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= Ålkavat (alphabet) =
= Ålkavat (alphabet) =
The Arkhéan Alphabet is known as the Ålkavat, the name of which came from the first four letters of Arkhæn's predecessor, Valerjao[væl'ɛɹwo]. The letters were Ál, Ka, Vāw and Hīt.
The Arkhéan Alphabet is known as the Ålkavat, the name of which came from the first four letters of Arkhéan's ancestor language, Verkhaza. The letters were Ál, Ka, Vāw and Hīt.
The script consists of 33~35 letters, 10 of which are vowels.
The script consists of 33~35 letters, 10 of which are vowels.

Revision as of 07:33, 15 November 2013

Arkhéan [aɾ.'ke.n̩] or Arkhéo [aɾ.'ke.o] is a language spoken by the nation of Arkhéo. The language has gone through many chnges and spelling reforms, and it will continue to evolve.


Before Arkæo became it's own nation, It was a part of larger country know Verkhazi. This nation was a gloabal superpower in the continent of Se'Ashiran and ruled the Verkhazi Empire. However, eventually through fierce resistance from it's enemies, The Khamuhiyot Nation, the empire faced eventual collapse, and the nation was split into two; one nation became Arkhæo, and the other became Chanar /'ʃænaɹ/

Ålkavat (alphabet)

The Arkhéan Alphabet is known as the Ålkavat, the name of which came from the first four letters of Arkhéan's ancestor language, Verkhaza. The letters were Ál, Ka, Vāw and Hīt. The script consists of 33~35 letters, 10 of which are vowels.


Listed below are the phonetics as they are pronounced in roman script.


Vowel Phonemes
Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
Close i ɨ u
Close-mid e o
Mid ə
Open-mid ɛ ɔ
Open a ɒ
IPA Letter Example
ɒ a bra,father, lot, cot
a å tap, bat, bad
ɛ e bet
e é bay, face
o o road
ɔ ó or, for, cot
ə u under
u ů zoo
ɨ y roses
i ý bee
i cry
ɔɪj oj boy, joy
  • Vowel "A" becomes /ə/ when unstressed.
Followed by an R...
IPA letters Example
ɪər ýr ear, fear
ɛər ĕr air, fair
ɔr or for, pour
ɛr yr butter


  • /æ/ is an allophone of /a/, word initially
  • /ɐ/ is an allophone of /ə/ when followed by plosives.
  • /ɪ/ is an allophone of /ɨ/ when it is word-initial.


Consonant Phonemes
Bilabial Labio-


Dental Alveolar Post-




Velar Uvular Glottal
hard soft hard soft hard soft
Nasal m n ɲ
Stop p b pʲ bʲ t d tʲ dʲ k ɡ kʲ ɡʲ
Affricate t͡s d͡z t͡sʲ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ t͡ɕ
Fricative f v s z ʃ ʒ ɕ ʑ x χ h
Approximant j
Rhotic Consonant r [1]
Lateral l
Lateral Trill
  1. The Arkhéan [r] can be either an Alveolar Approximant [ɹ] or an Alveolar Tap [ɾ], as both consonant sounds are used in Free-Variation, meaning they can be used interchangeably without changing the meaning of the word, and only relies on the preference of the speaker.
IPA Letter Example

(in english)

m m met
ḿ or mj music
n n name
ɲ ň or nj new
p p pot
ṕ or pj pure
b b ban
ƃ or bj no english equvalent
t t tan
ţ or tj no english equivalent
r r ran, red, rot, car
d d dad
ƌ or dj dew, adeiu
k k sky
q cute
x ǩ loch
g g gone
ǵ or gj argue
d͡ʒ judge
f f fat
v v van
ts c bats
tsʲ ć or cj no english equivalent
s s sun
ś or sj no english equivalent
z z zeal
ʃ š shun
ʒ ž pleasure
h h head
l l lad
ŀ no english equivalent
č cheese
χ ȟ no english equivalent
d͡z dz beds