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Áwrəklybám kyn brer "mæśsəh 'het - kajprykám dæńt' keft firláð" keft kəfðyrám kiśtsājáð.
Áwrəklybám kyn brer "mæśsəh 'het - kajprykám dæńt' keft firláð" keft kəfðyrám kiśtsājáð.
[[Category: Conlang Relay 12]]

Latest revision as of 20:46, 19 July 2011

Smooth English from Calénnawn

This is a very marvelous narration.

The priestess spoke and said, "Hope!"

The midwife spoke and said, "Woman, push! You need to give birth! I see the baby using my eyes. You are about to give birth."

The priestess spoke and said, "Hope!"

The baby spoke and said, "I see this world."

The priestess said, "Oy!"

The woman said, "What?"

The midwife spoke and said, "Do not fear. You need to push! Push!"

The priestess spoke and said, "Hope!"

The baby spoke and said, "I need a blanket, and may it be thick."

The woman screamed and said, "S/he/it spoke!"

The baby spoke and said, "My mother, do not give unto me the name 'Cúnucs' because it is common/ordinary."

The woman spoke and said, "What is happening? I have drunk too much wine."

The midwife spoke and said, "I am able to cut the umbilical cord."

The baby spoke and said, "When I die, I will have been a military general and Peter will honour my name. I need a monster and I need to drink, but I will not drink the milk."

The priestess spoke and said, "You should not flop about like a fish on a dock."

The baby spoke and said, "I need a cup of wine aged 12 months."

The priestess spoke and said, "Hope!"

It was written the next day, "The baby speaks and says, 'This is a sacred gift.'"

Tæĺf with Interlinear

Het - her ðeþrek færl. This - very marvel.postBF2 story.

Þæŕfən-þændət "Sifreńssaŋajáfþ!" keft fiŕĺtsājáð. priest-woman "hope.postBF-IMP-2nd.PL!" QUOT1

Ryzdot-y-tēməwrytáwzō "Þændət, fiśsaŋajás! birth.postBF-[]-doer-assist.postBF "Woman,!

Hasyɬjáp áwrərzydáftōjás kəmzyjáwnō!" keft necessary!" QUOT1

bindejtsājáð, "Ho blejo sylmōjəlajo mij, "I INST

myśsoh þá riśtsājo. Hasyɬjáp baby.postBF ACC

áwrərzydáftōjás soɣr kəklybám soon passPart-come.preBF

kīláð," keft fiŕĺtsājáð.," QUOT1

Þæŕfən-þændət "Sifreńssaŋajáfþ!" keft fiŕĺtsājáð. priest-woman "hope.postBF-IMP-2nd.PL!" QUOT1

Mæśsəh "Het byjðos þá rijo," keft baby "This world.postBF ACC," QUOT1


Þæŕfən-þændət "Hojś!" keft fiŕĺtsājáð. priest-woman "Oy!" QUOT1

"Nō?" keft þændət fiŕĺtsājáð. "What?" QUOT1 woman

Ryzdot-y-tēməwrytáwzō "Tirblāsaŋajás," keft, birth.postBF-[]-doer-assist.postBF "" QUOT1

"hasyɬjáp áwrəfsyhám kəmzyjáwnō! " necessary!

Fishysaŋajás!" keft bleŋk giŋ́ftsājáð.!" QUOT1 again

Þæŕfən-þændət "Sifreńssaŋajáfþ!" keft fiŕĺtsājáð. priest-woman "hope.postBF-IMP-2nd.PL!" QUOT1

"Həwyðeā læfs kəmzyjáwnō," keft mæśsəh, " blanket necessary," QUOT1 baby,

"Tiĺĺsaŋajáð" keft fiŕĺtsājáð. "be.thick.postBF-IMP-3rd" QUOT1

Þændət "Bitnytsājáð!" keft giśtsājáð. woman "" QUOT1

Mæśsəh "Mymo," keft laśkrygám, baby "," QUOT1 pastPart-addressed.preBF,

"Həwyðeā 'Kūnuxs' kesm sym þá " 'Cúnucs' QUOT2 name.postBF ACC

dińtylāsaŋajás, háð - naxl," keft, it - ordinary," QUOT1


Þændət "Nō liryś kīláð? Ho tefr kuhkaɬ woman "what presPart-go.preBF I too much

Þyrros þá fiśttsājo" keft wine.postBF ACC" QUOT1


Ryzdot-y-tēməwrytáwzō "hojā mæśs-y-kymbō birth.postBF-[]-doer-assist.postBF " life-[]-rope.postBF

þá liryssydámo momgyn" keft fiŕĺtsājáð. ACC possible" QUOT1

mæśsəh "mykkō biŕk tēməŕk áwrədrykám baby "army.postBF in-DIST ER-lead.postBF futPart-become.preBF

dińto, áwrərnylámo beā, 'Kristśin' kesm, LOC, Christian QUOT2

mylnō biŕk zywrō tēməþkylám sym religion.postBF in-DIST gate.postBF ER-keep.preBF

þá áwrəssyláfsō dińtáð," keft ACC futPart-honour.preBF," QUOT1

mitnytsājáð, "həwyðeā kæĺk, áwrəfjytám, " monster, futGER-drink.preBF

kəmzyjáwnō, jelyj dyɣgop þá áwrəfjytám necessary, but milk.postBF ACC futPart-drink.preBF


Þæŕfən-þændət "hasyɬjáp hylðō yðeā hymjok ðek priest-woman "your cougar.postBF DAT hamster.postBF like

liryɣgyfámás kəlamzyjānā" keft fiŕĺtsājáð. unnecessary" QUOT1

Mæśsəh "həwyðeā rep jyl kətjydám baby " one year.postBF passPart-age.preBF

þyrros sytkonáð kəmzyjáwnō" keft fiŕĺtsājáð. wine.postBF necessary," QUOT1

Þæŕfən-þændət "Sifreńssaŋajáfþ!" keft fiŕĺtsājáð. priest-woman "hope.postBF-IMP-2nd.PL!" QUOT1

Áwrəklybám kyn brer "mæśsəh 'het - kajprykám dæńt' futPart-come.preBF day.postBF LOC "baby 'this - causPart-bless gift'

keft firláð" keft kəfðyrám kiśtsājáð. QUOT1" QUOT1 passPart-write.preBF

Notes passed to next participant

General Info

Tæĺf can be classified so:
- adjectives precede nouns
- postpositional

Tæĺf uses consonant stems as the basis for vocabulary building.  Because of this, word formation paradigms call for consonants A, B, C, etc.  For example, in the [particularly long, for sake of example] stem SFRNZ, consonant A is S, and consonant E is Z.

In the lexicon, most noun/verb/adjective citations are given as the stem with the citation form in ()s; other forms can be derived/identified in the next section on important forms.

See final comments.

Important Forms

See note 4 (before 4a); applies generally to verbs as well.

Verbal participles/gerunds:
- liry + preBF    present part/ger
- laj + preBF     past part/ger
- áwrə + preBF    future part/ger
- kə(/ke) + preBF passive or perfective part/ger
- kaj + preBF     causative part/ger

Verbal forms:
- citation form:
  - AáwB (AáfB)
  - AāBaCá
  - AāBaCáDī
  - AāBaCáDiE
- pre-bound form:
  - -AB
  - -AByCám / -AByCáp
  - -AByCá(w/f)Dō
  - -AByCá(w/f)DoE
- post-bound form:
  - A(ī/i)B-
  - AiBC-
  - AiBC(ē/e)D-
  - AiBCeDE-

Noun forms:
- citation form:
  - AæB(C(əD))
- pre-bound form:
  - -ABo(C(əD))
- post-bound form:
  - AyB-
  - AyBCō-
  - AyBC(ō/o)D-
- post-bound form 2 (denominal adjectives):
  - AeB(C(eD))
  - sometimes: AeBCe or AaBC

Final-bound pronouns:
-o    -áwŋ
-ás   -áfþ
-áð   -áwn


(1) - indicates a missing copula, although a copula would normally not come in the position - is found.  Normal word order in Tæĺf would be X Y COP, but when there's no copula, the order is X - Y.

(2) Because of the history of Tæĺf, many potentially confusing allophonic variations of consonants may exist:
- The following are quite common: l/ĺ/ɬ(/f), g/ɣ/k, k/x, (v/)b/p/w/f, r/ŕ, n/ń, j/ś, m/ḿ, n/ŋ́/g, and a few others that are much less common
(2a) In addition, some other things should be taken into account:
- roots ending in h often won't show their h in certain forms, since h drops at the end of syllables after fricatives
- there are some vowel variations too, most of which shouldn't be too opaque, some of which may be typos.

(3) Quotatives are used for any material that's typically quoted.  In Tæĺf, there are two common quotatives:
- keft is used for things which are said.  Think of "person 'X' keft verb" as "person, having said 'X', verb".  There are many other ways of dealing with this in English, depending on the verb; also, as long as keft comes immediately after the quoted material, the rest of the sentence's syntax is pretty loose.
- kesm is used for names.  "'X' kesm thing" can be thought of as "thing called 'X'", or, English-permitting, "'X' thing".

(4) The post-bound form (postBF) of the noun is used to show that something slightly less salient than the noun follows it:
- for oblique case, after which case markers / postpositions follow
- postBF nouns can precede other nouns (which can change in form depending on the resulting noun phrase's use): e.g., music.postBF disc = music disc, disc of music.
(4a) Also, compound nouns don't have to use the post-bound form, and instead simply the citation form.  Alternatively, the 2nd noun can be in preBF.  In these instances, the filler vowel 'y' is often inserted between the nouns so that the phonology comes out okay.
(4b) Some compounds may not be semantically obvious, even in context; if there seems to be ambiguity, contact me and I will provide compounds as if they are pieces of the lexicon previously not included.

(5) Distributive prepositions can be thought of as mini relative clauses: þyndot beāk hæńf (temple.postBF at-DIST woman) = the woman at the temple, the woman who is at the temple

Final Comments - Contact me!

   As with any relay, if any questions come up, please contact me.  I realise the syntax may be difficult for people unfamiliar with SOV languages; again, all questions are welcome, especially if something Just Doesn't Make Sense--everything should come out fairly simple and should make sense at least outside the context of everything else (you know how relays can be...), except perhaps the last sentence, which shouldn't be terrible, but is slightly complicated.
   If my server were up (it will be in about a week, but that does you little good now), I'd direct you to more complete info on Tæĺf, though I think I've sent everything that'll be necessary to tackle the relay.  If you need any futher information, however, contact me.
   If there are unicode issues, contact me.  I can easily provide pdf files which will present things as they're supposed to look.


-			indicates missing copula (see note 1)
-k			distributiviser/relativiser, for postpositions (see note 5)
áwrə + verb.preBF		future gerund or participle
áwrə + verb.preBF + (j +) pronoun   future gerund
beā			locative, at
bir			in
BJÐS (bæjðəs)		world
bleŋk			again
ble + j + pronoun	[pronoun]'s own (e.g., 'blejás' = 'your own')
brer			temporal locative, during, at the time of
DGGW (dæɣgəp)		milk
ðek			like, as (postposition)
DNT (dæńt)		gift
DNT (dānatá)		give
DRK (dāraká)		become
ÐÞRK (ðæþrək)		amazing thing, marvel
ÐKL (ðākalá)		keep
FÐR (fæðr)		writing implement (pen, pencil, quill)
FÐR (fāðará)		write
FJT (fājatá)		drink (verb)
FRL (færl)		story
FRL (fāralá)		say (archaic: recount)
FSH (fāsahá)		push
FSH (fāsahá)		push (see note 2a)
futGerund + pronoun + [necessary]   [it is necessary that] subject verb[s], subject['s] verb[ing is necessary], subject [needs to] verb, subject [should] verb
futGerund + pronoun + [possible]   [it is possible that] subject verb[s], subject['s] verb[ing is possible], subject [is able to / can] verb
futGerund + [come]		verb tense: immediate future
futParticiple + [give]	verb tense: future
GŊF (gæŋ́f)		command (noun)
GŊF (gāgafá)		command (verb)
ŊJ (gawś)			scream, cry out, shriek
háð			s/he/it (
háfþ			you (
hás			you (
háwŋ			we (
háwn			they (
həwyðeā			me (
hasyɬjáp			your (
her			very
het			this
HLÐ (hæĺþ)		cougar
HMJK (hæmjək)		hamster; any small rodent (e.g., mouse, gerbil; most squirrels and rats would be considered large rodents)
ho			I (
hojā			my (
hojś!			exclamation of surprise: "oy!", "ay!", "omg!"
jelyj			but
JH (jáf)			go (see note 2a)
JL (jæɬ)			year
kə (/ke) + verb.preBF	passive participle
kəlamzyjānā		unnecessary
kəmzyjáwnō		necessary
kaj + verb.preBF		causative gerund or participle
kaj + verb.preBF + (j +) pronoun   causative gerund
keft			QUOT1 (see note 3)
kesm			QUOT2 (see note 3)
KJ (káfś)			put
KL (kawl)			stay
KLK (kæĺk)		wolf; scary or dangerous animal, monster
KLV (kālabá)		come
KMV (kæḿp)		rope, string
KN (kæn)			sun; day
KRŊ (kāragá)		address, hail
kuhkaɬ			much
laj + verb.preBF		past gerund or participle
laj + verb.preBF + (j +) pronoun   past gerund
liry + verb.preBF		present gerund or participle
liry + verb.preBF + (j +) pronoun   present gerund
LVS (læfs)		blanket, cover, covering (sometimes: rug, carpet)
LVS (lābasá)		cover (verb)
mij			instrumental
MJS (mæśs)		life
MJSH (mæśsəh)		baby (see note 2a)
MKK (mæxk)		any sort of armed force: army, military, police, etc
MLN (mæln)		belief, faith, religion 
MM (mæm)			mother
momgyn			possible
MTN (mætn)		declaration
MTN (mātaná)		declare
nō			what, which
NKL (naxl)		ordinary, plain, normal
noun.citeF-[y-]noun.citeF	compound noun phrase (see note 4a)
noun.citeF-[y-]noun.preBF	compound noun phrase (see note 4a)
noun.postBF		oblique (followed by cases/postpositions)
noun.postBF + (j +) pronoun   possessed/ive form
noun.postBF + (j +) əla (+ j + pronoun)   plural
noun.postBF noun		distributive (see note 4)
noun.postBF-[y-]noun.citeF	compound noun phrase (see note 4a)
passParticiple + [put]	finite form of passive voice
passParticiple + [stay]	verb tense: [such a situation definitely exists]
presParticiple + [stay]	verb tense: [such a situation exists]
rep			one
RG (ráfk)			lead (verb)
RJ (ráfś)			see
RNL (rānalá)		die
RZDT (ræzdət)		birth (noun)
RZDT (rāzadátī)		give birth (verb)
SFRNZ (sāfaránis)		hope; pray non-secularly
SLM (sæɬm)		eye
SM (sæm)			name (noun)
soɣr			soon
SSLS (sæsləs)		honour (noun)
SSLS (sāsalásī)		honour (verb)
STKN (sætkən)		mug, cup, glass, goblet; any container with a wide, open top which liquid is poured into and drunk from (e.g., not a flask)
tēmə + noun.postBF	doer, agent; more generally, person whose job deals with noun
tefr			too
TJD (tæśt)		age, oldness (noun)
TJD (tājadá)		age (verb)
TJD (teśt,tejde)		aged, old (adj)
TLL (tæĺĺ)		thickness
TLL (tālalá)		to be thick
TLL (teɬle)		thick
TRV (tæŕf)		fear (noun)
TRV (tārabá)		fear (verb)
tsáŋ			because of, since, for
þá			accusative
ÞNDT (þændət)		woman, any female creature
ÞRFN (þæŕfən)		priest, any religious leader
ÞRRS (þærrəs)		alcoholic beverage, spirits: usually cider, but also applies to wine, beer, ale, vodka, etc. (of these, only cider and various wines are native to Tæĺf speakers)
verb.citeF		infinitival form
verb.postBF (+ j) + pronoun   finite form, usually present tense
verb.postBF + (y + ) lā(/laj)   negative
verb.postBF + (y +) tsā + j + pronoun   past tense
verb.postBF + saŋa + j + pronoun   imperative
VNTJ (bānatájī)		exclaim, sound/peal (of a horn/bell)
VRK (bāraká)		bless, make holy/divine; make non-secularly divine/special  
VRTZ (bāratázī)		help, assist
VTN (bātaná)		speak, talk
yðeā			dative, to
ZSD (zāsadá)		cut, slice; split, divide
ZVR (zæwr)		gate, opening

The Text in Tæĺf

Het - her ðeþrek færl.

Þæŕfən-þændət "Sifreńssaŋajáfþ!" keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

Ryzdot-y-tēməwrytáwzō "Þændət, rizdetsaŋajás!

Hasyɬjáp áwrərzydáftōjás kəmzyjáwnō!" keft bindejtsājáð, "Ho blejo sylmōjəlajo mij myśsoh þá riśtsājo. Hasyɬjáp áwrərzydáftōjás soɣr kəklybám kīláð," keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

Þæŕfən-þændət "Sifreńssaŋajáfþ!" keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

Mæśsəh "Het byjðos þá rijo," keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

Þæŕfən-þændət "Hojś!" keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

"Nō?" keft þændət fiŕĺtsājáð.

Ryzdot-y-tēməwrytáwzō "Tirblāsaŋajás," keft, "hasyɬjáp áwrəfsyhám kəmzyjáwnō! Fishysaŋajás!" keft bleŋk giŋ́ftsājáð.

Þæŕfən-þændət "Sifreńssaŋajáfþ!" keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

"Həwyðeā læfs kəmzyjáwnō," keft mæśsəh, "Tiĺĺsaŋajáð" keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

Þændət "Bitnytsājáð!" keft giśtsājáð.

Mæśsəh "Mymo," keft laśkrygám, "Həwyðeā 'Kūnuxs' kesm sym þá dińtylāsaŋajás, háð - naxl," keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

Þændət "Nō liryś kīláð? Ho tefr kuhkaɬ þyrros þá fiśttsājo" keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

Ryzdot-y-tēməwrytáwzō "hojā mæśs-y-kymbō þá liryssydámo momgyn" keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

Mæśsəh "mykkō biŕk tēməŕk áwrədrykám dińto, áwrərnylámo beā, 'Kristśin' kesm mylnō biŕk zywrō tēməþkylám sym þá áwrəssyláfsō dińtáð," keft mitnytsājáð, "həwyðeā kæĺk, áwrəfjytám kəmzyjáwnō, jelyj dyɣgop þá áwrəfjytám dińtlajo."

Þæŕfən-þændət "hasyɬjáp hylðō yðeā hymjok ðek liryɣgyfámás kəlamzyjānā" keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

Mæśsəh "həðəjáp rep jyl kətjydám þyrros sytkonáð kəmzyjáwnō" keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

Þæŕfən-þændət "Sifreńssaŋajáfþ!" keft fiŕĺtsājáð.

Áwrəklybám kyn brer "mæśsəh 'het - kajprykám dæńt' keft firláð" keft kəfðyrám kiśtsājáð.