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==Swé wámejis?==
==Swot étoljenajot ervec? - Where were you on holiday?==

- Sofronis: Déno nóšfadžo, lástnejn!<br>
- Mark: Ehoj, Pétr!<br>
- Marie: Déno nóšfadžo!<br>  
- Pétr: Ehoj, Mark! Swot étoljenajot ervec?<br>  
- Sofronis: Málajč ér. Kí Sofronis eru. Ši rí swé wámejis?<br>
- Mark: Nókum onás stuvás kijunywon lájačanetu rójevu, ši počle nwínás.<br>
- Marie: Marie wámus. Málajč ér. Swád ery, Sofronis?<br>
- Pétr: Swíz nwínot ervec?<br>
- Sofronis: Elladajád. Ši rí?<br>
- Mark: Ód ono tóčovo dó onas džistóč paljovás juljú.<br>
- Marie: Fransád.<br>
- Pétr: Swé ó vréma erev?.<br>
- Sofronis: Ši hí, mé ér?<br>
- Mark: Vnosum méra erev? keldžov, lošžwin...<br>
- Marie: Hí Ana Elladajád ér. Čwesačan ér. Kí kokwe.<br>
- Pétr: <br>
- Sofronis: Kí kokwe čwesačan eru. Ši lak mon, mé er?<br>
- Mark: <br>
- Marie: Ó lást Petru. Ó popítačan láncu ér.<br>
- Pétr: <br>

- Sofronis: Good morning, mrs.!<br>
- Marie: Good morning!<br>
- Sofronis: Nice to meet you (lit. ''It's a pleasure''). I am Sofronis. What's your name (lit. ''How are you called?'')<br>
- Marie: My name's Marie (lit. ''I am called Marie''). Nice to meet you. Where are you from, Sofronis?<br>
- Sofronis: From Greece. And you? (''courtesy form'')<br>
- Marie: From France.<br>
- Sofronis: And she, who is she?<br>
- Marie: She is Ana from Greece. She's student. And me too (lit. ''I also'').<br>
- Sofronis: And I am a student too. And this man, who is he?<br>
- Marie: Mr. Petru. He's (the) teacher of Lantian.<br>
==Máke rijunon twák ér?==
- L. Brown: Rýžač, lást, popítačan ery?<br>
- L. Asenov: Ét, popítačan ét eru!<br>
- L. Brown: Máke rijunon twák ér?<br>
- L. Asenov: Indžineren twaču, ýbo čuk inglišoko čwesu. Ši rí, mé ery?<br>
- L. Brown: Kí Henry Brown eru, biznesmén. Málajč ér!<br>
- L. Asenov: Málajč ér, Hristo Asenov. Swád ery, lást Brown?<br>
- L. Brown: Núčelačýd Mjáwejýd Amerikaw (''alt.'': NMA-jád)! Ši rí, swád ery?<br>
- L. Asenov: Bylgariajád aču!<br>
- Mr. Brown: Sorry (lit. ''Excuse''), mister, are you teacher?<br>
- Mr. Asenov: No, I am not teacher!<br>
- Mr. Brown: What is your job?<br>
- Mr. Asenov: I work as engineer, but now I am studying English. And you, who are you?<br>
- Mr. Brown: I am Henry Brown, business man. Nice to meet you!<br>
- Mr. Asenov: Nice to meet you, Hristo Asenov. Where are you from, mr. Brown?<br>
- Mr. Brown: From the United States of America (''alt.'': from USA)! And you, where are you from?<br>
- Mr. Asenov: I come from Bulgaria!<br>
==Swot ó lást Petru ér?==
- Ln. Peta: Déno nóšfadžo!<br>
- L. Vine: Déno nóšfadžo!<br>
- Ln. Peta: Ono lásto Petruwo tyrcu. Rí ery?<br>
- L. Vine: Ét, ét eru.<br>
- Ln. Peta: Lak ó bjuró onu lástu Petrú ér?<br>
- L. Vine: De! Ét krópuc. Ó lást Petru lakot néremot twače, ýbo čuk ét ajér<br>
- Ln. Peta: Ši swot ér?<br>
- L. Vine: Šiko néremo sáljej?<br>
- Ln. Peta: Mákewo?<br>
- L. Vine: Pjuvot onot voremožot!<br>
- Ln. Peta: De?<br>
- L. Vine: Lak ó bjuró onu direktoru ér. Ó lást Petru kájot ér. Ýbo pu-dénum zao ájot kánjač<br>
- Ln. Peta: Dénum. Džanu!<br>
- L. Vine: Dólbu!<br>
- Mrs, Peta: Good morning!<br>
- Mr. Vine: Good morning!<br>
- Mrs. Peta: I am looking for mr. Petru. It is you?<br>
- Mr. Vine: No, it's not me.<br>
- Mrs. Peta: Is this the office of mr. Petru?<br>
- Mr. Vine: Yes! You're not wrong. Mr. Petru works in this room, but now there isn't.<br>
- Mrs. Peta: And where is he?<br>
- Mr. Vine: Do you see that room?<br>
- Mrs. Peta: Which one?<br>
- Mr. Vine: On the right in the corridor!<br>
- Mrs. Peta: Yes?<br>
- Mr. Vine: That's the office of the director. Mr. Petru is there. Ma it's better if you wait for him here (lit. ''but better wait for him here'')<br>
- Mrs. Peta: Well. Thank you!<br>
- Mr. Vine: You're welcome!<br>
==Mó toljuc?==
- Hristo: Ehoj, Marie!<br>
- Marie: Ehoj, Hristo! Dénum okátjáv! Asátj!<br>
- Hristo: Džanu! Swé erc? Mó toljuc?<br>
- Marie: Dénum eru. Džanu! Lójyo porejoy láncot čwesu.<br>
- Hristo: Vnosy eruk?<br>
- Marie: Ét! Majtaftóč minutyt sgoton tekersu.<br>
- Hristo: Vnosyo porejoy ply znodžec ši dénum lánco malžec!<br>
- Marie: Džanu! Ervomš méske vnosum ralu ši nočalum láncot ša láncyen vjéšajeyn malžu.<br>
- Hristo: Gnawtum! Swot Ana ér?<br>
- Marie: Tálenawrot ér. Skjáwandžijo čwese. Ájot na 18.00 h. tekerse.<br>
- Hristo: Dénum. Ájot hijo tekánjesu.<br>
- Hristo: Hello, Marie!<br>
- Marie: Hello, Hristo! Welcome! Come in!<br>
- Hristo: Thank you! How are you? What are you doing?<br>
- Marie: I'm fine. Thanks! I'm studying new words in Lantian.<br>
- Hristo: Are they many?<br>
- Marie: No! I'll be ready in fifteen minutes.<br>
- Hristo: You already know many words and speak well Lantian!<br>
- Marie: Džanu! Maybe because I read very much and I speak only Lantian with Lantian friends.<br>
- Hristo: Sure! Where is Ana?<br>
- Marie: She's in the library. She's studying biology. She will be here at 6.00 pm.<br>
- Hristo: Good. I'll wait for her here.<br>

Revision as of 03:52, 2 September 2009

Swot étoljenajot ervec? - Where were you on holiday?

- Mark: Ehoj, Pétr!
- Pétr: Ehoj, Mark! Swot étoljenajot ervec?
- Mark: Nókum onás stuvás kijunywon lájačanetu rójevu, ši počle nwínás.
- Pétr: Swíz nwínot ervec?
- Mark: Ód ono tóčovo dó onas džistóč paljovás juljú.
- Pétr: Swé ó vréma erev?.
- Mark: Vnosum méra erev? keldžov, lošžwin...
- Pétr:
- Mark:
- Pétr:

Bány čésy nálu ši medol in dignità e diritti lačukis. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza.