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The construction is:
The construction is:

-''Main clause'', SUBJECT + PARTICIPLE (''in agree with subject'') + PRONOUN (''in agree with the relator of the main clause'')
- [''Main clause''], SUBJECT + PARTICIPLE (''in agree with subject'') + PRONOUN (''in agree with the relator of the main clause'')

Revision as of 05:29, 7 August 2009


This is the consonant system in the IPA consonant table:

Bilabial Labio-
Dental Alveolar Post-
Palatal Velar
p b
t d
k ɡ
   [ɱ] 1
   [ŋ] 2
f v
s z
ʃ ʒ
ʧ ʤ
Lateral approximant
  • 1: Allophone of [m] before labiodental consonants
  • 2: Allophone of [n] before velar consonant


Some consonants come in pair with a palatalized counterpart:

Non-palatalized consonant Palatalized counterpart
k č
s š
z ž
t č

This phenomenon, called palatalization, is very common, usually (but not always) when one of these consonants comes in contact with the semivowel [j]. It's very important, because it occurs many times in noun declension.


Front Near-front Central Near-back Back




Case Consonant Vowel
Nominative - -
Genitive -u -w
Dative -a -ja
Accusative -o -wo
Instrumental -en -jen
Locative -ot -jot
Adlative -ás -jás
Delative -ád -jád
Case Consonant Vowel
Nominative -y -j
Genitive -yw -ju
Dative -ya -jay
Accusative -yo -joy
Instrumental -yen -jeyn
Locative -yt -jyt
Adlative -ýs -jýs
Delative -ýd -jýd

The dual number indicates a pair of things. It has a lesser number of endings, only four, with consonant and vowel counteparts.

Case Consonant Vowel
-et -t
-etu -ču
-etyn -čyn
Locative -ec -ciw


stuv = village, town
Case Singular Plural Dual
Nominative stuv stuvy stuvet
Genitive stuvu stuvyw stuvetu
Dative stuva stuvya stuvetu
Accusative stuvo stuvyo stuvet
Instrumental stuven stuvyen stuvetyn
Locative stuvot stuvyt stuvec
Adlative stuvás stuvýs stuvetu
Delative stuvád stuvýd stuvetyn
mila = woman
Case Singular Plural Dual
Nominative mila milaj milat
Genitive milaw milaju milaču
Dative milaja milajay milaču
Accusative milawo milajoy milat
Instrumental milajen milajeyn milačyn
Locative milajot milajyt milaciw
Adlative milajás milajýs milaču
Delative milajád milajýd milačyn

Some nouns, even if they end with a consonant, follow the vowel declension pattern. In this case their last consonant undergoes palatalization, except for the nominative and genitive in the singular, and for all cases in dual. If there is a long vowel, when palatalization occurs, the vowel gets short.

krís = king
Case Singular Plural Dual
Nominative krís krišy kríset
Genitive krísu krišu krísetu
Dative kriša krišay krísetu
Accusative kríswo krišoy kríset
Instrumental krišen krišeyn krísetyn
Locative krišot krišyt krísec
Adlative krišás krišýs krísetu
Delative krišád krišýd krísetyn

Other nouns which undergo palatalization are: ák (water ‣ plur. ačy), nát (father ‣ plur. načy), héd (mother ‣ plur. hedžy), lók (head ‣ plur. ločy), úk (name ‣ plur. učy)

If a noun already ends with -u, the genitive ending in the singular melds with this vowel and becomes .

  • mázu (house) ‣ mázú


There is only the form for the definite article (the): ó. It has to be declined according to its noun.

ó = the
Case Singular Plural Dual
Nominative ó ony ont
Genitive onu onju onču
Dative ona onja onču
Accusative ono onjo ont
Instrumental onen onjen ontyn
Locative onot onyt onec
Adlative onás onýs onču
Delative onád onýd ontyn


The adjectives must agree with their nouns in number and case, but only in attributive position. In prepositive position adjectives are not declined:

  • Attributive position: nom.: dén mila (a good woman), gen.: dénu milaw (of a good woman)
  • Prepositive position: ó mila dén ér (the woman is good), ony milaj dén eruk (the women are good)


The adjectival declension follows the nominal declension's pattern, with the distinction between consonant and vowel endings. Adjectives always come before their nouns, except for participles, that can occur after.

If the adjective comes before a nouns which is definited, it melds with the article, and it uses the definite adjectival declension.

  • Dén mila: a good woman
  • Dénon mila: the good woman
  • Dényenon milajeyn: with the good women

Here there are samples from two adjectives:

dén = good
Case Singular Plural Dual
Nominative dénon dényjon déneton
Genitive dénun dénywon dénetun
Dative dénan dényajon dénetun
Accusative dénon dényojon déneton
Instrumental dénenon dényenon dénetynon
Locative dénoton dényton dénecon
Adlative dénáson dénýson dénetun
Delative dénádon dénýdon dénetynon
pana = high
Case Singular Plural Dual
Nominative panan panajon panaton
Genitive panawon panajun panačun
Dative panajan panajayn panačun
Accusative panawon panajoyn panaton
Instrumental panajenon panajeynon panačynon
Locative panajoton panajyton panaciwon
Adlative panajáson panajýson panačun
Delative panajádon panajýdon panačynon

If the adjective falls after the noun, it never use the definite declension, and the article appears before the noun:

  • ó mila okeláv = the woman who loved


There are two degrees of comparison: the comparative form and the superlative form:

They are formed by adding prefixes to the normal form of the adjective:

  • Comparative: add pu- (mantaining the -): dén ‣ pu-dén
  • Superlative: add saj- (mantaining the -): dén ‣ saj-dén

The second term of the comparison for comparative form is introduced by ča:

  • lak mila pu-lán ča šik ér: this woman is more beautiful than that one



These are the forms of personal pronouns:

Case I You (thou) He She It
Nom. to za héj
Gen. kiju tow zaw hiju heju
Dat. kija toja zaja hija heja
Acc. kijo zao hijo hejo
Instr. kijen tojen zajen hijen hejen
Loc. kijot tojot zajot hijot hejot
Adl. kijás tojás zajás hijás hejás
Del. kijád tojád zajád hijád hejád
Case We You (plur.) They (m) They (f) They (mixed)
Nom. vój
Gen. voju riju ziju biju miju
Dat. vojay rijay zijay bijay mijay
Acc. vojo rijo zijo bijo mijo
Instr. vojen rijen zijen bijen mijen
Loc. vojyt rijyt zijyt bijyt mijyt
Adl. vojýs rijýs zijýs bijýs mijýs
Del. vojýd rijýd zijýd bijýd mijýd
Case We two You two They two
Nom. vóje rije mije
Gen. vojču ríjču mijču
Dat. vojču ríjču mijču
Acc. voje rije mije
Instr. vojčyn rijčyn mijčyn
Loc. vojciw rijciw mijciw
Adl. vojču ríjču mijču
Del. vojčyn rijčyn mijčyn


These are the forms of the relative pronoun:

ksé = that, which, who
Case Singular Plural Dual
Nominative ksé kší kset
Genitive ksew kšú kseču
Dative kšá kšáy kseču
Accusative ksewo kšóy kset
Instrumental kšén kšéyn ksečyn
Locative kšót kšýt kseciw
Adlative kšás kšýs kseču
Delative kšád kšýd ksečyn

These forms are used more rarely than in English, because in relative sentences participles are more actively used.


Verbs have a rich system of conjugation. There are one infinitival form, 3 participles, 4 moods and at least 5 tenses in the indicative mood. Verbs do conjugate according to the person, with different endings for each person, in singular, plural and dual. Each form has a passive counterpart, because there is a separated passive conjugation.

Verbs are divided in two conjugation patterns, depending on their infinitival endings:

  • 1st conjugation = -uč
  • 2nd conjugation = -or

By dropping these endings we'll get the verbal root, basis of verbal conjugation.


This is the infinitival form, that you'll find in dictionaries.

We'll use two sample verbs, to show the conjugation:

to Love to Eat
Keluč Setor


Verbs have three participles: present participle, past participle, and future participle, which doesn't exist in English, but express the same meaning of the other two participles but in the future.

Present Past Future
keláv okeláv tekeláv
setáv osetáv tesetáv

The past participle has an active meaning; osetáv doesn't mean that has been eaten, but which has eaten.

The vowel in the -áv ending gets short when declined:

  • nom. keláv (loving) ‣ gen. kelavu (of loving)

Participles are very important in the construction of relative sentences.


The indicative mood is the mood of reality, that shows happenings, tales, indications, etc. It has 5 tenses. Two tenses are simple, three tenses add prefixes.


Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. kelu setu
2nd sing. keluc setec
3rd sing. kele sete
1st plu. kelun seten
2nd plu. keluj setej
3rd plu. keluk setek
1st dual kelune setene
2nd dual keluje seteje
3rd dual keluke seteke


The past tense marks an action, occured in the past. It is formed by adding the infix -uv- for the 1st conjugation or -ev for the 2nd conjugation, and then the present endings of the 2nd conjugation, except for the 3rd person in singular, which adds nothing.

Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. keluvu setevu
2nd sing. keluvec setevec
3rd sing. keluv setev
1st plu. keluven seteven
2nd plu. keluvej setevej
3rd plu. keluvek setevek
1st dual keluvene setevene
2nd dual keluveje seteveje
3rd dual keluveke seteveke


The future tense marks an action, which will occur in the future. It is formed by adding the infix -us- for the 1st conjugation or -es for the 2nd conjugation, and then the present endings of the 2nd conjugation, and by adding the prefix te(k)- before the main root.

Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. tekelusu tesetesu
2nd sing. tekelusec tesetesec
3rd sing. tekeluse tesetese
1st plu. tekelusen tesetesen
2nd plu. tekelusej tesetesej
3rd plu. tekelusek tesetesek
1st dual tekelusene tesetesene
2nd dual tekeluseje teseteseje
3rd dual tekeluseke teseteseke


The plusquamperfect tense marks an action, occured in the past of another past action. It is formed by adding the prefix o(k)- to the forms of the past tense.

Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. okeluvu osetevu
2nd sing. okeluvec osetevec
3rd sing. okeluv osetev
1st plu. okeluven oseteven
2nd plu. okeluvej osetevej
3rd plu. okeluvek osetevek
1st dual okeluvene osetevene
2nd dual okeluveje oseteveje
3rd dual okeluveke oseteveke

Future in the past

The future in the past tense marks an action, occured in the future of another past action. It is formed by adding the prefix o(k)- to the forms of the future tense.

Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. otekelusu otesetesu
2nd sing. otekelusec otesetesec
3rd sing. otekeluse otesetese
1st plu. otekelusen otesetesen
2nd plu. otekelusej otesetesej
3rd plu. otekelusek otesetesek
1st dual otekelusene otesetesene
2nd dual otekeluseje oteseteseje
3rd dual otekeluseke oteseteseke


The subjunctive mood is the mood of doubt, uncertainty, possibility, etc. It is very used in subordinate clauses. It has 3 tenses. Two tenses are simple, one tense adds prefixes. Subjunctive is marked by the infixed vowel -a-, which replaces the -e/u- alternance in the indicative.


Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. kela seta
2nd sing. kelac setac
3rd sing. kela seta
1st plu. kelan setan
2nd plu. kelaj setaj
3rd plu. kelak setak
1st dual kelane setane
2nd dual kelaje setaje
3rd dual kelake setake


The past tense marks a possible, uncertain action, which could occur in the past. It is formed by adding the infix -av- for the 1st and 2nd conjugation, and then the present endings of the 2nd conjugation, except for the 3rd person in singular, which adds nothing.

Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. kelavu setavu
2nd sing. kelavec setavec
3rd sing. kelav setav
1st plu. kelaven setaven
2nd plu. kelavej setavej
3rd plu. kelavek setavek
1st dual kelavene setavene
2nd dual kelaveje setaveje
3rd dual kelaveke setaveke


The future tense marks a possible, uncertain action, which can occur in the future. It is formed by adding the infix -as- for the 1st and 2nd conjugation, and then the present endings of the 2nd conjugation, and by adding the prefix te(k)- before the main root.

Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. tekelasu tesetasu
2nd sing. tekelasec tesetasec
3rd sing. tekelase tesetase
1st plu. tekelasen tesetasen
2nd plu. tekelasej tesetasej
3rd plu. tekelasek tesetasek
1st dual tekelasene tesetasene
2nd dual tekelaseje tesetaseje
3rd dual tekelaseke tesetaseke


The obtative is the mood of whish, probability, will. It is very used in subordinate clauses. It has 3 tenses. Two tenses are simple, one tense adds prefixes. Obtative is marked by the infixed vowel -i-, which replaces the -e/u- alternance in the indicative.


Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. keli seti
2nd sing. kelic setic
3rd sing. keli seti
1st plu. kelin setin
2nd plu. kelij setij
3rd plu. kelik setik
1st dual keline setine
2nd dual kelije setije
3rd dual kelike setike


The past tense marks a wish, a probability, which could occur in the past. It is formed by adding the infix -iv- for the 1st and 2nd conjugation, and then the present endings of the 2nd conjugation, except for the 3rd person in singular, which adds nothing.

Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. kelivu setivu
2nd sing. kelivec setivec
3rd sing. keliv setiv
1st plu. keliven setiven
2nd plu. kelivej setivej
3rd plu. kelivek setivek
1st dual kelivene setivene
2nd dual keliveje setiveje
3rd dual keliveke setiveke


The future tense marks a wish, a probability, which can occur in the future. It is formed by adding the infix -is- for the 1st and 2nd conjugation, and then the present endings of the 2nd conjugation, and by adding the prefix te(k)- before the main root.

Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. tekelisu tesetisu
2nd sing. tekelisec tesetisec
3rd sing. tekelise tesetise
1st plu. tekelisen tesetisen
2nd plu. tekelisej tesetisej
3rd plu. tekelisek tesetisek
1st dual tekelisene tesetisene
2nd dual tekeliseje tesetiseje
3rd dual tekeliseke tesetiseke


The imperative mood is the mood of orders. It has only one tense with special endings.

Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. - -
2nd sing. kel set
3rd sing. kela seta
1st plu. keljen setjen
2nd plu. kel set
3rd plu. kelak setak
1st dual keljene setjene
2nd dual kelače setače
3rd dual kelake setake

Passive declension

Verbs form their passive counterparts by adding a suffix, not as in English. So there is a separated passive declension:

  • He opens the door: ono erkowo pále
  • The door is opened by him: ó erko zajen páles

The passive form is formed by adding the suffix -s after a vowel, and -is after a consonant.

Examples: The present tense:

Person Keluč Setor
1st sing. kelus setus
2nd sing. kelucis setecis
3rd sing. keles setes
1st plu. kelunis setenis
2nd plu. kelujis setejis
3rd plu. kelukis setekis
1st dual kelunes setenes
2nd dual kelujes setejes
3rd dual kelukes setekes

The agent of the passive sentence is expressed by the instrumental case:

  • The pen was broken by his mother: ó póliec zawnen hedžen okrujzuvis

Participles takes different endings to form their passive counterparts:

Present Past Future
kelát okelát tekelát
setát osetát tesetát

They follow the declension of palatalizated nouns with vowel shortening of the final vowel:

  • osetát (eaten) ‣ osetačy (plur.)

Verb Ervuč (to Be)

The verb ervuč (to Be) is irregular. These are its forms:

Indicative Present Past Future Plusquamperfect Future in the past
1st sing. eru ervu tekersu okervu otekersu
2nd sing. erc ervec tekersec okervec otekersec
3rd sing. ér erev tekerse okerev otekerse
1st plu. ern erven tekersen okerven otekersen
2nd plu. ery ervej tekersej okervej otekersej
3rd plu. eruk ervek tekersek okervek otekersek
1st dual erne ervene tekersene okervene otekersene
2nd dual erje erveje tekerseje okerveje otekerseje
3rd dual eruke erveke tekerseke okerveke otekerseke
Subjunctive Present Past Future
1st sing. era eravu tekerasu
2nd sing. erac eravec tekerasec
3rd sing. era erav tekerase
1st plu. eran eraven tekerasen
2nd plu. eraj eravej tekerasej
3rd plu. erak eravek tekerasek
1st dual erane eravene tekerasene
2nd dual eraje eraveje tekeraseje
3rd dual erake eraveke tekeraseke
Ottative Present Past Future
1st sing. eri erivu tekerisu
2nd sing. eric erivec tekerisec
3rd sing. eri eriv tekerise
1st plu. erin eriven tekerisen
2nd plu. erij erivej tekerisej
3rd plu. erik erivek tekerisek
1st dual erine erivene tekerisene
2nd dual erije eriveje tekeriseje
3rd dual erike eriveke tekeriseke
Imperative Present
1st sing. -
2nd sing. ér
3rd sing. era
1st plu. erjen
2nd plu. érč
3rd plu. erak
1st dual erjene
2nd dual erče
3rd dual erake

The participles are:

Present Past Future
eráv okeráv tekeráv

Verb Esor (to Have)

The verb esor (to Have) is irregular. These are its forms:

Indicative Present Past Future Plusquamperfect Future in the past
1st sing. esu esvu tekesesu okesvu otekesesu
2nd sing. esec esvec tekesesec okesvec otekesesec
3rd sing. és esev tekesese okesev otekesese
1st plu. esn esven tekesesen okesven otekesesen
2nd plu. esy esvej tekesesej okesvej otekesesej
3rd plu. esuk esvek tekesesek okesvek otekesesek
1st dual esne esvene tekesesene okesvene otekesesene
2nd dual esje esveje tekeseseje okesveje otekeseseje
3rd dual esuke esveke tekeseseke okesveke otekeseseke
Subjunctive Present Past Future
1st sing. esa esavu tekesasu
2nd sing. esac esavec tekesasec
3rd sing. esa esav tekesase
1st plu. esan esaven tekesasen
2nd plu. esaj esavej tekesasej
3rd plu. esak esavek tekesasek
1st dual esane esavene tekesasene
2nd dual esaje esaveje tekesaseje
3rd dual esake esaveke tekesaseke
Ottative Present Past Future
1st sing. esi esivu tekesisu
2nd sing. esic esivec tekesisec
3rd sing. esi esiv tekesise
1st plu. esin esiven tekesisen
2nd plu. esij esivej tekesisej
3rd plu. esik esivek tekesisek
1st dual esine esivene tekesisene
2nd dual esije esiveje tekesiseje
3rd dual esike esiveke tekesiseke
Imperative Present
1st sing. -
2nd sing. és
3rd sing. esa
1st plu. esjen
2nd plu. esač
3rd plu. esak
1st dual esjene
2nd dual esače
3rd dual esake

The participles are:

Present Past Future
esáv okesáv tekesáv

The most important feature of this verb is that its behaviour is different from its English countepart's one. The possession is expressed by another construction: The owned object is in the nominative case (i.e. it becomes the sentence's subject), then the verbs agree with it and the owner is declined in dative case. This occurs both for proper or aquired possession.

  • Lók bánya čésya és: All human beings have a head (lit.: A head to all human beings has)
  • Póliec kija és: I have a pen (lit.: A pen to me has)

Word formation

Noun → Adjective

  • One of the most common endings to change a noun into ist corrispective adjective is -ár. If the noun already ends with -r, the ending changes in -ál. When attached to a noun which usually undergoes palatalization with vowel shortening, these phenomena occur.

- čés (human being) ‣ čésár (human)
- úk (noun) ‣ učár (nominal)

  • The adjectival ending for nouns, ending in a vowel, is -jer.

- mila (woman) ‣ milajer (feminine)


Relative clause

The relative clauses are built in two ways:

  • With the relative pronoun ksé:

- The child (that) you saw: ó píku, ksewo sáljevec.
- Do you see the man, who I gave a pen?: sáljec ono mono, kšá pólieco kálevu?

This costruction is quite similar to the English one, except for the fact that the relative pronoun can't be dropped.

  • With participles (this is the most common way):

If the subject of the main clause and the one of the relative clause are the same, the participle simply replaces the pronoun, according to tense.

- The child who plays: ó píku klásáv (ó píku ksé kláse, more rare)
- The man who gave me a book: ó mon, okáláv kija tálewo.

The participle has to agree with the noun in number and case, even if it remains the subject of the sentences.

- This is the house of the man, who gave me the book: héj pík onu monu és, okálavu kija ono tálewo

If the subject of the two clauses is different, participles are used anyway, with a particular construction:

- The woman, who I gave a pen: ó mila, kí okáláv hija pólieco.

The construction is:

- [Main clause], SUBJECT + PARTICIPLE (in agree with subject) + PRONOUN (in agree with the relator of the main clause)