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Senjecas dict. m: Difference between revisions

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m (Pronunciation table revision.)
m (New material.)
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*''derv'' '''ma̋a̋mi''', ''adj.'' maternal, motherly [< '''ma̋a̋ma''', mother].
*''derv'' '''ma̋a̋mi''', ''adj.'' maternal, motherly [< '''ma̋a̋ma''', mother].
*m004 '''ma̋a̋n|i''', ''adj.'' wet [> English e<u>man</u>ate]. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' wet. '''-ta''', wetness.
*m004 '''ma̋a̋n|i''', ''adj.'' wet [> English e<u>man</u>ate]. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' wet. '''-ta''', wetness.
*m005 '''ma̋a̋ṡi''', ''adj.'' long and thin [> English <u>meager</u>].
*m005 '''ma̋a̋ṡi''', ''adj.'' long and thin [> English <u>meager</u>]. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' attenuate.
*m006 '''ma̋a̋|to''', wood [> English <u>mat</u>erial]. '''-ti''', ''adj.'' wooden, stiff. '''-tı̋bo''', lumberyard. '''-t̨őn=i''', ''adj.'' wooden, made of wood. '''=u,''' Xylan, Child of Wood, giant. '''-þkı̋ı̋ðlu''', woodcutter, lumberjack. '''-þm̃e̋lno''', wood shavings. '''-þm̃i''', ''adj.'' woody, ligneous. '''-þne̋e̋to''', wood fiber. '''-þni''', ''adj.'' ligneous, woody, resembling wood. '''-þpı̋so''', wood pulp. '''-þpődo''', sawdust.
*m006 '''ma̋a̋|to''', wood [> English <u>mat</u>erial]. '''-ti''', ''adj.'' wooden, stiff. '''-tı̋bo''', lumberyard. '''-t̨őn=i''', ''adj.'' wooden, made of wood. '''=u,''' Xylan, Child of Wood, giant. '''-þkı̋ı̋ðlu''', woodcutter, lumberjack. '''-þm̃e̋lno''', wood shavings. '''-þm̃i''', ''adj.'' woody, ligneous. '''-þne̋e̋to''', wood fiber. '''-þni''', ''adj.'' ligneous, woody, resembling wood. '''-þpı̋so''', wood pulp. '''-þpődo''', sawdust.
*m007 '''ma̋d|a''', ''t.v.'' secrete [> English <u>mat</u>]. '''-o''', secretion.  
*m007 '''ma̋d|a''', ''t.v.'' secrete [> English <u>mat</u>]. '''-o''', secretion.  
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*m014 '''ma̋lx|o''', bonfire. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' start a bonfire [> Lithuanian ''<u>malk</u>a'', firewood].
*m014 '''ma̋lx|o''', bonfire. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' start a bonfire [> Lithuanian ''<u>malk</u>a'', firewood].
*m015 '''ma̋ngu''', matchmaker, go-between.
*m015 '''ma̋ngu''', matchmaker, go-between.
*''drv'' '''-ma̋n|i''', ''adj.'' -handed;  '''-m̃i''', ''adj.'' manual.
*m016 '''ma̋nk|a''', ''t.v.'' mutilate, mangle, maim [> Latin ''<u>manc</u>us'', maimed]. '''-ĕra''', mutilation. '''-i''', ''adj.'' mutilated, mangled, maimed.
*''cpd'' '''man|le̋iðlu''', mime. '''-te̋e̋=a''', ''i.v.'' gesticulate. '''=o''', gesture. '''=ra''', gesticulation. '''-þaav̈a̋a̋nlu''', glover [< '''manþa̋a̋bo''', glove; '''va̋a̋na''', make]. '''-xa̋ko''', hand puppet. '''''-o ~ős þóósa''''', hand to hand.
*''cpd'' '''man|le̋iðlu''', mime. '''-te̋e̋=a''', ''i.v.'' gesticulate. '''=o''', gesture. '''=ra''', gesticulation. '''-þaav̈a̋a̋nlu''', glover [< '''manþa̋a̋bo''', glove; '''va̋a̋na''', make]. '''-xa̋ko''', hand puppet. '''''-o ~ős þóósa''''', hand to hand.
*''derv'' '''-ma̋n|i''', ''adj.'' -handed;  '''-m̃i''', ''adj.'' manual.
*m016 '''ma̋nk|a''', ''t.v.'' mutilate, mangle, maim [> Latin ''<u>manc</u>us'', maimed]. '''-ĕra''', mutilation. '''-i''', ''adj.'' mutilated, mangled, maimed.
*m017 '''ma̋nƣo''', kindling [> [[Wikipedia:Inupiaq dialect|Inupiaq]] ''<u>maniq</u>'',  moss].
*m017 '''ma̋nƣo''', kindling [> [[Wikipedia:Inupiaq dialect|Inupiaq]] ''<u>maniq</u>'',  moss].
*m018 '''ma̋ƣ|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' enable. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' be able to, can, be possible [> English <u>may</u>]. '''-i''', ''adj.'' possible. '''-o''', influence. '''-ra''', ability, capability. '''-ta''', possibility. '''-vi''', ''adv.'' possibly; perhaps, maybe.  
*m018 '''ma̋ƣ|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' enable. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' be able to, can, be possible [> English <u>may</u>]. '''-i''', ''adj.'' possible. '''-o''', influence. '''-ra''', ability, capability. '''-ta''', possibility. '''-vi''', ''adv.'' possibly; perhaps, maybe.  
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*m079 '''mı̋|þa''', ''t.v.'' send (out), dispatch, post, ship, transmit; mail, post [> English re<u>mit</u>]. '''-þa̋a̋gu''', messenger. '''-þfuuibı̋ı̋ðo''', {{Color|red|post card}}. '''-þi''', ''adj.'' missive. '''-þkolőmbe''', carrier pigeon. '''-þk̬e̋so''', {{Color|red|mailbox}}. '''-þle̋z=ta''', {{Color|red|philately}}. '''=ta̋a̋gu''', {{Color|red|philatelist}}. '''=o''', {{Color|red|stamp collection}}. '''-þne̋xu''', {{Color|red|mailman, postman}}. '''-þo''', letter, missive, message, dispatch; '''''~on ṡ̨őga''''', correspond. '''-þra''', mail. '''-þsı̋ı̋mlo''', letter opener. '''-þṡ̨őg=a''', correspondence. '''=a̋a̋gu''', correspondent. '''-þvi''', ''adv.'' in writing, by letter. '''-þ̨xe̋po''', {{Color|red|postage}}. '''-þże̋e̋no''', {{Color|red|stamp}}.
*m079 '''mı̋|þa''', ''t.v.'' send (out), dispatch, post, ship, transmit; mail, post [> English re<u>mit</u>]. '''-þa̋a̋gu''', messenger. '''-þfuuibı̋ı̋ðo''', {{Color|red|post card}}. '''-þi''', ''adj.'' missive. '''-þkolőmbe''', carrier pigeon. '''-þk̬e̋so''', {{Color|red|mailbox}}. '''-þle̋z=ta''', {{Color|red|philately}}. '''=ta̋a̋gu''', {{Color|red|philatelist}}. '''=o''', {{Color|red|stamp collection}}. '''-þne̋xu''', {{Color|red|mailman, postman}}. '''-þo''', letter, missive, message, dispatch; '''''~on ṡ̨őga''''', correspond. '''-þra''', mail. '''-þsı̋ı̋mlo''', letter opener. '''-þṡ̨őg=a''', correspondence. '''=a̋a̋gu''', correspondent. '''-þvi''', ''adv.'' in writing, by letter. '''-þ̨xe̋po''', {{Color|red|postage}}. '''-þże̋e̋no''', {{Color|red|stamp}}.
*m080 '''mı̋|ża''', ''t.v.'' meddle. '''-zlu''', meddler. '''-zsi''', ''adj.'' meddlesome.
*m080 '''mı̋|ża''', ''t.v.'' meddle. '''-zlu''', meddler. '''-zsi''', ''adj.'' meddlesome.
*m081 '''mőőd|a''', manner, means, method, way; resource [> [[Wikipedia:Tamil language|Tamil]] ''<u>mōṭ</u>i'', manner]. '''-a''', ''postp.'' with, by, through, in. '''-i''', ''rel. cnj.'' how, as. '''-o''', wherewithal. '''-u''', ''adv.'' as; '''þef~u''', in bunches.
*m081 '''mőőd|a''', manner, means, method, way; resource [> [[Wikipedia:Tamil language|Tamil]] ''<u>mōṭ</u>i'', manner]. '''-a''', ''postp.'' with, by, through, in. '''-i''', ''rel. cnj.'' how, as, like. '''-o''', wherewithal. '''-u''', ''adv.'' as; '''þef~u''', in bunches.
*m082 '''mőőil|i''', ''adj.'' bold, daring, audacious, intrepid. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' venture, risk, dare, make bold (to). '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' venture, risk, dare, embolden. '''-o''', venture, risk, dare. '''-ta''', boldness, daring, audacity, intrepidity. '''-taƣ=a̋a̋gu''', adventurer. '''=i''', ''adj.'' adventurous, adventuresome. '''=o''', adventure.  
*m082 '''mőőil|i''', ''adj.'' bold, daring, audacious, intrepid. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' venture, risk, dare, make bold (to). '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' venture, risk, dare, embolden. '''-o''', venture, risk, dare. '''-ta''', boldness, daring, audacity, intrepidity. '''-taƣ=a̋a̋gu''', adventurer. '''=i''', ''adj.'' adventurous, adventuresome. '''=o''', adventure.  
*m083 '''mőő|ȝa''', charm, delight. '''-ȝa''', ''i.v.'' charm, delight. '''-ȝi''', ''adj.'' charming, delightful.  '''-ȝı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' charm, delight.
*m083 '''mőő|ȝa''', charm, delight. '''-ȝa''', ''i.v.'' charm, delight. '''-ȝi''', ''adj.'' charming, delightful.  '''-ȝı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' charm, delight.
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*m118 '''műr|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' murmur, mutter. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' murmur, mutter [> English <u>mur</u>mur]. '''-o''', murmur, mutter.
*m118 '''műr|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' murmur, mutter. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' murmur, mutter [> English <u>mur</u>mur]. '''-o''', murmur, mutter.
*m119 '''műs|o''', steam [> Japanese ''<u>mús</u>-'', steam]. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' (give off) steam. '''-i''', ''adj.'' steamy. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' steam.
*m119 '''műs|o''', steam [> Japanese ''<u>mús</u>-'', steam]. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' (give off) steam. '''-i''', ''adj.'' steamy. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' steam.
*m120 '''mű|ta''', ''t.v.'' cut off; lop, clip, crop, dock [''tails''], poll [''horns'']; amputate, truncate, prune, trim; deprive of [> English ''<u>mut</u>ilate'']. '''-þpőɫi''', ''adj.'' bobtailed; docked. '''-þva̋rðo''', close-cropped beard.  
*m120 '''mű|ta''', ''t.v.'' cut off; lop, clip, crop, dock [''tails''], poll [''horns'']; amputate, truncate, prune, trim [> English ''<u>mut</u>ilate'']. '''-þpőɫi''', ''adj.'' bobtailed; docked. '''-þva̋rðo''', close-cropped beard.  
*m121 '''mutı̋l|u''', apprentice [> [[Wikipedia:Gipuzkoan dialect|Gipuzkoan]] ''<u>mutil</u>'', apprentice]. '''-ta''', apprenticeship.
*m121 '''mutı̋l|u''', apprentice [> [[Wikipedia:Gipuzkoan dialect|Gipuzkoan]] ''<u>mutil</u>'', apprentice]. '''-ta''', apprenticeship.
*m122 '''műþ|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' assemble, gather-, bring-, call-, -together, convoke, convene, rally, coalesce, amalgamate, concentrate [''troops, etc.''], muster. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' meet, assemble, convene, come together, rally, gather, concentrate [''troops, etc.''], muster [> Korean 모든 ''<u>mod</u>eun'', all]. '''-o''', assembly, gathering, rally, convocation, convention, meeting, congress, congregation, muster.
*m122 '''műþ|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' assemble, gather-, bring-, call-, -together, convoke, convene, rally, coalesce, amalgamate, concentrate [''troops, etc.''], muster. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' meet, assemble, convene, come together, rally, gather, concentrate [''troops, etc.''], muster [> Korean 모든 ''<u>mod</u>eun'', all]. '''-o''', assembly, gathering, rally, convocation, convention, meeting, congress, congregation, muster.

Revision as of 16:51, 28 September 2021

Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
नि॓थो च्युस्वे॓नोस्
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ i e a ɔ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ त्व त्य इ ई

पि पी
ए एै

पे पै
अ आ

प पा
ऒ ॵ

पॊ पॏ
ओ औ

पो पौ
उ ऊ

पु पू
तं तऺ तॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /tʷ/ /tʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


arb cyr dev geo grk run heb tng
m ݥ м մ μ מּ [Malta]
  • M, ma̋a̋ko मा॓को, from the word ma̋a̋ki, poppy, is the sixth letter of the Senjecan alphabet, the sixth in the peműko, the clan which contains the labial consonants.
  • The tengwar are not visible on Frathwiki.


  1. afx = affix, either a prefix or a suffix, e.g., -m-, adj. suffix used to indicate the existence of, possession of, or a relationship to what is named in the noun base
  2. cpd = cpdound of two or more words, e.g., ma̋re, sea + da̋mo, sickness = marda̋mo, seasickness.
  3. drv = a word derived from a root, e.g., mı̋smis, adj. those having woody trunks < mı̋so, trunk.
  4. These words are not numbered, as only lemmata are numbered.
  5. Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  6. There are 134 root words (lemmata) of which 98 are verbs and 21 are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. Thus 89 percent of the vocabulary is verbs.


  • afx -m-, adj. suffix used to indicate the existence of, possession of, or a relationship to what is named in the noun base, -(e)y, -(e)d, e.g., pa̋a̋do, pouch; pa̋a̋ðme, marsupial.
  • m001 ma̋a̋da, i.v. come here.
  • m002 ma̋a̋|i, adj. opportune, seasonable [> English mature]. -ta, opportunity, occasion. -vi, adv. opportunely, in (good/due) time, on time, in due course.
  • m003 ma̋a̋|ȝa, i.v. disappear, vanish [> Tamil māy, vanish]. -ira, disappearance.
  • cpd maamka̋a̋|da, t.v. kill one's mother [< ma̋a̋ma, mother; ka̋a̋da, t.v. kill]. -ðlu, matricide [person]. -ðra, matricide [act].
  • derv ma̋a̋mi, adj. maternal, motherly [< ma̋a̋ma, mother].
  • m004 ma̋a̋n|i, adj. wet [> English emanate]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. wet. -ta, wetness.
  • m005 ma̋a̋ṡi, adj. long and thin [> English meager]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. attenuate.
  • m006 ma̋a̋|to, wood [> English material]. -ti, adj. wooden, stiff. -tı̋bo, lumberyard. -t̨őn=i, adj. wooden, made of wood. =u, Xylan, Child of Wood, giant. -þkı̋ı̋ðlu, woodcutter, lumberjack. -þm̃e̋lno, wood shavings. -þm̃i, adj. woody, ligneous. -þne̋e̋to, wood fiber. -þni, adj. ligneous, woody, resembling wood. -þpı̋so, wood pulp. -þpődo, sawdust.
  • m007 ma̋d|a, t.v. secrete [> English mat]. -o, secretion.
  • m008 madűvo, tank [> Telugu maḍũgu, tank].
  • m009 ma̋ðl|a, grace. -i, adj. graceful.
  • cpd maintűsko, ear tag [< ma̋ino, ear; tűso, notice; -ko, diminutive suffix].
  • drv ma̋in|i, adj. aural.
  • m010 ma̋iþ|a, t.v. injure [> English mad]. -i, adj. injurious, noxious. -o, injury; ~om ƣe̋lta, t.v. indemnify; ~om ne̋sa, t.v. insure, underwrite. -ne̋sa, insurance. -ƣe̋lta, indemnity.
  • m011 ma̋ȝ|e, protecting animal totem [> Turkish bajat, God]. -i, protecting plant totem.
  • m012 ma̋k|o, sack, bag, sac, cyst [> English maw]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. sack, bag.
  • m013 ma̋|la, i.v. wander, roam [> Telugu malãgu, wander]. -li, adj. nomadic. -l̤u, nomad. -lpı̋ı̋ra, wanderlust.
  • m014 ma̋lx|o, bonfire. -a, i.v. start a bonfire [> Lithuanian malka, firewood].
  • m015 ma̋ngu, matchmaker, go-between.
  • drv -ma̋n|i, adj. -handed; -m̃i, adj. manual.
  • m016 ma̋nk|a, t.v. mutilate, mangle, maim [> Latin mancus, maimed]. -ĕra, mutilation. -i, adj. mutilated, mangled, maimed.
  • cpd man|le̋iðlu, mime. -te̋e̋=a, i.v. gesticulate. =o, gesture. =ra, gesticulation. -þaav̈a̋a̋nlu, glover [< manþa̋a̋bo, glove; va̋a̋na, make]. -xa̋ko, hand puppet. -o ~ős þóósa, hand to hand.
  • m017 ma̋nƣo, kindling [> Inupiaq maniq, moss].
  • m018 ma̋ƣ|a, 1. t.v. enable. 2. i.v. be able to, can, be possible [> English may]. -i, adj. possible. -o, influence. -ra, ability, capability. -ta, possibility. -vi, adv. possibly; perhaps, maybe.
  • cpd mar|da̋m=o, seasickness. =i, adj. seasick. -m̃i, adj. marine, maritime. -őm=u, navy. =i, adj. naval. =xa̋po, naval base. -vőőu=ra, t.v. pirate. =ri, adj. piratic(al). =rlu, pirate. =r̈a, piracy.
  • m019 ma̋rȝu, unmarried person [> English marital].
  • m020 ma̋so, collyrium, black pigment [> Tamil mai, collyrium].
  • m021 ma̋|ṡa, i.v. fast [from, ápa] [> Japanese mà-tsur-, worship]. -sra, fast. -ṡa̋ha, fast day.
  • m022 ma̋|ti, adj. enough, sufficient, adequate [> Mingrelian baɣ-, be enough]. -ta, i.v. suffice, be enough, hold out. -þta, sufficiency, adequacy, enough. -þvi, adv. enough, sufficiently.
  • m023 ma̋x|a, 1. t.v. deceive, hoodwink. 2. i.v. deceive; -aþos ı̋la, be had. [> Korean mǝk-, be deaf]. -i, adj. deceitful. -lu, deceiver; The Deceiver [epithet of Tseliu]. -ra, deception, deceit, hoax. -si, adj. deceptive, misleading. -ta, deceitfulness.
  • m024 ma̋za, 1. t.v. fade. 2. i.v. fade [> Kannada maẓa, dimness].
  • m025 ma̋|żo, oil, lotion [> Middle Irish maistir, butter]. -ża, t.v. oil, anoint, salve. -zlu, anointer. -zmi, adj. oily, unctuous, oleaginous. -zm̃i, adj. oleaginous, pertaining to oil. -zt̬i, ointment, salve. -ża, anointing, unction. -żaþ=u, Christ, Messiah. =że̋ňa, Christmas; sa̋ka ~m, Merry Christmas.
  • m026 mee, neg. ptc. not [with the imp. and sbj.] [> Greek μή, not]. -de, adv. not even.
  • m027 me̋e̋h|i, adj. bluish-purple. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. color-, make-, -bluish-purple.
  • m028 me̋e̋|i, inan. adj. much, many, plural; a great deal of; a lot of; mĭ~, more [> English more]. -kétu, adv. much too, far too. -o, much, a lot. -s, adv. many times. -vi, adv. much, a lot, more.
  • m029 me̋e̋in|a, t.v. trivialize [> English monk]. -i, adj. petty, trifling, paltry, puny, picayune. -o, trivia. -ta, pettiness.
  • m030 me̋e̋|ma, 1. t.v. suckle, nurse. 2. i.v. suckle, nurse [> Turkish meme, breast]. -mdűűra, t.v. wean. -mke, suckling. -m̈a̋a̋ma, wet-nurse.
  • m031 me̋e̋ƣ|a, t.v. favor, patronize, be in favor of; sup. + ~, be-, -inclined-, -likely-, -to. -i, adj. well-disposed, favorably inclined; favorable, propitious, auspicious. -ra, favor, patronage, taste; favoritism.
  • m032 me̋e̋|ti, adj. haughty, lofty [> Tamil mēṭṭi, haughty]. -þta, haughtiness, loftiness.
  • m033 me̋e̋uð|a, 1. t.v. demand, (lay) claim, require, levy, confiscate. 2. i.v. demand, claim, levy. -lu, claimant. -o, levy. -ra, demand, claim, requirement, confiscation, levy.
  • m034 me, intrg. particle [> Turkish mi, interrogative particle].
  • m035 me̋|a, 1. t.v. mark-, lay-, stake-, -out, trace; measure (off), mete (out), mark, rate; gauge, graduate, calibrate; fathom; scan [a verse]. 2. i.v. measure [> English measure]. -ðőőm̃o, measuring line. -i, cnj. as [progressively]. -ȝi, adj. measurable, commensurable, appreciable. -lo, meter, gauge; noun suffix used to name the instrument that measures what is named in the noun base, e.g., te̋na, time; tenme̋lo, clock. -lu, measurer. -o, measure. -ra, measure(ment), index, criterion, rate, scale, measuring. -sı̋ı̋o, measuring tape.
  • m036 me̋|ba, 1. t.v. dance. 2. i.v. dance [> Japanese -, dance]. -bo, dance. -bűűra, dance. -vlu, dancer. -vtűȝo, ball.
  • m037 me̋|da, 1. t.v. judge, weigh, estimate, adjudicate. 2. i.v. judge [> English mete]. -di, adj. judicial, judiciary. -ðlu, judge, justice, magistrate. -ðra, judgment, estimate, estimation. -ðse̋do, tribunal, jurisdiction, court of justice.
  • m038 me̋ð|i, adj. middle, medial, mid-, medium, average, mean, mediate [> English middle]. ~ -, postp. [with an accpdanying postposition and written as one word] the-, -midst-, -middle-, -of, e.g., meðéna, in the middle of. -a, i.v. mediate, negotiate. -a, postp. amid(st). -ı̋d̨a, t.v. mediate, intervene, negotiate, reconcile. -lu, mediator; middleman. -o, middle; midst; mean, medium. -ra, mediation, intervention, negotiation, reconciliation. -sa̋po, midterm(s).
  • m039 me̋i|na, 1. t.v. think of, conceive. 2. i.v. reflect, come up with [> English mean]. -nȝe̋xno, maxim, epigram, aphorism. -nmi, adj. sensible, judicious. -nm̃i, adj. mental, intellectual. -n̈e̋mo, paragraph. -no, concept, conception, idea, notion. -nra, intellect, mind, wit. -nsa̋a̋lt=a, equanimity. =i, adj. equanimous. -nsi, adj. pensive, thoughtful. -n̨i, adj. imaginable, conceivable.
  • m040 me̋is|a, i.v. glimmer, flicker. -i, adj. flickering, lambent. -o, glimmer, flicker.
  • m041 me̋it|o, post, pale, stake, (tent) peg, picket [> Lithuanian miẽtas, stake]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. stake-, -out, -off; fence with stakes; tie to a post.
  • m042 me̋i|þa, 1. t.v. change, vary, alternate; mutate, convert. 2. i.v. change, vary, alternate; mutate, convert [> English mutate]. -þo, mutation. -þpe̋gi, adj. alternate. -þra, change, alteration; succession, turn, alternation; variation, fluctuation, vicissitude; mutation. -þu, mutant. -þvi, adv. in turn. -þ̨i, adj. changeable, convertible, variable, alterable.
  • m043 me̋i|żi, adj. indiscernible, turbid [> English mist]. -zta, turbidity. -żı̋d̨a, t.v. roil.
  • m044 me̋|ȝa, t.v. establish, set up [> English mere]. -ilu, establisher. -ȝo, establishment.
  • m045 me̋ka, pull out, extract; weed [> Japanese móg-, pull out].
  • m046 mel-, adj. prefix for dark colors, e.g., melre̋uði, dark red [> English melano-].
  • m047 me̋l|a, 1. t.v. articulate, link. 2. i.v. articulate, link [> English melody]. -o, limb, member. -ta, articulation.
  • cpd méliþze̋e̋ra, honeymoon [< melı̋to, honey; ze̋e̋ra, moon].
  • m048 me̋m̃|a, 1. t.v. advance, set forward, improve, start-, head-, -up, stick with. 2. i.v. move-, step-, -forward, advance, progress, go-, -on, -ahead, (make) progress, improve, get better. -a, postp. by, after. -ta, progress, advance, development, improvement.
  • m049 me̋n|a, 1. t.v. await, wait for. 2. i.v. wait, hold on [> English remain]. -te̋ro, waiting room.
  • m050 me̋|ra, 1. t.v. vex, annoy, bother, pester, harrass, bug. 2. i.v. annoy [> English mar]. -i, adj. vexed, annoyed, out of tune; in a bad-, -temper, -mood, cross; upset [stomach]; surly, brusque, uncivil. -r̈a, annoyance, discord, upset, disorder, vexation; ill humor, bad temper; ill feeling. -rta, brusqueness, incivility.
  • m051 me̋rƣ|o, ripple. -a, i.v. ripple. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. ripple.
  • m052 me̋|ṡa, t.v. parallel, lie alongside [> Sami miehttjēn, near by]. -spa̋a̋vo, by-way, byroad. -svi, adv. along. -ṡa, postp. along, alongside of. -ṡi, adj. parallel [to, Gen. or Acc.].
  • m053 me̋|ta, 1. t.v. ask, inquire-, -from, -of, interrogate, question. 2. i.v. ask, inquire, question; tiiðó sépa ~, ask about; tiiðús o ~tom ~, ask s.b. a question; mum ~e mee, don't ask me; k̬entéra ~, ask whether [> Korean 묻다 mutda, ask]. -to, question, query, inquiry. -þlu, questioner, interrogator. -þm̃i, adj. interrogative, interrogatory. -þsi, adj. inquisitive.
  • m054 mét|u, adv. at the same time, then [> Sanskrit smat, at the same time]. -a, postp. with. -i, cnj. when, at the same time-, -that, -as, at the time that, at the time(s) at which, whenever, while, during the time at which, as, as long as, once.
  • m055 me̋þ|o, center, central point, focus [> Korean 멀떠구니 meoltteoguni, bird’s crop]. -a, i.v. center, focus. -a, postp. in the center of. -i, adj. central, focal. -ı̋d̨a, 1. t.v. center, focus. -lo, lens. -ta, centrality.
  • m056 me̋u|di, adj. merry [> Sanskrit mődate, be merry]. -ðta, merriment.
  • m057 me̋u|ga, 1. t.v. lie in wait for, waylay; ambush. 2. i.v. lie in-, -wait, -ambush, lurk [> English mooch]. -go, ambush. -ƣlu, ambusher.
  • m058 me̋uk|o, mucilage. -i, adj. mucilaginous.
  • m059 me̋uri, adj. numerous [> English myriad].
  • m060 me̋v|a, shame. -a, i.v. be ashamed. -i, adj. ashamed, shame-faced. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. shame.
  • m061 me̋x|a, country, nation, land [> Etruscan mex, nation]. -as, Gentiles. -i, adj. national. -ȝa̋żaþu, patriot. -ȝe̋ka, vernacular. -ne̋mo, province, state.
  • m062 me̋z|a, 1. t.v. smear, besmear, bedaub, daub; miṡős éna ~, soak bread in gravy. 2. i.v. smear [> Tamil meẓ-uk-, smear with paste]. -o, smear.
  • m063 me̋|żi, adj. large, big, great [> English mega-]. -zde̋uku, grand duke. -zdı̋l=i, adj. of age. =ta, majority, coming of age. -zða̋mu, extended family. -zle̋mo, chunk. -zlo, magnifying glass. -zne̋mo, majority. -zrűűno, capital letter. -zta, bulk, largeness, greatness, build up, enlargement, bigness; fig. exaggeration. -ża, i.v. enlarge, greaten; wax; fig. exaggerate. -żalme̋ȝo, macrocosm. -żı̋d̨a, t.v. enlarge, greaten, build up, magnify. -żu, highness [title of nobility].
  • m064 mı̋ı̋|da, t.v. surpass [> Tamil mīr_u, exceed]. -di, adj. splendid, superlative, grand, imposing, grandiose, magnificent, sublime, majestic, stately. -ðta, splendor, grandeur, magnificence, sublimity, majesty. -ðvi, adv. splendidly, grandly.
  • m065 mı̋ı̋k|a, 1. t.v. crumble. 2. i.v. crumble, become crumbly. -o, crumb.
  • m066 mı̋ı̋l|u, swarm, colony; throng, multitude, crowd, gang, host, mob [> English homily]. -a i.v. swarm, crowd, throng. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. crowd, swarm with, throng, mob.
  • m067 mı̋ı̋m̃|a, 1. t.v. grieve for, mourn, feel sorry for, bewail. 2. i.v. grieve, mourn, sorrow, be sorry. -űȝa, t.v. grieve. -m̨̃i, adj. pitiable, deplorable, doleful, mournful, plaintive, wailful. -lu, griever, mourner. -ra, grief, sorrow, dole. -ri, adj. sorrowful, doleful, grievous, bitter [tears]. -za̋ro, knell.
  • m068 mı̋ı̋|ra, peace, peacefulness [> Russian мир, peace]. -ra i.v. make peace (with, súna). -ri, adj. peaceable, pacific, placatory, placative, conciliatory. -rı̋d̨a, 1. t.v. pacify, placate, appease, propitiate, conciliate. -rlu, peacemaker. -r̈a, pacification, appeasement, propitiation, conciliation. -r̈i, adj. peaceful.
  • m069 mı̋ı̋t|a, 1. t.v. distort, misshape, contort, warp, gnarl, deform, garble; pervert. 2. i.v. distort, contort, warp, deform [> English vice]. -o, deformity.
  • m070 mı̋|i, adj. self [> [[Wikipedia:Iñupiaq language|Inupik immi-, oneself]. ~-, proclitic -self. -e̋slu, the Self-existent. -ka̋a̋da, commit suicide. -sa̋a̋i, adj. cpdlacent, self-satisfied. -sa̋pa, self-defense. -u, self; mu-~u, myself.
  • m071 mı̋d|a, 1. t.v. blink. 2. i.v. blink [> Kannada miṭa-kisu, blink]. -o, blink.
  • m072 mı̋ð|a, t.v. reward, cpdensate, recpdense. -i, adj. cpdensatory. -o, reward, cpdensation, recpdense, meed, desserts.
  • m073 mı̋ko, hundred trillion [> Tamil miku, exceed].
  • m074 mı̋la, 1. t.v. turn over, capsize. 2. i.v. fall over, capsize [> Tamil miḷir, turn over].
  • m075 mı̋m|a, 1. t.v. ride (on) [a steed]. 2. i.v. ride a steed. -e, steed. -lu, horsemen, rider, knight, chevalier. -m̃i, adj. equestrian. - -ra, equitation.
  • m076 mı̋n|a, i.v. strut, swagger. i, adj. pompous, bombastic. -o, pomp.
  • m077 mı̋nd|a, i.v. commit adultery [> Kannada miṇḍa, libertine]. -ĕlu, adulterer. -ĕra, adultery. -i, adj. adulterous.
  • m078 mı̋|ro, timber, lumber. -r̈a, cultivation of timber.
  • m079 mı̋|þa, t.v. send (out), dispatch, post, ship, transmit; mail, post [> English remit]. -þa̋a̋gu, messenger. -þfuuibı̋ı̋ðo, post card. -þi, adj. missive. -þkolőmbe, carrier pigeon. -þk̬e̋so, mailbox. -þle̋z=ta, philately. =ta̋a̋gu, philatelist. =o, stamp collection. -þne̋xu, mailman, postman. -þo, letter, missive, message, dispatch; ~on ṡ̨őga, correspond. -þra, mail. -þsı̋ı̋mlo, letter opener. -þṡ̨őg=a, correspondence. =a̋a̋gu, correspondent. -þvi, adv. in writing, by letter. -þ̨xe̋po, postage. -þże̋e̋no, stamp.
  • m080 mı̋|ża, t.v. meddle. -zlu, meddler. -zsi, adj. meddlesome.
  • m081 mőőd|a, manner, means, method, way; resource [> Tamil mōṭi, manner]. -a, postp. with, by, through, in. -i, rel. cnj. how, as, like. -o, wherewithal. -u, adv. as; þef~u, in bunches.
  • m082 mőőil|i, adj. bold, daring, audacious, intrepid. -a, i.v. venture, risk, dare, make bold (to). -ı̋d̨a, t.v. venture, risk, dare, embolden. -o, venture, risk, dare. -ta, boldness, daring, audacity, intrepidity. -taƣ=a̋a̋gu, adventurer. =i, adj. adventurous, adventuresome. =o, adventure.
  • m083 mőő|ȝa, charm, delight. -ȝa, i.v. charm, delight. -ȝi, adj. charming, delightful. -ȝı̋d̨a, t.v. charm, delight.
  • m084 mőőm̃|i, adj. stupid, daft [> English mute]. -ta, dullness, stupidity. -u, moron.
  • cpd móórn̨u, adv. face down, prostrate.
  • m085 mőő|ta, 1. t.v. fool. 2. i.v. fool [> Tamil mōṭu, stupidity]. -ti, adj. foolish. -tu, fool, idiot. -þta, foolishness.
  • mo86 mőőþa, 1. t.v. strike-, beat-, -out. 2. i.v. burst forth, spring-, well-, -up [> Tamil mottu, strike].
  • m087 mőő|u, widow(er) [> Tamil ppi, widow]. -a, i.v. become a widow(er). -a̋iða, suttee. -asűru, dowager princess. -dı̋la, year of mourning. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. make a widow(er) of. -ta, widowhood.
  • m088 mőőur|o, ooze, goo [> Greek μύρω, flow]. 1. i.v. -a, ooze. -ı̋d̨a, 2. t.v. ooze. -i, adj. oozy.
  • m089 mőőxa, 1. t.v. disperse, dissipate, diffuse, disseminate. 2. i.v. disperse, dissipate, diffuse [> Japanese mák-, sow].
  • m090 mő|do, circle [> Korean 무릎 mureup, knee]. -a, i.v. circulate. -da, cycle. -da̋to, circuit. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. circle, encircle, circulate. -ðko, circlet. -ðsűno, satellite.
  • cpd mokőőuȝi, adj. fly-blown [< mőko, fly; őőuȝo, egg].
  • m091 mő|la, t.v. mill, grind [> English meal]. -l̤o, (hand)mill, quern. -l̤u, miller.
  • m092 mola̋na, fine sand.
  • m093 mőlko, leather-, -sack, -pouch [> English mail].
  • m094 mőn|i, adj. frequent [> Finnish moni, many]. -ta, frequency. -vi, adv. frequently, often.
  • cpd mo|rpőɫo, ponytail. -r̈e̋sa, 1. t.v. gallop. 2. i.v. gallop. -rte̋slu, hostler, groom. -rte̋utu, horse people [Humans]. -rve̋e̋l̤u, horse master.
  • m095 mőrdo, bunch [grapes, etc.] [> Biscayan mordo, bunch (grapes)].
  • m096 mős|a, 1. t.v. curdle, coagulate, congeal, clot, clabber. 2. i.v. curdle, sour [of milk], coagulate, congeal, clot, clabber [> Tamil mucar, buttermilk]. -o, clot. -ra, curdling, coagulation, congealing, clotting.
  • m097 mő|ṡa, t.v. betray, commit-, -treason, -treachery. -ṡi, adj. treasonable, treasonous, treacherous, traitorous. -slu, betrayer, traitor. -sra, betrayal, treason, treachery.
  • m098 mő|ta, 1. t.v. add (up), sum (up), amount to. 2. i.v. add up, total [> Tamil tottam, sum]. -ti, adj. total. -to, sum, total, amount. -þmi, adj. additional. -þra, addition. -þta, totality.
  • m099 mőz|a, i.v. bow (down), make a bow [> Kannada moẓgu]. -o, bow, obeisance. -ra, obeisance.
  • m100 mɔ̋ɔ̋m̃|a, 1. t.v. relieve, allay, solace, assuage, ease. 2. i.v. ease. -ra, ease, relief. -t̬i, palliative, lenitive.
  • m101 mɔ̋|ra, t.v. keep, support, maintain [with tangibles] [> Hungarian marasztal, retain]. -r̈a, keep, support, maintainence.
  • m102 műű|ki, adj. mute, dumb [> Old Greek μυκός, mute]. -kı̋d̨a, t.v. mute, deaden. -ku, mute person. -xta, muteness, dumbness.
  • m103 műűl|o, plant [> Old Greek μολϋ, unknown plant]. -i, adj. vegetal, vegetarian. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. plant. -ı̋ȝo, vegetation. -ȝa̋xt̬i, simple. -ne̋e̋to, cellulose. -sa̋a̋r̈=a, botany. =a̋a̋gu, botanist. -te̋e̋rt̬i, vegetable dye. -że̋f=e, herbivore. =i, adj. herbivorous.
  • cpd muus|m̃a̋lta, brawn [< műűso, muscle; m̃a̋lta, strength].
  • drv muusri, adj. musclebound.
  • m104 műűt|a, t.v. bundle; truss [> Tamil mū-ṭai, bundle]. -o, bundle, deck [of cards].
  • m105 műűx|o, smoke [> Old Irish múch, smoke]. -a, i.v. smoke. -i, adj. smoky. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. smoke. -ȝa̋mo, smokehole. -lu, smoker. -muulfa̋a̋rlu, tobacconist.
  • m106 műűz|i, adj. mature [> Tamil mūẓ, be mature]. -a, i.v. mature. -ra, maturation.
  • m107 m|u, pers. pron. I [> English me]. ~-anderű, my lord [> m̌anderű] [respectful address to Ethrans]. -űr=i, adj. selfish, egotistical. =ta, selfishness; egotism.
  • m108 mű|bi, adj. blunt, obtuse, dull [> Evenki mụ̄b/p-]. -ba, i.v. blunt. -bı̋d̨a, t.v. blunt. -vta, bluntness, obtuseness, dullness.
  • m109 mű|di, adj. exhausted, jejune, subdued, lifeless, spent [> Greek αμϋδρό-, weak]. -dı̋d̨a, t.v. exhaust, drain, deplete, spend, run out of. -ðra, exhaustion, depletion, enervation.
  • m110 múdu, adv. [> Mongolian mödü, soon ] soon, shortly.
  • m111 mű|go, end, conclusion, close, ending, issue [> Tamil muki, end]. -ga, i.v. end (up) (with, túȝa), conclude, close. -gi, adj. finite, final, conclusive, last, ultimate. -gı̋d̨=a, t.v. end, conclude, close. -ƣsa̋po, final(s). -ƣta, finiteness, finitude.
  • m112 mű|ȝa, 1. t.v. feel, sense, be sensitive to. 2. i.v. feel [> Finnish muistaa, remember]. -iti, adj. sensitive. -itos, feelings. -iþm=i, adj. sentient. =ĕta, sentience. -iþra, sensitivity. -ȝi, adj. appreciable, sensible.
  • P.N. muka̋n|i, adj. Greek [> Greek Μυκῆναι]. -ȝe̋ko, Greek language. -u, Greek.
  • m113 mű|ki, adj. industrious, diligent [> Malayalam mukkuki, strain]. -ko, industry. -xm̃i, adj. industrial. -xra, industry. -xta, industry, diligence.
  • m114 műl|a, 1. t.v. pass (by), overtake. 2. i.v. pass by. -i, adj. passing, transient, temporary, provisional. -m̃e̋e̋s=a, stay, sojourn. =lu, sojourner. -vi, adv. temporarily.
  • m115 mul|űva, time long past, yore; ~a̋s, once upon a time [> Inupiaq mulu, stay away for a long time]. -úva, adv. in time long past, yore.
  • m116 műn|a, 1. t.v. mistake (for, ánta). 2. i.v. make a mistake, be in the wrong, do wrong, err, blunder [> Turkish buna, become mad]. -i, adj. wrong, erroneous, mistaken. -o, fault, failure, error, mistake, blunder.
  • m117 műƣd|o, bank, embankment, dike [> Korean 마당 madang, yard]. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. bank, embank, dike.
  • m118 műr|a, 1. t.v. murmur, mutter. 2. i.v. murmur, mutter [> English murmur]. -o, murmur, mutter.
  • m119 műs|o, steam [> Japanese mús-, steam]. -a, i.v. (give off) steam. -i, adj. steamy. -ı̋d̨a, t.v. steam.
  • m120 mű|ta, t.v. cut off; lop, clip, crop, dock [tails], poll [horns]; amputate, truncate, prune, trim [> English mutilate]. -þpőɫi, adj. bobtailed; docked. -þva̋rðo, close-cropped beard.
  • m121 mutı̋l|u, apprentice [> Gipuzkoan mutil, apprentice]. -ta, apprenticeship.
  • m122 műþ|a, 1. t.v. assemble, gather-, bring-, call-, -together, convoke, convene, rally, coalesce, amalgamate, concentrate [troops, etc.], muster. 2. i.v. meet, assemble, convene, come together, rally, gather, concentrate [troops, etc.], muster [> Korean 모든 modeun, all]. -o, assembly, gathering, rally, convocation, convention, meeting, congress, congregation, muster.
  • m123 műx|a, t.v. veil, wrap-, (-around, -up), envelop, swaddle, swathe, drape. -i, adj. -wrapped. -o, wrapping, envelope.
  • m124 m̨a̋|go, glory [> Mongolian maɣta-, glorify]. -gi, adj. glorious. -gı̋d̨a, t.v. extol, glorify. -ƣra, glorification.
  • m125 m̨a̋n|a, 1. t.v. mix up, confuse, addle, bemuse. 2. i.v. mix up, addle [> Korean 무서워하다 mu-seowohada, be afraid]. -ra, confusion.
  • m126 m̨őȝ|a, 1. t.v. mislead, make a fool of. 2. i.v. mislead [> Japanese mayó, go astray].
  • m127 m̨őlo, ten million [> Turkish bol, abundant].
  • m128 m̨ő|ri, adj. affectionate, tender, loving [> Japanese mùtsum-, show affection]. -ra, i.v. show affection. -rı̋d̨a, t.v. show affection to. -r̈a, affection, tenderness.
  • m129 m̨ős|a, 1. t.v. smile (at, upon). 2. i.v. smile [> Mongolian misije-, smile]. -o, smile.
  • m130 m̨őþ|o, country, countryside, land [> Korean 뭍 mut(h), dry land]. -m̃i, adj. rural, rustic, grestic. -ru, peasant.
  • m131 m̨űűka, i.v. slither [> Korean mǝk-kuri, big black snake].
  • m132 m̨űl|i, adj. ignorant [> Korean morɨ-, ignorant]. -ta, ignorance.
  • m133 m̨űm|a, 1. t.v. result in, pass [test], come to. 2. i.v. do right, come about, succeed, manage, turn out to be, work (out) [> Hittite miumar, prosperity]. -i, adj. successful; resultant. -i, cnj. with the result that, (so) that, so (as). -o, success; result(s), issue, outcome.
  • m134 m̨űr|a, stress, accent, emphasis [> Korean mīl-, press]. -i, adj. emphatic.

Senjecas dict. m̃