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*p002 '''pą̋-da''', ''t.v.'' pocket.
*p002 '''pą̋-da''', ''t.v.'' pocket.
:'''-do''', pouch, pocket.
:'''-do''', pouch, pocket.
*'''pąiȝűta''', transhumance.
*p003 '''pą̋no''', texture, tissue, membrane.
*p003 '''pą̋no''', texture, tissue, membrane.
*p004 '''pą̋po''', accident, mishap.
*p004 '''pą̋po''', accident, mishap.

Revision as of 12:40, 11 October 2015

  Bilabial Dental Alveolar Palatal
Plosives p /p/

b /b/

t /t/

d /d/

c /ʦ/

ƶ /ʣ/

k /c~k/

g /ɟ~g/

Spirants f /ɸ/

v /β/

þ /θ/

ð /ð/

s /s/

z /z/

x /ç~x/

ᵹ /ç~ʝ

Sonorants ɱ /m̥/

m /m/

ł /l̥/

l /l/

r /ɾ̥/

n /n/

h /ȷ̊/

ȝ /j/

  Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
Close i /i/ u /u/
Near-close ı /ɪ/ y /ʊ/
Mid ɘ /ə/
Close-mid e /e/ o /o/
Open a /a/ ɔ /ɑ/

p – π – п - პ - պ – प - ᛈ - ⱂ - ? - פּ - ٮ

  • p001 pą̋-ta, 1. t.v. feed, nourish, provide-, supply-, -with nourishment; foster. 2. i.v. feed; keep up.
-ta, nourishment, sustenance, nutrition, maintenance.
-to, nutriment, nutrient.
–þlu, food provider.
–þri, adj. nutritious, nutritive, nourishing.
  • p002 pą̋-da, t.v. pocket.
-do, pouch, pocket.
  • pąiȝűta, transhumance.
  • p003 pą̋no, texture, tissue, membrane.
  • p004 pą̋po, accident, mishap.
  • p005 pą̋s-a, t.v. be related to, be kin to.
-a, relationship, kinship.
-i, adj. related, relative, akin, kindred, cognate.
-l=u, relative, relation, kin.
=ı̋ȝu, kindred.
  • p006 pą̋-ta, 1. t.v. size. 2. i.v. size.
–ta, size, extent, dimension, magnitude, gauge.
-ta, postp. by, to the extent of.
-ti, adj. -sized.
-ti, conj. to the extent that, insofar as, inasmuch as, in that.
-þvi, adv.
  • p007 pą̋ug-a, 1. t.v. make gleam. 2. i.v. gleam, burn, glare, flash.
-i, adj. brilliant, luminous.
-o, gleam, glare, flash, brilliance.
  • p008 pą̋v-o, street, road, thoroughfare.
–ko, alley.
  • p009 pą̋z-i, adj. old, antiquated, out-of-date, outmoded, obsolete, old-fashioned.
–lı̋vi, adj. decrepit.
-ta, oldness, antiquatedness.
  • p010 pa̋co, pomace.
  • p011 pa̋-da, t.v. deck with flags.
–do, flag standard, ancient.
–ðko, banner.
  • p012 pa̋ð-a, t.v. dam-, (-up,-off), embank, dike.
-f̣ǫ̋lo, causeway.
-ȝa̋fo, breach in dike.
-o, dike, dam, barrage.
-ve̋l(ɘl)u, dike reeve.
  • p013 pa̋f-a, 1. t.v. arrange, (set-, put-, -in) order, sift, sort; settle; marshal, dispose, array [troops for a battle], assemble, put together. 2. i.v. adjust.
–a, adjustment, settlement; array, structure; order, class, rank, succession, sequence, assembly, arrangement, disposition, grouping, decision.
–i, adj. orderly, regular, methodical, tidy, neat; duly, in order.
-lűko, ordinal number.
–ṅa̋ro, table, diagram.
–o, kind, type.
–ta, orderliness, regularity, tidiness.
  • p014 pa̋g-a, 1. t.v. tighten, draw tight, consolidate, make secure, latch; steady, settle. 2. i.v. tighten; steady, settle.
-i, adj. steady, settled, equable.
  • p015 pa̋-ȝa, 1. t.v. whiten, bleach, blanch. 2. i.v. become white.
-ita, whiteness.
-iƶę̋no, blaze [on a hide].
-ȝi, adj. dead white, blank.
  • p016 pa̋k-a, i.v. fuss.
–o, fuss.
  • p017 pa̋l-a, 1. t.v. round (off). 2. i.v. round.
-i, adj. round, rotund.
-nǫ̋a, panorama.
-o, disk, plate, roundel; disc.
–še̋nlo, disk player.
–ta, roundness, rotundity.
  • p018 pa̋ḷ-u, girl.
-i, adj. girlish.
  • p019 pámu, adv. backwards.
  • p020 pa̋n-a, 1. t.v. meet, encounter, run into. 2. i.v. meet, encounter.
-o, meeting, encounter.
  • p021 pa̋nto, bouquet, nosegay.
  • p022 pa̋pa, pappa, daddy.
  • p023 pa̋r-a, 1. t.v. equal, equalize, equate; correspond, conform, coordinate. 2. i.v. make up (for, ha).
-i, adj. equal, corresponding, conforming, coordinating.
-ta, equality, correspondence, conformity; equinox.
  • p024 parı̋ku, courtesan.
  • pár-tɘpą̋no, cotton fabric. (< pa̋rti, cotton)
–tɘnę̋to, cotton thread.
-ṭőni, adj. (made of) cotton.
  • p025 pa̋s-a, 1. t.v. hasten, hurry, speed, rush. 2. i.v. make haste, hasten, (be in a) hurry, hurl, hurtle, speed, rush.
–a, haste, speed.
–a̋ta, i.v. scamper.
–e, intrj. Come on!
–i, adj. hasty.
–vi, adj. hastily.
  • p026 pa̋u-i, adj. few, not much/many; a few.
-vi, adv. less.
  • p027 pa̋us-a, 1. t.v. let-, -loose, -go (off), -on, -out, release, dump; let off; tap, broach, rack; launch. 2. i.v. launch.
-a, release; letting off.
-lo, tap, spigot, faucet.
-o, sluice, lock [canal], half-door.
  • p028 pa̋v-a, 1. t.v. flake, chip. 2. i.v. flake, chip off.
-i, adj. flaky.
-o, flake, chip, flock [of hair, wool, etc.].
  • p029 pa̋x-a, 1. t.v. close (down), shut; block, obstruct, occlude, restrict, blockade. 2. i.v. close, shut; be in the way.
-a̋ƶo, blockade.
–i, adj. closed.
-o, blockage, obstruction, occlusion.
–tyɱi, adj. astringent, styptic.
–t̬i, astringent.
  • p030 pę̋-a, 1. t.v. suffer, bear, endure, stand, undergo, put up with. 2. i.v. suffer, bear (up), endure.
–a, sufferance, endurance.
–ga̋udo, ordeal.
-i, adj. longsuffering.
-ȝi, adj. sufferable, bearable, endurable.
  • p031 pę̋-da, t.v. impoverish.
-di, adj. needy, indigent, poor, impecunious.
-du, pauper.
–ðdǫ̋a, almsgiving.
–ðdǫ̋o, alms.
-ðta, need, indigence, poverty.
  • p032 pę̋k-a, 1. t.v. design, plan. 2. i.v. design, plan.
–o, design, plan; suit [cards].
  • p033 pę̋l-a, 1. t.v. fill-, (-up), (-in); charge; occupy [space or time], comply. 2. i.v. fill (up), be full of.
-~, -ful, e.g., k̬espę̋lo, basketful.
–(ɘl)o, funnel.
–(ɘl)u, occupant.
-i, adj. full, filled, replete.
-kı̋o, inlaid work.
-o, fill, filling, packing.
–ri, adj. plentiful.
-ta, fullness.
–vi, adv. fully, at length.
  • p034 pę̋ɱ-i, adj. tangy, zesty.
-ta, tanginess, zest.
  • p035 pę̋n-a, t.v. foster.
-ða̋mu, foster family.
-mą̋ma, foster mother.
-ta̋ta, foster father.
–ƶǫ̋n=u, foster parent.
=aþu, foster child.
  • p036 pe̋-da, 1. t.v. step on, set-, place-, have-, -one's foot on. 2. i.v. step.
-da, footing.
–da̋tu, pedestrian.
–do, step.
–ðbőto, nadir.
–ðf̣ǫ̋lo, footpath, foot-way.
–ðmi, adj. -footed, pedate.
–ðɱi, adj. pedal.
–ðni, adj. pedate.
–ðsą̋bo, footprint, footmark.
–ðsę̋pa, foot-hold.
-ðsı̋vlo, pedal, treadle.
–ðsőþlu, foot soldier.
–ðsőþlus, infantry.
–ðše̋no, footfall, footstep.
–ðþőlo, footbridge.
-ðvi, adv. afoot, on foot.
  • p037 pe̋-ga, 1. t.v. flank- (-on). 2. i.v. flank, go to the side.
–ga, postp. to-, at-, -the side of.
-go, side, flank.
-ᵹða̋mu, collateral family.
-ᵹmi, adj. –sided.
-ᵹɱi, adj. side, lateral.
-ᵹvi, adv. abreast, side-by-side.
  • p038 pe̋isa, 1. t.v. tread-, trample-, -down. 2. i.v. stampede.
  • p039 pel-, adj. prefix for pale colors, e.g., pelxűli, pale yellow.
  • p040 pe̋l-a, 1. t.v. fold, pleat, crease. 2. i.v. fold, crease.
-do, a big piece of fabric.
-i, adj. folded, pleated, creased.
-o, fold, pleat, crease.
  • pelőnv-i, adj. dovelike, columbine. (< pelőnve, dove)
-ı̋ȝo, flight-, flock-, -of pigeons.
  • p041 pempe̋l-u, giant.
-i, adj. gigantic.
  • p042 pe̋n, adj. five.
-ca̋to, pentathlon.
–e̋n=o, quinquennium.
=mi, adj. five years old.
=ɱi, adj. quinquennial.
-o, quintet, pentad.
-s, adv. five times.
–ti, adj. fifth.
–úru, adv. five at a time.
  • pe̋n-a, i.v. purr. (< pe̋na, spin)
–o, purr.
  • p043 pe̋nta, t.v. meet-, fall in-, -with; hit upon, come across, run-, -across, -into.
  • p044 péru, adv. forth, out(side).
  • per-k̬őni, adj. oak, oaken. (< perk̬i, oak, Quercus robur)
-xɘce̋ti, adj. firm as an oak.
  • p045 pe̋-ta, 1. t.v. fly. 2. i.v. fly.
-ta, flight, flying.
–tantes, the flying ones [the sixth order of living beings].
-þlu, airman, aviator, pilot.
  • p046 pe̋þ-a, t.v. pinch, tweak.
–o, pinch, twinge.
  • p047 pe̋uda, 1. t.v. be-, -busy with, -involved-, -engaged-, -in, get into. 2. i.v. be-, -busy, -occupied, -involved, -engaged.
-a, busyness, involvement.
–i, adj. busy, engaged, involved.
  • p048 pe̋x-a, 1. t.v. embarrass, abash. 2. i.v. be embarrassed.
-a, embarrassment, abashment.
-i, adj. embarrassed.
  • p049 pe̋z-a, t.v. bone.
–zbą̋no, ossuary.
–zęrmőlno, bonemeal.
–zɱi, adj. bony, osseous, pertaining to bone.
–zni, adj. bony, osseous, resembling bone.
-zsı̋ðo, bone charcoal.
-zus, the solid-bone people, i.e., the Children of Air, Earth and Rock.
–żőni, adj. bony, osseous, made of bone.
  • p050 pı̨̋c-a, 1. t.v. tear-, break-, pull-, wrench-, -off, take apart, dismantle; mangle, botch. 2. i.v. break away, snap.
  • p051 pı̨̋l-a, 1. t.v. flap, tap. 2. i.v. flap, tap.
–o, flap, tap.
  • p052 pı̨̋m-a, 1. t.v. fatten. 2. i.v. fatten, batten.
-i, adj. fat, fatty, plump, adipose, stout.
-o, fat.
  • p053 pı̨̋n-a, t.v. mint, coin.
–de̋mo, mint.
–i, adj. pecuniary.
-ı̋ȝo, coinage.
-lu, minter, moneyer.
–o, money, currency.
-ri, adj. pecunious.
-ų̋ra, mintage, coinage.
  • p054 pı̨̋pa, i.v. chirp, cheep, peep, twitter.
  • p055 pı̨̋-ra, t.v. desire, feel like.
-ra, desire.
–rsi, adj. promising.
-ri, adj. desirous.
-ṙi, adj. desirable.
  • p056 pı̨̋-ta, t.v. collect [sap].
–ta, sap-tapping month (Feb 19-Mar 20).
–to, sap, syrup.
  • p057 pı̋da, t.v. bear, bring forth, give birth to, birth [of animals].
-e, neonate [of animals].
  • p058 pı̋ð-a, 1. t.v. elongate, lengthen, prolong, protract. 2. i.v. elongate, lengthen.
-a, elongation, prolongation, protraction.
-i, adj. long [distance]; prolonged, protracted, lengthy; fig. remote.
-o, length; duration; mora.
-pı̋sta, feud.
  • p059 pı̋-ka, t.v. pitch, caulk.
-ki, pitchy.
-ko, pitch.
-xma̋ƶo, turpentine.
  • p060 pı̋n-a, 1.' t.v. diminish, decrease, abate, lessen; foreshorten. 2. i.v. wane, fall (off), subside.
-a, decrease, diminution, foreshortening.
-dı̨̋to, epoch.
-ða̋mu, nuclear family.
-e̋su, elemental.
-i, adj. little, small, infra-.
-o, trifle.
-rı̋lu, minor [under age].
-rų̋no, small letter.
-ta, littleness, smallness, minority.
-vi, adv. a little (bit).
  • p061 pı̋nto, surface.
  • p062 pı̋s-a, t.v. (reduce to) pulp, mash, purée.
-i, adj. pulpy.
-o, pulp, mash; purée.
  • p063 pı̋xo, node, nodule; knob.

n064 pı̋z-a, i.v. slip, skid, slide.

-i, adj. slippery.
-o, slick.
-ta, slipperiness.
  • p065 pǫ̋ȝ-a, 1. t.v. drink (in), imbibe. 2. i.v. drink, imbibe.
-i, adj. potable, drinkable.
  • p066 pǫ̋-ka, i.v. do mischief.
-ki, adj. mischievous.
-ko, mischief.
–xlu, mischiefmaker.
  • p067 pǫ̋-la, t.v. imitate, mimic, impersonate, copy, mime.
–(ɘl)u, mime, mimic.
-lo, imitation, copy.
–ḷi, adj. imitable.
  • p068 pǫ̋r-a, t.v. insult, affront.
-i, adj. insulting, outrageous, derogatory.
-o, insult, outrage, affront (to, do).
  • p069 pǫ̋ugu, specter, wraith.
  • p070 pǫ̋us-i, adj. insolent, impudent.
–ta, insolence, impudence.
  • p071 pǫ̋z-a, 1. t.v. split (off). 2. i.v. split (off).
-i, adj. fissile.
–o, split.
  • p072 pőd-a, 1. t.v. powder, pulverize, triturate. 2. i.v. pulverize, powder.
–o, powder.
  • p073 pőf-a, 1. t.v. pant, puff, snort. 2. i.v. pant, puff, snort, breathe heavily.
-o, puff, snort.
  • p074 pőg-a, 1. t.v. strangle. 2. i.v. strangle.
–gɘᵹa̋vo, stranglehold.
–ᵹlu, strangler.
  • p075 pől-a, 1. t.v. (make) warm. 2. i.v. be warm.
-a, warmness, warmth.
–(ɘl)o, heater.
-i, adj. warm; ~ űta, be warm [of a loquent being].
-sę̋ᵹ=e, homoiotherm, warm-blooded animal.
=i, adj. warm-blooded, homoiothermous, homoiothermal.
  • p076 pőł-o, tail; queue, string [of people]; train [of dress].
-i, adj. -tailed.
  • p077 pőm-a, t.v. embrace, put one's arm around, hug.
-o, embrace, hug.
  • p078 pőɱ-o, pearl.
–ka̋ði, adj. pearl-studded.
  • p079 pőn-a, 1. t.v. bud. 2. i.v. bud, gemmate.
–ka̋ði, adj. covered with buds.
–mi, in bud, budding, gemmate.
-o, bud, burgeon gemma, gemmule.
  • p080 pőᵹl-a, i.v. have hands stiff with cold.
-o, stiff cold hand.
  • p081 pőr-i, adj. just, honest, just, straight-forward, candid, frank.
-ta, justice, honesty, sincerity, candidness, candor, frankness.
–vi, adv. downright.
  • p082 pór-u, adv. forward(s), onward, to-, toward-, -the front; ~k̬e puk̬e, back and forth.
-ca̋þɱu, vanguard.
–na̋ka, i.v. look forward, expect.
  • p083 pós-a, postp. after, behind, by, following.
–ǧema̋ha, day after tomorrow.
-i, adj. future, aftertime.
–i, conj. after.
-lőɱna, afternoon.
–me̋to, aftermath.
-na̋kaþo, background.
-ta, future.
-u, adv. afterward(s), subsequently, at a later time, then, hereafter, one-, some-, -day, by and by, ahead.
  • p084 pő-ta, t.v. watch (out for), keep, mind, keep an eye on.
–ta, vigilance, custody.
-ti, adj. watchful, vigilant, mindful, alert.
-to, watch.
-þlu, keeper, guardian, custodian, warden.
–þta, mindfulness, alertness.
  • p085 pótu, adv. namely, that is (to say), of course, to wit.
  • p086 pőu-gi, adj. pure, unmixed, unalloyed, undefiled, sterling, sound, chaste.
-gu, virgin.
-ᵹta, pureness, chastity.
pőul-ri, adj. infested with fleas. (< pőule, flea)
-sı̨̋ȝo, fleabite.
  • p087 pőu-ti, adj. equivalent, commensurate (to, with, méta).
-þta, equivalence.
  • p088 pőx-i, adj. flabby, flaccid.
-ta, flaccidity, flabbiness.
  • p089 pőza, i.v. pour (down).
  • p090 pɔ̋ca, t.v. grub-, root-, -up.
  • p091 pɔ̋l-a, 1. t.v. ejaculate. 2. i.v. gush-, spout-, (-forth, -up); ejaculate.
–a, ejaculation.
-o, gusher, geyser; ejaculation.
  • p092 pɔ̋n-a, i.v. fart silently.
-o, silent fart.
  • p093 pų̋-a, 1. t.v. rot, decompose, decay, putrefy. 2. i.v. rot, decompose, decay, putrefy, spoil, addle.
-i, adj. rotten, decayed, putrid, spoiled.
-ȝi, adj. putrescible.
–ɱi, adj. musty.
-o, dry rot.
-ta, rottenness, decomposition, decay, putrefaction.
-ta̋lo, compost.
  • p094 pų̋ð-a, t.v. brood, incubate.
-e, brood.
-k̬e̋so, incubator.
  • p095 pų̋lo, large sum, great number, batch, host.
  • p096 pų̋m-a, t.v. explore.
-lu, explorer.
  • p097 pų̋na, t.v. mount [a steed].
  • p098 pų̋r-a, t.v. stone [fruit], take out the kernel.
-ɱi, adj. nuclear.
-o, kernel, stone [of fruit]; nucleus.
  • p099 pų̋s-a, outside, exterior.
-ą̋ro, outer space.
–i, adj. outer, outside, outward, exterior; foreign.
-u, outsider, foreigner.
  • p100 pų̋þ-a, i.v. think.
–o, thought.
  • p102 pu, adv. back, backward(s), aback.
-i, adj. retro-.
  • p103 pű-ca, 1. t.v. crowd-, press-, -together, compress, concentrate, condense, consolidate. 2. i.v. mat; concentrate, condense, consolidate.
-ca, compression, concentration, condensation, consolidation.
–cıta, compressibility.
-co, condensation.
–cőuto, stillsuit.
-ċi, adj. compressible, reducible.
  • p104 pűd-a, 1. t.v. touch ([up]on), contact. 2. i.v. touch, contact.
–da, touch, contact.
-di, adj. tactile.
-ḍi, adj. tangible, tactile.
–ðve̋uda, t.v. palpate.
  • p105 pűf-a, i.v. gust.
-o, gust.
  • p106 pű-ȝo, back, rear.
-ica̋þɱu, rearguard.
–ȝi, adj. back, rear.
  • p107 pű-ki, adj. very hairy, shaggy, thick-wooled.
-kőko, tail [with long hair], brush [of foxes].
-ku, the hairy one [Xylans].
–xɱi, adj. vulpine, pertaining to-, characteristic of-, -foxes.
–xni, adj. vulpine, foxy, like a fox.
  • p108 pű-la, 1. t.v. divide, part, sever, sunder, disconnect; resolve, partition. 2. i.v. divide, part, sever, sunder; resolve.
–la, division, severance, disconnection, partition; resolution; mez~, The Great Sundering.
–laþu, Sundered One.
–laþƶę̋no, hyphen.
–(ɘl)o, particle.
–lne̋msa, percentage.
–lo, part, stretch [journey].
-ḷi, adj. divisible.
  • p109 pűɱa, 1. t.v. suffocate. 2. i.v. suffocate.
  • p110 pűᵹo, hollow in a tree.
  • p111 pűr-a, 1. t.v. bore through, drill. 2. i.v. bore, drill.
–lo, bore, borer, drill.
  • p112 pűrk-a, t.v. lasso.
–ɘlo, lasso.
  • p113 puva̋ło, feast when kill is brought home.
  • p114 ṗa̋v-a,1. t.v. boast. 2. i.v. boast, vaunt, brag.
-i, adj. boastful, vaunting.
-lu, braggard.
-o, boast, vaunt.
  • p115 ṗűd-a, t.v. enlighten.
–a, enlightenment.
  • p116 ṗűrs-a, 1. t.v. result in, pass [test]. 2. i.v. do right, come about, succeed, manage, turn out to be, work (out).
-i, adj. successful; resultant.
–i, conj. with the result that, that.
-o, success; result(s), issue, outcome.
  • p117 ṗűs-a, 1. t.v. sprinkle, besprinkle, drizzle. 2. i.v. sprinkle.
–lo, sprinkler, aspergillum.
-o, sprinkle.
  • p118 ṗű-ta, t.v. create, bring into being.
–ta, creation.
–þlu, creator.