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== Interaction ==
== Interaction ==

Revision as of 02:05, 23 September 2010

This is a small sampling of draqa vocabulary items. It is organized in thematic categories, but is not alphabetized at all. There may be some minor errors or inconsistencies, for example, most rising tone segments are not correctly noted.


s.kyeu Crawling, Walking (non-upright)
s.kyío Walking (upright)
s.kyiw Hop, Jump, Skip
s.kyaá Running
s.kyaí Flying
s.kyae Dreaming
s.kyou Swimming
s.kyáo Lucid dreaming, Astral travel
s.kyaer Mental projection
s.kyiw-s.kyaá Skip-walking
s.kyiw-s.kyái Skip-flying


qhlui White
teñiq, tyíañiq Blue / Purple
siha Green
faega / faer Red
chihya Black
woyoq Brown / Tan / Gray
síar Yellow / Orange
tyaswi Light blue


chaecaq Unsurvivably hot
chae Too hot
tyoyoq Hot
xkwío Warm
xwuiam Tepid
sawqma Cool
hoyaca Cold
houc Too cold
houcaq Unsurvivably cold


t'oupoux height, vertical depth
t'ou short, shallow, low
poux tall, deep, high
xlíañpwouq width, thickness
xlíañ narrow, thin
pwouq wide, thick
kwíyou length, horizontal depth
kwií short, shallow
kweyou wide, deep


taer Size
áweidaer Larger
wewedaer Smaller
fweum Too big
pae A good size; About the size of (i.e.,with haf )
pheqa Too small; Tiny


yíasa Invisibly small thing
chepei Speck-sized thing
swso Seed-sized
ñiwa Pea-sized
maca Walnut-sized
kwepo Plum-sized
ñíamwa Tomato-sized
mawo Grape-fruit sized
sopui Melon-sized
caeñ Infant-sized
xlae Small child sized
weiweñae Older child sized
áweiñae Adult sized
weiwe-sfuiña Bear sized
sfuiña Small tree sized
áwa-sfuiña Average tree sized
sfoyañ, sfuiañ Large tree sized
áwsfuiañ Gigantic
xadar Vast
xou Vast, but visibly finite
sawoña Vast and seemingly infinite


haña human
heañ self-animate being, animal
sekyií flying being
phaq pest
kyelex water animal
kyiákya fish
fwígo songbird, small bird
fwígou large bird, bird-of-prey
phweso fly
phe'iphaq gnat
ísya bee
jiíz mosquito
zwasa eight-legged being, spider
t'ae ant
qhaskwae crow
dawa snake
seahañ deer, horse
wala worm
wohañ canine
jwiswi mouse
míawa feline
hemo squirrel


hloña, phoña-, -phoñ plant
xeaf flower
sui fruit
fwiírga leaf
zwela tree
somhwi violet
o'uí, o'úila mulberry
fiíxa rose
tyokwo red clover
tyauúxiñ dandelion
yae-yae plantain
fougwa, fou cannabis
choukwela chocolate
cagwo datura
jolokwo wormwood
ágoxa sage
fyaga lavender
t'aowec juniper
phiís maple
nuiji oak
joñdo birch
wao-wao beech
qsasa pine
saáqma needle (pine, fir, spruce, cedar, etc.)
xew sumac
xom willow
kyiñqo ginkgo
lofaw sassafras
meña peanut; nut
chaqophoñ tobacco
pampo bamboo
mícou acorn
phyala grass
phyeañ dry, poor quality grass
phyeax swampy grass
xohwoña lagerdoemia

Natural World

laex water
píoñ stone
sekyíña crystal
z'oq wood
xaeq fire
fwíaw wind, air
fweuda ashes
fwiítwa mist, fog, misty rain
phiátwa rain, showering
phyoujeu thunder
húyox snow
lofoña clay
ciswi black earth
se'a gray dirt
'íoño sand
xaekwr lightning
hawobei valley
spáibor flatland, field, desert
pas grassland
ágwayo thicket
zwelalyañ forest
doarña hill
kwoujeña mountain range
jwou cave
tyíaw contained body of water, pond, lake
xleuya flowing water, stream, creek, river
hwájo ripple, wave
sekyíñalaex ice
jeuq ground, dirt
fwía sky

Celestial Phenomenon

weux prominent light source, sun, moon
zheuxq sun
taex moon
asfeu crescent moon
phññea full moon
xeus cloud
fwei sky
pejwirña outer space
jím star, planet
jímlyañ constellation
xaqajím star system
támwei shooting star
fwolos unusual celestial phenomenon
qhluicas extra-terrestrial air-and-sea craft
qhluihañ extra-terrestrial being
yamargya the Earth
qsaxealyañ Venus
jamalyañ Mercury
jímfaer Mars
ñagwalyañ Jupiter
haxfwilyañ Saturn
jeikwa Uranus
beiwor Neptune
jahrlyañ Pluto
cikyixi night time
fwíaxa sunrise
zqhae morning
heux mid-day
sifwía afternoon
hexheñ sunset
hyela date; half of the day
hweya day; daytime
fihyela first half of the day
hyelañou second half of the day

Material Culture

phesq-phayo head wear
fiphesqa top, shirt, sweater
phesqapeañ dress
phesqañou skirt, pants
phesqhawa throwover
lagyi ring
syeli belt
syeli-twis bracelet
jemya boot leggings
ñíña, pesq-xeaf foot wear, sandals
tíoñ necklace; jewelry, décor
fyagwo pocket, pouch
chiaeq knife, cutting tool
o'yakwae, o'ya dish, container, ceramic
cwolo food bowl
ñama food
cogyi spoon
kyáxi fireplace, oven
laqa stick
ñolo drinking bowl, liquid container; cup
ñoga heating stone, stove
phecwa jug
xqa rag
fítahwa thin cloth; sheet
xíwae thick, woven cloth; blanket
fwaxiñ soft, plush, roundish object; pillow
sowadae bed, palette, sleeping mat
phesqajeuq floor covering, rug, carpet
híoc seat, stool, support
spái surface, table, counter
háoda shelf
fyagwo compartment, holder
qhwosqa broom
dogyi enclosure, room
yoxi entrance, door
qxlowalyañ bath, pool; sink, tub
phíac building
phíacalyañ village, town, city
xamalyañ sacred space, special place
phoñalyañ garden; farm
xapolyañ sacred plants garden
kwowa book, magazine, newspaper, pamphlet
fwírga (sheet of) paper
ceu, ciwi assorted, sundry items
xigwo creation, construction, project, artwork
sowic personalia
kyíoc gift
tíeqmakwae electronic technology, large-scale mechanical technology
xifaci small-scale mechanical technology
tíeqma-wajeu radio
tíeqma-sdaryo stereo
tíeqma-telewi television
tyíeq-maoto automobile
tíeqma-pos bus
tíeqma-fíamac computer
tíeqma-foñ telephone
tíeqma-pityiou VCR, DVD
tíeq-macica multi-track recorder

Human Body

tyiífa upper chakras; third-eye chakra
tyiífadae third-eye chakra proper
fityiífa crown chakra
yo-tyiífa chakric gateway at the base of the skull
tyiífañou throat chakra
tflíowa heart chakra
saco lower chakras
fisaco solar plexus chakra
sacodae sacral chakra
yo-saco tan tien
sacoñou root chakra
megaphú exteriorized light projection of mental energy from head chakras; aura
tyíñ mind's eye
ya'ae (creative) imagination
'halokwaer inner ear
hoñi (creative) voice, mouth
phayo head
pháphapa forehead
phyaophápha eyebrows
phú face
taya eyes
doupa eyelids
fidoupa upper eyelid
doupañou lower eyelid
phyaodoupa eyelashes
awei ears
doña nose
fidoña ridge of nose
doñdae bridge of nose
doñou tip of nose
yoxidoñ nostrils
mweilo jaw
phugyic cheeks
phosca naso-labial fold
beiwwa lips
fibeiwwa upper lip
mlewa mouth
beiwwañou lowerlip
lolo toungue
zweqa chin
zweqapí chin just below the lip
zweqadae chin proper
zweqañou soft fleshy area underneath the chin
hlago throat
phyala, phyao- hair, fur, feathers
phíohwa torso
lwaxi shoulder level
ñockya chest level
kwokya stomach level
lwae shoulders
cilr-kyíew arms
cilr right arm
kyíew left arm
xekwo-qoñr legs
xekwo left leg
qoñr right leg
xeaf hand, foot
fixeaf hands
xeafñou feet
twis wrist, ankle
fitwis wrist
twisñou ankle
fiaes palm, heel
fifiaes lower palm
fiaesñou heel to insole
tac finger, toe
fitac fingers
taqñou toes
asfeu fingernails
qhawa back
fiqhawa upper back
qhawadae mid-back
qhawañou lower back
ñocr chest
xomya breasts
xwaña areola
tyewei nipples
chagwa heart
kwowo belly
phecha belly-button
chúatami umbilical cord; silver cord
xafa upper arm, thigh
fixafa upper arm
xafañou thigh
soga underarm -inner upper arm, inner thigh
fisoga underarm, inner upper arm
sogañou inner thigh
phyaosoga underarm hair
pos muscular portion of upper arm or thigh
fipos muscular portion of upper arms
posñou muscular portion of thighs
temña outer upper arm, outer thigh
fitemña outer upper arm
temñou outer thigh
kwos forearm, shin
fikwos forearm
kwosñou shin
p"kwo elbow, knee
fip"kwo elbows
p"kwoñou knees
ñohwa from the waist down
swaca, suica pubic area
sui- fruit; related to reproduction, sexuality, growth
heliec vagina; genitalia
phyalasui pubic hair
xwopa labia minora
yolo testicles, ovaries
you labia majora, scrotum
sao clitoral hood, foreskin
sahwa clitoris, penis
swae erection
swali swelling
pwoma buttocks
í'o perineum
wikyi anus
dago bone
jagi teeth
xokwo, dagoxwaqo spine
ñoño fatty flesh
fwaer skin
yoxi bodily orifice; opening, entry way; gate
pali menstruation
cokwa feces
doñlae snot
doñlae.c.taya eye-crust
fwíaw breath
jofya blood
kwowolae vomit
ñocrlae, ñowlae breast milk
phyetyo spit
phílago voice, vocalization
p"poa fart
skyewa ejaculate, semen
sopilae afterbirth
suilae vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate
tayalae, taelae tears
taelae haññocr clear (pubertal) breast discharges
swexo urine
xpwaha diarrhea
yáoyaw sweat
caqs feeling out of sorts, discomfort
cesqes itching, stinging
fwoxwae nausea
houchági hot-cold flashes
hlasqaw tenderness sensation
swoxwae morning sickness
meqeñei hunger
jaso stinging, burning
sipo birth
jehaer death
kyícekya tickling
ñayo ingest
myáqui suck
pheñda throbbing headache
pheña stabbng headache
p"kwaña need to urinate, defecate
q"agi sickness, disease, disharmony, imbalance
sekwaña, sekya horny
skyaca pain
skwor suffering
so'owa sleep
suipañ pregnant
sobyea give birth
xaxama sexual gratification
xkyei.xokwo magical energy, energy in the spine, raised kundalini

Mind and Emotions

paw mind, mentality, mental focus, state of consciousness
fwei feeling, emotion, mental or emotional state; gut-level logic
tíoñ immediate thoughts, memory, focus or associations
hácwei, cheqtíoñ peripheral, subconscious, free-associative thoughts or memories
dohaya gnosis, intuitive logic, deep understanding; faith
jaqoña reasoning, linear or surface-level logic
xwwiñhwa misapprehension, delusion
famahwa neediness, feeling of lack
phawihwa selfishness, adversariality
famapaw forgetfulness; senility; amnesia
heas agape, perfect love, spiritual love; energy, chi, prana
phíqxa infatuation, romantic love
polo affection, love
leiñakweas feel love for through identification with
wosa emotional ambivalence
kyeia want, desire, need
sqa undesired, not want, not need
sqou prefer, preference
skyae dream, vision, out of body travel
homwo meditation, mind-training
tyíaw stilled mind
xleuha thoughts flowing
poyopa excited, joyful
poci happy to meet and hoping for further contact, friendship
phuia happy, feeling good
chaswa voluptuous feeling
champheq feel offended, disgusted
campeskyeñ feel like up and taking a walk
chaokyieñ feel prepared, ready
chaowies ready to leave
chapui feel sheepish, embarrased, foolish
chawiq aware of a nearby presence
chaeq stoic feeling
chepi feel uncomfortable, awkward, bashful
ciñkyi feel mischievous
chomi feel playfully ridiculous, foolish
cwotr discomfort
siñtáo wary, cautious
byíawa feel anxiously, excitedly inspired to creativity by the beauty of a thing
fwifwo admiration
fasor emphatic, exasperated
fe'ipou reminisce, replay, remember
fe'ihwa recognition, re-ocurrence, deja-vú
forswaw feeling passionate, deeply moved
fospou feel an understanding of something sinking in without consciously reviewing the details
fouxwo melancholy feeling
foñtawa feel dirty, unwashed
fwopas feel tempted, invited, welcomed
hamimyñxa feel voluptuously vulnerable
hágoxwei awe
fwañae empathy, sympathy, compassion
fwúñui feeling of fascination
fweipou filled with emotion; dominated by emotions; thinking about one's feelings
tlasqaw particularly sensitive feeling
ja'i pride at another's good fortune; supportive non-malicious envy
jaoga desparate
jatíñ bummed out, frustrated, melancholy feeling
kyáscou feel suspicious
qhaeñ feel determined, single-minded
qhlou pay attention
qxwema, kxwehmi feel of mentally riding on waves
lofya tentative, apprehensive
loxa feeling of wonder, love, admiration, glorification in one's heart at the beauty of a thing
miexr appreciate; respect
mixphalo appreciate the beauty of, but not endorse for one's self
mohea bored, disinterested
phocosqo uncomforatble, slightly embarrased, self-conscious feeling like when being made fun of, caught in th e act, etc.
phyáqaxwei spitefulness, hatefulness; hatred out of spite
pháqhouci hatred that follows from being wronged, "evil"
pháoheñei hatred that follows from love, betrayal
phíaphahwa depression, deep despair
phetyui disappointed
pfta relaxed, soothed, eased, chillin'
phío frightened, panicked, irationally fearful, paranoid
belwea hyper, over-excited feeling
phopho apprehensive, afraid, startled
safhahwei feel of wanting to be alone
sakyo unsympathetic
sampoqo feeling too lazy to even do simple tasks
sfaowáowa feeling of sadness, pity, disappointment at the ignorance or negative actions of others
sfawei feel sorry or bad for someone, sympathy
sfea sadness
sikwui feel sexy and desirable
síofa sleep-deprivation high
skyañcheñ feeling anxious, can't wait
skyityoa surprised
sqoma accepting, resigned
sqoyo distracted
súq feel hurt and confused
saoq unmoved, undeterred, unshaken, calm, indifferent
sogwías curious, interested
sofawa feel content, satisfied
súorga anger
táqpou perturbed, disturbed
ta.qs.ta feel deceived, tricked
weñepaw first-impression, original feeling or intention
fwiskyi intrigued, baffled, mystified, interested, bothered, speculating, concerned
xagwa longing, desirous feeling
xaqoña ready for, receptive to, seeking stimulation
xapho tranquil, relaxed
xáoga frustration
xágouñi feeling of being observed
xqhamwa, xui relaxed, chillin'
xkyeimwi feel hurried, rushed, panicked, in danger
xkyipor personal distaste, abhorrence, shunning of that which is undesired for one's self
xqhláo relaxed and ready under pressure or in the face of danger
fwou-fwou feeling mentally numb
xoweiaq feeling wild, crazy, uninhibited, abandon
xopokyima feel like opening up in unrestrained joyous self-expression
xopakyama feel like opening up in unrestrained furious self-expression
xowíama feel like opening up in unrestrained self-expression out of a desire to project one's self nature
xwokwo-xoqo absent-minded, feeling absent-minded
zím lucid, enlightened, clarified, clear state of mind
zímpaw, zímxa sudden flash of insight
xwáoleo feel like one's mind is swimming


loa harmonization, compatible, making sense, agreeing
phúa attraction, interest
hiñda acquaintance, familiarity
hui attachment, friendship, reconcilability
kyíafa understand, recognize, realise, know
meas deep understanding, mastery, proficient
tyíeq appropriate, judicious, expectable, proper, correct (in context)
tyaphala each to the other
twoupa inter-relatedness; universal causal inter-relation
weaña influenced, touched, handled, under the guidance of, in contact with; touch
píac greeting, farewell
pígwo talk, communicate
poqa hang out, joke around
poqi play, have fun
pyopo, popo affection, love
heas agape, perfect love, spiritual love
píqxa infatuation, romatic love
xaxa pleasure, enjoyment, liking
chiaqta chess; war
ce'aqsa true depricatory quip meant to be humorous rather than denigrating
chuis protection, defense
daecho collect, capture, catch, restrain, entrap, mesmerize; bring
dáwi response
ewjo interpretaion, meaning, calculate, count, figure
xewa request, provocation, prodding, initiation
kyeia want, desire, need
sqá undesired, not want, not need
sqou prefer
feas another, a different one
fili hide, close up, cover up, de-expose (an interior)
jeso uncover, expose
fos working subtly behind the scenes but nonetheless relevant
ftyeañ define, designate, differentiate, difference, establish, seperate out, remove, isolate, limit
fweacor story, description, example, testament to, evidence
fwiñcor display, show, show off, reveal
haca opposition, conflict, competition; game
hieqxa penetrate, pierce; stab
hlae intuitive cooperation
fweñae empathy, sympathy, compassion
calorya relationship dynamics; politics
cada journey, trip, excursion
jaga violence
jampopoyi the best result of available outcomes
jawa grateful, thankful; generous, offering; supplicant
jekwela murder
jeufa devotion
qhlou pay attention
qhloschou eschew, avoid
qosmaga do something expecting it won't be remembered or noticed
qhoawa grooming, upkeep, maintenance, cleaning
kwaemac support, conveyor, holder, transportation
kwuixo absorb, soak up; receive, acquire; learn; sexual intercourse
kyxkyei relationship; system, pattern, mapping
kyxkyei.omes reality map
laes titillating, mysterious, intriguing, enticing, sexy
ximi cute, adorable, sweet, charming
lafwuila complementary
leiñdakweas feel love for through identification with
macmi leave alone, unbothered, undisturbed
meac facillitate; allow, permit; give; aid, help
mica attain, achieve, graduate, finish, perform, succeed; arrive
mikyi cooperation, compromise, diplomacy, discussion, resolution
p"depa drama, commotion, over-emotionality, intrigue, passion, attention seeking
phawi opponent, adversary; (working) against
pháipr not empty, filled, containing something (not necessarily full)
pehwo task, striving, effort, project
phuijaq interfere, bother, interrupt, hinder, oppress
phuijaqhui oppressor, intruder, interference
qgha'ola trade, exchange gifts
q"agi disharmony, imbalance
qoaeja too strong, too resistant, too endurant
cwíaq too weak, too flimsy
qúijamwei do something expecting to remember, but forget instead
sáfa massage
xeñkwou reputation, the way one is perceived
sakwei abandon, leave alone, end dealings with; exit
sehae left uncompleted
sakyo unsympathetic
sagawa split, cut, divided; separation, dissociation
sefei touch, feel
sfawei feel sorry or bad for someone, sympathy
xáwiq turn over, flip over; turn inside out; inverse, reverse
skyowic break with a pattern
smaqoña greed, excess, waste
soq unmoved, undeterred, unshaken, calm, indifferent
sogwías curious, interest
sogwi mend, repair
teia seek, search for, discover, find, invent
teiaqci initiation, purification
ta.qs.ta feel deceived, tricked
tweaso forum, meeting, discussion
weacwa ability to manipulate without confrontation or direct handling
xáliñta active loving, performing acts of "hias"
xama select, important, sacred, chosen, decided upon
xaxama, x.ha sexual gratification
xkyawei disperse
xwaqo party, celebration, rite
yagya work thoroughly, intensively, vigorously; stimulate, manipulate
yago sexual intercourse
yasi oro-erotic activity
yom-yom stretched, filled up; expanded; challenged
yoña erotic stimulation by rubbing, friction
zápo reconciliation; atonement, make up for; payment; punishment, retaliation
mwouhlei hug, embrace
z'ññ kiss
pikya kiss


Paradigmatic Concepts

hakwui inner aspect, interior
wasekwui middle aspect, middle, interface
weikwui outer aspect, exterior
sqaxou inertia, resistance, inability, interference, stagnation
mieqs position, location, situation, circumstance, standing motion, vibration, environment, context
tyou position, location, situation, circumstance, standing motion, vibration, environment, context
kwou, tyou-tyou going, directional motion, motivation, aspiration, approach, progress, orientation
squi abstract, ideal
pom imaginal, of the inner senses
paña material, tangible, physical, dense
júakwaño Universal memory, "superconsious"
fwohae gnosis, intuitive logic, deep understanding; faith
jaqoña reasoning, linear or surface-level logic
paw, -pou mind, mentality, mental focus, state of consciousness
fwei, -hwa feeling, emotion, mental or emotional state; gut-level logic
xama select, important, sacred, chosen, decided upon
lawa reality, experience, belief, world, dream, mental space
mesis word or phrase, symbol, perception, description
ewjo interpretaion, meaning, calculate, count, figure, analysis
phuia happiness, joy
hleu harmonious, aesthetic or spiritual beauty
xaxa pleasure, enjoyment, liking
loa harmonization, compatible, making sense, agreeing
phúa attraction, interest
hiñda acquaintance, familiarity
hui attachment, friendship, reconcilability
tyíeq appropriate, judicious, expectable, proper, correct (in context)
líwaxou ebb and flow
tama mystery, secret, esoterica
twoupa inter-relatedness; universal causal inter-relationship
haela oddly juxtaposed, unexpected, interesting, unique, quirky, enigmatic, "twisted around", innovative, energized, beautiful; the odd position, somewhat disturbing; influx of unexpected change into stagnation
t'aí path; way, manner, destiny, lifestyle, art, religion, education
meac, -mac facillitate; allow, permit; give; aid, help
wíaña influenced, touched, handled, under the guidance of, in contact with; touch
weu (mental) creation, ideation, invention, discovery, origination, getting underway
fwayoña manifest, realize, bring about
súaq overall (metaphysical) effectiveness, ability, capability; health
jiwa, -jir mental or theoretical effectiveness, ability, capability
pyáo physical effectiveness, ability, capability; in working condition
teia seek, search for, discover, find, invent
xqei cycle, pattern; feel, groove; drumming
kyxkyei system, formula, mapping, relationship, organization, structure
síoq lesson, achievement, art work, "karma", experience, tenet, step (along a path), episode,
