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== ..... Nouns and how they pervade other parts of speech==
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'''nambo''' meaning house is a fairly typical non-single-syllable noun and we can use it to demonstrate how '''béu''' generates other words from nouns.
Not many nouns can be used as verbs. However when an action is associated to a certain noun, usually, with no change of form, it can be used as a verb. For example '''lotova''' means bicycle and you get '''lotovarwi''' meaning "I used to ride my bicycle". For the infinitive, '''du''' must be affixed to the basic form.
The meaning given to the verb '''nambo''' is arrived at through metaphor, it is not so straight forward as the bicycle example.
The use of all tools can be expressed in a similar manner to '''lotova'''.
Sometimes in English a bare noun can be used to qualify another noun (i.e. it can act as an adjective). For example in the phrase "history teacher", "history" has the roll usually performed by an adjective ... for example, "the sadistic teacher". This can never happen in '''béu''', the noun must undergo some sort of change. The most common change for '''nambo''' is it to change into its genitive form '''nambon''' as in '''pintu nambon''' "the door of the house". Other changes that can occur are the affixation of '''-go''' or '''-ka'''. These are used with certain nouns more than others. They are not used that much with the noun '''nambo''' so I haven't included them in the chart above. You could use the forms '''nambogo''' or '''namboka''' if you wanted tho' (they would mean "house-like"). Maybe you would use one of these terms in a joke ... it would stike the listener as ''slightly'' odd however.
This is a very common derivation. Nearly all nouns can take this transformation.
'''nambia''' is an adjective meaning "having a home". And its use as a noun is quite common as well, in which case it would probably be translater as "a home owner"
Also a very common derivation. The opposite of '''nambia'''.
'''nambua''' means '''homeless''' or '''the homeless'''
Note that although '''ia''' and '''ua''' are exact opposites, the usage of the words produced from these affixes do not completely mirror each other. It all depends oner what the base word is.
For example, in this case, the form '''nambia''' is a bit rarer than '''nambia'''. Also '''nambua''' is used more often as an adjective than as a noun, while '''nambia''' is used more often as a noun than an adjective.
Many of the worlds languages have a suffix that has this roll. Called an "augmentative" in the Western linguistic tradition. Does not really come into play in English but quite common in '''béu'''. As well as some basic forms that appear regularly in their augmentative version, any noun can receive this affix. But of course it will stick out if it is not commonly used.
The opposite of '''nambuma'''. Called an "diminutive" in the Western linguistic tradition. In '''béu''' it is often used to show that the speaker feels affection for the noun so transformed. There is no trace of the opposite for the augmentative : nobody would use the augmentative to show repulsion.
The form changes that produce '''nambia''', '''nambua''', '''nambuma''', '''nambita''', '''*nambija''' are '''*nambeba''' affected by deleting the final vowel (or diphthong) and then adding the relevant affix. However with this change of form this is not always possible to delete the final vowel (example). In this example it is possible. In fact it is possible if the final consonant of the base word is j, b, g, d,c, s, k, t, l or m.
By the way '''nambwan''' means domestic or domesticated. Nearly always when you come across the word it is referring to animals.
Other derivations that are not possible with '''nambo'''
I have already mentioned '''nambogo''' and '''namboka''' which while possible, are not at all common. Also I will mention three other derivations that are quite common however can not occur with '''nambo'''.
1) '''-ija''' is affixed to the names of animals and give a word meaning the young of that animal. For example;-
'''huvu''' = sheep
'''huvija''' = lamb
'''mèu''' = cat
'''meuja''' = kitten
2) '''-eba''' is an affix that produces a word meaning "a set of something" where the base word is considered as a central/typical member of that set.  For example;-
'''baiʔo''' = spoon
'''baiʔeba''' = cutlery
= chair
= furniture
'''nambeba''' could represent a set comprising (houses, huts, skyscrapers, apartment buildings, government buildings etc etc.), however this is already covered by '''bundo''' (derived from the verb '''bunda''' "to build").
== .....  -uʒi    and    -go==
Note that '''wan''' tends to be affixed to nouns while '''uzhi''' gets affixed to verbs.
{| border=1
  |align=center| to play
  |align=center| '''lento'''
  |align=center| playful
  |align=center| '''lentuʒi'''
  |align=center| to rest/relax
  |align=center| '''loŋge'''
  |align=center| lazy
  |align=center| '''loŋguʒi'''
  |align=center| to lie
  |align=center| '''selne'''
  |align=center| untruthful by disposition
  |align=center| '''selnuʒi'''
  |align=center| to work
  |align=center| '''kodai'''
  |align=center| diligent
  |align=center| '''koduʒi'''
If the verb is monosyllabic, then -'''go''' is used instead of -'''uʒi'''.
Sometimes it is hard to tell if a word is basically a verb or a noun.
For example '''eskua''' is the '''gomia''' of a verb which means "to be angry". However it is also a noun meaning "anger".
However we can say that it is basically a verb as '''eskuʒi''' "bad tempered" !!!
How do we say "angry" ???
== ..... Number of categories==
So now we can say, '''béu''' has ...
1      '''wepua'''
2      '''mazeba''' .......................... and 2 demonstratives
3      '''plova''' ......... participles ........ '''ʔinʔanandau''' or whatever words
4      '''teŋko''' ........ evidentials ........ relativizers or '''ʔasemo'''-marker
5      '''seŋgeba''' ..... modals  ..... and 5 specify'''ana'''
6      '''ʔanandau''' ... question words
7      '''cenʔo''' ......... subject marked on the verb
9      '''???''' .............. personal pronouns
12 pilana (noun cases),
15 "specified"
16 gwoma (tense/aspect verbal affixes).
best to have 10 ??? conjunctions ???
The complement clause construction ???
'''wí''' = to see    '''polo''' = Paul      '''timpa''' = to hit      '''jene''' = Jenny
'''wori polo timpa andai''' = He saw paul hitting something
'''wori pá timpana ó''' = He saw me hitting her
'''wori jene bwò timpa''' = He saw Jenny being hit
'''wori polo timpa jene''' = He saw Paul hitting Jenny
'''wori pà timpa jene''' = He saw me hitting Jenny.
In the above constructions the word order must be as shown above.
== ..... The transitivity of verbs in '''béu'''==
All languages have a Verb class, generally with at least several hundred members.
Leaving aside copula clauses, there are two recurrent clause types, transitive and intransitive. Verbs can be classified according to
the clause type they may occur in:
(a) Intransitive verbs, which may only occur in the predicate of an intransitive clause; for example, "snore" in English.
(b) Transitive verbs, which may only occur in the predicate of a transitive clause; for example, "hit" in English.
In some languages, all verbs are either strictly intransitive or strictly transitive. But in others there are ambitransitive (or labile) verbs, which may be used in an intransitive or in a transitive clause. These are of two varieties:
(c) Ambitransitives of type S = A. An English example is "knit", as in "She<sub>S</sub> knits" and "She<sub>A</sub> knits socks<sub>O</sub>".
(d) Ambitransitives of type S = O. An English example is "melt", as in "The butter<sub>S</sub> melted" and "She<sub>A</sub> melted the butter<sub>O</sub>".
English verbs can be divided into the four types mentioned above. '''béu''' verbs however can only be divided into two types, a) Intransitive, and b) Transitive. In this section it will be shown how the four English types of verb map into the two '''béu''' types. (Of course there is nothing special or unique about English ... other than the fact that a reader of this grammatical sketch will already be familiar with English)
'''An intransitive verb in English => an intransitive verb in béu'''
An example of an intransitive verb in English is "laugh". This is also an intransitive verb in '''béu'''. In a clause containing an intransitive verb, the only argument that you have is the S argument.
By the way ... some concepts that are adjectives in English are primarily intransitive verbs in '''béu''', for example ;- to be angry, to be sick, to be healthy etc. etc.
===Ambitransitive of type S=O===
{| border=1
  |align=left| x) ''' An intransitive in béu'''
  |align=center| '''An "ambitransitive of type S=O" =>'''
  |align=left|  y) '''A pair of verbs, one being intransitive and one being transitive'''
  |align=left|  z) '''A transitive in béu'''
x)  "Ambitransitive verbs of type S=O" which have greater frequency in intransitive clauses, are intransitive verbs in '''béu'''.
For example ;- '''flompe''' = to trip, '''(ò)<sub>S</sub> flomporta''' = She has tripped
y)  "Ambitransitive of type S=O" verbs which are frequent in both transitive and intransitive clauses, are represented as a pair of verbs in '''béu''', one of which is intransitive and one transitive. There are a few hundred '''béu''' verbs that come in pairs like this. One should not be thought of as derived from the other; each form should be considered equally fundamental. All the pairs have the same form, except the transitive one has an extra "'''l'''" before its final consonant.
For example '''hakori kusoni<sub>S</sub>''' = his chair broke : '''(pás)<sub>A</sub> halkari kusoni<sub>O</sub>''' = I broke his chair :
z)  "Ambitransitive of type S=O" verbs which have greater frequency in transitive clauses, are transitive vebs in '''béu'''.
For example ;- '''nava''' = to open, '''(pás)<sub>A</sub> navaru pinto<sub>O</sub>''' = I am going to open the door
=== Ambitransitive verbs of type S=A and Transitive verbs===
{| border=1
  |align=centre|  '''An "ambitransitive of type S=A"'''
  |align=center|  or
  |align=center|  '''=> A transitive in béu'''
  |align=right| '''A transitive verb in English'''
I am taking transitive and ambitransitive of type (S=A) together as I consider them to be basically the same thing but tending to opposite ends of a continuum.
Consider the illustration below.
At the top (with the "objects easily guessed") are verbs that are normally designated "ambitransitive of type S=A".
At the bottom (with the "objects could be anything") are verbs that are normally designated "transitive".
Considering the top first. One can have "I<sub>A</sub> eat apples<sub>O</sub>" or we can have  "I<sub>S</sub> eat"
Then considering the bottom. One can have "I<sub>A</sub> hit Jane<sub>O</sub>" but you can not have "*I<sub>S</sub> hit"
Moving up from the bottom. One can imagine a situation, for example when showing a horse to somebody for the first time when you would say "She<sub>S</sub> kicks". While this is possible to say this, it is hardly
As we go from the top to the bottom of the continuum;-
a) The semantic area to which the object (or potential object if you will) gets bigger and bigger.
b) At the bottom end the object becomes is more unpedictable and hence more pertinent.
c) As a consequence of a) and b), the object is more likely to be human as you go down the continuum.
'''béu''' considers it good style to drop as many arguments as possible. In '''béu''' all the verbs along this continuum are considered transitive. Quite often one or both arguments are dropped, but of course are known through context. If the O argument is dropped it could be known because it was the previously declared topic (however more often the A argument is the topic tho', and hence dropped, represented by '''swe''' tho' as its case marking can not be dropped), it could be because the verb is from the top end of the continuum and the action is the important thing and the O argument or arguments just not important, or the dropped argument could be interpreted as "something" or "somebody", or it could be a definite thing that can be identified by the discouse that the clause is buried in.
== ..... Want==
Maybe I should forget about the subjunctive (ends in '''xn''', before ended in '''xs''', maybe should end in '''xk''') and do things another way ??
If then the
1) '''wár bái nambo''' => I want to go home ............. '''bái''' is infinitive ............ '''bái''' and '''nambo''' can not be separated
2) '''wár bís nambo''' => I want you to go home  ...  '''bís'''  is subjunctive ........ '''bís''' and '''nambo''' can not be separated
3) '''wár  timpis ò''' => I want you to hit her/him  ...  '''timpis''' is subjunctive ... '''timpis''' and '''ò''' can not be separated
I wish that you had hit her/him => '''wár tà (gìs) timpir ò'''  ???
I wish that you would hit him => ???
So in the above ... the construction as in 1) is used when the person doing the wanting, is also the subject (A or O) of the action required and the second action sort of "follows on" from the "wanting".
The construction as in 2) and 3) is used when the person doing the wanting is different from the subject (A or O) of the action required. The second action again sort of "following on" from the "wanting".
The construction as in 4) is used when the person doing the wanting is different from the subject (A or O) of the action required AND the second action DOES NOT "following on" from the "wanting".
Now we have said before that '''béu''' has free word order, however this really only applies to the verb in R-form (R) and the S argument in an intransitive clause, and the R, A and O in a transitive clause. When you have a verb in '''gomia'''-form (G), in the subjunctive form (Sub) or in the imperative form (Imp), you must have these elements in the following order ;-
S G : S  Sub  ... the last of these (S -S ) is quite unusual.  Maybe can have S  I  ... but then S must be in vocative case
A  G  O : A  Sub  O : Imp  O ... expand this and make it look good.  Maybe can have A  I  O  ... but then A must be in vocative case
In the '''béu''' linguistic tradition, a clause that has one R verb in it, or one N verb, or one I verb is called '''aʒiŋko baga''' or a simple clause. Any clause that has an R verb plus an  G or N,  verb is called a '''aʒiŋko kaza''' or a complex clause.
== ..... Start, Stop, Try==
In '''béu''', three secondary verbs (in English) are expressed by a copula plus a '''pilana'''. They are ...
to start drinking => '''láu solbelke'''
to stop drinking => '''láu solbelfe'''
to try drinking => '''sàu solbewo'''
And just to demonstrate that the above doesn't necessary lead to confusion ...
He talks about drinking => '''cator solbewo'''
We talk about trying to drink => '''catair wo sàu solbewo'''
So in fact the '''gomia''' take 8 of the 12 '''pilana''' ... '''ji    ge      n        ho      la      lfe      lkx      wo'''
The ergative '''s''' also occurs but only in its prepositional form '''sá'''
== .....  -'''am'''- as a none-productive infix==
'''klói''' = to see
'''klamoi''' = to show
'''tàu''' = to know
'''tamau''' = to tell
'''bái''' = to go, to move
'''bamai''' = to drive
'''kàu''' = to come
'''kamau''' = to summon
'''fyu''' = to fly
'''fyamu''' = to throw
'''gwoi''' = to jump (involuntarily), to give a start
'''gwamoi''' = to make somebody jump, to give somebody a start
'''doika''' = walk
'''damoika''' = to manage, to run ......... '''damoikanai''' = "the management" or "the managers"
== ..... To think about==
Further uses of the "s" form of the verb. That is the subjunctive.
Also used in dependent clauses with the meaning ...
that xxx should yyy.
Used after "want/hope/believe ?" if the subject is different. If subject is the same then the verb is in the '''gomia''' form.
hear, see, think, like, remember, know, believe | use '''tà + full verb''' with FACT complements.
hear, see, like, remember | use '''gomia''' with ACTION complements (English would use "-ing")
Sometimes when English would use the "to" construction, '''béu''' would use the -'''u''' participle | remember
== Some rubbish==
'''poma''' = leg
'''pomas''' = to kick, '''pomari''' = I kicked
'''pomaswan''' = liable to kick, fond of kicking
'''pomonda''' = good to kick
'''klonda''' = worth seeing
To fix up this bit.....Of course we can make two clauses, and have the second clause one element inside the first clause. To do that you must use the particle '''tà'''. Equivalent to one of the uses of "that" in English. '''tà''' basically tells you that the following clause should be treated like a single element, like a single noun.
I should mention '''sá tà ...'''
'''solbe''' = to drink
'''heŋgo''' = to live (or it could mean "a life")
'''soŋkau''' = to die (or it could mean "death")
'''glabu''' = person
'''moze''' = water
'''moʒi''' = steam
'''heŋgola''' = alive, living
'''soŋki''' = dead
== ..... Examples of prepositions==
move these somewhere else
'''ilai''' = between
'''geka''' = without
'''mú''' = outside of
'''muka''' = outside
'''pika''' = inside 
'''pòi''' = to enter or to put in
'''poi.a nambo''' = go into the house
'''wi.a toilia di toilicoipi''' = put these book in the bookcase ... '''wi.a toilia di toilicoin''' ... yeah, I like the second version
''' toilia di TAKE.ia poi.a nambo''' = take these book into the house
''' toilia di TAKE.ia nambo.pia jene.kye.a'''  = take these book into the house and give to Jane
'''  TAKE.iya toilia di nambo pireu jene kyireu'''  = take these book into the house and give to Jane
'''méu''' = to exit or to take out ... I guess cat must be '''mèu'''
'''miwa nambo báin''' = come out of the house, get out of the house
== ....  -GO==
{| border=1
  |align=center| pronounced
  |align=center| operation
  |align=center| label
  |align=center| example
  |align=center| '''-go'''
  |align=center| noun => adjective, plus adjective => adjective, plus verb => adjective
  |align=center| "ish"
  |align=center|  '''gla.go''' = effeminate, '''hia.go''' = reddish, '''bla.go''' = quarrelsome
'''gó''' = to resemble, to be like
'''gó dó''' = to be the exact image of
'''gla.go''' = effeminate, '''hia.go''' = reddish, '''bla.go''' = quarrelsome
Sometimes the '''-go''' derived words have negative connotations, as in '''gal.go'''
There is a suffix '''-ka''' (notice it is not considered a '''pilana'''), that often has a positive connotation, sometimes making a couplet with a '''-go''' derived word. For example ;-
'''gla.ka''' = womanly
'''kài''' = to appear, to seem
'''kò''' = appearance
==..... Opposite meaning, same word class==
The prefix for adjectives is "u"
'''taitau''' = many
'''utaitau''' = few
'''mutu''' = important
'''umutu''' = unimportant
The prefix for adverb is "u"
'''nan''' = for a long time   
'''unan''' = not for a long time
The  prefix for nouns is "u"
'''mezna''' = to fight
'''meznana''' = combatant
'''umeznana''' = non-combatant
As in English, not found that often. Sometimes found in rule books.
However the prefix for verbs is "ku"
{| border=1
  |align=center| '''kunja'''
  |align=center| to fold
  |align=center| '''kukunja'''
  |align=center| to unfold
  |align=center| '''laiba'''
  |align=center| to cover
  |align=center| '''kulaiba'''
  |align=center| to uncover
  |align=center| '''fuŋga'''
  |align=center| to fasten, to lock
  |align=center| '''kufuŋga'''
  |align=center| to unfasten, to unlock
  |align=center| '''benda'''
  |align=center| to assemble, to put together
  |align=center| '''kubenda'''
  |align=center| to take apart, to disassemble
  |align=center| '''pauca'''
  |align=center| to stop up, to block
  |align=center| '''kupauca'''
  |align=center| to unstop
  |align=center| '''sensa'''
  |align=center| to weave
  |align=center|  '''kusensa'''
  |align=center| to unravel
  |align=center| '''fiŋka'''
  |align=center| to put on clothes, to dress
  |align=center| '''kufiŋka'''
  |align=center| to undress
  |align=center| '''tasta'''
  |align=center| to tangle
  |align=center|  '''kutasta'''
  |align=center| to untangle
Note ... if they verbal prefix was simply '''u''', then the same word would mean both "non-folding" and "unfolding"
'''kunja''' = to fold
'''kunjana''' = "folding" (an adjective) or "one that folds" (a noun)
'''kukunjana''' = "unfolding" or the "unfolder"
'''ukunjana''' = "non-folding" or "one that doesn't fold"
==..... Arithmetic, Algebra & Calculus==
'''nogau''' = arithmetic
One further point of note ...
If you wanted to express a number represented by digits 2->4 from the LHS of the monster, you would say '''auvaidaula nàin''' .... the same way as we have in the Western European tradition.
However if you wanted to express a number represented digits 6 ->8 from the RHS of the monster, you would say '''yanfa elaibau'''  .... not the way we do it.  This is like saying "milli 630 volts" instead of "630 microvolts".
-6 is pronounced '''komo ela''' ... '''komo''' meaning left or negative.
By the way '''bene''' means right (as in right-hand-side) or positive.
4i is pronounced '''uga haspia'''<sup>**</sup> ... and what does '''haspia''' mean, well it is the name of the little squiggle that touches the number bar, for one thing.
-4i is pronounced '''komo uga haspia'''
-1/10 is pronounced '''komo diapa'''
i/4 is pronounced '''duga haspia'''
<sup>*</sup>Actually these placeholder symbols are named after 6 living things. This does not lead to confusion tho'. When you are doing arithmetic these concrete meanings are totally bleached.
<sup>**</sup>This can also be pronounced as '''bene uga haspia'''. However usually the '''bene''' bit is deemed redundent.
'''haijogu''' = arithmetic
In the West we use '''x''' '''y''' and '''z''' to represent variables. In '''béu''' we have 3 special symbols to represent these three variables. The names of these symbols are '''haigan''', '''jogan''' and '''gugan'''
Also in '''béu''' there are certain conventions to adhere to. If we are considering one dimension only, it is invariably called '''haigan''' and is represented by an up and down the page (see the diagram below).
If we are considering two dimension, then the variable '''jogan''' is added at 90 degrees to the '''haigan''' line  (see the diagram below).
And if we are considering three dimension, then the variable '''gugan''' is added at 60 degrees to the '''haigan'''line and 30 degrees to the '''jogan''' line (see the diagram below)
I need a name for "i"  1/2    and  sqrt  1/2 symbols ???
You will notice that instead of using brackets a horizontal line is placed over the elements that must be considered together. Also exponents are simple placed above the number that they qualify.
Note ... '''haigan''' is probably derived from the adjective '''hái'''. Likewise '''jogan''' from the adjective '''joga''' and '''gugan''' from the adjective '''guboi'''
.... Calculus
'''laigau''' = calculus
'''yyyy''' = straight, straight line ... both an adjective and a noun
'''xxxx''' = curvy, a curve ............. both an adjective and a noun
Now '''xxxx''' also means function. Or at least instead of talking about putting x into a function (process) and obtaining y, the tradition in '''béu''' is to talk about '''xxxx''' defined in terms of x and y (either through an equation or simply a list of x and y values)
'''xxxx''' is usually written using the sign below.
'''xxxx''' is declared to exits in the dimensions (variabes) '''haigan''' and '''kyugan''' below.
'''xxxx''' is defined in terms of an equation below.
[[Image:TW_258.png]]        ... how spoken out ?
Now the differential of '''xxxx''' is called '''molgan xxxxwo''' and is written as .... (the image on the RHS is the second differential)
And the integral of '''xxxx''' is called '''fendagan xxxxwo''' and is written as ....  (the image on the RHS is the second integral)
Note '''moloi''' = slant, slop, incline, gradient .... '''fenda''' = area
{{Béu Index}}

Latest revision as of 01:33, 29 December 2015

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Reason: Well I have moved all the data somewhere else.

[ Talk ]
