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The reconstructed parent language of the [[Samoyedic languages]]; spoken in south-central Siberia around 1000 BCE.
Soundchanges from [[Proto-Uralic]]:
Soundchanges from [[Proto-Uralic]]:

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* *sʲ → *s (perhaps areal, see next section)
* *sʲ → *s (perhaps areal, see next section)
* *Ck, kC → *ɣC? / C = *θ, *s (no direct evidence of this belonging together due to later loss in Smy)
* *Ck, kC → *ɣC? / C = *θ, *s (no direct evidence of this belonging together due to later loss in Smy)
* *Ck → *C / C = *t, *č (check! ought to be later per open/close issues)
* *tk → *tt
** *kt is most regularly reflected as Ms *-kt, Kh *-ɣət; exceptions *śäkti- → Kh *saat, *kêktä → *ki/äät
** *čk reflected as *šk in Ms.
* *ɤ → *ɯ / _C(C)a (most general condition; also in ''*ëni, *lëmpi''; exceptions ''*tëka, *lëpa'' (FSM vs. Smy only), ''*ëńa'')
* *ɤ → *ɯ / _C(C)a (most general condition; also in ''*ëni, *lëmpi''; exceptions ''*tëka, *lëpa'' (FSM vs. Smy only), ''*ëńa'')
* perhaps some other vowel splits? (if not rather Finno-Permic mergers)
* perhaps some other vowel splits? (if not rather Finno-Permic mergers)
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* *ð → *l
* *ð → *l
* *l → *ĺ / śV_k (*śëðka → Ms *sëëĺ, *śülki- → Ms *süĺɣ-)
* *l → *ĺ / śV_k (*śëðka → Ms *sëëĺ, *śülki- → Ms *süĺɣ-)
* *l → ∅ / śV_m (*śüðäm(i) → Hu ''szív'', *śilmä → Hu ''szëm'', *ćolmiw → Hu ''csomo'')
* *l (→  *ĺ?) → ∅ / śV_m (*śilmä → Hu ''szëm'', *ćolmiw → Hu ''csomo'', *śüðäm(i) → Hu ''szív'', *śeðmä > Kh *siim-) (NB ð → j in Samoyedic: *säjəm!)
* Note the order: 1) ð-lateralization, 2) l-assimilation, 3) depalatalization
* possibly *l → *ĺ / *ńV_C in *ńeljä → Hu ''negy'', Ms *ńiĺə; but Kh *ńeɬə, similarly *ńülkə- → *ńö/eɣəɬ-; may also be *lj → *ĺ, though not supported by *peljä "ear"
* possibly: *m → *M ([ṽ]? [m̥]?) / in affixes (→ ObU *m, but Hu /v/: *śüðämi; *ńäxli-mä → ''nyelv'')
** Note the order: 1) ð-lateralization, 2) l-assimilation, 3) depalatalization
* possibly: *m → *M ([ṽ]? [m̥]?) / in affixes (→ ObU *m, but Hu *w: *śüðämi, *ńäxli-mä → ''nyelv'', *ńoxi-ma-la → ''nyúl'', *wiðim(i) → ''velő'', (? *täji →) Ug *täktəm → ''tetű'', Ug *Eĺəm → ''enyv'' 'glue' (with preceding *ĺm → ńm?), Kh&Ms *ääləm ~ ''elv'' 'side'; but not in *koji-ma → ''hím'')

==Proto-East Uralic to Proto-Samoyedic==
==Proto-East Uralic to Proto-Samoyedic==
* *x → *ə (probably common Uralic, but tends to disappear elsewhere)
* *e → *i / _C(C)a (shared with Mansi)
A note on notation: PU roots in ''*italic'', PSmy roots *without.
* ? *ŋ *n / (''*jOŋsi'' only)
* ? *m *p / _θ ? (''*pImsimi'' only; fairly ''ad hoc'' cluster)
; Bottom-level consonant developments
* *θ → *t (counterbleeds the previous two — *mt *ŋt remain)
* ? *ŋ > *n / (''*joŋsə'' > *jïntə only)
* *tsʲ → *s (probably via *, so another argument for independant depalatalization)
* ? *m > *p / (''*pImsəmə'' only; fairly ''ad hoc'' cluster)
* *o → *å (feeds fronting to *ä in some cases; ''*tolwa'' → *tälwä, *tåjwä both)
* *ɬ > *t (counterbleeds the previous two — *mt *ŋt remain)
* *ü *i (feeds the next)
* *d₁ > *r (could be dated about anywhere)
* close vowel lowering (inefficiently asymmetric)
* *ć > *s (probably via *ć, so another argument for independant depalatalization; or original *ć might not have existed at all)
** *u *ə / _C(C)a
** or might be post-PSmy, in light of Selkup *ns > *ś, Tundra Nenets *ns > nc
*** and / _ŋ? ''*suŋi'' *təŋ; also ''*kurki/*karka'' *kərə
** *i *ə̈ / _C(C?)a (check relation to initial *l-!)
; Bottom-level vowel developments
** *u → *o / _Ci (counterfeeds *o → *a, block'd by an original cluster, exception ''*kulki-'' *kəj-)
* A possible *e/*ê contrast is lost (will write *e)
* *l */ _C, #_, _i(C)#
* *ü > *i (no evidence on association to *i > *ə̈; stem type unclear in *ül- > *i, plus OU also points to *i)
** Retained initially before *ï, *ë (''*lëmpi, *lëmti, *lëpa, *lëpsi'', PU ''*luwi'' (*lëwi?) → ''*lë'')
** Otherwise l- j- is clear  
; Vowel lowering
** *-lw- *-jw- is clear
* *o > *å
** except when V2 lost (''*kokə- *kosə- *lomə *ńoxə- *porə- *śojə- *śowə *tolə- *toxə'' > *ko- *kot- *jom *ńo- *por- *so- *so- *toj- *to)
* *u > *ə / _C(C)a
** others: ''*suŋə'' > *təŋ, ''*kurkə/*karka'' > *kərə, ''*kulkə-'' > *kəj-
* *i > *ə̈ / _C(C)ä (''*ipsä-'' > *ə̈ptä-, ''*itä-'' > ə̈tä-, ''śilmä'' > *sə̈jmä; or _j #_, cf. ''*imə-'' > *əm-, ''#pid₂mətä'' > *pəjmətä)
* "*ə *ə̈" were probably /ʊ ɪ/ prior to their merger
* possibly: *ï > *[ɨ] / j_, further > *ə / _Ca (''*jëka'' > jəka, ''*jëka-'' > *jəkə-; *jïntə may be secondary, plus *j lost in Core)
; Palatalization of *l
* As noted above, *d₂ > *ʎ (*lʲ?) probably dates to already East Uralic
* *l > *ʎ / _C, #_, _i(C)#
** Retained initially before *ï, *ë (''*lëmpə *lëmtə *lëpa *lëpsə''; PU ''*lowə'' (*lëwə?) > *lë)
** Otherwise *l- > *j- is clear  
** *-lw- > *-jw- is clear
** *-lt-, *-alm- unchanged (''*kulta-, *kalma''; both potential derivativs!)
** *-lt-, *-alm- unchanged (''*kulta-, *kalma''; both potential derivativs!)
** *-ilm- *-ə̈jm-, *-lki → *-j and *-li → *-j may be due to coda position or palatalization
** *-ilm- > *-ə̈jm-, *-lkə > *-j and *-lə > *-j may be due to coda position
* possibly: *e → *ɪ / _C(C)i (no phonemical significance, will write *ɪ)
* *a > *a [ɑ]? / before a coda palatal (sometimes elsewhere); is fed by palatalization of *l, counterfed by *å-lowering
* *ä → *e [ɛ]?
* *a > *a / between two stops (''*čača-'' "be born", ''*čača-'' "to go", ''*pata *taka'')
* *a *a [ɑ]? / before a coda palatal (sometimes elsewhere); is fed by palatalization of *l
** *a > *å [ɒ] / elsewhere
** *a *å [ɒ] / elsewhere
* Unstress'd (generally, final) vowels:
; Unstress'd (generally, final) vowels:
** *a *ä / after front vowels or a lateral (sometimes elsewhere)
* *a > *ä / after front vowels or a lateral (sometimes elsewhere)
*** ''*kala pala kaðʲa- puðʲa-'' → ''*kålä pålä kåjä- pəjä'' (…)
** ''*kala *pala *kad₂a- *pud₂a-'' > *kålä *pålä *kåjä- *pəjä (…)
*** but not in ''*muðʲa'' → *məjå, ''*su(w)ðʲa'' *səjå
** but not in ''*mud₂a *su(w)d₂a'' > *məjå *səjå¹
** *a *ə / sometimes (''*jupta, *konta, *kuma, *sʲala, *sʲoðʲa, *tora'')
* *a > *ə / sometimes (''*jupta- *kod₂ka *konta *kuma *muja- *puna- *śala *śod₂a *tora''…) (''check!'')
** *a *å [ɒ] / elsewhere
* *a > *å [ɒ] / elsewhere
** *i → *ə / _# (perhaps not feasible as PUg per palatalization of *l)
* *lʲ → *j (counterbleeds *a *a, feeds the next two - supposedly retained in some Selkup dialects?)
; Misc.
* *i → *ə̈ / _j (*śilma → *sə̈jmä)
* *ʎ > *j (counterbleeds *a > *a, feeds the next two - supposedly retained in some Selkup dialects?)
* *j ∅ / åə_ (*kaxli-, *ńäxli- *kåə-, *ńåə-?)
* *j > ∅ / åə_ (''*kalə- *ńalə- *walə-'' > *kåə- *ńåə- *åə-)
* Word-finally *ə ∅ / VC_# (fed by vocalization of *x *, counterfed by ɣ-loss, exceptions ''*juri, *sʲüðʲi'')
* Word-finally *ə > ∅ / VC_# (fed by vocalization of *x *ʎ, counterfed by ɣ/w-loss, exceptions ''*jurə, *śüdₓə'')
* *ð → *r (could be dated about anywhere)
* possibly: *eɣ > *i (''*mi- *pi- *ti-mä''; cf ''*nêjə'' > *ne)
* ? *ew → *ü / _C (''*käwði, *jäwji'' - but not in ''*täwði''?)
* ? *äw > *ü / _C (''*käwd₁ə, *jäwjə'' - but not in ''*täwd₁ə'')
* ? *w *m / lʲ_ (''*käðʲwa'' only - apparently South Smy. only)  
* ? *w > *m / ʎ_ (''*käd₂wa'' only - apparently South Smy. only)  
* *ɣ ∅; or *k ∅ / _C_ (except *-ŋk-) (counterbleeds *ə ∅, cf. next)
* *ɣ > ∅; or *k > ∅ / _C_ (except *-ŋk-) (counterbleeds *ə > ∅, cf. next)
* *w ∅ / in a 2nd syllable (counterbleeds *ə ∅; ''*jäwji, *käliw, *täwði'', etc. Remains ''*täwiw'' *tiwə, also in *-jw- of either origin (suggesting interm. *ɣ?))
* *w > ∅ / coda (counterbleeds *ə > ∅; ''*jäwjə, *täwd₁ə'', etc. Remains ''#täwəw'' > *tiwə, also in *-jw- of either origin (suggesting interm. *ɣ?))

==Later development==
==Later development==
* Consonant palatalization: s k t ŋ n → š š č ''(check)'' ń ń / _{i ɪ e ä ü ö}
* Consonant palatalization: s k t ŋ n → š š č ń ń / _{i e} (but not _{ä ö ü})
* Vowel palatalization: *ë (? → ɪ) → i / {s, ń}_; *e → a / {s, ń, j}_
* Vowel (anti)palatalization: *ë (? → e) → i / {s, ń}_; *ä → a / {s, ń, j}_
* "Umlaut loss": *ü *ï *ë *ä *ö → i i a a *o
* "Umlaut loss": *ü *ï *ë *ä *ö → i i a e *o
** Modern /y/ results from assimilations of /i/, /u/
** Modern /y/ results from assimilations of /i/, /u/
* Back raising: *o *å → u o;
* Back raising: *o *å → u o;
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** *ëə (→ ? *aa) → a
** *ëə (→ ? *aa) → a
** *öə → oa (not ˣua ! probably wasn't actually [øə])
** *öə → oa (not ˣua ! probably wasn't actually [øə])
* ɪ → ɨ (very late; oldest record still render this as <e>)
* †e → ɨ (very late; oldest record still record <e>)
** however: e → i / ń_
* *äj *ej → ea; *əj → oj  
* *äj *ej → ea; *əj → oj  
** Other Vj develop per components
** Other Vj develop per components
* p → f → h
* *p → †f → h
** fu ==
** fu ==
** mp → ŋh
** *mp → ŋh
** fa → fua
** *fa → fua
* Glide fortition: *w *j → b dʲ / _V

===Shared with all but Nganasan===
===Shared among all but Nganasan===
*Potentially, the split of *ü from *i
*ə̈ > ə (more exactly: merger of the declension classes ə+ä > ə+å)
*ə̈ → ə
*e > i
*ɪ → i
*possibly: *ä > ɛ (no phonemic significance; will write *ä)
*j, w ∅ / _ï
*j, w > ∅ / _ï

* å → a
* *å → a
* ə → ŏ (short)
* *ə → ŏ (short)
* ë → i (perhaps before *ï i?)
* *ä e
* "Umlaut loss": *ï *ü *ö → i u o
* "Umlaut loss": *ï *ü *ö → i i u o
* åə oə uə  → a ua ua
* *åə **uə  → a ua ua
* iə, ëə → io
* *iə, *ëə → io
* äj ej əj oj uj → ä e ej o o
* *əj *äj *aj *oj *uj → ej e ä o o
* Dialect changes
* Dialect changes
** *ä → Forest e, Tundra a
** *a → Forest e, Tundra a
** *üə → Forest ie, Tundra io (via → *iä → ia, cf. prev?)
** *üə → Forest ie, Tundra io (via → *ia, cf. prev?)

===(Tundra) Nenets===
* Loss of sequences: *Və → V
* Coda glottalization (shared with Enets, Nganasan?): *s *t *k > ʔ / _{C #}
* *å *a
* Nasal prothesis: ∅ > *ŋ / #_V
* *ü → *ö
* Lo rotation: *å *a *ä > *a *ä *e (shared with?)
* High laxing/Lo tensing (Shared with [[Proto-Samic|Samic]]!!)
** *ä remains / _#
** *i *ï *u *ə → *ɪ *ɪ̈ *ʊ *a
* Reduction
** all other monofthongs → long
** *i *ï *u > ə / unstressed (but *i triggers palatalization?)
** **uə > *i *u / unstressed
* Front/back contrast shifts from vowels to consonants:
* Front/back contrast shifts from vowels to consonants:
** *ɪ **äː *öː → ʲɪ ʲeː ʲaː ʲoː
** *i *e *ä *ö > ʲi ʲe ʲa ʲo
** *ɪ̈ *ëː → ɪ eː
** *ï *ë > i e (actually only a reanalysis; these remain phonetically [ɯ ɤ])
* Palatal fronting: *kʲ *ŋʲ > sʲ nʲ
* *nʲ > j / V_V
* *n > ŋ / _#
* ~Monofthongization
* ~Monofthongization
** *äj *ej → both
** *ij *iə >
** *åj *əj → both æː [ae]
** *uj *uə > uː
** *oj > o
** *aj *əj *ej > all æː [ae] (incl. *aj from both *åj > *aj and *aj > *äj)
** *aj > a
* Cluster simplification:
** *ŋm *nm > mm
** *ŋn > nn
** *nŋ > ŋ
** *nt *lt *rt > nn ll r
** *ŋt > nt
====Tundra Nenets====
* Voicing
* æ > iː / Cʲ_, > e / [-STR]
* ŋw > *m
====Forest Nenets====
* æ > e / Cʲ_, > i / [-STR]
Proto-Nenets can be reconstructed with a series of both fortis and lenis sonorants, though by now the contrast has been lost. Intervening changes however allow distinguishing in certain positions the laterals, and the labial and/or palatal nasals:
! PS !! PN !! Tundra !! Forest
! *-nm-, *-ŋm- !! *-mm-<br/>*-ḿḿ-
| -m-<br/>-mʲ- || -m-<br/>-mʲ-
! *-nt-, *-nč-, *-ŋn- / _F !! *-ńń-
| -nʲ- || -nʲ-
! *-lt- !! *-ll-<br/>*-ľľ-
| -l-<br/>-lʲ- || -nɬ-<br/>-nʲɬʲ-
! *-m- !! *-m-<br/>*-ḿ-
| -w-<br/>-ɥ- || -m-<br/>-mʲ-
! *-n- / _F, *-ń- !! *-ń-
| -nʲ- || -j-
! *-l- !! *-l-<br/>*-ľ-
| -l-<br/>-lʲ- || -ɬ-<br/>-ɬʲ-
! *-ntə !! *-(n)nə
| -n° || -n°
! *-n, -ŋ !! *-ŋ
| -ʔ || W -n, E -ŋ
Lenis *n *ŋ *r and presumable fortis *nn *ŋŋ *rr do not seem to be distinguishable from one another.
Mikola, Tibor (1983): Adalékok a nyenyec  nazálisok történetéhez. In: ''Urálisziai tanulmányok''. Budapest, 1983.

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===Common South Samoyedic===
===Common South Samoyedic===
* *ö *üə *iə → ü ü i
* *ö *üə *iə → ü ü i
* *äj *ej → a e (what of *əj?)
* *aj *äj → a e (what of *əj?)
* *ä *ə *e → a a e (before or after palatalization?)
* *a *ə *ä → a a e (before or after palatalization?)

* Back raising: *å(ə) u
* *ns > *š (possibly indicates that *ńć was still retained here; cf. *ns > Tundra Nenets ''nc'', Mator ''ndž'')
* Back raising: *å(ə) > u
** *o remains however (!?)
** *o remains however (!?)
** Helimski sez: *å split to u, o (before *-u, *-o, generally *-a), uː, oː (before *-ä, *-ə, monosyllables) (with some opposite examples for *-a and *-ə), *uë (irregularly)
** Helimski sez <sup>[citation needed]</sup>: *å split to u, o (before *-u, *-o, generally *-a), uː, oː (before *-ä, *-ə, monosyllables) (with some opposite examples for *-a and *-ə), *uë (irregularly)
* *uə *ëə *öə uë a aː
* *uə *ëə *öə > uë a aː
* *əj *åj aj øː
* *əj *åj *oj *uj > aj öː öː üː
* *e aː / #_C*a (disharmonic stems)
* *e > > aː / #_C*a (disharmonic stems; is initial position relevant?)
* Lengthening: *ë *e *i *ü *u *o ïː iː iː üː uː uː / _(j)Cə
* Lengthening
** *e eː / _(j)tCə
** *i *ü *u > iː ïː üː uː / _Cə
** *ë *o ïː oː / _CCə
** *ë *e *o > ïː iː uː / _Cə
** after which *-a, *-ä, *-ə *-ə
** *e > eː / _(j)tCə
** *ë *o > ïː oː / _CCə (also *ëptə > ooptə?)
* After lengthening: *-a, *-ä, *-ə > *-ə

* Back raising: *å *åə *o(ə) → o u u
* Back raising: *å *åə *o(ə) → o u u
* *uə *ëə *öə → u o a
* *uə *ëə *öə → u o a
* *ë → e
* *ë → ɛ
* Some words suggest that *ə → *u next to labial consonant: e.g. /munuɨ/ "egg" (but cf. *mən → /man/ "1PS; is this actually *mə̈n?)
* Sammallahti '88 claims that *u → o in Koibal? (but cf. ''kullae'' "raven", ''num'' "heaven", ''tukblaa'' "to row")
Same as Kamassian except *u (? → ʊ) o.
* *č → *t
* *p *t *k → b d g / V_V. The resulting /b g/ seem to vary as [b ~ w], [g ~ ɣ].
* *w *j → b dʲ / #_ (but these remain word-internally)
** → m n / _VN
* Palatalization
** *k → *š / _[e i ü]
** *t → *š / _[oj uj üj] (= *üː?)
* Depalatalization: *ń n. Apparently later than *j .
*Assimilation of stops in clusters
** *mp *nt *ŋk → *mm *nn *ŋŋ → m n ŋ
** *mt → mn
* In Kamassian proper: *tm → ʔm
* In Koibal: *š *dʲ → ''ś dź''

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* *əj → i
* *əj → i
* *ëə → ? a (Taygi only attested?)
* *ëə → ? a (Taygi only attested?)
* Bizarro antipalatalization: *s → *k / _{*i *e *ü} (but not _*a)
* Bizarro antipalatalization: *s → k / _{*i *ä *ü} (but not _*a)
** via → ʃ → x? or unlenited non-assibilated [c] all along?
** via → ʃ → x? or unlenited non-assibilated [c] all along?
* m → m~b initially (cf. Turkic) and _*s
* m → m~b initially (cf. Turkic) and _*s
Line 157: Line 251:
* *w → b initially (but before a labial vowel: *wüt "10" → čüʔt, wo(ə)), *j_, *t_
* *w → b initially (but before a labial vowel: *wüt "10" → čüʔt, wo(ə)), *j_, *t_
** possibly → m / {ŋ r}_ (''aŋma-'' "to sleep", ''sarma'' "window")
** possibly → m / {ŋ r}_ (''aŋma-'' "to sleep", ''sarma'' "window")
* *uwC *iwC → u:C i:C
* *uwC *iwC → uːC iːC
* *{F a}jm → im, *iji → i
* *{F a}jm → im, *iji → i
* *aw *iw → uh yh (via → v → f, cf. next?)
* *aw *iw → uh yh (via → v → f, cf. next?)
* *p → h, except
* *p → h
** → b in *mp *pVs
** except → b in *mp *pVs
** remains in *pt *ps *tp *p# (allophone of /b/ now), except → h in *wVpt (dissimilation?)
** remains in *pt *ps *tp *p# (allophone of /b/ now)
*** except → h in *wVpt (dissimilation?)
* Medial voicing & degemination
* Medial voicing & degemination
** *t *k → d g / V_V, N_
** *t *k → d g / V_V, N_
Line 181: Line 276:
** T&K appear to have *ń_j → ń_ń in ''ŋuńuh'' "breast"
** T&K appear to have *ń_j → ń_ń in ''ŋuńuh'' "breast"

Cf. Helimski: [,Die matorische sprache]
Sourced from Helimski: ''Die matorische sprache''

[[Category:Sound changes]]
[[Category:Sound changes]]

Latest revision as of 04:48, 21 October 2014

The reconstructed parent language of the Samoyedic languages; spoken in south-central Siberia around 1000 BCE.

Soundchanges from Proto-Uralic:

Proto-Uralic to Proto-East Uralic

It appears that many of the shared Ugric innovations are also applicable to Samoyedic.

  • *ðʲ → *lʲ (further shared with Permic; possibly a pseudo-sound change, the case for separate PU *lʲ is weak, and this may point to *ðʲ being [lʲ])
  • *k, *x, *w → ɣ / V_i (all eventually lost in Smy; Permic is similar here, too)
  • *s, *š → *θ (= [ɬ], per Khanty?)
  • *sʲ → *s (perhaps areal, see next section)
  • *Ck, kC → *ɣC? / C = *θ, *s (no direct evidence of this belonging together due to later loss in Smy)
  • *tk → *tt
    • *kt is most regularly reflected as Ms *-kt, Kh *-ɣət; exceptions *śäkti- → Kh *saat, *kêktä → *ki/äät
    • *čk reflected as *šk in Ms.
  • *ɤ → *ɯ / _C(C)a (most general condition; also in *ëni, *lëmpi; exceptions *tëka, *lëpa (FSM vs. Smy only), *ëńa)
  • perhaps some other vowel splits? (if not rather Finno-Permic mergers)

Un-Samoyedic Ugric changes include:

  • *ŋ → *ŋk (irregular)
  • *ð → *l
  • *l → *ĺ / śV_k (*śëðka → Ms *sëëĺ, *śülki- → Ms *süĺɣ-)
  • *l (→ *ĺ?) → ∅ / śV_m (*śilmä → Hu szëm, *ćolmiw → Hu csomo, *śüðäm(i) → Hu szív, *śeðmä > Kh *siim-) (NB ð → j in Samoyedic: *säjəm!)
  • possibly *l → *ĺ / *ńV_C in *ńeljä → Hu negy, Ms *ńiĺə; but Kh *ńeɬə, similarly *ńülkə- → *ńö/eɣəɬ-; may also be *lj → *ĺ, though not supported by *peljä "ear"
    • Note the order: 1) ð-lateralization, 2) l-assimilation, 3) depalatalization
  • possibly: *m → *M ([ṽ]? [m̥]?) / in affixes (→ ObU *m, but Hu *w: *śüðämi, *ńäxli-mä → nyelv, *ńoxi-ma-la → nyúl, *wiðim(i) → velő, (? *täji →) Ug *täktəm → tetű, Ug *Eĺəm → enyv 'glue' (with preceding *ĺm → ńm?), Kh&Ms *ääləm ~ elv 'side'; but not in *koji-ma → hím)

Proto-East Uralic to Proto-Samoyedic

A note on notation: PU roots in *italic, PSmy roots *without.

Bottom-level consonant developments
  • ? *ŋ > *n / _ɬ (*joŋsə > *jïntə only)
  • ? *m > *p / _ɬ (*pImsəmə only; fairly ad hoc cluster)
  • *ɬ > *t (counterbleeds the previous two — *mt *ŋt remain)
  • *d₁ > *r (could be dated about anywhere)
  • *ć > *s (probably via *ć, so another argument for independant depalatalization; or original *ć might not have existed at all)
    • or might be post-PSmy, in light of Selkup *ns > *ś, Tundra Nenets *ns > nc
Bottom-level vowel developments
  • A possible *e/*ê contrast is lost (will write *e)
  • *ü > *i (no evidence on association to *i > *ə̈; stem type unclear in *ül- > *i, plus OU also points to *i)
Vowel lowering
  • *o > *å
    • except when V2 lost (*kokə- *kosə- *lomə *ńoxə- *porə- *śojə- *śowə *tolə- *toxə > *ko- *kot- *jom *ńo- *por- *so- *so- *toj- *to)
  • *u > *ə / _C(C)a
    • others: *suŋə > *təŋ, *kurkə/*karka > *kərə, *kulkə- > *kəj-
  • *i > *ə̈ / _C(C)ä (*ipsä- > *ə̈ptä-, *itä- > ə̈tä-, śilmä > *sə̈jmä; or _j #_, cf. *imə- > *əm-, #pid₂mətä > *pəjmətä)
  • "*ə *ə̈" were probably /ʊ ɪ/ prior to their merger
  • possibly: *ï > *[ɨ] / j_, further > *ə / _Ca (*jëka > jəka, *jëka- > *jəkə-; *jïntə may be secondary, plus *j lost in Core)
Palatalization of *l
  • As noted above, *d₂ > *ʎ (*lʲ?) probably dates to already East Uralic
  • *l > *ʎ / _C, #_, _i(C)#
    • Retained initially before *ï, *ë (*lëmpə *lëmtə *lëpa *lëpsə; PU *lowə (*lëwə?) > *lë)
    • Otherwise *l- > *j- is clear
    • *-lw- > *-jw- is clear
    • *-lt-, *-alm- unchanged (*kulta-, *kalma; both potential derivativs!)
    • *-ilm- > *-ə̈jm-, *-lkə > *-j and *-lə > *-j may be due to coda position
  • *a > *a [ɑ]? / before a coda palatal (sometimes elsewhere); is fed by palatalization of *l, counterfed by *å-lowering
  • *a > *a / between two stops (*čača- "be born", *čača- "to go", *pata *taka)
    • *a > *å [ɒ] / elsewhere
Unstress'd (generally, final) vowels
  • *a > *ä / after front vowels or a lateral (sometimes elsewhere)
    • *kala *pala *kad₂a- *pud₂a- > *kålä *pålä *kåjä- *pəjä (…)
    • but not in *mud₂a *su(w)d₂a > *məjå *səjå¹
  • *a > *ə / sometimes (*jupta- *kod₂ka *konta *kuma *muja- *puna- *śala *śod₂a *tora…) (check!)
  • *a > *å [ɒ] / elsewhere
  • *ʎ > *j (counterbleeds *a > *a, feeds the next two - supposedly retained in some Selkup dialects?)
  • *j > ∅ / åə_ (*kalə- *ńalə- *walə- > *kåə- *ńåə- *åə-)
  • Word-finally *ə > ∅ / VC_# (fed by vocalization of *x *ʎ, counterfed by ɣ/w-loss, exceptions *jurə, *śüdₓə)
  • possibly: *eɣ > *i (*mi- *pi- *ti-mä; cf *nêjə > *ne)
  • ? *äw > *ü / _C (*käwd₁ə, *jäwjə - but not in *täwd₁ə)
  • ? *w > *m / ʎ_ (*käd₂wa only - apparently South Smy. only)
  • *ɣ > ∅; or *k > ∅ / _C_ (except *-ŋk-) (counterbleeds *ə > ∅, cf. next)
  • *w > ∅ / coda (counterbleeds *ə > ∅; *jäwjə, *täwd₁ə, etc. Remains #täwəw > *tiwə, also in *-jw- of either origin (suggesting interm. *ɣ?))

Later development


  • Consonant palatalization: s k t ŋ n → š š č ń ń / _{i e} (but not _{ä ö ü})
  • Vowel (anti)palatalization: *ë (? → e) → i / {s, ń}_; *ä → a / {s, ń, j}_
  • "Umlaut loss": *ü *ï *ë *ä *ö → i i a e *o
    • Modern /y/ results from assimilations of /i/, /u/
  • Back raising: *o *å → u o;
    • including *oə *åə → ua oa → ua ua
  • Sequence smoothing
    • *iə → ie (via [iæ]?)
    • *üə → i
    • *ëə (→ ? *aa) → a
    • *öə → oa (not ˣua ! probably wasn't actually [øə])
  • †e → ɨ (very late; oldest record still record <e>)
    • however: e → i / ń_
  • *äj *ej → ea; *əj → oj
    • Other Vj develop per components
  • *p → †f → h
    • fu ==
    • *mp → ŋh
    • *fa → fua
  • Glide fortition: *w *j → b dʲ / _V

Shared among all but Nganasan

  • ə̈ > ə (more exactly: merger of the declension classes ə+ä > ə+å)
  • e > i
  • possibly: *ä > ɛ (no phonemic significance; will write *ä)
  • j, w > ∅ / _ï


  • *å → a
  • *ə → ŏ (short)
  • *ä → e
  • "Umlaut loss": *ï *ë *ü *ö → i i u o
  • *åə *oə *uə → a ua ua
  • *iə, *ëə → io
  • *əj *äj *aj *oj *uj → ej e ä o o
  • Dialect changes
    • *a → Forest e, Tundra a
    • *üə → Forest ie, Tundra io (via → *ia, cf. prev?)


  • Coda glottalization (shared with Enets, Nganasan?): *s *t *k > ʔ / _{C #}
  • Nasal prothesis: ∅ > *ŋ / #_V
  • Lo rotation: *å *a *ä > *a *ä *e (shared with?)
    • *ä remains / _#
  • Reduction
    • *i *ü *ï *u > ə / unstressed (but *i triggers palatalization?)
    • *iə *uə > *i *u / unstressed
  • Front/back contrast shifts from vowels to consonants:
    • *i *e *ä *ö > ʲi ʲe ʲa ʲo
    • *ï *ë > i e (actually only a reanalysis; these remain phonetically [ɯ ɤ])
  • Palatal fronting: *kʲ *ŋʲ > sʲ nʲ
  • *nʲ > j / V_V
  • *n > ŋ / _#
  • ~Monofthongization
    • *ij *iə > iː
    • *uj *uə > uː
    • *oj > o
    • *aj *əj *ej > all æː [ae] (incl. *aj from both *åj > *aj and *aj > *äj)
    • *aj > a
  • Cluster simplification:
    • *ŋm *nm > mm
    • *ŋn > nn
    • *nŋ > ŋ
    • *nt *lt *rt > nn ll r
    • *ŋt > nt

Tundra Nenets

  • Voicing
  • æ > iː / Cʲ_, > e / [-STR]

  • ŋw > *m

Forest Nenets

  • æ > e / Cʲ_, > i / [-STR]

Proto-Nenets can be reconstructed with a series of both fortis and lenis sonorants, though by now the contrast has been lost. Intervening changes however allow distinguishing in certain positions the laterals, and the labial and/or palatal nasals:

PS PN Tundra Forest
*-nm-, *-ŋm- *-mm-
*-nt-, *-nč-, *-ŋn- / _F *-ńń- -nʲ- -nʲ-
*-lt- *-ll-
*-m- *-m-
*-n- / _F, *-ń- *-ń- -nʲ- -j-
*-l- *-l-
*-ntə *-(n)nə -n° -n°
*-n, -ŋ *-ŋ W -n, E -ŋ

Lenis *n *ŋ *r and presumable fortis *nn *ŋŋ *rr do not seem to be distinguishable from one another.

Mikola, Tibor (1983): Adalékok a nyenyec nazálisok történetéhez. In: Urálisziai tanulmányok. Budapest, 1983.


Same as Nenets except *e *ä *öə → i e o.

Common South Samoyedic

  • *ö *üə *iə → ü ü i
  • *aj *äj → a e (what of *əj?)
  • *a *ə *ä → a a e (before or after palatalization?)


  • *ns > *š (possibly indicates that *ńć was still retained here; cf. *ns > Tundra Nenets nc, Mator ndž)
  • Back raising: *å(ə) > u
    • *o remains however (!?)
    • Helimski sez [citation needed]: *å split to u, o (before *-u, *-o, generally *-a), uː, oː (before *-ä, *-ə, monosyllables) (with some opposite examples for *-a and *-ə), *uë (irregularly)
  • *uə *ëə *öə > uë a aː
  • *əj *åj *oj *uj > aj öː öː üː
  • *e > *ä > aː / #_C*a (disharmonic stems; is initial position relevant?)
  • Lengthening
    • *i *ï *ü *u > iː ïː üː uː / _Cə
    • *ë *e *o > ïː iː uː / _Cə
    • *e > eː / _(j)tCə
    • *ë *o > ïː oː / _CCə (also *ëptə > ooptə?)
  • After lengthening: *-a, *-ä, *-ə > *-ə


  • Back raising: *å *åə *o(ə) → o u u
  • *uə *ëə *öə → u o a
  • *ë → ɛ
  • Some words suggest that *ə → *u next to labial consonant: e.g. /munuɨ/ "egg" (but cf. *mən → /man/ "1PS; is this actually *mə̈n?)
  • Sammallahti '88 claims that *u → o in Koibal? (but cf. kullae "raven", num "heaven", tukblaa "to row")
  • *č → *t
  • *p *t *k → b d g / V_V. The resulting /b g/ seem to vary as [b ~ w], [g ~ ɣ].
  • *w *j → b dʲ / #_ (but these remain word-internally)
    • → m n / _VN
  • Palatalization
    • *k → *š / _[e i ü]
    • *t → *š / _[oj uj üj] (= *üː?)
  • Depalatalization: *ń → n. Apparently later than *j → *ń.
  • Assimilation of stops in clusters
    • *mp *nt *ŋk → *mm *nn *ŋŋ → m n ŋ
    • *mt → mn
  • In Kamassian proper: *tm → ʔm
  • In Koibal: *š *dʲ → ś dź


  • *å(ə) → a
  • *oə *öə → "o~a" o (but Taygi uo ü)
  • *uə → u
  • *ë → e
  • *əj → i
  • *ëə → ? a (Taygi only attested?)
  • Bizarro antipalatalization: *s → k / _{*i *ä *ü} (but not _*a)
    • via → ʃ → x? or unlenited non-assibilated [c] all along?
  • m → m~b initially (cf. Turkic) and _*s
    • No denasalization is found before another nasal or a syllable-final /r/, or in monosyllables
    • Also *w *l *j → m n ń / #_VN (bleeds glide fortition; seen in Turkic too)
  • *j → č initially (again, shared by Turkic varieties)
  • *w → b initially (but before a labial vowel: *wüt "10" → čüʔt, wo(ə)), *j_, *t_
    • possibly → m / {ŋ r}_ (aŋma- "to sleep", sarma "window")
  • *uwC *iwC → uːC iːC
  • *{F a}jm → im, *iji → i
  • *aw *iw → uh yh (via → v → f, cf. next?)
  • *p → h
    • except → b in *mp *pVs
    • remains in *pt *ps *tp *p# (allophone of /b/ now)
      • except → h in *wVpt (dissimilation?)
  • Medial voicing & degemination
    • *t *k → d g / V_V, N_
    • *s → z / V_V, → dž / n_ (cf. Ugric!)
    • *k → g also / {r j}_
    • *tt *kk → t k
  • Final rhinoglottophilia: *p *t → ʔp t ~ ʔm ʔn / _#, perhaps also *k → ʔk ~ ʔŋ (records are ambiguous)
    • except *t# → ∅ in "water"; this shared by Kamass
  • *t → ʔ / _{p m w l}; there's also an example of *kp → ʔp
    • → ∅ / _k (perhaps via *ʔ)
  • ts → ? *čč → č (after *s → k)
  • Back sonorant fronting: *ŋt *jt → nt st (later than *tC → ʔC, so *jtk *jtw → jʔk *jʔb)
    • Possibly also: *rŋ *jŋ *iŋ → rg j (karguj "raven", mijuh "son-in-law", mojuh "soul")
  • Consonant gradation before an original closed syllable:
    • (*tp →) ʔp → b (no other tC examples; *tw becomes ʔb)
    • (*tt →) t → d
  • In Mator proper (outside of Taygi & Karagas), *ń → j / V_V. Also, in some words, *č_s → s_s.
    • T&K appear to have *ń_j → ń_ń in ŋuńuh "breast"

Sourced from Helimski: Die matorische sprache