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=Grammar of Naeso=

This entire page is probably going to be changing rapidly due to the current status of voting regarding it. Please be aware of this and keep checking back often! Your vote counts!
Important note: When you edit this page, you agree to release your contribution into the public domain. If you don't want this or can't do this because of license restrictions, please don't edit.

==[ Fusional]., [ agglutinating] or [ isolating]?==
This page describes the '''grammar of [[Naeso]]'''.

Our language is [ fusional].
As with [[:Category:Voting|all other pages with votes on them]], please keep checking back often! Your vote counts!

==Basic sentence structure==

Our language uses VSO word order.
*Naeso is [ fusional].
*Naeso uses [ VSO] word order.
*Word types:
**'''Nouns:''' Naeso has nouns.
*** ''Verbal nouns'': Naeso has verbal nouns.
**'''Verbs:''' Naeso has verbs, including ''sou'' "to be" .
***However, Naeso does not have the verb "to have". "To own", "to carry", "to possess", "to keep", etc, and also an existential structure can replace it.
**'''Adjectives:''' Naeso has adjectives.
**'''Adverbs''': Adjectives/adverbs are a single class of modifiers.
***I think that we should consider making adverbs a different class from adjectives, created by inflecting adjectives, to resolve the ambiguity with multiple descriptors discussed below. We could maybe even make things that describe adverbs another class, created by using the same inflection on adverbs. —MJ

==Word types==
''Status: In the works''

*'''Nouns:''' Our language has nouns.
Nouns in Naeso are most commonly found as part of a prepositional phrase. They inflect for the genitive and various plural forms. The following table uses the words ''anka'' "duck" and ''ian'' "cat" as examples:
** ''Verbal nouns'': Our language has verbal nouns.
*Verbs:''' Our language has verbs, including 'to be'. -- ''However'', Naeso does not have the verb 'to have'. 'To own', 'to carry', 'to possess', 'to keep', etc, and also an existential structure can replace it.
*'''Adjectives:''' Our language has adjectives.
*'''Adverbs''': Adjectives/adverbs are a single class of modifiers.

''(I think that we should consider making adverbs a different class from adjectives, created by inflecting adjectives, to resolve the ambiguity with multiple descriptors discussed below. We could maybe even make things that describe adverbs another class, created by using the same inflection on adverbs. - MJ)''
===Nouns in Naeso===
''Status: Not yet discussed''
! nominative
! genitive
! singular
| anka / ian
| anka'''bi''' / ian'''bi'''
! additive plural
| anka'''n''' / ian'''un'''
| anka'''bin''' / ian'''bin'''
! associative plural
| anka'''dun''' / ian'''dun'''
| anka'''bin''' / ian'''bin'''
! collective plural
| anka'''ti''' / ian'''ti'''
| anka'''bin''' / ian'''bin'''

*What is there to discuss? —[[User:Fenhl|Fenhl]] 04:32, 18 April 2011 (PDT)

===Verbs in Naeso===
*Verbs do not conjugate according to subject or object.
''Status: Currently being voted on''
*Verbs inflect for [ Mood]/[ modality] and [ Aspect].
*Verbs do not inflect for tense (we have the temporal preposition ''fui'' for that), [ validationality], or plural.

Verbs inflect for tense.
===What moods are marked by inflection?===
* Interrogative.
* Imperative/hortative/jussive, for first, second, and third person.
* Abilitative, i.e. equivalent of English "can/may" auxiliary verbs.
* Desiderative, i.e. equivalent of English "want/wish" auxiliary verbs.

''Results of another vote on the [[Naeso/Suffixes]] page contradict this. We're re-voting below....''
I have found two interrogative suffixes: ''-li'' and ''-tu''. What have we to do? --[[user:MilyAMD|MM]]

We determined early on that we would let usage define meaning.  Those words have been 'voted in', which means they're free to use when you decide to use Naeso, but their exact meaning (what kind of questions they're used for) was purposely left open-ended.
**Verbs do not conjugate according to subject or object.


Verbs may or may not inflect for the following categories - a "no" vote on any of these means it could be marked by anything other than verb inflection (e.g. adverbs, prepositional phrases, separate particles, inflection of some word other than the main verb), specifics to be decided after this vote is over:
This section is about adjectives and adverbs, which are a single class of modifiers.

*[ Mood]/[ modality] — '''Voted in.'''
When you want to apply multiple modifiers to the same noun, just string them together after the noun, e.g. "my red fish" could be ''dovui dol sibi'' or ''dovui sibi dol''. Use a comma when ambiguity seems likely, i.e. when it might be uncertain whether a modifier modifies another modifier or the noun.
*{{V|[ Aspect]|JH|y|RJ|y|FH|n|BL|n|BF|n|MJ|y}}
*{{V|[ Validationality]|RJ|y|FH|y|JH|n|BL|n|BF|n}}

*(I suggest we wait a bit and see how the votes on tense, aspect and validationality go before making up a lot of mood affixes. If we vote in one or more of the other categories, we might want to fuse some of them, e.g. have indicative mood intersect with various kinds of validationalities or all the moods intersect with some or all of the tenses & aspects. - JH)

*Since Naeso is fusional I'd argue that we will need many combinations of mood and whatever else gets voted in, so we will just say that the modality suffixes we create now are in the default tense (e.g. present), aspect (e.g. not progressive or whatever), and validationality (e.g. "almost sure"). When we vote something else in, we can create suffixes that combine two or more of these categories. —FH
In Naeso, [ comparison] and similar things (e.g. "more", "most", "less", "least", "very") are formed using a suffix on the modifier. For example, 'a very large house would be ''house large very''.

====What moods will be marked by inflection?====
For comparing two things, you would uses a…
# {{V|Indicative|JH|n|FH|n}}
{{V|"than" particle|date=2011-6-16|FH|y|MM|n|BF|y|JH|y}}
# Interrogative — '''voted in'''
… after the adjective with the comparison suffix, and then add the element to compare to. For example, "better than the book" would be ''good-more than book''. There could also be a second "than" particle for constructs like "this tastes better than it looks": '''''taste''' '''good'''-'''more''' '''than''' '''look''' bu ke, bu ua''.
# Imperative/hortative/jussive
#* {{V|Only for first and third persons.|FH|y|JH|y|BL|y|RJ|y}}
#* {{V|Also for second person.|FH|y|MJ|y|JH|n|RJ|n}}
# Abilitative, i.e. equivalent of English "can/may" auxiliary verbs - '''voted in'''
# Desiderative, i.e. equivalent of English "want/wish" auxiliary verbs - '''voted in'''
# Others...?

*I suggest that a bare verb with no subject mentioned could be interpreted as second-person imperative, and needn't get a mood affix. Similarly a bare verb with an explicit subject can be assumed to be indicative without any explicit marking; that would make words on average shorter. —JH
I propose another possibility - it can be expressed by using just genitive case: ''good-more book-gen'' ("better than the book"). In the second case we will use verbal nouns: ''taste good-more it-gen look-gen''. --[[User:MilyAMD|MM]].
*I think it would be cool to be able to leave off subjects though. I think we should allow indicative sentences with no subject, perhaps with an indicative inflection to distinguish from imperative. [[User:micahjohnston|micahjohnston]]
*So are you suggesting we mark verbs as indicative only when we want to omit the subject, thinking it's obvious from context?  If so, what about add a vote tag for that? -- [[User:Jim Henry|Jim Henry]] 17:55, 20 October 2010 (PDT)
*I think only marking the verb if leaving out the subject is odd at best and feels to me quite unnatural. [[User:Sel messitihildi|Sel messitihildi]] 02:45, 24 October 2010 (PDT)

===Modifiers (adjectives and adverbs) in Naeso===
{{V|genitive comparison|date=2011-6-20|MM|y|FH|n|BF|n|JH|n}}
''Status: Being discussed & voted on''
*I see three problems with this: 1, with this the principle that adjective phrases can be ordered however you want would become invalid. 2, it would make recursion stop working. 3, the example with verbal nouns does not fit into Naeso's existing style at all. —[[User:Fenhl|FH]]

====How will multiple modifiers applied to the same noun be handled?====
*a. Just string them together after the noun: noun mod1 mod2 mod3...
*b. Use an "and" word between them: noun mod1 and mod2 and mod3...
*c. Use an "and" between them when ambiguity seems likely, i.e. when it might be uncertain whether mod2 modifies mod1 or the noun
*d. Any modifiers after the first are marked with a relative clause: noun mod1 which is mod2 and mod3...

This is the complete table of personal pronouns in Naeso.

===Naeso Pronouns===
{| class="wikitable"
Rows where the right-hand column is blank have forms not yet decided. Please propose specific forms on the [[Naeso/Dictionary/Proposed words|proposed words]]  page and copy them here after the votes there are decided.
! singular
! plural
{| style="border: 1px solid #c6c9ff; border-collapse: collapse;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1"
| I
! 1st person
| si  
| si  
| lynh (inclusive)<br />sim (exclusive)
| you (singular, someone who recently joined the IRC channel)  
! 2nd person
| pae
| y<br />pae (someone who recently joined the chat)<br />tha (someone who's been part of the chat for a while)
| ym
| you (singular, someone who's been part of the conversation for a while)  
| tha
| you (sing.)
| y
| he
! 3rd person
| the  
| ze<br />the (male human)<br />je (female human)<br />ke (nonhuman)<br />ipu (current participant in the current chat)<br />yl (sometime but not current participant in the current chat)<br />tyma (nonparticipant in the current chat)
| she
| je  
| it
| 3SG current IRC participant  
| ipu
| 3SG sometime IRC participant not online at the moment
| yl
| 3SG someone who's never on IRC
| tyma  
| third-person singular undefined for gender or IRC status, 'one'
| ze
| we (inclusive)
| lynh
| we (exclusive)
| sim
| you (pl.)  
| ym
| they

====Gendered singular pronouns====
Naeso also has other pronouns including:
*'''ua''' and '''inna''' — ''this'' and ''that''
*'''poynh''' — the interrogative pronoun
*'''soa''' — the pronoun for the last (most recent) line of chat posted by the speaker
*'''ky''' — the pronoun for the last (most recent) line of chat in general
===Gendered singular pronouns===

Naeso has optional gender-marking in its third-person singular pronouns. The pronoun "ze" can be used for a specific person whose gender is unknown or which the speaker doesn't wish to specify (the equivalent of Esperanto "ri"), ''or'' for a nonspecific person (the equivalent of French "on", Esperanto "oni", formal English "one").
Naeso has optional gender-marking in its third-person singular pronouns. The pronoun "ze" can be used for a specific person whose gender is unknown or which the speaker doesn't wish to specify (the equivalent of Esperanto "ri"), ''or'' for a nonspecific person (the equivalent of French "on", Esperanto "oni", formal English "one").

====IRC-oriented singular pronouns====
===IRC-oriented singular pronouns===

Naeso has distinctions in its second-person pronouns depending on whether the addresse is a regular on IRC or is only occasionally on the current channel.
Naeso has distinctions in its second-person pronouns depending on whether the addresse is a regular on IRC or is only occasionally on the current channel.

Naeso has optional distinctions in its third-person pronouns depending on whether the mentioned person is a participant in the current chat, someone on IRC at times but offline (or possibly away) at the moment, or someone who's never on IRC. The pronoun "ze" can be used for a specific person whose IRC status is unknown or which the speaker doesn't wish to specify, as well as for a nonspecific person.
Naeso has optional distinctions in its third-person pronouns depending on whether the mentioned person is a participant in the current chat, someone on IRC at times but offline (or possibly away) at the moment, or someone who's never on IRC. The pronoun ''ze'' can be used for a specific person whose IRC status is unknown or which the speaker doesn't wish to specify, as well as for a nonspecific person.
How, if at all, those will be used outside of IRC, will be detemined by actual usage.
====Plural pronouns====
It's not yet decided what categories, if any, are marked on second and third-person plural pronouns.
====Nonhuman pronouns====
It's not yet decided what whether Naeso has a single third-person pronoun for all nonhumans, or perhaps one for animals and one for everything else, or one for domestic animals & human artifacts and another for everything else, or...

It's been decided that Naeso has prepositions, and that it will use prepositions for marking [ cases/thematic roles]. A fair number of prepositions have been voted in on the [[Naeso/Dictionary|Dictionary]] page and others are currently being voted on. Another question about prepositions is yet to be voted on:
Those pronouns are used similarly outside of IRC. For example, see the ''[[Naeso/Torch#Bendiza Tthuy|Bendiza Tthuy]]'' text. The two characters are using different pronouns for referring to each other: the goat acts as if he knew the woman for a long time and uses the according pronoun, while the woman uses the proper pronoun for referring to someone she just met.

====Will some or all prepositions inflect for definiteness (i.e., equivalent of "the/a" in English)?====
*a. The most animate or topical preposition (i.e., roughly the "subject") in a given sentence will inflect for definiteness. Typically this will be "ku", "jen", or "bu" (see the Dictionary page).
*b. Only prepositions for core grammatical relations (agent, patient, experiencer, and similar) will inflect for definiteness - not peripheral ones like "at", "during", "with", etc.
*c. All prepositions inflect for definiteness.
*d. No prepositions inflect for definiteness.

It's been decided that Naeso has prepositions, and that it will use prepositions for marking [ cases/thematic roles]. A fair number of prepositions have been voted in on the [[Naeso/Dictionary|Dictionary]] pages and others are currently being voted on.

====How are prepositions that are not required to inflect handled?====
The most animate or topical preposition (i.e., roughly the "subject") in a given sentence will inflect for definiteness (i.e., equivalent of "the/a" in English). Typically this will be "ku", "jen", or "bu" (see the Dictionary page).
*1. Other prepositions can be marked for definiteness for clearing up ambiguity or artistic reasons.
*2. Other prepositions must not be marked for definiteness.

Other prepositions can be marked for definiteness for clearing up ambiguity or artistic reasons.


Latest revision as of 07:06, 26 August 2012

Public Domain This page has been released into the public domain. Important note: When you edit this page, you agree to release your contribution into the public domain. If you don't want this or can't do this because of license restrictions, please don't edit.Public Domain

This page describes the grammar of Naeso.

As with all other pages with votes on them, please keep checking back often! Your vote counts!


  • Naeso is fusional.
  • Naeso uses VSO word order.
  • Word types:
    • Nouns: Naeso has nouns.
      • Verbal nouns: Naeso has verbal nouns.
    • Verbs: Naeso has verbs, including sou "to be" .
      • However, Naeso does not have the verb "to have". "To own", "to carry", "to possess", "to keep", etc, and also an existential structure can replace it.
    • Adjectives: Naeso has adjectives.
    • Adverbs: Adjectives/adverbs are a single class of modifiers.
      • I think that we should consider making adverbs a different class from adjectives, created by inflecting adjectives, to resolve the ambiguity with multiple descriptors discussed below. We could maybe even make things that describe adverbs another class, created by using the same inflection on adverbs. —MJ


Nouns in Naeso are most commonly found as part of a prepositional phrase. They inflect for the genitive and various plural forms. The following table uses the words anka "duck" and ian "cat" as examples:

nominative genitive
singular anka / ian ankabi / ianbi
additive plural ankan / ianun ankabin / ianbin
associative plural ankadun / iandun ankabin / ianbin
collective plural ankati / ianti ankabin / ianbin


  • Verbs do not conjugate according to subject or object.
  • Verbs inflect for Mood/modality and Aspect.
  • Verbs do not inflect for tense (we have the temporal preposition fui for that), validationality, or plural.

What moods are marked by inflection?

  • Interrogative.
  • Imperative/hortative/jussive, for first, second, and third person.
  • Abilitative, i.e. equivalent of English "can/may" auxiliary verbs.
  • Desiderative, i.e. equivalent of English "want/wish" auxiliary verbs.


I have found two interrogative suffixes: -li and -tu. What have we to do? --MM

We determined early on that we would let usage define meaning. Those words have been 'voted in', which means they're free to use when you decide to use Naeso, but their exact meaning (what kind of questions they're used for) was purposely left open-ended. --BF


This section is about adjectives and adverbs, which are a single class of modifiers.

When you want to apply multiple modifiers to the same noun, just string them together after the noun, e.g. "my red fish" could be dovui dol sibi or dovui sibi dol. Use a comma when ambiguity seems likely, i.e. when it might be uncertain whether a modifier modifies another modifier or the noun.


In Naeso, comparison and similar things (e.g. "more", "most", "less", "least", "very") are formed using a suffix on the modifier. For example, 'a very large house would be house large very.

For comparing two things, you would uses a…

"than" particle — 3/1 (FH,BF,JH,/MM,)

… after the adjective with the comparison suffix, and then add the element to compare to. For example, "better than the book" would be good-more than book. There could also be a second "than" particle for constructs like "this tastes better than it looks": taste good-more than look bu ke, bu ua.

I propose another possibility - it can be expressed by using just genitive case: good-more book-gen ("better than the book"). In the second case we will use verbal nouns: taste good-more it-gen look-gen. --MM.

genitive comparison — 1/3 (MM,/FH,BF,JH,)
  • I see three problems with this: 1, with this the principle that adjective phrases can be ordered however you want would become invalid. 2, it would make recursion stop working. 3, the example with verbal nouns does not fit into Naeso's existing style at all. —FH


This is the complete table of personal pronouns in Naeso.

singular plural
1st person si lynh (inclusive)
sim (exclusive)
2nd person y
pae (someone who recently joined the chat)
tha (someone who's been part of the chat for a while)
3rd person ze
the (male human)
je (female human)
ke (nonhuman)
ipu (current participant in the current chat)
yl (sometime but not current participant in the current chat)
tyma (nonparticipant in the current chat)

Naeso also has other pronouns including:

  • ua and innathis and that
  • poynh — the interrogative pronoun
  • soa — the pronoun for the last (most recent) line of chat posted by the speaker
  • ky — the pronoun for the last (most recent) line of chat in general

Gendered singular pronouns

Naeso has optional gender-marking in its third-person singular pronouns. The pronoun "ze" can be used for a specific person whose gender is unknown or which the speaker doesn't wish to specify (the equivalent of Esperanto "ri"), or for a nonspecific person (the equivalent of French "on", Esperanto "oni", formal English "one").

IRC-oriented singular pronouns

Naeso has distinctions in its second-person pronouns depending on whether the addresse is a regular on IRC or is only occasionally on the current channel.

Naeso has optional distinctions in its third-person pronouns depending on whether the mentioned person is a participant in the current chat, someone on IRC at times but offline (or possibly away) at the moment, or someone who's never on IRC. The pronoun ze can be used for a specific person whose IRC status is unknown or which the speaker doesn't wish to specify, as well as for a nonspecific person.

Those pronouns are used similarly outside of IRC. For example, see the Bendiza Tthuy text. The two characters are using different pronouns for referring to each other: the goat acts as if he knew the woman for a long time and uses the according pronoun, while the woman uses the proper pronoun for referring to someone she just met.


It's been decided that Naeso has prepositions, and that it will use prepositions for marking cases/thematic roles. A fair number of prepositions have been voted in on the Dictionary pages and others are currently being voted on.

The most animate or topical preposition (i.e., roughly the "subject") in a given sentence will inflect for definiteness (i.e., equivalent of "the/a" in English). Typically this will be "ku", "jen", or "bu" (see the Dictionary page).

Other prepositions can be marked for definiteness for clearing up ambiguity or artistic reasons.

General:VotingMember listAn Introduction to Naeso
Phonology and orthography:PhonologyStressOrthographyTransliteration
Lexicon and corpus:Naeso-EnglishEnglish-NaesoProposed wordsSwadeshNamesCorpus of SentencesMath
Conlang relay torches:LCC4 Relay
This page is part of the project Naeso. We meet up to discuss changes in 'real time' in #naeso on Freenode.