - loot; plunder; rob
  • tlotsua - corrode; erode; rust
  • tlola - intersperse; place between; wedge
  • tlo'e - tide of thought; Zeitgeist
  • tlo'o - elephant
  • tloua - dew
  • tloya - discover; uncover; find
  • a - exist; be; yes
  • apa - close; stop up; shut; obstruct
  • apo - grasp firmly; make the most of
  • apu - be subsidiary; auxiliary
  • apua - sing; song
  • apya - be clean; neat; pure; not dirty
  • apyo - celery
  • ata - be named; name [so called]
  • ate - liver [organ]
  • ati - be normal; ordinary; plain
  • ato - that way [over there]
  • aka - to drive; to move slightly; to shift
  • akai - deep red
  • aki - autumn; fall
  • akya - wake up; awaken; be awake
  • ampa - as soon as possible; with all speed
  • ampi - mucus; snot
  • ampu - nose; smell
  • ama - time; moment; period
  • amak - never; at no time
  • ame - axe; hatchet
  • ami - amylum; starch
  • amo - transport; carry
  • amya - be fond of; like; prefer [people]
  • amye - be alone; lonely
  • anta - breathe; suck in; absorb; inhale
  • anti - suspenders; garters; strap; sling
  • anto - oath; pledge; swear
  • anka - pelvis; hip joint
  • anko - cipher; encode
  • anku - reciprocate; [in] return; reciprocal [RECP]
  • ana - brain; head; mind
  • ano - one more time; once again; repeat; iteration
  • anu - ear; hear; listen
  • anua - ask for quiet; request silence
  • anya - eye; look; see
  • anyo - year [365/366 days]
  • asa - live; alive; living
  • asi - salt
  • aso - broil; grill; roast
  • asua - hide; pelt; skin; fur; leather
  • ahe - dolphin; porpoise
  • ahi - diminutive [DIM]; few; small
  • aho - chives; garlic; leak
  • ahua - avocado [fruit; tree; color]
  • ahya - potato; yam
  • atsa - disc; rotate; wheel
  • atsi - angle; bend; corner
  • atsu - thick; chunky; solid; stocky
  • atla - mean; average
  • atle - salary; wage
  • atli - future; future tense [FUT]
  • atlo - fairness; justice; righteousness
  • ala - wing
  • ale - barley; oats; wheat
  • alo - be cunning; be sly
  • a'i - worm
  • aoya - deep blue
  • aya - be beautiful; be handsome; be pretty
  • aye - past; past tense [PST]
  • e - er; um; uh
  • epye - scrape; scratch; play something (using a bow)
  • eta - you [p.2sg]
  • etam - you [p.2pl]
  • ete - pen; pencil; writing brush
  • eti - case; instance; occurrence
  • eto - be shy; timid; bashful
  • eka - affix: adhere; paste
  • ekam - them [p.3pl]
  • eke - object [in grammar]; patient [P]
  • empa - to run; to flee
  • empi - chalk; limestone; lye
  • eme - verb tense
  • emya - happen; occur; take place
  • emyo - to walk in an awkward, drunken fashion
  • enka - narrow; tight; thin
  • enke - be simple; not complicated; easy
  • enku - confidential; secret; hush-hush
  • ena - me [p.1sg]
  • enam - us [p.1pl]
  • ena'am - us (but not you) [p.1pl.excl]
  • eno - be angry at; be displeased and annoyed
  • enu - forecast; predict; estimate
  • enua - get over sth; to cheer up
  • enue - stubborn; obstinate
  • enya - mirror; reflect; reflection
  • eha - him; her [p.3sg]
  • ehe - but; yet; however
  • ehua - worsen; impair; make worse
  • ehya - be complete; intact; whole
  • etsa - extent; degree [temperature etc]
  • etla - it [p.4sg]
  • etlam - them [p.4pl]
  • etle - postpone; defer; stall; stave off
  • ela - become; change into; turn into
  • ele - relative clause marker
  • elila - pink; rose
  • elo - resign; quit
  • eua - fin [of a fish]
  • eya - maybe; perhaps
  • ipa - be different; distinct; not same/alike
  • ipu - dried meat; preserved fruit
  • ipye - horn of animal
  • ito - tree; wood
  • ika - age; generation
  • iko - this (person)
  • iku - this much; many
  • ikua - wolf down food; devour ravenously
  • ima - now; present; yet
  • imya - dialect; slang; vernacular
  • inta - even; so much so that
  • inti - self-restraint; discipline
  • inka - to be still; calm; quiet; not moving
  • inko - macaw; parrot; puffin
  • ina - eat; food; sustenance
  • inu - beverage; drink; liquid
  • inya - be hungry; hunger
  • iso - this kind; type
  • isu - peel; rind
  • itsa - adore; affection; love
  • itsu - to squeak; to chirp or peep
  • itla - this (near me) [prox]
  • itlo - equal; even; same
  • ila - to sail; to fly; to navigate
  • ile - hollow at the back of the knee
  • ilo - cave; cavern
  • iua - knead; massage; rub
  • iye - if [but not] *irrealis
  • o - venerated [honorific]
  • opa - be dangerous; danger; peril; endanger
  • opi - belt; sash; strap
  • opua - end; finish; complete [PFV]
  • opye - hug; embrace
  • ota - father
  • oto - sound; [make] noise; tone; phone[me]
  • ok - none; nothing
  • oka - bake; cook
  • oko - honorific reference; "yes sir/ma'am"
  • oku - owl
  • oma - roar or howl; bellow of rage; yell; shout
  • omo - consider; ponder; think
  • omya - cut; carve; engrave; chisel
  • omyo - way of looking at a thing; view; opinion
  • onta - parent
  • onto - tread on; trample; stamp
  • onko - aloud; be loud
  • ona - mother
  • ono - delight
  • onyo - learn; practice; study
  • osa - know-how; savoir-faire
  • oso - genitalia; groin
  • oha - gape; yawn; open one's mouth
  • ohi - to decrease; to reduce; to subtract
  • ohua - luxurious; extravagant; wasteful
  • ohya - drive; pilot; operate [a vehicle]
  • ohyo - evaluate; assess; examine
  • otsi - comply with; to abide by; obey
  • otso - wolf; lupine
  • otlo - falsely accuse; defame
  • ola - gold
  • ole - crust; husk; shell
  • oli - apiece; each; every
  • olo - patrol; make one's rounds
  • oya - black
  • oyo - bead; small round object; pearl
  • u - double for redundant syllable
  • upya - attempt; try [ATT]
  • uta - deliver; hand in; hand over; submit
  • ute - arm; armpit; forearm
  • uko - be sumptuous; a luxury
  • uku - amount; digit; number
  • ukue - as many as; as much as
  • umpa - hinge; pivot
  • umpu - form; shape; dimension
  • uma - equine; horse
  • umo - unify; unite; integrate; unity; combine; join
  • umua - ache; pain; sorrow; be sore
  • umye - electric[al/ity]
  • unta - camel
  • unu - be callous; stone-faced; emotionless
  • unua - address; direction for correspondence
  • unya - comprehend; know; understand
  • usa - stripe; streak; striation
  • usu - even number
  • uha - anus; buttock
  • utsa - serve; service
  • utse - exclude; ignore; leave out
  • utsi - parsley
  • utsu - outer space; empty; vacant; unoccupied
  • utla - otter
  • ula - any; indefinite; some~
  • uli - filling material; stuffing; lining; filling
  • ua - or; either
  • uapa - visit; call on; seek
  • uapo - basin; sink
  • uapya - insult; ridicule; disgrace
  • uata - intestine; bowel; guts
  • uati - verb
  • uato - that way; in that direction
  • uaka - ox; cow; bull
  • uaki - boil; stew; simmer
  • uako - that (person by you)
  • uaku - that much; many
  • uakya - babble, speak incoherently; inane talk
  • uampa - government; political; politics
  • uampu - cone; awl; to bore
  • uama - then; at that time
  • uame - certain; fixed; sure
  • uanta - confer; consult; hold a conference
  • uanka - uncooked; untreated; raw
  • uanki - confine; imprison; jail
  • uanku - spectacles; eyeglasses; -ocular; -scope
  • uana - there [by you]
  • uani - alligator; crocodile
  • uanyo - bay; gulf [body of water]
  • uasa - skill; profession; trade; craft
  • uase - harmonize; harmonious; harmony
  • uasi - acquire; obtain; get; take
  • uaso - drinking glass [cup]; jug; pot; vessel
  • uahe - instead of; rather than
  • uahi - be arbitrary; at will; at random
  • uaho - feel absence; miss
  • uatsa - welcome; welcome
  • uatse - to correlate with; to correspond to
  • uatsi - fish
  • uatsu - constitution; law; statute
  • uatla - that (by you) [med]
  • uatli - inferior; of lower quality
  • uala - really; truly; indeed; real; be true
  • uale - source material, raw material
  • uali - chart; diagram; graph; scheme
  • ualo - to bring; to fetch; to get
  • ua'a - spinach
  • ua'e - above; over / on
  • uaya - ascend; rise; climb; go up; ascent
  • uaye - from [moving out of or away from]
  • ue - either X or Y
  • ueta - uncle
  • uete - amuse; entertain; make sb laugh
  • ueti - accuse; charge; indict
  • ueka - weigh; weight; measure
  • ueke - lentil
  • ueko - barter; bargain
  • uemi - barracks; castle; fortress
  • uemye - be aloof; standoffish; unsociable
  • uenta - parent's sibling
  • uento - be prey; victim
  • uenke [uek] - neither X nor Y
  • uenku - spleen
  • uena - aunt; nurse
  • uene - ship; boat; vessel; canoe
  • ueni - blame; criticize; condemn
  • ueno - ink; typeface
  • uenya - strain after something; make efforts
  • uenyo - decade; era; period
  • uese - louse
  • ueso - bone
  • ueha - desire; want; wish [VOL]
  • uehyo - be available
  • uetsa - balance up; offset; counterbalance
  • uetse - toilet; outhouse; WC
  • uetsi - dispirited downcast [idiom]; in low spirits
  • uetla - an upright drum
  • uetli - exponent [math.]; power
  • uela - sail [boat]
  • uele - abbreviate; contraction
  • uelo - bicycle; bike
  • ue'o - ten; 10
  • ueyo - intend; intent; intention [VOL]
  • ya - vocative particle [VOC]
  • yapa - an extra or unexpected gift or benefit
  • yapo - build; erect; assemble
  • yapu - be ashamed; disgrace; embarrassment
  • yata - farewell; greet; hello
  • yato - hand; palm
  • yaka - appendage; leg; limb
  • yake - pursue; chase
  • yako - berry; strawberry
  • yaku - to translate; to interpret
  • yampa - be bored; fed up with sth; sick of sth
  • yampo - mortar (bowl for grinding with pestle)
  • yama - mountain; hill
  • yamu - trapezium (geometry)
  • yanka - positive; greater than zero; principle
  • yanku - beg; implore; plead
  • yana - yellow
  • yani - definition; meaning; symbolism
  • yano - avoid; shun; evade
  • yanu - be depressed; dispirited; dejected; dismayed
  • yasa - air; wind; [news, style]
  • yasi - cosmetics; makeup
  • yaso - prepare; get/be ready
  • yasu - bison; buffalo
  • yasue - cheap; inexpensive; low
  • yaha - be scarce; barren
  • yahe - of [containing the measured quantity]
  • yatsa - bridle; halter; reins
  • yatsi - bite; chew; tooth
  • yatso - ferment; brew; make honey; liquor
  • yatsua - sigh in regret or pity
  • yatli - therefore; if X then Y
  • yala - to walk; to go; to travel
  • yale - door lock; key
  • yali - excuse; forgive; pardon
  • yalo - covet; envious; jealous
  • ya'a - medicine; drug; cure
  • ya'e - near; close to
  • ya'o - five; 5
  • yaua - reply; answer; return; respond; echo
  • yeta - give; transfer; donate
  • yete - extraneous; redundant; superfluous
  • yeto - authority; authoritative; power
  • yeka - to divide; to separate; partition
  • yeko - that (person over there)
  • yeku - circulate; distribute; circulation; distribution
  • yekua - cabinet; closet; wardrobe
  • yempa - table; desk; flat work surface
  • yema - both X and Y
  • yemua - there [over there]
  • yente - aghast; consternation; horror
  • yento - retire (from society, esp. from working)
  • yena - coin; currency; money
  • yeno - complete; fill; full
  • yesa - still; calm; not moving; peace; tranquil
  • yeso - that kind; type (by you)
  • yesu - art; fine arts; painting; literature
  • yetsa - cry; tear; weep
  • yetsi - chair; seat; stool
  • yetso - boar [wild]
  • yetsu - fact; actual; real
  • yetla - that (over there) [dist]
  • yetli - if it were not; if not X then Y >> X yatli Y
  • yetlo - malnourished and sickly in appearance
  • yela - fart; talk nonsense; rubbish! [euphemism]
  • yele - pedestal; plinth; saddle
  • yeli - summarize; generalize; generalization
  • yelo - freeze; hail; ice
  • ye'o - zero; 0
  • yeua - taste; try; sample
  • yopi - mail; post [office]
  • yota - deduce; infer; derive; extrapolate
  • yote - aid; assist; help
  • yoti - game; play; sport
  • yoto - in this way; so; thus
  • yoka - deck; floor; story
  • yoko - to swim; to wade
  • yompe - specter; apparition
  • yoma - day; daytime
  • yome - be famous; fame
  • yomi - bow; weapon used for shooting arrows
  • yomo - right side
  • yomu - read; study; count; recite
  • yomua - dawn; daybreak; morning [a.m.]
  • yonto - be fanatical
  • yonka - lava; magma
  • yoni - ethic; moral; virtue
  • yono - drama; play; theater
  • yoso - left side
  • yoha - have; possess [POSS]; genitive [GEN]
  • yoho - eyelid; flitter; blink
  • yohua - night; nighttime
  • yotsa - cheek; face
  • yotso - midday; noon
  • yotsu - grub; larva
  • yotla - immerse; soak; steep; gradual
  • yotli - gourd; melon; squash
  • yola - rely on; depend on
  • yole - zip; zipper
  • yolo - armor; shell
  • yo'i - rib; ribcage
  • youa - be weak; feeble