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* '''Nkala'''
== k ==

== abbreviations / notation used ==
*'''k''' - <big>'''-ㄱ'''</big> - from ''Nahuatl'' [[wiktionary:ah-|ah-]] - ''suf.'' indicates negative of any verb or a lack of a noun
:''Compare'':    '''na ke mihu yoha''' - I have a cat. | '''na ke mihuk yoha''' - I have no cat. | '''na ke mihu yohak''' - I do not have a cat.

* absolutive - ''abs''
*'''ka''' - <big>''''''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:か#Particle|か]] - ''part.'' interrogative particle, placed at the end of interrogative phrase
* accusative - ''acc''
:''Example'':    '''mo  ta yala ka''' - Where are you going?
* adjective - ''adj''
* adverb - ''adv''
* affix - ''aff''
* first person - ''1''
* nominative - ''nom''
* number - ''num''
* object - ''obj''
* particle - ''ptc''
* prefix - ''pre''
* preposition - ''prep''
* pronoun - ''pn''
* second person - ''2''
* subject - ''sub''
* suffix - ''suf''
* third person - ''3''
* verb - ''v''

== grammar ==
*'''kala''' - <big>'''가라'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:كلم|كلم]] - ''n.'' language | ''v.'' to speak, say, talk

=== word order ===
*'''kam''' - <big>'''감'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:هم|هم]] - ''pron.'' third person singular

* ''(sub) - (obj) - (v)''  
*'''kampa''' - <big>'''감바'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:かんぱい|かんぱい]] - ''inter.'' Cheers! | common toast used when drinking in company
* ''(sub) - (v)''  
* ''(sub) - (prep) - (obj) - (v)''

== sounds ==
*'''kama''' - <big>'''가마'''</big> - from ''Lithuanian'' [[wiktionary:kaimas|kaimas]] - ''n.'' village, town, borough | city, municipality

=== consonants ===
*'''kamala''' - <big>'''가마라'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:قمر|قمر]] - ''n.'' moon, lunar body | any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet

* '''p''' - /p~b/ | '''mp''' - /mp~mb/
*'''kamusa''' - <big>'''가므사'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:قاموس|قاموس]] - ''n.'' dictionary, lexicon | publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
* '''t''' - /t~d/ | '''nt''' - /nt~nd/
* '''k''' - /k~g/ | '''nk''' - /nk~N/
* '''m''' - /m/
* '''n''' - /n/
* '''s''' - /s~S/ | '''ts''' - /ts~tS/
* '''l''' - /l~r/ | '''tl''' - /tl~tK/

=== vowels ===
*'''kasuma''' - <big>'''가스마'''</big> - from ''Alabama'' [[wiktionary:kasooma|kasooma]] - ''n.'' onion, used as vegetable and spice

* '''a''' - /a~a:/ | '''ai''' - /aI:/ | '''au''' - /aU:/
*'''ka'e''' - <big>'''가어'''</big> - from ''Czech'' [[Wiktionary:k#Czech|k]] - ''prep.'' to, toward(s), at / in the direction of, and arriving at
* '''i''' - /i~i:/ | '''ia''' - /ja:/ | '''iau''' - /jaU:/ | '''iu''' - /ju:/
:''Example'': '''ha  ka'e tsaka yalaye''' - She went to(ward) the house.
* '''u''' - /u~u:/ | '''ua''' - /wa:/ | '''uai''' - /waI:/

=== syllable structure ===
*'''ka'o''' - <big>'''가오'''</big> - (<big>'''七'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 7

* (C)V
*'''kayoma''' - <big>'''가요마'''</big> - from ''[[Kala]]'' '''ka'o''' + '''yoma''' - ''n.'' Wednesday (seventh day of the '''[[Kala]]''' week)

* '''Note''' - The apostrophe (''' ' ''') is used to separate vowel groups and is not pronounced.
*'''kaua''' - <big>'''가우'''</big> -  from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:قهوة|قهوة]] - ''n.'' coffee

= phrases =
*'''kya''' - <big>'''갸'''</big> - ''part.'' jussive particle, used to indicate commands; precedes verb and requires no pronoun

* '''ia'ata''' - hello / hi / greetings
*'''kyampi''' - <big>'''걈비'''</big> - from ''Swahili'' [[wiktionary:kiambishi|kiambishi]] - ''n.'' affix, that which is affixed | linguistics: a bound morpheme added to a word’s stem

* '''sampa''' - goodbye / bye / farewell
*'''ke''' - <big>'''거'''</big> - from ''multiple'' [[Wiktionary:que|que]] - ''art.'' the / a | ''conj.'' than / that; connects comparisons and acts as an indefinite pronoun | ''part.'' topic marker, accusative case; a grammatical marker preceding the direct object
:''Examples'': '''ke tsaka''' - The house. | '''na ke tsaka anyaye''' - I saw the house. | '''ke tsaka nayo''' - The house is mine. / My house.

* '''mu ta iala ka'''
*'''ketla''' - <big>'''거타'''</big> - ''adj./n.'' red, having red as its color (see also '''aka'i''')
: ''place 2s go INT''
: Where are you going?

* '''nam tsala ina'ik'''
*'''kye'o''' - <big>'''겨오'''</big>  -  ''num.'' cardinal number 100,000
: ''2p sauce eat.past.neg''
: We did not eat the sauce.

*'''ko''' - <big>'''고'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:こ|こ]] - ''n.'' person, human, individual | ''suf.'' agentive suffix indicating doer or possessor of trait

*'''koto''' - <big>'''고도'''</big> - from ''Japanese''  [[wiktionary:鼓#Kanji|鼓]] - ''n.'' drum (instrument) | ''v.'' to beat a drum (beat, top, strike)

= p =
*'''kompo''' - <big>'''곰보'''</big> - from ''Ainu'' [[wiktionary:コンボ|コンボ]] - ''n.'' seaweed, marine plants and algae

* '''-pa''' - ''suf'' - abilitative mood/aspect
*'''kua''' - <big>''''''</big> - from ''Mandarin'' [[wiktionary:侇|侇]] - ''adv./det./n.'' all / each / every
* '''patu''' - ''n'' - duck [aquatic avian]
* '''palu''' - ''n'' - cane / staff / stick
* '''pa'u''' - ''num'' - eight
* '''pu'ia''' - ''n'' - color / hue / shade / pigment

= t =
*'''kuama''' - <big>'''구마'''</big> - from ''[[Kala]]'' '''kua''' + '''ama''' - ''adv.'' always, forever | eternal

* '''tsala''' - ''n'' - sauce / paste
*'''kuatla''' - <big>'''구타'''</big> - from ''Nahuatl'' [[wiktionary:coatl|coatl]] - ''n.'' snake, serpent
* '''tsai''' - ''n'' - tea
* '''tsa'u''' - ''num'' - six
* '''tsuku''' - ''adj/n'' - blue
* '''ta''' - ''pn'' - 2s.NOM
* '''tam''' - ''pn'' - 2p.NOM
* '''tai''' - ''pn'' - 2s.POSS/REFL
* '''tami''' - ''pn'' - 2p.POSS/REFL
* '''tanku''' - ''pn'' - 2p.RECP
* '''ta'u''' - ''num'' - two
* '''ti'u''' - ''num'' - thousand
* '''tulunku''' - ''adj/n'' - orange

= k =
*'''kuetsa''' - <big>'''규자'''</big> - from ''Zapotec'' [[wiktionary:gueza|gueza]] - ''n.'' cigarette

* '''-k''' - ''suf'' - negative suffix [affixed to verbs and nouns]
*'''ku''' - <big>''''''</big> - ''n.'' number / amount / digit, numeral (see also '''o''')
* '''ka'u''' - ''num'' - seven
* '''kala''' - ''v'' - to speak, talk, say | utter
* '''kisipu''' - ''adj/n'' - silver
* '''kia''' - ''ptc'' - command particle / jussive [precedes verb]
* '''ku''' - ''n/ptc/suf'' - person
* '''kutsu''' - ''n'' - flesh / meat
* '''ku'ia''' - ''adj/n'' - green

= m =
*'''kuna''' - <big>'''그나'''</big> - from ''multiple'' [[wiktionary:kuna#Pitta-Pitta|kuna]] - ''n.'' excrement, shit, dung | ''v.'' to shit, defecate

* '''matla''' - ''n'' - stew / soup / porridge
*'''kuma''' - <big>'''그마'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:くま|くま]] - ''n.'' bear, ursine / large mammal of family Ursidae
* '''maka''' - ''n/v'' - music / song / to play music
* '''malu''' - ''adj/n'' - brown / tan
* '''ma'u''' - ''num'' - four
* '''mi'u''' - ''num'' - 10^5

= n =
*'''kipo''' - <big>'''기보'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:きぼう|きぼう]] - ''n./v.'' (to) hope, aspire / aspiration

* '''na''' - ''pn'' - 1s.NOM
*'''kiso''' - <big>'''기소'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:きそ|きそ]] - ''adj./n.'' base / basic / basis / foundation / ground / root
* '''nam''' - ''pn'' - 1p.NOM
* '''nai''' - ''pn'' - 1s.POSS/REFL
* '''nami''' - ''pn'' - 1p.POSS/REFL
* '''nanku''' - ''pn'' - 1p.RECP
* '''na'u''' - ''num'' - one
* '''nia'i''' - ''adj/n'' - white
* '''ni'u''' - ''num'' - hundred
* '''niuma''' - rice / grain / seed

= s =
== n ==

* '''sakana''' - ''n'' - fish
*'''nkata''' - <big>'''은가다'''</big> - from ''Swahili'' [[wiktionary:mkataba|mkataba]] - ''n.'' agreement; understanding between individuals | ''v.'' agree, concur, assent
* '''sa'iu''' - ''n'' - 19 days / "month"
* '''sa'u''' - ''num'' - nine
* '''supuku''' - ''adj/n'' - gray

= l =
*'''nkapa''' - <big>'''은가바'''</big> - from ''Warlpiri'' [[wiktionary:ngapa#Warlpiri|ngapa]] - ''n.'' alcohol, grog

* '''la''' - ''pn'' - 3s.NOM
*'''nke''' - <big>'''은거'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:aunque|aunque]] - ''conj.'' and though; although; even though
* '''lam''' - ''pn'' - 3p.NOM
* '''lai''' - ''pn'' - 3s.POSS/REFL
* '''lami''' - ''pn'' - 3p.POSS/REFL
* '''lanku''' - ''pn'' - 3p.RECP
* '''la'u''' - ''num'' - three
* '''li'u''' - ''num'' - 10^4

= a =
*'''nkono''' - <big>'''은고노'''</big> - from ''Swahili'' [[wiktionary:ngono|ngono]] - ''n.'' act of sexual intercourse | ''v.'' to have sex with

* '''atana''' - ''n'' - body / corpse / cadaver / anatomy / physique
*'''ntsompo''' - <big>'''은좀보'''</big> - from ''Chichewa'' [[wiktionary:mchombo|mchombo]] - ''n.'' navel, belly button, remnant of umbilical cord
* '''akai''' - ''adj/n'' - red
* '''ama''' - ''n'' - time / era
* '''ana''' - ''n'' - head / skull / mind
* '''ania''' - ''n/v'' - eye / to see, look
* '''aniu''' - ''n'' - year / 365 or 366 days
* '''anu''' - ''n/v'' - ear / to hear, listen
* '''alani''' - ''adj/n'' - gold [color]
* '''ai-''' - ''pre/inf'' - accusative prefix for pronouns / infixed to link pronominal agent-patient
* '''a'u''' - ''num'' - zero / nothing

= i =
*'''na''' - <big>'''나'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:انا|انا]] - ''pro.'' first person singular | ''suf.'' feminine gender

* '''ina''' - ''n/v'' - food / to eat
*'''naka''' - <big>'''나가'''</big> - from ''Hebrew'' [[wiktionary:נקבה|נקבה]] - ''n.'' woman, female
* '''ilila''' - ''adj/n'' - purple / violet / indigo
* '''iana''' - ''adj/n'' - yellow
* '''ia'u''' - ''num'' - five
* '''iuma''' - ''n'' - day

= u =
*'''nasa''' - <big>'''나사'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:nacer|nacer]] - ''v.'' be born / given birth to

* '''utsuma''' - ''n'' - grape
*'''naso''' - <big>'''나소'''</big> - ''v.'' wolf / lupine
* '''ulutu''' - ''adj/n'' - pink
* '''u'ia''' - ''adj/n'' - black
*'''na'o''' - <big>'''나오'''</big> (<big>'''一'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 1
* '''ua'u''' - ''num'' - ten
*'''nayoma''' - <big>'''나요마'''</big> - from ''[[Kala]]'' '''na'o''' + '''yoma''' - ''n.'' Thursday (first day of the '''[[Kala]]''' week)
*'''natsua''' - <big>'''나주'''</big> - from ''Qatama'' '''nojua''' - ''v.'' let go / release [no longer hold on to] / discharge
*'''naha''' - <big>'''나하'''</big> - from ''Hebrew'' [[wiktionary:נהר|נהר]] - ''n.'' river, stream | ''v.'' to stream, flow in a continuous or steady manner
*'''nahe''' - <big>'''나허'''</big> - from ''German'' [[wiktionary:nach|nach]] - ''prep.'' during / hence / in / inside / into / within
*'''naho''' - <big>'''나호'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:نحو|نحو]] - ''n.'' grammar [rules for speaking and writing a language]
*'''nyahi''' - <big>'''냐히'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:nieve#Spanish|nieve]] - ''adj./n.'' white, having white as its color [reflecting equal quantities of all frequencies of visible light] | ''n./v.'' snow / to have snow fall from the sky
*'''nye''' - <big>'''녀'''</big>  -  ''adv./conj./n./prep'' reason / since / because
*'''nyeli''' - <big>'''녀리'''</big>  -  ''adj./n.'' pink, having pink as its color
*'''nye'o''' - <big>'''녀오'''</big> (<big>'''百'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 100
*'''no''' - <big>'''노'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:もの|もの]] - ''n.'' thing, object, substance
*'''nika''' - <big>'''니가'''</big> - from ''Sicilian'' [[wiktionary:cani#Sicilian|cani]] - ''n.'' dog / canine
== t ==
*'''ta''' - <big>'''다'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:انت|انت]] - ''pro.'' second person singular / you | ''suf.'' masculine gender
*'''taka''' - <big>'''다가'''</big> -  ''n./v.'' honor, esteem, respect, veneration
*'''takolo''' - <big>'''다고로'''</big> - from ''Chickasaw'' [[wiktionary:takolo#Chickasaw|takolo]] - ''n.'' peach (tree & fruit)
*'''taki''' - <big>'''다기'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:داق|داق]] - ''v.'' taste, like, enjoy
*'''tana''' - <big>'''다나'''</big> -  ''n./v.'' fight, combat, battle
*'''tanu''' - <big>'''다느'''</big> - from ''Avestan'' [[wiktionary:tanu|tanu]] - ''n.'' body, anatomy | corpse
*'''tala''' - <big>'''다라'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:تعال|تعال]] - ''v.'' come (back) | return
*'''tali''' - <big>'''다리'''</big> - from ''Finnish'' [[wiktionary:metalli#Finnish|metalli]] - ''n.'' metal
*'''tam''' - <big>'''담'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:أنتم|أنتم]] - ''pro.'' second person plural / you (all)
*'''tama''' - <big>'''다마'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:تمام|تمام]] - ''adj.'' good, well, exceptional, superb, not bad, alright, satisfactory, decent
*'''tapya''' - <big>'''다뱌'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:تابع|تابع]] - ''v.'' follow, continue, go on
*'''tasa''' - <big>'''다사'''</big> - ''n./v.'' hunt, seek (out), look for / track
*'''ta'o''' - <big>'''다오'''</big> (<big>'''二'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 2
*'''taya''' - <big>'''다야'''</big> - from ''Romanian'' [[wiktionary:tăia|tăia]] - ''n./v'' cut, slice / incision
*'''tayoma''' - <big>'''다요마'''</big> - from ''[[Kala]]'' '''ta'o''' + '''yoma''' - ''n.'' Friday (second day of the '''[[Kala]]''' week)
*'''taha''' - <big>'''다하'''</big> - from ''CJK'' [[wiktionary:大|大]] - ''adj.'' big, grand, large
*'''to''' - <big>'''도'''</big> - from ''Korean'' [[wiktionary:道#Korean|도]] - ''n.'' method, manner, way / path, road, street
*'''tonya''' - <big>'''도냐'''</big> - from ''Mandarin'' [[wiktionary:冻|冻]] - ''v.'' freeze, solidify / congeal (jelly)
*'''topa''' - <big>'''도바'''</big> - from ''Chickasaw'' [[wiktionary:topa|topa]] - ''n.'' bed, mattress | any piece of furniture to sleep on
*'''topu''' - <big>'''도브'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:とぶ|とぶ]] - ''v.'' jump, leap / spring, skip (over)
*'''tohi''' - <big>'''도히'''</big> - from ''Chickasaw'' [[wiktionary:tohi'|tohi']] - ''n.'' cabbage / broccoli / cauliflower
*'''tipa''' - <big>'''디바'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:طيب|طيب]] - ''adj./adv.'' satisfactory, reasonably good; not exceptional / satisfactorily, sufficiently well
*'''tima''' - <big>'''디마'''</big> - from ''Proto-Semitic'' [[wiktionary:Appendix:Proto-Semitic_*dam-|dam]] - ''n.'' blood, vital liquid flowing in animal bodies | ''v.'' bleed; lose blood through an injured blood vessel
*'''tiya''' - <big>'''디야'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:tortilla|tortilla]] - ''n.'' bread (flat round bread made out of cornmeal or flour) | ''v.'' to bake bread [of any kind]
== l ==
== m ==
*'''m''' - <big>'''-ㅁ'''</big> - from ''Hebrew'' [[wiktionary:־ים|־ים]] - ''suf.'' indicates plural of nouns (often omitted, most especially when other words indicating amount are present)
*'''mpana''' - <big>'''음바나'''</big> - from ''Swahili'' [[wiktionary:mpana|mpana]] - ''adj.'' broad, wide | ''n.'' width
*'''mpima''' - <big>'''음비마'''</big> - from ''Malay'' [[wiktionary:mimpi|mimpi]] - ''v.'' dream / imagine (while sleeping) | ''n.'' dream | imagination
*'''ma''' - <big>'''마'''</big> - from ''Maori'' [[wiktionary:mā|mā]] - ''conj.'' and, also, as well | ''v.'' to add / plus
*'''mata''' - <big>'''마다'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:matar|matar]] - ''n.'' murder | ''v.'' kill / murder
*'''mala''' - <big>'''마라'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:mala|mala]] - ''adj.'' bad, unfavorable, negative | ''v.'' grind / mash [euphemistic: to copulate]
*'''ma'o''' - <big>'''마오'''</big> (<big>'''四'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 4
*'''matla''' - <big>'''마타'''</big> -  ''n.'' stew, casserole, goulash
*'''mahala''' - <big>'''마하라'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:محل|محل]] - ''n.'' shop, store; place where items can be purchased
*'''moku''' - <big>'''모그'''</big> - from ''Latvian'' [[wiktionary:miegs|miegs]] - ''v.'' sleep / rest [rest in state of reduced consciousness] | ''n.'' state of reduced consciousness
*'''myo''' - <big>'''묘'''</big> - from ''Finnish'' [[wiktionary:myöntää|myöntää]] - ''aff.'' permissive suffix added to verbs
:''Example'': '''eta inamyo''' - You are allowed to eat. | '''ekam hina mokumyok''' - They are not permitted to sleep here.
*'''myonta''' - <big>'''묜다'''</big> - from ''Finnish'' [[wiktionary:myöntää|myöntää]] - ''v.'' allow / permit / grant / admit | ''n.'' permission
*'''mue'o''' - <big>'''뮤오'''</big> - (<big>'''万'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 10,000
*'''munta''' - <big>'''믄다'''</big> - from ''Finnish'' [[wiktionary:muuntaa|muuntaa]] - ''v.'' change / alter / transform / become / convert
*'''muya''' - <big>'''므야'''</big> - ''v.'' cause to, make, do
== p ==
*'''pa''' - <big>'''바'''</big> - ''suf.'' abilitative modal suffix, appended to verbs
:''Example'': I go - '''na yala''' | I can go / I am able to go - '''na yalapa'''
*'''pako''' - <big>'''바고'''</big> - from ''Tagalog'' [[wiktionary:bago|bago]] - ''adj.'' new, fresh, recent
*'''pana''' - <big>'''바나'''</big> - from ''Quechua'' [[wiktionary:para#Quechua|para]] - ''n.v.'' (to) rain | perspire, moisten | dew [euphemistically used for "to urinate"]
*'''pato''' - <big>'''바도'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:pato|pato]] - ''n.'' duck , aquatic bird of the family ''Anatidae''
*'''pala''' - <big>'''바라'''</big> - from ''English'' [[wiktionary:capable|capable]] - ''adj./v'' having the ability needed for a specific task / able
*'''pamya''' - <big>'''바먀'''</big> - from ''Turkish'' [[wiktionary:bamya|bamya]] - ''n'' okra / ladies finger's [slang: small penis]
*'''pa'o''' - <big>'''바오'''</big> - (<big>'''八'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 8
*'''patlitsa''' - <big>'''바티자'''</big> - from ''Turkish'' [[wiktionary:patlıcan|patlıcan]] - ''n.'' eggplant (the edible fruit of the ''solanum melongena'')
*'''petsa''' - <big>'''비라'''</big> - from ''Chamicuro'' [[wiktionary:pe'cha|pe'cha]] - ''adj.'' mild / soft
*'''po''' - <big>'''보'''</big> - ''pref.'' attached to kinship terms to show a relationship by marriage
*'''puna''' - <big>'''브나'''</big> - ''n.'' dirt / soil / earthen
*'''pila''' - <big>'''비라'''</big> - from ''Slavic'' [[wiktionary:пила|пила]] - ''n./v'' saw / rip, crush
== s ==
*'''sa''' - <big>'''사'''</big> - from ''Proto-Semitic'' [[wiktionary:Appendix:Proto-Semitic_*šalām-|salam]] - ''n.'' peace, tranquility, quiet
*'''saka''' - <big>'''사가'''</big> - from ''Hebrew'' [[wiktionary:שחה|שחה]] - ''v.'' swim / move through water
*'''sakana''' - <big>'''사가나'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:さかな|さかな]] - ''n.'' fish
*'''sala''' - <big>'''사라'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:sala#Spanish|sala]] - ''n.'' room, chamber / hall [division of a home or building]
*'''sama''' - <big>'''사마'''</big> - from ''Proto-Semitic'' [[wiktionary:Appendix:Proto-Semitic_*śamš-|samsh]] - ''adj.'' solar | ''n.'' sun, any star, especially when seen as the center of any single solar system
*'''sapua''' - <big>'''사부'''</big> - from ''Finnish'' [[wiktionary:Appendix:saapua|saapua]] - ''v.'' arrive / reach (a certain place)
*'''sa'o''' - <big>'''사오'''</big> - (<big>'''九'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 9
*'''sahala''' - <big>'''사하라'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:صحراء|صحراء]] - ''n.'' desert, barren  area of land or desolate terrain
*'''seka''' - <big>'''서가'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:secar#Spanish|seca]] - ''adj.'' dry / sharp / strict | ''v.'' to dry (off)
*'''seta''' - <big>'''서다'''</big> - from ''Italian'' [[wiktionary:seta#Italian|seta]] - ''adj.'' smooth / silky / flat | ''n.'' silk
*'''seya''' - <big>'''서야'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:sello#Spanish|sello]] - ''n./v.'' seal / stamp
*'''su''' - <big>'''스'''</big> - from ''Hebrew'' [[wiktionary:סוג|סוג]] - ''n.'' type / kind / sort
*'''suha''' - <big>'''스하'''</big> - from ''Finnish'' [[wiktionary:suu#Finnish|suu]] - ''n./v.'' tongue / taste
*'''sinu''' - <big>'''시느'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:しぬ|しぬ]] - ''n./v.'' death / die
*'''sima''' - <big>'''시마'''</big> - ''n./v.'' seat / sit, recline
== a ==
*'''a''' - <big>'''아'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:ある|ある]] - ''adv.'' yes | ''v.'' to be, exist
*'''akala''' - <big>'''아가라'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:agalla|agalla]] - ''n.'' gill, lung, breathing organ
*'''aki''' - <big>'''아기'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:あき|あき]] - ''n.'' fall, autumn
*'''anya''' - <big>'''아냐'''</big> - from ''Vietnamese'' [[wiktionary:nhìn|nhìn]] - ''n.'' eye(ball) | ''v.'' to look / see / watch [perceive with the eyes]
*'''anu''' - <big>'''아느'''</big> - ''n.'' ear / ''v.'' to hear / listen
*'''ata''' - <big>'''아다'''</big> - from ''Turkish'' [[wiktionary:ad#Turkish|ad]] - ''n.'' name | noun / ''v.'' to (be) name(d)
*'''ato''' - <big>'''아도'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:どう|どう]] - ''n.'' torso | chest, belly
*'''ama''' - <big>'''아마'''</big> - from ''Irish'' [[wiktionary:am#Irish|am]] - ''n.'' time, inevitable passing of events
*'''aposi''' - <big>'''아보시'''</big> - from ''Chickasaw'' [[wiktionary:aboshi|aboshi]] - ''n.'' toilette, restroom, outhouse
*'''apua''' - <big>'''아부'''</big> - ''n.'' song (music with words) | ''v.'' to sing
*'''asa''' - <big>'''아사'''</big> - from ''Turkish'' [[wiktionary:yaşamak|yaşamak]] - ''n.'' life | ''v.'' to live / be alive
*'''aya''' - <big>'''아야'''</big> - ''adj.'' beautiful | ''n.'' beauty | ''v.'' to be beautiful
*'''ahi''' - <big>'''아히'''</big> - from ''Kala'' '''a'''  & '''hi''' - ''adj.'' small, little | ''v.'' to be small
*'''ahiya''' - <big>'''아히야  '''</big> - from ''Chickasaw'' [[wiktionary:ahi'|ahi']] - ''n.'' potato
=== ya ===
*'''ya''' - <big>'''야'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:يا|يا]] - ''part.'' vocative particle / Oh / Hey (you)!
*'''yaka''' - <big>'''야가'''</big> - from ''Finnish'' [[wiktionary:jalka#Finnish|jalka]] - ''n.'' leg / appendage
*'''yanta''' - <big>'''얀다'''</big> - from ''Turkish'' [[wiktionary:uyandırmak|uyandırmak]] - ''adj./v.'' awake, conscious / awaken, wake (up)
*'''yane''' - <big>'''야너'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:بجانب|بجانب]] - ''prep.'' along, beside, next to, adjacent to
*'''yato''' - <big>'''야도'''</big> - from ''Hebrew'' [[wiktionary:יד|יד]] - ''n.'' arm / hand
*'''yala''' - <big>'''야라'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:ياالله|ياالله]] - ''v.'' go, walk, travel
*'''yama''' - <big>'''야마'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:やま|やま]] - ''n.'' mountain, hill / pile, mound
:''pl'': '''yama'a''' mountains > '''': '''tliyama''' mountain range
*'''yasa''' - <big>'''야사'''</big> - from ''Lithuanian'' [[wiktionary:vėjas|vėjas]] - ''n.'' wind (movement of air)
*'''yaso''' - <big>'''야소'''</big> - ''n.'' preperation / readiness | ''v.'' to prepare / ready
*'''ya'o''' - <big>'''야오'''</big> - (<big>'''五'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 5
=== e ===
*'''eka''' - <big>'''어가'''</big> - from ''Egyptian'' [[wiktionary:ʽḳ|ʽḳ]] - ''v.'' enter | come/go into
*'''eya''' - <big>'''어야'''</big> -  ''adv./n.'' maybe (indicating a lack of certainty) / perhaps that is true (pro-sentence) | something that is possibly true
*'''e'o''' - <big>'''어오'''</big> - (<big>'''〇'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 0 / nothing / the absence of an amount
*'''ehe''' - <big>'''어허'''</big>  -  ''adv./conj.'' but / however / though / nevertheless
=== ye ===
*'''ye''' - <big>'''여'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:ayer|ayer]] - ''suf.'' simple past tense
:''Derivations'': '''anyoye''' - last year | '''yomaye''' - yesterday | '''aye''' - the past
*'''yesa''' - <big>'''여사'''</big> - from ''Proto-Semitic'' [[wiktionary:Appendix:Proto-Semitic_*šalām-|salam]] - ''v.'' to be peaceful, tranquil, quiet
*'''yese''' - <big>'''여서'''</big> - from ''Romanian'' [[wiktionary:ieşi|ieşi]] - ''v.'' exit | come/go out
=== o ===
*'''o''' - <big>'''오'''</big> -  ''part.'' honorific article, used to show deference to topic or direct object | ''n.'' number / amount / digit, numeral (see also '''ku''')
*'''olo''' - <big>'''오로'''</big> - from ''Latin'' [[wiktionary:volo#Verb_2|volo]] - ''v.'' fly, move through air
*'''oso''' - <big>'''오소'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:おそそ|おそそ]] - ''n.'' genitalia
:''derivations'': '''osona''' - vagina / '''osota''' - penis
=== yo ===
*'''yo''' - <big>'''요'''</big> - from ''Mandarin'' [[wiktionary:有#Mandarin|有]] - ''suf.'' pronominal possessive
:''Example'': '''nayo''' - my / mine
*'''yoha''' - <big>'''요하'''</big> - from ''Mandarin'' [[wiktionary:有#Mandarin|有]] - ''v.'' have, possess
:''Example'': '''na tsala yoha''' - I have sauce.
=== ua ===
*'''ua''' - <big>'''우'''</big> - from ''Aramaic'' [[wiktionary:או#Aramaic|או]] - ''adj./adv./conj./det.'' or / other / either | ''aff.'' attached to '''ota''' or '''ona''' indicates male or female sibling relationship respectively
*'''uana''' - <big>'''우나'''</big> - ''adv.'' there, that place (distal demonstrative locative) / over there / yonder
*'''uanata''' - <big>'''우나다'''</big> - from ''[[Kala]]'' '''ua''' + '''nata''' - ''n.'' sibling, one's brother or sister
*'''uala''' - <big>'''우라'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:والله|والله]] - ''adv./intj.'' actually, indeed / verily, truly
*'''uama''' - <big>'''우마'''</big> - from ''[[Kala]]'' '''ua''' + '''ama''' - ''adj./adv./n.'' then / at that time (distal demonstrative temporal)
*'''ua'e''' - <big>'''우어'''</big> - from ''Old Irish'' [[wiktionary:úa|úa]] - ''prep.'' on, upon / on top of / above / about, concerning
=== ue ===
*'''ue''' - <big>'''유'''</big> - from ''Icelandic'' [[wiktionary:vilja#Icelandic|vilja]] - ''suf.'' indicates volitive of verb/noun
*'''ue'o''' - <big>'''유오'''</big> - (<big>'''十'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 10
*'''ueha''' - <big>'''유하'''</big> - from ''Icelandic'' [[wiktionary:vilja#Icelandic|vilja]] - ''v.'' want / desire
=== u ===
*'''uku''' - <big>'''으그'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:وقف|وقف]] - ''n./v.'' stop, wait / cease moving / come to an end
*'''unya''' - <big>'''으냐'''</big> - from ''Albanian'' [[wiktionary:njoh|njoh]] - ''n.'' knowledge, understanding, acquaintance (with) | ''v.'' to know, understand
*'''ute''' - <big>'''으더'''</big> - from ''Norwegian'' [[wiktionary:ute|ute]] - ''prep.'' out / outside / out of
=== i ===
*'''i''' - <big>'''이'''</big> -  ''aff.'' prefixed to cardinal numbers to create the fractional | suffixed to familial terms to create the junior or child form | suffixed to pronouns to create the reflexive form | proximal demonstrative prefix (this)
:''Examples'': '''ue'o''' - ten > '''iue'o''' - a tenth | '''ota''' - father > '''ota'i''' - boy, son, nephew | '''na''' - I > '''na'i''' myself | '''tla''' - it (that which) > '''itla''' - this
*'''ina''' - <big>'''이나'''</big> - from ''Vietnamese'' [[wiktionary:ăn|ăn]] - ''n.'' food [any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life] | ''v.'' eat / consume
*'''inata''' - <big>'''이나다'''</big> - from ''[[Kala]]'' '''i''' + '''nata''' - ''n.'' child / baby / infant
*'''inu''' - <big>'''이느'''</big> - from ''Maori'' [[wiktionary:inu#Maori|inu]] - ''n.'' beverage, liquid, drink | ''v.'' drink [consume liquid through the mouth]
*'''itola''' - <big>'''이도라'''</big> - ''v.'' fall, drop, plummet
*'''iya''' - <big>'''이야'''</big>  - ''conj.'' if / supposing that / whether
== ts ==
*'''tsaka''' - <big>'''자가'''</big> - from ''Chickasaw/Choctaw'' [[wiktionary:chuka|chuka]] - ''n.'' house, home, dwelling, abode
*'''tsala''' - <big>'''자라'''</big> - from ''multiple'' [[wiktionary:salsa|salsa]] - ''n.'' paste, sauce
*'''tsaliku''' - <big>'''자리그'''</big> - from ''Cherokee'' [[wiktionary:ᏣᎵᎫ|ᏣᎵᎫ]] - ''n.'' tree / large woody plant
*'''tsamu''' - <big>'''자므'''</big> - from ''Korean'' [[wiktionary:站|참]] - ''v.'' stand, be upright, rise to one's feet
*'''tsapa''' - <big>'''자바'''</big> - from ''Turkish'' [[wiktionary:çaba|çaba]] - ''n./v.'' struggle, endeavor
*'''tsa'o''' - <big>'''자오'''</big> - (<big>'''六'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 6
*'''tsa'i''' - <big>'''자이'''</big> - from ''Turkish'' [[wiktionary:çay|çay]] - ''n.'' tea
*'''tsayoma''' - <big>'''자요마'''</big> - from ''[[Kala]]'' '''tsa'o''' + '''yoma''' - ''n.'' Tuesday (sixth day of the '''[[Kala]]''' week)
*'''tsola''' - <big>'''조라'''</big> - from ''Spanish'' [[wiktionary:zorra#Spanish|zorra]] / [[wiktionary:chola#Alabama|chola]] - ''n.''  fox / Vulpine
*'''tsoma''' - <big>'''조마'''</big> - from ''Chickasaw'' [[wiktionary:chomak|chomak]] - ''n.''  tobacco / smoke / cigar(ette) | ''v.'' to smoke tobacco
*'''tsuku''' - <big>'''즈그'''</big> - ''adj./n.'' blue, having blue as its color
*'''tsumpa''' - <big>'''즘바'''</big> - from ''Chickasaw'' [[wiktionary:chumpah|chumpah]] - ''v.'' buy, purchase | barter for
*'''tsikua''' - <big>'''지구'''</big> - from ''Cherokee'' [[wiktionary:ᏥᏍᏆ|ᏥᏍᏆ]] - ''n.'' bird, member of the class of animals Aves
*'''tsili''' - <big>'''지리'''</big> - ''n.''  an attempt | ''v.'' try / attempt
*'''tsima''' - <big>'''지마'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:%E6%99%82#Counter|じ]] + [[Kala]] '''ama''' - ''n.''  hour / time
:''Example'': '''tsima ka''' - What time (is it)?
*'''tsiya''' - <big>'''지야'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:じゆう|じゆう]] - ''n.'' freedom, liberty | ''v.'' to be free (not being imprisoned or enslaved)
== tl ==
*'''tlaka''' - <big>'''타가'''</big> - from ''Nahuatl'' [[wiktionary:tlacatl|tlacatl]] - ''n.'' man | ''adj.'' male, masculine
*'''tlani''' - <big>'''타니'''</big> - from ''Vietnamese'' [[wiktionary:lăn|lăn]] - ''v.'' roll, revole
*'''tlaya''' - <big>'''타야'''</big> -  ''n.'' wedding, marriage / matrimony | ''v.'' wed, marry
*'''tlatsa''' - <big>'''타자'''</big> -  ''n.'' fire, flame | ''v.'' burn, heat by flame
*'''tlela''' - <big>'''터라'''</big> -  ''adj.''/''v.'' clean, wash
*'''tle'o''' - <big>'''터오'''</big> - (<big>'''千'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 1000
*'''tlona''' - <big>'''토나'''</big> - from ''Malay'' [[wiktionary:rona|rona]] - ''n.'' color
*'''tli''' - <big>'''티'''</big> - ''suf.'' simple future tense
:''Derivations'': '''anyotli''' - next year | '''yomatli''' - tomorrow | '''atli''' - the future
== h ==
*'''hanya''' - <big>'''하냐'''</big> - ''n.'' nation, country, state / sovereign entity
*'''hatsu''' - <big>'''하즈'''</big> - from ''Japanese'' [[wiktionary:はしる|はしる]] - ''v.'' run
*'''ha'o''' - <big>'''하오'''</big> - (<big>'''三'''</big>) -  ''num.'' cardinal number 3
*'''he''' - <big>'''허'''</big>  - ''aff.'' suffixed to verbs/nouns to indicate the necessitative mood
*'''heta''' - <big>'''허다'''</big>  - ''n./v.'' need, requirement / must, should, need to
*'''hema''' - <big>'''허마'''</big> - from ''Turkish'' [[wiktionary:hem#Turkish|hem]] - ''adv.'' both...and
*'''hoya''' - <big>'''호야'''</big> - from ''Swedish'' [[wiktionary:höja|höja]] - ''v.'' raise, rise, lift
*'''hua''' - <big>'''후'''</big> - from ''Mandarin'' [[wiktionary:花|花]] - ''n.'' flower, blossom / flower arrangement
*'''hika''' - <big>'''히가'''</big> - from ''Chickasaw'' [[wiktionary:hika|hika]] - ''v.'' stop / halt / wait
*'''hina''' - <big>'''히나'''</big> - from ''Arabic'' [[wiktionary:هنا|هنا]] - ''adj.''/''adv.''/''n.'' here / this place

Revision as of 17:26, 5 November 2010


  • k - -ㄱ - from Nahuatl ah- - suf. indicates negative of any verb or a lack of a noun
Compare: na ke mihu yoha - I have a cat. | na ke mihuk yoha - I have no cat. | na ke mihu yohak - I do not have a cat.
  • ka - - from Japanese - part. interrogative particle, placed at the end of interrogative phrase
Example: mo ta yala ka - Where are you going?
  • kala - 가라 - from Arabic كلم - n. language | v. to speak, say, talk
  • kam - - from Arabic هم - pron. third person singular
  • kampa - 감바 - from Japanese かんぱい - inter. Cheers! | common toast used when drinking in company
  • kama - 가마 - from Lithuanian kaimas - n. village, town, borough | city, municipality
  • kamala - 가마라 - from Arabic قمر - n. moon, lunar body | any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet
  • kamusa - 가므사 - from Arabic قاموس - n. dictionary, lexicon | publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words
  • kasuma - 가스마 - from Alabama kasooma - n. onion, used as vegetable and spice
  • ka'e - 가어 - from Czech k - prep. to, toward(s), at / in the direction of, and arriving at
Example: ha ka'e tsaka yalaye - She went to(ward) the house.
  • ka'o - 가오 - () - num. cardinal number 7
  • kayoma - 가요마 - from Kala ka'o + yoma - n. Wednesday (seventh day of the Kala week)
  • kaua - 가우 - from Arabic قهوة - n. coffee
  • kya - - part. jussive particle, used to indicate commands; precedes verb and requires no pronoun
  • kyampi - 걈비 - from Swahili kiambishi - n. affix, that which is affixed | linguistics: a bound morpheme added to a word’s stem
  • ke - - from multiple que - art. the / a | conj. than / that; connects comparisons and acts as an indefinite pronoun | part. topic marker, accusative case; a grammatical marker preceding the direct object
Examples: ke tsaka - The house. | na ke tsaka anyaye - I saw the house. | ke tsaka nayo - The house is mine. / My house.
  • ketla - 거타 - adj./n. red, having red as its color (see also aka'i)
  • kye'o - 겨오 - num. cardinal number 100,000
  • ko - - from Japanese - n. person, human, individual | suf. agentive suffix indicating doer or possessor of trait
  • koto - 고도 - from Japanese - n. drum (instrument) | v. to beat a drum (beat, top, strike)
  • kompo - 곰보 - from Ainu コンボ - n. seaweed, marine plants and algae
  • kua - - from Mandarin - adv./det./n. all / each / every
  • kuama - 구마 - from Kala kua + ama - adv. always, forever | eternal
  • kuatla - 구타 - from Nahuatl coatl - n. snake, serpent
  • kuetsa - 규자 - from Zapotec gueza - n. cigarette
  • ku - - n. number / amount / digit, numeral (see also o)
  • kuna - 그나 - from multiple kuna - n. excrement, shit, dung | v. to shit, defecate
  • kuma - 그마 - from Japanese くま - n. bear, ursine / large mammal of family Ursidae
  • kipo - 기보 - from Japanese きぼう - n./v. (to) hope, aspire / aspiration
  • kiso - 기소 - from Japanese きそ - adj./n. base / basic / basis / foundation / ground / root


  • nkata - 은가다 - from Swahili mkataba - n. agreement; understanding between individuals | v. agree, concur, assent
  • nkapa - 은가바 - from Warlpiri ngapa - n. alcohol, grog
  • nke - 은거 - from Spanish aunque - conj. and though; although; even though
  • nkono - 은고노 - from Swahili ngono - n. act of sexual intercourse | v. to have sex with
  • ntsompo - 은좀보 - from Chichewa mchombo - n. navel, belly button, remnant of umbilical cord
  • na - - from Arabic انا - pro. first person singular | suf. feminine gender
  • naka - 나가 - from Hebrew נקבה - n. woman, female
  • nasa - 나사 - from Spanish nacer - v. be born / given birth to
  • naso - 나소 - v. wolf / lupine
  • na'o - 나오 () - num. cardinal number 1
  • nayoma - 나요마 - from Kala na'o + yoma - n. Thursday (first day of the Kala week)
  • natsua - 나주 - from Qatama nojua - v. let go / release [no longer hold on to] / discharge
  • naha - 나하 - from Hebrew נהר - n. river, stream | v. to stream, flow in a continuous or steady manner
  • nahe - 나허 - from German nach - prep. during / hence / in / inside / into / within
  • naho - 나호 - from Arabic نحو - n. grammar [rules for speaking and writing a language]
  • nyahi - 냐히 - from Spanish nieve - adj./n. white, having white as its color [reflecting equal quantities of all frequencies of visible light] | n./v. snow / to have snow fall from the sky
  • nye - - adv./conj./n./prep reason / since / because
  • nyeli - 녀리 - adj./n. pink, having pink as its color
  • nye'o - 녀오 () - num. cardinal number 100
  • no - - from Japanese もの - n. thing, object, substance
  • nika - 니가 - from Sicilian cani - n. dog / canine


  • ta - - from Arabic انت - pro. second person singular / you | suf. masculine gender
  • taka - 다가 - n./v. honor, esteem, respect, veneration
  • takolo - 다고로 - from Chickasaw takolo - n. peach (tree & fruit)
  • taki - 다기 - from Arabic داق - v. taste, like, enjoy
  • tana - 다나 - n./v. fight, combat, battle
  • tanu - 다느 - from Avestan tanu - n. body, anatomy | corpse
  • tala - 다라 - from Arabic تعال - v. come (back) | return
  • tali - 다리 - from Finnish metalli - n. metal
  • tam - - from Arabic أنتم - pro. second person plural / you (all)
  • tama - 다마 - from Arabic تمام - adj. good, well, exceptional, superb, not bad, alright, satisfactory, decent
  • tapya - 다뱌 - from Arabic تابع - v. follow, continue, go on
  • tasa - 다사 - n./v. hunt, seek (out), look for / track
  • ta'o - 다오 () - num. cardinal number 2
  • taya - 다야 - from Romanian tăia - n./v cut, slice / incision
  • tayoma - 다요마 - from Kala ta'o + yoma - n. Friday (second day of the Kala week)
  • taha - 다하 - from CJK - adj. big, grand, large
  • to - - from Korean - n. method, manner, way / path, road, street
  • tonya - 도냐 - from Mandarin - v. freeze, solidify / congeal (jelly)
  • topa - 도바 - from Chickasaw topa - n. bed, mattress | any piece of furniture to sleep on
  • topu - 도브 - from Japanese とぶ - v. jump, leap / spring, skip (over)
  • tohi - 도히 - from Chickasaw tohi' - n. cabbage / broccoli / cauliflower
  • tipa - 디바 - from Arabic طيب - adj./adv. satisfactory, reasonably good; not exceptional / satisfactorily, sufficiently well
  • tima - 디마 - from Proto-Semitic dam - n. blood, vital liquid flowing in animal bodies | v. bleed; lose blood through an injured blood vessel
  • tiya - 디야 - from Spanish tortilla - n. bread (flat round bread made out of cornmeal or flour) | v. to bake bread [of any kind]



  • m - -ㅁ - from Hebrew ־ים - suf. indicates plural of nouns (often omitted, most especially when other words indicating amount are present)
  • mpana - 음바나 - from Swahili mpana - adj. broad, wide | n. width
  • mpima - 음비마 - from Malay mimpi - v. dream / imagine (while sleeping) | n. dream | imagination
  • ma - - from Maori - conj. and, also, as well | v. to add / plus
  • mata - 마다 - from Spanish matar - n. murder | v. kill / murder
  • mala - 마라 - from Spanish mala - adj. bad, unfavorable, negative | v. grind / mash [euphemistic: to copulate]
  • ma'o - 마오 () - num. cardinal number 4
  • matla - 마타 - n. stew, casserole, goulash
  • mahala - 마하라 - from Arabic محل - n. shop, store; place where items can be purchased
  • moku - 모그 - from Latvian miegs - v. sleep / rest [rest in state of reduced consciousness] | n. state of reduced consciousness
  • myo - - from Finnish myöntää - aff. permissive suffix added to verbs
Example: eta inamyo - You are allowed to eat. | ekam hina mokumyok - They are not permitted to sleep here.
  • myonta - 묜다 - from Finnish myöntää - v. allow / permit / grant / admit | n. permission
  • mue'o - 뮤오 - () - num. cardinal number 10,000
  • munta - 믄다 - from Finnish muuntaa - v. change / alter / transform / become / convert
  • muya - 므야 - v. cause to, make, do


  • pa - - suf. abilitative modal suffix, appended to verbs
Example: I go - na yala | I can go / I am able to go - na yalapa
  • pako - 바고 - from Tagalog bago - adj. new, fresh, recent
  • pana - 바나 - from Quechua para - n.v. (to) rain | perspire, moisten | dew [euphemistically used for "to urinate"]
  • pato - 바도 - from Spanish pato - n. duck , aquatic bird of the family Anatidae
  • pala - 바라 - from English capable - adj./v having the ability needed for a specific task / able
  • pamya - 바먀 - from Turkish bamya - n okra / ladies finger's [slang: small penis]
  • pa'o - 바오 - () - num. cardinal number 8
  • patlitsa - 바티자 - from Turkish patlıcan - n. eggplant (the edible fruit of the solanum melongena)
  • petsa - 비라 - from Chamicuro pe'cha - adj. mild / soft
  • po - - pref. attached to kinship terms to show a relationship by marriage
  • puna - 브나 - n. dirt / soil / earthen
  • pila - 비라 - from Slavic пила - n./v saw / rip, crush


  • sa - - from Proto-Semitic salam - n. peace, tranquility, quiet
  • saka - 사가 - from Hebrew שחה - v. swim / move through water
  • sakana - 사가나 - from Japanese さかな - n. fish
  • sala - 사라 - from Spanish sala - n. room, chamber / hall [division of a home or building]
  • sama - 사마 - from Proto-Semitic samsh - adj. solar | n. sun, any star, especially when seen as the center of any single solar system
  • sapua - 사부 - from Finnish saapua - v. arrive / reach (a certain place)
  • sa'o - 사오 - () - num. cardinal number 9
  • sahala - 사하라 - from Arabic صحراء - n. desert, barren area of land or desolate terrain
  • seka - 서가 - from Spanish seca - adj. dry / sharp / strict | v. to dry (off)
  • seta - 서다 - from Italian seta - adj. smooth / silky / flat | n. silk
  • seya - 서야 - from Spanish sello - n./v. seal / stamp
  • su - - from Hebrew סוג - n. type / kind / sort
  • suha - 스하 - from Finnish suu - n./v. tongue / taste
  • sinu - 시느 - from Japanese しぬ - n./v. death / die
  • sima - 시마 - n./v. seat / sit, recline


  • a - - from Japanese ある - adv. yes | v. to be, exist
  • akala - 아가라 - from Spanish agalla - n. gill, lung, breathing organ
  • aki - 아기 - from Japanese あき - n. fall, autumn
  • anya - 아냐 - from Vietnamese nhìn - n. eye(ball) | v. to look / see / watch [perceive with the eyes]
  • anu - 아느 - n. ear / v. to hear / listen
  • ata - 아다 - from Turkish ad - n. name | noun / v. to (be) name(d)
  • ato - 아도 - from Japanese どう - n. torso | chest, belly
  • ama - 아마 - from Irish am - n. time, inevitable passing of events
  • aposi - 아보시 - from Chickasaw aboshi - n. toilette, restroom, outhouse
  • apua - 아부 - n. song (music with words) | v. to sing
  • asa - 아사 - from Turkish yaşamak - n. life | v. to live / be alive
  • aya - 아야 - adj. beautiful | n. beauty | v. to be beautiful
  • ahi - 아히 - from Kala a & hi - adj. small, little | v. to be small
  • ahiya - 아히야 - from Chickasaw ahi' - n. potato


  • ya - - from Arabic يا - part. vocative particle / Oh / Hey (you)!
  • yaka - 야가 - from Finnish jalka - n. leg / appendage
  • yanta - 얀다 - from Turkish uyandırmak - adj./v. awake, conscious / awaken, wake (up)
  • yane - 야너 - from Arabic بجانب - prep. along, beside, next to, adjacent to
  • yato - 야도 - from Hebrew יד - n. arm / hand
  • yala - 야라 - from Arabic ياالله - v. go, walk, travel
  • yama - 야마 - from Japanese やま - n. mountain, hill / pile, mound
pl: yama'a mountains > tliyama mountain range
  • yasa - 야사 - from Lithuanian vėjas - n. wind (movement of air)
  • yaso - 야소 - n. preperation / readiness | v. to prepare / ready
  • ya'o - 야오 - () - num. cardinal number 5


  • eka - 어가 - from Egyptian ʽḳ - v. enter | come/go into
  • eya - 어야 - adv./n. maybe (indicating a lack of certainty) / perhaps that is true (pro-sentence) | something that is possibly true
  • e'o - 어오 - () - num. cardinal number 0 / nothing / the absence of an amount
  • ehe - 어허 - adv./conj. but / however / though / nevertheless


  • ye - - from Spanish ayer - suf. simple past tense
Derivations: anyoye - last year | yomaye - yesterday | aye - the past
  • yesa - 여사 - from Proto-Semitic salam - v. to be peaceful, tranquil, quiet
  • yese - 여서 - from Romanian ieşi - v. exit | come/go out


  • o - - part. honorific article, used to show deference to topic or direct object | n. number / amount / digit, numeral (see also ku)
  • olo - 오로 - from Latin volo - v. fly, move through air
  • oso - 오소 - from Japanese おそそ - n. genitalia
derivations: osona - vagina / osota - penis


  • yo - - from Mandarin - suf. pronominal possessive
Example: nayo - my / mine
  • yoha - 요하 - from Mandarin - v. have, possess
Example: na tsala yoha - I have sauce.


  • ua - - from Aramaic או - adj./adv./conj./det. or / other / either | aff. attached to ota or ona indicates male or female sibling relationship respectively
  • uana - 우나 - adv. there, that place (distal demonstrative locative) / over there / yonder
  • uanata - 우나다 - from Kala ua + nata - n. sibling, one's brother or sister
  • uala - 우라 - from Arabic والله - adv./intj. actually, indeed / verily, truly
  • uama - 우마 - from Kala ua + ama - adj./adv./n. then / at that time (distal demonstrative temporal)
  • ua'e - 우어 - from Old Irish úa - prep. on, upon / on top of / above / about, concerning


  • ue - - from Icelandic vilja - suf. indicates volitive of verb/noun
  • ue'o - 유오 - () - num. cardinal number 10
  • ueha - 유하 - from Icelandic vilja - v. want / desire


  • uku - 으그 - from Arabic وقف - n./v. stop, wait / cease moving / come to an end
  • unya - 으냐 - from Albanian njoh - n. knowledge, understanding, acquaintance (with) | v. to know, understand
  • ute - 으더 - from Norwegian ute - prep. out / outside / out of


  • i - - aff. prefixed to cardinal numbers to create the fractional | suffixed to familial terms to create the junior or child form | suffixed to pronouns to create the reflexive form | proximal demonstrative prefix (this)
Examples: ue'o - ten > iue'o - a tenth | ota - father > ota'i - boy, son, nephew | na - I > na'i myself | tla - it (that which) > itla - this
  • ina - 이나 - from Vietnamese ăn - n. food [any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life] | v. eat / consume
  • inata - 이나다 - from Kala i + nata - n. child / baby / infant
  • inu - 이느 - from Maori inu - n. beverage, liquid, drink | v. drink [consume liquid through the mouth]
  • itola - 이도라 - v. fall, drop, plummet
  • iya - 이야 - conj. if / supposing that / whether


  • tsaka - 자가 - from Chickasaw/Choctaw chuka - n. house, home, dwelling, abode
  • tsala - 자라 - from multiple salsa - n. paste, sauce
  • tsaliku - 자리그 - from Cherokee ᏣᎵᎫ - n. tree / large woody plant
  • tsamu - 자므 - from Korean - v. stand, be upright, rise to one's feet
  • tsapa - 자바 - from Turkish çaba - n./v. struggle, endeavor
  • tsa'o - 자오 - () - num. cardinal number 6
  • tsa'i - 자이 - from Turkish çay - n. tea
  • tsayoma - 자요마 - from Kala tsa'o + yoma - n. Tuesday (sixth day of the Kala week)
  • tsola - 조라 - from Spanish zorra / chola - n. fox / Vulpine
  • tsoma - 조마 - from Chickasaw chomak - n. tobacco / smoke / cigar(ette) | v. to smoke tobacco
  • tsuku - 즈그 - adj./n. blue, having blue as its color
  • tsumpa - 즘바 - from Chickasaw chumpah - v. buy, purchase | barter for
  • tsikua - 지구 - from Cherokee ᏥᏍᏆ - n. bird, member of the class of animals Aves
  • tsili - 지리 - n. an attempt | v. try / attempt
  • tsima - 지마 - from Japanese + Kala ama - n. hour / time
Example: tsima ka - What time (is it)?
  • tsiya - 지야 - from Japanese じゆう - n. freedom, liberty | v. to be free (not being imprisoned or enslaved)


  • tlaka - 타가 - from Nahuatl tlacatl - n. man | adj. male, masculine
  • tlani - 타니 - from Vietnamese lăn - v. roll, revole
  • tlaya - 타야 - n. wedding, marriage / matrimony | v. wed, marry
  • tlatsa - 타자 - n. fire, flame | v. burn, heat by flame
  • tlela - 터라 - adj./v. clean, wash
  • tle'o - 터오 - () - num. cardinal number 1000
  • tlona - 토나 - from Malay rona - n. color
  • tli - - suf. simple future tense
Derivations: anyotli - next year | yomatli - tomorrow | atli - the future


  • hanya - 하냐 - n. nation, country, state / sovereign entity
  • hatsu - 하즈 - from Japanese はしる - v. run
  • ha'o - 하오 - () - num. cardinal number 3
  • he - - aff. suffixed to verbs/nouns to indicate the necessitative mood
  • heta - 허다 - n./v. need, requirement / must, should, need to
  • hema - 허마 - from Turkish hem - adv. both...and
  • hoya - 호야 - from Swedish höja - v. raise, rise, lift
  • hua - - from Mandarin - n. flower, blossom / flower arrangement
  • hika - 히가 - from Chickasaw hika - v. stop / halt / wait
  • hina - 히나 - from Arabic هنا - adj./adv./n. here / this place