Novelatine-English dictionary: Difference between revisions

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* '''Aber''', ''ao'', ''avyi'', ''avute'', verb, II, ''to have'' (<small>auxiliary</small>)
* '''Aber''', ''ao'', ''avyi'', ''avute'', verb, II, ''to have'' (<small>auxiliary</small>)
* '''Acwa''', ''-arô'', noun, f., ''water''
* '''Acwa''', ''acwarô'', noun, f., ''water''
* '''Adicyô''', ''-yonô'', noun, f., ''departure''
* '''Adicyô''', ''-yonô'', noun, f., ''departure''
* '''Advenyir''', ''advenye'', ''advinyi'', ''advête'', verb, IVr, ''to happen''
* '''Advenyir''', ''advenye'', ''advinyi'', ''advête'', verb, IVr, ''to happen''
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* '''Arber''', ''arberô'', noun, f., ''tree''
* '''Arber''', ''arberô'', noun, f., ''tree''
* '''Arder''', ''ardye'', ''arsyi'', ''arse'', verb, IIr, ''to burn'' (<small>intransitive</small>)
* '''Arder''', ''ardye'', ''arsyi'', ''arse'', verb, IIr, ''to burn'' (<small>intransitive</small>)
* '''Atêcyô''', ''-cyonô'', noun, f., ''attention''
* '''Av''', ''avyô'', noun, f., ''bird''
* '''Awa''', ''-warô'', noun, f., ''wing''
* '''Awa''', ''-warô'', noun, f., ''wing''
* '''Awbe''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''white''
* '''Awbe''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''white''
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* '''Bastô''', ''-tonô'', noun, m., ''stick'' (<small>wood</small>), ''cane''
* '''Bebe''', <small>INDECL.</small>, ''baby'', ''newborn''
* '''Benedicer''', ''-dice'', ''-dicsyi'', ''-diwte'', verb, III, ''to bless''
* '''Benedicer''', ''-dice'', ''-dicsyi'', ''-diwte'', verb, III, ''to bless''
* '''Benediwcyô''', ''-yonô'', noun, f., ''blessing''
* '''Benediwcyô''', ''-yonô'', noun, f., ''blessing''
* '''Bê''', adv., 1. ''well'', 2. ''fine''
* '''Bêbina''', ''-carô'', noun, f., ''child'' (<small>only female</small>)
* '''Bêbine''', ''-cerô'', noun, m., ''child'' (<small>only male or mixed</small>)
* '''Biver''', ''bive'', ''bivyi'', ''bivite'', verb, III, ''to drink''
* '''Biver''', ''bive'', ''bivyi'', ''bivite'', verb, III, ''to drink''
* '''Bone''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''good''
* '''Bone''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''good''
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* '''Capo''', ''-pitô'', noun, n., ''head'', ''mind''
* '''Capo''', ''-pitô'', noun, n., ''head'', ''mind''
* '''Capyir''', ''capye'', ''cepyi'', ''cawte'', verb, IVr, ''to take'', ''to catch''
* '''Capyir''', ''capye'', ''cepyi'', ''cawte'', verb, IVr, ''to take'', ''to catch''
* '''Car''', ''carnô'', noun, f., 1. ''flesh'' 2. ''meat''
* '''Casye''', ''-yerô'', noun, m., ''cheese''
* '''Casye''', ''-yerô'', noun, m., ''cheese''
* '''Cawefacer''', ''-facye'', ''-fecyi'', ''-fawte'', verb, III, ''to heat (up)'', ''to warm up''
* '''Cawefacer''', ''-facye'', ''-fecyi'', ''-fawte'', verb, III, ''to heat (up)'', ''to warm up''
* '''Cawsa''', ''-sarô'', noun, f., ''cause'', ''reason''
* '''Cawtive''', ''-a, -ô'', adj., I, ''captive'', ''captured'', ''caught''; adject. noun., ''prisoner'', ''captive''
* '''Cawtive''', ''-a, -ô'', adj., I, ''captive'', ''captured'', ''caught''; adject. noun., ''prisoner'', ''captive''
* '''Cayder''', ''cayde'', ''cecyidyi'', ''cayse'', verb, III, ''to cut''
* '''Cayder''', ''cayde'', ''cecyidyi'', ''cayse'', verb, III, ''to cut''
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* '''Cocwer''', ''cocwe'', ''cocsyi'', ''cowte'', verb, III, ''to cook''
* '''Cocwer''', ''cocwe'', ''cocsyi'', ''cowte'', verb, III, ''to cook''
* '''Cogidar''', ''cogide'', ''cogiday'', ''cogidate'', verb, I, ''to think'', '''ad''' + ACC.
* '''Cogidar''', ''cogide'', ''cogiday'', ''cogidate'', verb, I, ''to think'', '''ad''' + ACC.
* '''Col''', ''colyô'', noun, m., ''hill''
* '''Cor''', ''cordô'', noun, n., ''heart''
* '''Cor''', ''cordô'', noun, n., ''heart''
* '''Corno''', ''-nwô'', noun, n., ''horn''
* '''Corno''', ''-nwô'', noun, n., ''horn''
* '''Cower''', ''cowe'', ''cowuyi'', ''cowte'', verb, III, 1. ''to cultivate'', ''to grow''; 2. ''to farm''
* '''Cowtura''', ''-rarô'', noun, f., ''coltivation'', ''farming''
* '''Cô''', ''con'' (<small>before a vowel</small>), prep., ''with'' + GEN.
* '''Cô''', ''con'' (<small>before a vowel</small>), prep., ''with'' + GEN.
* '''Côcyô''', ''-yonô'', noun, f., ''song''
* '''Côcyô''', ''-yonô'', noun, f., ''song''
* '''Côfin''', ''-nyô'', noun, m., ''border''
* '''Côfin''', ''-nyô'', noun, m., ''border''
* '''Côsilyar''', ''-lye'', ''-lyay'', ''-lyate'', verb, I, ''to advise'', ''to give an advice'', ''to suggest''
* '''Côsilyar''', ''-lye'', ''-lyay'', ''-lyate'', verb, I, ''to advise'', ''to give an advice'', ''to suggest''
* '''Côsilyô''', ''-yerô'', noun, n., 1. ''advice''; 2. ''council''
* '''Côsilyô''', ''-yerô'', noun, n., 1. ''advice'', '''côsilyô dar''', ''to give an advice''; 2. ''council''
* '''Côwtô''', ''-terô'', noun, n., 1.''sum''; 2. ''account''
* '''Cras''', adv, ''tomorrow''
* '''Cras''', adv, ''tomorrow''
* '''Creder''', ''crede'', ''cridyi'', ''credute'', verb, III, ''to believe''
* '''Creder''', ''crede'', ''cridyi'', ''credute'', verb, III, ''to believe''
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* '''Ecwe''', ''ecwerô'', noun, m., ''horse''
* '''Ecwesya''', ''-yarô'', noun, f., ''church''
* '''Ecwesya''', ''-yarô'', noun, f., ''church''
* '''Ed''', part., ''and''
* '''Ed''', part., ''and''
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* '''Êcowa''', ''-warô'', noun, m., ''inhabitant''
* '''Êcowa''', ''-warô'', noun, m., ''inhabitant''
* '''Êdic''', adv., ''from here''
* '''Êdic''', adv., ''from here''
* '''Êfôs''', ''êfôtyô'', noun, m/f., ''baby'', ''infant''
* '''Êgredyir''', ''êgredye'', ''êgresyi'', ''êgrese'', verb, IVr, ''to enter''
* '''Êgredyir''', ''êgredye'', ''êgresyi'', ''êgrese'', verb, IVr, ''to enter''
* '''Êgrese''', ''-wô'', noun, m., ''entry''
* '''Êgrese''', ''-wô'', noun, m., ''entry''
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* '''Finyir''', ''finye'', ''finiyi'', ''finyite'', verb, IV, ''to end'', ''to finish'', ''to cease''
* '''Finyir''', ''finye'', ''finiyi'', ''finyite'', verb, IV, ''to end'', ''to finish'', ''to cease''
* '''Foce''', ''-cerô'', noun, m., ''fire'', ''flame'', '''focô côciper''', ''to catch (on) fire''
* '''Foce''', ''-cerô'', noun, m., ''fire'', ''flame'', '''focô côciper''', ''to catch (on) fire''
* '''Folya''', ''-yarô'', noun, f., ''leaf''
* '''For''', ''fortyô'', adj., II, ''strong''
* '''Formose''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''beautiful''
* '''Formose''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''beautiful''
* '''Flumê''', ''-inô'', noun, n., ''river''
* '''Flumê''', ''-inô'', noun, n., ''river''
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* '''Fumar''', ''fume'', ''fumay'', ''fumate'', verb, I, ''to smoke''
* '''Fumar''', ''fume'', ''fumay'', ''fumate'', verb, I, ''to smoke''
* '''Fume''', ''-merô'', noun, m., ''smoke''
* '''Fume''', ''-merô'', noun, m., ''smoke''
* '''Fuwmê''', ''-minô'', noun, n., ''lightning'', ''thunder''
* '''Fwama''', ''-marô'', noun, f., ''flame''
* '''Fwave''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''yellow''
* '''Fwave''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''yellow''
* '''Fwe''', ''fworô'', noun, f., ''flower''
* '''Fwe''', ''fworô'', noun, f., ''flower''
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* '''Macwa''', ''-warô'', noun, f., ''spot'', ''stain''
* '''Macwar''', ''macwe'', ''macway'', ''macwate'', verb, I, ''to stain'', ''to make spotted''; '''macwari''', 1. ''to get spotted''; 2. ''to get dirty''
* '''Mader''', ''-drô'', noun, f., ''mother''
* '''Mader''', ''-drô'', noun, f., ''mother''
* '''Mawe''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''bad'', ''evil''
* '''Mawe''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''bad'', ''evil''
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* '''Odôtoyatrice''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I,  ''relative to dentistry''
* '''Odôtoyatrice''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I,  ''relative to dentistry''
* '''Omcwi''', ''omcwe'', ''omcwo'', pron., ''everyone'', ''everybody'', ''everything''
* '''Omcwi''', ''omcwe'', ''omcwo'', pron., ''everyone'', ''everybody'', ''everything''
* '''Ome''', ''ominô'', noun, m., ''human being'', ''being'', ''man'' (<small>without referements to sex</small>)
* '''Omuvi''', adv., ''everywhere''
* '''Omuvi''', adv., ''everywhere''
* '''Opyinyô''', ''-yonô'', noun, f., ''opinion'', ''viewpoint''
* '''Opyinyô''', ''-yonô'', noun, f., ''opinion'', ''viewpoint''
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* '''Parvowa''', ''-warô'', noun, f., ''word''
* '''Parvowa''', ''-warô'', noun, f., ''word''
* '''Pase''', ''-swô'', noun, m., ''step''
* '''Pase''', ''-swô'', noun, m., ''step''
* '''Paseporte''', ''-terô'', noun, m., ''passport''
* '''Pecar''', ''peche'', ''pecay'', ''pecate'', verb, I, ''to sin''
* '''Pecar''', ''peche'', ''pecay'', ''pecate'', verb, I, ''to sin''
* '''Pecator''', ''-rô'', noun, m., ''sinner''
* '''Pecator''', ''-rô'', noun, m., ''sinner''
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* '''Pew''', ''pelyô'', noun, f., ''skin'', ''leather''
* '''Pew''', ''pelyô'', noun, f., ''skin'', ''leather''
* '''Pêsar''', ''pêse'', ''pêsay'', ''pêsate'', verb, I, ''to think''
* '''Pêsar''', ''pêse'', ''pêsay'', ''pêsate'', verb, I, ''to think''
* '''Piscwe''', ''-werô'', noun, m., ''fish''
* '''Pome''', ''-merô'', noun, m., <small>EAST</small>, ''apple''
* '''Pome''', ''-merô'', noun, m., <small>EAST</small>, ''apple''
* '''Pomô''', ''-merô'', noun, n., ''apple''
* '''Pomô''', ''-merô'', noun, n., ''apple''
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* '''Sewtêtryô''', ''-yonô'', noun, m., ''north''
* '''Sewtêtryô''', ''-yonô'', noun, m., ''north''
* '''Sêpre''', adv., ''always''
* '''Sêpre''', adv., ''always''
* '''Si''', part., ''if''
* '''Si''', conj., ''if'', ''whether''
* '''Sin''', conj., ''if'', ''whether''
* '''Sice''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''dry''
* '''Sice''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''dry''
* '''Sigareta''', ''-tarô'', noun, f., ''cigarette''
* '''Sigareta''', ''-tarô'', noun, f., ''cigarette''
* '''Sinister''', ''-tra, -trô'', adj., I, ''left'' (<small>direction, side</small>)
* '''Sinister''', ''-tra, -trô'', adj., I, ''left'' (<small>direction, side</small>)
* '''Siwva''', ''-varô'', noun, f., ''forest'', ''wood''
* '''Siwva''', ''-varô'', noun, f., ''forest'', ''wood''
* '''Socer''', ''socerô'', noun, m., ''father-in-law''
* '''Sortyir''', ''sortye'', ''sortiyi'', ''sortyite'', verb, IV, ''to exit'', ''to go out'', ''to come out''
* '''Sortyir''', ''sortye'', ''sortiyi'', ''sortyite'', verb, IV, ''to exit'', ''to go out'', ''to come out''
* '''Sortyita''', ''-arô'', noun, f., ''exit'', '''sortyita emergêcye''', ''emergency exit''
* '''Sortyita''', ''-arô'', noun, f., ''exit'', '''sortyita emergêcye''', ''emergency exit''
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* '''Spwêder''', ''spwêdye'', ''spwêdyi'', ''spwêdite'', verb, II, ''to shine'', ''to sparkle''
* '''Spwêder''', ''spwêdye'', ''spwêdyi'', ''spwêdite'', verb, II, ''to shine'', ''to sparkle''
* '''Spiyar''', ''spiye'', ''spiyay'', ''spiyate'', verb, I, ''to spy''
* '''Spiyar''', ''spiye'', ''spiyay'', ''spiyate'', verb, I, ''to spy''
* '''Spute''', ''-twô'', noun, m., ''spit''
* '''Star''', ''sto'', ''stetyi'', ''state'', verb, Ir, ''to stay'', ''to stand'', ''to stand up'', ''to be''
* '''Star''', ''sto'', ''stetyi'', ''state'', verb, Ir, ''to stay'', ''to stand'', ''to stand up'', ''to be''
* '''State''', ''staterô'', noun, m., ''state'' (<small>as a political entity</small>); '''syi Statyi Unyiti Americhe''', ''the United States of America''
* '''State''', ''staterô'', noun, m., ''state'' (<small>as a political entity</small>); '''syi Statyi Unyiti Americhe''', ''the United States of America''
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* '''Têpe''', ''-perô'', noun, n., 1. ''time''; 2. ''tense''
* '''Têpe''', ''-perô'', noun, n., 1. ''time''; 2. ''tense''
* '''Tener''', ''tenye'', ''tinyi'', ''tête'', verb, II, ''to have'', ''to keep'', ''to own''
* '''Tener''', ''tenye'', ''tinyi'', ''tête'', verb, II, ''to have'', ''to keep'', ''to own''
* '''Têtacyô''', ''-cyonô'', noun, f., ''temptation''
* '''Tera''', ''-rarô'', noun, f., 1. ''earth'', ''ground''; 2. ''Earth''
* '''Tera''', ''-rarô'', noun, f., 1. ''earth'', ''ground''; 2. ''Earth''
* '''Timer''', ''-rô'', noun, m., ''fear'' + GEN.
* '''Timer''', ''timye'', ''timyi'', ''timute'', verb, II, ''to fear'', '''timye ud''' + SUBJ., ''I fear that...''
* '''Timer''', ''timye'', ''timyi'', ''timute'', verb, II, ''to fear'', '''timye ud''' + SUBJ., ''I fear that...''
* '''Tode''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''all''
* '''Tode''', ''-a'', ''-ô'', adj., I, ''all''
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* '''Vesper''', ''-prerô'', noun, m., <small>EAST</small>, ''evening''
* '''Vesper''', ''-prerô'', noun, m., <small>EAST</small>, ''evening''
* '''Veter''', ''-tra'', ''-trô'', adj., I, ''old''
* '''Veter''', ''-tra'', ''-trô'', adj., I, ''old''
* '''Vêter''', ''-trô'', noun, m., 1. ''belly'', 2. ''womb''
* '''Via''', ''viarô'', noun, f., ''street'', ''way'', ''road'', ''path'', ''curse''
* '''Vidrô''', ''-erô'', noun, n., ''glass (substance)''
* '''Vidrô''', ''-erô'', noun, n., ''glass (substance)''
* '''Vider''', ''vidye'', ''vyidyi'', ''vyise'', verb, IIr, ''to see''
* '''Vider''', ''vidye'', ''vyidyi'', ''vyise'', verb, IIr, ''to see''
* '''Viri''', ''-dyô'', adj., II, ''green''
* '''Viri''', ''-dyô'', adj., II, ''green''
* '''Vir''', ''-rerô'', noun, m., ''man'' (<small>only male humans</small>)
* '''Vowar''', ''vowe'', ''voway'', ''vowate'', verb, I, ''to fly''
* '''Vowar''', ''vowe'', ''voway'', ''vowate'', verb, I, ''to fly''
* '''Vyice''', ''-cerô'', noun, m., ''village''
* '''Vyice''', ''-cerô'', noun, m., ''village''

Latest revision as of 08:29, 11 December 2013

Main article: Novelatine

This is a small Novelatine-English dictionary


  • Aber, ao, avyi, avute, verb, II, to have (auxiliary)
  • Acwa, acwarô, noun, f., water
  • Adicyô, -yonô, noun, f., departure
  • Advenyir, advenye, advinyi, advête, verb, IVr, to happen
  • Adyir, adye, adiyi, adite, verb, IV, to leave, to depart
  • Ager, agrerô, noun, m., field
  • Agiw, -ilyô, adj., II, agile, nimble
  • Alcwi, alcwe, alcwo, pron., someone, somebody, something
  • Amar, ame, amay, amate, verb, I, to love
  • Amica, -carô, noun, f., friend (only female)
  • Amice, -cerô, noun, m., friend (only male or mixed)
  • Ane, anerô, noun, m., year; cwôtyi anyi ti sôt?, how old are you?
  • Animaw, -alyô, noun, n., animal
  • Aragnyowa, -warô, noun, f., spider
  • Arber, arberô, noun, f., tree
  • Arder, ardye, arsyi, arse, verb, IIr, to burn (intransitive)
  • Atêcyô, -cyonô, noun, f., attention
  • Av, avyô, noun, f., bird
  • Awa, -warô, noun, f., wing
  • Awbe, -a, , adj., I, white
  • Awr, -ryô, noun, f., ear
  • Awter, -tra, -trô, adj., I, other
  • Awtomobiw, -ilyô, noun, f., car
  • Aycwe, -a, , adj., I, equal
  • Aycwita, -tadô, noun, f., equality, parity


  • Bastô, -tonô, noun, m., stick (wood), cane
  • Bebe, INDECL., baby, newborn
  • Benedicer, -dice, -dicsyi, -diwte, verb, III, to bless
  • Benediwcyô, -yonô, noun, f., blessing
  • , adv., 1. well, 2. fine
  • Bêbina, -carô, noun, f., child (only female)
  • Bêbine, -cerô, noun, m., child (only male or mixed)
  • Biver, bive, bivyi, bivite, verb, III, to drink
  • Bone, -a, , adj., I, good
  • Bôba, -arô, noun, f., bomb
  • Brachyô, -yerô, noun, n., arm
  • Brev, -vyô, adj., II, short, brief


  • Calde, -a, -ô, adj., I, warm, hot
  • Can, -nô, noun, m., dog
  • Caner, cane, cecinyi, côte, verb, III, to sing
  • Capo, -pitô, noun, n., head, mind
  • Capyir, capye, cepyi, cawte, verb, IVr, to take, to catch
  • Car, carnô, noun, f., 1. flesh 2. meat
  • Casye, -yerô, noun, m., cheese
  • Cawefacer, -facye, -fecyi, -fawte, verb, III, to heat (up), to warm up
  • Cawsa, -sarô, noun, f., cause, reason
  • Cawtive, -a, -ô, adj., I, captive, captured, caught; adject. noun., prisoner, captive
  • Cayder, cayde, cecyidyi, cayse, verb, III, to cut
  • Caysyô, -yonô, noun, f., cut
  • Ceweber, -bryô, adj., II, famous, noted
  • Cine, cinerô, noun, f., ash
  • Ciwta, -tadô, noun, f., city
  • Cocwer, cocwe, cocsyi, cowte, verb, III, to cook
  • Cogidar, cogide, cogiday, cogidate, verb, I, to think, ad + ACC.
  • Col, colyô, noun, m., hill
  • Cor, cordô, noun, n., heart
  • Corno, -nwô, noun, n., horn
  • Cower, cowe, cowuyi, cowte, verb, III, 1. to cultivate, to grow; 2. to farm
  • Cowtura, -rarô, noun, f., coltivation, farming
  • , con (before a vowel), prep., with + GEN.
  • Côcyô, -yonô, noun, f., song
  • Côfin, -nyô, noun, m., border
  • Côsilyar, -lye, -lyay, -lyate, verb, I, to advise, to give an advice, to suggest
  • Côsilyô, -yerô, noun, n., 1. advice, côsilyô dar, to give an advice; 2. council
  • Côwtô, -terô, noun, n., 1.sum; 2. account
  • Cras, adv, tomorrow
  • Creder, crede, cridyi, credute, verb, III, to believe
  • Cru, -ucô, noun, f., cross
  • Curer, cure, cocuryi, curse, verb, III, to run
  • Cwav, -vyô, noun, f., key
  • Cwayrer, cwayre, cwaysyi, cwaysyite, verb, III, to ask (to know something), ad alchies, to ask someone, cwayreri, to wonder, cwayrer, sin.., I wonder if..
  • Cwomod, adv., how
  • Cwôd, adv., when
  • Cwôte, -a, -ô, adj., I, how much, how many
  • Cyewô, -werô, noun, n., sky


  • Dar, do, dedyi, date, verb, Ir, to give
  • Debiter, -erô, noun, m., debtor (only male or mixed)
  • Debitô, -erô, noun, n., debt
  • Debitri, -ricô noun, f., debtor (only female)
  • Decerner, decerne, decreyi, decrete, verb, III, to decide
  • Decrecyô, -yonô, noun, f., decision
  • Dester, -tra, -trô, adj., I, right (direction, side)
  • Dês, dêtyô, noun, m., tooth
  • Dicer, dice, dicsyi, diwte, verb, III, to say, to tell
  • Docer, docye, docyi, dowte, verb, II, to teach
  • Docês, -êtyô, noun, m/f., teacher
  • Documête, -terô, noun, m., document
  • Dome, -mwô, noun, f., house, home
  • Dormyir, dormye, dormiyi, dormyite, verb, IV, to sleep
  • Du, ducô, noun, m., leader
  • Ducer, duce, ducsyi, duwte, verb, III, to lead, to guide


  • Ecwe, ecwerô, noun, m., horse
  • Ecwesya, -yarô, noun, f., church
  • Ed, part., and
  • Elewcyô, -yonô, noun, f., election, choice
  • Ewiger, ewige, ewecsyi, elewte, verb, III, to elect, to choose
  • Emer, eme, imyi, êwte, verb, III, to buy, to purchase
  • Emergêcya, -yarô, noun, f., emergency
  • Eo, mey, mi, me, pron., I, Eo sô!, It's me!
  • Erba, -barô, noun, f., grass
  • Esarder, esardye, esarsyi, esarse, verb, IIr, to catch (on) fire
  • Eseder, esede, esedyi, eseste, verb, III, to eat
  • Eser, , fuyi, fute, verb, -, to be
  • Esurer, esure, esusyi, esuste, verb, III, to burn (transitive), to burn down


  • Ê, in (before a vowel), part., in + GEN. (state)/ + ACC. (motion)
  • Êcêder, êcêde, êcêsyi, êcêse, verb, III, to set fire, to set ablaze, to set on fire
  • Êcowa, -warô, noun, m., inhabitant
  • Êdic, adv., from here
  • Êfôs, êfôtyô, noun, m/f., baby, infant
  • Êgredyir, êgredye, êgresyi, êgrese, verb, IVr, to enter
  • Êgrese, -wô, noun, m., entry
  • Êgwê, -inô, noun, n., groin
  • Êposibiw, êposibilyô, adj. II, impossible
  • Êsuwa, -warô, noun, f., island
  • Êtervenyir, -venye, -vinyi, -vête, verb, IVr, to intervene
  • Êtervêcyô, -yô, noun, f, intervention
  • Êtêder, êtêde, êtêsyi, êtêse, verb, III, to understand
  • Êvenyir, êvenye, êvinyi, êvête, verb, IVr, to find, to discover
  • Êvêcyô, -yonô, noun, f., 1. discover 2. invention
  • Êwcyô, -yonô, noun, f., purchase


  • Facer, facye, fecyi, fawte, verb, III, to do, to make
  • Faciw, -ilyô, adj., II, easy
  • Fegadô, -derô, noun, n., liver
  • Fese, -a, , adj., I, tired
  • Few, felyô, noun, f., cat
  • Fewi, -cyô, adj., II, happy
  • Fewicita, -tadô, noun, f., happyness
  • Fêger, fêge, fêsyi, fiwte, verb, III, to pretend, to feign, to fake
  • Fin, -nô, noun, f., end, finish, ending
  • Finyir, finye, finiyi, finyite, verb, IV, to end, to finish, to cease
  • Foce, -cerô, noun, m., fire, flame, focô côciper, to catch (on) fire
  • Folya, -yarô, noun, f., leaf
  • For, fortyô, adj., II, strong
  • Formose, -a, , adj., I, beautiful
  • Flumê, -inô, noun, n., river
  • Fryigde, -a, -ô, adj., I, cold
  • Fruwte, -terô, noun, m., fruit
  • Fumar, fume, fumay, fumate, verb, I, to smoke
  • Fume, -merô, noun, m., smoke
  • Fuwmê, -minô, noun, n., lightning, thunder
  • Fwama, -marô, noun, f., flame
  • Fwave, -a, , adj., I, yellow
  • Fwe, fworô, noun, f., flower


  • Galice, -cerô, noun, n., French language
  • Galice, -a, , adj., I, French; adject. noun, French, syi galicyi, French people
  • Galya, -yarô, noun, f., 1. France, 2. Gallia (ancient name, usually with vetra, old)
  • Geno, -nwô, noun, n., knee
  • Germane, -nerô, noun, n. German man, syi germanyi, German people
  • Germanice, -cerô, noun, m., German language
  • Germanice, -a, , adj., I, German;
  • Germanya, -yarô, noun, f., 1. Germany
  • Gês, gêtyô, noun, f., people, folk, population
  • Gracya, -yarô, noun, f., grace
  • Grôd, -dyô, adj., II, great, big
  • Gwacyar, -cye, -cyay, -cyate, verb, I, to freeze, to ice
  • Gwacyô, -yerô, noun, n., ice
  • Gwera, -rarô, noun, f., war; ducer gwerô, to go at war (côtre alcwê, against someone); êdicer (sô) gwerô, to declare war



  • Ic, adv., here
  • Ida, adv., so, this way
  • Igider, adv., therefore, so
  • Isvi, avi, ivi, adj., that; pron., that one
  • Italya, -arô, noun, f., Italy
  • Italyane, -nerô, noun, m., Italian language
  • Italyane, -a, , adj., I, Italian; adject. noun, Italian, syi italyanyi, Italian people


  • La, lawtô, noun, n., milk
  • Lader, -erô, noun, m., brick
  • Lavacyô, -yonô, noun, f., washing, cleansing
  • Lavar, lave, lavay, lavate, verb, I, to wash, to clean
  • Lawdar, lawde, lawday, lawdate, verb, I, 1. to praise; 2. to boast
  • Leger, lege, legsyi, lewte, verb, III, to read
  • Lewcyô, -yonô, noun, f., lesson
  • Lêgwa, -warô, noun, m., 1. tongue; 2. language
  • Libelô, -lerô, noun, n., book
  • Locwer, locwe, locuyi, locute, verb, III, to speak
  • Lude, -derô, noun, m., play, toy
  • Luder, lude, lusyi, luse, verb, III, to play (with a toy, football)
  • Luna, -narô, noun, m., 1. the Moon; 2. moon, natural satellite
  • Lupe, -perô, noun, m., wolf
  • Luse, -swô, noun, m., game, (act of) play
  • Lyiber, -era, -erô, adj., I, free
  • Lyiberar, -re, -ray, -rate, verb, I, to set free
  • Lyiberta, -tadô, noun, f., freedom


  • Macwa, -warô, noun, f., spot, stain
  • Macwar, macwe, macway, macwate, verb, I, to stain, to make spotted; macwari, 1. to get spotted; 2. to get dirty
  • Mader, -drô, noun, f., mother
  • Mawe, -a, , adj., I, bad, evil
  • Mawedicer, -dice, -dicsyi, -diwte, verb, III, to curse
  • Mawediwcyô, -yonô, noun, f., curse
  • Mawô, -erô, noun, n., evil
  • Mane, -nwô, noun, f., hand
  • Mar, -ryô, noun, n., 1. sea; 2. seaside, beach, azies mars eser, to be at seaside, azô mar vader, to go to the beach
  • Maryide, -derô, noun, m., husband
  • Meridyô, -yonô, noun, m., south
  • Mesime, -a, , adj., I, same
  • Mês, mêtyô, noun, f., mind, tought, head
  • Mode, -erô, noun, m., manner, mode, way
  • Moner, monye, monyi, monite, verb, II, to warn, to inform
  • Monicyô, -yonô, noun, f., warning
  • Mor, mortô, noun, f., death
  • Morder, morde, mordyi, morse, verb, III, to bite
  • Morse, -swô, noun, m., bite
  • Moryiri, moryer, mortwe fuyi, verb, IV pas, to die
  • Mover, movye, movyi, mote, verb, II, to move (transitive); moveri, to move (intransitive)
  • Môde, -erô, noun, m., world
  • Môdyaw, -alyô, adj., II, worldwile, global, world; sa Secunda Gwera Môdyaw, World War II
  • Môgyar, môgye, môgyay, môgyate, verb, I, to dinner, to have (a) dinner
  • Môgya, -yarô, noun, f., dinner
  • Mulyer, -rô, noun, f., woman
  • Mus, muryô, noun, f., mouse


  • Nase, -serô, noun, m., nose
  • Nav, navyô, noun, f., ship, boat
  • Natura, -rarô, noun, f., nature
  • Naturaw, alyô, noun, adj., II, natural
  • Nebuwa, -warô, noun, f., fog
  • Nemê, nemins, pron., nobody
  • Nêger, nêg, nêsyit, nête, verb, III, to snow
  • Niger, -gra, -grô, adj., I, black
  • Ni, nivô, noun, f., snow
  • Niw, nulriy, pron., nothing
  • No, nowtô, noun, f., night
  • Nomê, -minô, noun, n., noun, name
  • Nos, nestri, nob, nos, pron., we
  • Nove, -a, , adj., I, new
  • , part., not, no
  • Nôc, adv., now, in this moment
  • Nôcyar, nôcye, nôcyay, nôcyate, verb, I, to announce, to disclose
  • Nôcyô, nôcyerô, noun, n., news, sa nôcya, the news
  • Nub, nubyô, noun, f., cloud


  • Ocwe, ocwerô, noun, m., eye
  • Odôtoyatria, noun, f., dentistry
  • Odôtoyatrice, -a, , adj., I, relative to dentistry
  • Omcwi, omcwe, omcwo, pron., everyone, everybody, everything
  • Ome, ominô, noun, m., human being, being, man (without referements to sex)
  • Omuvi, adv., everywhere
  • Opyinyô, -yonô, noun, f., opinion, viewpoint
  • Oracyô, -yonô, noun, f., pray
  • Ora, -arô, noun, f., hour
  • Orar, ore, oray, orate, verb, I, to pray
  • Os, oryô, noun, n., mouth
  • Osô, oserô, noun, n., bone


  • Ôde, adv., from where, ôde vens?, where are you from?
  • Ôguste, -a, , adj., I, narrow, tight
  • Ôpwe, -a, , adj., I, wide


  • Pa, pacô, noun, f., peace
  • Pader, -drô, noun, m., father
  • Parês, -êtyô, noun, m., parent
  • Parve, -a, -ô, adj., I, little, small
  • Parvowa, -warô, noun, f., word
  • Pase, -swô, noun, m., step
  • Paseporte, -terô, noun, m., passport
  • Pecar, peche, pecay, pecate, verb, I, to sin
  • Pecator, -rô, noun, m., sinner
  • Pe, pedô, noun, m., foot
  • Peder, pede, pedyi, pedyite, verb, III, to ask (to get something), ad alchies alcwo, to ask someone for something
  • Percuter, -cutye, -cusyi, -cuse, verb, IIr, to hit, to beat, to strike
  • Perder, perde, pirdyi, perdute, verb, III, to lose
  • Persona, -narô, noun, f., person, se persone, the people
  • Pertawtar, -tawte, -tawtay, -tawtate, verb, I, to come to touch, to physically reach
  • Pervenyir, -venye, -vinyi, -vête, verb, IVr, to arrive, to come
  • Pervête, -twô, noun, m., arrival
  • Pew, pelyô, noun, f., skin, leather
  • Pêsar, pêse, pêsay, pêsate, verb, I, to think
  • Piscwe, -werô, noun, m., fish
  • Pome, -merô, noun, m., EAST, apple
  • Pomô, -merô, noun, n., apple
  • Porce, -cerô, noun, m., pork, pig, swine
  • Poser, posô, podiy, podute, verb, II, to can, to be able
  • Posibiw, posibilyô, adj. II, possible
  • Pôs, pôtyô, noun, m., bridge
  • Praysidês, -dêtyô, noun, m., president
  • Prayvenyir, -venye, -vinyi, -vête, verb, IVr, to avoid, to prevene
  • Prayvêcyô, -yonô, noun, f., prevention
  • Prelyô, -yerô, noun, n., fight
  • Prosime, -a, , adj., I, near, close, + ad + ACC ; adject. noun, 1. one who is close to someone, 2. neighbour, syi prosimyi mi, my neighbours
  • Pulcher, -cra, -crô, adj., I, beautiful, nice
  • Punya, -arô, noun, f., battle
  • Punyar, punye, punyay, punyate, verb, I, to fight
  • Pwela, -larô, noun, f., girl
  • Pwene, -a, , adj., I, full + GEN.
  • Pwer, -rerô, noun, m., boy


  • Radi, -dicô, noun, f., root
  • Re, regô, noun, m., king
  • Regnô, -erô, noun, n., kingdom; so Regnô Unitô Grônz Britanye ed Irlande Sewtêtryonals, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • Remote, -a, , adj., I, far, distant
  • Rena, -arô, noun, f., sand
  • Respewtar, -wte, -wtay, -wtate, verb, I, to respect
  • Respewte, -twô, noun, m., respect
  • Respyiracyô, -yonô, noun, f., breathing, respiration
  • Respyirar, -ire, -iray, -irate, verb, I, to breathe
  • Respyirô, -rerô, noun, n., breath
  • Rosa, -sarô, noun, m., rose
  • Rôper, rôpe, rupyi, ruwte, verb, III, to break
  • Ruber, -a, , adj., I, red
  • Ruraw, ruralyô, adj. II, rural, country
  • Rus, ruryô, noun, f., 1. hill, 2. countryside
  • Ryider, ryidye, ryisyi, ryise, verb, IIr, to laugh, to smile


  • Sateli, -litô, noun, m., 1. natural satellite, moon, 2. artificial satellite, sateli naturaw, natural satellite, sateli artificyaw, artificial satellite
  • Saw, salyô, noun, m., salt
  • Sawte, -twô, noun, m., jump
  • Sawtar, sawte, sawtay, sawtate, verb, I, to jump
  • Sawutacyô, -yonô, noun, f., greeting
  • Sawutar, sawute, sawutay, sawutate, verb, I, to greet
  • Scryiber, scryibe, scryipsyi, scryiwte, verb, III, to write
  • Se, sa, , article, the
  • Sed, part., but
  • Sen, prep., without + GEN.
  • Serpês, -êtyô, noun, m., snake
  • Sewtêtryô, -yonô, noun, m., north
  • Sêpre, adv., always
  • Si, conj., if, whether
  • Sice, -a, , adj., I, dry
  • Sigareta, -tarô, noun, f., cigarette
  • Sinister, -tra, -trô, adj., I, left (direction, side)
  • Siwva, -varô, noun, f., forest, wood
  • Socer, socerô, noun, m., father-in-law
  • Sortyir, sortye, sortiyi, sortyite, verb, IV, to exit, to go out, to come out
  • Sortyita, -arô, noun, f., exit, sortyita emergêcye, emergency exit
  • Sow, solyô, noun, m., sun, the Sun
  • Sôgwê, -winô, noun, m., blood
  • Sôwte, -a, , adj., I, saint
  • Sôwtificar, -fice, -ficay, -ficate, verb, I, to hollow, to sanctify
  • Spewtar, spewte, spewtay, spewtate, verb, I, to look at, to watch
  • Spwêder, spwêdye, spwêdyi, spwêdite, verb, II, to shine, to sparkle
  • Spiyar, spiye, spiyay, spiyate, verb, I, to spy
  • Spute, -twô, noun, m., spit
  • Star, sto, stetyi, state, verb, Ir, to stay, to stand, to stand up, to be
  • State, staterô, noun, m., state (as a political entity); syi Statyi Unyiti Americhe, the United States of America
  • State, statwô, noun, m., 1. condition, state, 2. position, place
  • Ste, sta, sto, adj., this; pron., this one
  • Studer, studye, studyi, studite, verb, II, to study
  • Subsecwês, -êtyô, adj., II, next


  • Tawtar, tawte, tawtay, tawtate, verb, I, to touch
  • Tawte, -twô, noun, m., touch
  • Têpe, -perô, noun, n., 1. time; 2. tense
  • Tener, tenye, tinyi, tête, verb, II, to have, to keep, to own
  • Têtacyô, -cyonô, noun, f., temptation
  • Tera, -rarô, noun, f., 1. earth, ground; 2. Earth
  • Timer, -rô, noun, m., fear + GEN.
  • Timer, timye, timyi, timute, verb, II, to fear, timye ud + SUBJ., I fear that...
  • Tode, -a, , adj., I, all
  • Tu, tuy, ti, te, pron., you (only singular)
  • Tur, -ryô, noun, f., tower


  • Ucser, ucserô, noun, f., wife
  • Unyir, unye, uniyi, unite, verb, IV, to unite
  • Unyô, unyonô, noun, f., union
  • Utyir, utye, utiyi, use, verb, IV, to use, to make use of + GEN.
  • Uvi, adv., where


  • Vader, vade, vasyi, vase, verb, III, to go
  • Vêcer, vêce, vyicyi, vyiwte, verb, III, to win, to conquer
  • Venenar, venene, venenay, venenate, verb, I, to poison
  • Venenô, -nerô, noun, n., poison
  • Venyir, venye, vinyi, vête, verb, IVr, to come
  • Verbô, -berô, noun, n., verb
  • Vespera, -rarô, noun, f., evening
  • Vesper, -prerô, noun, m., EAST, evening
  • Veter, -tra, -trô, adj., I, old
  • Vêter, -trô, noun, m., 1. belly, 2. womb
  • Via, viarô, noun, f., street, way, road, path, curse
  • Vidrô, -erô, noun, n., glass (substance)
  • Vider, vidye, vyidyi, vyise, verb, IIr, to see
  • Viri, -dyô, adj., II, green
  • Vir, -rerô, noun, m., man (only male humans)
  • Vowar, vowe, voway, vowate, verb, I, to fly
  • Vyice, -cerô, noun, m., village
  • Vyinô, -nerô, noun, n., wine
  • Vyiver, vyive, vyicsyi, vyiwte, verb, III, to live
  • Vyiwter, -erô, noun, m., winner (only male or mixed)
  • Vyiwtri, -ricô noun, f., winner (only female)
  • Vocar, voce, vocay, vocate, verb, I, to call; cwomod vocers?, What's your name?
  • Voler, volye, volyi, volute, verb, II, to want, to desire; volye ud + SUBJ., I want that...
  • Voluwta, -adô, noun, f., will
  • Vos, vestri, vob, vos, pron., you (only plural)




  • Yacer, yacye, yacyi, yacyute, verb, II, to lie, to lie along
  • Yawtar, yawte, yawtay, yawtate, verb, I, to throw, to toss, to cast
  • Yus, yuryô, noun, n., 1. right, law, 2. jurisprudence
  • Yuvacyô, -yonô, noun, f., help
  • Yuvar, yuve, yuvay, yuvate, verb, I, to help
  • Yuven, -enyô, adj., II, young
  • Yuvêtu, -udô, noun, f., youth