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It is Kelvin Jackson's turn.
It is Peter Bleackley's turn.

===Possible Participants===
===Possible Participants===

Revision as of 22:53, 20 March 2010

The Round Robin Romlang is a collaborative conlang founded by Kenner Gordon, inspired by the Round Robin Conlang. In the Round Robin Romlang, participants take turns adding sound changes to be applied to Latin.

More Specific Rules

Each participant takes turns adding a sound change, in the order of the Current Participants list below. No turns may be taken unless there are at least four current participants.


Current Participants

It is Peter Bleackley's turn.

Possible Participants

These people have displayed interest, but ambiguously; they may or may not actually wish to join.

  • Karen Badham
  • Benct Philip Jonsson

Former Participants

Sound Changes

Each of the "stages" below represents a full round, except the first, which is a group of sound changes from Classical Latin to approximate Vulgar Latin.

Stage 1

  • a: > a
  • e > ɛ
  • e: > e
  • i > e
  • i: > i
  • o > ɔ
  • o: > o
  • u > o
  • u: > u
  • y > i
  • y: > i
  • ai > ɛ
  • oi > e
  • n > Ø / _(f,v,s)
  • h > Ø
  • w > β
  • b > β / V_(V,r)
  • m > Ø / _#
  • m > n / in certain monosyllabic words
  • (e,i) > j / _V
  • u > w / _V
  • VV > V
  • V > ˈV / ˈ(i,e)_
  • V > ˈV / _C*ˈuV

Stage 2

  • [fricative] > Ø / V_V
  • n > r / V_V
  • g > ɣ / V_(V, r)
  • s(p,t,k) > (b,d,g)

Stage 3

  • (k,g) > (ʧ,ʤ) / _(front vowel)
  • s > h / #_V
  • u > ʉ
  • a > æ / _[+anterior]
  • e > ɞ

Stage 4

  • i > ʉ
  • ɛ > æ
  • [single stop] > [fricative] / (V, r, l)_V
  • β > h / _(unstressed vowel)
  • l > λ

Stage 5

  • j > λ
  • (kw, gw) > (p, b)
  • o > u
  • (ˈʉ,ˈɞ) > (ˈy,ˈœ)
  • u > ɯ

Stage 6

  • a > ɑ / #_
  • ɣ > v
  • ɔ > ɤ
  • (ʉ,ɞ,a) >∅ / _[+sonorant]
  • λ > ʎ̥˔

Stage 7

  • s > Ø / _#
  • [alveolar]r > [retroflex]
  • [geminate consonant] > [single consonant]
  • (y,œ) > (i,ɛ) / [-labial]_[-labial]
  • r > ʟ

Stage 8

  • ʟ > l
  • h > ħ / _a
  • h > ç / _[front vowel]
  • (ʉ,ɞ) > (u, ɔ)
  • ɑ > ɒ

Stage 9

  • l > λ > ʎ̥˔
  • h > Ø
  • (ɯ, ɤ) > (ɨ, ɜ)
  • VV > VɾV
  • u > ʏ

Stage 10

  • ɨ > ə
  • ɜ > ʌ
  • ɔ > o
  • ʎ̥˔ > çl > _V
  • ø > ɵ

Stage 11

  • æ > ja
  • ə > ∅ /_#
  • ç > j / V_[voiced consonant, V}
  • ʎ̥˔ > lç > V_
  • ʌ > ɔ

Stage 12

  • back vowel > front vowel / #_
  • (çl, lç) > ɬ
  • tj, dj > ʧ, ʤ


Perhaps we could allow people to do grammatical changes (i.e. "Syntax changes to V2", "Nominative becomes ergative and accusative becomes absolutive", etc.) instead of sound changes if they wish. DCliche 23:56, 9 March 2010 (UTC)

I've taken the liberty of posting conjugation and declension tables so that we may see what peoposed grammatical changes may be based on. Kicgan Vekei 17:10, 10 March 2010 (UTC)
Based on what the sounds changes have produced, I think these changes, at the very least, have happened:
  • Elimination of ablative case in both nouns and pronouns
  • Elimination of accusative case in nouns, but keeping it in pronouns
  • Merging dative case with genitive in nouns
  • Merging ɛ, æa, ɛd with ɛk, æk, ɤk
  • Elimination of vocative case in nouns and pronouns

What think ye? Kicgan Vekei 19:36, 11 March 2010 (UTC)

Sounds good; what would the new dato-genitive case be called, though? DCliche 20:12, 13 March 2010 (UTC)

The dato-genitive case would probably be called "indirect."

What about the verbs?

I'm working on those right now, actually. Once I'm done I'll put up a list of proposals. Kicgan Vekei 22:47, 14 March 2010 (UTC)

I'm not quite done yet, but I suggest that ħ spread among all imperfect endings and ç spread among all perfect endings by analogy. What think ye? Kicgan Vekei 03:16, 15 March 2010 (UTC)
Makes sense. DCliche 19:27, 19 March 2010 (UTC)


girl f.
Singular Plural
Nominative pəjajla pəjajlja
Indirect pəjajlja pəjajlaʎ
field m.
Singular Plural
Nominative kamp kampi
Indirect kampi kampəjl
ɬjak, ɬjavɛ
king m.
Singular Plural
Nominative ɬjak ɬjavɛ
Indirect ɬjavɛ ɬjav
hand f.
Singular Plural
Nominative majl majli
Indirect majli man
thing f.
Singular Plural
Nominative ɬɛ ɬɛ
Indirect ɬjai ɬɛjl
First Person Second Person
I m. and f.

we m. and f.
thou m. and f.
ye m. and f.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative ɛvɛ ti βə
Genitive mjai nɛsʈ təi βesʈ
Dative mi nəji tɛjɛ βəji
Accusative βə
—, əi
himself, herself
itself, oneself, themselves
Genitive əi
Dative çɛjɛ
Accusative çɛ
who? m. and f.
what? n. only
Nominative pa pjad
Genitive tʃijl tʃijl
Dative kəja kəja
Accusative pɛn pjad
ɛk, jak, ɛk
this, this one
ɛjlɛ, ɛjla, ɛjləd
that, that one
Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative ɛk i jak ja ɛk jak ɛjlɛ ɛjli ɛjla ejlja ɛjləd ɛjla
Genitive əjl əjl əjl ɒjl əjl əjl ɛjli ɛjləjl ɛjli ejlajl ɛjli ɛjləjl
Dative əɛk i əɛk i əɛk i ɛjli ɛjli ɛjli ɛjli ɛjli ɛjli
Accusative ənk ə ɒnk ɒ ɛk jak ɛjl ɛjl ɛjla ɒjla ɒjləd ɛjla

Relative pronouns

pi, pjaæ, pəd
who, which, that
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative pi pi pja pja pəd pja
Genitive tʃijl pəjl tʃijl pajl tʃijl pəjl
Dative kəja pi kəja pi kəja pi
Accusative pɛn pan pa pod pja


Indicative mood, active voice, present tense
pɔɬtajlja ʧajlɛjlja pjasɛjlja auzijlja
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
First Person pɔɬt pɔɬtam ʧajljaɾ ʧajlɛm pjas pjasim auzɛɾ auzim
Second Person pɔɬta pɔɬtasɛ ʧajlɛ ʧajlɛsɛ pjasɛ pjasɛsɛ auzi auzisɛ
Third Person pɔɬtat pɔɬtant ʧajljat ʧajljant pjasɛt pjasint auzɛt auzjaənt
Indicative mood, active voice, imperfect tense
pɔɬtajlja ʧaçlɛjlja pjasɛjlja auzijlja
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
First Person pɔɬtaħa pɔɬtaβam ʧajlɛħa ʧajlɛβam pjasɛħa pjasɛβam auzjaɛħa auzjaɛβam
Second Person pɔɬtaħa pɔɬtaβasɛ ʧajlɛħa ʧajlɛβasɛ pjasɛħa pjasɛβasɛ auzjaɛħa auzjaɛβasɛ
Third Person pɔɬtaħat pɔɬtaħant ʧajlɛħat ʧajlɛħant pjasɛħat pjasɛħant auzjaɛħat auzjaɛβant
Indicative mood, active voice, perfect tense
pɔɬtaβɛsja ʧajləɾɛsja pɛtɛβɛsja auzɛβɛsja
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
First Person pɔɬtaji pɔɬtajɛm ʧajləɾi ʧajləɾim pjasiji pjasijimja auziji auzijɛm
Second Person pɔɬtaβɛsti pɔɬtaβɛstɛ ʧajləɾɛsti ʧajləɾɛstɛ pjasiβɛsti pjasiβɛstɛ auziβɛsti auziβɛstɛ
Third Person pɔɬtaut pɔɬtaβɛjlənt ʧajləɾɛt ʧajləɾɛjlənt pjasijɛt pjasiβɛjlənt auzijɛt auziβɛʎənt
Indicative mood, active voice, pluperfect tense
pɔɬtaβɛsja ʧajləɾɛsja pjasɛβɛsja auzɛβɛsja
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
First Person pɔɬtajjajla pɔɬtajjajlam ʧajləɾjajla ʧajləɾjajlam pjasijjajla pjasijjajlam auzijjajla auzijjajlam
Second Person pɔɬtajjajla pɔɬtajjajlasɛ ʧajləɾjajla ʧajləɾjajlasɛ pjasijjajla pjasijjajlasɛ auzijjajla auzijjajlasɛ
Third Person pɔɬtajjajlat pɔɬtajjajlant ʧajləɾjajlat ʧajləɾjajlant pjasijjajlat pjasijjajlant auzijjajlat auzijjajlant
Indicative mood, active voice, future tense
pɔɬtajlja ʧajlɛjlja pjasɛjlja auzijlja
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
First Person pɔɬtaɾ pɔɬtaɾɛm ʧajlɛɾ ʧajlɛɾɛm pjasa pjasɛm auzɛɾa auzɛɾɛm
Second Person pɔɬtaɾɛ pɔɬtaɾɛsɛ ʧajlɛɾɛ ʧajlɛɾɛsɛ pjasɛ pjasɛsɛ auzɛɾɛ auzɛɾɛsɛ
Third Person pɔɬtaɾɛt pɔɬtaɾənt ʧajlɛɾɛt ʧajlɛɾənt pjasjat pjasjant auzɛɾjat auzɛɾjant
Indicative mood, active voice, future perfect tense
pɔɬtajlja ʧajlɛjlja pjasɛjlja auzijlja
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
First Person pɔɬtajjajl pɔɬtaβjajlɛm ʧajləɾjajl ʧajləɾjajlɛm pjasɛjjajlə pjajlsɛjjajlɛm auzijjajlə auzijjajlɛm
Second Person pɔɬtajjajlɛ pɔɬtaβjajlɛsɛ ʧajləɾjajlɛ ʧajləɾjajlɛsɛ pjasɛjjajlɛ pjasɛjjajlɛsɛ auzijjajlɛ auzijjajlɛsɛ
Third Person pɔɬtajæʎɛt pɔɬtaβjajlɛnt ʧajləɾjajlɛt ʧajləɾjajlɛnt pjasɛjjajlɛt pjasɛjjajlɛsɛ auzijjajlɛt auzijjajlɛnt