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'''Itëłan''' is a language, born to be a possible evolution of the today standard Italian language (with some Tuscan influence). It was created by adopting some phonetical rules of change, fixed in the language. Very few phonetical laws can deeply modify a language. And some morphological parts of the language underwent some analogical or redistributing change.
<center><font size="+3" color="red" family="Times New Roman">Banya Déno Svútuštádwo ši Déno Lójýswo!</font></br></center><br>
<center><font size="+2" color="blue" family="Times New Roman">Merry Christmas and an Happy New Year!</font></br></center><br>

==Phonetic changes==
Final vowels usually disappeared, and it opened the way for an important way of distinction: '''''palatalization'''''

* ''-o'' → falls
Une '''ştele''' ei un corp çeleişt ëlcal bril dë luç proprie. Ën ëştronomie e ëştrofisice ël teirmin desiņ un sferoid luminos (più o men perfeist) dë plasme (gas ëltëment jonizat a elevat temperëtur), ëlcal ģeinere enerģie nel propri nucël ëstrëvers proçeiş dë fusion nuclear. Şteci enerģie ei irëdiate nel spasi sost forme dë ond eleistromëņeitic e përtiçel elementar (neutriņ); şteci coştituiscon ël ''vent ştelar''. Bone part dëł elemenç cimiç più pesanç dël idroģen e dël eili (łë più abondanç nel univeirs) son sintetizaç neł nucëł del ştel tramit ël proçeis dë nucleosinteş.
* ''-e'' → falls
* ''-i'' → falls, but it '''palatalized''' the previous consonant
* ''-a'' → '''-e'''
* ''-u'' → remains '''-u'''

* ''-io'' → '''-i''', with ''palatalization'' of the previous consonant
Le ştele più viçine ale Tere ei ël Sol, sorģeint dë grand part dële enerģie dël noştŗ piënete. Lë altr ştel, eçest alcun supernov, son visibil solëment durant le nost, com punç luminoş, icał ëparon tremolanç a cause dëł efeiş diştorsiṿ dële ëtmosfeire tereştr.

Inside words, vowels underwent other kinds of changes:
Уне '''щеле''' ей ун корп челейщ ълкал брил дъ луч проприе. Ън ъщрономие е ъщтрофизике ъл тейрмин дезињ ун сферойд луминос (пйу о мен перфейст) дъ плазме (гас ълтъмент йонизат а елеват темперътур), ълкал жейнере енержие нел пропри нукъл ъстръверс прочейш дъ фузион нуклеар. Щеки енержие ей иръдиате нел спаси сост форме дъ онд елейстромъњейтик е пъртичел елементар (неутринь); щеки кощитуйскон ъл ''вент щелар''. Боне парт дъль елеменч кимич пйу песанч дъл идрожен е дъл ейли (љъ пйу абонданч нел унивейрс) сон синтетизайч нель нукъль дел щел трамит ъл прочейс дъ нуклеосинтеш.
* unstressed ''-a-'' became '''-ë-''', if it is in syllables before the stressed one.
* open front vowel ''-e-'' became dipthong '''-ei-'''
* closed back vowel ''-o-'' became open back vowel '''-o-'''.
* dipthong ''-uo-'' became open back vowel '''-o-'''

Ле щеле пйу вичине але Тере ей ъл Сол, соржейнт дъ гранд парт дъле енержие дъл нощрь пйънете. Ле алтр щел, ечест алкун супернов, сон визибил солъмент дурант ле ност, ком пунч луминош, икаль ъпарон тремоланч а каузе дъль ефейш дищорсивь дъле ътмосфейре терещр.
Differently from today Italian language, consonants developped a new way to distinguish among themselves: '''Palatalization'''.

The palatalization is a phonemic phenomenon that involves the tongue. The top point of the tongue gets higher than the normal position and the sound seems as the consonant would be followed by a soft "''i''". In fact consonants undergo palatalization only if in the past they was followed by an /i/.

But some consonants underwent some deeper changes. This was the case of palatalization of /s/, /t/, /d/ and /k/:

* ''-si-'' → '''-şi-''' or '''-ş''' in final
==Tavola dizionario==
* ''-ti-'' → '''-çi-''' or '''-ç''' in final
* ''-di-'' → '''-ģi-''' or '''-ģ''' in final
* ''-chi-'' → '''-çi-''' or '''-ç''' in final

Also some groups of consonants can undergo palatalization or similar changes:
{| cellpadding="2"
! [[English-Lánc dictionary/A|A]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/B|B]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/C|C]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/D|D]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/E|E]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/F|F]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/G|G]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/H|H]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/I|I]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/J|J]] || |[[English-Lánc dictionary/K|K]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/L|L]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/ M|M]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/N|N]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/O|O]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/P|P]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/Q|Q]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/R|R]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/S|S]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/T|T]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/U|U]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/V|V]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/W|W]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/X|X]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/Y|Y]] || [[English-Lánc dictionary/Z|Z]]

* ''-tt-'' → '''-st-'''
* final ''-tti'' → '''-ş'''
{| cellpadding="2"
* final ''-ddi'' → '''-ģ'''
! [[Lánc-English dictionary/A|A]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/Á|Á]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/B|B]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/C|C]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/Č|Č]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/D|D]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/E|E]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/É|É]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/F|F]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/G|G]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/H|H]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/I|I]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/Í|Í]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/J|J]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/K|K]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/L|L]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/M|M]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/N|N]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/O|O]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/Ó|Ó]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/P|P]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/R|R]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/S|S]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/Š|Š]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/T|T]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/U|U]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/Ú|Ú]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/V|V]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/W|W]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/Y|Y]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/Ý|Ý]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/Z|Z]] || [[Lánc-English dictionary/Ž|Ž]]

* ''-st-'' → '''-şt-'''
==Le tor dë Bëbel==
* ''-stiV-'' → '''-şV-'''
* ''-chiV-'' → '''-çV-'''
* ''-schiV-'' → ''-şV-'''
* ''-quV-'' → '''-cV-'''
* ''-zi-'' → '''-si-'''

* ''-chio'' in final position → '''-çi''', and its plural is regularly ''-chi'' → '''-ç'''.
Tute le teire përlave le ştese linge e usave lë ştes përol.  
* ''-schi'' in final position → '''-ş'''

At last, the most evident phenomenon is that every double consonant became '''simple'''.
Mentr venivan del orieint, łë omiņ an trovat une piënure nel paes dë Şinear e si son fermaç ci.  

Lor an dest a lor şteş: "Fëçàm dëł mëtoņ e lor coçiam con ël foc!" E an usat mëtoņ al poşt dël pieitr, e bitum al poşt dele calç.
Some examples of these changes may be: <small>(singular/plural)</small>
* ''Gatto''/''gatti'' (cat) → '''gast'''/'''gaş'''
* ''Tempo''/''tempi'' (time) → '''teimp'''/'''teimṕ'''
* ''Canale''/''canali'' (channel) → '''cënal'''/'''cënał'''
* ''Finestra''/''finestre'' (window) → '''fineiştre'''/'''fineiştr'''

==Synchronic analysis==
E lor an dest: "Coştruiam une çite e une tor, le çime de lecal pol ërivar al çeil, ştomod çë no ëbiam d'eser disperş sur le façe dele teire".
Now we will analyse Itëłan language as a singular language, its phonetic and morphological aspects, on a synchronic (means ''on the same time'') point of view (but we will give also the historical origin of words, sounds, and of their changes)

E Di ei şes per veder le çite e le tor, lëcał łë fił dëł omiņ ştavan coştruieinç.
*Capital letters:
:A B (Ḃ) C Ç D E Ë F (Ḟ) G Ģ I L Ł M (Ṁ) N Ņ O P (Ṕ) R (Ṙ) S Ş T U V (Ṿ) Z (Ẓ)
*Normal letters:
:a b (ḅ) c ç d e ë f (ḟ) g ģ i l ł m (ṃ) n ņ o p (ṕ) r (ṛ) s ş t u v (ṿ) z (ẓ)

E Di a dest: "Ec, lor son un sol popol e tuç lor an ël ştes lingaģi; e ştoci ei ël inizi dël lor lëvor; ore, lor poson far tut ëlcal lor vołon.

{| align="center" class="wikitable"
Şendiam e confondiam ël lor lingaģi, ştomod çë lor no poson cëpirş!"  
|align="center"|'''Letter''' || a || b || (ḅ) || c || ç || d || e || ë || f || (ḟ) || g || ģ || i || l || ł || m || (ṃ) || n || ņ || o || p || (ṕ) || r || (ṛ) || s || ş || t || u || v || (ṿ) || z || (ẓ)
|align="center"|''Sound (IPA)'' || {{IPA|[a]}} || {{IPA|[b]}} || {{IPA|[bʲ]}} || {{IPA|[k]}} || {{IPA|[ʧ]}} || {{IPA|[d]}} || {{IPA|[e]}} || {{IPA|[ə]}} || {{IPA|[f]}} || {{IPA|[fʲ]}} || {{IPA|[g]}} || {{IPA|[ʤ]}} || {{IPA|[i]}} || {{IPA|[l]}} || {{IPA|[ʎ]}} || {{IPA|[m]}} || {{IPA|[mʲ]}} || {{IPA|[n]}} || {{IPA|[ŋ]}} || {{IPA|[o]}} || {{IPA|[p]}} || {{IPA|[pʲ]}} || {{IPA|[r]}} || {{IPA|[rʲ]}} || {{IPA|[s]}} || {{IPA|[ʃ]}} || {{IPA|[t]}} || {{IPA|[u]}} || {{IPA|[v]}} || {{IPA|[vʲ]}} || {{IPA|[ʣ]}}, {{IPA|[ʦ]}} || {{IPA|[ʣʲ]}}, {{IPA|[ʦʲ]}}

E Di lor a dispers de cel poşt sur le façe dele teire, e lor an smes dë coştruir le çite.  
Morphology doesn't differ too much from the original Italian one, even if some parts, like verbs, underwent deep changes.

Ştomod şteci çite si çam Bëbel, perce ci Di a confus ël lingaģi dë tute le teire, e de ci Di lor a dispers sur tute le teire.
The definited articles are:

{| class="wikitable"
! || Masculine || Feminine
|''Singular'' || ël || le
|''Plural'' || łë || lë

These articles developped a new final or initial '''ë''', because the correct development would have given a simple '''l''', which cannot easily said.
Туте ле тейре пърлаве ле щесе линге е узаве лъ щес пърол.  

Ментр вениван дел ориейнт, љъ оминь ан троват уне пиънуре нел паес дъ Шинеар е си сон фермач ки.
The indefinited articles are:

{| class="wikitable"
Лор ан дест а лор щеш: "Фъчам дъль мътонь е лор кочйам кон ъл фок!" Е ан узат мътонь ал пощ дъл пиейтр, е битум ал пощ деле калч.
! || Masculine || Feminine
|''Singular'' || un || une

Е лор ан дест: "Кощруйам уне чите е уне тор, ле чиме де лекал пол ъривар ал чейл, щомод чъ но ъбйам д'есер дисперш сур ле фаче деле тейре".  
The nouns, or substantives, developped a new system to build their plural, due to the loss of the final vowels. One of the main feature of this system is ''palatalization''.

{| class="wikitable"
Е Ди ей шес пер ведер ле чите е ле тор, лъкаль љъ фиљ дъль оминь щаван сощруиейнч.
! Singular ending || Plural formation || Particularities
| ''-no ending'' || They '''palatalize''' the last consonant || ''-t'' → '''-ç'''<br>''-c'' → '''-ç'''<br>''-st'' → '''-ş'''<br>''-şt'' → '''-ş'''<br>''-d'' → '''-ģ'''<br>''-l'' → '''-ł'''<br>''-n'' → '''-ņ'''<br>
| ''-e'' || They '''drop the vowel''' ||
| ''-i'' || They '''drop the vowel''' and '''palatalize''' the last consonant || Singular: ''-ci'' → plural: '''-ç'''<br>Singular: ''-sci'' → '''-ş'''<br>

Е Ди а дест: "Ек, лор сон ун сол попол е туч лор ан ъл щес лингажию е щоси ей ъл иници дъл лор лъвор; оре, лор посон фар тут ълкал лор вољон.  
Also verbs suffered the loss of the final vowels. But the greatest loss has been the loss of the Italian ''passato remoto'', the disappearing of subjunctive and the loss of the old future forms, replaced by a new analythic form of future tense. Due to the vowel loss it is usually required the presence of personal pronouns (it switched from the position of a pro-drop language to the one of a non-pro-drop language).

Verbs are divided in 3 conjugation, depending on the infinitival ending:
Шендйам е конфондйам ъл лор лингажи, щомод чъ лор но посон къпирш!"
* 1 conjugation: '''-ar'''
* 2 conjugation: '''-er'''
* 3 conjugation: '''-ir'''

The third conjugation has a subgroup inside, the so-called '''-isc form''' (Verbs of this group differ from the others in some forms of present tense and in imperative forms).
Е Ди лор а дисперс де кел пощ сур ле фаче деле тейре, е лор ан смес дъ кощруир ле чите.  

There are three verbal moods (''indicative'', ''conditional'' and ''imperative''), six tenses (''present'', ''imperfect'', ''perfect'', ''plusquamperfect'', ''future'' and ''anterior future'') and one infinitive form and two participles (''present'' and ''past'')
Щомод щеки чите си чам Бъбел, перке ки Ди а конфус ъл лингажи дъ туте ле тейре, е де ки Ди лор а дисперс сур туте ле тейре.

====Indicative mood====
==Swadesh list==
{| border=1
|i=No|  №
The present tense is one of the most irregular tenses of the entire verbal system. Most of all irregularities are in the first three persons and in the third person in plural. The sign '''-Ø''' means that there is no ending.
!c=en|  [[English]]
!c=01|  Novelatine
!c=02|  Latin
{| class="wikitable"
!c=03|  Italian
! || 1 conjugation || 2 conjugation || 3 conjugation || 3 -isc form || Particularities
|i=No| 1
|c=en| I
|c=01| eo
|c=02| ego
|c=03| io
|i=No| 2
|c=en| thou<br><small>(singular)</small>
|c=01| tu
|c=02| tu
|c=03| tu
|i=No| 3
|c=en| he<br>she<br>it
|c=01| le<br>la<br>lo
|c=02| is<br>ea<br>id
|c=03| egli<br>ella<br>esso
|i=No| 4
|c=en| we
|c=01| nos
|c=02| nos
|c=03| noi
|i=No| 5
|c=en| you<br><small>(plural)</small>
|c=01| vos
|c=02| vos
|c=03| voi
|i=No| 6
|c=en| they
|c=01| lyi (m.)<br>le (f.)<br>la (n.)
|c=02| ei (m.)<br>eae (f.)<br>ea (n.)
|c=03| essi (m.)<br>esse (f.)
|i=No| 7
|c=en| this
|c=01| ste
|c=02| iste
|c=03| questo
|i=No| 8
|c=en| that
|c=01| isvi
|c=02| is
|c=03| quello
|i=No| 9
|c=en| here
|c=01| ic
|c=02| hic
|c=03| qui
|i=No| 10
|c=en| there
|c=01| ila
|i=No| 11
|c=en| who
|c=01| cwi
|c=02| quis
|c=03| chi
|i=No| 12
|c=en| what
|c=01| cwo
|c=02| quod
|c=03| cosa
|i=No| 13
|c=en| where
|c=01| uvi
|c=02| ubi
|c=03| dove
|i=No| 14
|c=en| when
|c=01| quhante
|i=No| 15
|c=en| how
|c=01| cwôte
|c=02| quantus
|c=03| quanto
|i=No| 16
|c=en| not
|c=01| nô (non)
|c=02| non
|c=03| non
|i=No| 17
|c=en| all
|c=01| tode
|c=02| totus
|c=03| tutto
|i=No| 18
|c=en| many
|c=01| muolte
|i=No| 19
|c=en| some
|c=01| ni (m.)<br>ne (f., n.)
|i=No| 20
|c=en| few
|c=01| ni (m.)<br>ne (f., n.)
|i=No| 21
|c=en| other
|c=01| awter
|c=02| alter
|c=03| altro
|i=No| 22
|c=en| one
|c=01| une
|c=02| unus
|c=03| uno
|i=No| 23
|c=en| two
|c=01| due
|c=02| duos
|c=02| due
|i=No| 24
|c=en| three
|c=01| tre/ter
|c=02| tres
|c=03| tre
|i=No| 25
|c=en| four
|c=01| quatre/quatre
|c=02| quattuor
|c=03| quattro
|i=No| 26
|c=en| five
|c=01| cwêc
|c=02| quinque
|c=02| cinque
|i=No| 27
|c=en| big
|c=01| grôd
|c=02| grandis
|c=02| grande
|i=No| 28
|c=en| large
|c=01| grosso
|i=No| 29
|c=en| wide
|c=01| ôpwe
|c=02| amplus
|c=03| ampio
|i=No| 30
|c=en| thick
|c=01| folto
|i=No| 31
|c=en| heavy
|c=01| pesante
|i=No| 32
|c=en| small
|c=01| parve
|c=02| parvus
|c=03| piccolo
|i=No| 33
|c=en| short
|c=01| córtho
|i=No| 34
|c=en| narrow
|c=01| ôguste
|c=02| angustus
|c=03| angusto<br>stretto
|i=No| 35
|c=en| thin
|c=01| axutto
|i=No| 36
|c=en| woman
|c=01| mulyer
|c=02| mulier
|c=03| donna
|i=No| 37
|c=en| man<br> <small> (male)</small>
|c=01| huomo (m.)
|i=No| 38
|c=en| person
|c=01| persona
|c=02| persona
|c=03| persona
|i=No| 39
|c=en| child<br> <small> (a youth)</small>
|c=01| bambinno (m.)<br>bambinna (f.)
|i=No| 40
|c=en| wife
|c=01| ucser
|c=02| uxor
|c=03| moglie
|i=No| 41
|c=en| husband
|c=01| maryide
|c=02| maritus
|c=03| marito
|i=No| 42
|c=en| mother
|c=01| mader
|c=02| mater
|c=03| madre
|i=No| 43
|c=en| father
|c=01| pader
|c=02| pater
|c=03| padre
|i=No| 44
|c=en| animal
|c=01| animaw
|c=02| animal
|c=03| animale
|i=No| 45
|c=en| fish
|c=01| pexa (f.)
|i=No| 46
|c=en| bird
|c=01| av
|c=02| avis
|c=03| uccello
|i=No| 47
|c=en| dog
|c=01| can
|c=02| canis
|c=03| cane
|i=No| 48
|c=en| louse
|c=01| piattolla (f.)
|i=No| 49
|c=en| snake
|c=01| serpês
|c=02| serpens
|c=03| serpente
|i=No| 50
|c=en| worm
|c=01| verme (n.)
|i=No| 51
|c=en| tree
|c=01| arber
|c=02| arbor
|c=03| albero
|i=No| 52
|c=en| forest
|c=01| siwva
|c=02| silva
|c=03| foresta
|i=No| 53
|c=en| stick<br> <small> (of wood)</small>
|c=01| bastô
|c=02| clava
|c=03| bastone
|i=No| 54
|c=en| fruit
|c=01| fruwte
|c=02| fructus
|c=03| frutto
|i=No| 55
|c=en| seed
|c=01| semê
|c=02| semen
|c=03| seme
|i=No| 56
|c=en| leaf
|c=01| follia (f.)
|i=No| 57
|c=en| root
|c=01| radicciu (n.)
|i=No| 58
|c=en| bark<br> <small> (of tree)</small>
|c=01| corteccia (f.)
|i=No| 59
|c=en| flower
|c=01| fwe
|c=02| flos
|c=03| fiore
|i=No| 60
|c=en| grass
|c=01| erba
|c=02| herba
|c=03| erba
|i=No| 61
|c=en| rope
|c=01| cortta (f.)
|i=No| 62
|c=en| skin<br> <small> (of a person)</small>
|c=01| pew
|c=02| pellis
|c=03| pelle
|i=No| 63
|c=en| meat<br> <small> (as in flesh)</small>
|c=01| car
|c=02| caro
|c=03| carne
|i=No| 64
|c=en| blood
|c=01| sôgwê
|c=02| sanguen
|c=03| sangue
|i=No| 65
|c=en| bone
|c=01| osô
|c=02| os
|c=03| osso
|i=No| 66
|c=en| fat<br> <small> (noun)</small>
|c=01| attipe (n.)
|i=No| 67
|c=en| egg
|c=01| ovô
|c=02| ovum
|c=03| uovo
|i=No| 68
|c=en| horn
|c=01| corno
|c=02| cornu
|c=03| corno
|i=No| 69
|c=en| tail
|c=01| settre (m.)
|i=No| 70
|c=en| feather<br> <small> (rather not down)</small>
|c=01| pluma (f.)
|i=No| 71
|c=en| hair
|c=01| xappellu (n.)
|i=No| 72
|c=en| head
|c=01| capo
|c=02| caput
|c=03| testa<br>capo
|i=No| 73
|c=en| ear
|c=01| awr
|c=02| auris
|c=03| orecchio
|i=No| 74
|c=en| eye
|c=01| ocwe
|c=02| oculus
|c=03| occhio
|i=No| 75
|c=en| nose
|c=01| nase
|c=02| nasus
|c=03| naso
|i=No| 76
|c=en| mouth
|c=01| os
|c=02| os
|c=03| bocca
|i=No| 77
|c=en| tooth<br> <small> (rather not molar)
|c=01| dês
|c=02| dens
|c=03| dente
|i=No| 78
|c=en| tongue
|c=01| lêgwa
|c=02| lingua
|c=03| lingua
|i=No| 79
|c=en| fingernail
|c=01| uonghia (f.)
|i=No| 80
|c=en| foot
|c=01| pe
|c=02| pes
|c=03| piede
|i=No| 81
|c=en| leg
|c=01| zampa (f.)
|i=No| 82
|c=en| knee
|c=01| geno
|c=02| genu
|c=03| ginocchio
|i=No| 83
|c=en| hand
|c=01| mane
|c=02| manus
|c=03| mano
|i=No| 84
|c=en| wing
|c=01| awa
|c=02| ala
|c=03| ala
|i=No| 85
|c=en| belly
|c=01| vêter
|c=02| ventris
|c=03| ventre<br>pancia
|i=No| 86
|c=en| guts<br><small>(as in courage)</small>
|c=01| coraggio (m.)
|i=No| 87
|c=en| neck
|c=01| quollo (m.)
|i=No| 88
|c=en| back
|c=01| diettro (m.)
|i=No| 89
|c=en| breast
|c=01| mammelle (f.)
|i=No| 90
|c=en| heart
|c=01| cor
|c=02| cor
|c=03| cuore
|i=No| 91
|c=en| liver
|c=01| fegadô
|c=02| hepar
|c=03| fegato
|i=No| 92
|c=en| to drink
|c=01| biver
|c=02| bibere
|c=03| bere
|i=No| 93
|c=en| to eat
|c=01| eseder
|c=02| edere
|c=03| mangiare
|i=No| 94
|c=en| to bite
|c=01| morder
|c=02| mordere
|c=03| mordere
|i=No| 95
|c=en| to suck
|c=01| suger
|c=02| sugere
|c=03| succhiare
|i=No| 96
|c=en| to spit
|c=01| sputar
|c=02| spuere
|c=03| sputare
|i=No| 97
|c=en| to vomit
|c=01| vomer
|c=02| vomere
|c=03| vomitare
|i=No| 98
|c=en| to blow<br> <small> (as wind)</small>
|c=01| ventha
|i=No| 99
|c=en| to breathe
|c=01| respyirar
|c=02| respirare
|c=03| respirare
|i=No| 100
|c=en| to laugh
|c=01| ryider
|c=02| ridere
|c=03| ridere
|i=No| 101
|c=en| to see
|c=01| vider
|c=02| videre
|c=03| vedere
|i=No| 102
|c=en| to hear
|c=01| sentendrhi
|i=No| 103
|c=en| to know<br> <small> (a fact)</small>
|c=01| noscer
|c=02| noscere
|c=03| sapere
|i=No| 104
|c=en| to think
|c=01| pensha
|i=No| 105
|c=en| to smell<br> <small> (sense odor)</small>
|c=01| uodhe
|i=No| 106
|c=en| to fear
|c=01| timer
|c=02| timere
|c=03| temere
|i=No| 107
|c=en| to sleep
|c=01| dormyir
|c=02| dormire
|c=03| dormire
|i=No| 108
|c=en| to live
|c=01| vyiver
|c=02| vivere
|c=03| vivere
|i=No| 109
|c=en| to die
|c=01| moryiri
|c=02| moriri
|c=03| morire
|i=No| 110
|c=en| to kill
|c=01| uoccidhi
|i=No| 111
|c=en| to fight
|c=01| punyar
|c=02| pugnare
|c=03| combattere
|i=No| 112
|c=en| to hunt<br> <small> (transitive)</small>
|c=01| cazzha
|i=No| 113
|c=en| to hit
|c=01| percuter
|c=02| percutere
|c=03| colpire<br>percuotere
|i=No| 114
|c=en| to cut
|c=01| tagliare
|i=No| 115
|c=en| to split
|c=01| dyivider
|c=02| dividere
|c=03| dividere
|i=No| 116
|c=en| to stab<br> <small> (or stick)</small>
|c=01| accoltellha
|i=No| 117
|c=en| to scratch<br> <small> (an itch)</small>
|c=01| graffha
|i=No| 118
|c=en| to dig
|c=01| xavha
|i=No| 119
|c=en| to swim
|c=01| nuotha
|i=No| 120
|c=en| to fly
|c=01| vowar
|c=02| volare
|c=03| volare
|i=No| 121
|c=en| to walk
|c=01| passegiha
|i=No| 122
|c=en| to come
|c=01| venyir
|c=02| venire
|c=03| venire
|i=No| 123
|c=en| to lie<br> <small> (as on one's side)</small>
|c=01| yacer
|c=02| iacere
|c=03| giacere
|i=No| 124
|c=en| to sit
|c=01| si sedhe
|i=No| 125
|c=en| to stand
|c=01| si alza
|i=No| 126
|c=en| to turn<br> <small> (change direction)</small>
|c=01| xuoltha
|i=No| 127
|c=en| to fall<br> <small> (as in drop)</small>
|c=01| cader
|c=02| cadere
|c=03| cadere
|i=No| 128
|c=en| to give
|c=01| dar
|c=02| dare
|c=03| dare
|i=No| 129
|c=en| to hold<br> <small> (in one's hand)</small>
|c=01| tener
|c=02| tenere
|c=03| tenere
|i=No| 130
|c=en| to squeeze
|c=01| spemmhe
|i=No| 131
|c=en| to rub
|c=01| strovinha
|i=No| 132
|c=en| to wash
|c=01| lavar
|c=02| lavare
|c=03| lavare
|i=No| 133
|c=en| to wipe
|c=01| spuolverha
|i=No| 134
|c=en| to pull
|c=01| trainha
|i=No| 135
|c=en| to push
|c=01| premmhe
|i=No| 136
|c=en| to throw
|c=01| yawtar
|c=02| iacere
|c=03| gettare
|i=No| 137
|c=en| to tie
|c=01| ligar
|c=02| ligare
|c=03| legare
|i=No| 138
|c=en| to sew
|c=01| quoc'i
|i=No| 139
|c=en| to count
|c=01| côwtar
|c=02| computare
|c=03| contare
|i=No| 140
|c=en| to say
|c=01| dicer
|c=02| dicere
|c=03| dire
|i=No| 141
|c=en| to sing
|c=01| caner
|c=02| canere
|c=03| cantare
|i=No| 142
|c=en| to play
|c=01| luder
|c=02| ludere
|c=03| giocare
|i=No| 143
|c=en| to float
|c=01| galleggiha
|i=No| 144
|c=en| to flow
|c=01| fluyer
|c=02| fluere
|c=03| fluire<br>scorrere
|i=No| 145
|c=en| to freeze
|c=01| gwacyar
|c=02| glaciari
|c=03| ghiacciare
|i=No| 146
|c=en| to swell
|c=01| gonfiha
|i=No| 147
|c=en| sun
|c=01| sow
|c=02| sol
|c=03| sole
|i=No| 148
|c=en| moon
|c=01| luna
|c=02| luna
|c=03| luna
|i=No| 149
|c=en| star
|c=01| stela
|c=02| stella
|c=03| stella
|i=No| 150
|c=en| water
|c=01| acwa
|c=02| aqua
|c=03| acqua
|i=No| 151
|c=en| to rain
|c=01| pluyer
|c=02| pluere
|c=03| piovere
|i=No| 152
|c=en| river
|c=01| flumê
|c=02| flumen
|c=03| fiume
|i=No| 153
|c=en| lake
|c=01| lage
|c=02| lacus
|c=03| lago
|i=No| 154
|c=en| sea<br> <small> (as in ocean)</small>
|c=01| mar
|c=02| mar
|c=03| mare
|i=No| 155
|c=en| salt
|c=01| saw
|c=02| sal
|c=03| sale
|i=No| 156
|c=en| stone
|c=01| pedra
|c=02| petra
|c=03| pietra
|i=No| 157
|c=en| sand
|c=01| rena
|c=02| arena
|c=03| sabbia
|i=No| 158
|c=en| dust
|c=01| puwve
|c=02| polvis
|c=03| polvere
|i=No| 159
|c=en| earth<br> <small> (as in soil)</small>
|c=01| tera<br>ume
|c=02| terra<br>humus
|c=03| terra
|i=No| 160
|c=en| cloud
|c=01| nub
|c=02| nubis
|c=03| nube
|i=No| 161
|c=en| fog
|c=01| nebuwa
|c=02| nebula
|c=03| nebbia
|i=No| 162
|c=en| sky
|c=01| cyelô
|c=02| coelum
|c=03| cielo
|i=No| 163
|c=en| wind<br> <small> (as in breeze)</small>
|c=01| ventwe
|c=02| ventus
|c=03| vento
|i=No| 164
|c=en| snow
|c=01| ni
|c=02| nix
|c=03| neve
|i=No| 165
|c=en| ice
|c=01| gwacyô
|c=02| glacies
|c=03| ghiaccio
|i=No| 166
|c=en| smoke
|c=01| fume
|c=02| fumus
|c=03| fumo
|i=No| 167
|c=en| fire
|c=01| foce
|c=02| focus
|c=03| fuoco
|i=No| 168
|c=en| ashes
|c=01| cine
|c=02| cinis
|c=03| cenere
|i=No| 169
|c=en| to burn<br> <small> (intransitive)</small>
|c=01| arder
|c=02| ardere
|c=03| bruciare<br>ardere
|i=No| 170
|c=en| road
|c=01| via
|c=02| via
|c=03| via
|i=No| 171
|c=en| mountain
|c=01| môs
|c=02| mons
|c=03| monte
|i=No| 172
|c=en| red
|c=01| ruber
|c=02| ruber
|c=03| rosso
|i=No| 173
|c=en| green
|c=01| viri
|c=02| viridis
|c=03| verde
|i=No| 174
|c=en| yellow
|c=01| fwave
|c=02| flavus
|c=03| giallo
|i=No| 175
|c=en| white
|c=01| awbe
|c=02| albus
|c=03| bianco
|i=No| 176
|c=en| black
|c=01| niger
|c=02| niger
|c=03| nero
|i=No| 177
|c=en| night
|c=01| no
|c=02| nox
|c=03| notte
|i=No| 178
|c=en| day<br> <small> (daytime)</small>
|c=01| die
|c=02| dies
|c=03| giorno
|i=No| 179
|c=en| year
|c=01| ane
|c=02| annus
|c=03| anno
|i=No| 180
|c=en| warm<br> <small> (as in weather)</small>
|c=01| calde
|c=02| calidus
|c=03| caldo
|i=No| 181
|c=en| cold<br> <small> (as in weather)</small>
|c=01| fryigde
|c=02| frigidus
|c=03| freddo
|i=No| 182
|c=en| full
|c=01| pwene
|c=02| plenus
|c=03| pieno
|i=No| 183
|c=en| new
|c=01| nove
|c=02| novus
|c=03| nuovo
|i=No| 184
|c=en| old
|c=01| veter
|c=02| vetus
|c=03| vecchio
|i=No| 185
|c=en| good
|c=01| bone
|c=02| bonus
|c=03| buono
|i=No| 186
|c=en| bad
|c=01| mawe
|c=02| malus
|c=03| cattivo
|i=No| 187
|c=en| rotten<br> <small> (as, a log)
|c=01| ammuffitto
|i=No| 188
|c=en| dirty
|c=01| immondo
|i=No| 189
|c=en| straight
|c=01| diritto
| ''1st sing'' || '''-Ø''' || '''-Ø''' || '''-Ø''' || -ìsc ||
|i=No| 190
|c=en| round
|c=01| cirocollare
| ''2nd sing'' || '''-Ø''' || '''-Ø''' || '''-Ø''' || -ìş || The previous consonant usually undergoes ''palatalization'',<br> except for the ''-isc'' group
|i=No| 191
|c=en| sharp<br> <small> (as a knife)</small>
|c=01| affilato
| ''3rd sing'' || '''-e''' || '''-Ø''' || '''-Ø''' || -ìş ||
|i=No| 192
|c=en| dull<br> <small> (as a knife)</small>
|c=01| xialbo
| ''1st plur'' || -iàm || -iàm || -iàm || -iàm ||
|i=No| 193
|c=en| smooth
|c=01| liscio
| ''2nd plur'' || -àt || -èt || -ìt || -ìt ||
|i=No| 194
|c=en| wet
|c=01| bannatto
| ''3rd plur'' || '''-an''' || '''-on''' || '''-on''' || -ìscon ||
|i=No| 195
|c=en| dry<br> <small> (adjective)</small>
|c=01| xecco
The bold endings have no stress, and this fall on the previous vowel. This can lead to a change in the verbal root (mind the change ''a → ë'' and ''open e → ei'', which usually was under stress). Some examples:
{| class="wikitable"
! || cëntar || sentir
| ''1st sing'' || '''cànt''' || '''sèint'''
|i=No| 196
|c=en| right<br> <small> (correct)</small>
|c=01| corrette
| ''2nd sing'' || '''cànç''' || '''sèinç'''
|i=No| 197
|c=en| near
|c=01| prosime
|c=02| proximus
|c=03| prossimo<br>vicino
| ''3rd sing'' || '''cànte''' || '''sèint'''
|i=No| 198
|c=en| far
|c=01| remote
|c=02| remotus
|c=03| lontano<br>remoto
| ''1st plur'' || cëntiàm || sentiàm
|i=No| 199
|c=en| right<br> <small> (side)</small>
|c=01| dester
|c=02| dexter
|c=03| destro
| ''2nd plur'' || cëntàt || sentìt
|i=No| 200
|c=en| left<br> <small> (side)</small>
|c=01| sinister
|c=02| sinister
|c=03| sinistro
| ''3rd plur'' || '''càntan''' || '''sèinton'''
|i=No| 201
|c=en| at
|c=01| ad<br>ê (in)
|c=02| ad<br>in
|c=03| a<br>in
This past tense indicates a continuos action, a repeated action, or that the action is on run in the moment we are speaking about.
{| class="wikitable"
! || 1 conjugation || 2 conjugation || 3 conjugation
| ''1st sing'' || -àv || -èv || -ìv
|i=No| 202
|c=en| in
|c=01| ê (in)
|c=02| in
|c=03| in
| ''2nd sing'' || -àṿ || -èṿ || -ìṿ
|i=No| 203
|c=en| with<br> <small> (accompanying)</small>
|c=01| cô (con)
|c=02| cum
|c=03| con
| ''3rd sing'' || -àve || -ève || -ìve
|i=No| 204
|c=en| and
|c=01| ed
|c=02| et
|c=03| e
| ''1st plur'' || -ëvàm || -evàm || -ivàm
|i=No| 205
|c=en| if
|c=01| si
|c=02| si
|c=03| se
| ''2nd plur'' || -ëvàt || -evàt || -ivàt
|i=No| 206
|c=en| because
|c=01| comud<br>percwo
|c=02| cum<br>ut<br>quare
|c=03| perché
| ''3rd plur'' || -àvan || -èvan || -ìvan
|i=No| 207
|c=en| name
|c=01| nomê
|c=02| nomen
|c=03| nome
This tense indicates an unidentified action in the past, already completed.
It is built with the conjugated forms in the present of the auxiliary verb '''ëvèr''' or '''èser''' + the past participle (declined in presence of ''eser''). Examples:
* I sang: ''I ò cëntat''
* We went: ''Noaltŗ siam ëndaç''
This tense indicates an action placed in the past of another past action.
It is built with the conjugated forms in the imperfect of the auxiliary verb '''ëvèr''' or '''èser''' + the past participle (declined in presence of ''eser''). Examples:
* I had sung: ''I ëvev cëntat''
* We had gone: ''Noaltŗ eirim ëndaç''
The future tense is built with the declined forms of the auxiliary verb '''ëver''' + '''dë''' (''d<nowiki>'</nowiki>'' in front of a vowel) + the '''infinitive form''' of the main verb. Examples:
* I will sing: ''I ò dë cëntar''
* We will go: ''Noaltŗ ëbiam d'ëndar''
'''Anterior future'''
The anterior future tense indicates an action which happens before another future action. It is built with the declined forms of the auxiliary verb '''ëver''' + '''dë''' (''d<nowiki>'</nowiki>'' in front of a vowel) + '''ëver''' + the '''past participle''' of the main verb. Examples:
* I will have sung: ''I ò d'ëver cëntat''
* We will have gone: ''Noaltŗ ëbiam d'ëver ëndat''

Latest revision as of 08:55, 8 May 2013

Banya Déno Svútuštádwo ši Déno Lójýswo!

Merry Christmas and an Happy New Year!

Une ştele ei un corp çeleişt ëlcal bril dë luç proprie. Ën ëştronomie e ëştrofisice ël teirmin desiņ un sferoid luminos (più o men perfeist) dë plasme (gas ëltëment jonizat a elevat temperëtur), ëlcal ģeinere enerģie nel propri nucël ëstrëvers proçeiş dë fusion nuclear. Şteci enerģie ei irëdiate nel spasi sost forme dë ond eleistromëņeitic e përtiçel elementar (neutriņ); şteci coştituiscon ël vent ştelar. Bone part dëł elemenç cimiç più pesanç dël idroģen e dël eili (łë più abondanç nel univeirs) son sintetizaç neł nucëł del ştel tramit ël proçeis dë nucleosinteş.

Le ştele più viçine ale Tere ei ël Sol, sorģeint dë grand part dële enerģie dël noştŗ piënete. Lë altr ştel, eçest alcun supernov, son visibil solëment durant le nost, com punç luminoş, icał ëparon tremolanç a cause dëł efeiş diştorsiṿ dële ëtmosfeire tereştr.

Уне щеле ей ун корп челейщ ълкал брил дъ луч проприе. Ън ъщрономие е ъщтрофизике ъл тейрмин дезињ ун сферойд луминос (пйу о мен перфейст) дъ плазме (гас ълтъмент йонизат а елеват темперътур), ълкал жейнере енержие нел пропри нукъл ъстръверс прочейш дъ фузион нуклеар. Щеки енержие ей иръдиате нел спаси сост форме дъ онд елейстромъњейтик е пъртичел елементар (неутринь); щеки кощитуйскон ъл вент щелар. Боне парт дъль елеменч кимич пйу песанч дъл идрожен е дъл ейли (љъ пйу абонданч нел унивейрс) сон синтетизайч нель нукъль дел щел трамит ъл прочейс дъ нуклеосинтеш.

Ле щеле пйу вичине але Тере ей ъл Сол, соржейнт дъ гранд парт дъле енержие дъл нощрь пйънете. Ле алтр щел, ечест алкун супернов, сон визибил солъмент дурант ле ност, ком пунч луминош, икаль ъпарон тремоланч а каузе дъль ефейш дищорсивь дъле ътмосфейре терещр.

Tavola dizionario


Le tor dë Bëbel

Tute le teire përlave le ştese linge e usave lë ştes përol.

Mentr venivan del orieint, łë omiņ an trovat une piënure nel paes dë Şinear e si son fermaç ci.

Lor an dest a lor şteş: "Fëçàm dëł mëtoņ e lor coçiam con ël foc!" E an usat mëtoņ al poşt dël pieitr, e bitum al poşt dele calç.

E lor an dest: "Coştruiam une çite e une tor, le çime de lecal pol ërivar al çeil, ştomod çë no ëbiam d'eser disperş sur le façe dele teire".

E Di ei şes per veder le çite e le tor, lëcał łë fił dëł omiņ ştavan coştruieinç.

E Di a dest: "Ec, lor son un sol popol e tuç lor an ël ştes lingaģi; e ştoci ei ël inizi dël lor lëvor; ore, lor poson far tut ëlcal lor vołon.

Şendiam e confondiam ël lor lingaģi, ştomod çë lor no poson cëpirş!"

E Di lor a dispers de cel poşt sur le façe dele teire, e lor an smes dë coştruir le çite.

Ştomod şteci çite si çam Bëbel, perce ci Di a confus ël lingaģi dë tute le teire, e de ci Di lor a dispers sur tute le teire.

Туте ле тейре пърлаве ле щесе линге е узаве лъ щес пърол.

Ментр вениван дел ориейнт, љъ оминь ан троват уне пиънуре нел паес дъ Шинеар е си сон фермач ки.

Лор ан дест а лор щеш: "Фъчам дъль мътонь е лор кочйам кон ъл фок!" Е ан узат мътонь ал пощ дъл пиейтр, е битум ал пощ деле калч.

Е лор ан дест: "Кощруйам уне чите е уне тор, ле чиме де лекал пол ъривар ал чейл, щомод чъ но ъбйам д'есер дисперш сур ле фаче деле тейре".

Е Ди ей шес пер ведер ле чите е ле тор, лъкаль љъ фиљ дъль оминь щаван сощруиейнч.

Е Ди а дест: "Ек, лор сон ун сол попол е туч лор ан ъл щес лингажию е щоси ей ъл иници дъл лор лъвор; оре, лор посон фар тут ълкал лор вољон.

Шендйам е конфондйам ъл лор лингажи, щомод чъ лор но посон къпирш!"

Е Ди лор а дисперс де кел пощ сур ле фаче деле тейре, е лор ан смес дъ кощруир ле чите.

Щомод щеки чите си чам Бъбел, перке ки Ди а конфус ъл лингажи дъ туте ле тейре, е де ки Ди лор а дисперс сур туте ле тейре.

Swadesh list

English Novelatine Latin Italian
1 I eo ego io
2 thou
tu tu tu
3 he
4 we nos nos noi
5 you
vos vos voi
6 they lyi (m.)
le (f.)
la (n.)
ei (m.)
eae (f.)
ea (n.)
essi (m.)
esse (f.)
7 this ste iste questo
8 that isvi is quello
9 here ic hic qui
10 there ila
11 who cwi quis chi
12 what cwo quod cosa
13 where uvi ubi dove
14 when quhante
15 how cwôte quantus quanto
16 not nô (non) non non
17 all tode totus tutto
18 many muolte
19 some ni (m.)
ne (f., n.)
20 few ni (m.)
ne (f., n.)
21 other awter alter altro
22 one une unus uno
23 two due duos due
24 three tre/ter tres tre
25 four quatre/quatre quattuor quattro
26 five cwêc quinque cinque
27 big grôd grandis grande
28 large grosso
29 wide ôpwe amplus ampio
30 thick folto
31 heavy pesante
32 small parve parvus piccolo
33 short córtho
34 narrow ôguste angustus angusto
35 thin axutto
36 woman mulyer mulier donna
37 man
huomo (m.)
38 person persona persona persona
39 child
(a youth)
bambinno (m.)
bambinna (f.)
40 wife ucser uxor moglie
41 husband maryide maritus marito
42 mother mader mater madre
43 father pader pater padre
44 animal animaw animal animale
45 fish pexa (f.)
46 bird av avis uccello
47 dog can canis cane
48 louse piattolla (f.)
49 snake serpês serpens serpente
50 worm verme (n.)
51 tree arber arbor albero
52 forest siwva silva foresta
53 stick
(of wood)
bastô clava bastone
54 fruit fruwte fructus frutto
55 seed semê semen seme
56 leaf follia (f.)
57 root radicciu (n.)
58 bark
(of tree)
corteccia (f.)
59 flower fwe flos fiore
60 grass erba herba erba
61 rope cortta (f.)
62 skin
(of a person)
pew pellis pelle
63 meat
(as in flesh)
car caro carne
64 blood sôgwê sanguen sangue
65 bone osô os osso
66 fat
attipe (n.)
67 egg ovô ovum uovo
68 horn corno cornu corno
69 tail settre (m.)
70 feather
(rather not down)
pluma (f.)
71 hair xappellu (n.)
72 head capo caput testa
73 ear awr auris orecchio
74 eye ocwe oculus occhio
75 nose nase nasus naso
76 mouth os os bocca
77 tooth
(rather not molar)
dês dens dente
78 tongue lêgwa lingua lingua
79 fingernail uonghia (f.)
80 foot pe pes piede
81 leg zampa (f.)
82 knee geno genu ginocchio
83 hand mane manus mano
84 wing awa ala ala
85 belly vêter ventris ventre
86 guts
(as in courage)
coraggio (m.)
87 neck quollo (m.)
88 back diettro (m.)
89 breast mammelle (f.)
90 heart cor cor cuore
91 liver fegadô hepar fegato
92 to drink biver bibere bere
93 to eat eseder edere mangiare
94 to bite morder mordere mordere
95 to suck suger sugere succhiare
96 to spit sputar spuere sputare
97 to vomit vomer vomere vomitare
98 to blow
(as wind)
99 to breathe respyirar respirare respirare
100 to laugh ryider ridere ridere
101 to see vider videre vedere
102 to hear sentendrhi
103 to know
(a fact)
noscer noscere sapere
104 to think pensha
105 to smell
(sense odor)
106 to fear timer timere temere
107 to sleep dormyir dormire dormire
108 to live vyiver vivere vivere
109 to die moryiri moriri morire
110 to kill uoccidhi
111 to fight punyar pugnare combattere
112 to hunt
113 to hit percuter percutere colpire
114 to cut tagliare
115 to split dyivider dividere dividere
116 to stab
(or stick)
117 to scratch
(an itch)
118 to dig xavha
119 to swim nuotha
120 to fly vowar volare volare
121 to walk passegiha
122 to come venyir venire venire
123 to lie
(as on one's side)
yacer iacere giacere
124 to sit si sedhe
125 to stand si alza
126 to turn
(change direction)
127 to fall
(as in drop)
cader cadere cadere
128 to give dar dare dare
129 to hold
(in one's hand)
tener tenere tenere
130 to squeeze spemmhe
131 to rub strovinha
132 to wash lavar lavare lavare
133 to wipe spuolverha
134 to pull trainha
135 to push premmhe
136 to throw yawtar iacere gettare
137 to tie ligar ligare legare
138 to sew quoc'i
139 to count côwtar computare contare
140 to say dicer dicere dire
141 to sing caner canere cantare
142 to play luder ludere giocare
143 to float galleggiha
144 to flow fluyer fluere fluire
145 to freeze gwacyar glaciari ghiacciare
146 to swell gonfiha
147 sun sow sol sole
148 moon luna luna luna
149 star stela stella stella
150 water acwa aqua acqua
151 to rain pluyer pluere piovere
152 river flumê flumen fiume
153 lake lage lacus lago
154 sea
(as in ocean)
mar mar mare
155 salt saw sal sale
156 stone pedra petra pietra
157 sand rena arena sabbia
158 dust puwve polvis polvere
159 earth
(as in soil)
160 cloud nub nubis nube
161 fog nebuwa nebula nebbia
162 sky cyelô coelum cielo
163 wind
(as in breeze)
ventwe ventus vento
164 snow ni nix neve
165 ice gwacyô glacies ghiaccio
166 smoke fume fumus fumo
167 fire foce focus fuoco
168 ashes cine cinis cenere
169 to burn
arder ardere bruciare
170 road via via via
171 mountain môs mons monte
172 red ruber ruber rosso
173 green viri viridis verde
174 yellow fwave flavus giallo
175 white awbe albus bianco
176 black niger niger nero
177 night no nox notte
178 day
die dies giorno
179 year ane annus anno
180 warm
(as in weather)
calde calidus caldo
181 cold
(as in weather)
fryigde frigidus freddo
182 full pwene plenus pieno
183 new nove novus nuovo
184 old veter vetus vecchio
185 good bone bonus buono
186 bad mawe malus cattivo
187 rotten
(as, a log)
188 dirty immondo
189 straight diritto
190 round cirocollare
191 sharp
(as a knife)
192 dull
(as a knife)
193 smooth liscio
194 wet bannatto
195 dry
196 right
197 near prosime proximus prossimo
198 far remote remotus lontano
199 right
dester dexter destro
200 left
sinister sinister sinistro
201 at ad
ê (in)
202 in ê (in) in in
203 with
cô (con) cum con
204 and ed et e
205 if si si se
206 because comud
207 name nomê nomen nome