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Senjecas dict. ȝ: Difference between revisions

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(Style revisions. New words added.)
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Line 362: Line 362:
::'''-to''', migration.
::'''-to''', migration.
::'''-þlu''', rover, ranger.
::'''-þlu''', rover, ranger.
::'''-þne̋=da''', ''i.v.'' hike.
::'''-þne̋=da''', ''i.v.'' hike. (< '''ne̋da''', walk)
:::'''=ðlu''', hiker.
:::'''=ðlu''', hiker.

Revision as of 12:27, 16 March 2016

Pronunciation table

p b f v ƿ m t d þ ð ł l c ƶ s z r n k g x h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ı ɛ y
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̊/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


lat grk cyr arm geo dev gla run tng heb arb tif kat
ȝ j j յ ?/? י ج
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  • Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.


  • ȝ001 ȝą̋-a, i.v. move (about), stir, be in motion, (take) exercise.
-ȝi, adj. movable [able to move], versatile; moving, stirring, touching.
-ta, mobility, versatility.
  • ȝ002 ȝą̋l-a, 1. t.v. vie, emulate, rival, contest. 2. i.v. act-, advocate-, -with zeal; endeavor, vie, emulate, take great pains.
-a, eagerness, avidity, rivalry, contestation.
–(ɛl)u, rival.
-i, adj. eager, keen, avid, athirst (for, do).
  • ȝ003 ȝą̋m-a, 1. t.v. ditch, trench. 2. i.v. ditch, trench.
–lo, pick.
-o, ditch, trench, moat.
  • ȝ004 ȝą̋x-a, 1. t.v. color-, make-, -shining, -glossy-, -white. 2. i.v. turn-, become-, -shining, -glossy, -white.
–i, adj. shining-, glossy-, -white.
  • ȝ005 ȝa̋f-a, t.v. break-, (-through), breach.
–o, breach.
  • ȝ006 ȝa̋g-a, t.v. devote, dedicate.
–a, devotion, dedication.
–aþu, devotee.
  • ȝ007 ȝa̋-ka, t.v. 1. heal, cure, make well. 2. be cured, get well.
-ka, healing.
-k̨ı̨̋ro, medicinal herb, simple.
-ki, adj. healed, cured.
-ko, cure.
-ḳi, adj. curable, remediable.
–xḅűiro, healing springs, spa.
-xlu, healer.
–xmų̋li, medicinal plant.
–xsą̋ra, medicine, therapeutics.
–xsi, adj. curative, remedial, therapeutic, medicinal.
–xta, health.
–x=t̬i, medicine, remedy, curative, drug.
=tyluke̋mo, pharmacopia.
=tyne̋mo, dose.
=tyfą̋r→lu, druggist, apothecary, pharmicist.
→de̋mo, pharmacy.
=tysą̋r→a, pharmacology.
→ą̋gu, pharmacologist.
  • ȝ008 ȝa̋m-a, 1. t.v. hole, make a hole in. 2. i.v. hole, make a hole.
-i, adj. holey.
-o, hole.
  • ȝ009 ȝa̋pa, i.v. bend.
  • ȝ010 ȝa̋ᵹ-a, t.v. pursue, chase (after), run-, send-, hasten-, -after.
-a, pursuit, chase.
–lu, pursuer.
  • ȝ011 ȝa̋-ra, 1. t.v. write, record, take down, drop [a note], enter, register [a letter]. 2. i.v. write, record.
-ra, writing, script.
-raþo, writing(s), scripture(s), text.
-r̨e̋þo, scroll.
-rǧı̨̋no, parchment, vellum.
-rlu, writer, recorder, scribe.
-ro, record, account; ~om ~a, keep an account, keep track.
-ros, [accounting] books.
-rse̋ro, desk.
-rsı̨̋mlo, penknife.
-rt̬i, ink.
  • ȝ012 ȝa̋t-a, 1. t.v. long-, yearn-, pine-, -for, hanker after, crave (for). 2. i.v. yearn.
-a, inordinate desire, lust, yen.
  • ȝ013 ȝa̋un-o, place of birth.
-me̋xa, motherland, native land.
  • ȝ014 ȝę, adv. already, as yet, by this time, so far.
  • ȝ015 ȝę̋-a, 1. t.v. throw, cast, fling, toss. 2. i.v. heave, toss.
–a, throw, cast.
  • ȝ016 ȝę̋ǧa, youthful strength.
  • ȝ017 ȝę̋r-a, season.
-ðűvi, adj. seasonable.
-i, adj. seasonal.
  • ȝ018 ȝe̋-ga, 1. t.v. ice. 2. i.v. ice.
–gą̋iðo, burn from reflected rays.
-ge̋ida, January.
-gi, adj. icy, glacial, frigid.
–go, ice.
-ᵹkę̋sa, ice age.
-ᵹleida̋ul=o, ice rink.
=de̋mo, ice rink.
-ᵹse̋xlo, ice axe.
  • ȝ019 ȝe̋-ka, 1. t.v. narrate, give an account, recount, relate, voice.
-ka, parlance, language, tongue, speech.
–kaþo, narrative, accounting.
–ko, phrase, saying, adage.
–xdą̋a, language fluency.
-xdemų̋r=a, conlangery.
=lu, conlanger.
–xlu, narrator.
–xsą̋r=a, linguistics.
=ą̋gu, linguist.
  • ȝ020 ȝe̋l-i, adj. unripe, green; immature, callow.
–ta, unripeness, immaturity.
  • ȝ021 ȝe̋m-a, 1. t.v. sort, match, pair, couple. 2. i.v. match; pair, couple, mate.
-i, adj. in pairs, paired.
-o, pair, couple, brace.
-še̋su, twin sister.
-u, twin.
–ƶa̋mu, twin brother.
  • ȝ022 ȝe̋ƿ-a, 1. t.v. keep-, -away, -off (from, ápa). 2. i.v. keep-, stand-, -aloof (from, ápa).
-a, aloofness.
-i, adj. aloof.
  • ȝ023 ȝe̋s-a, 1. t.v. foam, froth, lather. 2. i.v. foam, froth, lather.
–hűro, mineral water.
-i, adj. foamy, frothy, lathering.
-ȝų̋smo, barm.
-o, foam, froth, spume, barm; scum, flurry, lather, suds.
-ta̋ino, pumice.
  • ȝ024 ȝe̋t-a, t.v. approach, apply to, solicit; concern, have to do with, relate to.
-a, approach; concern, relation.
–a, postp. in relation to, toward.
  • ȝ025 ȝe̋uƶ-a, t.v. disquiet.
-a, unrest, commotion, disquiet.
-i, adj. restless, agitated, nervous, fidgety; uneasy, worried; unsettled, troubled [times]; choppy, rough, turbulent [sea]; broken, fitful [sleep]; restive [of horses].
–ta, restlessness, uneasiness.
  • ȝ026 ȝe̋v-a, 1. t.v. have sexual intercourse with. 2. i.v. copulate.
-a, sex.
–fa̋ra, estrus.
-i, adj., sexual.
-o, sexual intercourse, sex, copulation.
  • ȝ027 ȝe̋x-a, 1. t.v. clear (away), clarify, rectify [spirits]; refine, sublime, extract [ore]; develop [film]. 2. i.v. clear up, rectify; refine, sublime.
–a, clarification, refinement, rectification.
-i, adj. clear, pellucid, transparent, diaphanous.
-ta, clearness, clarity, transparency.
-t̬i, clarifier, clarifying agent.
  • ȝ028 ȝe̋ƶ-a, t.v. inform, notify, report.
-i, adj. informative.
-o, information, notification, report.
  • ȝ029 ȝ-i, indef. adj. some.
-álu, adv. somehow, in some way(s).
-ánu, adv. sometime.
-árþ=is, adv. from somewhere.
=im, adv. (to) somewhere.
-áru, adv. for some reason.
-ı̋mi, adj. some kind (of).
-ivi, adv. somewhat, rather, in a way, kind of, sort of.
-o, indef. pron. something, one.
-u, indef. pron. some-, -one, -body, one, a person, they.
-um, adv. sometime(s).
  • ȝ030 ȝı̋ka, eon.
  • ȝ031 ȝı̋l-a, t.v. consist of, be composed of.
-a, consistency, composition.
  • ȝ032 ȝɪ̋no, edge of knife.
  • ᵹ033 ȝı̋-ra, 1. t.v. eat away, erode, corrode; etch. 2. i.v. erode, corrode.
-ra, erosion.
-rƿa̋ka, causticity, corrosive power.
–rsi, adj. erosive, corrosive.
-rt̬i, corrosive, caustic, mordant.
-ṙi, adj. corrosible, corrodible.
  • ȝ034 ȝı̋-ta, i.v. evening is falling.
–ta, evening, vesper [sunset to nightfall], eventide.
-ti, adj. evening, vesper, vespertine, crepuscular.
-þgą̋ȝo, evening song, vespers.
-þƿengą̋ȝo, serenade.
  • ȝ035 ȝǫ̋-a, 1. t.v. avenge, (take) revenge, venge. 2. i.v. avenge, get even (with, ᵹóma).
-a, revenge, vengeance.
-lu, avenger.
–ri, adj. vengeful.
  • ȝ036 ȝǫ̋da, t.v. ram, butt.
  • ȝ037 ȝǫ̋la, t.v. hang [] on a hook.
  • ȝ038 ȝǫ̋r-a, 1. t.v. aggravate, intensify, make worse. 2. i.v. worsen.
-i, adj. severe, vehement, bad.
-ta, vehemence.
  • ȝ039 ȝǫ̋s-a, t.v. gird, girdle, begird.
-a, girth, perimeter.
-o, cordon; webbing, harness [parachute, etc.].
  • ȝǫustı̨̋þi, adj. scalding-, boiling-, piping-, hot. (< ȝǫ̋uso, broth; ı̨̋þi, hot)
  • ȝ040 ȝǫ̋z, adj. seventeen.
  • ȝ041 ȝő-ba, 1. t.v. approach, draw-, -near, -nigh, near, nigh (to, do); aproximate, undertake. 2. i.v. approach, nigh.
-ba, approach; subject, topic, theme, question, point, matter.
-ba, postp. near, about, by, next to, on, close to.
-banti, adj. next, approaching, coming.
-bi, adj. near, adjacent (to), approximate (to), proximal (to), proximate.
-vða̋mu, immediate family.
-vi, adv. around, about, some, approximately, roughly.
-vma̋ni, adj. close to-, near at-, -hand.
-vta, nearness, closeness, proximity, propinquity, apposition.
  • ȝ042 ȝőƿ-a, t.v. entitle; designate, qualify.
–a, entitlement, designation, qualification.
-o, claim, title, right.
  • ȝ043 ȝőr-i, adj. male.
–u, male, man.
  • derv ȝőrk-ɛƿi, adj. cervine, pertaining to deer. (< ȝőrke, deer)
-ɛni, adj. cervine, resembling a deer.
-k̨ǫ̋=no, deerskin.
=ṅi, adj. made of deerskin.
  • ȝ044 ȝɔ̋r-a, i.v. go astray, lose one's way, get lost.
-i, adj. lost.
  • ȝ045 ȝų̋-ca, i.v. retire, withdraw.
–a, retirement.
  • ȝ046 ȝų̋-na, 1. t.v. renew, make new. 2. i.v. renew.
-na, renewal.
-ni, adj. new; novel.
-nȝa̋l=i, adj. curious, inquisitive.
=ta, inquisitiveness, curiosity.
-nta, newness, novelty.
–ṅi, adj. renewable.
  • ȝ047 ȝų̋þ-a, 1. t.v. thicken [of liquids]. 2. i.v. thicken.
-i, adj. thick.
–ta, thickness.
  • ȝ048 ȝű, intrj. cry of joy.
  • ȝ049 ȝűb-a, 1. t.v. dig [turf]. 2. i.v. dig [turf].
–o, turf.
  • ȝ050 ȝú-ca, postp. among(st), (in) between, through, with.
-ce̋do, snack.
-sfe̋do, gravity.
  • ȝ051 ȝűð-a, 1. t.v. fall on, attack, force, charge, beset; fig. undertake, overtake. 2. i.v. attack, assault, charge.
-o, attack, charge; fit, paroxysm.
  • ȝ052 ȝű-ga, 1. t.v. yoke. 2. i.v. yoke.
-go, team, yoke [of animals].
-ᵹlo, yoke, pile [of bridges].
  • ȝ053 ȝű-i, adj. inside; interior, inner, inward, internal.
-a, postp. inside, within.
-ǫ̋ro, lining.
-ru, insider.
-ta, interiority, inwardness, subjectivity, subjectiveness.
-vi, adv. within, inside.
  • comp ȝum-e̋do, ambrosia; fig. any delicious food. (< ȝumu, god; e̋do, food)
-pǫ̋ȝo, nectar [of the gods]. (< pǫ̋ȝo, drink)
  • ȝ054 ȝűr-a, t.v. massage.
-lu, masseur.
  • ȝ055 ȝus, pers. pron. you (pl.).
  • ȝ056 ȝű-sa, t.v. justify, absolve.
-sa, justification, absolution.
-si, adj. just, fair, righteous, upright.
-slu, justifier.
-sta, justice, justness, fairness, righteousness, uprightness, probity.
-ṡi, adj. justifiable.
  • ȝ057 ȝű-ta, i.v. ramble, range, rove; shift [sand, the earth]; migrate.
–ta, migration.
-ti, adj. itinerant, migratory, shifting.
-to, migration.
-þlu, rover, ranger.
-þne̋=da, i.v. hike. (< ne̋da, walk)
=ðlu, hiker.