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<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''ðęsgą̋ȝo r'''  - Psalm 45</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''ðęsgą̋ȝo vðṁ'''  - Psalm 45</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''''ivrεȝeka̋s ų́da tarne̋xaþo'''''</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''''ivrëȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo'''''</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">''Translated from the Hebrew''</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">''Translated from the Hebrew''</div>

===Literal translation of the Hebrew text===
*2: My heart is overflowing (with) a good matter. I speak of my works to the king. My tongue (is) the pen of a rapid writer.
===Literal translation of the Hebrew===
*3: You are the fairest of the sons of man. Grace has poured into your lips. Therefore God has blessed you forever.
*2. My heart is overflowing (with) a good matter. I speak of my works to the king. My tongue (is) the pen of a rapid writer.
*4: Gird your sword on your thigh, Mighty One; (with) your glory and your majesty.
*3. You are the fairest of the sons of man. Grace has poured into your lips. Therefore God has blessed you forever.
*5: And in your majesty prosperously ride on the matter of truth and meekness (and) right; and your right hand shall teach you fearful things.
*4. Gird your sword on your thigh, Mighty One; (with) your glory and your majesty.
*6: Your arrows are sharp, peoples fall under you, in the heart of the king's enemies.
*5. And in your majesty prosperously ride on the matter of truth and meekness (and) right; and your right hand shall teach you fearful things.
*7: Your throne, O God, (is) forever and ever; a scepter of uprightness (is) the scepter of your kingdom.
*6. Your arrows are sharp, peoples fall under you, in the heart of the king's enemies.
*8: You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God has anointed you, your God, with the oil of gladness more than your companions.
*7. Your throne, O God, (is) forever and ever; a scepter of uprightness (is) the scepter of your kingdom.
*9: Myrrh and aloes (and) cassia on all your garments (are); out of ivory palaces, by which they make you glad.
*8. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God has anointed you, your God, with the oil of gladness more than your fellows.
*10: Daughters of kings (are) among your precious ones; the queen stands at your right hand in gold of Ophir.
*9. Myrrh and aloes (and) cassia on all your garments; out of ivory palaces, by which they make you glad.
*11: Listen, o daughter, and look, and incline your ear; and forget your people and your father's house.
*10. Daughters of kings (are) among your precious ones; the queen stands at your right hand in gold of Ophir.
*12: And the king will desire your beauty, for he (is) your Lord, and you shall worship him.
*11. Listen, o daughter, and look, and incline your ear; and forget your people and your father's house.
*13: And the daughter of Tyre with a gift; your face will implore the rich among the people.
*12. And the king will desire your beauty, for he (is) your Lord, and you shall worship him.
*14: All glorious (is) the king's daughter within; her clothing braided with gold.
*13. And the daughter of Tyre with a gift; your face will implore the rich among the people.
*15: In embroidered work she shall be led to the king; the virgins after her, her companions shall be brought to you.
*14. All glorious (is) the king's daughter within; her clothing braided with gold.
*16: They shall be led with gladness and rejoicing, they shall enter into the king's palace.
*15. In embroidered work she shall be led to the king; the virgins after her, her companions shall be brought to you.
*17: In the place of your fathers your sons shall be; you will make them rulers for all in the earth.
*16. They shall be led with gladness and rejoicing, they shall enter into the king's palace.
*18: I will declare your name in every generation and generation; therefore peoples shall thank you forever and ever.
*17. In the place of your fathers your sons shall be; you will make them rulers for all in the earth.
*18. I will declare your name in every generation and generation; therefore peoples shall thank you forever and ever.

===Senjecan text===
===Senjecan text===
*2: '''mu-sűðo va̋do ȝoba̋s (ha) þ̇a̋la: mu ręgűs o mu-f̣ų̋don vą̋a: mu-tı̋lo őcu ȝarlűs ȝa̋rlo (e̋sa):'''  
*2. '''mu-sűðo va̋do ȝoba̋s ha þ̨a̋la: mu regus o mu-f̨űűdon va̋a̋a: mu-tı̋l' őṡu ȝarlűs ȝa̋rlo e̋sa: '''
*3: '''tu ṅarűs sų̋nus gygőbu e̋sa: ȝumdǫ̋o tu-fe̋mon éna pypőza: ną́ru ȝűmu še̋dam éna tum fıfı̋ra:'''
*3. '''tu n̨arűs sűűnus gÿgőbu e̋sa: ȝumdőőo tu-pe̋mon éna pÿpőza: nááru ȝűmu še̋dam éna tum fïfı̋ra:'''
*4: '''ƿalű. tu-ṁaga̋sk̬e mįðta̋sk̬' (éta) veðős éna tu-vę̋mom ȝǫ̋se:'''
*4. '''ṁalű. tu-ṁaga̋sk̬e miiðta̋sk̬' éta veðős éna tu-ve̋e̋mom ȝőőse:'''
*5: '''ƿęra̋sk̬e tafta̋sk̬e ȝusta̋sk̬e sépa tu-mįðta̋s éna sífvi mı̋me: da tu-ta̋ło tús o ną̋ron u-dőka:'''
*5. '''ṁeera̋sk̬e tafta̋sk̬e ȝusta̋sk̬e sépa tu-miiðta̋s éna sífvi mı̋me: da tu-ta̋ɫo tús o na̋a̋ron u-dőka:'''
*6: '''tu-nőros reᵹűs ṅetűm suðős éna hı̋sos vűa: le̋uðus tum néra fǫ̋la:'''
*6. '''tu-nőros reƣűs n̨etűm suðős éna hı̋sos vűa: le̋uðus tum néra főőla:'''
*7: '''o ȝumű, tu-zilse̋do še̋dam éna (e̋sa): ȝusta̋s zilba̋ko tu-ręᵹąra̋s zilba̋ko (e̋sa):'''
*7. '''o ȝumű, tu-zilse̋do še̋dam éna e̋sa: ȝusta̋s zilba̋ko tu-reeƣaara̋s zilba̋ko e̋sa:'''
*8: '''ȝűstam ƿe̋na da e̋xtam þi̋ma. ną́ru ȝűmu, tu-ȝűmu. raðta̋s maƶős xéma tu-ę̋flun sóma gą́mu tum mıma̋ƶa:'''
*8. '''ȝűstam ṁe̋na da e̋xtam þi̋ma. nááru ȝűmu, tu-ȝűmu. raðta̋s mażős xéma tu-e̋e̋flun sóma gaámu tum mïma̋ża:'''
*9: '''nąðpı̨̋tok̬e hurva̋lok̬e basmɛsőðok̬e őro tu-outőm éna (vűa). kamáxrįṡőno ƿastőm éha sos tum rą̋da:'''  
*9. '''naaðpı̋ı̋tok̬e hurva̋lok̬e basmɛsőðok̬e őro tu-outőm éna (vűa). ȝéénriis̨őno ṁastőm éha sos tum ra̋a̋da:'''
*10: '''ręᵹűm zı̋dus tu-arűm ȝúca (e̋sa): ofiṙa̋s cinős éna į-rę̋ᵹu tałős éna cűra:'''
*10. '''reeƣűm zı̋dus tu-arűm ȝúṡa e̋sa: ofira̋' sarnős éna ii-re̋e̋ƣu taɫős éna ṡűra:'''
*11: '''o zid. ą̋ƿek̬e ƶa̋bek̬e tu-ma̋inom ce̋lek̬e da tu-le̋uðumk̬e tu-tąta̋s ƿę̋somk̬e ƿűne:'''
*11. '''o zidű, a̋a̋ṁek̬e ża̋bek̬e tu-ma̋inom ṡe̋lek̬e da tu-le̋uðumk̬e tu-taata̋s ṁe̋e̋somk̬e ṁűne:'''
*12: '''da rę̋ᵹu tu-gővtam u-pı̨̋ra. ha nu tu-ande̋ru (e̋sa) da num u-tőza:'''
*12. '''da re̋e̋ƣu tu-gővtam u-pı̋ı̋ra. ha nu tu-ande̋ru (e̋sa) da num u-tőza:'''
*13: '''dǫős xéma cuṙa̋s zı̋du da leuðűs ȝúca ᵹa̋vus tu-mǫ̋rom u-sǫ̋ra:'''
*13. '''dooős xéma ṡura̋s zı̋du da leuðűs ȝúṡa ƣa̋vus tu-mőőrom u-sőőra:'''
*14: '''ręᵹűm zı̋du órvi ṁa̋gu ȝúvi e̋sa: cinős šéða f̣űkaþo nu-őuto:'''
*14. '''reeƣűs zı̋du ȝúvi órvi ṁa̋gu vűa: saranős šéða f̨űkaþo nu-őuto:'''
*15: '''rę̋ᵹum do f̣űkaþo dąrős éna de̋ukaþ' u-ı̋la. num pósa pőugus: nu-ę̋flus tum do ne̋xaþus u-ı̋la:'''
*15. '''f̨űkaþo daarős éna pőugus re̋e̋ƣum do num pósa de̋ukaþ' u-ı̋la: nu-e̋e̋flus tum do ne̋xaþus u-ı̋la:'''
*16 '''raðta̋sk̬e foga̋sk̬' éta de̋ukaþus u-ı̋la: ręᵹűs ƿa̋stom u-tı̋ra:'''
*16. '''raðta̋sk̬e foga̋sk̬' éta de̋ukaþus u-ı̋la: reeƣűs ṁa̋stom u-tı̋ra:'''
*17: '''tu-sų̋nus tu-tąta̋m ðę́a u-e̋sa: v̌ętős éna orűm éra nun zı̋l̨un u-vą̋na:'''
*17. '''tu-sűűnus tu-taata̋m ðééa u-e̋sa: v̌eetős éna orűm éra nun zı̋l̨un u-va̋a̋na:'''
*18: '''mu tu-fe̋tom vı̋sa saiþla̋sk̬e saiþla̋sk̬' éna u-ų̋a: náru le̋uðu' še̋ðtam éna tum u-kűȝa⋮'''
*18. '''mu tu-fe̋tom vı̋sa saiþla̋sk̬e saiþla̋sk̬' éna u-űűa: nááru le̋uðu' še̋ðtam éna tum u-kűȝa:'''
*Some of the glossing abbreviations are of my own devising. I wanted them a little shorter. "PP" = passive participle; "AP" = active participle. I think the others are understandable.

!mu=sűð-o||va̋d-o||ȝob-a̋s||ha||þ̨a̋l-a||m-u||re̋e̋ƣ-űs||o||mu=f̨űűd-on||va̋a̋-a|| mu=tı̋l-'||őṡ-u||ȝarl-űs||ȝa̋rl-o||e̋s-a

!ȝa̋rl-o|| e̋s-a
!mu=sűð-o||va̋do-Ø||ȝob-a̋s||ha||þ̨a̋l-a||m-u||reeg-űs||o||mu=f̨űűd-on||vą̋-a||mu=tı̋l-'||őcu-Ø||ȝarl-űs||ȝa̋rl-o|| e̋s-a
| pen-NOM.SG||be-IND

!mu=tı̋l-'||őcu-Ø||ȝarl-űs||ȝa̋rl-o|| e̋s-a



!o||ȝum-ű||tu=zilse̋d-o||še̋d-am||éna||e̋s-a||ȝust-a̋s||zilba̋k-o||tu=reeƣaar-a̋s|| zilba̋k-o||e̋s-a


!naaðpı̋ı̋t-o=k̬e||hurva̋l-o=k̬e||basmësőð-o=k̬e||őro||tu=out-őm||éna||vű-a|| ȝéénriis̨őn-o||ṁast-őm||éha||s-os||t-um||ra̋a̋d-a

!reeƣ-űm||zı̋d-us||tu=ar-űm||ȝúṡa||e̋sa||ofira̋='||saranős||éna||ii=re̋e̋ƣ-u||taɫ-ős|| éna||ṡűr-a





! t-um||rą̋d-a:
| 2s-ACC||gladden-IND











!m-u||tu=fe̋t-om||vı̋s-a||saiþl-a̋s=k̬e||saiþl-a̋s=k̬-'||éna||u=űű-a||nááru||le̋uð-u-'|| še̋ðt-am||éna||t-um||u=kűȝ-a

Revision as of 12:39, 19 February 2017

Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a õ o u ï ë ÿ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

ðęsgą̋ȝo vðṁ - Psalm 45
ivrëȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Hebrew

Literal translation of the Hebrew

  • 2. My heart is overflowing (with) a good matter. I speak of my works to the king. My tongue (is) the pen of a rapid writer.
  • 3. You are the fairest of the sons of man. Grace has poured into your lips. Therefore God has blessed you forever.
  • 4. Gird your sword on your thigh, Mighty One; (with) your glory and your majesty.
  • 5. And in your majesty prosperously ride on the matter of truth and meekness (and) right; and your right hand shall teach you fearful things.
  • 6. Your arrows are sharp, peoples fall under you, in the heart of the king's enemies.
  • 7. Your throne, O God, (is) forever and ever; a scepter of uprightness (is) the scepter of your kingdom.
  • 8. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God has anointed you, your God, with the oil of gladness more than your fellows.
  • 9. Myrrh and aloes (and) cassia on all your garments; out of ivory palaces, by which they make you glad.
  • 10. Daughters of kings (are) among your precious ones; the queen stands at your right hand in gold of Ophir.
  • 11. Listen, o daughter, and look, and incline your ear; and forget your people and your father's house.
  • 12. And the king will desire your beauty, for he (is) your Lord, and you shall worship him.
  • 13. And the daughter of Tyre with a gift; your face will implore the rich among the people.
  • 14. All glorious (is) the king's daughter within; her clothing braided with gold.
  • 15. In embroidered work she shall be led to the king; the virgins after her, her companions shall be brought to you.
  • 16. They shall be led with gladness and rejoicing, they shall enter into the king's palace.
  • 17. In the place of your fathers your sons shall be; you will make them rulers for all in the earth.
  • 18. I will declare your name in every generation and generation; therefore peoples shall thank you forever and ever.

Senjecan text

  • 2. mu-sűðo va̋do ȝoba̋s ha þ̨a̋la: mu regus o mu-f̨űűdon va̋a̋a: mu-tı̋l' őṡu ȝarlűs ȝa̋rlo e̋sa:
  • 3. tu n̨arűs sűűnus gÿgőbu e̋sa: ȝumdőőo tu-pe̋mon éna pÿpőza: nááru ȝűmu še̋dam éna tum fïfı̋ra:
  • 4. ṁalű. tu-ṁaga̋sk̬e miiðta̋sk̬' éta veðős éna tu-ve̋e̋mom ȝőőse:
  • 5. ṁeera̋sk̬e tafta̋sk̬e ȝusta̋sk̬e sépa tu-miiðta̋s éna sífvi mı̋me: da tu-ta̋ɫo tús o na̋a̋ron u-dőka:
  • 6. tu-nőros reƣűs n̨etűm suðős éna hı̋sos vűa: le̋uðus tum néra főőla:
  • 7. o ȝumű, tu-zilse̋do še̋dam éna e̋sa: ȝusta̋s zilba̋ko tu-reeƣaara̋s zilba̋ko e̋sa:
  • 8. ȝűstam ṁe̋na da e̋xtam þi̋ma. nááru ȝűmu, tu-ȝűmu. raðta̋s mażős xéma tu-e̋e̋flun sóma gaámu tum mïma̋ża:
  • 9. naaðpı̋ı̋tok̬e hurva̋lok̬e basmɛsőðok̬e őro tu-outőm éna (vűa). ȝéénriis̨őno ṁastőm éha sos tum ra̋a̋da:
  • 10. reeƣűm zı̋dus tu-arűm ȝúṡa e̋sa: ofira̋' sarnős éna ii-re̋e̋ƣu taɫős éna ṡűra:
  • 11. o zidű, a̋a̋ṁek̬e ża̋bek̬e tu-ma̋inom ṡe̋lek̬e da tu-le̋uðumk̬e tu-taata̋s ṁe̋e̋somk̬e ṁűne:
  • 12. da re̋e̋ƣu tu-gővtam u-pı̋ı̋ra. ha nu tu-ande̋ru (e̋sa) da num u-tőza:
  • 13. dooős xéma ṡura̋s zı̋du da leuðűs ȝúṡa ƣa̋vus tu-mőőrom u-sőőra:
  • 14. reeƣűs zı̋du ȝúvi órvi ṁa̋gu vűa: saranős šéða f̨űkaþo nu-őuto:
  • 15. f̨űkaþo daarős éna pőugus re̋e̋ƣum do num pósa de̋ukaþ' u-ı̋la: nu-e̋e̋flus tum do ne̋xaþus u-ı̋la:
  • 16. raðta̋sk̬e foga̋sk̬' éta de̋ukaþus u-ı̋la: reeƣűs ṁa̋stom u-tı̋ra:
  • 17. tu-sűűnus tu-taata̋m ðééa u-e̋sa: v̌eetős éna orűm éra nun zı̋l̨un u-va̋a̋na:
  • 18. mu tu-fe̋tom vı̋sa saiþla̋sk̬e saiþla̋sk̬' éna u-űűa: nááru le̋uðu' še̋ðtam éna tum u-kűȝa:


  • Some of the glossing abbreviations are of my own devising. I wanted them a little shorter. "PP" = passive participle; "AP" = active participle. I think the others are understandable.


mu=sűð-o va̋d-o ȝob-a̋s ha þ̨a̋l-a m-u re̋e̋ƣ-űs o mu=f̨űűd-on va̋a̋-a mu=tı̋l-' őṡ-u ȝarl-űs ȝa̋rl-o e̋s-a
my=heart-N.s good-ABS matter-G.s because.of overflow-IND 1s-N king-G.s to my=word-A.p speak-IND my=tongue-EL rapid-ABS scribe-G.s pen-N.s be-IND

mu=sűð-o va̋do-Ø ȝob-a̋s ha þ̨a̋l-a m-u reeg-űs o mu=f̨űűd-on vą̋-a mu=tı̋l-' őcu-Ø ȝarl-űs ȝa̋rl-o e̋s-a
my=heart-N.s good-ABS matter-G.s because.of overflow-IND 1s-N king-G.s to my=word-A.p speak-IND my=tongue-ELIS rapid-ABS scribe-G.s pen-N.s be-IND

t-u n̨ar-ű-' sűűn-us áda gÿ~gőb-u e̋s-a ȝumdőő-o tu=pe̋m-on éna pÿ~pőz-a nááru ȝűm-u še̋d-am éna t-um fï~fı̋r-a
2s-N man-G.s-ELIS son-N.p among CMP~beautiful-N.s be.IND grace-N.s your=lip-A.p on PRF~pour-IND therefore God-N.s eternity-A.s into 2s-AC PRF~bless-IND

ṁal-ű tu=ṁag-a̋s=k̬e miiðt-a̋s=k̬-' éta veð-ős éna tu=ve̋e̋m-om ȝőős-e:
mighty-V.s your=glory-G.s=and majesty-G.s=and-ELIS with thigh-G.s on your=sword-A.s gird-IMP

ṁeer-a̋s=k̬e taft-a̋s=k̬e ȝust-a̋s=k̬e sépa tu=miiðt-a̋s éna síf-vi mı̋m-e da tu=ta̋ɫ-o t-ús o na̋a̋ron u-dőka
truth-G.s=and meekness-G.s=and right-G.s=and concerning your=majesty-G.s on prosperous-ADV ride-IMP and your=right.hand-N.s 2s-G to fearful-A.p FUT=teach-IND

tu=nőr-os reeƣ-űs n̨et-űm suð-ős éna hı̋s-os vű-a le̋uð-us t-um néra főől-a:
your=arrow-N.p king-G.s enemy-G.p heart-G.s in sharp-N.p be-IND people-N.p 2s-ACC under fall-IND

o ȝum-ű tu=zilse̋d-o še̋d-am éna e̋s-a ȝust-a̋s zilba̋k-o tu=reeƣaar-a̋s zilba̋k-o e̋s-a
O God-V.s your=throne-N.s eternity-A.s into be.IND right-G.s scepter-N.s your=kingdom-G.s scepter-N.s be.IND

ȝűst-am ṁe̋n-a da e̋xt-am þi̋m-a nááru ȝűmu tu=ȝűm-u raðt-a̋s maż-ős xéma tu=e̋e̋fl-un sóma gaám-u t-um-ë mï~ma̋ż-a
righteousness-A.s love-IND and wickedness-A.s hate-IND therefore God-N.s your=God-N.s gladness-G.s oil-G.s with your-companion-A.s than more-ADV 2s-A=EUPH PRF~anoint-IND

naaðpı̋ı̋t-o=k̬e hurva̋l-o=k̬e basmësőð-o=k̬e őro tu=out-őm éna vű-a ȝéénriis̨őn-o ṁast-őm éha s-os t-um ra̋a̋d-a
myrrh-N.s=and aloes-N.s=and cassia-N.s=and all-ABS your=clothing-G.p in be-IND made.of.ivory-ABS palace-G.p out.of this-N.p 2s-A gladden-IND

reeƣ-űm zı̋d-us tu=ar-űm ȝúṡa e̋sa ofira̋=' saranős éna ii=re̋e̋ƣ-u taɫ-ős éna ṡűr-a
king-G.p daughter-N.p your=precious-G.p among be.IND Ophir-G.s=ELIS gold-G.s in FEM=king-N.s right.hand-G.s at stand-IND

o zid-ű a̋a̋ṁ-e=k̬e ża̋b-e=k̬e tu=ma̋in-om ṡe̋l-e=k̬e da tu=le̋uð-um=k̬e tu=taat-a̋s ṁe̋e̋s-om=k̬e ṁűn-e
O daughter-V.s listen-IMP=and look-IMP=and your=ear-A.s bend-IMP=and and your=people-A.s=and your=father-G.s house-A.s=and forget-IMP

da re̋e̋ƣ-u tu=gővt-am u=pı̋ı̋ra ha n-u tu=ande̋r-u e̋sa da n-um u=tőz-a
and king-N.s your=beauty-A.s FUT=desire-IND for 3-N.s your=lord-N.s be.IND and 3-A.s FUT=worship-IND

doo-ős xéma ṡur-a̋s zı̋d-u da leuð-űs ȝúṡa ƣa̋v-us tu=mőőr-om u=sőőr-a
gift-G.s with Tyre-G.s daughter-N.s and people-G.s among rich-N.p your=face-A.s FUT=implore-IND

reeƣ-űs zı̋d-u ȝú-vi ór-vi ṁa̋g-u vű-a saranő-' šéða f̨űk-a-þ-o nu=őut-o
king-G.s daughter-N.s inside-ADV all-ADV glorious-ABS be-IND gold-G.s-EL with embroider-IND-PP-ABS her=clothing-N.s

f̨űk-a-þ-o daar-ős éna pőug-us re̋e̋ƣ-um do n-um pósa de̋uk-a-þ-us u=ı̋l-a nu=ee̋fl-us t-um do ne̋x-a-þ-us u=ı̋l-a
embroider-IND-PP-ABS work-G.s in virgin-N.p king-A.s to 3-A.s after lead-IND-PP-N.p FUT=become-IND her=companion-N.p 2s-A to bring-IND-PP-N.p FUT=become-IND

raðt-a̋s=k̬e fog-a̋s=k̬-' éta de̋uk-a-þ-us u=ı̋l-a reeƣ-űs ṁa̋st-om u=tı̋r-a
gladness-G.s=and joy-G.s=and-ELIS with lead-IND-PP-N.p FUT=become-IND king-G.s palace-A.s FUT=enter-IND

tu=sűűn-us tu=taat=a̋m ðéé-a u=e̋s-a v̌eet-ős éna or-űm éra n-un zı̋l̨-un u=va̋a̋n-a
your=son-N.p your=father-A.s FUT=be.IND world-G.s in all-G.p for 3-A.p ruler-A.p FUT=make-IND

m-u tu=fe̋t-om vı̋s-a saiþl-a̋s=k̬e saiþl-a̋s=k̬-' éna u=űű-a nááru le̋uð-u-' še̋ðt-am éna t-um u=kűȝ-a
1s-N your=name=A.s every-ABS generation-G.s=and generation-G.s=and-ELIS in FUT=proclaim-IND therefore people-N.s-ELIS eternity-A.s in 2s-A FUT=thank-IND