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The [[Kala]] [[Wikipedia:Swadesh_list|Swadesh]] list.
The [[Kala]] [[Wikipedia:Swadesh_list|Swadesh]] list.

* I - '''na'''
* '''na''' - I
* you (singular) - '''ta'''
* '''ta''' - you (singular)
* he - '''ha'''
* '''ha''' - he
* we - '''nam'''
* '''nam''' - we
* you (plural) - '''tam'''
* '''tam''' - you (plural)
* they - '''kam'''
* '''kam''' - they
* this - '''itla'''
* '''itla''' - this
* that - '''uatla'''
* '''uatla''' - that
* here - '''hina'''
* '''hina''' - here
* there - '''uana'''
* '''uana''' - there
* who - '''ko'''
* '''ko''' - who
* what - '''ke'''
* '''ke''' - what
* where - '''mo'''
* '''mo''' - where
* when - '''ama'''
* '''ama''' - when
* how - '''to'''
* '''to''' - how
* not - '''ak'''
* '''ak''' - not
* all - '''kua'''
* '''kua''' - all
* many - '''amha'''
* '''amha''' - many
* some - '''iha'''
* '''iha''' - some
* few - '''ohi'''
* '''ohi''' - few
* other - '''ua'''
* '''ua''' - other
* one - '''na'o'''
* '''na'o''' - one
* two - '''ta'o'''
* '''ta'o''' - two
* three - '''ha'o'''
* '''ha'o''' - three
* four - '''ma'o'''
* '''ma'o''' - four
* five - '''ya'o'''
* '''ya'o''' - five
* big - '''taha'''
* '''taha''' - big
* long - '''usuna'''
* '''kiha''' - long
* wide - '''mpana'''
* '''mpana''' - wide
* thick - '''kalitsa'''
* '''atsu''' - thick
* heavy - '''suala'''
* '''suala''' - heavy
* small - '''ahi'''
* '''ahi''' - small
* short - '''mitsika'''
* '''nkanu''' - short
* narrow - '''enka'''
* '''enka''' - narrow
* thin - '''enka'''
* '''enka''' - thin
* woman - '''naka'''
* '''naka''' - woman
* man (adult male) - '''tlaka'''
* '''tlaka''' - man (adult male)
* man (human being) - '''tlana'''
* '''tlana''' - man (human being)
* child - '''inata'''
* '''ntahi''' - child
* wife - '''tla'ona'''
* '''naya''' - wife
* husband - '''tla'ota'''
* '''taya''' - husband
* mother - '''ona'''
* '''ona''' - mother
* father - '''ota'''
* '''ota''' - father
* animal - '''haya'''
* '''haya''' - animal
* fish - '''sakana'''
* '''uatsi''' - fish
* bird - '''tsikua'''
* '''tsikua''' - bird
* dog - '''nika'''
* '''nika''' - dog
* louse - '''sakisu'''
* '''pyoho''' - louse
* snake - '''kuatla'''
* '''kuatla''' - snake
* worm - '''tsunka'''
* '''tsunka''' - worm
* tree - '''ito'''
* '''ito''' - tree
* forest - '''itomha'''
* '''moli''' - forest
* stick - '''palo'''
* '''palo''' - stick
* fruit - '''puaha'''
* '''punka''' - fruit
* seed - '''mpeku'''
* '''mpeku''' - seed
* leaf - '''tsipana'''
* '''siue''' - leaf
* root - '''kiso'''
* '''kiso''' - root
* bark (of a tree) - '''asalo'''
* '''pa'u''' - bark (of a tree)
* flower - '''hua'''
* '''hua''' - flower
* grass - '''kuya'''
* '''kuya''' - grass
* rope - '''naua'''
* '''naua''' - rope
* skin - '''asalo'''
* '''asua''' - skin
* meat - '''kutsu'''
* '''kutsu''' - meat
* blood - '''tima'''
* '''tima''' - blood
* bone - '''ueso'''
* '''ueso''' - bone
* fat (noun) - '''sipo'''
* '''sipo''' - fat (noun)
* egg - '''pyeta'''
* '''pyeta''' - egg
* horn - '''tlapa'''
* '''tlapa''' - horn
* tail - '''koli'''
* '''koli''' - tail
* feather - '''takue'''
* '''tloma''' - feather
* hair - '''senu'''
* '''senu''' - hair
* head - '''ana'''
* '''ana''' - head
* ear - '''tsepe'''
* '''anu''' - ear
* eye - '''anya'''
* '''anya''' - eye
* nose - '''ihu'''
* '''ampu''' - nose
* mouth - '''auana'''
* '''suha''' - mouth
* tooth - '''yatsi'''
* '''yatsi''' - tooth
* tongue (organ) - '''suha'''
* '''suha''' - tongue (organ)
* fingernail - '''tsume'''
* '''nehe''' - fingernail
* foot - '''sotla'''
* '''sotla''' - foot
* leg - '''yaka'''
* '''yaka''' - leg
* knee - '''pelana'''
* '''pelana''' - knee
* hand - '''yato'''
* '''yato''' - hand
* wing - '''ala'''
* '''ala''' - wing
* belly - '''petso'''
* '''petso''' - belly
* guts - '''tsokuta'''
* '''uata''' - guts
* neck - '''kusa'''
* '''kusa''' - neck
* back - '''muta'''
* '''muta''' - back
* breast - '''mune'''
* '''mune''' - breast
* heart - '''yolo'''
* '''moyo''' - heart
* liver - '''opana'''
* '''ate''' - liver
* to drink - '''inu'''
* '''inu''' - to drink
* to eat - '''ina'''
* '''ina''' - to eat
* to bite - '''yatsi'''
* '''yatsi''' - to bite
* to suck - '''hapo'''
* '''hapo''' - to suck
* to spit - '''pasaku'''
* '''tsuka''' - to spit
* to vomit - '''haku'''
* '''haku''' - to vomit
* to blow - '''pukue'''
* '''pukue''' - to blow
* to breathe - '''anta'''
* '''anta''' - to breathe
* to laugh - '''nalo'''
* '''nalo''' - to laugh
* to see - '''anya'''
* '''anya''' - to see
* to hear - '''anu'''
* '''anu''' - to hear
* to know - '''unya'''
* '''unya''' - to know
* to think - '''omu'''
* '''omu''' - to think
* to smell - '''ihu'''
* '''ampu''' - to smell
* to fear - '''kyopu'''
* '''kyopu''' - to fear
* to sleep - '''moku'''
* '''moku''' - to sleep
* to live - '''asa'''
* '''asa''' - to live
* to die - '''sinu'''
* '''kupa''' - to die
* to kill - '''mata'''
* '''mata''' - to kill
* to fight - '''tana'''
* '''tana''' - to fight
* to hunt - '''tasa'''
* '''tasa''' - to hunt
* to hit - '''siku'''
* '''meha''' - to hit
* to cut - '''uya'''
* '''tela''' - to cut
* to split - '''saku'''
* '''saku''' - to split
* to stab - '''punya'''
* '''punya''' - to stab
* to scratch - '''pe'''
* '''pe''' - to scratch
* to dig - '''kopati'''
* '''holo''' - to dig
* to swim - '''oyoku'''
* '''yoko''' - to swim
* to fly - '''tsikua'''
* '''tsikua''' - to fly
* to walk - '''yala'''
* '''yala''' - to walk
* to come - '''tala'''
* '''tala''' - to come
* to lie (as in a bed) - '''nota'''
* '''nota''' - to lie (as in a bed)
* to sit - '''sima'''
* '''sima''' - to sit
* to stand - '''tatsi'''
* '''tatsi''' - to stand
* to turn (intransitive) - '''pyola'''
* '''pyola''' - to turn (intransitive)
* to fall - '''tipua'''
* '''tipua''' - to fall
* to give - '''yeta'''
* '''yeta''' - to give
* to hold - '''yoha'''
* '''yoha''' - to hold
* to squeeze - '''kusu'''
* '''kusu''' - to squeeze
* to rub - '''sastu'''
* '''satsu''' - to rub
* to wash - '''tlela'''
* '''tlela''' - to wash
* to wipe - '''patlo'''
* '''patlo''' - to wipe
* to pull - '''tseka'''
* '''tseka''' - to pull
* to push - '''kusu'''
* '''kusu''' - to push
* to throw - '''hita'''
* '''hita''' - to throw
* to tie - '''naua'''
* '''naua''' - to tie
* to sew - '''suama'''
* '''suama''' - to sew
* to count - '''ku'''
* '''ku''' - to count
* to say - '''kala'''
* '''kala''' - to say
* to sing - '''apua'''
* '''apua''' - to sing
* to play - '''yoti'''
* '''yoti''' - to play
* to float - '''koho'''
* '''koho''' - to float
* to flow - '''nkonto'''
* '''nkonto''' - to flow
* to freeze - '''yelo'''
* '''yelo''' - to freeze
* to swell - '''pasua'''
* '''pasua''' - to swell
* sun - '''sama'''
* '''sama''' - sun
* moon - '''kamala'''
* '''kunye''' - moon
* star - '''sama'''
* '''sama''' - star
* water - '''maya'''
* '''maya''' - water
* rain - '''pana'''
* '''pana''' - rain
* river - '''naha'''
* '''naha''' - river
* lake - '''tloto'''
* '''tsiua''' - lake
* sea - '''muana'''
* '''muana''' - sea
* salt - '''namaka'''
* '''asi''' - salt
* stone - '''kono'''
* '''kono''' - stone
* sand - '''puna'''
* '''hyeka''' - sand
* dust - '''puna'''
* '''puna''' - dust
* earth - '''kaya'''
* '''kaya''' - earth
* cloud - '''nyepa'''
* '''nyepa''' - cloud
* fog - '''kohu'''
* '''kohu''' - fog
* sky - '''heua'''
* '''heua''' - sky
* wind - '''yasa'''
* '''yasa''' - wind
* snow - '''nyahi'''
* '''nyahi''' - snow
* ice - '''yelo'''
* '''yelo''' - ice
* smoke - '''tsoma'''
* '''tsoma''' - smoke
* fire - '''tlatsa'''
* '''tlatsa''' - fire
* ash - '''hamu'''
* '''hamu''' - ash
* to burn - '''tlatsa'''
* '''tlatsa''' - to burn
* road - '''to'''
* '''to''' - road
* mountain - '''yama'''
* '''yama''' - mountain
* red - '''akai'''
* '''ketla''' - red
* green - '''kuya'''
* '''kuya''' - green
* yellow - '''yana'''
* '''yana''' - yellow
* white - '''nyahi'''
* '''nyahi''' - white
* black - '''oya'''
* '''oya''' - black
* night - '''yohua'''
* '''yohua''' - night
* day - '''yoma'''
* '''yoma''' - day
* year - '''anyo'''
* '''anyo''' - year
* warm - '''sitsa'''
* '''sitsa''' - warm
* cold - '''manka'''
* '''manka''' - cold
* full - '''yeno'''
* '''yeno''' - full
* new - '''pako'''
* '''pako''' - new
* old - '''tinali'''
* '''ikaha''' - old
* good - '''tama'''
* '''tama''' - good
* bad - '''mala'''
* '''mala''' - bad
* rotten - '''puka'''
* '''puka''' - rotten
* dirty - '''pu'an'''
* '''puna''' - dirty
* straight - '''nato'''
* '''nato''' - straight
* round - '''natepe'''
* '''kena''' - round
* sharp (as a knife) - '''seka'''
* '''seka''' - sharp (as a knife)
* dull (as a knife) - '''nipue'''
* '''nipue''' - dull (as a knife)
* smooth - '''seta'''
* '''seta''' - smooth
* wet - '''mayan'''
* '''maya''' - wet
* dry - '''seka'''
* '''seka''' - dry
* correct - '''sahya'''
* '''sahya''' - correct
* near - '''hina'''
* '''hina''' - near
* far - '''uana'''
* '''uana''' - far
* right - '''yomo'''
* '''yomo''' - right
* left - '''yoso'''
* '''yoso''' - left
* at - '''ka'e'''
* '''ka'e''' - at
* in - '''nahe'''
* '''nahe''' - in
* with - '''ma'a'''
* '''ma'a''' - with
* and - '''ma'''
* '''ma''' - and
* if - '''iya'''
* '''iya''' - if
* because - '''nye'''
* '''nye''' - because
* name - '''ata'''
* '''ata''' - name

== Index ==
== Index ==

Revision as of 18:29, 11 November 2012

See also: Kala Lexicon & Thematic Lexicon


The Kala Swadesh list.

  • na - I
  • ta - you (singular)
  • ha - he
  • nam - we
  • tam - you (plural)
  • kam - they
  • itla - this
  • uatla - that
  • hina - here
  • uana - there
  • ko - who
  • ke - what
  • mo - where
  • ama - when
  • to - how
  • ak - not
  • kua - all
  • amha - many
  • iha - some
  • ohi - few
  • ua - other
  • na'o - one
  • ta'o - two
  • ha'o - three
  • ma'o - four
  • ya'o - five
  • taha - big
  • kiha - long
  • mpana - wide
  • atsu - thick
  • suala - heavy
  • ahi - small
  • nkanu - short
  • enka - narrow
  • enka - thin
  • naka - woman
  • tlaka - man (adult male)
  • tlana - man (human being)
  • ntahi - child
  • naya - wife
  • taya - husband
  • ona - mother
  • ota - father
  • haya - animal
  • uatsi - fish
  • tsikua - bird
  • nika - dog
  • pyoho - louse
  • kuatla - snake
  • tsunka - worm
  • ito - tree
  • moli - forest
  • palo - stick
  • punka - fruit
  • mpeku - seed
  • siue - leaf
  • kiso - root
  • pa'u - bark (of a tree)
  • hua - flower
  • kuya - grass
  • naua - rope
  • asua - skin
  • kutsu - meat
  • tima - blood
  • ueso - bone
  • sipo - fat (noun)
  • pyeta - egg
  • tlapa - horn
  • koli - tail
  • tloma - feather
  • senu - hair
  • ana - head
  • anu - ear
  • anya - eye
  • ampu - nose
  • suha - mouth
  • yatsi - tooth
  • suha - tongue (organ)
  • nehe - fingernail
  • sotla - foot
  • yaka - leg
  • pelana - knee
  • yato - hand
  • ala - wing
  • petso - belly
  • uata - guts
  • kusa - neck
  • muta - back
  • mune - breast
  • moyo - heart
  • ate - liver
  • inu - to drink
  • ina - to eat
  • yatsi - to bite
  • hapo - to suck
  • tsuka - to spit
  • haku - to vomit
  • pukue - to blow
  • anta - to breathe
  • nalo - to laugh
  • anya - to see
  • anu - to hear
  • unya - to know
  • omu - to think
  • ampu - to smell
  • kyopu - to fear
  • moku - to sleep
  • asa - to live
  • kupa - to die
  • mata - to kill
  • tana - to fight
  • tasa - to hunt
  • meha - to hit
  • tela - to cut
  • saku - to split
  • punya - to stab
  • pe - to scratch
  • holo - to dig
  • yoko - to swim
  • tsikua - to fly
  • yala - to walk
  • tala - to come
  • nota - to lie (as in a bed)
  • sima - to sit
  • tatsi - to stand
  • pyola - to turn (intransitive)
  • tipua - to fall
  • yeta - to give
  • yoha - to hold
  • kusu - to squeeze
  • satsu - to rub
  • tlela - to wash
  • patlo - to wipe
  • tseka - to pull
  • kusu - to push
  • hita - to throw
  • naua - to tie
  • suama - to sew
  • ku - to count
  • kala - to say
  • apua - to sing
  • yoti - to play
  • koho - to float
  • nkonto - to flow
  • yelo - to freeze
  • pasua - to swell
  • sama - sun
  • kunye - moon
  • sama - star
  • maya - water
  • pana - rain
  • naha - river
  • tsiua - lake
  • muana - sea
  • asi - salt
  • kono - stone
  • hyeka - sand
  • puna - dust
  • kaya - earth
  • nyepa - cloud
  • kohu - fog
  • heua - sky
  • yasa - wind
  • nyahi - snow
  • yelo - ice
  • tsoma - smoke
  • tlatsa - fire
  • hamu - ash
  • tlatsa - to burn
  • to - road
  • yama - mountain
  • ketla - red
  • kuya - green
  • yana - yellow
  • nyahi - white
  • oya - black
  • yohua - night
  • yoma - day
  • anyo - year
  • sitsa - warm
  • manka - cold
  • yeno - full
  • pako - new
  • ikaha - old
  • tama - good
  • mala - bad
  • puka - rotten
  • puna - dirty
  • nato - straight
  • kena - round
  • seka - sharp (as a knife)
  • nipue - dull (as a knife)
  • seta - smooth
  • maya - wet
  • seka - dry
  • sahya - correct
  • hina - near
  • uana - far
  • yomo - right
  • yoso - left
  • ka'e - at
  • nahe - in
  • ma'a - with
  • ma - and
  • iya - if
  • nye - because
  • ata - name


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