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==Pronunciation table==

{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:500px;"
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''babela̋s þǫ̋ro'''</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">The Tower of Babel (''Genesis 11:1-9'')</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''''ivra̋s ų́da tarne̋xaþo'''''</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">''Translated from the Hebrew''</div>
==Literal translation of the Hebrew text:==
*1. And all the earth was of one language and of one speech.
*2. And it was as the traveled from the east, they found a level valley in the land of Shinar, and they lived there.
*3. And each one said to his neighbor, "Come, let us make bricks and burn (them) thoroughly." And the brick was to them for stone, and the asphalt was to them for mortar.
*4. And they said, "Come, let us build for ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered on the face of all the earth.
*5. And JHWH came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of Adam had built.
*6. And JHWH said, "See, the people one, and the language one to all them and this they are beginning to do. And now not will be restrained from them all which they have imagined to do.
*7. Come, let us go and mix up there their language so that they cannot understand their neighbor's one language.
*8. And JHWH scattered them from there, over the face of all the earth, and they ceased from building the city.
*9. Therefore its name was called Babel because there JHWH mixed up the speech of all the earth and from there JHWH scattered them abroad on the face of all the earth.
==Senjecan text==
*1. '''da őru v̌ę̋tu se̋m ȝeka̋sk̬e se̋m saɱa̋sk̬’ e-e̋sa:'''
*2. '''da—tei nus. méti ą̋usam áfa e-ta̋ᵹa. mexa̋s cinara̋s èna lę̋po le̋ðom e-dę̋si—e-e̋sa. da tóru e-ɱę̋sa:'''
*3. '''nı̨̋gu nu-hausűs o e-tę̋a ɱa ǧe̋me: ɱú tęᵹta̋inon tę̋ge da ɱę́rðɛvi (non) a̋iðe ɱa. da tęᵹta̋ino tainős ðę́a núm o e-e̋sa da dįðı̋mo pikős ðę́a núm o e-e̋sa:'''
*4. '''da e-tę̋a ɱa ǧe̋me: ɱú miɱúm éra no-fǫ̋ro numőm éna étu rı̋ȝomk̬e þǫ̋romk̬e de̋me. da miɱúm éra fę̋tom vą̋ne—mętą́di őro v̌ętős pintős éva ƶą̋daþus ı̋lo ɱa:'''
*5.'''da ȝa̋hɱu—tei adamű' sűnus non e-dɪde̋mi—rı̋ȝomk̬e fǫ̋romk̬e ną̋ku tą́da e-ı̋za:'''
*6. '''da ȝa̋hɱu e-tę̋a ɱa ęnő. le̋uðu se̋m (e̋sa) da őru núm o se̋m ȝe̋ka (e̋sa). da nus nom kı̋u tőda. da ímu nus—tei nom kı̋u nɪna̋mi—őrom ápa bőþaþ' u-ı̋la ne:'''
*7. '''ǧe̋me: ɱú a̋te da tóru nu-ȝe̋kam ṁa̋ne—tą́di nu-hausűsɛ se̋m ȝe̋kam þűmo mę ɱa:'''
*8. '''da ȝa̋hɱu tórþis őro v̌ętős pintős éva nun e-ƶą̋da. da nus rı̋ȝom de̋mu e-dűsa:'''
*9. '''ną́ru no-fę̋to babe̋la fę̋taþo ı̋la. hi ȝa̋hɱu tóru őro v̌ętő' sa̋ɱam e-ṁa̋na. da ȝa̋hɱu tórþis őro v̌ętős pintős éva la̋fvi nun e-ƶą̋da:'''
!da||tęᵹ-ta̋in-o||tain-ős||ðę́a||n-úm||o ||e=e̋s-a||da||dįðı̋m-o||pik-ős||ðę́a||n-úm||o||e=e̋s-a

Latest revision as of 19:57, 8 December 2023