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''Typical for'' is also rendered in some cases by ''of'' in dal'qörian:
''Typical for'' is also rendered in some cases by ''of'' in dal'qörian:

* '''tiÞ disénig picalosni qve minä, stæcamä di estingörämös qve ni arangáj, becöadr dasquiriøámn'''. ''It’s quite typical for people to be saddened over the death of a child''. (lit: ''It’s quite typical of a person, against the death of a child, to receive sadness'').  
* '''tiÞ, stæcamä di estingörämös qve ni arangáj, disénig picalosni qve minä,, becöadr dasquiriøámn'''. ''It’s quite typical for people to be saddened over the death of a child''. (lit: ''It, against the death of a child, is quite typical of a person to receive sadness'').  

Most other adjectives that are linked by ''for'' are the same in dal’qörian, however, ''feelings'' and ''emotions'' are still formed with the noun and normal word order applies:
Most other adjectives that are linked by ''for'' are the same in dal’qörian, however, ''feelings'' and ''emotions'' are still formed with the noun and normal word order applies:
* '''mæ, öcra di oƒnendrämös qve mæöra, ƒätig nöra'''. ''He is ready for his operation now.''
* '''mæ, öcra di oƒnendrämös qve mæöra, ƒätig nöra'''. ''He is ready for his operation now.''

Revision as of 13:25, 1 January 2007

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There are a considerable number of adjectives which are linked to nouns by prepositions: scared of, angry about, grateful for, independent of, married to etc. However, in dal’qörian, the adjective is 'not' always used; sometimes the noun form is used instead. The prepositions used in English can also be different.

Dynamic adjectives Dynamic adjectives denote attributes which are, to some extent at least, under the control of the one who possesses them. Unlike stative adjectives, such as red/big/small for example, which are generally considered to be permanent, dynamic attributes are not always evident, but can be called upon at any time. However, some are more commonly used with prepositions than others, especially those which denote an emotion of some sort. The following are very common:

  • dasqurinä-emotional
  • qurivecsárädn-angry
  • quranöra-happy
  • dasquiriø-sad
  • sæaÞögestra-enthusiastic
  • säquraséträdn-excited
  • angræÞ-anxious
  • janöÞrädn-worried
  • oncöbras-grateful
  • sæadörädn-surprised

This part of dal’qörian grammar could be considered to be a little difficult. The main points to understand are outlined:

ː The adjective is rarely used with a following preposition; the noun form is always used. (See Exceptions below).

ː When, in English, we say something ‘makes’ us feel something, in dal’qörian, the noun form is used and it is ‘given’ to us.

Look at the following using dasqurinä-emotional as an example.

with preposition

  • binä, tevehicamä séÞa qepétna qve di mosödrämös, sævála ábra dasqurinámn. I always get emotional at this part of the film. (lit: I, towards this part of the film, always have emotion).

without preposition

  • séÞa sævála ni dasqurinä qepétna qve di mosödrämös. This is always an emotional part of the film.

makes you/makes you feel

  • séÞa mösödrämös, te binä, sævála andöcr dasqurinámn. This film always makes me/makes me feel emotional. (lit: This film, to me, always gives emotion).
  • tiÞ, te binä, andöcr qurivecsárämös,, vömä diö ságr sacéa sä taÞ. It makes me angry when you say things like that. (lit: It, to me, gives anger, when you say things as that).

And again withoput prepositions:

  • binä qurinistr disiri dasqurinä. I feel very emotional.
  • éren säquraséträdn,, qösra di talehaserämösel ritövag. They’re excited because the holidays aren’t far off now.

Here are more examples highlighting the use of dynamic adjectives with and without prepositions. Literal translations are given:

  • di nörasátsi ádra, stæcamä ela, qurivecsárädn,, qöri éren ábæabödriax. The teacher was angry with everyone for not doing their homework.
  • binä qurivecsárädn,, qösra diö, te binä, gä’peclér. I’m angry because you lied.
  • mæ ábra, öcra di sövalträdn venádosámn quranörámn. He is happy with the way everything has turned out. (lit: He has, for the final result, happiness).
  • mæ ábra, tevhicamä vädenária ni parenöj, vélas säquraséträdn. He is really excited about becoming a father. (lit: He has, towards becoming a father, much excitement).
  • binä qönér,, taÞ Emä ábra, tevehivamä dis qéæramä di vehærämös, nitörieÞ angræÞámn. I think Emma is getting a bit anxious over the wedding. (lit: I think that Emma has, towards her wedding, a little anxiety).
  • binä janöÞrädn,, taÞ mæ iquræax várö binä ságræ. I’m worried that he won’t like what I’m about to say. (lit: I’m worried that he will like not what I will say).
  • di arangájel ádra, öcra ménöra, oncöbrasámn,, qöri di gistäjel,, taÞ ména, te éren, gä’andöcr. The kids were grateful for the presents we gave them. (lit: The children had, for us, gratitude, because of the gifts we gave them).
  • mæ morgérax ábra, öcra di ƒlästa ábæa qve mæöra, vélas sæaÞögestrámn. He doesn’t seem too enthusiastic about his new job. (lit: He seems not to have, for his new job, much enthusiasm).
  • éren ábra, stæcamä di decahédrátsi, qurivecsárädn,, qösra di darø sösádrämös taÞ mæ gä’sonæagenandr. They are angry with the judge because of the bad sentence he passed. (lit: They have, against the judge, anger because of the bad sentence that he passed).
  • ména ábra, öcra di venádosámnel, sörelbæámn. We’re very pleased about the results. (lit: We have, for the results, pleasure).
  • binä ádra, tevehicamä várö gä’Þalár øatni di Þrádäj, hacörælámn. I was slightly curious about what was behind the door. (lit: I had, towards what resided behind the door, curiousity).
  • di gadöraj qve binöra ábra, stæcamä esteplédnijel qve ræatös, ƒræcrämös. My dog is frightened of fireworks. (lit: My dog has, against fireworks, fright).

Adjectives linked with to.

Adjectives linked by to are also rendered in this way, using tevhicamä-against or öcra-for:

  • séÞa ábra, tevehicamä sáÞ taÞ ména ádra ädiáda, ni änligámn. These are similar to the ones we had yesterday.
  • qenár diö,, séÞa quáloträmös ábrax, öcra binöra, rembanámn,, nø binä gä’ábraÞalár dérÞ von. You know, this place isn’t familiar to me, yet I've been here before.
  • diö Þöldr ábra, tevehicamä binä, oncöbrasámn,, taÞ binä gä’raƒörax di incatrolátsi. You should be grateful to me that I didn’t call the police.
  • tiÞ ábra, öcra binöra, tagélidámn,, taÞ ädaninÞi, sia gä’qamörax abödä. It seems strange to me that she didn’t come

home last night. (lit: It has, for me, strangeness, that, last night, she came not home.)


Adjectives that are used in English with of are the same in dal’qörian, but the noun form is still used with adjectives of emotion/feeling:

  • picalosni qve-typical of
  • lasalquarädn qve-characteristic of
  • viténæÞ qve-proud of (noun form: pride is the ‘feeling’)
  • stæjecinträdn qve-independent of
  • vincörädn qve-convinced of

However, if the following noun is a compound noun formed with qve, or a possessive noun phrase, then the genitive case must be used. Look at these examples:

  • tiÞ picalosni qve Däla ságr taÞ. It's typical of Dale to say that
  • binä disiri viténæÞ qve ela taÞ gä’ræÞatør. I'm very proud of everyone that took part.
  • éren pecléria,, ön binä disénig vincörädn qve taÞ. They are lying and I’m quite convinced of that.

In the above examples, the preposition is followed either by a noun or pronoun that doesn’t need qve to link it together. Now look at the same examples with possessive noun phrases:

  • tiÞ picalosni qve dis parenöj Däla ságr taÞ. It's typical of Dale's dad to say that.
  • binä ábra, öcra dis probendasámn ela, vélas viténæÞámn. I’m very proud of everyone’s effort.
  • éren pecléria,, ön binä disénig vincörädn qve dis beÞörämös érenöra. They are lying and I’m quite convinced of their deceipt.

In the first example, Dales dad would normally be written as di parenöj qve Däla-the dad of Dale, but because it follows qve, the genitive must be used as qve is never written twice in the same phrase or clause.

In the second example, everyone’s effort would normally be written as di probendasámn qve ela-the effort of everyone (or all in this case; ela can be used to describe a group of people), again, the genitive is used because it follows qve.

In the third example, their deceit would normally be written as di beÞörämös qve érenöra-the deceipt of them.

Typical for is also rendered in some cases by of in dal'qörian:

  • tiÞ, stæcamä di estingörämös qve ni arangáj, disénig picalosni qve minä,, becöadr dasquiriøámn. It’s quite typical for people to be saddened over the death of a child. (lit: It, against the death of a child, is quite typical of a person to receive sadness).

Most other adjectives that are linked by for are the same in dal’qörian, however, feelings and emotions are still formed with the noun and normal word order applies:

  • mæ, öcra di oƒnendrämös qve mæöra, ƒätig nöra. He is ready for his operation now.