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Senjecas crafts and industry: Difference between revisions

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m (Revisions.)
(Vocabulary revisions. Pronunciation table added.)
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{|class="wikitable" style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
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b /b/
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d /d/
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ƶ /ʣ/
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g /ɟ~g/
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v /β/
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ð /ð/
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z /z/
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ᵹ /ç~ʝ
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m /m/
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l /l/
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n /n/
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ȝ /j/
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==crafts & industry - ų̋rask̬e műkak̬e==
==crafts & industry - ų̋rask̬e műkak̬e==

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*003 '''cą̋na''', ''t.v.'' chisel.
*003 '''cą̋na''', ''t.v.'' chisel.
::'''cą̋nlo''', chisel.
::'''cą̋nlo''', chisel.
::'''cą̋nlu''', chiseler.
::'''cą̋nlu, chiseler.
*004 '''cómocı̋ȝo''', pickaxe.
*004 '''ce̋da ''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' forge, cast, found. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' forge.
*005 '''comǫ̋ro''', stone hammer.
::'''ceda̋uxo''', furnace
*006 '''ča̋no''', enamel.
::'''ceðda̋ro''', forge, smithy, foundry.
*007 '''ðe̋iha''', ''i.v.'' pug, knead clay and-, -build-, -smear-, with it, puddle.
::'''ceðlu''', foundry worker
*005 '''cómocı̋ȝo''', pickaxe.
*006 '''comǫ̋ro''', stone hammer.
*007 '''ča̋no''', enamel.
*008 '''ðe̋iha''', ''i.v.'' pug, knead clay and-, -build-, -smear-, with it, puddle.
::'''ðe̋ihi''', ''adj.'' clayey, argillaceous.
::'''ðe̋ihi''', ''adj.'' clayey, argillaceous.
::'''ðe̋ihlo''', form, mold.
::'''ðe̋ihlo''', form, mold.
::'''ðe̋iho''', clay.
::'''ðe̋iho''', clay.
*008 '''ðrą̋fnos''', tools, implements, equipment  utensils.
*009 '''ðűva''', ''t.v.'' nail, fasten with pegs; stretch [''a canvas''].
*009 '''ðűva''', ''t.v.'' nail, fasten with pegs; stretch [''a canvas''].
::'''ðuvde̋nco''', pliers.
::'''ðuvde̋nco''', pliers.
::'''ðűvo''', nail, stud, tack; peg.
::'''ðűvo''', nail, stud, tack; peg.
*010, '''e̋þa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' quilt. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' quilt.
*010 '''e̋þa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' quilt. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' quilt.
::'''eflu''', quilter.
::'''eflu''', quilter.
::'''e̋þa''', quilting.
::'''e̋þa''', quilting.
Line 37: Line 123:
::'''fı̨̋xi''', ''adj.'' raspy.
::'''fı̨̋xi''', ''adj.'' raspy.
::'''fı̨̋xlo''', file, ratchet, rasp.
::'''fı̨̋xlo''', file, ratchet, rasp.
::'''fį(xɘ)xe̋rdo''', filiings.
::'''fį(xɘ)xe̋rdo, filiings.
*012 '''fı̋ȝa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' spindle. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' spindle.
*012 '''fı̋ȝa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' spindle. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' spindle.
::'''fɪ̨̋lo''', spindle.
::'''fɪ̨̋lo''', spindle.
Line 49: Line 135:
*016 '''gę̋sa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' plane. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' plane.
*016 '''gę̋sa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' plane. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' plane.
::'''gę̋slo, plane.
::'''gę̋slo, plane.
*017 '''gőrma''', ''t.v.'' weave wicker.
*017 '''gőma''', ''t.v.'' weave wicker.
::'''górmɘk̬ę̋so''', wicker basket.
::'''gomk̬ę̋so''', wicker basket.
::'''górmɘse̋do''', wicker chair.
::'''gomse̋do''', wicker chair.
::'''gormı̋ȝo''', wicker(work).
::'''gomı̋ȝo''', wicker(work).
::'''gőrmɘlu''', wicker maker.
::'''gőmlu''', wicker maker.
::'''gőrmo''', wicker.
::'''gőmo''', wicker.
*018 '''gų̋pa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' mine. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' mine.
*018 '''gų̋pa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' mine. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' mine.
::'''gufle̋ga''', seepage.
::'''gufle̋ga''', seepage.
Line 67: Line 153:
*020 '''ȝą̋ka''', ''i.v.'' make-, dip-, -candles.
*020 '''ȝą̋ka''', ''i.v.'' make-, dip-, -candles.
::'''ȝąka̋mo''', candlestick, candleholder.
::'''ȝąka̋mo''', candlestick, candleholder.
::'''ȝą̋xlu''', chandler
::'''ȝą̋ko''', candle.
::'''ȝą̋ko''', candle.
::'''ȝąxgı̋ȝo''', candlemark.
::'''ȝąxgı̋ȝo''', candlemark.
::'''ȝąxle̋uko''', candlelight
::'''ȝąxle̋uko''', candlelight
::'''ȝą̋xlu''', chandler
*021 '''ȝőda''', ''t.v.'' tan, dress [''a hide'']
*021 '''ȝőda''', ''t.v.'' tan, dress [''a hide'']
::'''ȝőda''', tannage.
::'''ȝőda''', tannage.
Line 78: Line 164:
::'''ȝőðt̬i''', tannin.
::'''ȝőðt̬i''', tannin.
::'''kaðk̬e̋so''', basket with a lid.
::'''kaðk̬e̋so''', basket with a lid.
*022 '''kı̋pa''', ''t.v.'' comb, card.
*022 '''kǫ̋ɱa''', ''i.v.'' pass the shuttle back and forth, shuttle.
::'''kı̋flo''', carding-, -comb, -brush.
*023 '''kǫ̋ɱa''', ''i.v.'' pass the shuttle back and forth, shuttle.
::'''kǫ̋ɱlo''', shuttle.
::'''kǫ̋ɱlo''', shuttle.
*024 '''kőɱa ''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' forge. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' forge.
*023 '''kǫ̋na''', ''i.v.'' work in leather.
::'''koɱda̋ro''', forge, smithy.
::'''kǫ̋n(ɘn)i''', ''adj.'' leathern, leathery, resembling leath¬er.
*025 '''kǫ̋na''', ''i.v.'' work in leather.
::'''kǫ̋n(ɘn)i''', ''adj.'' leathern, leathery, resembling leather.
::'''kǫnma̋lt̬i''', dubbin.
::'''kǫnma̋lt̬i''', dubbin.
::'''kǫ̋no''', leather.
::'''kǫ̋no''', leather.
::'''kǫ̋nlu''', leather worker.
::'''kǫ̋nlu''', leather worker.
::'''kǫṅőni''', ''adj.'' leathern, (made of) leather.
::'''kǫṅőni''', ''adj.'' leathern, (made of) leather.
*026 '''kőnta''', ''i.v.'' weave [''a birch bark basket''].
*024 '''kőnta''', ''i.v.'' weave [''a birch bark basket''].
::'''kőnto''', birch bark basket.
::'''kőnto''', birch bark basket.
*027 '''kɔ̋ɱa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' hew-, cleave-, -with an axe. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' brandish an axe.
*025 '''kɔ̋ɱa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' hew-, cleave-, -with an axe. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' brandish an axe.
::'''kɔ̋ɱlu''', axeman.
::'''kɔ̋ɱlu''', axeman.
::'''kɔ̋ɱo''', (single-bladed) axe, hatchet.
::'''kɔ̋ɱo''', (single-bladed) axe, hatchet.
*028 '''kűð̣a''', ''t.v.'' found, cast.
*026 '''k̬e̋sa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' weave (a basket). '''2.''' ''i.v.'' weave (a bas¬ket).
::'''kuðɪde̋mo''', foundry.
::'''kűðɪro''', furnace.
::'''kűðɪlu''', foundry worker.
*029 '''k̬e̋sa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' weave (a basket). '''2.''' ''i.v.'' weave (a basket).
::'''k̬esų̋ra''', basketry.
::'''k̬esų̋ra''', basketry.
::'''k̬esı̋ȝo''', basketry.
::'''k̬esı̋ȝo''', basketry.
::'''k̬e̋slu''', basket maker.
::'''k̬e̋slu''', basket maker.
::'''k̬e̋so''', basket, hamper.
::'''k̬e̋so''', basket, hamper.
*030 '''k̬ɔ̋sa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' carpenter. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' carpenter.
*027 '''k̬ɔ̋sa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' carpenter. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' carpenter.
::'''k̬ɔsų̋ra''', carpentry.
::'''k̬ɔsų̋ra''', carpentry.
::'''k̬ɔ̋slu, carpenter.
::'''k̬ɔ̋slu''', carpenter.
*031 '''ḳűfa''', ''t.v.'' weave [''silk''].
*028 '''ḳűfa''', ''t.v.'' weave [''silk''].
::'''ḳufnų̋lo''', silk thread.
::'''ḳufnų̋lo''', silk thread.
::'''ḳűfi''', ''adj.'' silken, silky.
::'''ḳűfi''', ''adj.'' silken, silky.
::'''ḳuf̣őṅi''', ''adj.'' made of silk.
::'''ḳuf̣őṅi''', ''adj.'' made of silk.
::'''ḳűfo''', silk (fabric).
::'''ḳűfo''', silk (fabric).
*032 '''la̋ða''', ''t.v.'' carve, sculpt.
*029 '''la̋ða''', ''t.v.'' carve, sculpt.
::'''laðų̋ra''', carving, sculpting.
::'''laðų̋ra''', carving, sculpting.
::'''la̋ðlu''', carver, sculptor.
::'''la̋ðlu''', carver, sculptor.
::'''la̋ðo''', carving, sculpture, statue.
::'''la̋ðo''', carving, sculpture, statue.
*033 '''la̋uða''', ''t.v.'' (cover with-, line with-, weigh with-) –lead.
*030 '''la̋uða''', ''t.v.'' (cover with-, line with-, weigh with-) –lead.
::'''lauðvą̋lo''', lead foil.
::'''lauðvą̋lo''', lead foil.
*'''lęfka̋ilo''', trowel.
*'''lęfka̋ilo''', trowel.
*'''le̋iɱlo''', plane.
*'''le̋iɱlo''', plane.
*034, '''lı̨̋ga''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' fashion, model, throw [''a pot''], make [''clothes''], work [''wood, stone'']. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' model.
*031, '''lı̨̋ga''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' fashion, model, throw [''a pot''], make [''clothes''], work [''wood, stone'']. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' model.
::'''lı̨̋ᵹlu''', potter.
::'''lı̨̋go''', figure, build, frame, stature, configuration.
::'''lı̨̋go''', figure, build, frame, stature, configuration.
::'''lı̨́gųrą̋gu''', ceramicist.
::'''lı̨́gųrą̋gu''', ceramicist.
::'''lįgų̋ra''', ceramics, pottery.
::'''lįgų̋ra''', ceramics, pottery.
::'''lɪ̨̋ᵹlu''', potter.
::'''lı̨̋ᵹmo''', model, pattern, last.
::'''lı̨̋ᵹmo''', model, pattern, last.
::'''lįᵹre̋þo''', potter's wheel.
::'''lįᵹre̋þo''', potter's wheel.
*035, '''lőca''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' saw. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' saw.
*032, '''lőca''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' saw. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' saw.
::'''lőslo''', saw.
::'''lőslo''', saw.
::'''lőslu''', sawyer.
::'''lőslu''', sawyer.
*036 '''łőma''', ''i.v.'' tell stories, spin yarns.
*033 '''lőna''', ''t.v.'' drill
::'''lőnlo''', drill.
*034 '''łőma''', ''i.v.'' tell stories, spin yarns.
::'''łőmlu''', storyteller, fable writer.
::'''łőmlu''', storyteller, fable writer.
::'''łőmo''', legend, fable, tale, saga, story, tradition.
::'''łőmo''', legend, fable, tale, saga, story, tradition.
*037 '''lőna''', ''t.v.'' drill
*035 '''męmsa̋ðro''', flesh side of a hide
::'''lőnlo''', drill.
*036'''mę̋ga''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' knit. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' knit.
*038 '''męmsa̋ðro''', flesh side of a hide
*'''mę̋ga''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' knit. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' knit.
::'''mę̋ᵹlo''', knitting needle.
::'''mę̋ᵹlo''', knitting needle.
*039 '''ṁa̋xo''', pelt, fell.
*037 '''ṁa̋xo''', pelt, fell.
::'''ṁaxı̋ȝo''', peltry.
::'''ṁaxı̋ȝo''', peltry.
*040 '''ṁűxco''', mallet.
*038 '''ɱerte̋no ''', distaff.
*041 '''ɱerte̋no''', distaff.
::'''ɱértenűlo''', distaff fly-wheel.
::'''ɱértenűlo''', distaff flywheel.
*039 '''nų̋la''', ''t.v.'' thread.
*042 '''nų̋la''', ''t.v.'' thread.
::'''nų̋lo''', thread.
::'''nų̋lo''', thread.
*043 '''ṅa̋mo''', large earthenware vessel for tanning hides.
*040, '''ṅe̋ma''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' jewel, bejewel. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' make jewelry.
*044, '''ṅe̋ma''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' jewel, bejewel. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' make jewelry.
::'''ṅemı̋ȝo''', jewelry.
::'''ṅemı̋ȝo''', jewelry.
::'''ṅe̋mlu''', jeweler, lapidary.
::'''ṅe̋mlu''', jeweler, lapidary.
::'''ṅe̋mo''', jewel, gem.
::'''ṅe̋mo''', jewel, gem.
*045 '''ṅų̋na''', ''i.v.'' use an adze.
*041 '''ṅų̋na''', ''i.v.'' use an adze.
::'''ṅų̋nlo''', adze.
::'''ṅų̋nlo''', adze.
*'''ṅasǫ̋ro''', muslin, cheesecloth.
*'''ṅasǫ̋ro''', muslin, cheesecloth.
*046 '''ǫ̋ra''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' weave. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' weave.
*042 '''ǫ̋ra''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' weave. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' weave.
::'''ǫra̋lo''', weaver's beam, warp beam.
::'''ǫra̋lo''', weaver's beam, warp beam.
::'''ǫre̋mo''', batten, lathe of the loom.
::'''ǫre̋mo''', batten, lathe of the loom.
Line 160: Line 236:
::'''ǫ̋rlu''', weaver, webster.
::'''ǫ̋rlu''', weaver, webster.
::'''ǫ̋ro''', fabric, cloth, textile, material, stuff.
::'''ǫ̋ro''', fabric, cloth, textile, material, stuff.
::'''ork̬a̋pu''', cloth merchant.
::'''ǫrų̋ra''', (the art of) weaving.
::'''ǫrų̋ra''', (the art of) weaving.
*047 '''ǫ̋rda''', ''i.v.'' set up a warp.
*043 '''ǫ̋rda''', ''i.v.'' set up a warp.
::'''ǫ̋rdɘlo''', heddle.
::'''ǫ̋rdɘlo''', heddle.
::'''ǫ̋rdo''', warp.
::'''ǫ̋rdo''', warp.
*048, '''pa̋þa''', ''t.v.'' use a loom comb.
*044, '''pa̋þa''', ''t.v.'' use a loom comb.
::'''pa̋þlo''', comb of a loom.
::'''pa̋þlo''', comb of a loom.
*049 '''pela̋bo''', figure made of stone or clay, statue, figurine
*045 '''pela̋bo''', figure made of stone or clay, statue, figurine
*050 '''pe̋na''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' spin. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' spin.
*046 '''pe̋na''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' spin. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' spin.
::'''penre̋þo''', spinning wheel.
::'''penre̋þo''', spinning wheel.
::'''pe̋nlo''', spinning orifice, spinneret.
::'''pe̋nlo''', spinning orifice, spinneret.
Line 176: Line 251:
*'''ᵹénȝarų̋ra''', etching.
*'''ᵹénȝarų̋ra''', etching.
::'''ᵹenȝa̋ro''', etching.
::'''ᵹenȝa̋ro''', etching.
*051 '''sa̋ǧa''', ''i.v.'' weave [''a bamboo basket''].
*047 '''sa̋ǧa''', ''i.v.'' weave [''a bamboo basket''].
::'''sa̋ǧo''', bamboo basket.
::'''sa̋ǧo''', bamboo basket.
*052 '''sa̋ita''', ''i.v.'' weave a net.
*048 '''sa̋ita''', ''i.v.'' weave a net.
::'''sa̋ito''', net.
::'''sa̋ito''', net.
::'''sa̋iþlu''', weaver.
::'''sa̋iþlu''', weaver.
::'''sausűfno''', kiln.
*'''sausa̋uxo''', kiln.
*053 '''ṡa̋ba ''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' use an awl on. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' use an awl.
*049 '''ṡa̋ba ''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' use an awl on. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' use an awl.
::'''ṡa̋vlo''', awl, pricker, bodkin.
::'''ṡa̋vlo''', awl, pricker, bodkin.
*054 '''ṡų̋a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' sew, stitch, tack, suture. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' sew, stitch.
*050 '''ṡų̋a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' sew, stitch, tack, suture. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' sew, stitch.
::'''ṡų̋a''', sewing.
::'''ṡų̋a''', sewing.
::'''ṡųcı̨̋ro''', hem.
::'''ṡųcı̨̋ro''', hem.
Line 193: Line 268:
::'''ṡų̋o''', stitch.
::'''ṡų̋o''', stitch.
::'''ṡų̋þo''', seam, suture.
::'''ṡų̋þo''', seam, suture.
*'''te̋mlo''', hammer.
*'''te̋mlo''', hammer,
*'''te̋mlɘƶo''', sledge hammer.
::'''te̋mlɘƶo''', sledge hammer.
*055 '''te̋nta''', ''t.v.'' string ['beads''].
*051 '''te̋nta''', ''t.v.'' string [''beads''].
::'''te̋nto, string.
::'''te̋nto''', string.
*056 '''ų̋ra''', ''t.v.'' craft; compose, draft.
*052 '''ta̋ko''', hide
*053 '''ų̋ra''', ''t.v.'' craft; compose, draft.
::'''ų̋ra''', craft, technique, art.
::'''ų̋ra''', craft, technique, art.
::'''ų̋rlo''', craft tool.
::'''ų̋rlo''', craft tool.
Line 203: Line 279:
::'''ų̋ro''', object crafted; work of art; composition.
::'''ų̋ro''', object crafted; work of art; composition.
::'''ų̋ros''', the arts.
::'''ų̋ros''', the arts.
*057 '''ve̋da''', ''t.v.'' glaze, glass.
*054 '''űza''', ''t.v.'' comb, card
::'''űzlo''', carding-, -comb, -brush
*055 '''ve̋da''', ''t.v.'' glaze, glass.
::'''ve̋da''', glazing.
::'''ve̋da''', glazing.
::'''vedı̋ȝo''', glassware.
::'''vedı̋ȝo''', glassware.
::'''ve̋do''', glass.
::'''ve̋do''', glass.
::'''ved̹őni''', ''adj.'' made of glass, glassy, vitreous.
::'''veḍőni''', ''adj.'' made of glass, glassy, vitreous.
::'''veðbőko''', glass wool.
::'''veðbőko''', glass wool.
::'''veðda̋ro''', glassworks.
::'''veðda̋ro''', glassworks.
Line 215: Line 293:
::'''veðle̋mo''', glass shard.
::'''veðle̋mo''', glass shard.
::'''ve̋ðlo''', microscope slide.
::'''ve̋ðlo''', microscope slide.
::'''ve̋ðlu''', glassmaker, glazier.
::'''ve̋ðlu''', glass-maker, glazier.
::'''veðmę̋lo''', glassblower's pipe.
::'''veðmę̋lo''', glassblower's pipe.
::'''ve̋ðni''', ''adj.'' glasslike, glassy, vitreous.
::'''ve̋ðni''', ''adj.'' glasslike, glassy, vitreous.
::'''veðsı̨̋mlo''', glass cutter.
::'''veðsı̨̋mlo''', glass cutter.
::'''veðte̋mlu''', glassblower.
::'''veðte̋mlu''', glassblower.
::'''veðxe̋rdo''', glass splinter.
::'''veðxe̋rdo, glass splinter.
*058 '''xa̋da''', ''t.v.'' scrape hide.
*056 '''xa̋da''', ''t.v.'' scrape hide.
::'''xa̋ðlo''', hide scraper, ulu.
::'''xa̋ðlo''', hide scraper, ulu.
*059 '''zőmo''', gore, gusset.
*057 '''xe̋ma''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' tool. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' tool.
*060 '''ƶı̋ro''', anvil.
::'''xe̋mo''', tool, implement, utensil.
::'''xe̋mos''', equipment.
*058 '''zőmo''', gore, gusset.
*059 '''ƶı̋ro''', anvil.

Revision as of 17:54, 21 December 2015

  Bilabial Dental Alveolar Palatal
Plosives p /p/

b /b/

t /t/

d /d/

c /ʦ/

ƶ /ʣ/

k /c~k/

g /ɟ~g/

Spirants f /ɸ/

v /β/

þ /θ/

ð /ð/

s /s/

z /z/

x /ç~x/

ᵹ /ç~ʝ

Sonorants ɱ /m̥/

m /m/

ł /l̥/

l /l/

r /ɾ̥/

n /n/

h /ȷ̊/

ȝ /j/

  Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
Close i /i/ u /u/
Near-close ı /ɪ/ y /ʊ/
Mid ɘ /ə/
Close-mid e /e/ o /o/
Open a /a/ ɔ /ɑ/

crafts & industry - ų̋rask̬e műkak̬e

  • 001 a̋uma, i.v. mine coal.
aumda̋ro, colliery.
aumgų̋po, coal mine.
aumle̋ᵹo, coal seam.
a̋umlu, coal-miner, collier.
a̋umo, coal; carbon.
aumpı̋ko, (coal) tar.
aumpı̋ki, adj. tarry, tarried.
aumpı̋xɱi, adj. tarred.
  • aisȝą̋ko, taper.
  • 002 bőko, wool.
boxpı̨̋mo, lanolin.
boxše̋ido, suint.
  • buma̋ko, bellows.
  • 003 cą̋na, t.v. chisel.
cą̋nlo, chisel.
cą̋nlu, chiseler.
  • 004 ce̋da , 1. t.v. forge, cast, found. 2. i.v. forge.
ceda̋uxo, furnace
ceðda̋ro, forge, smithy, foundry.
ceðlu, foundry worker
  • 005 cómocı̋ȝo, pickaxe.
  • 006 comǫ̋ro, stone hammer.
  • 007 ča̋no, enamel.
  • 008 ðe̋iha, i.v. pug, knead clay and-, -build-, -smear-, with it, puddle.
ðe̋ihi, adj. clayey, argillaceous.
ðe̋ihlo, form, mold.
ðe̋iho, clay.
  • 009 ðűva, t.v. nail, fasten with pegs; stretch [a canvas].
ðuvde̋nco, pliers.
ðűvo, nail, stud, tack; peg.
  • 010 e̋þa, 1. t.v. quilt. 2. i.v. quilt.
eflu, quilter.
e̋þa, quilting.
e̋þo, quilt.
  • fersa̋po, thimble,
  • 011 fı̨̋xa, t.v. file, rasp.
fı̨̋xi, adj. raspy.
fı̨̋xlo, file, ratchet, rasp.
fį(xɘ)xe̋rdo, filiings.
  • 012 fı̋ȝa, 1. t.v. spindle. 2. i.v. spindle.
fɪ̨̋lo, spindle.
  • 013 fűþo, woof.
  • 014 f̹őra, 1. t.v. screw. 2. i.v. screw.
f̣őro, screw.
  • 015 f̣űka, 1. t.v. embroider. 2. i.v. embroider
f̣ukų̋ra, embroidery.
f̣űxlu, embroiderer.
f̣űko, embroidered item.
  • 016 gę̋sa, 1. t.v. plane. 2. i.v. plane.
gę̋slo, plane.
  • 017 gőma, t.v. weave wicker.
gomk̬ę̋so, wicker basket.
gomse̋do, wicker chair.
gomı̋ȝo, wicker(work).
gőmlu, wicker maker.
gőmo, wicker.
  • 018 gų̋pa, 1. t.v. mine. 2. i.v. mine.
gufle̋ga, seepage.
gų̋po, mine.
gų̋flu, miner.
  • 019 ı̨̋ða, t.v. turn on a lathe.
įðda̋ro, turnery.
įðı̋ȝo, turnery.
ı̨̋ðlo, lathe.
ɪ̨̋ðlu, turner.
įðų̋ra, turnery.
  • 020 ȝą̋ka, i.v. make-, dip-, -candles.
ȝąka̋mo, candlestick, candleholder.
ȝą̋ko, candle.
ȝąxgı̋ȝo, candlemark.
ȝąxle̋uko, candlelight
ȝą̋xlu, chandler
  • 021 ȝőda, t.v. tan, dress [a hide]
ȝőda, tannage.
ȝod(ɘd)e̋mo, tannery.
ȝődo, tanned hide.
ȝőðlu, tanner.
ȝőðt̬i, tannin.
kaðk̬e̋so, basket with a lid.
  • 022 kǫ̋ɱa, i.v. pass the shuttle back and forth, shuttle.
kǫ̋ɱlo, shuttle.
  • 023 kǫ̋na, i.v. work in leather.
kǫ̋n(ɘn)i, adj. leathern, leathery, resembling leath¬er.
kǫnma̋lt̬i, dubbin.
kǫ̋no, leather.
kǫ̋nlu, leather worker.
kǫṅőni, adj. leathern, (made of) leather.
  • 024 kőnta, i.v. weave [a birch bark basket].
kőnto, birch bark basket.
  • 025 kɔ̋ɱa, 1. t.v. hew-, cleave-, -with an axe. 2. i.v. brandish an axe.
kɔ̋ɱlu, axeman.
kɔ̋ɱo, (single-bladed) axe, hatchet.
  • 026 k̬e̋sa, 1. t.v. weave (a basket). 2. i.v. weave (a bas¬ket).
k̬esų̋ra, basketry.
k̬esı̋ȝo, basketry.
k̬e̋slu, basket maker.
k̬e̋so, basket, hamper.
  • 027 k̬ɔ̋sa, 1. t.v. carpenter. 2. i.v. carpenter.
k̬ɔsų̋ra, carpentry.
k̬ɔ̋slu, carpenter.
  • 028 ḳűfa, t.v. weave [silk].
ḳufnų̋lo, silk thread.
ḳűfi, adj. silken, silky.
ḳuf̣őṅi, adj. made of silk.
ḳűfo, silk (fabric).
  • 029 la̋ða, t.v. carve, sculpt.
laðų̋ra, carving, sculpting.
la̋ðlu, carver, sculptor.
la̋ðo, carving, sculpture, statue.
  • 030 la̋uða, t.v. (cover with-, line with-, weigh with-) –lead.
lauðvą̋lo, lead foil.
  • lęfka̋ilo, trowel.
  • le̋iɱlo, plane.
  • 031, lı̨̋ga, 1. t.v. fashion, model, throw [a pot], make [clothes], work [wood, stone]. 2. i.v. model.
lı̨̋go, figure, build, frame, stature, configuration.
lı̨́gųrą̋gu, ceramicist.
lįgų̋ra, ceramics, pottery.
lɪ̨̋ᵹlu, potter.
lı̨̋ᵹmo, model, pattern, last.
lįᵹre̋þo, potter's wheel.
  • 032, lőca, 1. t.v. saw. 2. i.v. saw.
lőslo, saw.
lőslu, sawyer.
  • 033 lőna, t.v. drill
lőnlo, drill.
  • 034 łőma, i.v. tell stories, spin yarns.
łőmlu, storyteller, fable writer.
łőmo, legend, fable, tale, saga, story, tradition.
  • 035 męmsa̋ðro, flesh side of a hide
  • 036mę̋ga, 1. t.v. knit. 2. i.v. knit.
mę̋ᵹlo, knitting needle.
  • 037 ṁa̋xo, pelt, fell.
ṁaxı̋ȝo, peltry.
  • 038 ɱerte̋no , distaff.
ɱértenűlo, distaff fly-wheel.
  • 039 nų̋la, t.v. thread.
nų̋lo, thread.
  • 040, ṅe̋ma, 1. t.v. jewel, bejewel. 2. i.v. make jewelry.
ṅemı̋ȝo, jewelry.
ṅe̋mlu, jeweler, lapidary.
ṅe̋mo, jewel, gem.
  • 041 ṅų̋na, i.v. use an adze.
ṅų̋nlo, adze.
  • ṅasǫ̋ro, muslin, cheesecloth.
  • 042 ǫ̋ra, 1. t.v. weave. 2. i.v. weave.
ǫra̋lo, weaver's beam, warp beam.
ǫre̋mo, batten, lathe of the loom.
ǫ̋rlo, loom.
ǫ̋rno, web, webbing.
ǫ̋rlu, weaver, webster.
ǫ̋ro, fabric, cloth, textile, material, stuff.
ǫrų̋ra, (the art of) weaving.
  • 043 ǫ̋rda, i.v. set up a warp.
ǫ̋rdɘlo, heddle.
ǫ̋rdo, warp.
  • 044, pa̋þa, t.v. use a loom comb.
pa̋þlo, comb of a loom.
  • 045 pela̋bo, figure made of stone or clay, statue, figurine
  • 046 pe̋na, 1. t.v. spin. 2. i.v. spin.
penre̋þo, spinning wheel.
pe̋nlo, spinning orifice, spinneret.
penve̋do, spun glass.
  • perḷőmo, history, chronicle.
pérḷomą̋gu, historian, chronicler.
  • ᵹénȝarų̋ra, etching.
ᵹenȝa̋ro, etching.
  • 047 sa̋ǧa, i.v. weave [a bamboo basket].
sa̋ǧo, bamboo basket.
  • 048 sa̋ita, i.v. weave a net.
sa̋ito, net.
sa̋iþlu, weaver.
  • sausa̋uxo, kiln.
  • 049 ṡa̋ba , 1. t.v. use an awl on. 2. i.v. use an awl.
ṡa̋vlo, awl, pricker, bodkin.
  • 050 ṡų̋a, 1. t.v. sew, stitch, tack, suture. 2. i.v. sew, stitch.
ṡų̋a, sewing.
ṡųcı̨̋ro, hem.
ṡųe̋ro, eye of a needle.
ṡųų̋ra, needlework, stitchery.
ṡų̋lo, [sewing] needle.
ṡųlu, seamster.
ṡų̋o, stitch.
ṡų̋þo, seam, suture.
  • te̋mlo, hammer,
te̋mlɘƶo, sledge hammer.
  • 051 te̋nta, t.v. string [beads].
te̋nto, string.
  • 052 ta̋ko, hide
  • 053 ų̋ra, t.v. craft; compose, draft.
ų̋ra, craft, technique, art.
ų̋rlo, craft tool.
ųr̋lu, craftsman, artisan, draftsman.
ų̋ro, object crafted; work of art; composition.
ų̋ros, the arts.
  • 054 űza, t.v. comb, card
űzlo, carding-, -comb, -brush
  • 055 ve̋da, t.v. glaze, glass.
ve̋da, glazing.
vedı̋ȝo, glassware.
ve̋do, glass.
veḍőni, adj. made of glass, glassy, vitreous.
veðbőko, glass wool.
veðda̋ro, glassworks.
veðɪ̋la, 1. t.v. vitrify. 2. i.v. vitrify.
veðɪ̋la, vitrification, vitrescence.
veðɪ̋li, adj. vitrescent.
veðle̋mo, glass shard.
ve̋ðlo, microscope slide.
ve̋ðlu, glass-maker, glazier.
veðmę̋lo, glassblower's pipe.
ve̋ðni, adj. glasslike, glassy, vitreous.
veðsı̨̋mlo, glass cutter.
veðte̋mlu, glassblower.
veðxe̋rdo, glass splinter.
  • 056 xa̋da, t.v. scrape hide.
xa̋ðlo, hide scraper, ulu.
  • 057 xe̋ma, 1. t.v. tool. 2. i.v. tool.
xe̋mo, tool, implement, utensil.
xe̋mos, equipment.
  • 058 zőmo, gore, gusset.
  • 059 ƶı̋ro, anvil.