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| ㅇ
| ㅇ
<nowiki>*</nowiki> &mdash; The onsets 非敷奉微 split from 幫滂並明 sometime between Early and Late Middle Chinese, and this split is reflected in most Chinese varieties as an opposition between labiodentals and bilabials. The conditions for the split appear to be: 1) Third-''deng'' (等) rime; 2) A "back" or "labialized" feature in the syllable (exact definition subject to debate).
<nowiki>*</nowiki> &mdash; The onsets 非敷奉微 split from 幫滂並明 sometime between Early and Late Middle Chinese, and this split is reflected in most Chinese varieties as an opposition between labiodentals and bilabials. The conditions for the split are
# Third-''deng'' (等) and ''hekou'' (合口) rimes
# The third-''deng'' (等) and ''kaikou'' (開口) rimes of 東, 鍾, 尤

=== Allophony in reflexes ===
=== Allophony in reflexes ===

Revision as of 08:09, 23 July 2008


  • 1 = Ping tone
  • 2 = Shang tone
  • 3 = Qu tone
  • 4 = Ru tone
  • 1a = Yin Ping tone
  • 1b = Yang Ping tone, etc.
Onset Middle Chinese Mandarin
Hakka Japanese Korean
Karlgren[1] Baxter[2] IPA[3] Go-On Kan-On
p p [p] b [p] b [p] h [h] h [h] ㅂ [p]

ㅍ [pʰ] /_[a,je,jo,il] etc.

p' ph [pʰ] p [pʰ] p [pʰ] h [h] h [h] ㅍ [pʰ]

ㅂ [p] /_ak etc.

b' b [b] p [pʰ] /_1

b [p] /_234

p [pʰ] /_12

b [p] /_(2)34

b [b] h [h] ㅂ [p]

ㅍ [pʰ] /_[a,je,jo,il] etc.

m m [m] m [m] m [m] m [m] b [b] ㅁ [m]
非* p p [f] f [f] f [f] h [h] h [h] ㅂ [p]

ㅍ [pʰ] /_[a,je,jo,il] etc.

敷* p' ph [fʰ] f [f] f [f] h [h] h [h] ㅍ [pʰ]

ㅂ [p] /_ak etc.

奉* b' b [v] f [f] f [f] b [b] h [h] ㅂ [p]

ㅍ [pʰ] /_[a,je,jo,il] etc.

微* m m [ɱ] w [w] m [m] m [m] b [b] ㅁ [m]
t t [t] d [t] d [t] t [t] t [t] ㄷ [t]
t' th [tʰ] t [tʰ] t [tʰ] t [t] t [t] ㅌ [tʰ]
d' d [d] t [tʰ] /_1

d [t] /_234

t [tʰ] /_12

d [t] /_(2)34

d [d] t [t] ㄷ [t]
n n [n] n [n] n [n] n [n] d [d] ㄴ [n]
l l [l] l [l] l [l] r [ɺ] r [ɺ] ㄹ [ɾ]
tr [ʈ] zh [tʂ] z [ts] t [t] t [t] ㄷ [t]
t̂' trh [ʈʰ] ch [tʂʰ] c [tsʰ] t [t] t [t] ㅌ [tʰ]
d̂' dr [ɖʰ] ch [tʂʰ] /_1

zh [tʂ] /_234

c [tsʰ] /_12

z [ts] /_(2)34

d [d] t [t] ㄷ [t]
n nr [ɳ] n [n] n [n] n [n] d [d] ㄴ [n]
ts ts [ts] z [ts] z [ts] s [s] s [s] ㅈ [tɕ]
ts' tsh [tsʰ] c [tsʰ] c [tsʰ] s [s] s [s] ㅊ [tɕʰ]
dz' dz [dz] c [tsʰ] /_1

z [ts] /_234

c [tsʰ] /_12

z [ts] /_(2)34

z [z] s [s]
s s [s] s [s] s [s] s [s] s [s] ㅅ [s]
z z [z] s [s]

but c [tsʰ] for MC zi (詞祠辭)
and zjuw (囚泅)

c [tsʰ] /_12

z [ts] /_(2)34
but s [s] (旋羨遂殉緒)

z [z] s [s] ㅅ [s]
tṣ tsr [tʂ] zh [tʂ] z [ts] s [s] s [s] ㅈ [tɕ]
tṣ' tsrh [tʂʰ] ch [tʂʰ] c [tsʰ] s [s] s [s] ㅊ [tɕʰ]
dẓ' dzr [dʐʰ] z [z] s [s]
sr [ʂ] sh [ʂ] s [s] s [s] s [s] ㅅ [s]
ź zr [ʐ] z [z] s [s] ㅅ [s]
tsy [tɕ] zh [tʂ] z [ts] s [s] s [s] ㅈ [tɕ]
tś' tsyh [tɕʰ] ch [tʂʰ] c [tsʰ] s [s] s [s] ㅊ [tɕʰ]
dź' zy [ʑ] z [z] s [s]
ś sy [ɕ] sh [ʂ] s [s] s [s] s [s] ㅅ [s]
ź dzy [dʑ] z [z] s [s] ㅅ [s]
ńź ny [ȵ] n [n] z [z]
k k [k] g [k] g [k] k [k] k [k] ㄱ [k]
k' kh [kʰ] k [k] k [k] ㄱ [k]
g' g [g] g [ɡ] k [k] ㄱ [k]
ng ng [ŋ] g [ɡ] g [ɡ]
' ' [ʔ] Ø
y [j]
w [w]
y [j]
w [w]
x x [h] k [k] k [k] ㅎ [h]
ɣ h [ɦ] g [ɡ]

w [w]

k [k] ㅎ [h]
j hj [ɦj] y [j,ɥ] j [j]
y [j] y [j,ɥ] j [j]

* — The onsets 非敷奉微 split from 幫滂並明 sometime between Early and Late Middle Chinese, and this split is reflected in most Chinese varieties as an opposition between labiodentals and bilabials. The conditions for the split are

  1. Third-deng (等) and hekou (合口) rimes
  2. The third-deng (等) and kaikou (開口) rimes of 東, 鍾, 尤

Allophony in reflexes

Note for Mandarin Chinese — The following rules also apply:

  • z c s [ts tsʰ s] > j q x [tɕ tɕʰ ɕ] / _[i,j,y,ɥ]
  • g k h [k kʰ x] > j q x [tɕ tɕʰ ɕ] / _[i,j,y,ɥ]

Note for Cantonese:

  • Up until the early 20th century, Cantonese had alveolo-palatal sibilants [tɕ tɕʰ ɕ], but these have since merged into the plain alveolar sibilants /ts tsʰ s/.
  • /ts tsʰ s/ may be pronounced palatalized, especially before the front high vowels.
  • /n/ is currently merging into /l/, as is /ŋ/ into the null initial.

Note for Japanese — The following rules also apply:

  • t d s z n h [t d s z n h] > ch j sh j n h [tɕ ʑ ɕ ʑ ɲ ç] / _[i,j]
  • t d h [t d h] > ts z f [ts z ɸ] / _[u]
  • w [w] > 0 /_[i,u,e,o]
  • /g/ may be pronounced [ŋ] intervocalically.

Note for Korean — The following rules also apply:

  • ㄷ ㅌ [t tʰ] > ㅈ ㅊ [tɕ tɕʰ] / _[i,j]
  • ㄹ [ɾ] > ㄴ [n] / #_
  • ㄴ [n] > ㅇ Ø / _[i,j]


  • P = MC labial (幫滂並明)
  • T = MC dental stop (端透定泥)
  • TR = MC retroflex stop (知徹澄娘)
  • S = MC dental sibilant (精清從心邪)
  • SR = MC retroflex sibilant (莊出崇生)
  • SY = MC palatal sibilant (章昌船書禪)
  • TSR = TR,SR
  • K = MC velar/laryngeal (見溪群疑曉匣影云以)

通攝 Tong She

Rime Middle Chinese Mandarin
Hakka Japanese Korean
Karlgren Baxter Go-On Kan-On
東一 ung uwng ong [ʊŋ]

weng [wɤŋ] /ʔ_
eng [ɤŋ] /P_

ung [ʊŋ]

but jung [jʊŋ] (翁)

u [u]

some uu [uː]

ou [oː]
冬一 uong owng ong [ʊŋ]

(does not occur /P_)

ung [ʊŋ] o [o]

some ou [oː]

ou [oː]
東三 i̯ung juwng ong [ʊŋ]

eng [ɤŋ] /P_

ung [ʊŋ] yuu [juː], yu [ju]

u [u], uu [uː]/K,l,P_

yuu [juː]

ou [oː]/P_

鍾三 i̯wong jowng ong [ʊŋ]

iong [yʊŋ] /x_,ʔ_
eng [ɤŋ] /P_

ung [ʊŋ]

jung [jʊŋ] /ʔ_

yuu [juː], yu [ju]

u [u], uu [uː]/K,P_

you [joː]

ou [oː]/P_

東一 uk uwk u [u] uk [ʊk] oku [oku] oku [oku]
冬一 uok owk u [u] uk [ʊk] oku [oku] oku [oku]
東三 i̯uk juwk mostly u [u]

and ü [y] /K_
ou [ou] (軸粥熟肉)
iu [jou] (宿六)
uo [uo] (縮)

uk [ʊk] iku [iku] /K_,TR_,ny_

uku [uku] /S_,SY_,P_
oku [oku] /l_,m_

iku [iku] /K_,TR_,ny_,l_

yuku [juku] /S_,SY_
uku [uku] /P_
oku [oku] /m_

鍾三 i̯wok jowk mostly u [u]

and ü [y] /K_
ü [y] (續綠)

uk [ʊk]

juk [jʊk] /ŋ_

oku [oku] yoku [joku]

江攝 Jiang She

Rime Middle Chinese Mandarin
Hakka Japanese Korean
Karlgren Baxter Go-On Kan-On
江二 ång æwng iang [jɑŋ] / K_

but: ang [ɑŋ] (扛缸港)
uang [wɑŋ] /TSR_
ang [ɑŋ] /P_

ong [ɔːŋ] /K_,P_

oeng [œːŋ] /TSR_

ou [oː] au [oː]
江二 åk æwk literary:

üe [yɛ] / K_ (not ʔ_)
but e [ɤ] (殼)
(u)o [uo] / else
iao [jau] / K_ (角殼)
ao [au] (剝雹)

ok [ɔːk] /K_,P_

ak [ɐk] /ʔ_
oek [œːk] or ok [ɔːk]
or uk [ʊk] /TSR_

oku [oku] /P_

aku [aku]

aku [aku]

止攝 Zhi She

Rime Middle Chinese Mandarin
Hakka Japanese Korean
Karlgren Baxter Go-On Kan-On
支三開 ie̯ j(i)e i [ɿ,ʅ] /S,TSRY_

but i [i] (徙璽)
er [ɑɚ] /ny_
i [i] else
but ei [ei] (碑卑被)

i [i] /S,TSRY_

but aai [aːi] (徙璽)
i [i] /ŋ,ʔ,hj,y_
but ai [ɐi] (蟻)
ei [ei] /K,l,P_

i [i] i [i]
脂三開 i (j)ij i [ɿ,ʅ] /S,TSRY_

er [ɑɚ] /ny_
i [i] else
but ei [ei] (悲美眉湄備)

i [i] /S,TSRY_

but ei [ei] (死四)
i [i] /ŋ,ʔ,hj,y_
ei [ei] /K,nr,l,d,P_

i [i] i [i]
之三 i i i [ɿ,ʅ] /S,TSRY_

er [ɑɚ] /ny_
i [i] else

i [i] /S,TSRY_

i [i] /ŋ,ʔ,hj,y_
ei [ei] /K,nr,l,P_
but eoi [ɵy] (裏)

mostly o [o] /K_

but i [i] /ʔ,hj,y_
i [i] /else

i [i]
微三開 e̯i jɨj i [i]

(none /S,TSRY_)

i [i] /ŋ,ʔ,hj,y_

ei [ei] /K_
(none /S,TSRY,P_)

e [e] i [i]
支三合 wie̯ jw(i)e uai [uai] /SR_

ei [ei] /l_
ui [uei] /else
(no /P_)

wai [wɐi] /K_

ai [ɐi] /ŋ_
eoi [ɵy] /else
(no /P_)

wi [i] /K_

ui [ui] /else

wi [i] /K_

ui [ui] /else

脂三合 wi (j)wij uai [uai] /SR_

ei [ei] /l_
ui [uei] /else
but i [i] (遺季悸)
(no /P_)

wai [wɐi] /K_

(no /ŋ_)
eoi [ɵy] /else
(no /P_)

wi [i] /K_

ui [ui] /else incl. y_

wi [i] /K_ incl. y_

ui [ui] /else

微三合 we̯i jwɨj ui [uei]

ei [ei] /P_
(no SR_, l_)

wai [wɐi] /K_

ai [ɐi] /ŋ_
ei [ei] /P_

i [i] /P_

wi [i] /ʔ,hj_
we [e] /K_

i [i] /P_

wi [i] /K_

遇攝 Yu She

Rime Middle Chinese Mandarin
Hakka Japanese Korean
Karlgren Baxter Go-On Kan-On
魚三 i̯wo jo u [u] /TSRY_

ü [y] /else
but u [u] (廬蘆)
and uo [uo] (所)

yu [y] /ŋ,ʔ,y,TR,SY_

but eoi [ɵy] (除)
o [ɔ] /SR_
eoi [ɵy] /K,S,nr,l_

虞三 i̯u ju
模一 uo u

蟹攝 Xie She

臻攝 Zhen She

山攝 Shan She

效攝 Xiao She

果攝 Guo She

假攝 Jia She

宕攝 Dang She

梗攝 Geng She

曾攝 Ceng She

流攝 Liu She

深攝 Shen She

咸攝 Xian She



Middle Chinese

Modern Chinese


Other correspondence lists


  1. [[Wikipedia:Bernhard Karlgren|]], also known as 高本漢.
  2. William Baxter.
  3. Values suggested by Pan Wuyun (潘悟雲).