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'''Eylastal''' is my language; it's both an artistic and personal constructed language. It is an inflected fusional language with two grammatical genders and

It is based on no other language, but it is nonetheless mostly conventional.
{| border=1
|a||{{IPA|[a, ə]}}
|ê||{{IPA|[eɪ, e]}}
* At the end of a word, r can also serve as a vowel.
* When two vowels are juxtaposed, o = ô and e = ê. Hence ear [eɪ.ar]
* er = [er], not [ɜr]
{| border=1
{| border=1
At the end of a word, o is pronounced as ô and e as ê.
Stress falls on the first syllable unless there is an accented vowel:
* a -> á
* e -> é
* ê -> è
* o -> ò
* ô -> ó
* u -> ú
which, naturally, takes the stress. Also, any diphthong automatically takes the stress, including the "diphthongs" ar, er, ir, or, and ur, unless there is an accent mark, which always overrides it; however, stress cannot fall on the last syllable unless there is an accent written. Thus, "sathay" is pronounced ['saθaɪ] whereas "satháy" is pronounced [saθ'aɪ]. 
===Syllable rules===
Where C represents any consonant above and V any vowel, generally:
Word-initially, a syllable may take the form CCVC;
Medially, a syllable may take the form CVC;
Word-finally, a syllable may take the form CVC.
This boils down to a word structure of CCVCCVCCVCCVC, at most. In other words, you can never have more than two consonants next to each other, including liquids.
Some exceptions:
* After a diphthong, only one consonant is allowed (in effect, the y or w at the end of the diphthong counts as a consonant even though it really isn't one).
* If the last consonant is a spirant [s] or [z], the final syllable can take the form CVCs.
* When the last consonant is r functioning as a vowel, the cluster can end in CCVCr or even theoretically CCVCsr. For example, "tiryatr" (to the kingdom), "èmatr" (to the animal), "cutsr" (to the cube).
When a voiced consonant comes in contact with an unvoiced consonant, the whole consonant cluster becomes voiced. Thus,
satha (white) + varósa (clothed) = sadhvarósa (white-clothed)
vekti (verb, to think) + ya (3rd person sing. pres. ind.) = vekta
Two plosives can never be juxtaposed. When there is a consonant cluster of the form PP (where P is a plosive), it will become FP, where F is the fricative equivalent according to the following rule:
* p -> f
* b -> v
* t -> th
* d -> dh
* ch -> sh
* c -> k
* g -> g
The resultant is then voiced if necessary; since there is no voiced equivalent of k, it simply disappears.
The following clusters will change as follows, where P is any plosive, V any vowel, and F any fricative, N any nasal and P(n) that nasal's plosive equivalent:
* PvV -> PwV
* PgV -> PyV
* kyV -> shV
* hyV -> cyV
* NN  -> P(n)N
This transformations are performed before applying the two-consonant rule to reduce clusters. Hence, nelki (to hate) + ya (3rd person singular present) = nelsha
Eylastali nouns have the following properties:
* Two genders: masculine and feminine;
* Two numbers: singular and plural. Gender is lost in the plural.
* Six cases: nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, locative, and vocative;
* Two "aspects": definite and indefinite;
* Two "verities": positive and negative.
I can't figure out how to do a fancy table so bear with me here:
For the prototypical masculine noun I here use "neldas" (the nose), for the prototypical feminine "etwês" (the star).
Not all nouns are regular; many nouns end simply in a consonant rather than the -a or -e gender ending. These words must simply be memorized along with their gender (normally denoted by the nominative pronoun they take, "ga" (masculine) or "e" (feminine)).
====Regular masculine paradigm====
* Nominative positive: nelda (a nose), neldas (the nose)
* Nominative negative: nelday (not a nose), neldays (not the nose)
* Accusative positive: neldo (a nose), neldos (the nose)
* Accusative negative: neldoy (not a nose), neldoys (not the nose)
* Genitive positive: nelden (a/the nose's)
* Genitive negative: neldedmá (not a/the nose's)
* Dative positive: neldar (to a/the nose)
* Dative negative: neldamá (not to the nose)
* Locative positive: neldov (at the nose)
* Locative negative: neldoyv (not at the nose)
* Vocative positive: neldat (O nose!)
* Vocative negative: neldayt (O non-nose!)
====Regular feminine paradigm====
* Nominative positive: etwe (a star), etwês (the star)
* Nominative negative: etweya (not a star), etwêsmá (not the star)
* Accusative positive: etwo (a star), etwôs (the star)
* Accusative negative: etwoy (not a star), etwôsmá (not the star)
* Genitive positive: etwin (a/the star's)
* Genitive negative: etwidmá (not a/the star's)
* Dative positive: etwiz (to a/the star)
* Dative negative: etwemá (not to the star)
* Locative positive: etwon (at the star)
* Locative negative: etwoyn (not at the star)
* Vocative positive: etwêt (O star!)
* Vocative negative: etwêtmá (O non-star!)
====Regular plural paradigm====
* Nominative positive: etwi (stars), etwis (the stars)
* Nominative negative: etwiya (not stars), etwismá (not the stars)
* Accusative positive: etwu (stars), etwus (the stars)
* Accusative negative: etwuy (not stars), etwusmá (not the stars)
* Genitive positive: etwanir (a/the stars')
* Genitive negative: etwadmá (not a/the stars')
* Dative positive: etwalir (to a/the stars)
* Dative negative: etwalmá (not to the stars)
* Locative positive: etwanon (among the stars)
* Locative negative: etwanoyn (not among the stars)
* Vocative positive: etwit (O stars!)
* Vocative negative: etwitmá (O non-stars!)
I'm going to sleep now
==An unfinished text in Eylastal==
Aharo cwi aványir adzelir /
swa sewlir sadhalir kay egmov so, /
cyat nwa voydhósa laylim ivlir te /
ti ecyo aynon sunanon efró.        /
A sadhar so ek Uren tartebla,/
ol èov tiryo Dria egmos sco, /
agáhte Uras agadríabla, /
ga nelsha glarion ta tiryatôs.      /
Ga onlo Uras genwon Driathon, /
e naryo norov ocyês egmien, /
swa onlu fehi engei ton so, /
shta edzu asi kay mot áveken,      /
cha naru prôvilúlis evrulon, /
swa genulnon athorin Driathen, /
swa'y obnu Fortesmo, ga bliov sa, /
cha'y gyaru Driar fi mot zahus men. /
Niy aysho adzel Rahas Uzar ko /
swa tasco "Urat lei nari sha, /
ti trefi bladhi gyatsu athelon, /
è semza ga, ta nelki, cetson sa?    /
Heth twari bladhim athriôs nwa fo /
am adri engi adzelis selát; /
te bladhu amlen fo el roy swa cwar /
swa shtendi vekti; nol anari sha."  /
Agáhte sfetyo Uras adzelar, /
"Shtalá cyatari sha tor athrês men?" /
Swa ga côcharya Rahas, "Tiryaví /
sca sha aványa Driacétsien!"        /
Cha tasco Uras, "asi tirim shi, /
shtalá nw' acetson si ef chaprien?" /

Revision as of 19:17, 19 March 2006