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Question ... '''tomo r láu jutu''' => "how big is Thomas ?"
Question ... '''tomo r jutu láu''' => "how big is Thomas ?"

Answer[A]  .... '''tomo r làu jutu kài jono''' => "Thomas is as big as John"
Answer[A]  .... '''tomo r jutu làu jono''' => "Thomas is as big as John"

Answer[B] .... '''tomo r wì  jutu jonowo''' => "Thomas is less big than John"
Answer[B] .... '''tomo r wì  jutu jonowo''' => "Thomas is less big than John"
Line 116: Line 116:
Answer[C] .... '''tomo r yú  jutu jonowo''' => "Thomas is bigger than John"
Answer[C] .... '''tomo r yú  jutu jonowo''' => "Thomas is bigger than John"

Answer[D] .... '''tomo bù r làu jutu kài jono''' => "Thomas is not as big as John"
Answer[D] .... '''tomo bù r jutu làu jono''' => "Thomas is not as big as John"

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This usage is not just for copula+adjective constructions, it can also be used for verb+adverb constructions ...
This usage is not just for copula+adjective constructions, it can also be used for verb+adverb constructions ...

Thomas thinks as fast as John => '''tomo wòr làu sacois kài jono'''
Thomas thinks as fast as John => '''tomo wòr sacois làu jono'''

Also ... Thomas thinks faster than John => '''tomo wòr yú sacois jonowo''' etc.
Also ... Thomas thinks faster than John => '''tomo wòr yú sacois jonowo''' etc.

There are 4 main uses for '''kài'''. The first has already been demonstrated (see above).

2]  I also call '''làu''' a qualitative particle when it is doing its second function ...
1]  I also call '''làu''' a qualitative particle when it is doing its second function ...

Line 161: Line 158:

3] Sometimes '''kài''' can best be translated as "made of" ...
2] Sometimes '''kài''' can best be translated as "made of" ...

a/the wooden house => '''nambo kài wuda'''
a/the wooden house => '''nambo kài wuda'''
Line 169: Line 166:

4] Sometimes '''kài''' can best be translated as "for" ...
3] Sometimes '''kài''' can best be translated as "for" ...

water for drinking => '''moze kài solbe'''
water for drinking => '''moze kài solbe'''
Line 181: Line 178:

5) In the fifth function '''kài''' actually merges with a following '''senko''' ...
4) In the fourth function '''kài''' actually merges with a following '''senko''' ...

elephant = '''sadu'''
elephant = '''sadu'''
Line 193: Line 190:

6) In its sixth function '''kài''' actually merges with a following '''saidau''' ...
5) In its fifth function '''kài''' actually merges with a following '''saidau''' ...

red = '''hìa'''
red = '''hìa'''
Line 201: Line 198:

7) And the seventh function ...
6) And the sixth function ...


Revision as of 10:51, 20 December 2017

... Intermediate thoughts on làu kài etc ... this is quite complicated

... The particles làu, kài, "wé nài" and ?ài


There are 4 main uses for làu


1] The first use is when we are using the extended number set. làu stands between the noun (senko) and the extended number ...


3,05112 elephants => sadu làu uba wú odaija

sadu làu uba odaija
elephant "partitive particle" 3 123 51


Note ... the singular form of senko always used when quantity is given by this method.

We have already touched on this in the previous chapter [ see the section Numbers ... (the extended set) ].

I call làu a partitive particle when it is doing this function.

To the left of làu, the noun always has a generic meaning hence in this position it would never take the kai prefix. [ cf. sadu = elephant : kaizadu = elephant-kind, "the elephant" (as a species) ... see the next chapter ]

So *kaisadu làu uba wú odaija is illegal.

This construction is often seen with "magnifier" duplication ...

sadu làu wú wú = thousands of elephants : sadu làu nàin nàin = millions of elephants : sadu làu hungu hungu = billions of elephants

When specifying an amount of an olus, làu is use with any number, not just with an extended number ...


Two cups of hot milk => ʔazwo pona làu hói hoŋko

?azwo pona làu hói hoŋko
milk hot "partitive particle" 3 cup


2] I also call làu a partitive particle when it is doing its second function ...


Three of these doctors => moltai.a dí làu léu

moltai.a làu léu
doctors this "partitive particle" 3


Note ... the plural form of senko is always used for this construction.


Two cups of this hot milk => ʔazwo pona dí làu hói hoŋko

?azwo pona làu hói hoŋko
milk hot this "partitive particle" 3 cup


Of course, for an olus there is no plural form.

This second construction is used when we are taking a portion of a larger amount. The first construction is used when we are taking a portion of X out of the sum total of all the X in the universe.

For the olus, there is not so much difference between function 1) and function 2).


3] I call làu a quantitative particle when it is doing this function. Here làu is equivalent to English "so" in some of "so"'s functions ...


Thomas is so clever that he doesn't have to go to school =======> tomo r làu jini gò bù byór jò banhain

Equivalent to ... [Thomas is so clever that it isn't necessary (that) he go to school => tomo r làu jini gò bù r neʒi gò jò banhain] ... in béu (as in English) the shorter (above) version is preferred.


4) tomo doikar làu hè gò jono (doikar) = Thomas walks as much as John (walks)


4) tomo doikar làu kài jono (doikar) = Thomas walks as much as John (walks) .... "to the degree that"

5] I also call làu a qualitative particle when it is doing its fifth function. Here làu is equivalent to English "as" in some of "as"'s functions ...


Question ... tomo r jutu láu => "how big is Thomas ?"

Answer[A] .... tomo r jutu làu jono => "Thomas is as big as John"

Answer[B] .... tomo r wì jutu jonowo => "Thomas is less big than John"

Answer[C] .... tomo r yú jutu jonowo => "Thomas is bigger than John"

Answer[D] .... tomo bù r jutu làu jono => "Thomas is not as big as John"

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Notice that D, invariably in English, makes Thomas smaller than John. Not so in béu. A B and C tend to be used a lot more than D.

Note ... in English, in the negative, "so" can be used instead of "as" .... "not as good as" = "not so good as"

[Note to self : get rid of -ge ? .... use it only in NP ? an alternative to C ? ]

This usage is not just for copula+adjective constructions, it can also be used for verb+adverb constructions ...

Thomas thinks as fast as John => tomo wòr sacois làu jono

Also ... Thomas thinks faster than John => tomo wòr yú sacois jonowo etc.

.. ..

1] I also call làu a qualitative particle when it is doing its second function ...


jono r kài dada ò
john is like older brother} his

=> John is like his older brother

jono r kài dada
john is like/as older brother}

=> John is like my older brother

[Note to self : get rid of the above example]


2] Sometimes kài can best be translated as "made of" ...

a/the wooden house => nambo kài wuda

the house is made of wood => nambo r kài wuda


3] Sometimes kài can best be translated as "for" ...

water for drinking => moze kài solbe

water for washing clothes => moze kài laudo

this water is for washing clothing => moze dí r kài laudo

(in the above three examples, kài and what follows it can be considerd an adjective)


4) In the fourth function kài actually merges with a following senko ...

elephant = sadu

elephant-kind = kaizadu

this is actually a noun, the idea being something like "that which is like an elephant"

[ Note ... it is interesting that the béu word for "species" is kaija. Probably from " kài aja ", aja being an obsolete word for "one". ]


5) In its fifth function kài actually merges with a following saidau ...

red = hìa

reddish = kaihia


6) And the sixth function ...

r gombuʒi kài jono
you are argumentative like John

=> you are argumentative like John .............................. i.e. in the same manner ... for example ... shouting over other people when they try and put forward their arguments


This only is applicable to "complicated "adjectives ... adjectives that like have internal structure. I find it difficult to imagine a situation where this construction would be suitable for an adjective like "short".

I see short as one dimensional while I see gombuʒi as multifaceted.

You are treating gombuʒi ss one dimensional when you say ...


r làu gombuʒi kài jono
you are as argumentative like John

=> you are as argumentative like John ................ (function 4 for làu and function 1 for kài)


So there we have it ... 4 functions for làu and 7 for kài. It is fitting to introduce wé nài at this point because wé nài's usuage overlaps with kài.


r gombuʒi nài jono
you are argumentative manner that John


This means exactly the same as the last example for kài

The above can be considered a contraction of gì r gombuʒi wé nài jono r or gì r gombuʒi wé nài jono r gombuʒi

We can see that now we have two clauses. In béu, one active verb means one clause ... very simple. So in the béu linguistic tradition ...

gì r gombuʒi wé nài jono r = 2 clauses : gì r gombuʒi wé nài jono = 1 clause ...... even though both these examples mean the same.


Now the wé nài construction has no subtle way to indicate whether we are thinking of gombuʒi as a one dimensional concept or as a multifaceted concept.

Hence gì r gombuʒi wé nài jono also means "you are argumentative to the same degree as John"

You must use your knowledge of the situation to disambiguate. For example in ...


jono-s huz-o-r nài kulno
john-ERG smoke-3SG-IND as chimney

=> John smokes as a chimney


It is obvious that John's smoking can in no way resemble a chimney, and we must be talking about "degree" here.

jono-s huz-o-r kulno
john-ERG smoke-3SG-IND like chimney

=> John smokes like a chimney

= like, as much as





Note ... all the above should be actually two clauses but because of truncation ... [ a chimney ] <= [ a chimney smokes ] ... [ before ] <= [ she used deceit before ] ... [ John ] <= [ John is argumentative ] ... [ agreed ] <= [ all parties agreed ] ... [ John ] <= [ John is ] ... these constructions often appear as if only a NP follows kài.

Usually for particles that can either be followed by a NP or a clause, I add after the particle when a clause follows. This is to prevent errors in comprehention. For example means "for" and is followed by a NP (usually a person). I have jì gò meaning "in order that" ... jì gò being followed by a clause. In béu the first word of a clause is often a noun. If I had meaning "in order that" there might be misunderstanding (albeit temporary). English does this also in many constructions [ I should go into this more fully ??? ]. Of course I could have a totally different particle for "in order that" but I wanted to emphasis the semantic overlap between these to constructions.

But there is no chance of misunderstanding when kài is heard ... it is always followed by a clause. Even in (5) what we have is a clause. The clause is jono r (with the r dropped). Actually kài means "in the manner or roll specified" ... the last bit added to include cases like (5).


Note ... kài can not be followed by an adjective.

There are 5 nouns that are associated with 5 of these above question word / indefinite pairs. làus = amount, quantity : kàin = kind, sort, type : dàs = place : kyùs accasion, time : sàin = reason, cause, origin

These 5 nouns are never followed by nài. The table below is interesting. It shows the logical equivalence of a hypothetical expession (on the LHS) and the logical equivalent actually used (on the RHS).


*làus nài => làu

*kàin nài => kài

*dàs nài =>

*kyùs nài => kyù

*sàin nài => sài


There are two adjectives associated with these question word / particle pairs. laubo meaning "enough" and kaibo meaning "suitable".

Also there are two nouns associated with these question word / particle pairs. lauja meaning "level" and kaija meaning "species/model".

sài = because of

dari solbe sài ò = I started to drink because of her .................................................. sài ò can be considered an adverb of reason.

Note ... sài means "because of" ... sài gò means "because"

To say something like "john is as good at writing as jane" you have to use ʔà (or ʔàbis) ... see the next section.


Note that 3) and 8) do not mean the same thing ... kài defines a multi-characteristic concept (thing or action) while làu specifies position* on a uni-characteristic scale. [* or "degree" or "amount"]. So làu introduces only a quantity and kài intruduces a quality or manner.


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I find the above table interesting. It is skewed ... OK pí wé nài ("in the manner that") can be used but it hardly ever is. Usually kài = "in the manner that". Why is it skewed ? My answer is ...

"For everyone the most important things around them are other people. And the most important "attribute" of a person is "how" they behave."

Hence kài has supplanted pí wé nài.

Also notice that any adjective outwith a NP has to be introduced by the copula, hence sàu kài instead of simply kài.


Note ... nù r làu jutu saduwo and nù r jutu kài sadu do not mean the same thing ... nù r làu jutu saduwo would be said when you have one specific sadu "elephant" in mind.

So nù r làu jutu saduwo => "they're as big as the elephant" ... nù r jutu kài sadu would be said when you are talking about elephants in general. So => "they're as big as elephants"


jono-s klud-o-r nài tomo-s klud-o-r
john-ERG writes-3SG-IND like/as thomas-ERG writes-3SG-IND

=> John writes like Thomas writes ........................................................ in the following examples kài and what follows can be considerd an adverb of manner.

jono-s klud-o-r nài tomo-s
john-ERG writes-3SG-IND like/as thomas-ERG

=> John writes like Thomas ...........................................Note ... the final verb has been dropped but Thomas keeps the ergative marking.

taud-o-r-a nài hunwu húa gayana
to be annoyed-3SG-IND-PRES like/as bear with head aching

=> he/she is annoyed like a bear with a headache

(Note to self .... is gayana still valid)

?oim-o-r-a nài fiʒi moze
not to be happy-3SG-IND-PRES like/as fish out water

=> he/she is unhappy like a fish out of water

Note ... the wide variety of things being compared ... clause to clause : clause to noun : noun to noun


Good, Better, Best


làu is part of a larger paradigm ... the comparative paradigm ... demonstrating with the help of bòi ("good") ...


>>> boimo best
> boige better
= làu bòi as good
< boizo less good
<<< boizmo least good


The top and the bottom items are the superlative degree and so have no "standard of comparison".

The fourth one down is used less frequently than the second one down. This is because its sentiment is sometimes expressed by negating the third one down. For example ...

gì bù r làu bòi pawo = "you're not as good as me" can be used instead of gì r boizo pawo "you are less good than me"

[ actually gì r boizo pawo would be the normal way to express this sentiment. But gì bù r làu bòi pawo would be used, for example, as a retort to "I'm as good as you" ]

The superlative forms are found as nouns more often than as adjectives. That is boimo and boizmo are rarer than boimos and boizmos. (see table below)


boimos = the best : bàu boimo = the best man

boizmos = the least good : bàu boizmo = the least good man


[ you are argumentative like John but you are even worse ] ... explain this more

... ?ài


The same or not the same


ʔài = "same"

bù ʔài = "different"

Note ... for "the other", NP before the verb : for "another", NP after the verb)

1a) jono lé jene sùr ʔài bèn = "John and Jane are the same" ... logically the bèn is unnecessary, but it is often included ... euphony.

1b) jono r ʔài jenewo = "John is the same as Jane"

The above two examples are ambiguous as to whether John and Jane are the same w.r.t. one characteristic or the same w.r.t. all characteristic.

2a) jono lé jene r ʔài jutuwo = "John and Jane are the same size"

2b) *jono r ʔài jenewo jutuwo = "John is the same as Jane, sizewise" = "John is the same size as Jane"

The above is not allowed ... there is a rule saying that you can't have two consecutive -wo endings. So 2b) has to be re-assembled as ...

jono r làu jutu jenewo .... see Ch2.11.1

[Note jutuwo is derived from jutumiwo but the mi "ness" is invariably dropped.

ʔàibis = similar

ʔài dù = exactly the same

ʔaimai = similarity

lomai = difference

To say something like "John is as good at writing as Jane" we can not say *jono r làu bòi jenewo kludauwo [ ??? ] [ two consecutive -wo no good ? ]

You must use a sort of topic comment construction.

wo kludau bòi_jene r ʔài jonowo or wo kludau bòi_jene lé jono r ʔài

... The 7 types versus basic types


I have heard of people constucting languages and their main aim from the start was to create a language that contained only nouns or only verbs or what have you. I have always considered this a bit silly ... however it appears that I have arrived at such a position myself ... well at least as to the non-derived (basic form) of the words*.


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The base form of béu verbs are the manga which you can consider an "infinitive" or a "verbal noun". "MaSdar" if you will. To get a finite verb [called a "hook word" in béu] it must go through a derivational process [see Ch 3.1 for more information].

The béu adjectives seem to straddle two categoties ... nouns and adjectives. For example gèu means both "green" and "greenness" ("the green one" is represented by the saidaus gèus). But this is similar to many languages. For example in the English phrase "green is good", "green" must be a noun.

In béu (as in English) gèu will most often occur as an adjective. In béu when gèu must appear as a noun in a position where it might be mistaken for an adjective it is put into a NP with head kuwai ... kuwai = property, quality, attribute, characteristic, feature. So kuwai gèu is a NP meaning "greenness". In English when "green" must appear as a noun in a position where it might be mistaken for an adjective, it is changed into a noun with the affiX "ness" of course.

By the way ... there is one sure way to check if a word is saidau or not. If a word can take the intensifier sowe then the word is saidau (or a saidaun but you know it is saidau if it doesn't end in n)

(Note to self ... what béu word class is kuwai )

As a theoretical basis I am following Basic Theory as forwarded by RMW Dixon in his trilogy of the same name. I don't consider béu to diverge from Basic Theory. Just some of my categories are sub-categories of Basic Theory categories.

*In the chart we are ignoring grammatical words ... the fengi.


..... The 7 types of word


All words belong to one of the following 7 categories ...


1) fengi = particle ... this is a sort of "hold-all" category for all words (and affixes) that don't neatly fit into the other categories. Interjections, numbers, pronouns, conjunctions, determiners and certain words that would be classed as adverbs in English, are all classed as fengi.

An example is Í .. the preposition indicating the dative.


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2) senko = object

An example is bàu ... "a man"


3) olus = material, stuff

An example is moze ... "water"


4) saidau = adjective

An example is nelau ... "dark blue"


5) manga = a noun ... closest to the infinitive in English ... also I call it "verb base" as finite verbs are built up from this form.

An example is twá ... "to meet" (the concept of "meet" disassociated from any arguments, tense, aspect or whatever).


6) mangan = a noun. A mangan represents one instance of the activity denoted by the manga. For example ...

twán ... "a\the meeting"


7) saidaun = a noun derived from an adjective. The saidaus means an object possessing the property denoted by the saidau.

An example is nelaun = a/the dark blue one : nò nelaun = a/the dark blue ones


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The mangan and saidaun are transparently derived from manga and saidau so there is no need to list them separately in a dictionary.


..... Correlatives


TW 796.png


uda everywhere uku always ubu everybody ufan everything
juda nowhere juku never jubu nobody jufan nothing
ida anywhere iku anytime ibu anybody ifan anything
eda somewhere eku sometime ebu somebody efan something

The above 16 correlatives all have a special symbols (ignore the blue and red squares).

If you wants to make plural any word from the last two rows, you must revert to the nearest generic noun available and build up a NP in the normal way..

ida anywhere iku anytime ibu anybody ifan anything
nò dà ín any places nò kyù ín any times abua ín any people fanyoi ín any things
eda somewhere eku sometime ebu somebody efan something
nò dà èn some places nò kyù èn some times abua èn some people fanyoi èn some things

A further 3 of these special symbols are shown below ....


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The short-hand forms are always used.


(Note to self : resolve the stuff below)

The columns are related to the words ... dàn = place ... kyùs = time/occasion ... glabu = person ... fanyo = thing

ubu can mean "each person" and "all the people". If they act together uwe can be added. If they act individually bajawe can be added.


..... Some anaphora rubbish



ò is used to represent an person, mentioned before, and still current in everybody's mind.

ʃì is used to represent an object, mentioned before, and still current in everybody's mind.

is used to represent an scenario, mentioned before, and still current in everybody's mind.

The above would be used in such sentences as ... "She acquiesced to return to Crosby's hotel room ... which was a very bad idea".


Four (five with ?) other particles also take -as. They are ... to that degree, as much as .... will not thus, so, in that way for that reason

English uses that for anaphora in the above examples.

All these words are overwhelmingly/always ? utterance final.


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..... Old morning/afternoon


falaja = afternoon : falajas = in the afternoon/every afternoon .... (jé) falaja = in the afternoon ......

yildos = morning : yildozas = in the morning/every morning ....... (jé) falaja = in the afternoon .......


..... Index

  1. Introduction to Béu
  2. Béu : Chapter 1 : The Sounds
  3. Béu : Chapter 2 : The Noun
  4. Béu : Chapter 3 : The Verb
  5. Béu : Chapter 4 : Adjective
  6. Béu : Chapter 5 : Questions
  7. Béu : Chapter 6 : Derivations
  8. Béu : Chapter 7 : Way of Life 1
  9. Béu : Chapter 8 : Way of life 2
  10. Béu : Chapter 9 : Word Building
  11. Béu : Chapter 10 : Gerund Phrase
  12. Béu : Discarded Stuff
  13. A statistical explanation for the counter-factual/past-tense conflation in conditional sentences