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Tsakxa lexicon: Difference between revisions

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:''paʔe'' - child, class 1
:''paʔe'' - child, class 1
:''pasak'' - cooking-pot, class 2
:''pasak'' - cooking-pot, class 2
:''Puku'' - God (''PUKU'' - 'the LORD')
:''rat'' - chest, class 1
:''rat'' - chest, class 1
:''rata'' - viscera, class 1
:''rata'' - viscera, class 1

Revision as of 13:06, 2 December 2010


angxa - tree, class 1
angxangxa - copse, class 1
atete - knife, class 1
engqa - fly, class 1
esuse - buttock, class 1
fasha - year, class 2
kangqa - beast, class 1
kutqu - cave, class 1
kur - town, class 1
lele - hand, class 1
laqe - finger or thumb, class 2
leshe - female reproductive organs, class 1
mama - person, class 2
maya - mother, class 2
matu - maternal uncle, class 2
masu - maternal aunt, class 2
pan - wolf, class 1
paʔe - child, class 1
pasak - cooking-pot, class 2
Puku - God (PUKU - 'the LORD')
rat - chest, class 1
rata - viscera, class 1
resat - stomach, bowels, class 2
sat - a hut, class 1 or 2
sesu - sister, class 1
sewa - girl, class 1
shuwe - paternal aunt, class 1
shuma - mouth, class 1
shuna - ear, class 1
sapaspa - tent village, class 1 or 2
sungxe - foot, class 1
suqa - leg, class 1
suqaqe - toe, class 1
sute - bear, class 1
tu - brother, class 1
tap - eye, class 2
tata - father, class 1
ʔaqa - penis, class 2
ʔenxu - a body of hair, fur, class 1
ʔuwe - nose, class 1
qa - arm, class 1
qewa - strand of hair, class 2
quwe - paternal uncle, class 1
umut - gift, class 1
wa - boy/youth, class 1
waspa - tent, class 2
wan - meat, class 2


- 3ps
su - 1ps
tunxa - many
uʔ- - 2ps

Adjectives and adverbs

keq - dead
metqa - huge
pangxu - last year
patangqa - tomorrow
pesh - wealthy
qunxu - pretty, attractive, feminine
tune - strange
wa - young
wapesa - bald
wasa - blue or green
weq - long (in terms of time), long-lasting
weqeq - eternal


as-aq - to walk
aq - to walk (intransitive)
enxa - to eat (generic)
kaq - to sit down
lulu - to mock
miqat - to enjoy
ngqu - to command
nutu - to shoot
nxa - to eat
p - to be, locative copula. Takes no aspect suffixes.
paʔ - to strike
ta - to see (imperative root sang)
tafa - to flee
tashet - to read
tas-ta - to look (imperative root sang)
tek - say
te-sa - think
tunqa - sleep deeply, to lie comatose
tusha - to kill
utshu - to die
seweq - be intended for
unutu - curse
wa-ak - to go
wes - to eat a meal, to dine, to feast (only applied to humans)
yuyut - to cut


ush-u - moving away, away
nas-u - be able to
tuq-u - must, have to, necessarily
aʔ-u - intensifier

Derivative suffixes

-angxa - generic suffix. Creates 'group' and is used in generic situations Mamangxa wen enxu semiqatungxu - people love eating meat
-(V)ya - added to verbs to create a agent noun (enxa-ya - an eater)
-(V)tu - added to verbs to create a patient noun (miqat-tu - something that is enjoyed)
-(V)ta - added to verbs to create a dative noun (tasha-ta - recipient, someone to whom something is sent)
se- - feminine prefix. Causes lenition.

Conjunctions and particles

aqa - asserts the masculine dominance of the speaker
naq - anyhow, anyway, despite the preceding utterance
suʔa - etc, and so on
yen - and


2 Kings 2:23-24

23E Eleyesakxa wa Beteyelatqe utak. As-aʔ tusu aʔem asas saqte kurut wangxakxa telulu wa tak. "A-suʔ tafa, wapesa!", uwu. "A-suʔ tafa, wapesa!"
23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!”

E Eleyesa-kxa wa Beteyel-atqe ut-ak. As-aʔ tusu aʔ-em as-as sa-aq-te kur-ut wa-ngxa-kxa te-lulu-u wa ta-ak. "A-suʔ ta-afa, wapesa!", uwu. "A-suʔ ta-afa, wapesa!"
there Elisha go0 Bethel-ADESS ABL-go0. 3ps road 3ps-TOPIC go0~IMPERF1 COM3-go0-TEMP+1 town-ABL youth-PAUC-ERG ABS-3-mock0-CONJ+3 come0 LAT3-come0. 2ps ABL-flee0, bald, say0. 2ps ABL-flee0, bald.

24 As-wa aʔ ushu tastas sama PUKUQA sunutunxayen. Angxangxa wa sutetekxa utak wangxa natafana stushanxayen.
24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.

As-wa aʔ ush-u tas-tas sa-ma as-wa PUKU-qa se-unutu-nxa-yen. Angxangxa wa sute-t-ekxa ut-ak wa-ngxa na-tafa-na se-tusha-nxa-yen.
3pp 3ps turn0-CONJ3 look0~IMPERF1 LOC3-look0 3pp GOD-dat ABS-3-curse0-PERF1-and3. Forest come0 bear-PLU-ERG ABL3-come0 boy-PAUC two-twenty-two ABS-3-kill0-PERF+1-and+3.