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The word order is Subject-Verb-Object in statements.
The word order is Subject-Verb-Object in statements.
:Example: Me spelar futbol. (We play football)
:Example: Me spelar futbol. (We play football)

In questions the word order is Verb-Subject-Object
In questions the word order is Verb-Subject-Object

Revision as of 02:52, 6 September 2007

VIRGORANTO is a International Auxiliary Language created 2007 by Andoromeda.


The name VIRGORANTA means "virginal Esperanto". That means that Esperanto's grammar is reduced to its core and the vocabulary is modernized by reducing Latin terms and bringing in more Germanic words from English and German.


VIRGORANTO is a modern germano-centric hybrid and simplified form of several reform movements of Esperanto.

Design principles

To combine reform efforts to reform the grammar of Esperanto with a modern vocabulary. VIRGORANTO has no accusative ending, no article and the plural adjective ending is omitted. Virgoranto is of course not discriminative against women as Esperanto.

Language sources

VIRGORANTO vocabulary is based mainly English and German, but also some words from Scandinavian languages. The vocabulary is quickly expanding.


Virgoranto uses 5 consonants A like in German "Alphabet" E like in energy O like in often I like in intention U like in good

B, D, F, L, M, M, P. T are pronounced like in German or English C is “ts” like German “Zucker” G like in good H like in have J like in "yes" K like in cat KV like Q in question S like in sound SH like she V like in vacuum X like ch in German “ich” Z like s in rose

There are no diphtongs, where two vocals meet, they are pronounced seperately “E-u-ro-po


The first syllable carries always the accent.



No defined or undefined article, so „fato“ can mean a father or the father depending on context.


1. No gramnatic gender, Words for professions are gender neutral. If a gender should be expressed then –ma for male and –fe for female are put before the ending Gender neutral sekretaro (secretary) sekratamaro male secretary sekretafero female secretary) 2. Nouns are ending in -o like girlo (girl) and bojo (boy) 3. The Plural is formed by adding–s girlos (the girls)


Acussative is identical to the nominative. So it is necessary to have a strict word order (S-V-O). Me vidir Claudia (I saw Claudia.) un Claudia vidir me. (and Claudia saw me.) The genitive is formed with the help of the preposition „of”. Example: Buko of Claudia (Claudia’s book) The dative is formed with help of the prepposition „an“. Example: Me givar an Claudia buko (I give Claudia the book.)


Ends in an –a, there is no plural ending for the adjective Juna girlo (a young girl) Juna girlos (young girls)

The Comperative is formed by “mer” and Superlative by “mest” Anne esar mer bela kvi Claudia (Anne is more beautiful than Claudia). Men Doro esar mest bela girlo. (But Doro is the most beautiful girl.)


Adverbs are ending in –e

Girlo singar bele. (The girl sings beautifully.)


Ends in the infinitive in -i (singi = to sing) Present Tense ends in –ar (Girlo singar – The girl sings.) Past Tense ends in.-ir (Girlo singir – The girl sang.) Future Tense –or (Girlo singor - The girl will sing.) Conditional –ur (Girlo singur - The girl would sing.)


The verb stem without its infinitive ending Singi (to sing) - Sing! (Sing!)

Active Participle

-anta singanta (singing) Singanta girlo (The singing girl)

Passive Participle

-ata singata Songo, kvile esir singata. (The song which was sang)

There is no progressive tense in Virgoranto.


Verbs are negated with „ne” Me ne esar stora. (I am not big.)


1 = en
2 = du
3 = tre
4 = fir
5 = fem
6 = six
7 = sev
8 = ok
9 = nin
10 = ten
11 = ten en
12 = ten du
20 = duten
30 = treten
46 = firten six
100 = hond
110 = hond ten
132 = hond treten du
200 = duhond
1000 = tus
2983 = dutus nin hond okten tre


The ordinal numbers are formed by adding -te at the cardinal number. So: ente (first), dute (second), hond treten trete (the 103rd).


Who = Kvis
Where = Kvo
When = Kvam
How = Kvi
How much = Kvand
Why = For kvod
What= Kvod


Me (I) Mes (we)
Ju (you) Jus (you pl.)
Hi (he) His (they m.)
Shi (she) Shis (they f.)
Gi (it) Gis (they n.)


The ending –a is put at the personal pronoun
Mea (my) Mesa (our)
Jua (your) Jusa (your pl.)
Hia (his) Hisa (their m.)
Shia (her) Shisa (their f.)
Gia (its) Gisa (their n.)


To ben = esi = Me esar, Yu esar, Shi esar, Hi esar, Gi esar (I am, you are...)
To have = havi = Me havar en brolo un du siskos (I have a brother and a sister)


The Passive Voice is formed with the conjugated form of "to be" (sein) and the Passive Participle Partizip Passiv. The subject of the active sentence is expressed by the preposition "per" (of).

Prezidento esir electata per folko. (The president is elected by the people)



The word order is Subject-Verb-Object in statements.

Example: Me spelar futbol. (We play football)

In questions the word order is Verb-Subject-Object

Kvo esar balo? Where is the ball?
Lesar yu buko? Are you reading the book?


The relative pronoun is "kvile" (who, what). Kvile is never changed. To mark the different between subject and object relations in the relative clause, the word order is decisive.

Girlo, kvile me vidir, esir bela. (The girl, who I saw, was beautiful.)
Girlo, kvile vidir me, esir bela (The girl, who saw me, was beautiful.)


Guda morno! Good morning!
Guda dago! Good afternoon!
Guda eveno! Good evening!
Guda nakto! Good night!
Ave! Hello!
Kvi ju goar? How are you!
Takju, gude. Thank you, I am fine!
Kvi ju hetar? What’s your name?
Me hetar Doro My name is Doro
Me amorar ju! I love you
Kvand ju havar jaros? How old are you?
Me havar duten fir jaros. I am 24 years old
Farvel! Good bye!

Links (An outline of Virgoranto in English) (An outline of Virgoranto in German) (Dictionary Virgoranto/German/English) (Dictionary German/Virgoranto/English)