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== Morphology ==
== Morphology ==

'''''Note with regard to spelling:'''''
''The written language of the literate Roman inhabitants of Germania was Classical Latin. Proto-Northern Romance was never transcribed, but rather was the local spoken dialect of Vulgar Latin.''
''As any spelling of Proto-Northern Romance is purely hypothetical, it allows a certain freedom when transcribing the language. For this reason, and ease of reading, modern spelling conventions are used in transcribing the semivowels /j/ and /w/ and those sounds not present in Classical Latin.''
:/j/       ''j''
:/w/       ''w''
:/θ/       ''th''
:/ð/       ''dh''
:/x/       ''ch''
''The Proto-Northern Romance phoneme'' /b/ ''was pronounced either as frictaive'' [β] ''or stop'' [b]'', depending on position (see phonology). Both allophones here are transcribed as ''b''. Similarly ''/g/'', which could be'' [ɣ] ''or'' [g]'', is transcribed as ''g''.''
=== Nouns ===
=== Nouns ===
Latin's seven case system had reduced to four in Proto-Northern Romance – nominative, accusative, genitive and dative.

The neuter gender was lost, neuter nouns on the whole being reanalysed as masculine.
==== 1st Declension ====
==== 1st Declension ====

===== Group I =====
Mainly feminine, with some masculine exceptions. Derived from Latin 1st and 5th declensions.
{{shaded table| title=1st Declension – Group I | cols=4 }}
|||''Nominative''||– a||– as
|||''Accusative''||– a||– as
|||''Genitive''||– ā||– ār
|||''Dative''||– ā||– īs
The following Latin paradigms decline per the above (starred forms are presumed/attested in Vulgar Latin):
:* {{SC|terra, terrae}}
:* {{SC|*dia, *diae}} (< {{SC|*diēs, diēī}})
:* {{SC|*Aenēa, Aenēae}} (< {{SC|*Aenēas, Aenēae}})
:* {{SC|*Anchīsa, Anchīsae}} (< {{SC|*Anchīses, Anchīsae}})
=====Group II =====
Feminine. Derived from Latin 1st declension.
{{shaded table| title=1st Declension – Group II | cols=4 }}
|||''Nominative''||– ||– as
|||''Accusative''||– ||– as
|||''Genitive''||– s||– ār
|||''Dative''||– ā||– īs
The following Latin paradigm declines per the above:
:* {{SC|crambē, crambes}}
==== 2nd Declension ====
==== 2nd Declension ====
=====Group I =====
Masculine, including originally neuter Latin nouns. Derived from Latin 3rd declension.
{{shaded table| title=2nd Declension – Group I | cols=4 }}
|||''Nominative''||– ||– ī
|||''Accusative''||– ||– s
|||''Genitive''||– s||– ōr
|||''Dative''||– ī||– īs
The following Latin paradigms decline per the above:
:* {{SC|rēte, rētis}}
:* {{SC|pater, patris}}
:* {{SC|*nōme, nōminis}} (< {{SC|nōmen, nōminis}})
:* {{SC|opus, operis}}
=====Group II =====
Masculine, including originally feminine Latin nouns. Derived from Latin 3rd declension.
{{shaded table| title=2nd Declension – Group II | cols=4 }}
|||''Nominative''||– s||– ī
|||''Accusative''||– ||– s
|||''Genitive''||– s||– ōr
|||''Dative''||– ī||– īs
The following Latin paradigms decline per the above:'
:* {{SC|amnis, amnis}}
:* {{SC|*animālis, *animālis}} (< {{SC|animāl, animālīs}})
:* {{SC|*amantis, amantis}} (< {{SC|amans, amantis}})
:* {{SC|*ossus, ossis}} (< {{SC|os, ossis}})
:* {{SC|*āeris, āeris}} (< {{SC|āēr, āeris}})
:* {{SC|*hērōis, hērōis}} (< {{SC|hērōs, hērōis}})
:* {{SC|*Periclis, Periclis}} (<{{SC|Periclēs, Periclis}})
:* {{SC|*poēmatis, poēmatis}} (< {{SC|poēma, poēmatis}})
=====Group III =====
Masculine, including originally feminine or neuter Latin nouns. Derived from Latin 2nd and 4th declensions.
{{shaded table| title=2nd Declension – Group III | cols=4 }}
|||''Nominative''||– s||– ī
|||''Accusative''||– ||– s
|||''Genitive''||– ī||– ōr
|||''Dative''||– ||– īs
The following Latin paradigms decline per the above:
:* {{SC|modus, modī}}
:* {{SC|Lūcius, Lūcī}}
:* {{SC|*Dēlus, Dēlī}} (< {{SC|Dēlos, Dēlī}})
:* {{SC|*dōnus, dōnī}} (< {{SC|dōnum, dōnī}})
:* {{SC|portus, *portī}} (< {{SC|portus, portūs}})
:* {{SC|*genūus, *genuī}} (< {{SC|genū, genūs}})
=====Group IV =====
Masculine, including originally feminine Latin nouns. Derived from Latin 2nd declension.
{{shaded table| title=2nd Declension – Group IV | cols=4 }}
|||''Nominative''||– ||– ī
|||''Accusative''||– ||– s
|||''Genitive''||– ī||– ōr
|||''Dative''||– ||– īs
The following Latin paradigms decline per the above:
:* {{SC|liber, librī}}
:* {{SC|puer, puerī}}

==== 3rd Declension ====
==== 3rd Declension ====
Feminine, including originally masculine Latin nouns. Derived from Latin 3rd and 5th declensions.
{{shaded table| title=4th Declension | cols=4 }}
|||''Nominative''||– s||– s
|||''Accusative''||– ||– s
|||''Genitive''||– s||–
|||''Dative''||– ī||– ius
The following Latin paradigms decline per the above
:* {{SC|*clādis, clādis}} (< {{SC|clādēs, clādis}})
:* {{SC|*urbis, urbis}} (< {{SC|urbs, urbis}})
:* {{SC|*laudis, laudis}} (< {{SC|laus, laudis}})
:* {{SC|*aetātis, aetātis}} (< {{SC|aetās, aetātis}})
:* {{SC|rēs, *reis}} (< {{SC|rēs, reī}})
:* {{SC|*Naiadis, Naiadis}} (< {{SC|Naias, Naiadis}})
:* {{SC|*mōris, mōris}} (< {{SC|mōs, mōris}})
:* {{SC|*ratiōnis, ratiōnis}} (< {{SC|ratiō, ratiōnis}})

=== Pronouns ===
=== Pronouns ===
{| cellspacing="4" class="shadedtable bordertable"
!colspan=9 class="shadedtable" style="border: 0px !important;"| Pronouns
| colspan=2 rowspan=2|
! colspan="4" | ''Singular''
! colspan="3" | ''Plural''
! ''masculine''
! ''feminine''
! ''reflexive''
! ''impersonal''
! ''masculine''
! ''feminine''
! ''reflexive''
! rowspan="4" | 1st person
! ''Nominative''
| colspan="2" | jō
| colspan="1" | ―
| ―
| colspan="2" | nus
| colspan="1" | ―
! ''Accusative''
| colspan="3" | mei
| colspan="1" | ―
| colspan="3" | nus
! ''Genitive''
| mīs
| ma
| ―
| ―
| nōster
| <small>''(nōstra)''</small>
| ―
! ''Dative''
| colspan="2" | mī
| colspan="1" | ―
| ―
| colspan="2" | nous
| colspan="1" | ―
! rowspan="4" | 2nd person
! ''Nominative''
| colspan="2" | tū
| colspan="1" | ―
| ―
| colspan="2" | wus
| colspan="1" | ―
! ''Accusative''
| colspan="3" | tei
| colspan="1" | ―
| colspan="3" | wus
! ''Genitive''
| tus
| ta
| ―
| ―
| wōster
| <small>''(wōstra)''</small>
| ―
! ''Dative''
| colspan="2" | tī
| colspan="1" | ―
| ―
| colspan="2" | wous
| colspan="1" | ―
! rowspan="4" | 3rd person
! ''Nominative''
| el
| ella
| ―
| hōm
| illī
| ellas
| ―
! ''Accusative''
| colspan="3" | sei
| hōm(m)
| colspan="3" | sei
! ''Genitive''
| sus
| sa
| ―
| hōms
| colspan="2" | ellour
| ―
! ''Dative''
| colspan="2" | sī
| colspan="1" | ―
| hōmmī
| colspan="2" | sī
| ―
! rowspan="4" | Interrogative<br>& relative
! ''Nominative''
| colspan="2" | cī
| ―
| ―
| colspan="2" | cī
| ―
! ''Accusative''
| colspan="2" | cea
| ―
| ―
| cus
| quas
! ''Genitive''
| cjus
| quājas
| ―
| ―
| cour
| quār
| ―
! ''Dative''
| cī
| quā
| ―
| ―
| colspan="2" | cius
| ―

=== Verbs ===
=== Verbs ===
In the transition from Latin to Proto-Northern Romance, verbs went through several syntactic and semantic changes. Most of the distinctions present in classical Latin continued to be made, but synthetic forms were often replaced with analytic ones. Other verb forms changed meaning, and new forms also appeared.

In common with the other Romance dialects, Latin's synthetic passive voice was completely lost, to be replaced by a periphrastic form utilising the appropriately conjugated form of the verb 'to be' plus the past participle.
==== Indicative Mood ====

Similar new periphrastic forms also developed for the future tense, utilising the verb 'to come' plus the infinitive, and the perfect tense, using 'to have' and the past participle.
Latin's perfect tense had also functioned as a preterite (simple past). Following the development of a new periphrastic perfect tense (see above), use of the original perfect form continued but became limited solely to its preterite meaning.
Latin's imperfect tense was completely lost in Proto-Northern Romance.
==== Indicative Mood ====
===== 1st Conjugation =====
===== 1st Conjugation =====
{{shaded table| title=Present | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– ||– āms
|||''2nd person''||– as||– āts
|||''3rd Person''||– at||– ant
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– aj||– aums
|||''2nd person''||– astī||– asts
|||''3rd Person''||– aut||– ārnt
A small group of 1st conjugation verbs, primarily those with stems ending in – d, formed their preterite indicative differently:
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||...d – ī ||...d – eims
|||''2nd person''||...d – istī||...d – ists
|||''3rd Person''||...d – ūt||...d – eirnt

===== 2nd Conjugation =====
===== 2nd Conjugation =====
{{shaded table| title=Present | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– ||– eims
|||''2nd person''||– s||– eits
|||''3rd Person''||– t||– nt
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– wī||– weims
|||''2nd person''||– wistī||– wists
|||''3rd Person''||– ūt||– weirnt

===== 3rd Conjugation =====
===== 3rd Conjugation =====
{{shaded table| title=Present | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– ||– ms
|||''2nd person''||– s||– ts
|||''3rd Person''||– t||– nt
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– si||– sims
|||''2nd person''||– sistī||– sists
|||''3rd Person''||– sit||– seirnt

===== 4th Conjugation =====
===== 4th Conjugation =====
{{shaded table| title=Present | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– ||– īms
|||''2nd person''||– īs||– ītīs
|||''3rd Person''||– t||– nt
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– i||– iums
|||''2nd person''||– istī||– īsts
|||''3rd Person''||– iut||– īrnt

==== Subjunctive Mood ====
==== Subjunctive Mood ====
===== 1st Conjugation =====
===== 1st Conjugation =====
{{shaded table| title=Present | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– ||– eims
|||''2nd person''||– s||– eits
|||''3rd Person''||– t||– nt
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– wiss||– auseims
|||''2nd person''||– wiss||– auseits
|||''3rd Person''||– wisst||– wissant

===== 2nd Conjugation =====
===== 2nd Conjugation =====

{{shaded table| title=Present | cols=4 }}
===== 3rd Conjugation =====
|||''1st person''||–a ||– āms
|||''2nd person''||– as||– āts
|||''3rd Person''||– at||– ant
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– wiss||– wisseims
|||''2nd person''||– wiss||– wisseits
|||''3rd Person''||– wisst||– wissant

===== 3rd Conjugation =====
{{shaded table| title=Present | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||–a ||– āms
|||''2nd person''||– as||– āts
|||''3rd Person''||– at||– ant
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– iss||– isseims
|||''2nd person''||– iss||– isseits
|||''3rd Person''||– isst||– issant
===== 4th Conjugation =====
===== 4th Conjugation =====
{{shaded table| title=Present | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||–a ||– āms
|||''2nd person''||– as||– āts
|||''3rd Person''||– at||– ant
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''||– wiss||– iuseims
|||''2nd person''||– wiss||– iuseits
|||''3rd Person''||– wisst||– wissant

==== Imperative Mood ====
==== Imperative Mood ====
{{shaded table| title=Singular | cols=4 }}
|||''1st Conjugation''||||– a
|||''2nd Conjugation''||||– ei
|||''3rd Conjugation''||||– ea
|||''4th Conjugation''||||– ei
{{shaded table| title=Plural | cols=4 }}
|||''1st Conjugation''||||– āt
|||''2nd Conjugation''||||– eit
|||''3rd Conjugation''||||– eit
|||''4th Conjugation''||||– īt

==== Infinitive and Past Participles ====
==== Infinitive and Past Participles ====
{{shaded table| title=Infinitive | cols=4 }}
|||''1st Conjugation''||||– ār
|||''2nd Conjugation''||||– eir
|||''3rd Conjugation''||||– ar
|||''4th Conjugation''||||– īr
{{shaded table| title=Perfect Past Participle (Supine) | cols=4 }}
|''1st Conjugation''||||cun – āt
|''2nd Conjugation''||||cun – ūt
|''3rd Conjugation''||||cun – t
|''4th Conjugation''||||cun – īt
{{shaded table| title=Passive Past Participle | cols=4 }}
|||''1st Conjugation''|| cun – āts || cun – āta
|||''2nd Conjugation''|| cun – ūts || cun – ūta
|||''3rd Conjugation''|| cun – ts || cun – ta
|||''4th Conjugation''|| cun – īts || cun – īts
During the Proto-Northern Romance period the past particples increasingly came to be prefixed with *cun- (from the Latin verbal prefix {{SC|con}}-). The precise semantic purpose of the prefix is unclear, although it clearly served to differentiate the past participles from other verb forms. It is possible the use of such a prefix had its origins in the pre-Roman languages of the Germanian tribes.
The passive participle agrees with the gender of the patient.

==== Auxilliary Verbs ====
==== Auxilliary Verbs ====
'''*''Esttar ''(to be)'''
'''*''Esttar ''(to be)'''
{{shaded table| title=Present | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''|| *su || *soums
|||''2nd person''|| *es || *ests
|||''3rd Person''|| *est || *sunt
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''|| *thwī || *thoums
|||''2nd person''|| *thustī || *thusts
|||''3rd Person''|| *thut || *thournt

''*Esttar'' was used in conjunction with a passive participle to create the passive voice.
The passive participle agrees in gender with the patient. For example, ''*<u>ella</u> est cunāmāt<u>a</u>'' (she is loved), ''*<u>el</u> thut cundā<u>ts</u>'' (it was given).
'''*''Hābeir ''(to have)'''
'''*''Hābeir ''(to have)'''
{{shaded table| title=Present | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''|| *hāb || *hābeims
|||''2nd person''|| *hābs || *hābeits
|||''3rd Person''|| *haut || *haunt
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''|| *houwī || *houweims
|||''2nd person''|| *houwistī || *houwists
|||''3rd Person''|| *houwt || *houweirnt

The present tense of ''*hābeir'' was used in conjunction with a past participle to create the perfect: ''*jo hāb cunthout'' (I have been).
The preterite of ''*hābeir'' was used in conjunction with a past participle to create the pluperfect: ''*wus houweims cunwint'' (we had come).
'''*''Weanīr ''(to come)'''
'''*''Weanīr ''(to come)'''
{{shaded table| title=Present | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''|| *wean || *weanīms
|||''2nd person''|| *weanīs || *weanītīs
|||''3rd Person''|| *weant || *weannt
{{shaded table| title=Preterite (Simple Past) | cols=4 }}
|||''1st person''|| *weinwi || *weinweims
|||''2nd person''|| *weinwistī || *weinwists
|||''3rd Person''|| *weinūt || *weinweirnt
The present tense of ''*weanīr'' was used in conjunction with an infinitive to create the future: ''*tū weanīs indūccar'' (you will lead).
The preterite of ''*weanīr'' was used in conjunction with an infinitive to create the conditional (i.e. 'future-in-the-past): ''*jo weinwi ferdhounār'' (I would forgive).

Revision as of 15:13, 7 August 2008

*Jermānēc / *Roumānēc / Lingua Rūstica Germāniārum
Spoken in: northwestern Europe
Conworld: Mundus Germaniae Romanae
Total speakers: unknown
Genealogical classification: Indo-European
Basic word order: SVO
Morphological type: inflecting
Morphosyntactic alignment: nominative-accusative
Writing system:
Created by:
P Collier, BP Jonsson 2006+


Modern Descendants



Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p   b ¹ t   d ¹ k   g ¹
Fricative     β ¹ f     θ   ð ¹ s x   ɣ ¹ h
Approximant w j
Trill r
Lateral l

¹The stop allophones occured in initial position or when geminated. In other positions b d and g are realised as fricatives.


Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
Near-high ɪ ʊ
High-mid e
Low-mid ɛ   ɛː ɔ   ɔː
Low a   aː

Phonological History



1st Declension

2nd Declension

3rd Declension



Indicative Mood

1st Conjugation
2nd Conjugation
3rd Conjugation
4th Conjugation

Subjunctive Mood

1st Conjugation
2nd Conjugation
3rd Conjugation
4th Conjugation

Imperative Mood

Infinitive and Past Participles

Auxilliary Verbs

*Esttar (to be)

*Hābeir (to have)

*Weanīr (to come)