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==[[Proto-Uralic]] to Finnish sound changes==
==[[Proto-Uralic]] to Finnish sound changes==
A few general sources:
* Lauri Hakulinen: ''Suomen kielen rakenne ja kehitys'' • Otava 1979 / Helsingin yliopisto 2000
* Petri Kallio: ''[ Kantasuomen konsonanttihistoriaa]'' · Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne 253 · 2007
* Juha Janhunen: ''[ The primary laryngeal in Uralic and beyond]'' · (same)
More stuff linked inline.

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===Proto-Uralic to Pre-Finnic===
===Proto-Uralic to Pre-Finnic===
[Supposedly 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE]
The existence of a "Proto-Finno-Samic" ("-Volgaic", "-Permic", "-Ugric") as distinct from PU is unclear, hence "Pre-Finnic". Traditionally this period is dated at 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE, but probably this was a shorter and much more recent period, perhaps 2000 BCE to 1500 BCE.

The existence of "Proto-Finno-Samic" ("-Volgaic", "-Permic", "-Ugric") as distinct from PU is unclear, hence "Pre-Finnic". Changes shared with Samic are in <font color="#4000D0">indigo</font>, those also shared with Mordvinic in <font color="#00D000">green</font>, and those with even wider distribution in <font color="#D08000">orange</font>.
Changes shared with Samic are in <span style="color:#4000D0">indigo</span>, those also shared with Mordvinic in <span style="color:#00D000">green</span>, and those with even wider distribution in <span style="color:#D08000">orange</span>.

<font color="#D08000">'''Word-final */ŋ/''' → k</font> in the lative ending (Samic and?), <font color="#D08000">→ n</font> elsewhere (!dubious, pre-Uralic?)
<span style="color:#D08000">'''Back raising'''</span> (West Uralic; mostly Permic, possibly Hungarian/Mansi? Probably not in Mari.)
* <span style="color:#00D000">o > u / _Cə, front consonant</span> (''lumi luu puhua purra suu tulla uni'', probably ''uusi'')
** retained before a back consonant (''hokea koiras kokea noutaa poika povi soida tuoda'')
** From Janhunen (1981). The front/back conditioning is proposed by myself.

<font color="#D08000">'''Monophthongization'''</font> (dubious)
<span style="color:#D08000">'''Coda nasal simplification'''</span> (SKRK pp. 52–53, 58)
* <font color="#D08000">iw → y / _C</font> (distribution?)
* <span style="color:#D08000">m > n / _{t tsʲ #}</span> (Finnic, Mordvinic; medially also Permic, Hungarian, Mansi)
* potentially: <font color="#D08000">ow → uː / _C</font> (''kuusi'' 'Abies')
** word-final examples: 1PS ending; accusative; superlative; ''muuan on seitsen sydän vasen ydin''; instrumentals in ''-in''
** root-medially: ''antaa kansi lansi ontelo tuntea'', possibly ''kinnas'' (← Baltic), ''ranta'' (← Gmc)
** partitives: ''lientä lunta nientä tuonta''
** but: contrast with a vowel stem in ''imeä'' (''ˣintä'')

<font color="#D08000">'''Introduction of length'''</font> from loss of preconsonantal *x (may have been [ə]).
'''Spirant fronting'''
* <font color="#D08000">x → @ / _C</font> (''huosi- kieli kuole- kuusi'' 'Abies' ''nuole- nuoli suomu tuomi tuuli''. Samoyedic confirmation of *x unavailable for ''kuori kuule- liemi mieli pieni piere- puoli sieni uudin vieri vuoli vuori'', contradictory for ''niele- suoni''. Possibly also in ''koi voi''. Possibly a separate development in the numerals ''viisi kuusi''.)
* <span style="color:#00D000">d₁ > ð</span> (Samic, Finnic, Mordvinic; but in Mari, d₁ > ∅)
* <span style="color:#D08000">d₂ > ð</span> (Samic, Finnic, Mordvinic, Mari)
** A merger *ð > *t applies later in Finnic, Mordvinic, and widely in Samic, but Lehtinen's Law shows this to be secondary.

'''Alternately''', coda *x may not have existed at all; most of the concerned words can be explained via a change A → Aː / _Rə (ie. before an anterior resonant in close-vowel stems). Exception: ''pane-'' [] The origin of long close vowels ''uu ii'' is not securely founded, outside of syllable contractions (see below).
'''Stressed vowels''' — unconditional changes
* <span style="color:#00D000">ë > a</span> (possibly earlier than introduction of length)
** Unambiguous examples: ''ahtaa ala- anoppi appi hapsi jakaa kangertaa maksa valkama''; ''kaari maa''; ''nuoli suomu suoni tuomi''. Probably also ''kanto lansi lapsi matka sakea valkea''; ''nuori vuosi''

''koi voi'' also seem to derive from *ka(x)jə wa(x)jə (no lengthening/raising occurs in *täjə → ''täi'' however).
'''Stressed vowels''' — conditional changes?
* <span style="color:#00D000">å > a / _Cʲ, _a</span>
* <span style="color:#4000D0">e > i / #j_</span> (''ilma'' ~ OU *jeeləm, ''itse'' ~ Ms *(j)is, ''irvi-'' ~ P/Ms *jer-, ''jyvä'' ~ IE *jewa, ''ihme'' ~ Kh #jem "hyvä", ''ikä'' ~ IE *jegʷaa, ''ihminen'' ~ IE *ǵnh₁-)
** This change proposed by [[User:Tropylium|myself]].

<font color="#D08000">'''Coda nasal simplification'''</font>
===Pre-Finnic to Proto-Finnic===
* <font color="#D08000">m → n / _{t tsʲ #}</font> (Finnic, Mordvinic; medially also Permic, Mansi)
Changes not shared by other branches of Uralic.

'''Stressed vowels''' — unconditional changes
'''Monophthongization''' (dubious; not apparent in Sami, evidence ambiguous in Mordvinic)
* <font color="#00D000">ë(ː) → *a(ː)</font>
* speculatively: iw > y / _C (''sydän'')
* <font color="#4000D0">aː æː → oː eː</font> (but postdates unconditional stressed non-high vowel lengthening in Samic. Exception: ''ääni'', possibly due to initial position)

'''Stressed vowels''' — conditional changes?
'''Consonant stems'''
* <font color="#4000D0">e → i / #j_</font> (''ilma'' ~ OU *jeeləm, ''itse'' ~ Ms *(j)is, ''jyvä'' ~ IE *jeva)
* ə > / stem-finally after a coronal or *m ('''''needs elaboration''''')

'''Unstressed vowels'''
'''Unstressed vowels'''
* <font color="#4000D0">aw o</font> (the presence of -w rarely is shared, so this may also be analogical)
* <span style="color:#4000D0">aw > o</span> (the presence of -w rarely is shared, so this may also be analogical)
* əw u (apparent in nomina verbum; not shared, but probably contemporary with *Aw o)
* əw > u (apparent in nomina verbum; not shared, but probably contemporary with *Aw > o)
* a → æ / {æ e ê i ü}X*_ (if not an original distinction; vowel harmony fails only in Samic and Permic)
* a > ä / [+front]X*_ (if not an original distinction; vowel harmony fails only in Samic and Permic)
* ə e
* ə > e (probably later than syncope)
* e i / _#
* e > i / _#
* e ɤ / {a o u}X*_ (if not just South Finnic; not evident in NF)
* e > ɤ / {a o u}X*_ (if not just South Finnic; not evident in NF)

===Pre-Finnic to Proto-Finnic===
[Ca. 3000 BC to 2000 BC]
* ŋ > x (phonetically probably [ɰ]; suggested by myself to explain the next change)
(likely also incomplete; this is the section of changes not shared by other branches of Uralic)
'''Introduction of primary non-close long vowels (Lehtinen's Law)'''
* A > Aː / _{m n l r ð}ə (''kieli liemi mieli niele- pieli sieni vieri ääni; juoni kuole- kuori nuole- nuoli nuori puoli suoli Suomi suomu suoni tuomi vuode vuole- vuori vuosi'' + Livonian ''sūoŗ'' "root"; exception: ''pane-'')
* also a > aː / _jə (''hoi-taa koi'' "dawn" ''koi'' "moth" ''voi''; cf. no raising in ''täi'', which could be secondary re-shortening however)
* possibly ä > äː / _wə (Livonian ''kēv'' "mare" ~ Samic *kēvë)
** Fed by *ë > *a.
** These long vowels were previously explained by reconstructing a special structure *-Vx- in Proto-Uralic, which would have led to a long vowel at a much earlier date, but this does not appear to hold up. For full discussion see Aikio (2012)
'''Long vowel raising'''
* <span style="color:4000D0">äː aː > eː oː</span>
Affects all instances of *Aː from the previous change; and newer IE loans incl. at minimum ''huone tuohi'' (Baltic), ''suoja'' (Iranian), ''hieta lieka neula miekka; ruoka'' (Germanic); possibly also further Germanic loans (candidates ''heittää hiema lieko seula sietää; ruoho muoto''), but this is difficult to tell. Exception: ''ääni'', due to initial position?<br/>— An areal change shared with Germanic. Likely later in Samic, given PGmc *ē > Proto-Norse *ā → Pre-Samic *ā > Proto-Samic *ō in a couple of loanwords.
'''Palatal unpacking'''. A change proposed by myself; traditionally a distinctive cluster *ŋś has been reconstructed.
* ∅ > j / {e ä a}_ĆV (''-ise- paina- seiso- seitsemän veitsi'', possibly ''niiska'' 'roe' ''suitsu''. Unlikely for ''oinas'')
* nʲ > nj / #(C)i_ä (i.e. after a short stressed /i/; ''miniä''?)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; > @n / ü_V (''kyynel kyynärä'')<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; > n (by default)
** Given no glide epenthesis in ''kato'', it seems that *d₂ had already depalatalized by this point.
** Feeds *aj *äj *ej > ëj ej iː.
** May predate monophthongization, given O-stem conditionals such as ''toisi'' < *toojci < *toxəjćə < *toxəćə? Unless these are simply analogical.
'''Diphthong smoothing'''
* possibly: ej > iː (likely in ''niiska piimä tiine'' — cf. PII *paiman, PIE *dʰeinah₂. Yet seemingly later than ti > ci?!)
* possibly: ow > uː (likely in ''kuusi'' 'Abies', given [[Mansi]] *kaawt; potentially also ''kuule- juuri muu tuuli uudin''. Earlier than *x > *w)
* The origin of several instances remains unclear, including ''viisi kuusi kuule-''.

'''Vowel changes'''
'''Other vowel changes'''
* V# Vː (affects most old CV words, eg. ''muu nuo tuo''. Exceptions ''me te he se ne'', the first two of which display -k in Livonian, -t in Far Northern dialects.)
* V# > Vː (affects most old CV words, eg. ''muu nuo tuo''. Exceptions ''me te he se ne'', the first two of which display -k in Livonian, -t in Far Northern dialects.)
* *ê *ô e o / _(X)Ci ([[Proto-Uralic/new|new hypothetical vowels]] for PU, possibly semi-rounded [ɪ ʊ])<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; y ɯ y i / _(X)CA
* *ê *ô > e o / _(X)([[Proto-Uralic/new|new hypothetical vowels]] for PU, possibly semi-rounded [ɪ ʊ])<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; > y ɯ > y i / _(X)CA
* ej → i / unstress'd
* əj > i / _C, unstress'd (but *-əjV > *-ejV remains at this point)
* æ → e / _j unstress'd
* i > y / _wä (''hyvä jyvä syvä'')
* a e / {o u}[+STR](X)C_j<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; o / {a e i}[+STR](X)C_j<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; a / elsewhere
* ä > e / _j unstress'd
* a > e / {o u}[+STR](X)C_j<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; > o / {a e i}[+STR](X)C_j<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; > a / elsewhere
(Other instances of unstressed /aj/, eg. in plurals of derivativs, shift too, but analogical leveling has render'd it impossible to tell whether the original result was /ej/ or /oj/.)
(Other instances of unstressed /aj/, eg. in plurals of derivativs, shift too, but analogical leveling has render'd it impossible to tell whether the original result was /ej/ or /oj/.)

'''Loss of *x, *ŋ & medial *w'''. These may have merged in some ways.
* u > o / _x (''puo souta-''; ''juo-'', unless this had *ë)
* i > e / _x ?? (''keima-''; but contrast unlowered/re-raised? ''kiima'')
'''Loss of *x, *ŋ & medial *w''', leading to secondary long vowels. These may have merged in some ways.
Medial cases:
Medial cases:
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| (N/A)
| (N/A)
| UŋA Oː (''myö''-tä; but ''syyhy'' ~ S. *sëŋē <!--''vyö'' ~ S. *ëvē ~ K. vëń ~ Ug. *ʏgä-->)
| UŋA > Oː (''myö''-tä; but ''syyhy'' ~ S. *sëŋē <!--''vyö'' ~ S. *ëvē ~ K. vëń ~ Ug. *ʏgä-->)
| UwA Oː (''hyö''-tä- ''vuo'')<br/>(cf. retention variants ''hyvä uv''-e)
| UwA > Oː (''hyö''-tä- ''lyö- suo- syö''-kse- ''vuo'')<br/>(cf. retention variants ''hyvä suva''itse- ''syvä uv''-e)
| uxi → oː (''juoda'', unless this is *ë or *ô, ''puo''<!--Smy *puə; but ObU *pu(u)j-->)<br/>
| uxə > oː (''juoda puo''<!--Smy *puə; but ObU *pu(u)j-->, see abov)<br/>
| Uŋi → Uː (''kuu pyy uu''-ttu; but ŋ w in ''suvi tyvi'')
| Uŋə > Uː (''kuu pyy uu''-ttu; but ŋ > w in ''suvi tyvi'')
| Uwi → Uː (''luu puu suu tyyni'')<br/>(cf. retention variant ''tyven'')
| Uwə > Uː (''luu puu suu tyyni'')<br/>(cf. retention variant ''tyven'')
| exi → øː/eː? (''myö-''; ''vie-''?)
| exə > øː/eː? (''myö-''; ''vie-''?)
| eŋi → øː (''pyörä'')
| eŋə > øː (''pyörä'')
| ewi → øː (''lyö- syö- työ'', first may also be *-x-)
| ewə > øː (''syö- työ'')
| ixi → iː? (''siili'')
| ixə > iː? (''siili'')
| iŋi → iː, (''hiiri pii'' 'tooth' ''riihi sii'' 'beam' ''vii''-me)
| iŋə > iː, (''hiiri pii'' 'tooth' ''riihi sii'' 'beam' ''vii''-me)
| (no change: ''kivi'')
| (no change: ''kivi'')
| Axi → Aː (''jää- maa<!--not *më, Mansi stem mëëG- !--> saa- sää'' "filament" ''sääri ääri'')
| Axə > Aː (''jää- maa<!--not *më, Mansi stem mëëG- !--> saa- sää'' "filament" ''sääri ääri'')
| Aŋi → Aː <!-- most general; postcedes unstr. *ij *Aj > i --> (''jää kaari pää sää'' 'weather')
| Aŋə > Aː <!-- most general; postcedes unstr. *ij *Aj > i --> (''jää kaari pää sää'' 'weather')
| (no change in ''savi''; *äwi äw in ''käy-'')
| (no change in ''savi''; *äwi > äw in ''käy-'', but > eew in Liv. ''kēv'')
| oxi → oː (''tuo-'')
| oxə > oː (''tuo-'')
| oŋi → oː (''luo luoda'' <!--juolukka ~ S. *joŋë-->; but ŋ → w in ''povi'')
| oŋə > oː (''luo luoda'' <!--juolukka ~ S. *joŋë-->)
| (no change: ''ovi''; ''lovi'' is ← Gmc)
| (''lovi'' is ← Gmc despite probable Mo/Ma cognates)
| possibly w (''arvo'' ← II argʰa)
| possibly > w (''arvo'' ← II argʰa)
| ŋ w / _{U O}, elsewhere _A (''pivo vävy, avaa- kevät'')
| ŋ > w / _{U O}, elsewhere _A (''pivo vävy, avaa- kevät'')
| (no change: ''kevyt kova nivo-'' etc.)
| (no change: ''kevyt kova nivo-'' etc.)

* ''suo'' may be an irregular development from PU *toxi, or related to Samic *sōńë ~ *sōŋë (← *soNi?)
* Parts of this might be post-MPF and perhaps in part post-LPF. Note *uwa > Liv. ''õvā''.
* ''syy'' may have had any of x w j; dial. ''syvi'' probably favors *süwi
* A distinct PF *-ww- or *-wŋ- may have occurred in some words, incl. ''ovi povi savu'' (cf. Es. ''õu põu sau'' ~ Vo. ''õvvi põvvi savvu''; Olon. ''savu ~ savvu''). But cf. ''auvo neuvo sauva''?
* ''vie-'' may be a dissimilation *wexe- *weje- (expected **wewe-).
* ''suo'' may be an irregular development from PU *toxə, or from *soxə preGmc *soigʷ-.
* Possibly in suffixal formations, x w / {U O}_C (''souta- nouta-''), j / {I E}_C (''keima-''). May be identical with the development of *ŋ. Potentially, ''viisi kuusi'' belong here too?
* ''syy'' may have had any of *x *w *j
* ŋ remains / _k <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; possibly n / _t (''ensi'', unless *e-nti-; ''onte-''<!--ontto ontelo-->) <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; → j / _Cʲ (''seiso- veitsi'', puna-''ise''-) (or is it F_ ?)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; → w / _C (''jauha- jousi joutsen'')<!-- NB all examples back-vocalic-->, C_ (''aivo ahven pilvi sauva'') <!--is this a case of *veC > @C? -->
* ''vie-'' may be a dissimilation *wexe- > *weje- (expected **wewe-).
* Possibly in suffixal formations, x > w / {U O}_C (''souta- nouta-''), > j / {I E}_C (''keima-''). May be identical with the development of *ŋ. Potentially, ''viisi kuusi'' belong here too?
* ŋ remains / _k <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; possibly > n / _t (''ensi'', unless *e-nti-; ''onte-'', unless < *omtə *<!--ontto ontelo-->) <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; > w / _C (''jauha- jousi joutsen'')<!-- NB all examples back-vocalic-->, C_ (''aivo ahven pilvi sauva'') <!--is this a case of *veC > @C? -->

'''Loss of medial *j''' in ''i/e''-stems (retention elsewhere, ''sija'' etc.)
'''Loss of medial *j''' in ''i/e''-stems (retention elsewhere, ''sija'' etc.)
* wI i (medial unstressed new /i/!) <!-- oinas < *owinas / tai *ońa-, *wajŋi-mo > vajvImo > vaimo, *loŋi-mi > lovImi > loimi ~ luo-,  *sew-mi > ? *sö(v)Imi > seimi (dial. soimi) ~ syö-, *lew-mu > ? *lövImu > leimu ~ loimu -->
<!--* wI > i (medial unstressed new /i/!) oinas < *owinas / tai *ońa-, *wajŋi-mo > vajvImo > vaimo, *loŋə-mi > lovImi > loimi ~ luo-,  *sew-mi > ? *sö(v)Imi > seimi (dial. soimi) ~ syö-, *lew-mu > ? *lövImu > leimu ~ loimu -->
* ji → @ / {i e ü}_ (''kiehu- pii'' "Si" ''tie''; ''kyy''?)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; j / {A o u}_ (''koi soi- tai- täi uida voi'', ?? ''koira'', unless simply consonant-stem *koj-ra)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; i / C_{# C) (''järin neli- nurin veli vihi väli'', perhaps ''rähise- ärise-''; ''väri'' ~ ''värjää-'' is straight from Sw.) <!--postcedes äi > i, also i > e: *veljin > veljen-->
* jə > @ / {i e ü}_ (''kiehu- pii'' "Si" ''tie''; ''kyy''?)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; > j / {A o u}_ (''koi soi- tai- täi uida voi'', ?? ''koira'', unless simply consonant-stem *koj-ra)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; > i / C_{# C) (''järin neli- nurin veli vihi väli'', perhaps ''rähise- ärise-''; ''väri'' ~ ''värjää-'' is straight from Sw.) <!--postcedes äi > i, also i > e: *veljin > veljen-->
<!--/ V[+STR]_({l r}(C)V) [size=10](ie. in open or liquid-final syllables immediately after stress)[/size]
<!--/ V[+STR]_({l r}(C)V) [size=10](ie. in open or liquid-final syllables immediately after stress)[/size]
Lots of exceptions in this one, however:
Lots of exceptions in this one, however:
     j in ''kei(ttää)'' -->
     > j in ''kei(ttää)'' -->
*/yje/ */øː/ ''yö''
*/yje/ > */øː/ > ''yö''
<font color="#4000D0">'''V-epenthesis'''</font>
* <font color="#4000D0">∅ > v / #_oː</font> (at least ''vuo vuohi vuona vuosi vuota''; possibly ''vuole- vuori'' if *v-loss preceded this)
Notable exception: '''uoma'''. Before *øː, treatment is inconsistent: ''vyö'' 'belt', but ''yö'' 'night'. Homonym avoidance? Or perhaps *UwA > *OO was older than *Owə > *OO?

This change would have to be massively postdated in case the isolated *voohela > ''vohla'' 'goat kid' (*voohi > ''vuohi'' 'goat') is not simply thru a Southwestern dialect that shortened vowels before *h, or in parallel from Baltic with analogical /v/.
* uw ij → ow ej / _C (''souta- keima-'' again; perhaps ''jousi nouta-'' if not *ô)

'''Initial deaffrication'''. Newer initial affricates are found in loanwords and onomatopoeia. (Should this go further back?)
* Vː > V / _i (''keittä-'', cf. ''kiehua''; ''voi voi-''; imperfects ''myi söi toi'' etc; obliq plurals ''maita puita teitä'' etc. Possibly ''nai-'', cf. ''naaras'', ''täi''.)
* ʧ ʦʲ → ʃ sʲ / #_
** Postdates v-epenthesis: ''voi'' < *vooji
** Postdates palatal unpacking: ''saisi'' < *saaći
** Postdates *ej-raising: ''vei'' < *veej

'''Depalatalization''', commonly attributed to Germanic superstratum influence.
'''Initial deaffrication'''. Newer apparent initial affricates are found in loanwords, onomatopoeia, and via *ti- > *ći-.
* ʦʲ(ː) sʲ <font color="#00D000">ðʲ</font> lʲ → ʦ(ː) s <font color="#00D000">ð</font> l (may be older for *ðʲ)
* ʧ > ʃ / #_ (''häntä henki hetki huveta'', perhaps ''hama hapan hieno hinta huosia''. Contra UEW, ''hukka-'' is ← Gmc.)
* nʲ → ni / #(C)i_V (i.e. after a short stressed /i/; ''miniä'')<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; → in / V_V (some other cases: ''kyynel kyynärä paina-'', ''oinas''??)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; → n (elsewhere)
* ? ʦʲ > sʲ / #_ (may have occurred early in ''sääri solmu'': cf. Võ ''säär' sõlm synn''', but Komi ''ćër'' 'stem', ''ćań'' 'foal'; Hungarian ''csomó'' 'knot')
** Both changes appear to be shared with Mordvinic, yet the first is reverted in Erzya (where also *š- > /ʧ/).

;CCC simplification
;CCC simplification
* ntt tt (''kattaa tuta'') (or just *mtt?)
* ntt > tt (''kattaa tuta'') (or just *mtt?)
* wst st / o_ ? (''nouse-'' ''nosta-''<!--irregular root of unclear origin, E. t-, but causativ -ta- is Uralic-->)
* pst tst kst > st
** partitives: ''kystä lasta; veistä; susta usta; sormusta'' etc. Last two forms archaic in F. (''suksea uksea''). Later in ''peistä''. NB ''lapsta uksta, suormõks'' in Liv.
** infinitives: ''juosta syöstä piestä''
* wst > st / o_ ? (''nouse-'' > ''nosta-''<!--irregular root of unclear origin, E. t-, but causativ -ta- is Uralic-->)
* Common also in loanword adaptation since an early date.
* Common also in loanword adaptation since an early date.
** Late PIE *arktos →→ F/Mo *okti "bear" (but path of loaning unknown)
** Late PIE *arktos > F/Mo *okti "bear" (but path of loaning unknown)
** Gmc ntj nkj tj kj (examples TBA)
** Gmc ntj nsj nkj > tj šj kj (''asia rasia''; ''ohja''; originals TBA. Cf. Koivulehto (1982))

===Middle Proto-Finnic to Late Proto-Finnic===
===Middle Proto-Finnic to Late Proto-Finnic===
The period after the separation of South Estonian and Livonian as distinct dialects. Changes continued to diffuse into these two

The period after the separation of South Estonian and Livonian.
;Diphthong raising (Heikkilä's Law)
* ai > ëi / {l r s š}_ (i.e. after continuants)
** ''leipä''; ''reikä reisi''; ''seinä seistä seiväs''; ''heimo heinä''
** perhaps likewise äi > ei in ''leinä seitsen heisi''? yet also: ''neiti köysi veitsi''
** Proposed in Heikkilä (2013).

''' Loss of <font color="#00D000">*ð</font> and *ʧ'''
''' Loss of <font color="#00D000">*ð</font> and *ʧ'''
* <font color="#00D000">ð t</font> (may be gradation-related, shared with Mordvinic but not Samic. Put here to avoid requiring postulating intermediate *tʲ for the development of *ðʲ)
* <font color="#00D000">ð > t</font> (may be gradation-related, shared with Mordvinic but not Samic.)
* ʧː tʃ (''kaha kehä piha'')
* ʧː > tʃ (''kaha kehä piha'', possibly ''johtaa'')
* ʧ t (Exceptions: ''haahka puhki''. In pre-South Estonian, *ʧ ts / _k)
* ʧ > t (Exceptions: ''haahka puhki''.
* Possibly in pre-Livonian and pre-SE: *tk *kk before this (*kutki *kütke-j-mä ''kukki kikiim'', but eg. *piðka ''pitka'', *počka ''potka'').
** In pre-South Estonian, *ʧ > ts / _k (*kačke- *kačku *kičke- *nočko *pučki *sičkajn)
* Cf. also *kočka F. kotka ~ kokko; *lakki- ~ ''latkia'' is prob contamination from ''li/atise-'')
** Possibly in pre-Livonian and pre-SE: *tk > *kk before this (*kutki *kütke-j-mä > ''kukki kikiim'', but eg. *piðka > ''pitka'', *počka > ''potka'').
** Cf. also *kočka > F. kotka ~ kokko; *lakki- ~ ''latkia'' is prob contamination from ''li/atise-'')

'''Assibilation''', fed by all three previous changes
* t → ʦ / _i <!--via ts, per South Est. - *lapti > laptsi > latts' etc. - but never becomes θ?-->
* t > ʦʲ / _i <!--per South Est. - *lapti > laptsi > latts' etc. - but never becomes θ?-->
* tj → ʦ
* tj > ʦʲ(ː) (found only in IE loans: ''katsoa kutsua metsä''; shortened in ''asia rasia'')
except after a coronal obstruent (the clusters /tt st ʃt/) or before a derivational suffix
except after a coronal obstruent (the clusters /tt st ʃt/) or before a derivational suffix
** Includes *t from older *č, *dₓ. Cf. e.g. *edə- > ''esi-'', *künčə > ''kynsi''.
'''Depalatalization''', commonly attributed to Germanic superstratum influence.
* nʲ ʦʲ(ː) sʲ > n ʦ(ː) s
* A shift lʲ > l has traditionally been assumed as well (for e.g. ''kalvo kulma''), but the evidence for a separate original *lʲ is poor.

'''Coda spirantization'''
* ʃ → ʂ → x (postdates old Baltic and Germanic loanwords; as well as the previous on account of blocking assibilation. Per Permic, the retroflex stage may date back quite far)
* p k > h / _t
* k t → ∅ / _x (cases with *: ''ahtera hihna huhta huuhto- mahi mehiläinen vaahtera vaha'', possibly ''pahka'', Estonian ''jähe pähn'')
** Probably via *xt *ft, though there is no explicit evidence for such a stage.
* s → x / _l (''pihlaja''<!--''kihla'' falls under s > ʃ in Germanic loans-->. Cf. the late str → sr → F. hr)
** Postdates *ti >> *ci: cf. *kakti > ''kaksi''.
** With IE loanwords continuing to feed new /pt kt/, this rule remained active up until the 20th century.

'''Nasal simplification''' part 2. Note old Germanic loans feeding -ntj-!<!--*anTja *ranDja *ånTja--> Probably postdates the previous, given no simplification in *nx (''vanha inho'' etc.)
* <font color="#D08000">n ∅ / _(t)s</font> (''asia rasia nisä osa otsa kusi'') (distribution?)
* i > ∅ / _#, 3rd+ syllable; VC_, ks_ suffix-finally <!--(with /ts tʃ/ counted as clusters, not phonemes) ... What suffixes would that be??-->
'''Final clusters'''
* ks nʦ nt > s s t / _# (''jänis'' etc, ''kolmas'' etc, ''tuhat''. First and last retained in Liv.)
* ʃ > ʂ > x (postdates old Baltic and Germanic loanwords; as well as the previous on account of blocking assibilation. Per Permic, the retroflex stage may date back quite far)
* k t > ∅ / _x (cases with *kš: ''ahtera hihna huhta huuhto- mahi mehiläinen vaahtera vaha'', possibly ''pahka'', Estonian ''jähe pähn''. For *tš see abov)
* s > x / _{n l} (''ahnas hähnä pahla pihlaja''<!--''kihla'' falls under s → ʃ in Germanic loans-->. Cf. late cr > sr > Fi. ''hr''.)
* wC > *Cw / C ∈ {j r s} (''laiva raivo''; ''järvi karva tarvas torvi''; ''kasvaa rasva'')
** Later than Heikkilä's Law.
'''Nasal simplification''' part 2. Probably postdates the previous, given no simplification in *nx (''inhimi- inho vanha'' etc.)
* <font color="#D08000">n > ∅ / _(t)s</font> (''nisä osa otsa kusi'') (distribution?)
Paradigmatically reverted in cases of *-ntsi ~ *-nte- such as ''kansi'', ''ponsi''; not however in ordinals: ''kolmas'' ~ ''kolmante-'' (also note Est. ''kaas'' vel. sim. - a later reprise per compensatory lengthening? - and Liv. ''vuontsa'' - suggesting Gmc. loan origin?)
Paradigmatically reverted in cases of *-ntsi ~ *-nte- such as ''kansi'', ''ponsi''; not however in ordinals: ''kolmas'' ~ ''kolmante-'' (also note Est. ''kaas'' vel. sim. - a later reprise per compensatory lengthening? - and Liv. ''vuontsa'' - suggesting Gmc. loan origin?)
* ln lː (''alla halla pellava yllä'', ''-llA -lle'' if clitickized yet)
* ln > lː (''alla halla pellava yllä'', ''-llA -lle'' if clitickized yet)
'''Consonant gradation'''.
These all occur on the general condition that the folloing syllable is closed. At this stage gradation remained allophonic.
* pː tː ʦː kː > pˑ tˑ ʦˑ kˑ / {sonorant}_V <small>(the half-long stage can still itself trigger gradation; no gradation is found in Veps or Livonian)</small>
* p t ʦ s k > b d s z ɡ / {sonorant}_V <!--what's this ts > s? Kallio's examples are suffixal only-->
(NB: gradation of modern /ht hk/ is analogy-borne)
'''Suffixal gradation''' (needs elaboration)
* p t s k > b d z ɡ / V[-STR]_V
* b d ɡ > β ð ɣ / except N_
** May be actually much later; the change is not evident in Veps. β ð ɣ > v ∅ g in [[Votic]] is probably a Russicism.
'''Fricativ collapse'''
* ʦ > s (short only; ''isä kasa'' 'corner' …)
* z > h <!-- may take care of sl > hl -->
* x(ː) > h (a largely graphical shift: a spirant pronunciation can still be found in coda position)

Results as:
Results as:
Line 171: Line 260:
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Fricatives
! Fricatives
| || || s || x
| || || s || h
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Lateral
! Lateral
Line 182: Line 271:
| v || || colspan="2"| j
| v || || colspan="2"| j
(I'm marking *w [ʋ] as /v/ from now on, for brevity. The change is practically impossible to date.)
(I'm marking *w > [ʋ] as /v/ from now on, for brevity. The change is practically impossible to date.)

Syllable structure (C)V(@, i, U, C)(C). Coda /p/ only occurred morpheme-internally.
Syllable structure (C)V(@, i, U, C)(C). Coda /p/ only occurred morpheme-internally. /ʦ/ only occurred as geminate.

/#ji #je #vu/ did not occur.
/#ji #je #vu/ did not occur.

Allowed medial clusters included the following (and possibly more, depending on how many consonantal root forms were in existence yet by this stage):
Allowed medial clusters included the following (and possibly more, depending on how many consonantal root forms were in existence yet by this stage):
* /pː pt pʦ tː tk ʦː kː kt kʦ/ (/ʦk/?)
* /pː tː tk ʦː kː/<!--
* /mp nt nʦ ŋk/
** e.g. ''appi __ lapsi ottaa putki __ __ __ kaksi''-->
* /nx/
* /mp nt nʦ ŋk/<!--
* /ps ks/ (/kst/?) and perhaps /tx kx(t)/ (if not simplified to /x(t)/ yet; check!)
** e.g. ''lämpö kantaa kansi __nka''-->
* /nx/<!--
** e.g. ''vanha''-->
* /ps ks/ (/kst/?), including older *pʦ *kʦ<!--
** e.g. ''lypsää jaksaa''-->
* /tn km/ (only intermorphemically)
* /tn km/ (only intermorphemically)
* /sm st sn sl sk xm xt xn xl xr xk/
* /sm st sn sl sk hm ht hn hl hr hk/<!--
** e.g. ''sm st sn pihlaja kaski hm tähti vehnä hl hr hk''-->
* all liquid + non-liquid combinations other than /ln/
* all liquid + non-liquid combinations other than /ln/
* Vj + any consonant
* Vj + any consonant
Line 201: Line 295:
* various CC combinations preceded by Vj, VU or V@
* various CC combinations preceded by Vj, VU or V@

VU + /j r/ are forbidden and metathesize to /jv rv/ in loans (''haiven häivä laiva raiva- raivo''<!--*xaujan *xeuja *flauja *straujan *traujoo-->, ''järvi karva tarvas torvi''<!--*jaura *gaura *taura *tAura - but inherited *wr exists? aurinko houri- *hewry *newrä *kewrä-->; ''kaivata''<!--*kaujan--> with analogous gradation?). At an older stage, this included VU + /s x v/ → /sv (hv?) @v/ (''kasva- rasva''<!--*krausa-->, ''haava kaava naava''<!--*hawwa *skawwa *fnawwa-->), but this was disrupted by the development *ŋ U (''jousi jauha- sauva'').
VU + /j r/ are forbidden and metathesize to /jv rv/ in loans (''haiven häivä laiva raiva- raivo''<!--*xaujan *xeuja *flauja *straujan *traujoo-->, ''järvi karva tarvas torvi''<!--*jaura *gaura *taura *tAura - but inherited *wr exists? aurinko houri- *hewry *newrä *kewrä-->; ''kaivata''<!--*kaujan--> with analogous gradation?). At an older stage, this included VU + /s x v/ → /sv (hv?) @v/ (''kasva- rasva''<!--*krausa-->, ''haava kaava naava''<!--*hawwa *skawwa *fnawwa-->), but this was disrupted by the development *ŋ > U (''jousi jauha- sauva''). Cf. Koivulehto (1970, 1986)
(Cf. J. Koivulehto: [ Suomen laiva-sanasta], [ Pinta ja rasva])

Note also kauha ~ kahva<!-- Estonian loan?-->, kiuru ~ kirvinen, kuilu ~ kulju, pälvi ~ S. *pēvlë<!--, röyhennellä ~ rehvastella (~ röyhkeä?)-->.
Note also kauha ~ kahva<!-- Estonian loan?-->, kiuru ~ kirvinen, kuilu ~ kulju, pälvi ~ S. *pēvlë<!--, röyhennellä ~ rehvastella (~ röyhkeä?)-->.
While several later common innovations affect both South Estonian and the remainder of Finnic, pre-Finnic *č is reconstructable in some cases per the former (*kačke- *kačku *kičke- *nočko *pučki *sičkajn)

  '''Vowel inventory'''
  '''Vowel inventory'''
Line 214: Line 305:
  /ej ew          oj ow/
  /ej ew          oj ow/
  /æj æw    aj aw uj  /
  /æj æw    aj aw uj  /
/aː æː/ were rare, originally only occuring in about half a dozen roots each.
(These new instances are of fuzzy origin, apparently loanwords acquired after the change to */oː eː/?)

/i e A o (u?)/ could occur in non-initial root syllables (plus /ej oj/ due to suffixal j).
/i e A o (u?)/ could occur in non-initial root syllables (plus /ej oj/ due to suffixal j).
Line 222: Line 310:
===Proto-Finnic to Proto-Finnish===
===Proto-Finnic to Proto-Finnish===
[Ca. 2000 BCE to 1000 CE]
[Ca. 2000 BCE to 1000 CE]
(Needs to be broken into the previous and the last two sections.)

'''Difthong paradigm shift'''
'''Difthong paradigm shift'''
j w i U / V_{C #}
j w > i U / V_{C #}
<small>(not really phonetical; required for pre-diphthongal consonants not to gradate)</small> - wait, but they ''do'' gradate in some dialects; needs bumping, then
<small>(not really phonetical; required for pre-diphthongal consonants not to gradate)</small> - wait, but they ''do'' gradate in some dialects; needs bumping, then
'''Consonantal suffix and stem-forms'''
* i → ∅ / VC_, ks_ suffix-finally <!--(with /ts tʃ/ counted as clusters, not phonemes) ... What suffixes would that be??-->
* e → ∅ / stem-finally after a coronal
(This change could be much older and is actually more complex, but I don't know what's the latest understanding)
'''Consonant gradation'''.
These all occur on the general condition that the folloing syllable is closed.
* pː tː tsː kː → pˑ tˑ tsˑ kˑ / {sonorant}_V <small>(the half-long stage can still itself trigger gradation; no gradation is found in Veps or Livonian)</small>
* p t ts s k → b d s z ɡ / {sonorant}_V <!--what's this ts > s? Kallio's examples are suffixal only-->
(NB: gradation of modern /ht hk/ is analogy-borne)
'''Suffixal gradation''' (needs elaboration)
* p t s k → b d z ɡ / V[-STR]_V
* b d ɡ → β ð ɣ / except N_ (may be later - not evident in Veps. Votic β ð ɣ → v ∅ g is probably a Russicism)
** ɣ → j~v / V[-STR]_V (''jalava kajava kataja'' etc.)
** βi → U / _# (3PS ''-Pi'')

Around this time there's also a paradigm shift wrt. /f/ in loanwords: the  
Around this time there's also a paradigm shift wrt. /f/ in loanwords: the  
Line 250: Line 320:

<font color="#00D000">'''Loss of /v/'''</font> before labial vowels
<font color="#00D000">'''Loss of /v/'''</font> before labial vowels
* <font color="#00D000">v ∅ / #_{o u y}</font> (perhaps also: non-initially? ''kärventää'' ~ ''käry'', ''kalvaa'' ~ ''kaluta'' — but late in *hehvo ''hieho'', maybe ''laiho'' ~ Vo ''laivo'')
* <font color="#00D000">v > ∅ / #_{o u y}</font> (perhaps also: non-initially? ''kärventää'' ~ ''käry'', ''kalvaa'' ~ ''kaluta'' — but late in *hehvo > ''hieho'', maybe ''laiho'' ~ Vo ''laivo'')
The consonant may have persisted before long vowels, but since a glide was epenthetically added there anyway (see next), there's no way to tell. Compensatory lengthening may have occurred before *u (*wuðʲi → ''uusi'').
The consonant may have persisted before long vowels, but since a glide was epenthetically added there anyway (see next), there's no way to tell. Compensatory lengthening may have occurred before *u (*woðʲə > ''uusi'').
Shared with Samic, Mordvinic & Mari, but note that this seems to be a late ''areal'' change — it is later than the South Finnic change from *o to *ɤ per *wo-tta- "to take" *vɤtta- Es. ''võtma-'' (however, note the counterexample *wolka ''õlg'').<!--(Clearly not epenthetic: oikea ~ õige, olut ~ õlu, omena ~ õun, ompele- ~ õmble-, onni ~ õnn, oppi- ~ õpi- etc.)-->
Shared with Samic, Mordvinic & Mari, but note that this seems to be a late ''areal'' change — it is later than the South Finnic change from *o to *ɤ per *wo-tta- "to take" > *vɤtta- > Es. ''võtma-'' (however, note the counterexample *wolka > ''õlg'').<!--(Clearly not epenthetic: oikea ~ õige, olut ~ õlu, omena ~ õun, ompele- ~ õmble-, onni ~ õnn, oppi- ~ õpi- etc.)-->
Loss of initial */j/ before /i/ is likely of similar age. The medial change in *velji > ''veli'' is late: cf. Olonets ''veĺĺi'', Veps & Ludic ''veĺĺ'', Votic ''velli~ velji''.

Loss of */j/ before /i/ is likely of similar age, but Samic seems inconsistent (due to ē → jē / #_ ? cf. also no medial loss: *velji → ''veli'', ~ *vēljɤ)
'''Vowel lengthening'''
* a > aː / _rn (''aarni haarniska kaarna kaarne saarna saarni vaarna'' <!-- related? ''käärme naarmu paarma''? but ''armo harmaa harmi härmä härnä- karmea karmi särmä tarmo varma''--> (check dating!))

<font color="#4000D0">'''V-epenthesis'''</font>
'''Assimilation''' of many consonant clusters to geminates, etc. (Dating provisional for most, perhaps older.) All of these require a morpheme boundary somewhere in the cluster. A basically equivalent criterion is requiring a preceding unstressed syllable. Of these, /rn pt kt/ occurred root-medially, and  were retained (though rn > rː may have occurred in ''aarre''; cf. ''aarni'' - and kt > tː is required for ''tytär'', which appears to be the only loan with the cluster around this timeframe. Võro has even root-medially pt kt > tː.)
* <font color="#4000D0">∅ → v / #_oː</font> (at least ''vuo vuohi vuona vuosi vuota''; possibly ''vuole- vuori'' if *v-loss was originally complete)
* kt(s) pt(s) > tː(s)
Notable exception: '''uoma''. Before *øː, treatment is inconsistent: ''vyö'' "belt", but '''' "night" — homonym avoidance? Per *voohla → ''vohla'' "goat kid" (*voohi → ''vuohi'' "goat") this would seem to be the later of the two changes involving initial *v.
* xk > kː (happens also across word boundaries, precluding the formation of /?/)
* (t)(ː)sn > sː
* rn > rː
* pn tn kn ktn ptn (etc.) > nː (in later loans may be retained: ''linna'' ~ Vo ''lidna'', Ve ''lidn'', also Võ ''liin''; ''vuona'' ~ Vo ''võdna''. Original ''vuonna'' ~ Vo ''voona''.)
* pm tm km (etc.) > mː (''lumme mämmi'')
(The consequent obscuring of many inflected forms due to this and the previous change, esp. the essiv, however eventually caused many words to revert back, commonly with vowel insertion. Eg. *sut-na, *laps-na > ''sunna lassa'' > ''sutena lapsena''. Note also *pekstä, *pekse- > ''piestä, piekse-'')

'''Vowel shifts'''
* e > @ / h_ in suffixes
* oi → o / [-STR] (but reverted back in many, though not all, cases where the ''-i'' was morphological)
* Vː → V / _i (Clearly postdates epenthesis: ''voi'' ← *vooji. Also imperfects (''myi söi toi'' etc.), obliq plurals (''maita puita teitä'' etc.); ''keittää'' (cf. ''kiehua''); possibly ''nai-'' (cf. ''naaras''))
* a → aː / _rn (''aarni haarniska kaarna kaarne saarna saarni vaarna'' <!-- related? ''käärme naarmu paarma''? but ''armo harmaa harmi härmä härnä- karmea karmi särmä tarmo varma''--> (check dating!))
<!--* ai → ei / [+STR] (with many exceptions; also, surprizingly, /æi/ stays put) Actually, no, this is a Baltic substrate feature.-->

'''Assimilation''' of many consonant clusters to geminates, etc. (Dating provisional for most, perhaps older.) All of these require a morpheme boundary somewhere in the cluster. A basically equivalent criterion is requiring a preceding unstressed syllable. Of these, /rn pt kt kx tx/ (/kʃ tʃ/?) occurred root-medially, and the first three were retained (though rn → rː may have occurred in ''aarre''; cf. ''aarni'' - and kt → tː is required for ''tytär'', which appears to be the only loan with the cluster around this timeframe. Võro has even root-medially pt kt → tː.)
<!--ts > s / medially in ''√isä √kasa Xkeso kosio riisu- sisilisko osa'', √deminutives in ''-isA / -ise-''
* kt(s) pt(s) → tː(s)
intermediate ''jou(t)si''-->
* xk → kː (happens also across word boundaries, precluding the formation of /?/)
<!--Mordvinic has > f but this seems unrelated, considering that p/kti > p/ksi with no change. Votic has p/ksi > hsi, but this is preferrably explained as avoidance of coda p/k rather than everything else fortiting f/xsi > p/ksi, esp since this also affects p/ks not before i. Also note > tt in South Estonian.-->
* (t)(ː)sn → sː
* kx (tx) → xː<!--<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; → @x / _C (''vaahtera'', ''jäähty-'' ''huuhto-''? Kar. also ''hiihna''--><!--''piestä-'' ?? Es & Ve peksta -->
* rn → rː
* pn tn kn ktn ptn (etc.) → nː (note esp. ''linna'' ~ Võ ''liin'', Vo ''lidna''; but ''vuonna'' ~ Vo ''voona'', ''vuona'' ~ Vo ''võdna'')
* pm tm km (etc.) → mː
* pst tst kst → st
* ks nʦ nt → s s t / _# (''jänis'' etc, ''kolmas'' etc, ''tuhat'')
(The consequent obscuring of many inflected forms due to this and the previous change, esp. the essiv, however eventually caused many words to revert back, commonly with vowel insertion. Eg. *sut-na, *laps-na → ''sunna lassa'' → ''sutena lapsena''. Note also *pekstä, *pekse- → ''piestä, piekse-'')

'''Fricativ collapse, part 3'''
===Late Proto-Finnic to Proto-Northern Finnic===
* ʦ → s
Changes shared with Ingrian and Veps but absent from some dialects of Estonian and Votic.
* ʦˑ/ː → θˑ/ː (remains gradational; ''etsi- itse joutsen katso- kitsas lietso- loitsi- kutsu- metsä ratsu otsa paatsama vatsa veitsi virtsa vitsa'')
* z → h <!-- may take care of sl > hl -->
* x(ː) → h (a spirantic pronunciation can still be found in coda position)

<!--ts → s / medially in ''isä kasa keso kosio riisu- sisilisko osa'' intermediate ''jou(t)si''
* ä > a / eC_C*o (''elanto emakko erakko eranto kesakko kesanto venakko''; ? ''epatto''), eC_C*u (''elatus sepalus''), iC_Ca (''iankaikkinen'')
* o > ö / {y ä ö}X*_ (analogically generalized to certain suffixes even in i/e-words, eg. ''heittiö'', ''itiö'', ''nimistö'', vaalea''verikkö'')

labialization goes around here too: "jyvä" < *jevä if not via *ê, "syvä" < tivä -->
===Proto-Northern Finnic to Proto-Finnish===
[Ca. 500-1000 CE]<br/>
Changes common to the Western and Eastern dialects of Finnish (many also extending to Karelian, but generally not Veps). These may be areal in nature. <!--Changes shared additionally with Estonian and Votic are in <span style="color:#"></span>-->

'''Shifts involving /h/'''
'''"Flavor"''': Voiced prenasal stops become geminate nasals, and (around the same time as in a whole lot of other European languages!) long mid vowels become opening diphthongs. Also, the weak grade of geminates coincides with the strong grade of singletons:
* <span style="color:#">mb nd ŋg > mː nː ŋː</span>
* e → @ / h_ in suffixes
* <span style="color:#4000D0">eː</span> øː <span style="color:#4000D0">oː > ie</span> yø <span style="color:#4000D0">uo</span> (could be older; Estonian has uo > ''oo'')
* p k → h / _t (With IE loanwords continuing to feed new /pt kt/, this rule remained active up until to the 20th century.)
* pˑ tˑ ʦˑ kˑ θˑ > p t ʦ k
<!--Mordvinic has → f but this seems unrelated, considering that p/kti > p/ksi with no change. Votic has p/ksi > hsi, but this is preferrably explained as avoidance of coda p/k rather than everything else fortiting f/xsi > p/ksi, esp since this also affects p/ks not before i. Also note > tt in South Estonian.-->
** ʦ(ː) > θ(ː) (remains gradational; ''etsi- itse joutsen katso- kitsas lietso- loitsi- kutsu- metsä ratsu otsa paatsama vatsa veitsi virtsa vitsa'')
'''Spirant loss, part 1'''. Found also in Estonian and Votic.
* β > v
**v > ∅ / _UC (''aulis auttaa haukka hius keuhko kiukku köykäinen liueta liukas liukua reuhtoa riuska soukka säyseä tyyssija'', possibly ''aukko loukko saukko'')

===Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnish===
===Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnish===
[Ca. 1000-1900 CE]
[Ca. 1000-1900 CE]
These changes are, for the most part, only attested in the Finnish-Karelian continuum.
Most of these changes occurred in only a particular Finnish dialect area, and have been chosen for inclusion in Standard Finnish during the evolution of the written language.

'''Actor noun shift'''
* ä → a / eC_C*o (''elanto emakko erakko eranto kesakko kesanto venakko''; ? ''epatto''), eC_C*u (''sepalus'')
* e > i / _jA (''itkijä lukija menijä pesijä'' etc.)<br/>
* o → ö / {y ä ö}X*_ (analogically generalized to certain suffixes even in i/e-words, eg. ''heittiö'', '''',)
Widespread in Finnic, but not universal: archaisms are attested from certain varieties of southwestern Finnish (cf. Ojansuu 1901: 110-111), as well as varieties of Votic (e.g. ''lukõja'', ''pesejä''). Hence, separate from the closed unstressed syllable assimilations *əj > i (common Finnic) and *Aj > *ej > *ii > *i (Northern Finnic).

'''"Flavor"''': Voiced prenasal stops become geminate nasals, and (around the same time as in a whole lot of other European languages!) long mid vowels become opening diphthongs. Also, the weak grade of geminates coincides with the strong grade of singletons:
'''More shifts with /h/'''
* mb nd ŋg → mː nː ŋː
* Vh > hV / {j v n r l}_# (''aihe vaihe sauhu venhe unho parha- erhe perhe orhi murhe urho alhainen ylhäinen valhe''; ''löyhä''? dialectally regular)
* <font color="#4000D0">eː</font> øː <font color="#4000D0">oː → ie</font> yø <font color="#4000D0">uo</font> (could be older; Estonian has uo → ''oo'')
** dubbelmetathesis: ''imeh'' > ''*imhe'' > ''ihme''
* pˑ tˑ kˑ θˑ → p t k θ
** speaking of metathesis, also sn > ns (''känsä runsas'')
* Lengthening before coda ''h'' (cf. T. Itkonen 1987)
;More shifts with /h/
*: V > Vː / h_hC (''haahka haahti hieho'' (< *hehvo) ''hiihtää huuhkaja huuhtoa''; regular in eastern dialects and Karelian)<!-- hoahlo hoahmo hiihna huohtaa huuhmar huuhta hyyhmä heähkä "saukko" heähnä "tikka"-->
* Vh hV / {j v n r l}_# (''aihe vaihe sauhu venhe unho parha- erhe perhe orhi murhe urho alhainen ylhäinen valhe''; ''löyhä''? dialectally regular)
*: irregular cases / _ht: ''kiihtelys paahtaa piehtaroida vaahtera vaahto''; ''jäähtyä'' if not by analogy with ''jää''. Length original in ''tuohtua'' (← ''tuohi''), ''vyyhti'' (< *viühti)
** dubbelmetathesis: ''imeh'' ''*imhe'' ''ihme''
*: irregular cases / _hk: ''kiihko kyyhky nyyhkiä pyyhkiä ruuhka''<!--All close vowels? but contrast puhkeaa tuhka uhkua vihko-->
** speaking of metathesis, also sn ns (''känsä runsas'')
*: irregular cases / _hR: ''kiehnätä''.
* V Vː / h_hC in  ''haahka haahti hieho'' (*hehvo) ''hiihtää huuhkaja huuhtoa'' (regular in Karelian<!-- hoahlo hoahmo hiihna huohtaa huuhmar huuhta hyyhmä heähkä "saukko" heähnä "tikka"-->)
*: Western dialects show short vowels, which is secondary at least in ''lyhde mähnä'' (< *liühteh *mädähnä), ''tohtua vyhti'', inflected forms such as ''rihtä tohta'' (: ''riihi tuohi'').
** also several other, irregular _hC cases<!--jäähtyä kiehnätä kiihko kiihtelys kyyhky nyyhkiä paahtaa piehtaroida pyyhkiä ruuhka tuohtua vaahtera vaahto-->
* k h > ˣ / _#
* k h ˣ / _#
* s > h / _r (''ahrain ihra kehrä ohra'')
* t → ∅ / s_r (''ahrain ihra kehrä ohra'') (cf. next), then *sr → hr
<!--aa uu > ah uh in ''hahmo (hohma-) huhmar mahla kahla- rahvas (ruhmen) sahra vihlo- vihne(ke)''
ha > haa in ''haalea? haapa (contm. via Gmc. *aspa >?? ahpa > ?? aapa?) haara''
<!--aa uu ah uh in ''hahmo (hohma-) huhmar mahla kahla- rahvas (ruhmen) sahra vihlo- vihne(ke)''
ha haa in ''haalea? haapa (contm. via Gmc. *aspa >?? ahpa > ?? aapa?) haara''

;Random length
;Random length
a aa in ''kaamea vaati- vaaksa''
a > aa in ''kaamea vaati- vaaksa''
æ ææ in ''kääntä- pääsky sääksi sääski ääni''
æ > ææ in ''kääntä- pääsky sääksi sääski''
(Short vowels are attested in related forms for laakso, paarma, vaalea) -->
(Short vowels are attested in related forms for laakso, paarma, vaalea) -->
<span id="pssv">
'''Pre-sonorant stop vocalization''' (with an intermediate spirant stage<!-- attested at Rauma: /laDva/! also Sw vaakn > vaakuna, vagn > vaunu-->)</span><br/>
Predominantly Germanic loanwords; a few Baltic, and (not necessarily too reliable) Uralic etymologies exists for *kopra *kotva *kupla *nakris *süklä. By the evidence of other Finnic languages, would-be *tl in loanwords is substituted by *kl (eg. *seeθla > *seekla).
* p > U / _S (''hauras kauris koura seura taulu teuras <!--per E/Vo tõbras, from Gmc *tibraz? unless F < Gmc *Teuraz "bull"-->vauras äyräs''; also note ''kupla'', from a conservativ dialect)
*: > v / _j (''avio kavio'')
* t remains _{v, j} (''katve kotva latva patvi''; ''ketju lotja patja vitja'')
*: > i /_m (''Loimaa'')
*: > U / _r{A, O, U} (''aura hauru'' 'bladderwrack' ''nöyrä peura puuro'', possibly ''uuras'')
*: > @ / _r{i, e} (''teeri''; w/dialectal variants ''teiri, teyri, töyri''; also cf. ''vöyreä ~ vetreä''<!--might be random metathesis from *verteä-->)
* k > @ / _j (''<!--aaja "reunus", vain savo, lähisukukielet-->laaja <!--maaja "makea, maistuva"-->raaja taaja vaaja'', cf. Koivulehto (1982))
*: > i / {i, e}_S{i, e} (''eilen keila leili leiri neilikka peili teili teini tiili''; probably in part occurred in loaning Finland Swedish dialects, except ''eilen'', of unkno'n origin & where Karelian explicitly retains /kl/; dialectal variants ''eylen öylen''. Also note ''kekri'' from a conservativ dialect, variants ''köyri'' etc.)
*: > U / {A, O, U}_S (S≠j) (''hauli kaula kaura <!--< Gmc *xagran - unrel. to Sw. havre-->käyrä <!--if not related to käperty-, käpristy-, käppyrä-->kyyry myyrä mäyrä naula nauris naura- paula<!--Gmc *fatla--> vaula väylä <!--vs Gmc *vadle "kahlaamo", ei muita ims.-->sauna syylä taula uuni vaunu''; note ''vuokra'', from a conservativ dialect); {i e}_Sa (''neula seula <!--Gmc *neeTloo *seeTla-->siula siuna-'')
<!--touvi < *toGGi; tikli viklo vuokra; huotra katras potra-->

'''Pre-sonorant stop vocalization''' (with an intermediate spirant stage<!-- attested at Rauma: /laDva/! also Sw vaakn > vaakuna, vagn > vaunu-->)<br/>
'''Initial-syllable labialization'''
Predominantly Germanic loanwords; a few Baltic, and (not necessarily too reliable) Uralic etymologies exists for *kopra *kotva *kupla *nakris *syklä. By the evidence of other Finnic languages, would-be *tl in loanwords is substituted by *kl (eg. *seeθla → *seekla).
* ey > øy (exception: ''leyhyä''. The regular variant ''löyhyä'' also exists)
* p → U / _S (''hauras kauris koura seura taulu teuras <!--per E/Vo tõbras, from Gmc *tibraz? unless F < Gmc *Teuraz "bull"-->vauras äyräs''; also note ''kupla'', from a conservativ dialect)<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; →v / _j (''kavio'')
* i > y | _C*y (in non-productiv forms; at least ''lytty nyky- pysty pysy-'', possibly ''pylly''; ''vieri-'' > ''vyöry-'' may be contamination with ''pyörä''<!-- no change in ''tiehyt'', causativs such as ''hierty- kierty- lienty- viehty-''-->)<br/>
* t remains _{v, j} (''katve ketju kotva latva lotja patja patvi vitja'')<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; → U / _r{A, O} (''aura nöyrä peura puuro'', possibly ''uuras'')<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; → @ / _r{i, e} (''teeri''; w/dialectal variants ''teiri, teyri, töyri''; ''vetreä'' might be random metathesis from *verteä)<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp;
The former is pan-Finnish (general also in Veps and South Estonian; conditional in Estonian and perhaps Karelian), but postdates coda stop vocalization (''nöyrä''; cf. also dialectal ''köyri nöyle töyri vöyreä öylen'' as mentioned above). The latter is absent from a number of Eastern dialects.
* k → @ / _j (''<!--aaja "reunus", vain savo, lähisukukielet-->laaja <!--maaja "makea, maistuva"-->raaja taaja vaaja'')[]<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp;  → i / {i, e}_S{i, e} (''eilen keila leili leiri neilikka peili teili teini tiili''; probably rather occurred in loaning Finland Swedish dialects, except ''eilen'', of unkno'n origin & where Karelian explicitly retains /kl/; dialectal variants ''eylen öylen''. Also note ''kekri'' from a conservativ dialect, variants ''köyri'' etc.)<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp;  → U / {A, O, U}_S (S≠j) (''hauli kaula kaura <!--< Gmc *xagran - unrel. to Sw. havre-->käyrä <!--if not related to käperty-, käpristy-, käppyrä-->kyyry myyrä mäyrä naula nauris naura- paula<!--Gmc *fatla--> vaula väylä <!--vs Gmc *vadle "kahlaamo", ei muita ims.-->sauna syylä taula uuni vaunu''; note ''vuokra'', from a conservativ dialect); {i e}_Sa (''neula seula <!--Gmc *neeTloo *seeTla-->siula siuna-'')
<!--touvi < *toGGi; tikli viklo vuokra; huotra katras potra-->

;Changes involving /j/
'''"Sievers' Law"''' (requires elucidation)
* j i / C_ suffix-initially (including cases where the plain root isn't found: ''asia kavio'' etc.)
* j > i(j) / C_ suffix-initially; including cases where the plain root isn't found: ''asia kavio'' etc.) Parts of the "actor noun shift" may have passed thru this as well (*menəjä > *menjä > ''menijä''?)

;Spirant loss
'''Spirant loss, part 2'''
* β → v
* ið > j / V[-STR]_V
**v → ∅ / _UC (''aulis auttaa haukka hius keuhko kiukku kiusa köykäinen liueta liukas liukua reuhtoa riuska soukka säyseä tyyssija'', possibly ''aukko loukko saukko'')
* ð remains V[+STR](X)_ <br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; > l / l_<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp;  > r / r_<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp;  > ∅ / elsewhere
* ið j / V[-STR]_V
* ɣ > j / C_e (exception forms from eastern dialects: ''ahertaa'')<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp;  > v / U_U<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp;  > ? / V1V2_V2 (including the cases of V1=V2; also V2≠U)<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; > j~v / V[-STR]_V (''jalava kajava kataja petäjä salava'' etc.)<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; > ∅ / elsewhere
* ð remains V[+STR](X)_ <br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; l / l_<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp;  r / r_<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp;  ∅ / elsewhere
* h > ∅ / V[-STR](X)_V
* ɣ j / C_e<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp;  v / U_U<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp;  ? / V1V2_V2 (including the cases of V1=V2; also V2≠U)<br/>&nbsp; &nbsp; ∅ / elsewhere
* h ∅ / V[-STR](X)_V

'''Subsequent vowel changes in unstressed syllables''' (unfinished, may need to be meshed with the prev. section)
'''Unstressed diphthong simplification'''
* AO → Aː, Oː or Uː (seemingly irregularly)
* oi > o / [-STR]. Analogically reverted in many, though not all, cases where the ''-i'' was morphological; remains more general in colloquial Finnish. Retained in Savo and Western Uusimaa.
* Ae → Ai
* Ue → eː
* VU → Vː / _#
* iU → Uː
* OU → Oː (''kokoontu-''; but ''aitous'' etc.)

;Initial-syllable labialization
'''Unstressed vowel contractions''' (unfinished, may need to be meshed with the prev. section)
* ey → øy (exception: ''leyhyä''. The regular variant ''löyhyä'' also exists)
* AO > Aː, Oː or Uː (seemingly irregularly)
* i → y | _C*y (in non-productiv forms; at least ''lytty pysty pysy-'', possibly ''pylly''; ''vieri-'' → ''vyöry-'' may be contamination with ''pyörä''<!-- no change in ''tiehyt'', causativs such as ''hierty- kierty- lienty- viehty-''-->)
* Ae > Ai
* i → y / _væ (''jyvä hyvä syvä'') (this one is actually older than the others, but fits here better; predates ji > i!)
* Ue > eː
* VU > Vː / _# (in the 3PS ending, from *-βi)
* iU > Uː
* OU > Oː (''kokoontu-''; but ''aitous'' etc.)

The final stages of '''interdental loss''' began after or around the time of the creation of the literary language, seen in spellings such as <tz dh>. By standardization it was however practically complete. The standard outcome is largely a spelling pronunciation based on the example of German and Swedish:
The final stages of '''interdental loss''' began after or around the time of the creation of the literary language, seen in spellings such as <tz dh>. By standardization it was however practically complete. The standard outcome is largely a spelling pronunciation based on the example of German and Swedish:
* θ(ː) ts
* θ(ː) > ts
** Exceptions: tː in ''mittumaari''; ht in ''vihta''
** Exceptions: > tː in ''mittumaari''; > ht in ''vihta''
** Related hypercorrection ht ts: ''otso''
** Related hypercorrection ht > ts: ''otso''
* ð d (commonly alveolar)
* ð > d (commonly alveolar)
** Exceptions: ∅ in ''auer kahareisin kohentaa lähettää muuan navetta rehennellä rehellinen tuho yhyttää''; l in ''railo talikko''
** Exceptions: > ∅ in ''auer ehättää kahareisin kohentaa lähettää muuan navetta rehennellä rehellinen veikata viehättää yhyttää'', perhaps ''tuho''; > l in ''railo talikko''. ''Loota'' 'box' has been loaned independently of Ostrobothnian *looða > ''loora''.
Most common dialectal variations for the former are t(ː) and ht~t, for the latter r and ∅.
Most common dialectal variations for the former are t(ː) and ht~t, for the latter r and ∅.

Line 379: Line 455:

The following sound changes (mostly old ones!) are commonplace in spoken Standard Finnish:
The following sound changes (mostly old ones!) are commonplace in spoken Standard Finnish:
*n ∅ / _#
*n > ∅ / _#
*d /r in inherited vocabulary
*d > or r, in inherited vocabulary
*Va Vː / unstress'd
*Va > Vː / unstress'd
*ie yö uo ii yy uu / _A
*ie yö uo > ii yy uu / _A
*ne le @ / CVCV verb stems (''mee paa oo tuu'')
*ne le > @ / CVCV verb stems (''mee paa oo tuu'')

===Proto-Finnic to Livonian===
===Proto-Finnic to Livonian===
Line 389: Line 465:

'''Palatalization 1''' (everywhere except in ?Votic, Finnish proper, some Estonian & Karelian dialects; possibly needs splitting)
'''Palatalization 1''' (everywhere except in ?Votic, Finnish proper, some Estonian & Karelian dialects; possibly needs splitting)
* t ts s(C) n l r tʲ tsʲ sʲ(C) nʲ lʲ rʲ / _i
* t ts s(C) n l r > tʲ tsʲ sʲ(C) nʲ lʲ rʲ / _i

'''Deaffrication''' (near universal in Finnic, but note the exception here)
'''Deaffrication''' (near universal in Finnic, but note the exception here)
* ts<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> s<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> / except n_ (''vuontsa'')
* ts<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> > s<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> / except n_ (''vuontsa'')

'''Common South Finnic changes''' (Estonian, Võro, Votic)
'''Common South Finnic changes''' (Estonian, Võro, Votic)
* e ɤ / _C(C){a o u}
* e > ɤ / _C(C){a o u}
* ä a / [-STR] (phonemicizes the prev. - also in Veps. Not evident in Võro, but might be a later reintroduction of harmony)
* ä > a / [-STR] (phonemicizes the prev. - also in Veps. Not evident in Võro, but might be a later reintroduction of harmony)
* h ∅ / {# C}_ (initially only dialectally in Estonian)
* h > ∅ / {# C}_ (initially only dialectally in Estonian)
* Vn Vː / _s (in Livonian only in new loans ''*kansa'', ''*pensas''; in E/Võ/Vo also from *nts, see prev.)
* Vn > Vː / _s (in Livonian only in new loans ''*kansa'', ''*pensas''; in E/Võ/Vo also from *nts, see prev.)

* a ä ä e / _C*i
* a ä > ä e / _C*i

'''Vowel reduction'''
'''Vowel reduction'''
* V ə / [-STR] ≠a (*u *i survive in certain suffixes, but never in roots)
* V > ə / [-STR] ≠a (*u *i survive in certain suffixes, but never in roots)
* a ə / [-STR] VC(C)aC(C)_#, also always in verbal stems
* a > ə / [-STR] VC(C)aC(C)_#, also always in verbal stems

'''Early length'''
'''Early length'''
* Vh Vːɦ / _C (except hj hv?)
* Vh > Vːɦ / _C (except hj hv?)

'''Liquid metathesis'''
'''Liquid metathesis'''
* LV VL / [-sonorant]_ (*atra *atar, *putro *putor, etc.) (may need relocation)
* LV > VL / [-sonorant]_ (*atra > *atar, *putro > *putor, etc.) (may need relocation)

* p t<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> k s<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> b d<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> g z<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> / when not initial or next to another voiceless segment (yes, final consonants voice too!)
* p t<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> k s<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> > b d<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> g z<sup>(</sup>ʲ<sup>)</sup> / when not initial or next to another voiceless segment (yes, final consonants voice too!)

'''Early glottalization'''
'''Early glottalization'''
* (C)VCV (C)VʔCV
* (C)VCV > (C)VʔCV

* ə ∅ / _#, VC_CV
* ə > ∅ / _#, VC_CV

'''Gemination etc.'''
'''Gemination etc.'''
* C Cː / ʔ_V
* C > Cː / ʔ_V
* gj dj lj rj jg dʲ lʲː rʲː
* gj dj lj rj > jg dʲ lʲː rʲː
* dv zv lv rv jv d z lː rː jː
* dv zv lv rv jv > d z lː rː jː
* Cv C / elsewh.
* Cv > C / elsewh.

'''Length II / degemination'''
'''Length II / degemination'''
* VCːa VːCa / [+sonorant] (preceeds general presonorant lengthening since *a ō, *o ūo from here)
* VCːa > VːCa / [+sonorant] (preceeds general presonorant lengthening since *a > ō, *o > ūo from here)
* Cː C / except V_ə in verbs (unless this is a reflex of the infinitiv!?)
* Cː > C / except V_ə in verbs (unless this is a reflex of the infinitiv!?)

'''Vowel shift 1'''
'''Vowel shift 1'''
* aː au ɔː ɔu  (some new *aː develop in words like *parma _paarm_ "gadfly")
* aː au > ɔː ɔu  (some new *aː develop in words like *parma > _paarm_ "gadfly")
* eː (øː) oː iːe (yːø) uːo
* eː (øː) oː > iːe (yːø) uːo
* ɤ(ː) ɨ(ː)
* ɤ(ː) > ɨ(ː)

'''2nd glottalization'''
'''2nd glottalization'''
* ɦ ʔ
* ɦ > ʔ

'''Sibilants''' (hard to date)
'''Sibilants''' (hard to date)
* (t)sʲ (d)zʲ (t)ʃ (d)ʒ
* (t)sʲ (d)zʲ > (t)ʃ (d)ʒ

'''Vowel shift 2'''
'''Vowel shift 2'''
* y ø i e
* y ø > i e
** except äy ey äu eu (may be original)
** except äy ey > äu eu (may be original)
* V Vː / _[+sonorant]C(C)a (including diphthongs in -i, eg. *aitta āita)
* V > Vː / _[+sonorant]C(C)a (including diphthongs in -i, eg. *aitta > āita)
* a aː / VC_
* a > aː / VC_
* e o eː oː / _Ca
* e o > eː oː / _Ca
* o oː / _[+sonorant]C#, _i
* o > oː / _[+sonorant]C#, _i
* eː oː je wo (= <ie uo>, UPA /ⁱe ᵘo/)  
* eː oː > je wo (= <ie uo>, UPA /ⁱe ᵘo/)  
** wo vo / #_
** wo > vo / #_
** wo ʊ / [+bilabial]_
** wo > ʊ / [+bilabial]_
* ɔ(ː) o(ː) (or just ill-transcribed?)
* ɔ(ː) > o(ː) (or just ill-transcribed?)

<!--'''Exemplar summary of stem types'''
<!--'''Exemplar summary of stem types'''
* Final-long
* Final-long
** *nota, *notta nwodā, nwotā
** *nota, *notta > nwodā, nwotā
* Initial-long
* Initial-long
** *noːta, *noːtta nūoda, nūota
** *noːta, *noːtta > nūoda, nūota
** *noːtə, *noːttə nūod, nūot
** *noːtə, *noːttə > nūod, nūot
** *norta, *nortta nuorda, nuorta
** *norta, *nortta > nuorda, nuorta
** *norva nūora
** *norva > nūora
* Short
* Short
** *nottə not
** *nottə > not
** *nortə, norttə nord, nort
** *nortə, norttə > nord, nort
** *norvə nor
** *norvə > nor
** NB there's no way to gain ˣnod!
** NB there's no way to gain ˣnod!
* Glottalic
* Glottalic
** *notə no'd
** *notə > no'd
** *notər no'ddər
** *notər > no'ddər
** *nohta nūo'da-->
** *nohta > nūo'da-->

===Notes for other Finnic languages===
===Notes for other Finnic languages===
* cf. Kettunen: ''Viron kielen äännehistoria'', ''Vatjan kielen äännehistoria'', SUST 252: ''Suomen lähisukukielten luonteenomaisimmat piirteet''
[[Votic]] is now go.

* All except Liv.: ks s / _#
* All except Liv. (possibly reverted there by analogy): ks > s / _#
* All except Savonian Finnish ~ Karelian: Vː V / _h (old per no apocope: eg. Est. ''rohi'', Veps ''roho'')
* All except Savonian Finnish ~ Karelian: Vː > V / _h (old per no apocope: eg. Est. ''rohi'', Veps ''roho'')
* Veps ~ Ludic ~ Karelian: ts(ː) ʧ(ː)
* Veps ~ Ludic ~ Karelian: ts(ː) > ʧ(ː)
** Karelian proper: s ʃ ''except'' / i_ (WTF? A 2nd round of depalatalization?), str → tr
** Karelian proper: s > ʃ ''except'' / i_ (WTF? A 2nd round of depalatalization?), cr > tr
** Ludic & Veps: medial voicing, str → sr zr
** Ludic & Veps: medial voicing, cr > sr > zr
*** Veps proper: final voicing, degemination, s ʃ / i_, palatalization / _i (''viž kuź''!), ä ü a u / [-STR], iu eu üu öu, loss of vowel length, l u / V_C, dialectally: ei iː, j dʲ / #_
*** Veps proper: final voicing, degemination, s > ʃ / i_, palatalization / _i (''viž kuź''!), ä ü > a u / [-STR], iu eu > üu öu, loss of vowel length, l > u / V_C, dialectally: ei > iː, j > dʲ / #_
* Estonian & Veps: trimoraic apocope
* Estonian & Veps: trimoraic apocope
* Estonian & Votic: o ɤ / _(C*){i e}, _u, Vː → V / _h, h → ∅ / {n r l}_, loss of ð ɣ, *ee *oo remain (relower'd?)
* Estonian & Votic: o > ɤ / _(C*){i e}, _u
** Estonian: jh wh hj hv / V_, Vi Ve / _{r v}, akj akR ai aeR, V ∅ / VXC_#, high V mid V / _nonhigh V, ü i [-STR] (u in 3rd+ syllables, or anharmonic all along)
* Estonian: jh wh > hj hv / V_, Vi > Ve / _{r v}, akj akR > ai aeR, V > ∅ / VXC_#, high V > mid V / _nonhigh V, ü > i [-STR] (> u in 3rd+ syllables, or anharmonic all along)
** Votic: e → ɤ / [-STR] when back-vocalic, k → ʧ / _V[+front], kj → ɟɟ, h → ∅ / #_, st → sː (→ s if grad.), NP → P / V[-STR]_, k p → h / _s (cf. the similar common change _t), s → h / , ʧ → s / #ʧVh_
Note the following abbreviations for the main sources, as well as journals / book series:
* '''FUF''' = [ Finnisch-Ugrische Forschung]
* '''SKRK''' = Hakulinen, Lauri (1979-2000): ''Suomen kielen rakenne ja kehitys'', Otava / Helsingin yliopisto
* '''SUSA''' = [ Suomalais-Ugrilaisen seuran aikakauskirja] (Journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne)
* '''SUST''' = [ Suomalais-Ugrilaisen seuran toimituksia] (Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne)
* '''Vir.''' = [ Virittäjä]
* Aikio, Ante (2012): [] (in: SUST 264)
* Heikkilä, Mikko (2013): "[ Itämerensuomen ehdollisesta äänteenmuutoksesta /ai/ > /ei/]" (in: Vir. 4/2013)
* Itkonen, Terho (1982): "[ Laaja, lavea, lakea ja laakea: lisiä suomen kj-sanojen vaiheisiin]" (in: Vir.<!--
* Itkonen, Terho (1987): "Erään vokaalivyyhden selvittelyä" (in: Vir. 2/91: 164–208)
* Janhunen, Juha (2007): "[ The primary laryngeal in Uralic and beyond]" (in: SUST 253)
* Kallio, Petri (2007): "[ Kantasuomen konsonanttihistoriaa]" (in: SUST 253)
* Koivulehto, Jorma (1970): "[ Suomen laiva-sanasta]" (in: Vir.<!--
* Koivulehto, Jorma (1982): "[ Rasia ja asia]" (in: Vir.<!--
* Koivulehto, Jorma (1986): "[ Pinta ja rasva]") (in: Vir.<!--
* Kettunen, Lauri: ''Eestin kielen äännehistoria''
* Kettunen, Lauri (1960): ''Suomen lähisukukielten luonteenomaisimmat piirteet'' (= SUST 119)
* Ojansuu, Heikki (1901): ''[ Suomen lounaismurteiden äännehistoria. Vokaalioppi]'' (in: ''Suomi'' III 19)
* Posti, Lauri (1942): ''Grundzüge der Livischen Lautgeschichte'' (= SUST 85)

[[Category:Sound changes]]
[[Category:Sound changes]]

Latest revision as of 15:34, 21 September 2020

Proto-Uralic to Finnish sound changes


  • Here, /@/ is NOT an ASCIIfication of /ə/, but any vowel that assimilates to the preceding vowel. This comes useful with cases of compensatory lengthening and echo vowels.
  • Similarly, /A O U/ are harmonic vowels which will assimilate to either /a o u/ or /æ ø y/ depending on the harmony. /a/ is to be understood as [ɑ].
  • /ˣ/ is the assimilatory final, pronounced as lengthening of the next word's initial consonant, or in case of null initial, [ʔː] or hiatus. Very rarely, it occurs within words, too (usually sandwiched between two instances of the same vowel.)
  • /C/ represents any consonant; /V/ represents any vowel; and /X/ represents any 2nd mora in a syllable (be it consonantal, diphthongal or chronemical).

I've grouped similar changes together under sub-headings, so the order of unrelated changes might not be exactly chronological whenever no reference was available. Also, since the document is headed towards Standard Finnish, I've had to cut a few corners anyway when maneuvering around dialectal changes... in a few cases picking the most represented outcome wasn't all that clear.

Proto-Uralic to Pre-Finnic

The existence of a "Proto-Finno-Samic" ("-Volgaic", "-Permic", "-Ugric") as distinct from PU is unclear, hence "Pre-Finnic". Traditionally this period is dated at 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE, but probably this was a shorter and much more recent period, perhaps 2000 BCE to 1500 BCE.

Changes shared with Samic are in indigo, those also shared with Mordvinic in green, and those with even wider distribution in orange.

Back raising (West Uralic; mostly Permic, possibly Hungarian/Mansi? Probably not in Mari.)

  • o > u / _Cə, front consonant (lumi luu puhua purra suu tulla uni, probably uusi)
    • retained before a back consonant (hokea koiras kokea noutaa poika povi soida tuoda)
    • From Janhunen (1981). The front/back conditioning is proposed by myself.

Coda nasal simplification (SKRK pp. 52–53, 58)

  • m > n / _{t tsʲ #} (Finnic, Mordvinic; medially also Permic, Hungarian, Mansi)
    • word-final examples: 1PS ending; accusative; superlative; muuan on seitsen sydän vasen ydin; instrumentals in -in
    • root-medially: antaa kansi lansi ontelo tuntea, possibly kinnas (← Baltic), ranta (← Gmc)
    • partitives: lientä lunta nientä tuonta
    • but: contrast with a vowel stem in imeä (ˣintä)

Spirant fronting

  • d₁ > ð (Samic, Finnic, Mordvinic; but in Mari, d₁ > ∅)
  • d₂ > ð (Samic, Finnic, Mordvinic, Mari)
    • A merger *ð > *t applies later in Finnic, Mordvinic, and widely in Samic, but Lehtinen's Law shows this to be secondary.

Stressed vowels — unconditional changes

  • ë > a (possibly earlier than introduction of length)
    • Unambiguous examples: ahtaa ala- anoppi appi hapsi jakaa kangertaa maksa valkama; kaari maa; nuoli suomu suoni tuomi. Probably also kanto lansi lapsi matka sakea valkea; nuori vuosi

Stressed vowels — conditional changes?

  • å > a / _Cʲ, _a
  • e > i / #j_ (ilma ~ OU *jeeləm, itse ~ Ms *(j)is, irvi- ~ P/Ms *jer-, jyvä ~ IE *jewa, ihme ~ Kh #jem "hyvä", ikä ~ IE *jegʷaa, ihminen ~ IE *ǵnh₁-)
    • This change proposed by myself.

Pre-Finnic to Proto-Finnic

Changes not shared by other branches of Uralic.

Monophthongization (dubious; not apparent in Sami, evidence ambiguous in Mordvinic)

  • speculatively: iw > y / _C (sydän)

Consonant stems

  • ə > ∅ / stem-finally after a coronal or *m (needs elaboration)

Unstressed vowels

  • aw > o (the presence of -w rarely is shared, so this may also be analogical)
  • əw > u (apparent in nomina verbum; not shared, but probably contemporary with *Aw > o)
  • a > ä / [+front]X*_ (if not an original distinction; vowel harmony fails only in Samic and Permic)
  • ə > e (probably later than syncope)
  • e > i / _#
  • e > ɤ / {a o u}X*_ (if not just South Finnic; not evident in NF)


  • ŋ > x (phonetically probably [ɰ]; suggested by myself to explain the next change)

Introduction of primary non-close long vowels (Lehtinen's Law)

  • A > Aː / _{m n l r ð}ə (kieli liemi mieli niele- pieli sieni vieri ääni; juoni kuole- kuori nuole- nuoli nuori puoli suoli Suomi suomu suoni tuomi vuode vuole- vuori vuosi + Livonian sūoŗ "root"; exception: pane-)
  • also a > aː / _jə (hoi-taa koi "dawn" koi "moth" voi; cf. no raising in täi, which could be secondary re-shortening however)
  • possibly ä > äː / _wə (Livonian kēv "mare" ~ Samic *kēvë)
    • Fed by *ë > *a.
    • These long vowels were previously explained by reconstructing a special structure *-Vx- in Proto-Uralic, which would have led to a long vowel at a much earlier date, but this does not appear to hold up. For full discussion see Aikio (2012)

Long vowel raising

  • äː aː > eː oː

Affects all instances of *Aː from the previous change; and newer IE loans incl. at minimum huone tuohi (Baltic), suoja (Iranian), hieta lieka neula miekka; ruoka (Germanic); possibly also further Germanic loans (candidates heittää hiema lieko seula sietää; ruoho muoto), but this is difficult to tell. Exception: ääni, due to initial position?
— An areal change shared with Germanic. Likely later in Samic, given PGmc *ē > Proto-Norse *ā → Pre-Samic *ā > Proto-Samic *ō in a couple of loanwords.

Palatal unpacking. A change proposed by myself; traditionally a distinctive cluster *ŋś has been reconstructed.

  • ∅ > j / {e ä a}_ĆV (-ise- paina- seiso- seitsemän veitsi, possibly niiska 'roe' suitsu. Unlikely for oinas)
  • nʲ > nj / #(C)i_ä (i.e. after a short stressed /i/; miniä?)
       > @n / ü_V (kyynel kyynärä)
       > n (by default)
    • Given no glide epenthesis in kato, it seems that *d₂ had already depalatalized by this point.
    • Feeds *aj *äj *ej > ëj ej iː.
    • May predate monophthongization, given O-stem conditionals such as toisi < *toojci < *toxəjćə < *toxəćə? Unless these are simply analogical.

Diphthong smoothing

  • possibly: ej > iː (likely in niiska piimä tiine — cf. PII *paiman, PIE *dʰeinah₂. Yet seemingly later than ti > ci?!)
  • possibly: ow > uː (likely in kuusi 'Abies', given Mansi *kaawt; potentially also kuule- juuri muu tuuli uudin. Earlier than *x > *w)
  • The origin of several instances remains unclear, including viisi kuusi kuule-.

Other vowel changes

  • V# > Vː (affects most old CV words, eg. muu nuo tuo. Exceptions me te he se ne, the first two of which display -k in Livonian, -t in Far Northern dialects.)
  • *ê *ô > e o / _(X)Cə (new hypothetical vowels for PU, possibly semi-rounded [ɪ ʊ])
            > y ɯ > y i / _(X)CA
  • əj > i / _C, unstress'd (but *-əjV > *-ejV remains at this point)
  • i > y / _wä (hyvä jyvä syvä)
  • ä > e / _j unstress'd
  • a > e / {o u}[+STR](X)C_j
       > o / {a e i}[+STR](X)C_j
       > a / elsewhere

(Other instances of unstressed /aj/, eg. in plurals of derivativs, shift too, but analogical leveling has render'd it impossible to tell whether the original result was /ej/ or /oj/.)


  • u > o / _x (puo souta-; juo-, unless this had *ë)
  • i > e / _x ?? (keima-; but contrast unlowered/re-raised? kiima)

Loss of *x, *ŋ & medial *w, leading to secondary long vowels. These may have merged in some ways. Medial cases:

*x *w
(N/A) UŋA > Oː (myö-tä; but syyhy ~ S. *sëŋē ) UwA > Oː (hyö-tä- lyö- suo- syö-kse- vuo)
(cf. retention variants hyvä suvaitse- syvä uv-e)
uxə > oː (juoda puo, see abov)
Uŋə > Uː (kuu pyy uu-ttu; but ŋ > w in suvi tyvi) Uwə > Uː (luu puu suu tyyni)
(cf. retention variant tyven)
exə > øː/eː? (myö-; vie-?) eŋə > øː (pyörä) ewə > øː (syö- työ)
ixə > iː? (siili) iŋə > iː, (hiiri pii 'tooth' riihi sii 'beam' vii-me) (no change: kivi)
Axə > Aː (jää- maa saa- sää "filament" sääri ääri) Aŋə > Aː (jää kaari pää sää 'weather') (no change in savi; *äwi > äw in käy-, but > eew in Liv. kēv)
oxə > oː (tuo-) oŋə > oː (luo luoda ) (lovi is ← Gmc despite probable Mo/Ma cognates)
possibly > w (arvo ← II argʰa) ŋ > w / _{U O}, elsewhere _A (pivo vävy, avaa- kevät) (no change: kevyt kova nivo- etc.)
  • Parts of this might be post-MPF and perhaps in part post-LPF. Note *uwa > Liv. õvā.
  • A distinct PF *-ww- or *-wŋ- may have occurred in some words, incl. ovi povi savu (cf. Es. õu põu sau ~ Vo. õvvi põvvi savvu; Olon. savu ~ savvu). But cf. auvo neuvo sauva?
  • suo may be an irregular development from PU *toxə, or from *soxə ← preGmc *soigʷ-.
  • syy may have had any of *x *w *j
  • vie- may be a dissimilation *wexe- > *weje- (expected **wewe-).
  • Possibly in suffixal formations, x > w / {U O}_C (souta- nouta-), > j / {I E}_C (keima-). May be identical with the development of *ŋ. Potentially, viisi kuusi belong here too?
  • ŋ remains / _k
       possibly > n / _t (ensi, unless *e-nti-; onte-, unless < *omtə *)
       > w / _C (jauha- jousi joutsen), C_ (aivo ahven pilvi sauva)

Loss of medial *j in i/e-stems (retention elsewhere, sija etc.)

  • jə > @ / {i e ü}_ (kiehu- pii "Si" tie; kyy?)
       > j / {A o u}_ (koi soi- tai- täi uida voi, ?? koira, unless simply consonant-stem *koj-ra)
       > i / C_{# C) (järin neli- nurin veli vihi väli, perhaps rähise- ärise-; väri ~ värjää- is straight from Sw.)
  • /yje/ > */øː/ >


  • ∅ > v / #_oː (at least vuo vuohi vuona vuosi vuota; possibly vuole- vuori if *v-loss preceded this)

Notable exception: uoma. Before *øː, treatment is inconsistent: vyö 'belt', but 'night'. Homonym avoidance? Or perhaps *UwA > *OO was older than *Owə > *OO?

This change would have to be massively postdated in case the isolated *voohela > vohla 'goat kid' (*voohi > vuohi 'goat') is not simply thru a Southwestern dialect that shortened vowels before *h, or in parallel from Baltic with analogical /v/.

  • Vː > V / _i (keittä-, cf. kiehua; voi voi-; imperfects myi söi toi etc; obliq plurals maita puita teitä etc. Possibly nai-, cf. naaras, täi.)
    • Postdates v-epenthesis: voi < *vooji
    • Postdates palatal unpacking: saisi < *saaći
    • Postdates *ej-raising: vei < *veej

Initial deaffrication. Newer apparent initial affricates are found in loanwords, onomatopoeia, and via *ti- > *ći-.

  • ʧ > ʃ / #_ (häntä henki hetki huveta, perhaps hama hapan hieno hinta huosia. Contra UEW, hukka- is ← Gmc.)
  • ? ʦʲ > sʲ / #_ (may have occurred early in sääri solmu: cf. Võ säär' sõlm synn', but Komi ćër 'stem', ćań 'foal'; Hungarian csomó 'knot')
    • Both changes appear to be shared with Mordvinic, yet the first is reverted in Erzya (where also *š- > /ʧ/).
CCC simplification
  • ntt > tt (kattaa tuta) (or just *mtt?)
  • pst tst kst > st
    • partitives: kystä lasta; veistä; susta usta; sormusta etc. Last two forms archaic in F. (suksea uksea). Later in peistä. NB lapsta uksta, suormõks in Liv.
    • infinitives: juosta syöstä piestä
  • wst > st / o_ ? (nouse- > nosta-)
  • Common also in loanword adaptation since an early date.
    • Late PIE *arktos > F/Mo *okti "bear" (but path of loaning unknown)
    • Gmc ntj nsj nkj > tj šj kj (asia rasia; ohja; originals TBA. Cf. Koivulehto (1982))

Middle Proto-Finnic to Late Proto-Finnic

The period after the separation of South Estonian and Livonian as distinct dialects. Changes continued to diffuse into these two

Diphthong raising (Heikkilä's Law)
  • ai > ëi / {l r s š}_ (i.e. after continuants)
    • leipä; reikä reisi; seinä seistä seiväs; heimo heinä
    • perhaps likewise äi > ei in leinä seitsen heisi? yet also: neiti köysi veitsi
    • Proposed in Heikkilä (2013).

Loss of and *ʧ

  • ð > t (may be gradation-related, shared with Mordvinic but not Samic.)
  • ʧː > tʃ (kaha kehä piha, possibly johtaa)
  • ʧ > t (Exceptions: haahka puhki.
    • In pre-South Estonian, *ʧ > ts / _k (*kačke- *kačku *kičke- *nočko *pučki *sičkajn)
    • Possibly in pre-Livonian and pre-SE: *tk > *kk before this (*kutki *kütke-j-mä > kukki kikiim, but eg. *piðka > pitka, *počka > potka).
    • Cf. also *kočka > F. kotka ~ kokko; *lakki- ~ latkia is prob contamination from li/atise-)


  • t > ʦʲ / _i
  • tj > ʦʲ(ː) (found only in IE loans: katsoa kutsua metsä; shortened in asia rasia)

except after a coronal obstruent (the clusters /tt st ʃt/) or before a derivational suffix

    • Includes *t from older *č, *dₓ. Cf. e.g. *edə- > esi-, *künčə > kynsi.

Depalatalization, commonly attributed to Germanic superstratum influence.

  • nʲ ʦʲ(ː) sʲ > n ʦ(ː) s
  • A shift lʲ > l has traditionally been assumed as well (for e.g. kalvo kulma), but the evidence for a separate original *lʲ is poor.

Coda spirantization

  • p k > h / _t
    • Probably via *xt *ft, though there is no explicit evidence for such a stage.
    • Postdates *ti >> *ci: cf. *kakti > kaksi.
    • With IE loanwords continuing to feed new /pt kt/, this rule remained active up until the 20th century.


  • i > ∅ / _#, 3rd+ syllable; VC_, ks_ suffix-finally

Final clusters

  • ks nʦ nt > s s t / _# (jänis etc, kolmas etc, tuhat. First and last retained in Liv.)


  • ʃ > ʂ > x (postdates old Baltic and Germanic loanwords; as well as the previous on account of blocking assibilation. Per Permic, the retroflex stage may date back quite far)
  • k t > ∅ / _x (cases with *kš: ahtera hihna huhta huuhto- mahi mehiläinen vaahtera vaha, possibly pahka, Estonian jähe pähn. For *tš see abov)
  • s > x / _{n l} (ahnas hähnä pahla pihlaja. Cf. late cr > sr > Fi. hr.)


  • wC > *Cw / C ∈ {j r s} (laiva raivo; järvi karva tarvas torvi; kasvaa rasva)
    • Later than Heikkilä's Law.

Nasal simplification part 2. Probably postdates the previous, given no simplification in *nx (inhimi- inho vanha etc.)

  • n > ∅ / _(t)s (nisä osa otsa kusi) (distribution?)

Paradigmatically reverted in cases of *-ntsi ~ *-nte- such as kansi, ponsi; not however in ordinals: kolmas ~ kolmante- (also note Est. kaas vel. sim. - a later reprise per compensatory lengthening? - and Liv. vuontsa - suggesting Gmc. loan origin?)

  • ln > lː (alla halla pellava yllä, -llA -lle if clitickized yet)

Consonant gradation. These all occur on the general condition that the folloing syllable is closed. At this stage gradation remained allophonic.

  • pː tː ʦː kː > pˑ tˑ ʦˑ kˑ / {sonorant}_V (the half-long stage can still itself trigger gradation; no gradation is found in Veps or Livonian)
  • p t ʦ s k > b d s z ɡ / {sonorant}_V

(NB: gradation of modern /ht hk/ is analogy-borne)

Suffixal gradation (needs elaboration)

  • p t s k > b d z ɡ / V[-STR]_V


  • b d ɡ > β ð ɣ / except N_
    • May be actually much later; the change is not evident in Veps. β ð ɣ > v ∅ g in Votic is probably a Russicism.

Fricativ collapse

  • ʦ > s (short only; isä kasa 'corner' …)
  • z > h
  • x(ː) > h (a largely graphical shift: a spirant pronunciation can still be found in coda position)

Results as:

Phonology of late Proto-Finnic

Consonant inventory
Lab. Dnt. Alv. Vel.
Nasals m n
Stops & affricate p t ʦ k
Fricatives s h
Lateral l
Rhotic r
Semivowels v j

(I'm marking *w > [ʋ] as /v/ from now on, for brevity. The change is practically impossible to date.)

Syllable structure (C)V(@, i, U, C)(C). Coda /p/ only occurred morpheme-internally. /ʦ/ only occurred as geminate.

/#ji #je #vu/ did not occur.

Allowed medial clusters included the following (and possibly more, depending on how many consonantal root forms were in existence yet by this stage):

  • /pː tː tk ʦː kː/
  • /mp nt nʦ ŋk/
  • /nx/
  • /ps ks/ (/kst/?), including older *pʦ *kʦ
  • /tn km/ (only intermorphemically)
  • /sm st sn sl sk hm ht hn hl hr hk/
  • all liquid + non-liquid combinations other than /ln/
  • Vj + any consonant
  • VU + /p t ʦ k s h m (n l?) v/
  • /ntː ŋkː rtː rkː lkː/?
  • various CC combinations preceded by Vj, VU or V@

VU + /j r/ are forbidden and metathesize to /jv rv/ in loans (haiven häivä laiva raiva- raivo, järvi karva tarvas torvi; kaivata with analogous gradation?). At an older stage, this included VU + /s x v/ → /sv (hv?) @v/ (kasva- rasva, haava kaava naava), but this was disrupted by the development *ŋ > U (jousi jauha- sauva). Cf. Koivulehto (1970, 1986)

Note also kauha ~ kahva, kiuru ~ kirvinen, kuilu ~ kulju, pälvi ~ S. *pēvlë.

Vowel inventory
/i iː y yː      u uː /
/e eː   øː      o oː /
/æ æː      a aː      /
/ej ew          oj ow/
/æj æw    aj aw uj   /

/i e A o (u?)/ could occur in non-initial root syllables (plus /ej oj/ due to suffixal j).

Proto-Finnic to Proto-Finnish

[Ca. 2000 BCE to 1000 CE] (Needs to be broken into the previous and the last two sections.)

Difthong paradigm shift j w > i U / V_{C #} (not really phonetical; required for pre-diphthongal consonants not to gradate) - wait, but they do gradate in some dialects; needs bumping, then

Around this time there's also a paradigm shift wrt. /f/ in loanwords: the reflex of initial /f/ changes from /p/ to /v/. This could signify a change of [w] to [ʋ] in the position, but also of [ɸ] to [f] in the loaning languages (or even the onset of Grimm's law)! Medial /f/ does not seem to ever turn to /p/.

Loss of /v/ before labial vowels

  • v > ∅ / #_{o u y} (perhaps also: non-initially? kärventää ~ käry, kalvaa ~ kaluta — but late in *hehvo > hieho, maybe laiho ~ Vo laivo)

The consonant may have persisted before long vowels, but since a glide was epenthetically added there anyway (see next), there's no way to tell. Compensatory lengthening may have occurred before *u (*woðʲə > uusi). Shared with Samic, Mordvinic & Mari, but note that this seems to be a late areal change — it is later than the South Finnic change from *o to *ɤ per *wo-tta- "to take" > *vɤtta- > Es. võtma- (however, note the counterexample *wolka > õlg).

Loss of initial */j/ before /i/ is likely of similar age. The medial change in *velji > veli is late: cf. Olonets veĺĺi, Veps & Ludic veĺĺ, Votic velli~ velji.

Vowel lengthening

  • a > aː / _rn (aarni haarniska kaarna kaarne saarna saarni vaarna (check dating!))

Assimilation of many consonant clusters to geminates, etc. (Dating provisional for most, perhaps older.) All of these require a morpheme boundary somewhere in the cluster. A basically equivalent criterion is requiring a preceding unstressed syllable. Of these, /rn pt kt/ occurred root-medially, and were retained (though rn > rː may have occurred in aarre; cf. aarni - and kt > tː is required for tytär, which appears to be the only loan with the cluster around this timeframe. Võro has even root-medially pt kt > tː.)

  • kt(s) pt(s) > tː(s)
  • xk > kː (happens also across word boundaries, precluding the formation of /?/)
  • (t)(ː)sn > sː
  • rn > rː
  • pn tn kn ktn ptn (etc.) > nː (in later loans may be retained: linna ~ Vo lidna, Ve lidn, also Võ liin; vuona ~ Vo võdna. Original vuonna ~ Vo voona.)
  • pm tm km (etc.) > mː (lumme mämmi)

(The consequent obscuring of many inflected forms due to this and the previous change, esp. the essiv, however eventually caused many words to revert back, commonly with vowel insertion. Eg. *sut-na, *laps-na > sunna lassa > sutena lapsena. Note also *pekstä, *pekse- > piestä, piekse-)

  • e > @ / h_ in suffixes

Late Proto-Finnic to Proto-Northern Finnic

Changes shared with Ingrian and Veps but absent from some dialects of Estonian and Votic.


  • ä > a / eC_C*o (elanto emakko erakko eranto kesakko kesanto venakko; ? epatto), eC_C*u (elatus sepalus), iC_Ca (iankaikkinen)
  • o > ö / {y ä ö}X*_ (analogically generalized to certain suffixes even in i/e-words, eg. heittiö, itiö, nimistö, vaaleaverikkö)

Proto-Northern Finnic to Proto-Finnish

[Ca. 500-1000 CE]
Changes common to the Western and Eastern dialects of Finnish (many also extending to Karelian, but generally not Veps). These may be areal in nature.

"Flavor": Voiced prenasal stops become geminate nasals, and (around the same time as in a whole lot of other European languages!) long mid vowels become opening diphthongs. Also, the weak grade of geminates coincides with the strong grade of singletons:

  • mb nd ŋg > mː nː ŋː
  • øː oː > ieuo (could be older; Estonian has uo > oo)
  • pˑ tˑ ʦˑ kˑ θˑ > p t ʦ k
    • ʦ(ː) > θ(ː) (remains gradational; etsi- itse joutsen katso- kitsas lietso- loitsi- kutsu- metsä ratsu otsa paatsama vatsa veitsi virtsa vitsa)

Spirant loss, part 1. Found also in Estonian and Votic.

  • β > v
    • v > ∅ / _UC (aulis auttaa haukka hius keuhko kiukku köykäinen liueta liukas liukua reuhtoa riuska soukka säyseä tyyssija, possibly aukko loukko saukko)

Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnish

[Ca. 1000-1900 CE] Most of these changes occurred in only a particular Finnish dialect area, and have been chosen for inclusion in Standard Finnish during the evolution of the written language.

Actor noun shift

  • e > i / _jA (itkijä lukija menijä pesijä etc.)

Widespread in Finnic, but not universal: archaisms are attested from certain varieties of southwestern Finnish (cf. Ojansuu 1901: 110-111), as well as varieties of Votic (e.g. lukõja, pesejä). Hence, separate from the closed unstressed syllable assimilations *əj > i (common Finnic) and *Aj > *ej > *ii > *i (Northern Finnic).

More shifts with /h/

  • Vh > hV / {j v n r l}_# (aihe vaihe sauhu venhe unho parha- erhe perhe orhi murhe urho alhainen ylhäinen valhe; löyhä? dialectally regular)
    • dubbelmetathesis: imeh > *imhe > ihme
    • speaking of metathesis, also sn > ns (känsä runsas)
  • Lengthening before coda h (cf. T. Itkonen 1987)
    V > Vː / h_hC (haahka haahti hieho (< *hehvo) hiihtää huuhkaja huuhtoa; regular in eastern dialects and Karelian)
    irregular cases / _ht: kiihtelys paahtaa piehtaroida vaahtera vaahto; jäähtyä if not by analogy with jää. Length original in tuohtua (← tuohi), vyyhti (< *viühti)
    irregular cases / _hk: kiihko kyyhky nyyhkiä pyyhkiä ruuhka
    irregular cases / _hR: kiehnätä.
    Western dialects show short vowels, which is secondary at least in lyhde mähnä (< *liühteh *mädähnä), tohtua vyhti, inflected forms such as rihtä tohta (: riihi tuohi).
  • k h > ˣ / _#
  • s > h / _r (ahrain ihra kehrä ohra)

Pre-sonorant stop vocalization (with an intermediate spirant stage)
Predominantly Germanic loanwords; a few Baltic, and (not necessarily too reliable) Uralic etymologies exists for *kopra *kotva *kupla *nakris *süklä. By the evidence of other Finnic languages, would-be *tl in loanwords is substituted by *kl (eg. *seeθla > *seekla).

  • p > U / _S (hauras kauris koura seura taulu teuras vauras äyräs; also note kupla, from a conservativ dialect)
    > v / _j (avio kavio)
  • t remains _{v, j} (katve kotva latva patvi; ketju lotja patja vitja)
    > i /_m (Loimaa)
    > U / _r{A, O, U} (aura hauru 'bladderwrack' nöyrä peura puuro, possibly uuras)
    > @ / _r{i, e} (teeri; w/dialectal variants teiri, teyri, töyri; also cf. vöyreä ~ vetreä)
  • k > @ / _j (laaja raaja taaja vaaja, cf. Koivulehto (1982))
    > i / {i, e}_S{i, e} (eilen keila leili leiri neilikka peili teili teini tiili; probably in part occurred in loaning Finland Swedish dialects, except eilen, of unkno'n origin & where Karelian explicitly retains /kl/; dialectal variants eylen öylen. Also note kekri from a conservativ dialect, variants köyri etc.)
    > U / {A, O, U}_S (S≠j) (hauli kaula kaura käyrä kyyry myyrä mäyrä naula nauris naura- paula vaula väylä sauna syylä taula uuni vaunu; note vuokra, from a conservativ dialect); {i e}_Sa (neula seula siula siuna-)

Initial-syllable labialization

  • ey > øy (exception: leyhyä. The regular variant löyhyä also exists)
  • i > y | _C*y (in non-productiv forms; at least lytty nyky- pysty pysy-, possibly pylly; vieri- > vyöry- may be contamination with pyörä)

The former is pan-Finnish (general also in Veps and South Estonian; conditional in Estonian and perhaps Karelian), but postdates coda stop vocalization (nöyrä; cf. also dialectal köyri nöyle töyri vöyreä öylen as mentioned above). The latter is absent from a number of Eastern dialects.

"Sievers' Law" (requires elucidation)

  • j > i(j) / C_ suffix-initially; including cases where the plain root isn't found: asia kavio etc.) Parts of the "actor noun shift" may have passed thru this as well (*menəjä > *menjä > menijä?)

Spirant loss, part 2

  • ið > j / V[-STR]_V
  • ð remains V[+STR](X)_
        > l / l_
        > r / r_
        > ∅ / elsewhere
  • ɣ > j / C_e (exception forms from eastern dialects: ahertaa)
        > v / U_U
        > ? / V1V2_V2 (including the cases of V1=V2; also V2≠U)
        > j~v / V[-STR]_V (jalava kajava kataja petäjä salava etc.)
        > ∅ / elsewhere
  • h > ∅ / V[-STR](X)_V

Unstressed diphthong simplification

  • oi > o / [-STR]. Analogically reverted in many, though not all, cases where the -i was morphological; remains more general in colloquial Finnish. Retained in Savo and Western Uusimaa.

Unstressed vowel contractions (unfinished, may need to be meshed with the prev. section)

  • AO > Aː, Oː or Uː (seemingly irregularly)
  • Ae > Ai
  • Ue > eː
  • VU > Vː / _# (in the 3PS ending, from *-βi)
  • iU > Uː
  • OU > Oː (kokoontu-; but aitous etc.)

The final stages of interdental loss began after or around the time of the creation of the literary language, seen in spellings such as <tz dh>. By standardization it was however practically complete. The standard outcome is largely a spelling pronunciation based on the example of German and Swedish:

  • θ(ː) > ts
    • Exceptions: > tː in mittumaari; > ht in vihta
    • Related hypercorrection ht > ts: otso
  • ð > d (commonly alveolar)
    • Exceptions: > ∅ in auer ehättää kahareisin kohentaa lähettää muuan navetta rehennellä rehellinen veikata viehättää yhyttää, perhaps tuho; > l in railo talikko. Loota 'box' has been loaned independently of Ostrobothnian *looða > loora.

Most common dialectal variations for the former are t(ː) and ht~t, for the latter r and ∅.

Modern Standard Finnish

Modern Standard Finnish has the following consonant phonemes:

p t    k (ʔ)
b d    ɡ
m n    ŋ
f s (ʃ) h
ʋ l r j

/b ɡ f ʃ/ only occur in loanwords and neologisms. /ʃ/ is rather marginal and usually replaced by /s/. [ʔ] occurs optionally word-initially before a vowel, and between two identical vowels.

The vowels are /i e æ ø y ɑ o u/. Vowel harmony continues to apply to suffixes, however in loanwords and neologisms /æ ø y/ and /ɑ o u/ can co-occur (psyko-, hyla, sekundääri). Examples of /æ/ and /ɑ/ co-occurring remain rare; even the lexicalized compound tällainen is usually pronounced [ˈt̪ælːæ(i)ne̞]. All vowels may occur long at any position of the word; however, (C)VVCC syllables occur only in very recent loans (pointti).

Any difthongs that end in -i/-y/-u and adhere to vowel harmony and the Obligatory Contour Principle are possible, tho in stressed syllables /ey/ is exceedingly rare (due to the change to /øy/; found only in the verb leyhy-) and /iy/ nonexistant.

The following sound changes (mostly old ones!) are commonplace in spoken Standard Finnish:

  • n > ∅ / _#
  • d > ∅ or r, in inherited vocabulary
  • Va > Vː / unstress'd
  • ie yö uo > ii yy uu / _A
  • ne le > @ / CVCV verb stems (mee paa oo tuu)

Proto-Finnic to Livonian


Palatalization 1 (everywhere except in ?Votic, Finnish proper, some Estonian & Karelian dialects; possibly needs splitting)

  • t ts s(C) n l r > tʲ tsʲ sʲ(C) nʲ lʲ rʲ / _i

Deaffrication (near universal in Finnic, but note the exception here)

  • ts(ʲ) > s(ʲ) / except n_ (vuontsa)

Common South Finnic changes (Estonian, Võro, Votic)

  • e > ɤ / _C(C){a o u}
  • ä > a / [-STR] (phonemicizes the prev. - also in Veps. Not evident in Võro, but might be a later reintroduction of harmony)
  • h > ∅ / {# C}_ (initially only dialectally in Estonian)
  • Vn > Vː / _s (in Livonian only in new loans *kansa, *pensas; in E/Võ/Vo also from *nts, see prev.)


  • a ä > ä e / _C*i

Vowel reduction

  • V > ə / [-STR] ≠a (*u *i survive in certain suffixes, but never in roots)
  • a > ə / [-STR] VC(C)aC(C)_#, also always in verbal stems

Early length

  • Vh > Vːɦ / _C (except hj hv?)

Liquid metathesis

  • LV > VL / [-sonorant]_ (*atra > *atar, *putro > *putor, etc.) (may need relocation)


  • p t(ʲ) k s(ʲ) > b d(ʲ) g z(ʲ) / when not initial or next to another voiceless segment (yes, final consonants voice too!)

Early glottalization

  • (C)VCV > (C)VʔCV


  • ə > ∅ / _#, VC_CV

Gemination etc.

  • C > Cː / ʔ_V
  • gj dj lj rj > jg dʲ lʲː rʲː
  • dv zv lv rv jv > d z lː rː jː
  • Cv > C / elsewh.

Length II / degemination

  • VCːa > VːCa / [+sonorant] (preceeds general presonorant lengthening since *a > ō, *o > ūo from here)
  • Cː > C / except V_ə in verbs (unless this is a reflex of the infinitiv!?)

Vowel shift 1

  • aː au > ɔː ɔu (some new *aː develop in words like *parma > _paarm_ "gadfly")
  • eː (øː) oː > iːe (yːø) uːo
  • ɤ(ː) > ɨ(ː)

2nd glottalization

  • ɦ > ʔ

Sibilants (hard to date)

  • (t)sʲ (d)zʲ > (t)ʃ (d)ʒ

Vowel shift 2

  • y ø > i e
    • except äy ey > äu eu (may be original)
  • V > Vː / _[+sonorant]C(C)a (including diphthongs in -i, eg. *aitta > āita)
  • a > aː / VC_
  • e o > eː oː / _Ca
  • o > oː / _[+sonorant]C#, _i
  • eː oː > je wo (= <ie uo>, UPA /ⁱe ᵘo/)
    • wo > vo / #_
    • wo > ʊ / [+bilabial]_
  • ɔ(ː) > o(ː) (or just ill-transcribed?)

Notes for other Finnic languages

Votic is now go.

  • All except Liv. (possibly reverted there by analogy): ks > s / _#
  • All except Savonian Finnish ~ Karelian: Vː > V / _h (old per no apocope: eg. Est. rohi, Veps roho)
  • Veps ~ Ludic ~ Karelian: ts(ː) > ʧ(ː)
    • Karelian proper: s > ʃ except / i_ (WTF? A 2nd round of depalatalization?), cr > tr
    • Ludic & Veps: medial voicing, cr > sr > zr
      • Veps proper: final voicing, degemination, s > ʃ / i_, palatalization / _i (viž kuź!), ä ü > a u / [-STR], iu eu > üu öu, loss of vowel length, l > u / V_C, dialectally: ei > iː, j > dʲ / #_
  • Estonian & Veps: trimoraic apocope
  • Estonian & Votic: o > ɤ / _(C*){i e}, _u
  • Estonian: jh wh > hj hv / V_, Vi > Ve / _{r v}, akj akR > ai aeR, V > ∅ / VXC_#, high V > mid V / _nonhigh V, ü > i [-STR] (> u in 3rd+ syllables, or anharmonic all along)


Note the following abbreviations for the main sources, as well as journals / book series:

This article is one of quite a few pages about Natlangs.

Indo-european natlangs:

Balto-Slavic Natlangs: Czech * Russian
Celtic Natlangs: Revived Middle Cornish * Pictish
Germanic Natlangs:
North Germanic Natlangs: Norwegian
West Germanic Natlangs: Anglo-Saxon * Dutch * English (Old English * Middle English * Modern English * Scots) * German (High German * Low German)
Indo-Iranian Natlangs: Pahlavi
Italic Natlangs: French * Italian * Latin * Spanish
Debated: Cimmerian

Uralic Natlangs: Finnish * Khanty * Mansi * Mordvinic * Proto-Uralic
Altaic (controversial): Japanese
Sino-Tibetan Natlangs:
Uto-Aztecan Natlangs: Nahuatl


Isolate Natlangs: Basque * *
Hypothetical/debated Natlangs and Natlang families: Danubian * Europic (obsolete)