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Nother/Trentish lexicon: Difference between revisions

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m (=n= spelling of noguƛan)
m (=p= sp of ''phliguƛan'')
Line 134: Line 134:
*'''pa-lakh''' ''v.'' hate
*'''pa-lakh''' ''v.'' hate
*'''phing-kr̀''' '''' pink
*'''phing-kr̀''' '''' pink
*'''phli-`''' ''mk. for v.'' effrenative: ''phliguƛa'' "had no qualms in finding"
*'''phli-`''' ''mk. for v.'' effrenative: ''phliguƛan'' "had no qualms in finding"
*'''phö-phrl''' '''' purple [from English]
*'''phö-phrl''' '''' purple [from English]
*'''pi''' '''' little, weak, ineffective; ''mk. for adj.'' to a slight degree, small amount: ''piüsli'' "slightly red"
*'''pi''' '''' little, weak, ineffective; ''mk. for adj.'' to a slight degree, small amount: ''piüsli'' "slightly red"

Revision as of 19:35, 15 June 2004

Trentish >> Lexicon


  • an-bol n. the sun
  • ang pos. within, inside
  • a-pen n. possessions, inventory (used for alienable possession)
  • a-phel v. be divided on one end; be fringed; fork


  • ba mk. for n. topic: ingohpa "as for trout"
  • ble-uhn brown [from English]
  • blu blue [from English]
  • boh mk. for v. perfect aspect: bohguƛan "have found"


  • e pos. with (instrumental)
  • e-ƛin adj. whole, entire
  • en-kà n. a row of teeth


  • ga-te n. house
  • gitw mk. for n. collective: gitwingoh "school of trout"
  • gle gray [from English]
  • glin green [from English]
  • gr̀ pron.pers. (third person, short or low things; informal; near speaker)
  • grq mk. for v. disapprobative mood: grqguƛan "find in a way I don't like"; cf. phli
  • gu-ƛan v. find, discover


  • i (jabberwocky)
  • i-ka-ƛi v. trade, barter, exchange
  • i-loh yellow [from English yellow.]
  • i-ngoh n. trout
  • ix mk. for adj. lesser positive (ixüsli "a little bit red, just barely red")
  • i-xli-` mk. for v. to do the opposite of or reverse the effects of: ixliguƛan "misplace"


  • ka-she n. event, happening
  • kha-men black
  • khe-o-qloh v. win, gain, acquire, claim
  • khe-pwu v. travel (pʷ?!)
  • khi-lu v. pay
  • khle-de v. rise, ascend
  • khli-smrs n. Christmas [from English].
  • khu pos. for the use of
  • ki-she fv. how?
  • ki-swoh fv. (imperative)
  • koh mk. for v. negative: kohguƛan "not find"
  • koh-e-ƛa adv. exceedingly much, a great many, to a great degree
  • koh-rl v. have trouble, a problem, difficulty
  • koh-ta v. design, plan
  • koh-twü-lr pron.pers. (third person: tall or high things; also formal; near hearer)
  • krr-ngoh-nyoh v. increase, add to
  • kshi n. characteristic Trentish garment
  • kshi-nyi v. be angry (for disappointment, or things going contrary to expectations)
  • ku-she n. foot
  • kü-pe-qyi v. take a long time, endure, last
  • kwa pos. in front of
  • kwr v. to do, engage in; to be


  • la v. run
  • la-men v. paint
  • la-tha v. ruin, mess up, sabotage, disorder
  • le-phuh-te fv. wonder (question particle)
  • loh mk. for adj. (negative: lohüsli "not red")
  • loh-a v. put, place
  • loh-no v./fv. must, have to (be obligated to do something)
  • lr̀n. place, location
  • lr̀mk. for v. converts to noun of location or target: lrguƛan "place of discovery; thing sought"; hence also, participial adjective: lrguƛan "found"
  • lr̀pron.pers. (third person: short or low things; informal; near hearer)
  • lu n. throat
  • lu-loh v. prefer
  • lu-phi v. climb
  • lu-pr v. cough
  • lu-syi pron.pers. you (second person)
  • lut pos. towards
  • lu-tʼhi n. egg


  • ma-khe n. table (furniture)
  • me mk. for n. paucal aggregate: meingoh "a few trout together"
  • me-na v. be hysterical, delirious, frenzied
  • mi-myi-no n. medicine
  • mi-na adj.bin. two
  • moh-sa mk. for adj. (excessively, too much: mohsaüsli "too red")
  • mu-lwr-li v. pump
  • myi-ƛa v. tear, rip


  • ne-moh-khe heavy
  • ni-sya fv. want to know which
  • no mk. for v. or n. occupational noun: noguƛan "inventor", noingoh "trout-fisherman"
  • noh-ku v. be silent. silent
  • noh-trr v. rent, be loaned; borrow for a price
  • nö-lo v. ache, hurt
  • nu-ma mk. for n. or adj. converts to privative adjectives: numaingoh "troutless"; numaüsli "without redness" (cf. loh)


  • nga-swu-ƛoh fv. need, have to have or have done
  • ngoh-ƛu v. merit, be worth or worthy
  • ngrr-mwu v. forget
  • ngu mk. for adj. exceptionally, very, to a great degree (nguüsli "very red")
  • nguh-ngwoh n. son or daughter
  • ngu-pshe v. hunt
  • ngwoh pos. with (comitative)
  • ngwoh-la n. building not used as a residence
  • ngwu-ngwa n. day


  • nya-la-le n. cat
  • nya-loh-ni n. manner, way, method
  • nya-ƛoh v. be cruel, mean, unkind
  • nya-ƛu pos. against, next to (touching)
  • nya-tha big
  • nye pos. from, out of
  • nyi v. categorize, [stereo]type, classify
  • nyi-qoh v. surprise, startle
  • nyoh-nü v. see
  • nyr-sya n. price
  • nyȕ pron.pers. (first person)


  • oh-loh adv. now
  • o-lrn-shr̀ orange [from English]
  • os pos. on the topic of, about
  • o-xa-lü adj.bin. dead


  • öt pron.pers. third person, near speaker; neutral


  • pa-lakh v. hate
  • phing-kr̀ pink
  • phli-` mk. for v. effrenative: phliguƛan "had no qualms in finding"
  • phö-phrl purple [from English]
  • pi little, weak, ineffective; mk. for adj. to a slight degree, small amount: piüsli "slightly red"
  • pnyr pron.pers. third person neutral, near hearer
  • poh adv. in the past
  • pshi-phe v. trap


  • qe-mè adj.bin. the same; in common, shared
  • qli-shi v. study, read
  • qloh-lu mk. for adj. as much as, equally much: qlohluüsli "just as red"
  • qlu mk. for v. converts to participial adjective: qluguƛa "finding" (Xive, Xy, etc.)
  • qlu-la fast, quick
  • qoh mk. for adj. (positive degree: qohüsli "red, some red")
  • qoh-noh-gòh pron. (third person, tall or high things; formal; near the speaker)
  • qoh-nye v. to become famous, well-known, popular
  • qu v. stand up
  • qua-moh v. blame or use as scapegoat
  • quoh-la adj.bin. lead (Pb)
  • qya fv. accuse


  • r mk. for n. possessive: ringoh "trout's"
  • r-la v. think
  • r-le n. moon; month
  • r-le-nge conj. therefore, for this reason
  • r-lr-swu n. dish, plate
  • r̀-lu-sr yellow/green (Berlin & Kay GREEN)


  • san adv. during, while
  • se-pu-qr v. heal
  • sha v. speak, say
  • sha-no v. have (be characterized by, i.e. have allergies)
  • sha-qsha adv. so, thus
  • sha-twoh n. dog
  • sha-uh adj.bin. flat
  • she-ya n. thing
  • she-si n. wall
  • shi n. piece
  • shoh-la n. set, group
  • shoh-li mk. for n. convert to adjective: shohliingoh "trout-shaped, trout-like"
  • shr-loh-nga v. have a duty or responsibility
  • shü v. try, test the value of, prove
  • shük v. scratch; write
  • slu-she n. balances, a scale (for weighing)
  • soh-poh-ne v. lead
  • su fv. know how
  • su-mwu n. property, belongings
  • sya mk. for v. or n. tool-forming: syaguƛan "finding-tool", syaingoh "tool for preparing trout"
  • sya-ngwa adj.bin. empty
  • syen. field
  • syepos. on, upon

  • tʼhe-le n. old woman
  • tʼhi-nya n. scale (fish or reptile)
  • tʼwe v. go, come, move from one place to another
  • tʼwal v. flow


  • ya pron.dem. when, then
  • ye-tshe v. steal
  • yi-noh n. child, youth