Senjecas - Tower of Babel: Difference between revisions

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==Pronunciation table==
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:1300px;"
! colspan="6" | <center>'''peműko'''<br>(labial)</center>
! colspan="6" | '''riisűko'''<br>(dental)
! colspan="6" | '''muitűko'''<br>(alveolar)
! colspan="6-" | '''vainűko'''<br>(palatal)
! colspan="2" |
! colspan="6" | '''ṡ̨uuše̋nos'''<br>(vowels with प)
! colspan="3" | '''nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos'''<br>(weak vowels)
! <center>p</center>
! b
! f
! v
! m̃
! m
! t
! d
! þ
! ð
! ɫ
! l
! ṡ
! ż
! s
! z
! r
! n
! k
! g
! x
! [[Wikipedia:Gha|ƣ]]
! h
! [[Wikipedia:Yogh|ȝ]]
! š
! s̨
! i
! e
! a
! [[Wikipedia:O|ɔ]]
! o
! u
! ĭ
! ĕ
! ŭ
! <center>प</center>
! ब
! फ
! भ
! म़
! म
! त
! द
! थ
! ध
! ल़
! ल
! च
! ज
! स
! स़
! र
! न
! क
! ग
! क़
! [[Wikipedia:Gha|ग़]]
! ह
! [[Wikipedia:Yogh|य]]
! स्व
! स्य
! इ ई<br>पि पी
! ए एै<br>ए पै
! अ आ<br>प पा
! ऒ ॵ<br>पॊ पॏ
! ओ औ<br>पो पौ
! उ ऊ<br>पु पू
! पं
! पऺ
! पॅ
| /p/
| /b/
| /ɸ/
| /β/
| /m̥/
| /m/
| /t/
| /d/
| /θ/
| /ð/
| /l̥/
| /l/
| /ʦ/
| /ʣ/
| /s/
| /z/
| /ɾ̥/
| /n/
| /k/
| /g/
| /ç/
| /ʝ/
| /j̊/
| /j/
| /sʷ/
| /sʲ/
| /i/
| /e/
| /ä/
| /ɒ/
| /o/
| /u/
| /ɪ/
| /ɛ/
| /ʊ/
==Glossing abbreviations==
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:left; margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
| 1s/p = 1st person singular/plural
| ABL = [[Wikipedia:Ablative case|ablative suffix]]
| COL = [[Wikipedia:Collective noun|collective]]
| F = feminine
| INT = intensive prefix
| PRV = [[Wikipedia:Privative|privative prefix]]
| SUP = [[Wikipedia:Supine|supine]]
| 2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural
| ABS = absolutive (an unmarked modifying adjective)
| DES = [[Wikipedia:Desiderative mood|desiderative]]
| FRQ = [[Wikipedia:Frequentative|frequentative]]
| LAT = [[Wikipedia:Lative case|lative suffix]]
| PST = past
| TRZ = transitivizer
| 3 = 3rd person
| ADV = adverb
| DIM = diminutive
| FUT = future
| LOC = [[Wikipedia:Locative case|locative suffix]]
| REV = [[Wikipedia:Opposite (semantics)|reversive]]
| VOC = vocative particle
| A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural)
| AG = [[Wikipedia:Agent (grammar)|agent]]
| ELIS = [[Wikipedia:Elision|elision]]
| IMP = imperative
| M = masculine
| Q = [[Wikipedia:Interrogative word|interrogative particle]]
| YNG = young
| G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural)
| AP = agent (active) participle
| ELT = [[Wikipedia:Elative case|elative]]
| INC = [[Wikipedia:Inchoative aspect|inchoative]]
| OCC = occupation suffix
| QUOT = direct quotation
| N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural)
| AUG = augmentative
| EP = [[Wikipedia:Epenthesis#As a grammatical rule|epenthesis]]
| IND = indicative
| PP = patient (past) participle
| RPR = recent perfective
| V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural)
| CAUS = [[Wikipedia:Causative|causative]]
| EQU = equative degree
| INS = instrument
| PRF = perfect
| SBJ = subjunctive
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''babela̋s þőőro''' बबेल॓स् थौ॓रो - The Tower of Babel (''Genesis 11:1-9'')</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''''ivrĕȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo'''''</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">''Translated from the Hebrew''</div>
*New American Bible
*Literal Hebrew Translation
*Devanagari Text
*Senjecan Text
*'''1.''' The whole world spoke the same language, using the same words.
*And.was all earth of.language one and.of.speech one.
*द ओ॓रु भ्वै॓तु थु॓न् येक॓स्क्वे थु॓न् सम॓स्क्वऽ ए-ए॓स॥
*'''da őru v̌e̋e̋tu þűn ȝeka̋sk̬e þűn sam̃a̋sk̬' e-e̋sa:'''
*'''2.''' While men were migrating in the east, they came upon a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there.
* as.they.traveled from.east, they.found level.valley Shinar, and they.lived.there.
*द ए-ए॓स ० मे॔ति ए॔युस् आ॔उस्थिस् एत॓ग़ ० मेक़॓स् चिनर॓स् ए॔न लै॓पो ले॓धोम् एदै॓स।द तो॔रु ए-भ़ै॓स॥
*'''da e-e̋sa—méti éȝus ááusþis e-ta̋ƣa—mexa̋s ṡinara̋s éna le̋e̋po le̋ðom e-de̋e̋sa. da tóru e-m̃e̋e̋sa:'''
*'''3.''' They said to one another, "Come, let us mold bricks and harden them with fire." The used bricks for stone, and bitumen for mortar.
*And.said to.his.neighbor, "Come, bricks and.burn them thoroughly." And.was to.them the.brick for.stone, and.the.asphalt it.was to.them for.mortar.
*द नी॓गु एयु-हउसु॓स् ओ ए-तै॓अ॥ म़ ग्वे॓मे॥ म़ु॔स् तैग़्तआ॓इनोन् तै॓गे द क़ो॔फभि ए॔योन् म़र्॥ द तैग़तआ॓इनो तआइनो॓स् धै॔अ ए॔युम् ओ एए॓स द दीधि॓मो पिको॓स्  धै॔अ ए॔युम् ओ एए॓स॥
*'''da nı̋ı̋gu eȝu-hausűs o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a ǧe̋me: m̃ús teeƣta̋a̋inon te̋e̋ge da xófvi (éȝon) a̋iðe m̃ar. da teeƣta̋a̋ino taainős ðééa eȝúm o e-e̋sa da diiðı̋mo pikős ðééa eȝúm o e-e̋sa:'''
*'''4.''' Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with it top in the sky, and so make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered all over the earth."
*And.they.said, "Come, city and tower in.the.heavens, and.make for.ourselves name, on.face.of
*द ए-तै॓अ॥ म़ ग्वे॓मे॥ म़ु॔स् म़ु-मि॓उम् ए॔र रि॓योस्क्वे नुमो॓म् ए॔न एयो-फौरो॓ऽ स्वे॔ध थौ॓रोम्क्वे दे॓मे। द म़ु-मि॓उम् ए॔र फै॓तोमा भआ॓ने ० तआदि ओ॓रो भ्वेतो॓स् मौरो॓स् ए॔भ जआ॓दथुस् इले॓य मै म़र॥
*'''da e-te̋e̋a: m̃a ǧe̋me: m̃ús m̃u-mı̋um éra rı̋ȝomk̬e numőm éna eȝo-foorő' šéða þőőromk̬e de̋me. da m̃u-mı̋um éra fe̋e̋tom va̋a̋ne—táádi őro v̌eetős moorős éva ża̋a̋daþus ile̋ȝa mee m̃ar:'''
|and||our=self-G.p self=1p-G||for||name-A.s||make-IMP||in.order.that||all-ABS||earth-G.s||surface-G.s||on||scatter-IND-PP-N.p||become-SBJ||not||QUOT
*'''5.''' The Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men had built.
*And.came.down JHWH to.see and.the.tower which had.built sons.of Adam.
*द य॓ह्मु ए-उ॓स़ ० तआदि रि॓योम्क्वे फौ॓रोम्क्वे ० त॔ओन् अदमु॓स् पो॓इकुसॎ ए-दंदे॓म ० ए-नके॓य॥
*'''da ȝa̋hm̃u e-ı̋za—táádi rı̋ȝomk̬e főőromk̬e—táon adaműs pőikus e-dĭde̋ma—e-nake̋ȝa:'''
*'''6.''' Then the Lord said, "If now, while they are one people, all speaking the same language, they have started to to this, nothing will later stop them from doing whatever they presume to do.
*And.said JHWH, "See, people one and language one to all them and this they.are.beginning not from them all which they.have.imagined
*द य॓ह्मु ए-तै॓अ॥ म़ै नो॓ ले॓उधु थु॓न् ए॓स। द थु॓न् ये॓क ओ॓रु एयु॔म् ओए॓स। द ए॔युम् ओए॓स। द एयुस् सोम् कि॓अस। द इ॔मु ओ॓रोम् ० त॔ओम् कि॓उ नंनमे॓य ० एयु॔म् अ॔प बो॓थथोम् उ-इ॓ल ने॥
*'''da ȝa̋hm̃u e-te̋e̋a: m̃a eenő. le̋uðu þűn e̋sa. da þűn ȝe̋ka őru eȝúm o e̋sa. da éȝus som kia̋sa. da ímu őrom—táom kı̋u nĭname̋ȝa—eȝúm ápa bőþaþom u-ı̋la ne:'''
*'''7.''' Let us then go down and there confuse their language, so that one will not understand what another says."
*Come, and.mix.up there their.language so that not they can understand one language their neighbor's.
*द य॓ह्मु ए-तै॓अ॥ म़ै नो॓ ले॓उधु थु॓न् ए॓स। द थु॓न् ये॓क ओ॓रु एयु॔म् ओए॓स। द ए॔युम् ओए॓स। द एयुस् सोम् कि॓अस। द इ॔मु ओ॓रोम् ० त॔ओम् कि॓उ नंनमे॓य ० एयु॔म् अ॔प बो॓थथोम् उ-इ॓ल ने॥
*'''ǧe̋me: m̃ús a̋te. da tóru eȝu-ȝe̋kam m̨a̋ne—táádi éȝus þűn eȝu-hausűs ȝe̋kam þűmu maƣe̋ȝa mee m̃ar'''
*'''8.''' Thus the Lord scattered them from there all over the earth, and they stopped building the city.
*And scattered JHWH them from there over.the.face.of, and they.ceased from.building
*द य॓ह्मु तो॔र्थिस् ओ॓रो भ्वैतो॓स् मौरो॓स् ए॔भ ए॔युन् ए-जआ॓द। द ए॔युस् रि॓योम् दे॓मु ए-दे॓उस॥
*'''da ȝa̋hm̃u tórþis őro v̌eetős moorős éva éȝun e-ża̋a̋da. da éȝus rı̋ȝom de̋mu e-de̋usa:'''
*'''9.''' That is why it was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the speech of all the world. It was from that place that he scatted them all over the earth.
*Therefore was.called Babel because there mixed.up JHWH speech.of and.from. there scattered.them.abroad JHWH on.face.of
*नआ॔रु एयो-फै॓तो बबे॓ल फै॓तथो इ॓ल। हि य॓ह्मु तो॔रो ओ॓रो भ्वैतो॓ऽ स॓मम् ए-म्य॓न। द य॓ह्मु मतो॔र्थिस् ओ॓रो भ्वैतो॓स् मौरो॓स् ए॔भ ल॔फ्भि ए॔युन् ए-जआ॓द॥
*'''nááru eȝo-fe̋e̋to babe̋la fe̋e̋taþo ı̋la. hi ȝa̋hm̃u tóru őro v̌eető' sa̋m̃am e-m̨a̋na. da ȝa̋hm̃u tórþis őro v̌eetős moorős éva láfvi éȝun e-ża̋a̋da⁝'''

Latest revision as of 19:57, 8 December 2023