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(New page: Sее аlsо "Hоw tо úsе thе dіctіоnаry". ==Mоnоsyllаbіc== {| |A ||   |- |Å || ''ref.'' he/she/it (last noun) |- |Ä || ''ref.'' ...)
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Line 258: Line 258:
|ŊŸ ||  
|ŊŸ ||  
|O || ''def.'' "indefinite article"
|O || ''ref.'' "indefinite article"
|Ö || ''n.'' person
|Ö || ''n.'' person

Revision as of 13:49, 31 August 2007

Sее аlsо "Hоw tо úsе thе dіctіоnаry".


Å ref. he/she/it (last noun)
Ä ref. he/she/it (last object)
n. sequence, order; vns. to rank (+number for ordinal)
BA n. fun, recreation; vss. to have fun with sth.; vnn. to be fun/entertaining
BE det. each, all (as individuals)
vss. to think/believe sth.
BI vns. to disagree with, to go against
n. motion; vss. to move sth.
BO n. one
BU n. the past; vns. to have been; vn-aux. "past tense marker"
n. sugar; vnn. to be sweet
CHA n. the present; vns. to be now; vn-aux. "present tense marker"
CHÄ n. salt; vnn. to be salty
CHÅ n. two
CHE det. any
CHI n. ability; vn-aux. to be able to...
CHÖ n. time, point in time, event; vss. to make sth. happen; vsn. to happen
CHO n. water
CHU vnn. to be very much
CHŸ n. bulk, volume
DA vnn. to be black
n. spouse; vss. to marry smn.
vns. stand, be at (a place)
n. end, destination; vsn. to end, to reach a destination
DE n. folk, people
DI n. rock, stone, earth
n. disorder, randomness; vss. to scramble sth; vnn. to be disordered/random
DO n. sound; vss. to make a sound
DU n. command, order; vss. to command/order/tell (+subordinate clause)
n. plant
n. liquid; vss. to pour sth.; vsn. to flow
E "compound word separator"
Ë "relative pronoun/proverb"
FA n. name; vss. to name sth. sth.; vnn to be called sth. (+u)
det. other, another
FE vss. to cross, to go through
FI n. life, living things; vss. to bring to life; vnn. to live
FO n. each other
n. eight
FU vss. to give sth. sth.; vsn. to obtain (+u); vnn. to have (+u)
vns. to imply; vnn. to be because of sth.
GA n. body, physical manifestation
n. country, nation, land
n. yellow
GE det. you
GI n. solid
ref. he/she/it/do (last subject or verb)
GO vnn. to amount to (+number for cardinal), to measure (+measurement)
GU vss. to speed sth. up; vnn. to be fast; vn-aux. to quickly do sth.
vnn. to be red
I conj. and
JA "quote opener"
n. eleven
n. equality; vns. to equal
JE vsn. to enter; vns. to contain; vnn. to be inside sth.
vss. to save/protect
JI n. day (light/dark cycle)
JO n. device; vss. to build (as a device)
vns. to like sth.; vnn. to be liked, to be good
n. tool; vss. to use
n. child (offspring)
conj. exclusive or
KA vn-aux. "imperative marker"
KE "foreign opener"
n. fire, flame; vss. to heat up sth.; vnn. to be hot
KI vss. to shrink sth.; vnn. to be small
KO n. sun
vss. to touch/contact sth.; vns. to be touching sth.
n. six
KU det. this
n. line, strand
LA adj. even, wow!
n. front; vss. to move sth. forward; vsn. to move forward; vnn. to be in front of (+u)
n. word(s); vss. to say, to tell smn. sth.
LE vs-aux. to again do sth. (+number+main verb)
vns. to be less than
LI vns. to agree with, to go with
LO n. moon
adj. yes, surely
LU n. five
MA n. female
n. fruit, berry, vegetable (non-leafy edible plant matter)
n. origin, start; vsn. to begin
ME n. circle; vss. to come surround sth.; vns. to encircle sth.
vs-aux. to try/intend to do sth.
MI n. list, index; vss. to compile a list/index of
n. death; vss. to kill; vsn. to die, to be killed; vnn. to be dead
MO n. the universe, what exists; vss. to make, to bring into existence; vsn. to come into existence; vnn. to exist
n. building, structure; vss. to build (as a building)
MU n. zero
n. four
vns. to dislike sth.; vnn. to be disliked, to be bad
NA n. fight, conflict, dispute; vss. to fight/conflict/dispute
n. metal
NE vns. to be more than, to exceed
n. straightness, flatness, regularity; vss. to straighten/flatten sth.; vnn. to be straight/flat/regular
NI n. thing; vss. to do
vns. to be on either side of; vnn. to separate, to be between
NO n. year
n. family, related group
NU n. freedom, liberty; vss. to liberate; vnn. to be free
ŊÄ n. doubt, obscurity, secrecy; vss. to not know about
ŊA n. three
ŊË n. harm; vss. hurt/harm sth.
ŊE n. work; vss. to work
ŊI vsn. to exit/leave; vnn. to be outside of
ŊO n. food, drink; vss. to eat/drink
O ref. "indefinite article"
Ö n. person
PA n. male
vnn. to be white
PE n. something that is perceived; vss. to sense/perceive sth.
n. angle, corner, point
PO det. who, what
n. leg; vss. to walk (somewhere)
SA n. the future; vns. to be going to be; vn-aux. "future tense marker"
n. realm, domain, framework; vnn. to be within the realm/domain/framework of
n. plane, sheet
SE conj. rather than
SHÄ vss. to enlarge sth. in size; vnn. to be big/large/great
SHA n. child (youngling)
SHE n. institution, establishment, foundation; vss. to institute/establish/found sth.
SHI n. ice; vss. to cool down sth.; vnn. to be cold
SHÖ det. every, all (as a collective)
SHO n. space, area
SHU n. soul, emotion
SI n. seven
SO det. me
SU n. head, face
n. lizard
n. bug (small non-vertabrate)
n. habit; vn-aux. to habitually do sth.
TA ref. he/she/it (with abbreviation)
n. knowledge; vss. to teach smb. sth.; vsn. to learn (+u); vnn. to know (+u)
TE n. that
TO n. air, gas
n. self
TU n. mark, sign, writing; vss. to write, to make a mark
vss. to destroy; vnn. to not exist; vs-aux. to stop doing sth.; vn-aux. to not do sth.;
n. mind, thoughts; vss. to think about, to ponder
U "indirect object separator"
Ü "relativity remover"
n. star
VA n. top, sky; vss. to raise sth.; vsn. to rise; vnn. to be above (+u)
VE n. nine
VI n. money
n. mouth
n. parent
Ÿ "placeholder particle"
n. place, location
ZA n. ten
vss. to become sth.; vns. to be sth.
ZE n. period of time; vnn. to occur during
n. piece, part, portion; vss. to divide sth. into pieces; vnn. to be in pieces
ZHA n. choice, decision; vss. to choose sth; vs-aux. to decide to do sth.
ZHÅ n. possibility; vn-aux. to maybe do sth.
ZHE n. order, method; vss. to sort/organize sth; vnn. to be ordered/organized
ZHI n. the divine
ZHÖ n. "name for the people, language, etc."
ZHO n. value, worth
ZHÜ n. necessity, obligation; vn-aux. to have to do sth., to be obligated to do sth.
ZI n. a mammal bigger than a rodent
n. leader, ruler, king/queen; vss. to become the ruler/leader of; vns. to rule over
ZO n. sibling
ZU n. light; vss. to shine
n. desire; vns. to want sth.; vn-aux. to want to do sth.
