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'''Qihep''' (in Qihep: ''Qixēp'' [{{IPA|ˌkʷiˈxeːp}}]) is a constructed fantasy language. It is an isolating language and uses a logographic script.
'''Ancient Figo''' is one of the languages belonging to Piti language family. It stems directly from Proto-Piti language. It is spoken in the classic period and gives rise to a separate branch, named ''Figo languages''. One daughter language belongs to this group and stems from ancient Figo. It has two alphabetical scripts.

=Typological structure=
Ancient Figo is a morphologically '''agglutinative''' language, with an additional but strongly marked ''introflexive'' feature, realized in verbal roots.

The basic word order is essentially '''SOV''' (''{{color|green|Subject}}-{{color|blue|Object}}-{{color|red|Verb}}'').

{| style="text-align: center; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1pt solid #c0c0c0;"
{{color|green|fūgali}} {{color|blue|mūg}} {{color|red|līločeš}}
!colspan=21 style="text-align:center; background: #efefef;"| Consonants
<small>{{color|green|(the) person}} {{color|red|sees}} {{color|blue|(the) cow}}</small>
|- style="vertical-align: center; font-size: x-small; height: 2em"
| ||colspan=2| Bilabial ||colspan=2| Labio-<br>dental ||colspan=2| Dental ||colspan=2| Alveolar ||colspan=2| Post-<br>alveolar ||colspan=2| Palatal ||colspan=2| Velar ||colspan=2| Labialized<br>velar ||colspan=2| Labialized<br>velar
The entire system is set according to typological parameters of the ''modifier-head'' (or ''head-final'') type:
*''object - verb''
*''noun - postposition''
*''adjective - noun''
*''relative clause - noun''
This chapter gives an extensive description of ancient Figo phonological features.
The consonant system distinguishes 22 phonemes, traditionally arranged in the following scheme:
{| class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | || colspan="3" | <center>''IPA''</center> || colspan="3" | <center>''Transcription''</center>
| style="width: 120px;" rowspan="3" | <small>''plosive''</small> || style="width: 120px;"| <small>''voiceless''</small> || style="width: 30px;"| <center>[p]</center> || style="width: 30px;"| <center>[k]</center> || style="width: 30px;"| <center>[t]</center> || style="width: 30px;"| <center>p</center> || style="width: 30px;"| <center>k</center> || style="width: 30px;"| <center>t</center>
| <small>''voiced''</small> || <center>[b]</center> || <center>[g]</center> || <center>[d]</center> || <center>g</center> || <center>g</center> || <center>d</center>
| <small>''palatal''</small> || || <center>[c]</center> || || || <center>c</center> ||
| colspan="2" | <small>''nasal''</small> || <center>[m]</center> || <center>[n]</center> || <center>[ɲ]</center> || <center>m</center> || <center>n</center> || <center>ň</center>
| colspan="2" | <small>''liquid''</small> || <center>[r]</center> || || <center>[l]</center> || <center>r</center> || || <center>l</center>
| rowspan="8" | <small>''fricative''</small> ||<small>''velar''</small> || || <center>[x]</center> || || || <center>x</center> ||
| <small>''sibilant''</small> || || <center>[s]</center> || || || <center>s</center> ||
| <small>''alveolar''</small> || || <center>[ʃ]</center> || || || <center>š</center> ||
| <small>''glottal''</small> || || <center>[h]</center> || || || <center>h</center> ||
| <small>''labiodental''</small> || || <center>[f]</center> || || || <center>f</center> ||
| <small>''dental''</small> || || <center>[θ]</center> || || || <center>θ</center> ||
| <small>''palatal''</small> || || <center>[ɕ]</center> || || || <center>ɕ</center> ||
| <small>''approximant''</small> || <center>[j]</center> || || <center>[w]</center> || <center>j</center> ||  || <center>w</center>
| colspan="2" | <small>''affricate''</small> || || <center>[ʧ]</center> || || || <center>č</center> ||
The group of the plosive consonants distinguishes three sub-groups: ''voiceless'', ''voiced'', and ''palatal'', even though the palatal sub-group includes only the phoneme [c].
The group of the fricative consonants is overall well developed, with several places of articulation.
The group of the nasal and of the liquid consonants is substantially less rich. The phonemes [j] and [w] have a full consonantal value when in the coda position of the syllable.
There are 7 vocalic phonemes, which exhibit other forms of distinction:
5 vowels have a '''short''' form and a '''long''' form. The mid-central phoneme, [ə], and the open-mid front phoneme, [ɛ], make no length distinction.
{| class="wikitable"
|- style=max-width:4em
| colspan="6" | <center>''IPA''</center> || colspan="6" | <center>''Transcription''</center>
| style="width: 30px;"| <center>[i]</center> || style="width: 30px;"| <center>[iː]</center> || style="width: 30px;"| || style="width: 30px;"| || style="width: 30px;"| <center>[u]</center> || style="width: 30px;"| <center>[uː]</center> || style="width: 30px;"| <center>i</center> || style="width: 30px;"| <center>ī</center> || style="width: 30px;"| || style="width: 30px;"| || style="width: 30px;"| <center>u</center> || style="width: 30px;"| <center>ū</center>
| <center>[e]</center> || <center>[eː]</center> || || || <center>[o]</center> || <center>[oː]</center> || <center>e</center> || <center>ē</center> || || || <center>o</center> || <center>ō</center>
| || || colspan="2" | <center>[ə]</center> ||  || || || || colspan="2" | <center>ə</center> || ||
| || <center>[ɛ]</center> || ||  ||  || || || <center>ɛ</center> || || || ||
| || || <center>[a]</center> || <center>[a]</center> || || || || || <center>a</center> || <center>ā</center> || ||
The stress is mostly on the first syllable of the word root.
Nevertheless, in words where [u], either long or short, is the vowel in the first syllable the stress tends to placed on the following vowel.
Monosyllabic words, often with a grammatical meaning, are meant to be unstressed and cliticized to the word which they are grammatically bound to.
Polysyllabic words, which are generally composed by more than a word root, usually turn one of the stresses in a secondary one. The stress on the first root is the most likely to become secondary, while also the second stress may become the secondary, albeit in very rare cases.
==Syllabic structure==
The basic syllable structure in Ancient Figo is (C)V(C). There are, however, some constraints:
#A word cannot consist of an exclusively vowel syllable, V, but such a syllable, V, can be found at the beginning of a multisyllabic word:
#A word can consist of only one syllable of type VC, and a polysyllabic word can begin with such a syllable:
#A CVC-type syllable is usually found at the end of a word, while is quite infrequent within the word or at its beginning. Monosyllabic words with such a syllabic structure are known to exist.
#CV-type syllables are allowed in every position within a polysyllabic word. Monosyllabic words with this structure are limited in number, but relevantly used.
Clusters of more than two consonants are prohibited, both in syllabic onset and in coda.
There are no diphthongs of any kind; the phonemes [j] and [w] have always full consonantal value.
This chapter gives an extensive description of ancient Figo morphological features.
Nouns in ancient Figo language end almost exclusively in a vowel. A certain number of nouns may end in a consonant; in this case a euphonic vowel, -ə-, is added at the end of noun before the normal declension endings.
Nouns are grouped into two declension classes: animate nouns or class I and inanimate nouns or class II. The first class generally includes nouns indicating animate beings, namely capable of intentional motion or action, while the second class includes inanimate objects or entities. As a rule, we can sketch out the following scheme:
*'''class I''': human beings, animals, deities
*'''class II''': plants, objects, ideas, feelings, senses, perceptions
A noun is not irreversibly included in one of the two classes, as nouns lack clear morphological marks for each class. For example, there are some logical-semantical exceptions, like the word ogō, ''wind'', which firmly belongs to class I, or čiš, ''water'', which freely shifts from a class to the other during the history of the language, depending on the overall cultural perception of the noun’s animateness degree, being thus regarded as a lifeless object or a moving entity.
Despite the general lack of morphological markers in the basic forms, being thus unable to distinguish the two classes, the declension patterns depend on which class a noun belongs to.
There are three morphological numbers for almost all nouns, '''singular''', '''dual''', and '''plural'''.
The dual number is used when two entities are mentioned (or when these entities are usually found in couple):
sobanu līločow
<small>I see dogs (three, four, some, many, …)</small>
sobaj līločow
<small>I see two dogs (only the idea of two is possible)</small>
In this case, the usage of the numeral ogi, ''two'', is not required. It can be used, however, to highlight the value of the numeral.
ogi sobaj līločow
<small>I see two dogs (right two and not any other quantity)</small>
The dual number is not a continuously stable feature per se in the history of ancient Figo language.  It is largely used in the classical period, while it tends to be always introduced by the numeral in the first later period. It begins to die out in the texts of the later period, except for those nouns which are typically found in couple, like rogu, ''eye''.
Ancient Figo nouns do decline, according to an ''active-stative'' system with '''7 cases''':
{| class="wikitable"
| style="width: 110px;"| <center>''Case''</center>  || <center>''Meaning''</center>
| '''Agentive'''  || <small>This case marks primarily the subject of a transitive verb. It is also used to mark the subject of an intransitive verb, which displays a certain degree of activity, will or intention in performing the said action or in being in a certain state. It can be used only with nouns belonging to class I.</small>
| '''Passive'''  || <small>This case marks primarily the direct object of a transitive verb. It is also used to mark the subject of an intransitive verb, which displays no degree of activity, will or intention in performing the said action or in being in a certain state. It is regarded as the base form of the noun, and it is used as the vocative form.</small>
| '''Genitive'''  || <small>This case marks possession and belonging, either intentional, unintentional, or indirect. It also marks the origin or the source.</small>
| '''Dative'''  || <small>This case marks primarily the indirect object. In a broad sense, it can also mark the final point of a movement ''(motion toward a place'').</small>
| '''Causative'''  || <small>This case marks the reason or the cause, which are the source of an action or a state.</small>
| '''Instrumental'''  || <small>This case marks the tool or the instrument which are used to perform an action or to be in a certain state. It can be used only with nouns belonging to class II.</small>
| '''Locative'''  || <small>This case marks the place where an action is performed, or a certain state exist (''stative location''). It can also have a temporal value. It can be used only with nouns belonging to the class II.</small>
The cases are usually classified in 4 groups:
#''Primary main cases'': agentive
#''Secondary main cases'': passive, ablative
#''Primary oblique cases'': dative, causative
#''Secondary oblique cases'': instrumental, locative
Other types of clause complements are conveyed using various ''postpositions'', which can select one or more cases.
===Noun declension===
Nouns are declined for case and number by adding the following endings to the base form of the noun:
| || colspan="3" | <center>''class I''</center> || colspan="3" | <center>''class II''</center>
| style="width: 100px;"| || style="width: 60px;"|<center><small>''singular''</small></center>  || style="width: 60px;"|<center><small>''dual''</small></center> || style="width: 60px;"|<center><small>''plural''</small></center> || style="width: 60px;"|<center><small>''singular''</small></center>  || style="width: 60px;"|<center><small>''dual''</small></center>  || style="width: 60px;"|<center><small>''plural''</small></center>
| <center><small>''agentive''</small></center>  || -li || -lī || -linu || || ||
| <center><small>''passive''</small></center>  || - || -j<sup><small>1</small><sup> || -nu || - || -j<sup><small>1</small><sup> || -nu
| <center><small>''genitive''</small></center>  || -ɕu || -ɕuj || -ɕunu || -ɕu || -ɕuj || -ɕunu
| <center><small>''dative''</small></center>  || -he || -hej || -henu || -he || -hej || -henu
| <center><small>''causative''</small></center>  || -xu || -xuj || -xunu || -xu || -xuj || -xunu
| <center><small>''instrumental''</small></center>  || || || || -xe || -xej || -xenu
| <center><small>''locative''</small></center>  || || || || -car || -cari || -carnu
<small><sup>1</sup> If the noun ends in -i in the base form, the dual passive desinence merges with the vowel resulting in -ī. If the noun ends in -ī in the base form, the dual passive ending will be identical to the base form, in -ī.</small>
Some examples are shown below: a class I noun, pobu, ''father'', and a class II noun, sōnu, ''house''.
| || colspan="3" | <center>pobu</center> || colspan="3" | <center>sōnu</center>
| style="width: 100px;"| || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''singular''</small></center>  || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''dual''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''plural''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''singular''</small></center>  || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''dual''</small></center>  || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''plural''</small></center>
| <center><small>''agentive''</small></center>  || pobuli || pobulī || pobulinu || || ||
| <center><small>''passive''</small></center>  || pobu || pobuj || pobunu || sōnu || sōnuj || sōnunu
| <center><small>''genitive''</small></center>  || pobuɕu || pobuɕuj || pobuɕunu || sōnuɕu || sōnuɕuj || sōnuɕunu
| <center><small>''dative''</small></center>  || pobuhe || pobuhej || pobuhenu || sōnuhe || sōnuhej || sōnuhenu
| <center><small>''causative''</small></center>  || pobuxu || pobuxuj || pobuxunu || sōnuxu || sōnuxuj || sōnuxunu
| <center><small>''instrumental''</small></center>  || || || || sōnuxe || sōnuxej || sōnuxenu
| <center><small>''locative''</small></center>  || || || || sōnucar || sōnucari || sōnucarnu
As for the rules, the endings for the secondary oblique cases cannot be added to a class I noun, while the endings for the primary main case cannot be added to a class II noun.
In nouns ending in a consonant a vowel -ə-, is usually added between the root and the normal declension endings:
<small>pass.</small> čiš → <small>gen.</small> čišəɕu, <small>dat.</small> čišəhe, ...
Some nouns, like sōnu, may display some irregularity when the declension endings are added. In most cases the final vowel -u is changed into -o. This kind of irregularities is sporadic and typical of the earlier period texts.
<small>pass.</small> sōnu → <small>gen.</small> sōnoɕu, <small>dat.</small> sōnohe, ...
==Adjectives and pronouns==
Adjectives closely resemble the noun form, mostly ending in a vowel and showing the same exceptions of nouns. Pronouns, instead, may exhibit different forms in the root form.
Attributive adjectives are always placed '''before''' the nouns they specify, while predicative adjectives are always placed ''after'' them.
jōbā līru
<small>(the) young man</small>
līru jōbā ɛneš
<small>(the) man is young</small>
All adjectives agree in case and number with the noun they specify, being declined with the nominal endings. They thus display a complete declension set, not belonging inherently to one of the two classes.
jōbāɕu līruɕu rēw sōnu pinkucar sōnošucar mējseš
<small>the young man’s new house is located in the nearby village</small>
====Declension of qualifying adjectives====
Example: jōbā, ''young''
| style="width: 100px;"| || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''singular''</small></center>  || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''dual''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''plural''</small></center>  
|style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"| <small>Plosive</small> || {{IPA|p}} || {{IPA|b}} || || || || || {{IPA|t}} || {{IPA|d}} || || || || || {{IPA|k}} || {{IPA|g}} || {{IPA|kʷ}} || || {{IPA|(ʔ)}}<sup>1</sup>
| <center><small>''agentive''</small></center>  || jōbāli || jōbālī || jōbālinu
|style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"| <small>Nasal</small> || || {{IPA|m}} || || {{IPA|(ɱ)}}<sup>2</sup> || || || {{IPA|n}} || || || || || {{IPA|ɲ}} || || {{IPA|(ŋ)}}<sup>3</sup> || || || || ||
| <center><small>''passive''</small></center> || jōbā || jōbāj || jōbānu
|style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"| <small>Vibrant</small> || || || || || || || || {{IPA|r}} 
| <center><small>''genitive''</small></center>  || jōbāɕu || jōbāɕuj || jōbāɕunu
|style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"| <small>Fricative</small> || || || {{IPA|f}} || {{IPA|v}}|| || || {{IPA|s}} || || {{IPA|ʃ}} || || || || {{IPA|x}} || || || || {{IPA|h}}
| <center><small>''dative''</small></center> || jōbāhe || jōbāhej || jōbāhenu
|style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"| <small>Affricate</small> || || || || || || || {{IPA|ʦ}} || || {{IPA|ʧ}} || {{IPA|ʤ}} || || || || ||
| <center><small>''causative''</small></center>  || jōbāxu || jōbāxuj || jōbāxunu
|style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"| <small>Approximants</small> || || || || || || || || || || || || {{IPA|j}} || || {{IPA|w}} || || || || ||
| <center><small>''instrumental''</small></center> || jōbāxe || jōbāxej || jōbāxenu
|style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"| <small>Lateral<br>approximants</small> || || || || || || || || {{IPA|l}} || || || || ||
| <center><small>''locative''</small></center> || jōbācar || jōbācari || jōbācarnu
The adjectival declension displays the same irregularities of nouns:
<small>pass.</small> rēw, ''new'' → <small>ag.</small> rēwəli, <small>gen.</small> rēwəɕu, <small>dat.</small> rēwəhe, ...

====Comparison of qualifying adjectives====
*{{IPA|[ʔ]}}<sup>1</sup>is not recognised as an independent phoneme but it is inserted between two vowels, or between two identical consonants.
Adjectives have only one comparison form, comparative. It is formed by adding the following ending:
| style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''comparative''</small></center> || -rō

*{{IPA|[ɱ]}}<sup>2</sup> and {{IPA|[ŋ]}}<sup>3</sup> are considered '''allophones''' of the normal nasal phonemes in front of {{IPA|[f]}}/{{IPA|[v]}} and {{IPA|[k]}}/{{IPA|[g]}}/{{IPA|[kʷ]}} respectively.
This ending is always placed before the case endings. The second comparative term is in the ''genitive'' case. In the later period, it may be followed by the postposition fɛw.
līru ōnaɕu (fɛw) jōbārō ɛneš
<small>the man is younger than the woman</small>
If the second comparative term is followed by the postposition šīn, ''among'', which govern the ''passive'' case, the construction takes on a superlative meaning.
ōna junu šīn jōbārō ɛneš
<small>the woman is the youngest of/among us</small>
If the comparative form has no second comparative term, in most cases it takes on a superlative meaning:
līru jōbārō ɛneš
<small>the man is the youngest (or younger)</small>

===Personal pronouns===
{| style="text-align: center; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1pt solid #c0c0c0;"
Personal pronouns display a marked dichotomy between the forms in the agentive case and the forms in the passive case. Both forms have two different roots, exhibiting thus a mixed declension; more than one form for each case is created on both roots.
!colspan=15 style="text-align:center; background: #efefef;"| Vowels
|- style="vertical-align: left; font-size: x-small; height: 2em"
| ||colspan=2| Front ||colspan=2|Near-<br>front ||colspan=2| Central ||colspan=2|Near-<br>back||colspan=2| Back
| style="width: 100px;"| || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''1<sup>st</sup> sing.''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''2<sup>nd</sup> sing.''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''3<sup>rd</sup> sing.''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''1<sup>st</sup> dual.''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''2<sup>nd</sup> dual.''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''3<sup>rd</sup> dual.''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''1<sup>st</sup> plur.''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''2<sup>nd</sup> plur.''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''3<sup>rd</sup> plur.''</small></center>
| <center><small>''agentive''</small></center>  || oltu || ertu || ɛštu || oltuj || ertuj || ɛštuj || oltunu || ertunu || ɛštunu
| <center><small>''passive''</small></center>  || ju || nɛ || šɛ || joj || nɛj || šɛj || junu || nɛnu || šɛnu
| rowspan="2" | <center><small>''genitive''</small></center> || oltuɕu || ertuɕu || ɛštuɕu || oltuɕuj || ertuɕuj || ɛštuɕuj || oltuɕunu || ertuɕunu || ɛštuɕunu
| joɕu || nɛɕu || šɛɕu || juɕuj || nɛɕuj || šɛɕuj || juɕunu || nɛɕunu || šɛɕunu
|style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"| <small>Close</small> || || {{IPA|i(ː)}} || || || || || || || || {{IPA|u(ː)}}
| rowspan="2" | <center><small>''dative''</small></center> || oltuhe || ertuhe || ɛštuhe || oltuhej || ertuhej || ɛštuhej || oltuhenu || ertuhenu || ɛštuhenu
|style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"| <small>Close mid</small> || || {{IPA|e(ː)}} || || || || || || || || {{IPA|o(ː)}}
| johe || nɛhe || šɛhe || juhej || nɛhej || šɛhej || juhenu || nɛhenu || šɛhenu
|style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"| <small>Mid</small> || || || || || {{IPA|ə(ː)}} || || || || ||  
| <center><small>''causative''</small></center> || oltuxu || ertuxu || ɛštuxu || oltuxuj || ertuxuj || ɛštuxuj || oltuxunu || ertuxunu || ɛštuxunu
|style="text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"| <small>Open</small> || || || || || {{IPA|a(ː)}} || || || ||
| <center><small>''instrumental''</small></center> || || || ɛštuxe || || || ɛštuxej || || || ɛštuxenu
| <center><small>''locative''</small></center> || || || ɛštucar || || || ɛštucari || || || ɛštucarnu

Every vowel can be distinctively short and long.
First and second person forms are meant as referents for class I entities; the endings for the secondary oblique cases are thus not used with them. Conversely, the third person forms display a complete declension, in which the case forms are used whether the referred name belongs to class I or class II.
Personal pronouns have two forms in the genitive and in the dative case. These forms are distinguished between ''long forms'' (oltuɕu, ertuɕu,...) and ''short forms'' (juɕu, nɛɕu,...), which have a different use:
*In the '''genitive''' case:
**''Long form'': it is used as an indeclinable possessive adjective
ertuɕunu sōnu alolīčohon
<small>we saw your house</small>
**''Short form'': it is used as the proper genitive form of the pronoun, conveying origin (esempio: from me) and with postpositions. It is also used as a direct object form for verbal infinitives and in negative sentences in the classical period.
nɛɕu hōθīnem ēsow
<small>I wasn’t looking for you</small>
nɛɕu ēh šinohiga imēhohon
<small>I will come with you</small>

No dipthongs are allowed. If two vowels are adiacent in a compound word, a glottal stop ({{IPA|[ʔ]}}) emerges to keep them separated.
*In the '''dative''' case:
**''Long form'': it is mostly used with postpositions or as a marked form of motion towards a place.

ɛštuhenu nū cɛnəhunohon
Qihep uses a logographic script, but it can be transcribed using the Latin script:
<small>I am talking about them</small>

**''Short form'': it is used to strictly mark the indirect object.
|'''Letter''' || a || ā || b || c || d || e || ē || f || g || ǵ || h || i || ī || j || k || l || m || n || ń || o || ō || p || q || r || s || ś || t || ts || u || ū || v || w || x || y || ȳ
šɛhe hēme agohegow
<small>I gave him bread</small>
1<sup><small>st</small></sup> and 2<sup><small>nd</small></sup> person pronouns show, already in the classical period, a clear trend towards a nominative-accusative alignment. They tend to be declined in the agentive case with verbs which would require the passive case as unintentional subjects. This trend becomes regularity in the later period.
ju hīɕagow → oltu hīɕagow
<small>I am falling</small>
=== Reflexive pronoun and adjective ===
There is only one form of relative pronoun:
It displays a complete declension, in which the case forms are used whether the referred name belongs to class I (''animate'') or class II (''inanimate''). It does not however appear to have forms for the agentive case, being this case not used for a reflexive form.
| style="width: 100px;"| || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''singular''</small></center>  || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''dual''</small></center> || style="width: 80px;"|<center><small>''plural''</small></center>
| <center><small>''agentive''</small></center>  || -|| -|| -
| <center><small>''passive''</small></center>  || || mēj || mēnu
| <center><small>''genitive''</small></center>  || mēɕu || mēɕuj || mēɕunu
|'''IPA''' || {{IPA|[a]}} || {{IPA|[aː]}} || {{IPA|[b]}} || {{IPA|[ʧ]}} || {{IPA|[d]}} || {{IPA|[e]}} || {{IPA|[eː]}} || {{IPA|[f]}} || {{IPA|[g]}} || {{IPA|[ʤ]}}|| {{IPA|[h]}} || {{IPA|[i]}} || {{IPA|[iː]}} || {{IPA|[j]}} || {{IPA|[k]}} || {{IPA|[l]}} || {{IPA|[m]}} || {{IPA|[n]}} || {{IPA|[ɲ]}}|| {{IPA|[o]}} || {{IPA|[oː]}} || {{IPA|[p]}} || {{IPA|[kʷ]}} || {{IPA|[r]}} || {{IPA|[s]}} || {{IPA|[ʃ]}} || {{IPA|[t]}} || {{IPA|[ʦ]}}|| {{IPA|[u]}} || {{IPA|[uː]}} || {{IPA|[v]}} || {{IPA|[w]}} || {{IPA|[x]}} || {{IPA|[ə]}} || {{IPA|[əː]}} ||  
| <center><small>''dative''</small></center>  || mēhe || mēhej || mēhenu
| <center><small>''causative''</small></center>  || mēxu || mēxuj || mēxunu
| <center><small>''instrumental''</small></center>  || mēxe || mēxej || mēxenu
| <center><small>''locative''</small></center>  || mēcar || mēcari || mēcarnu

Transcription in Latin adopts the Qihep use of <u>underline</u>, when a word is written with logograms, which are used for their sound and not for their meaning. Underline is usually meant for foreign names or proper names.
Unlike the personal pronouns, this pronoun does not have long or short forms, being the shown forms used according to the role of their cases.
In the earlier period this pronoun is used in an adjectival role, usually specifying a reflexive meaning of the personal pronouns.
oltu mē ju mīhoňow
<small>I wash myself</small>
In the same period, the adjectival reflexive form can be found fused with the pronominal form.
oltu mēju mīhoňow
<small>I wash myself</small>
However, usage of personal pronouns in this construction has declined already in the classical period, leaving the former adjective alone to play the role of a reflexive pronoun. This form remains the same regardless of the person of the subject. It, nevertheless, agrees with the subject in number and case.
oltu mē mīhoňow, ertu mē mīhoňər... oltunu mēnu mīhoňohon...
<small>I wash myself; you wash myself… we wash ourselves…</small>
Forms in the genitive case are, also used as '''possessive reflexive''' forms. These forms are used only when ''the owner is the subject'' of the sentence (even when only implied by the verb) for every person.
mēɕu soba līločow
<small>I see my dog (I am the subject and the owner)</small>
Still in the classical period, usage of the possessive reflexive form for the 1<small><sup>st</sup></small> and the 2<small><sup>nd</sup></small> person is unpredictable and unclear. It is indeed always possible to use the normal possessive forms.
oltuɕu soba līločow
<small>I see my dog</small>
With the 3<small><sup>rd</sup></small> person, usage of possessive reflexive forms become mandatory when the subject is the owner, while the normal possessive forms are used only when the owner is not the subject.
mēɕu soba līločeš
<small>he sees his dog (his own dog, he is the dog’s owner)</small>
ɛštuɕu soba līločeš
<small>he sees his dog (the dog belongs to someone else)</small>
===Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns===
The forms of the possessive adjectives are the following:
*''that'': ɛšlu
*''this'': ninlu
These forms can be used also as demonstrative pronouns.
===Interrogative pronouns===
Basic interrogative pronouns display two different forms: one for animate entities (who?) and one for inanimate entities (what?).
*''what'': ɕɛ
*''who'': ɕō
Both pronouns can be declined, with the nominal declension endings, according to their animacy class.
ɕōhe čiš agohegər?
<small>whom did you give water to?</small>
There are also other interrogative pronouns (and adverbs):
*ɕɛducar: where (<small>static location</small>)
*ɕɛduhe: where (<small>motion toward</small>)
*ɕɛduɕu: where... from (<small>motion form</small>)
*ɕɛduxu: why (<small>cause</small>)
*ɕɛlēdu: when
*ɕɛmin: how much (<small>inanimate</small>)
*ɕōmin: how much (<small>animate</small>)
*ɕɛmen: how
There are also the following interrogative adjectives:
*ɕɛgu: which (<small>animate</small>)
*ɕōgu: which (<small>animate</small>)
*ɕɛminəxu: how much / many (<small>animate</small>)
*ɕōminəxu: how much / many (<small>animate</small>)
Inside of an interrogative clause, pronouns usually stay in their syntactical position, according to their role, but in the later period they tend to be moved at the beginning of the sentence. In addition, like other parts of the sentences, can be followed by postpositions:
ɕōhe nū cɛnəhunɛš?
<small>whom are you talking about?</small>
Locative postpositions usually choose declined forms of the inanimate pronoun ɕɛ, rather than the other interrogative adverbs mentioned above.
=== Relative pronoun ===
There is only one form of relative pronoun:
This form displays a complete declension, in which the case forms are used whether the referred name belongs to class I or class II.
=== Indefinite adjectives and pronouns ===
There are three basic forms of indefinite adjectives:
* jodu: every
* mōhū: some, any
* hēsu: no
The form of the adjective mōhū is diachronically irregular; in the pre-classical period is indeed regularly mohū. In the same period these adjectives do not agree with the nouns they specify, and they are usually found in an undeclined form.
This kind of adjectives can usually mark both an undefined quality and a quantity regarding the nouns they specify. When marking quantity, they ''always'' agree with their name in '''singular''' number. When marking quality, however, they can also agree with nouns in the plural.
jodu sōnošu
<small>every village (all the villages)</small>
There are, also, two basic forms of indefinite pronouns:
*čōmu: much, many, a lot
*sīčā: few, a little, a few
These pronouns usually mark an undefined quantity of the entities, indicated by the nouns they specify. They exhibit a particular construction: these indefinite pronouns stay always in the singular number, while the nouns they specify are declined always in the '''genitive''' case. In this construction a greater role is played by the distinction between countable and uncountable nouns. Countable nouns are usually required in the plural number, while uncountable nouns are required in the singular number by this kind of pronouns.
čōmu mōsuɕunu
<small>many mice, a lot of mice</small>
sīčā čišəɕu
<small>a little water</small>
The syntactic role of the noun cluster is conveyed by the indefinite pronouns, which are thus properly declined. The number of the cluster, however, is not expressed by them and stays in the singular. The verb of the sentence, if needed, agrees with the indefinite subject noun cluster in the singular number.
čōmuli mōsuɕunu rōnu mōcadeš
<small>a lot of men are collecting milk</small>
The declension class of the two pronouns, nevertheless, depends on the class of the nouns they specify.
There are, also, several other forms of indefinite pronouns (and adverbs), mostly derived by merging the indefinite adjectives with other nouns or pronouns:
*joduɕɛ: everything, all, all things (<small>inanimate - class II</small>)
*joduɕō: everyone, everybody (<small>animate - class I</small>)
*jodučoɕɛ: everything you like, everything you want (<small>inanimate - class II</small>)
*jodučoɕō: everyone you want, everybody you like (<small>animate - class I</small>)
*jodulēdu: every moment, always (<small>invariable</small>)
*jodulēduhe: forever (<small>invariable</small>)
*jodumɛni: in every way (<small>invariable</small>)
*mōhūɕɛ: something (<small>inanimate - class II</small>)
*mōhūɕō: someone, somebody (<small>animate - class I</small>)
*mōhūčoɕɛ: anything you like (<small>inanimate - class II</small>)
*mōhūčoɕō: anyone you like (<small>animate - class I</small>)
*mōhūlēdu: sometimes (<small>invariable</small>)
*mōhūmɛni: somehow, in some way (<small>invariable</small>)
*hēsuɕɛ: nothing (<small>inanimate - class II</small>)
*hēsuɕō: no one, nobody (<small>animate - class I</small>)
*hēsulēdu: in no moment, never (<small>invariable</small>)
*hēsumɛni: in no way (<small>invariable</small>)
These pronouns, except the invariable ones, can be declined according to their animacy class.
There is a limited number of pure adverbial forms, like ūmdu, ''inside'', or ēdu, ''together'', mostly akin to postpositions, both for their origin and their meaning.  
An adverbial form can be derived from an adjectives by adding the suffix -mɛcar, ''-ly'', to the basic form of the adjective.
lānu → lānumɛcar
<small>true → truly</small>
The adverbial use of the adjectives can involve the comparison forms.
The numeral system relies on a decimal base.
The first ten cardinal numbers are noun-like forms on their own:
* 1: ɕōw
* 2: ogi
* 3: migō
* 4: nōh
* 5: čōn
* 6: θūha
* 7: hoɕe
* 8: šu
* 9: cōju
*10: fēw

* ''I am going to go to Rome'': '''ul <u>Rōma</u> fut bim fa vol'''
Numerals from 11 to 19 are built with the construction NUM + fēw. Examples:
*11: ɕōwfēw
*15: čonfēw

The numerals for ''(one) hundred'' and ''(one) thousand'' are noun-like forms on their own:
Tipologically speaking, Qihep is an '''''isolating''''' language, that means its words never change nor add any additional ending to show number, gender, tense, aspect, etc.
*100: ňōšu
*1000: liā

The nouns of the multiples of tens, hundreds and thousands are built with the construction NUM + fēwtunu / ňōšunu / liānu:
*30: migōfēwtunu
*600: θūhaňōšunu
*9000: cōjuliānu
Numbers above the multiples of thousands have no own name and are specified by the lesser numerals.

''We followed those men'': '''Ul la nār vran ta śak fa'''
Composite numbers are built by just putting them aside, without any conjunction, in descending order:
*1985: liā cōjuňōšunu šufēwtunu čon

Analysing the sentence:
All cardinal numerals are meant as invariable forms.
* '''Ul''': means ''I''
* '''la''': it's a grammatical particle which shows the idea of ''plural''
* '''nār''': means ''that''
* '''vran''': means ''man''
* '''ta''': it's a grammatical particle, conveying the idea of ''past''
* '''śak''': means ''follow''
* '''fa''': it's a grammatical particle, conveying the idea of ''action complete''
Grammar roles and complements are conveyed by the position in the sentence, by grammatical particles and by postpositions. Grammatical particles are not strictly needed and can be left out of the sentence if the meaning is clear from the context. For example, in the previous sentence, the particle '''ta''' can be easily omitted if it's clear that we are talking about the past.

Even if there is no strict morphology, Qihep words can be compounded to form new words and a complex derivational morphology does exist. For example:
Ordinal numerals are formed by adding the adjectival ending -gu to the cardinal numeral form:
*1<sup>st</sup>: ɕōwgu
*6<sup>th</sup>: θūhagu

* '''xep''', ''mouth'' + '''svūk''', ''sound'' → '''xepsvūk''', ''voice''
If the numeral form is composite, the ending is added only to the last numeral form:
* '''troj''', ''to build'' + '''-kȳt''', noun for the result of the action → '''trojkȳt''', ''building''
*25<sup>th</sup>: ogifēwtunu čongu

Nouns do not change for number or for gender.
In the ancient Figo language a noun cluster can be followed by a postposition, which gives a new meaning to the case of the selected noun cluster. Thus, every possible clause complement can be effectively expressed.  

Nouns denoting humans or animals can be linked to a definite gender by prefixing the terms '''tan''', ''male'' or '''res''', ''female'':
All postpositions are always placed '''after''' the noun they specify. Most postposition share a similar origin with the adverbial forms, while some postposition originated from fixed case forms of nouns.
* '''vran''', ''human, person'' → '''tanvran''', ''man'', '''resvran''', ''woman''.
===General list of postpositions===
Each postposition tends to follow a noun cluster, which is declined in one grammatical case. Thus, it is said that each postposition ''governs'' a specific case.  

By '''reduplicating''' the nouns we can express the meaning of a collective noun:
Most postpositions govern only one case, while some other postpositions govern more than one, while slightly altering their meaning depending on the selected case (like šīn). Other postpositions (like fes) govern different cases, according to the class of the specified noun.
* '''vran''', ''human, person'' → '''vranvran''', ''people'', ''population''
{| class="wikitable"
| style="width: 60px;"| || ''case'' || ''meaning''
| ēh || + genitive || with, together with (<small>marking company</small>)
| hōš || + genitive || from, native to (<small>marking origin</small>)
| jɛl || + genitive || from, coming from (<small>marking a departure point</small>)
| sū || + dative ||for, aiming to (<small>marking purpose</small>)
| rowspan="2" | xodixe || + instrumental || by, with, by means of (<small>marking instrument - class II</small>)
| + genitive || by way of, using (<small>marking exploiting - class I</small>)
| rowspan="2" | fes || + instrumental || without, without using (<small>marking absence of instrument - class II</small>)
| + genitive || without, in the absence of (<small>marking absence - class I</small>)
| kōw || + dative || towards, in the direction of (<small>marking direction</small>)
| few || + genitive || in relation to (<small>marking relation</small>)
| mɛn || + passive || in comparison to, like, as (<small>marking comparison</small>)
| nū || + dative || about, regarding, concerning (<small>marking topic, theme</small>)
| čēr || + dative || through, throughout, across (<small>marking from a side to the other</small>)
| čērlu || + dative || beyond, on the other side of
| fun || + locative/genitive || after (<small>temporal value</small>)
| roɕ || + locative/genitive || before (<small>temporal value</small>)
| šīn || + genitive || between, among, in the middle of
| lūn || + dative || away, away from (<small>marking distancing</small>)
| kōlu || + dative || against, in opposition to (<small>marking opposition</small>)
| rowspan="2" | šīn<sup><small>1</small></sup> || + instrumental || by, with, by means of (<small>marking instrument - class II</small>)
| + genitive || by way of, using (<small>marking exploiting - class I</small>)

The particle '''la''' can be postponed after the nouns to express plurality, but it conveys also the idea of "''many''".
<small><sup>1</sup> Usage of this postposition with this meaning is already fallen into disuse in the classical period, being found only in archaic texts.</small>
* '''vran(vran) la''', ''many people''

Some postpositions conveying location or motion make use of different case to specify a static location (''locative'' or ''passive'' case), a motion towards a place (''dative'' case) or a motion from a place (''genitive'' case). Such postpositions are called '''locative postpositions''':
====Personal pronouns====
{| class="wikitable"
Pronouns show a limited gender distinction and mandatorily use the grammar particle '''la''' for plural if they refer to plural forms.
| style="width: 60px;"| || ''case'' || ''meaning''
! Person || English || Form || Explanation
| ūm || + locative/passive/dative/genitive || inside of
| sah || + locative/passive/dative/genitive || outside of
|''1<sup>st</sup>'' || ''I'' || '''ul''' ||
| limtu || + locative/passive/dative/genitive || under
|''2<sup>nd</sup>'' || ''you'' || '''ma''' ||
| nit || + locative/passive/dative/genitive || over, on
|''3<sup>rd</sup>'' || ''he'' || '''tȳn''' || <small>for humans or animals, male or without defining gender</small>
| pin || + locative/passive/dative/genitive || near
|''3<sup>rd</sup>'' || ''she'' || '''rȳs''' || <small>for humans or animals, strictly for female</small>
| fōr || + locative/passive/dative/genitive || in front of, opposite
|''3<sup>rd</sup>'' || ''it'' || '''qem''' || <small>for objects or small animals</small>
| ɕom || + locative/passive/dative/genitive || behind
|''3<sup>rd</sup>'' || ''it'' || '''do''' || <small>indicates something undefined, object or idea, which it has already been talked about, ''aforementioned''</small>
| īr || + locative/passive/dative/genitive || around
| šīn || + locative/passive/dative/genitive || between, among

When referring to more people or objects, particle '''la''' is mandatorily postponed after the pronouns:
A clear explanation of each postposition is presented in the following section.
* '''ul''', ''I'' '''ul la''', ''we''
=== ēh  ===
The postposition '''ēh ''' conveys the meaning of the complement of ''company''. It specifies an entity, together with which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists.
sōnohe oltuɕu mōšodiɕunu ēh ēmihow
<small>I went home with my friends</small>
This postposition always governs the '''genitive''' case.
It ''never'' conveys the instrument, by which the action is performed; this function is expressed by the instrumental case or by the postposition kī́g. Thus, this postposition is seldomly used with class II nouns, if not in a broad sense.
=== hōš ===
The postposition '''hōš''' conveys the meaning of the complement of ''origin''. It specifies the original point of an action or a state.
ju Kīrtaɕu hōš ɛnow
<small>I am from Kī́rta. (It is my birthplace)</small>
This postposition always governs the '''genitive''' case.
It can however convey, especially in later texts, the general meaning of ''motion from a place'', in other words, the beginning point of a motion of any kind.
sōnuɕu hōš ēmihəgow
<small>I departed from the house. (my motion began from that place)</small>
In the classical period, this last role is played directly by the ''genitive'' case alone.
sōnuɕu ēmihəgow
<small>I departed from the house. (my motion began from that place)</small>
=== jɛl ===
The postposition '''jɛl''' conveys the meaning of the complement of ''provenience''. It specifies the beginning point of an action or a state which can have more than one direction.
Kīrtaɕu jɛl šinohow
<small>I came from Kī́rta. (my travel began in that city)</small>
This postposition always governs the '''genitive''' case.
=== sū ===
The postposition '''sū''' conveys the meaning of the complement of ''purpose''. It specifies an entity, which is the final goal why a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists.
hēme ɛštuɕu mōšodihe sū ašišorəgow
<small>I bought some bread for his friend</small>
Generally, the purpose is implicitly meant to be positive, being thus of benefit to the subject or to someone else. It is however possible that the meaning of the purpose is neutral or even negative for someone.
This postposition always governs the '''dative''' case.
The use of this postposition is very limited in pre-classical texts, where the purpose is conveyed directly by the ''dative'' case alone. This use of the case alone falls into a severe decline in the classical texts, while it disappears entirely in the later period, when the purpose is expressed only by the postposition sū̀.
oltuɕu momuhe šinusow → oltuɕu momuhe sū šinusow
<small>I sing for my mother</small>
It ''never'' conveys the cause, because of which the action is performed; this function is expressed by the causative case alone.
=== xodixe ===
The postposition '''xodixe''' conveys more meanings by governing more than one case.
It conveys, firstly, the meaning of the complement of ''mean''. It specifies an entity, through which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists. In this role it governs the '''genitive''' case.
šɛ oltuɕu mōšodiɕu xodixe hōšisogiga imēhow
<small>I will send it through my friend</small>
It never conveys the entity, together which the action is performed; this function is expressed by the postposition ʔḕ.
It may additionally convey the meaning of the complement of ''instrument''. It specifies an object by which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists. In this role it governs the '''instrumental''' case.
mōsu jūhaxe xodixe ēlugogon
<small>the mouse was killed with a stone.</small>
In this meaning it is never used with class I nouns.
The meaning of the complement of instrument is basically conveyed by the ''instrumental'' case alone.
mōsu jūhaxe ēlugogon
<small>the mouse was killed with a stone.</small>
Therefore, this postposition is almost never used in the pre-classical and in the classical period in this meaning. The only use in this sense is limited to stressing the role of the complement or to avoiding ambiguities. In the texts of the later period the use of this postposition with the meaning of instrument takes a firm hold and spreads significantly.
In pre-classical texts the postposition šīn may express the same functions of this postpostion. In the classical period šīn retains the only ''locative'' meaning.
=== fes ===
The postposition '''fes''' conveys more meanings by governing more than one case.
It conveys, firstly, conveys the meaning of the complement of ''absence'' or ''exclusion''. It specifies an entity, without which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists. In this role it governs the '''genitive''' case.
sōnohe oltuɕu mōšodiɕunu fes ēmihow
<small>I went home without my friends</small>
In this meaning it is scarcely used with class II nouns, except in a broad sense.
It can convey both the idea that the exclusion of the said entity is required to the action to be performed and the idea of the simple absence without any benefit for the final goal.
It additionally conveys the ''deprivation'', namely the absence of the instrument through which the action is performed, or a state is being. In this role it governs the '''instrumental''' case.
mōsu ertuɕu urōšəgaxe fes ruhāniga imēhow
<small>I will catch the mouse without your help</small>
In this meaning it is never used with class I nouns.
It can convey both the idea that the exclusion of the said entity is required to the action to be performed and the idea of the simple absence without any benefit for the final goal.
=== kōw ===
The postposition '''kōw''' conveys the meaning of the complement of ''direction''. It specifies a location or an entity, towards which a movement is aimed, or a certain action is performed.
ɛštuɕu mōšodilinu ɕučōdeguhe tirōsašahe kōw imēhešon
<small>his friends are going towards the royal palace</small>
This postposition always governs the '''dative''' case.
It ''never'' conveys the ending point of a motion of any kind; this function is expressed by the dative case alone.
=== few ===
The postposition '''few''' conveys the meaning of the complement of ''relation''. It specifies an entity, which is the other term in any kind of relations.
ɛštuɕu cecəli ɛšluɕu sōharīdiɕu few hōlumɛcar egmirem fɛnəseš
<small>her child can write well compared to that child</small>
It is therefore used to mark the second term in adjective comparisons. Comparison is indeed meant as a relation between two or more parties.
ertuɕu mōšodi oltuɕu pobuɕu few ogērō ɛneš
<small>your friend is older than my father</small>
In this function, this postposition may be omitted. This is common in texts of earlier period, while it happens rather infrequently in the texts of the classical period.
ertuɕu mōšodi oltuɕu pobuɕu ogērō ɛneš
<small>your friend is older than my father</small>
This postposition always governs the '''genitive''' case.
It ''never'' conveys an entity, which is the second term in an equivalence comparison; this function is expressed by the postposition mɛn.
=== mɑg ===
The postposition '''mɑg''' conveys the meaning of the complement of ''equivalence''. It specifies an entity, which is the second term in an equivalence comparison.
ɑktušu kogā́ti mɑg ʔoptsaʔɑt
<small>he works like his friend</small>
This postposition always governs the '''passive''' case.
It ''never'' conveys an entity, which is the other term in any kind of non-equivalence comparison; this function is expressed by the postposition phɑw.
=== gū́ ===
The postposition '''gū́''' conveys the meaning of the complement of ''theme''. It specifies an entity, which is the topic to which the conversation or the sentence refers.
owtušu kogā́tinoli ɑktunošu wɑkiɣɑ gū́ ʔatsɑgewugonɑt
<small>my friends were talking about their village</small>
This postposition always governs the '''dative''' case.
=== pḗr ===
The postposition '''pḗr''' conveys the meaning of the complement of ''crossing''. It specifies a location or an entity, through which a movement or a certain action is performed.
ponunoɣɑ pḗr ʔapetṓkow
<small>I walked through the fields</small>
This postposition always governs the '''dative''' case.
=== phun ===
The postposition '''phun''' conveys a temporal relation of ''posteriority''. It specifies the temporal location, after which a certain action is performed or a certain state exists.
ertušu kogā́tinora phun ʔakogiwekow
<small>I came after your friends</small>
The temporal location does not distinguish among real entities, actions, ideas, feeling or cognitions, except by their case usage.
This postposition governs the '''genitive''' case, when used with a 1<sup>st</sup> class noun, and it governs the '''locative''' case, when used with a 2<sup>nd</sup> class noun.
=== roš ===
The postposition '''roš''' conveys a temporal relation of ''anteriority''. It specifies the temporal location, before which a certain action is performed or a certain state exists.
ertušu kogā́tinora roš ʔakogiwekow
<small>I came before your friends</small>
The temporal location does not distinguish among real entities, actions, ideas, feeling or cognitions, except by their case usage.
This postposition governs the '''genitive''' case, when used with a 1<sup>st</sup> class noun, and it governs the '''locative''' case, when used with a 2<sup>nd</sup> class noun.
=== wū́g ===
The postposition '''wū́g''' conveys the meaning of the complement of ''distancing'' or ''estrangement''. It specifies a location or an entity, away from a certain action is performed or a certain state exists, or the idea of estrangement from such a location or entity.
ɑktušu kogā́tino sṓgošu wū́g siɣakɑt
<small>he will send his friend away from his house</small>
This postposition always governs the '''ablative''' case.
=== pṓtu ===
The postposition '''pṓtu''' conveys more meanings.
It conveys, firstly, the meaning of the complement of ''detriment''. It specifies an entity, to the detriment of which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists.
ɑktu ertušu kogā́tinoɣɑ pṓtu ʔakakigekow
<small>I did it against your friends</small>
It may additionally convey the meaning of the complement of ''opposition'' or ''objection''. It specifies an entity, against which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists.
šupā́tɑɣɑ pṓtu tsegɑwugow
<small>I am going to speak against the king</small>
It may moreover convey the meaning of ''motion against a place'', in other words, the location against which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists.
mā́soli ʔḗpsɑɣɑ pṓtu ʔakarṓʔɑt
<small>the mouse ran against the door</small>
This postposition always governs the '''dative''' case.
=== Locative postpositions ===
''Locative postpositions'' convey a spatial location, which can be either static or in motion. Such postpositions are characterised by a peculiar usage of the nominal cases. They can govern four different cases, while keeping the same meaning.
The different cases express the relation between the main meaning of the postposition and the type of staticity or motion the subject of the said location may have. The meaning of the different cases are:
* ''Locative'' or ''passive'' case: '''static location'''
* ''Dative'' case: '''motion towards a place'''
* ''Genitive'' case: '''motion from a place'''
These postpositions tend to convey locations and spatial positions, being thus used mostly with 2<sup>nd</sup> class nouns. They can however convey an unreal location, imaginary or ideal. In such a case, they may be used with nouns of both classes, selecting different case to express the ''static location''. They govern the '''locative''' case for ''2<sup>nd</sup> class'' nouns and the '''passive''' case with ''1<sup>st</sup> class'' nouns.
==== ʔū́m ====
The postposition '''ʔū́m''' conveys the meaning of ''internal location''. It specifies a location inside of an enclosed place.
owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar ʔū́m ʔamḗʔis
<small>my friend was inside the royal palace</small>
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ ʔū́m ʔaʔḗmiɣow
<small>I went inside the royal palace</small>
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu ʔū́m kogiweker
<small>you will come from inside the royal palace</small>
It never conveys generic location; this function is expressed by the ''locative'' case alone.
==== sā̀ ====
The postposition '''sā̀''' conveys the meaning of ''external location''. It specifies a location outside of an enclosed place.
owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar sā̀ ʔamḗʔis
<small>my friend was outside the royal palace</small>
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ sā̀ ʔaʔḗmiɣow
<small>I went outside the royal palace</small>
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu sā̀ kogiweker
<small>you will come from outside the royal palace</small>
==== wim ====
The postposition '''wim''' conveys the meaning of ''lower location''. It specifies a location below another place.
mā́so phṓwutsar mektū́tsar wim ʔaʔɑñ
<small>the mouse was under the black table</small>
mā́soli phṓwuɣɑ mektū́ɣɑ wim kṓraʔɑt
<small>the mouse is running under the black table</small>
mā́soli phṓwušu mektū́šu wim ʔaʔḗmiɣekɑt
<small>the mouse ran away from under the black table</small>
==== git ====
The postposition ''git'' conveys the meaning of ''upper location''. It specifies a location above another place.
kojā́hukha rḗʔotsar mektū́tsar git ʔaʔɑñ
<small>the stylus is on the new table</small>
kojā́hukha rḗʔoɣɑ mektū́ɣɑ git ʔathowḗsow
<small>I put the stylus on the new table</small>
kojā́hukha rḗʔošu mektū́šu git rā́wuger
<small>you will take the stylus from (over) the new table</small>
No distinction is made between the upper location with contact (“''on the tabe''”) or without contact (“''over the house, above the house''”).
==== pig ====
The postposition '''pig''' conveys the meaning of ''close location''. It specifies a location near another place.
owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar pig ʔamḗʔis
<small>my friend was near the royal palace</small>
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ pig ʔaʔḗmiɣow
<small>I went close to the royal palace</small>
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu pig kogiweker
<small>you will come from nearby the royal palace</small>
==== phṓr ====
The postposition '''phṓr''' conveys the meaning of ''frontal location''. It specifies a location in front of another place.
owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar phṓr ʔamḗʔis
<small>my friend was in front of the royal palace</small>
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ phṓr ʔaʔḗmiɣow
<small>I went in front of the royal palace</small>
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu phṓr kogiweker
<small>you will come from opposite the royal palace</small>
==== šom ====
The postposition '''šom''' conveys the meaning of ''back location''. It specifies a location behind another place.
owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar šom ʔamḗʔis
<small>my friend was behind the royal palace</small>
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ šom ʔaʔḗmiɣow
<small>I went behind the royal palace</small>
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu šom kogiweker
<small>you will come from behind the royal palace</small>
==== tī́n ====
The postposition '''tī́n''' conveys the meaning of ''middle location''. It specifies a location between two or more places or entities.
owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar gitirṓsicarna tī́n ʔamḗʔis
<small>my friend was between the royal palace and the tower</small>
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ gitirṓsiɣɑna tī́n ʔaʔḗmiɣow
<small>I went between the royal palace and the tower</small>
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu gitirṓsišurna tī́n kogiweker
<small>you will come from between the royal palace and the tower</small>
No distinction is made between the position between two places or entities (“''between the eyes''”) or among more places or entities (“''among the candidates''”).

Pronouns do not change for case, as they do in English, but they express their role by using the position in the sentence:
It may additionally convey the meaning of an ''unreal middle position''. In such a case, they may be used with nouns of both classes with no distinction, and it governs only the ''ablative'' case.  In such role it may occasionally be used to express the second comparison term in the superlative adjectival construction.
* '''ul tȳn nat piǵ kra''', ''I can't see him''
ɑktu ertušu kogā́tinošu tī́n gitikorṓtu (ʔɑñ)
* '''tȳn ul nat piǵ kra''', ''He can't see me''
<small>he is the tallest of my friends</small>
It ''never'' conveys the meaning of crossing; this function is expressed by the postposition pḗr.

====Possessive pronouns====
==== ʔī́r ====  
Possessive pronouns and adjectives do not exist as independent forms. To express their meaning the normal personal pronouns followed by the genitive particle are used:
The postposition '''ʔī́r''' conveys the meaning of ''circular location''. It specifies a location around another place.  
tsetseno ʔokḗtsar ā́kritsar ʔī́r ʔahowī́kon
<small>the children sat around the old tree</small>

* '''ul''', ''I'' + '''dī''', ''of'' = '''ul dī''', ''my, mine''
tsetsenoli ʔokḗɣɑ ā́kriɣɑ ʔī́r kṓraʔonɑt
<small>the children are running around the old tree</small>

tsetsenoli ʔokḗšu ā́krišu ʔī́r ʔawū́ʔḗmiɣonɑt
<small>the children came from (around) the old tree</small>
The verbal system of Kī́rtako language is based on the fundamental dichotomy between '''imperfective''' aspect and '''perfective''' aspect. This distinction is conveyed by two different verbal roots for every verbal meaning, the ''imperfective root'' ('''R<sub>imp</sub>''') and the perfective root ('''R<sub>prf</sub>'''). The perfective root is usually derived from the imperfective one through an introflexive process of vowel switching:
CV'''<sub>1</sub>'''CV'''<sub>2</sub>'''C → CV'''<sub>2</sub>'''CV'''<sub>1</sub>'''C
* '''Ul dī suk pūcin''', ''My hair is black''
'''R<sub>imp</sub>''' = gagok- → '''R<sub>prf</sub>''' = gogak-
Although considerably rare, there are some irregular perfective roots.

====Interrogative pronouns====
Another distinction is made, on a temporal level, between a non-past tense, generally called “''present''”, and a past tense, by means of the prefix ʔa-, known as ''augment'', which conveys the past tense, while non-past actions are marked by its absence.
There are two basic interrogative adjectives and pronouns
'''R<sub>imp</sub>''' = gagok- → '''R<sub>imp-past</sub>''' = ʔagagok-
! Form || English || Explanation
There are three verbal moods and three non-finite forms:
* ''Moods'': indicative, subjunctive, conditional
* ''Non-finite'': infinitive, agentive participle, passive participle
The citation form of verbs is the present imperfective infinitive, marked by the ending -ɑme, added to the imperfective root in its present form. From such form the imperfective root can be inferred and can be changed in its perfective equivalent.
The following personal endings are then added to the various aspectual and temporal forms. In this way, verbs show their agreement with the clause subject in person and number:
{| class="wikitable"
| style="width: 70px;"| ''<small>1<sup>st</sup> sing.</small>'' || style="width: 70px;"| <center>-ow</center>
| ''<small>2<sup>nd</sup> sing.</small>'' || <center>-er</center>
| rowspan="2" | ''<small>3<sup>rd</sup> sing.</small>'' || <center>-ɑt</center>
| <center>-</center>
| style="width: 70px;"| ''<small>1<sup>st</sup> plur.</small>'' || style="width: 70px;"| <center>-onow</center>
| ''<small>2<sup>nd</sup> plur.</small>'' || <center>-oner</center>
| '''wē''' || ''who'', ''which'' || <small>for humans and animals</small>
| rowspan="2" | ''<small>3<sup>rd</sup> plur.</small>'' || <center>-onɑt</center>
| '''wū''' || ''what'', ''which'', ''where'' || <small>for objects and small animals, it can also express location with locative verbs</small>
| <center>-on</center>

* '''Ma wē ta piǵ fa lo''', ''Who did you see?''
The different moods are formed by adding the following infixes to the verbal root, before the personal endings:
* '''Tȳn la wū skyt sty lo''', ''What are they doing?''
*''indicative'': Ø
* '''Rȳs wū stā sty lo''', ''Where is she?''
*''subjunctive'': -iñ-
*''conditional'': -ɑts-
The non-finite verbal forms are meant as nominal/adjectival forms of the same verbs. They do not use the personal endings, but they declined as nouns or adjectives with the nominal declension endings.
As verbal forms can, however, be formed on both roots and add the past prefix. They can also add the modal infixes before their typical endings.
The non-finite endings are:
*''infinitive'': -ɑme
*''agentive participle'': -ī́to
*''passive participle'': -uki
The infinitival form is meant as a 2<sup>nd</sup> class noun.

Other interrogative pronouns are formed by adding specific nouns:
=== Conjugation of a regular verb ===
Example: lī́lopɑme, ''to see''
| '''''' + '''meś''', ''place'' || = '''wūmeś''' || ''where'', ''in which place''
====Indicative mood====
{| class="wikitable"
| || colspan="2"| <center>''<small>imperfective</small>''</center> || colspan="2"| <center>''<small>perfective</small>''</center>
| style="width: 60px;"| || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>present</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>past</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>present</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>past</small>''</center>
| ''<small>1<sup>st</sup> sing.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopow</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopow</center> || <center>lolī́pow</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pow</center>
| ''<small>2<sup>nd</sup> sing.</small>'' || <center>lī́loper</center> || <center>ʔalī́loper</center> || <center>lolī́per</center> || <center>ʔalolī́per</center>
| rowspan="2" | ''<small>3<sup>rd</sup> sing.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopɑt</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑt</center> || <center>lolī́pɑt</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑt</center>
| '''wū''' + '''tsēd''', ''time'' || = '''wūtsēd''' || ''when'', ''in which period''
| <center>lī́lop</center> || <center>ʔalī́lop</center> || <center>lolī́p</center> || <center>ʔalolī́p</center>
| '''wū''' + '''dān''', ''moment'' || = '''wūdān''' || ''when'', ''in which moment''
| ''<small>1<sup>st</sup> plur.</small>'' || <center>lī́loponow</center> || <center>ʔalī́loponow</center> || <center>lolī́ponow</center> || <center>ʔalolī́ponow</center>
| '''wū''' + '''cin''', ''way'' || = '''wūcin''' || ''how'', ''in which way''
| ''<small>2<sup>nd</sup> plur.</small>'' || <center>lī́loponer</center> || <center>ʔalī́loponer</center> || <center>lolī́poner</center> || <center>ʔalolī́poner</center>
| '''wū''' + '''prīc''', ''reason'' || = '''wūprīc''' || ''why'', ''for which reason''
| rowspan="2" | ''<small>3<sup>rd</sup> plur.</small>'' || <center>lī́loponɑt</center> || <center>ʔalī́loponɑt</center> || <center>lolī́ponɑt</center> || <center>ʔalolī́ponɑt</center>
| '''wū''' + '''tsel''', ''purpose'' || = '''wūtsel''' || ''why'', ''for which purpose''
| <center>lī́lopon</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopon</center> || <center>lolī́pon</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pon</center>
The indicative mood conveys mainly true and certain actions or state, or at least regarded as such. It is the most used verbal mood in main clauses.

====Demonstrative pronouns====
====Subjunctive mood====
There are three demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
{| class="wikitable"
! Form || English || Explanation
| || colspan="2"| <center>''<small>imperfective</small>''</center> || colspan="2"| <center>''<small>perfective</small>''</center>
| style="width: 60px;"| || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>present</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>past</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>present</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>past</small>''</center>
| ''<small>1<sup>st</sup> sing.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopiñow</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopiñow</center> || <center>lolī́piñow</center> || <center>ʔalolī́piñow</center>
| ''<small>2<sup>nd</sup> sing.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopiñer</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopiñer</center> || <center>lolī́piñer</center> || <center>ʔalolī́piñer</center>
| rowspan="2" | ''<small>3<sup>rd</sup> sing.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopiñɑt</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopiñɑt</center> || <center>lolī́piñɑt</center> || <center>ʔalolī́piñɑt</center>
| <center>lī́lopiñ</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopiñ</center> || <center>lolī́piñ</center> || <center>ʔalolī́piñ</center>
| '''tyk''' || ''this'' || <small>for something or somebody near both the listener and the speaker</small>
| ''<small>1<sup>st</sup> plur.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopiñonow</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopiñonow</center> || <center>lolī́piñonow</center> || <center>ʔalolī́piñonow</center>
| '''qē''' || ''that'' || <small>for something or somebody near the listener but far from the speaker</small>
| ''<small>2<sup>nd</sup> plur.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopiñoner</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopiñoner</center> || <center>lolī́piñoner</center> || <center>ʔalolī́piñoner</center>
| '''nār''' || ''that'' || <small>for something or somebody far from both the listener and the speaker</small>
| rowspan="2" | ''<small>3<sup>rd</sup> plur.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopiñonɑt</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopiñonɑt</center> || <center>lolī́piñonɑt</center> || <center>ʔalolī́ponɑt</center>
| <center>lī́lopiñon</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopiñon</center> || <center>lolī́piñon</center> || <center>ʔalolī́piñon</center>
The subjunctive is mainly used as a dependent mood, with or without any subordinative conjunctions. In main clauses it may convey wish or exhortation, being thus used also as an imperative form.

====Conditional mood====
! Number || Form
{| class="wikitable"
| || colspan="2"| <center>''<small>imperfective</small>''</center> || colspan="2"| <center>''<small>perfective</small>''</center>
| style="width: 60px;"| || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>present</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>past</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>present</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>past</small>''</center>
| 1 || '''mē'''
| ''<small>1<sup>st</sup> sing.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopɑtsow</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑtsow</center> || <center>lolī́pɑtsow</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑtsow</center>
| 2 || '''xup'''
| ''<small>2<sup>nd</sup> sing.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopɑtser</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑtser</center> || <center>lolī́pɑtser</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑtser</center>
| 3 || '''ci'''
| rowspan="2" | ''<small>3<sup>rd</sup> sing.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopɑtsɑt</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑtsɑt</center> || <center>lolī́pɑtsɑt</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑtsɑt</center>
| 4 || '''vo'''
| <center>lī́lopɑts</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑts</center> || <center>lolī́pɑts</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑts</center>
| 5 || '''qo'''
| ''<small>1<sup>st</sup> plur.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopɑtsonow</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑtsonow</center> || <center>lolī́pɑtsonow</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑtsonow</center>
| 6 || '''bum'''
| ''<small>2<sup>nd</sup> plur.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopɑtsoner</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑtsoner</center> || <center>lolī́pɑtsoner</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑtsoner</center>
| 7 || '''śo'''
| rowspan="2" | ''<small>3<sup>rd</sup> plur.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopɑtsonɑt</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑtsonɑt</center> || <center>lolī́pɑtsonɑt</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑtsonɑt</center>
| 8 || '''rō'''
| <center>lī́lopɑtson</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑtson</center> || <center>lolī́pɑtson</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑtson</center>
The conditional mood conveys mainly the intrinsic potentiality of an action or a state, both in main and in dependent clauses. It may also convey wish or hope.
For this reason the present tense usually refer to future actions, while the past tenses are used to refer to future actions in the past (the past perfective is routinely used as future in the past tense).
====Non-finite forms====
{| class="wikitable"
| 9 || '''va'''
| style="width: 60px;"| || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>indicative</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>subjuncitve</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>conditional</small>''</center>
| 10 || '''ty'''
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopɑme</center> || <center>lī́lopiñɑme</center> || <center>lī́lopɑtsɑme</center>
| 100 || '''sto'''
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>ʔalī́lopɑme</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopiñɑme</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑtsɑme</center>
| 1000 || '''qur'''
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>lolī́pɑme</center> || <center>lolī́piñɑme</center> || <center>lolī́pɑtsɑme</center>
| 1000000 || '''mil'''
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>ʔalolī́pɑme</center> || <center>ʔalolī́piñɑme</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑtsɑme</center>
| 1000000000 || <u>'''milar'''</u>

To build the higher numbers place the units before the tens, the hundreds, the thousands, etc:
The infinitive is a nominal form of a verb. It is used as a verbal noun in sentences, and it can be declined. It is regarded as 2<sup>nd</sup> class noun.
! Number || Form
In its subjunctive form it is often used as object or subject of other subordinative verbs, like the negative verbs, the modal verbs or in dependent clauses in their infinitival type.
Direct objects of the infinitival forms are declined in the ''ablative'' case.
=====Agentive participle=====
{| class="wikitable"
| style="width: 60px;"| || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>indicative</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>subjuncitve</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>conditional</small>''</center>
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopī́to</center> || <center>lī́lopiñī́to</center> || <center>lī́lopɑtsī́to</center>
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>ʔalī́lopī́to</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopiñī́to</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑtsī́to</center>
| 20 || '''mēty'''
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>lolī́pī́to</center> || <center>lolī́piñī́to</center> || <center>lolī́pɑtsī́to</center>
| 30 || '''xupty'''
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>ʔalolī́pī́to</center> || <center>ʔalolī́piñī́to</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑtsī́to</center>
| 40 || '''city'''
The agentive participle is an adjectival form of a verb. It is used as a verbal adjective in sentences, and it can be declined. It is linked to nouns which actively perform an action.
It is usually used to build relative clauses, in which the subject is the linked noun, and the direct object is declined in the ''ablative'' case:
ʔṓnašu ʔalolī́pɑtsī́toli wī́roli
<small>the man which might have seen the woman</small>
As an adjectival form, it displays a complete declension, to agree with the class of the referred noun.
=====Passive participle=====
{| class="wikitable"
| 200 || '''mēsto'''
| style="width: 60px;"| || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>indicative</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>subjuncitve</small>''</center> || style="width: 130px;"| <center>''<small>conditional</small>''</center>
| 300 || '''xupsto'''
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>lī́lopuki</center> || <center>lī́lopiñuki</center> || <center>lī́lopɑtsuki</center>
| 2000 || '''mēqur'''
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>ʔalī́lopuki</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopiñuki</center> || <center>ʔalī́lopɑtsuki</center>
| 30000 || '''xuptyqur'''
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>lolī́puki</center> || <center>lolī́piñuki</center> || <center>lolī́pɑtsuki</center>
| ''<small>imp. pres.</small>'' || <center>ʔalolī́puki</center> || <center>ʔalolī́piñuki</center> || <center>ʔalolī́pɑtsuki</center>
| ''etc.''
The passive participle is an adjectival form of a verb. It is used as a verbal adjective in sentences, and it can be declined. It is linked to nouns which undergo an action, or inactively are in a certain state.
Despite the lack of a verbal passive form, this participle is the closest form to such role. It can, however, be used only as an adjective and it is often used to build relative clauses, in which the object is the linked noun, and the subject is declined in the ''agentive'' case. In the earlier period it is not used in this role.
wī́roli ʔalolī́puki ʔṓna
<small>the woman seen by the man</small>
As an adjectival form, it displays a complete declension, to agree with the class of the referred noun.
===The third person===
The are two forms for the third person verbal ending:
*'''-ɑt''', called ''long form''
*'''-Ø''', called ''short form''
These two forms have different uses:
* The long form, '''-ɑt''', is generally used when the subject has an active or animate role, even if the expressed action may also be totally independent from its will. Examples:
sopali wī́ro ñamī́kɑt
<small>the dog is biting the man (agentive active role)</small>
sopa hī́šakɑt
<small>the dog is falling (this role in not dependent from the subject’s will, but it is still animated)</small>
* The short form, '''-Ø''', is generally used when the subject has an inanimate role, and, preferably, with inherently inanimate subjects. Example:
sopa kḗwon
<small>the dog is sleeping (non-active and non-animated role)</small>
It is also used in passive constructions:
wī́ro sopali ñamī́k
<small>the man is bitten by the dog</small>
Such usage of both endings is not permanently fixed during the history of the language and some confusion can be found in the earlier period and, most of all, in the later period.
The long forms may also be found with intrinsically inanimate nouns, if they are subjects of an action which is regarded as semantically animate. 
pike rḗtɑnɑt
<small>the water is flowing</small>
When using the short forms, some verbs, especially those whose infinitival forms end in -ɣɑme or in -ʔɑme, may drop the final consonant of the verbal root, and undergo a shift in the vowel tone.
ʔimḗɣɑme → ʔimḕ
<small>andare → va</small>
This phenomenon is not, however, a mandatory feature of every verb with these endings.
=== Negation ===
The verbal negation is conveyed by the negative verb ʔī́sɑme. As it has a monosyllabic root, it does not display a perfective root.
Within the sentence this verb is conjugated according to the person and the number of its subject and according to the required tense. It has the ''subjunctive infinitival form'' of the negated verb as direct object. The aspectual information is conveyed by the infinitival form. The object of the infinitive, is, as a rule, declined in the ''ablative'' case.
sopali wī́ro ʔañī́makɑt → sopali wī́rošu ñī́makiñɑme ʔaʔī́sɑt
<small>the dog bit the man → the dog didn’t bite the man</small>
sopa kḗwon → sopa kḗwoniñɑme ʔī́s
<small>the dog is sleeping → the dog isn’t sleeping</small>
As can be seen, the negative verbs can use both the third person endings, according to the rules and the animacy degrees conveyed by the negated verb.
''Double negatives'' are generally '''''not''' allowed''; the presence of another negative element in the sentence inhibits the negative verb.
This chapter gives an extensive description of Kī́rtako syntactical features.
==Main clause and word order==
Kī́rtako is an almost strictly '''SOV''' (''Subject-Object-Verb'') language.
wī́roli sopa lī́lopɑt
<small>the man is seeing the dog</small>
The quite rich case system allows every other possible word order, but most of them prove to be very marked and infrequently used. The only word order with a clear role and a frequent usage is '''OSV''' (''Object-Subject-Verbs''), which marks the so-called ''passive construct''.
sopa wī́roli lī́lop
<small>the dog is being seen by the man</small>
The other elements in the sentence are usually placed in the order “''place-manner-cause-time''”, although they are basically freer than the main elements. An object in the dative case, when conveying the indirect object, tends to be placed ''before'' the direct object of the sentence.
A peculiar feature is the verbal ''infinitival agreement'': when infinitival forms, as nominal forms of the verbs, take a direct object, are regarded as an expression of belonging, and the direct object is declined in the ''ablative'' case.
sopašu lī́lopiñɑme ʔī́sow
<small>I am not seeing the dog.</small>
Moreover, as it can been seen in the example above, when an infinitival form is governed by a modal verb or by the negative verb ʔī́sɑme, the infinitive is always placed before the conjugated modal form.
The noun cluster is formed by a noun, carrying the main meaning, and by other noun-type forms, namely adjectives, which specify this meaning or add other meaning to the main noun. Inside of a noun cluster, the noun can be replaced by a pronoun.
The noun usually closes the noun cluster, being preceded by every other specifying form. Thus, other elements conveying ''possession'' and ''belonging'' are always placed '''before''' the noun, as well as every attributive adjective.
wī́rora sṓgo
<small>the man’s house</small>
owtušu lilā́
<small>my hand</small>
jṓpā́ ʔṓna
<small>the young woman</small>
The role of the noun cluster in the sentence and its number are marked by case and number endings. These endings mark also other adjectival elements inside the noun cluster, resulting this in the process called ''nominal agreement''.
Both ''attributive'' and ''predicative'' adjectives agree in case and number with the noun they specify. Other elements, which convey possession or belonging do not agree with the main nominal form.
jṓpā́li wī́roli sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑt
<small>the young man is going home</small>
jonora sṓgo
<small>our house</small>
jṓpā́no ʔṓnano
<small>the young women</small>
ʔṓnano jṓpā́no (ʔɑñon)
<small>the women are young</small>
The agreement among nouns and adjectives is not a universal phenomenon. Indefinite adjectives, indeed, usually do not agree with the nominal form, neither in case nor in number.
The grammar role of noun clusters can be further specified by ''postpositions'', which are placed after the cluster. Thus, it can be stated that the noun cluster can be closed by a postposition.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔū́m ʔimḗɣow
<small>I am going inside the house</small>
=== The cases===
The grammatical role of the noun cluster in a sentence is conveyed by some endings. These endings are bound to ''grammatical cases'', with usually well-defined roles.
The cases in Kī́rtako language are 9:
The grammatical roles and all possible differences in usage among similar cases are enlisted below:
==== Agentive ====
The agentive case features the endings -li in the singular and -noli in the plural.
The grammatical role of this case is marking the ''agent'' of the sentence, which is the active element of the action.
sopali wī́ro lī́lopɑt
<small>the dog is seeing the man</small>
wī́roli sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑt
<small>the man is going home</small>
This is the only grammatical role played by the agentive case. The usage of this case as an agent marker is specified will be explained in a different section below.
As a marker of an agent, namely an element able to perform an action, this case cannot be used with 2<sup>nd</sup> class nouns, as they cannot be active agents of an action.
==== Passive====
The passive case features the '''zero''' ending (shown with -Ø) in the singular and the ending -no in the plural. In the singular form it is the same as the ''basic root form'' of the noun.
The main role of this case is marking the ''patient'' of the sentence, which is the direct object of a transitive verb.
sopali wī́ro lī́lopɑt
<small>the dog is seeing the man</small>
It also marks the ''unactive subject'' of a sentence, which is the unactive element of a state or the unactive participant of an involuntary action.
wī́ro ʔaɣašī́k
<small>the man fell</small>
sopa kḗwon
<small>the dog is sleeping</small>
ʔṓna jṓpā́ (ʔɑñ)
<small>the woman is young</small>
The usage of this case as a patient or unactive subject marker is specified in another section below.
As the basic form of a noun, it is used as the natural ''vocative'' form.
mamu, kogiwiñer!
<small>mom, come!</small>
It also represents the noun in its basic quality, namely its purest semantic meaning.
==== Genitive====
The genitive case features the endings -ra in the singular and -nora in the plural.
The grammatical role of this case is marking ''voluntary possession''. It conveys non-intrinsic conscious possession.
phū́kara sṓgo
<small>the person’s house (this person intentionally and consciously owns the house)</small>
This is the only grammatical role played by the genitive case.
The difference between voluntary possession and involuntary possession or belonging, thus the different in usage between the genitive and the ablative case, will be explained in a different section below.
As a marker of voluntary possession, namely possession by an element with its own will, this case cannot be used with 2<sup>nd</sup> class nouns, as they usually convey semantically inanimate elements.
==== Ablative ====
The ablative case features the endings -šu in the singular and -nošu in the plural.
The main role of this case is marking belonging to ''someone'' or to something.
phū́kanošu wime
<small>the people’s world (this is an example of inverse belonging, since people actually belong to the word and not vice versa)</small>
In a broader sense it conveys ''involuntary'', or ''intrinsic possession'', namely an unconscious and unintentional possession.
phū́kašu lilā́
<small>the person’s hand (a person does not intentionally and consciously own his hand, that is an intrinsic possession)</small>
The difference between involuntary possession or belonging and voluntary possession, thus the different in usage between the ablative and the genitive case, will be explained in a different section below.
As it conveys belonging, the ablative case also marks the noun clusters in their role as direct objects of non-finite verbal forms, namely nominal-adjectival types like the infinitive and the participles. This peculiar marking is called ''infinitival agreement''.
wī́ro lī́lopon → wī́rošu lī́lopɑme
<small>the man is seen → the seeing of the man → the man’s vision</small>
wī́roli jagetu rimusɑt → jagetušu rimusī́to wī́ro
<small>the man is tending the flock → the man tending the flock</small>
Such role as a direct object is, thus, regarded as a belonging to the verbal form.
For this reason, the ablative case always marks the direct object of a sentence in which there is the negative verb. This verb requires an infinitival form, which introduces in turn a direct object in the ablative case.
sopa lī́lopow → sopašu lī́lopiñɑme ʔī́sow
<small>I am seeing the dog → I am not seeing the dog</small>
It marks, also, the ''motion from a place'', and, with some specific verbs, ''origin'' or ''source''.
wɑkišu kigowow
<small>I come from the village (my journey started there)</small>
wɑkišu hā́kigowow
<small>I come from the village (I was born there)</small>
==== Difference in usage between genitive and ablative cases ====
Because of the different semantic and syntactical behaviour of both intrinsically animate and inanimate nouns, there is a strong difference in usage between the ''genitive'' case and the ''ablative'' case.
The '''genitive''' case conveys a meaning of ''intentional possession'', namely possession by elements with will and intention and consciously done (although even animals are often included in this semantic group).
phū́kara sṓgo
<small>the person’s house → this person intentionally owns the house</small>
The '''ablative''' case conveys a meaning of ''unintentional possession'', namely possession by animate and inanimate elements, without any will and intention, and a meaning of ''intrinsic possession'' (as regarding, for example, to body parts), which is basically an unconscious possession, or a meaning of ''belonging'', usually called inverse belonging.
phū́kašu lilā́
<small>the person’s hand → this person does not intentionally or consciously own a hand; it belongs intrinsically to him/her</small>
phū́kašu wime
<small>the person’s world → this person does not actually own the world, he/she belongs to the world</small>
Because of its inherent meaning, the genitive cause cannot be used with 2<sup>nd</sup> class nouns, as they usually convey semantically inanimate elements, unable to match with the idea of a conscious or intentional possession.
==== Dative ====
The dative case features the endings -ɣɑ in the singular and -noɣɑ in the plural.
The main role of this case is marking the ''indirect object'' of the sentence, which is the recipient of the action.
phū́kali sopaɣɑ hḗmɑ kɑwokɑt
<small>the person is giving bread to the dog</small>
In a broader sense it conveys ''motion to a place''.
wɑkiɣɑ ʔimḗɣow
<small>I am going to the village</small>
It may mark, also, the ''purpose'' or the ''goal'' of an action or a state.
owtušu mamuɣɑ kinusow
<small>I am singing for my mother</small>
==== Causative ====
The causative case features the endings -khu in the singular and -nokhu in the plural.
The main role of this case is marking the ''cause'' of the sentence, which is the main underlying reason of an action or a state.
phū́kali sṓgoɣɑ ʔahnokhu ʔaʔḗmiɣɑt
<small>the person went home because of the rain</small>
wī́roli ʔṓnakhu ʔalū́ʔḗmiɣɑt
<small>The man walked away because of the woman</small>
In a broader sense it also marks the ''efficient cause''.
sasī́gino tsū́thḗkhu ʔaʔosī́pon
<small>the plants spoiled because of the snow</small>
This is an essential role in marking an unconscious agent, unable to display its own will and being thus intrinsically inanimate, inside of an agentive-inactive system. The supposed “agent” became thus the cause, while avoiding the role of subject of the sentence.
Some 2<sup>nd</sup> class nouns, although semantically inanimate, are able to elicit actions or changes in other elements. However, lacking their own will, they cannot play the role of active agent of the sentence and be marked by the agentive case.
==== Instrumental ====
The instrumental case features the endings -khɑ in the singular and -nokhɑ in the plural.
The grammatical role of this case is marking the ''instrument'' through which the action is performed, or a state is in being.
phū́kali mā́so jū́wakhɑ ʔaʔilukokɑt
<small>the person killed the mouse with a stone</small>
It cannot convey the meaning of the complement of company.
This is a quite important role in marking an inanimate agent, unable to display its own will and even to make a motion, inside of an agentive-inactive system. The supposed “agent” became thus the instrument, while avoiding the role of subject of the sentence.
phū́ka jū́wakhɑ ʔaphū́wikon
<small>the person was hit by/with a stone ← A stone hit the person</small>
As a marker of inanimate instrument, used to perform an action, this case cannot be used with 1<sup>st</sup> class nouns, as they usually convey semantically animate elements.
==== Abessive ====
The abessive case features the endings -gil in the singular and -nogil in the plural.
The main role of this case is marking the ''deprivation'', namely the absence of the instrument through which the action is performed, or a state is being.
sopa hḗmɑgil ʔiluk
<small>the dog will die without bread</small>
It cannot convey the meaning of the complement of absence of company.
It may also convey the lack of an inanimate entity, whose absence is aimless to the action or the state.
phṓɣagil jageli ʔajilɑkɑt
<small>the sheep without wool ran away</small>
In this meaning the abessive case has a specifying role and it thus tends to be placed before the noun it specifies, similarly to other specifying elements of the noun cluster.
As a marker of inanimate instrument, used to perform an action, this case cannot be used with 1<sup>st</sup> class nouns, as they usually convey semantically animate elements.
==== Locative ====
The locative case features the endings -tsar in the singular and -notsar in the plural.
The semantic role of this case is marking the ''location'', namely the place where an action is performed, or a state is in being.
ʔṓnali mā́so sṓgotsar ʔalolī́pɑt
<small>The woman saw a mouse in the house</small>
It thus marks primarily the ''static location'', namely the motionless position.
wɑkitsar mḗʔisow
<small>I am in the village; I am at the village</small>
As a marker of places, this case cannot be used with 1<sup>st</sup> class nouns, as they usually convey semantically animate elements.
=== The active-stative alignment ===
The case system of Kī́rtako language is based on a morphological alignment called '''agentive-stative''' type (also called in Piti philological studies the ''agentive-passive'' alignment). This kind of alignment is essential different from the ''nominative-accusative'' alignment, which is widespread among most European languages, and from the even rarer ''ergative-absolutive'' alignment.
In an agentive-stative alignment the choice of the case relies on the intrinsic ability of the subject to be an active agent in the sentence or not. Unlike the ergative-absolutive alignment, subjects of an intransitive verb can also be agentive subjects, if the action is performed with a certain degree of animacy or intentionality. This usually also depends on the semantic nature of the verb itself. Let’s see two examples:
*'''''to jump''''': this verb is considered as grammatically intransitive, but the described action involves an activity and a will from the subject. Thus, the alignment selects the ''agentive'' case for such subjects.
*'''''to fall''''': this verb is considered as grammatically intransitive, but the described action involves no active engagement or no active will from the subject. It is more regarded as an incidental event, even if it implies some kind of motion. Thus, the alignment selects the ''passive'' case for such subjects.
The system selects only the passive case for direct objects of transitive verbs. Potential confusion is avoided, as the agentive case and the passive case cannot be selected for two kinds of elements which may be in the same sentence.
The general usage rule for these cases is:
*Subject of a transitive verb: '''agentive''' case
*Active subject of an intransitive verb: '''agentive''' case
*Inactive subject of an intransitive verb: '''passive''' case
*Direct object of a transitive verb: '''passive''' case
sopali<sup><small>AGEN</small></sup> wī́ro<sup><small>PASS</small></sup> ñamī́kɑt
<small>the dog is biting the man
(sopali is the subject of the transitive verb ñamī́kɑme and is declined in the agentive case, while wī́ro is the object of the verb and it is declined in the passive case)</small>
sopali<sup><small>AGEN</small></sup> ʔimḗɣekɑt
<small>the dog is running away
(sopali is the subject of the intransitive verb ʔimḗɣekɑme, for which it is an active subject. As such, it intentionally and actively performs the action, and it is declined in the agentive case)</small>
sopa<sup><small>PASS</small></sup> kḗwon
<small>the dog is sleeping
(sopa is the subject of the intransitive verb kḗwonɑme, for which it is an unactive subject. As such, it does not intentionally and actively perform the action, and it is declined in the passive case)</small>
The rules of this system are interlaced with the class system. 2<sup>nd</sup> class nouns cannot be declined in the agentive case at all. Sentences in which these elements might be transitive or active subject are usually differently arrange, as such nouns cannot be in the agentive case:
<small>the storm spoiled the harvest → '''the harvest spoiled because of the storm'''</small>
umatsṓta kumḗkhu ʔaʔosī́p
however, some natural entities can be perceived as animate, as having their own will, like sɑño, ''light'', pike, ''water'', ʔako, ''wind'', and they may optionally be regarded as 1<sup>st</sup> class nouns. In such cases these nouns can be active subjects of transitive verbs and be declined in the agentive case.
Among all elements of a sentence, the verb conveys the most features. Indeed, this element conveys such features like ''person'', ''number'', ''tense'', ''aspect'', and ''mood'', as well as its own semantic meaning.
At the semantic level, the verb carries a basic meaning, which conveys an action, a situation, a feeling, or a state.
<small>to bring</small>
<small>to sleep</small>

Compound numbers are built by placing the lesser number after the higher one:
<small>to be placed</small>
! Number || Form
<small>to know</small>
Each verb is formed by a root form, called verbal root, to which affixes are added, both suffixes and prefixes. By means of these affixes, verbs are conjugated, according to the verbal conjugation.
Each verbal root has a counterpart, derived by the basic root through an introflexive process of ''vowel switching'', conveying an aspectual change.
gagok- → gogak-
<small>to bring<sup><small>IMPF</small></sup> → to bring<sup><small>PRF</small></sup></small>
In terms of analysis, these are deemed as separated roots with a different aspectual value, but the same basic semantic meaning. They are called '''imperfective root''' and '''perfective root'''. Monosyllabic roots, however, do not display any aspectual counterpart. Any distinction according to tense, mood, person, and number is made through affixal endings.
===Verbal aspect===
Kī́rtako verbs primarily display a basic feature: the '''verbal aspect'''. They make this distinction between two aspects, called ''imperfective aspect'' and ''perfective aspect'', by means of two different verbal roots, carrying the same semantic meaning, the ''imperfective root'', and the ''perfective root''.
The verbal aspect essentially describes the extension degree over time of an action or a state.
*'''Imperfective aspect''': it marks ''incomplete actions'', namely the incompleteness of an action or a state. It is used to mark ongoing actions or states, repeated actions or states during an extended time, or a prolonged action or state in time. It is also used to express an action or a state in themselves, without any reference to their completeness degree.
gagok-: ''to bring''. The imperfective root conveys the action of bringing or carrying while the action itself is ongoing. It may convey the action of repetitively bringing, focusing on the repetitiveness or it may simply describe the action of bringing, without any reference to it being completed or not.
*'''Perfective aspect''': it marks ''complete actions'', namely the completeness of an action or a state. It is used to mark a completed and finished action or state.
gogak-: ''to bring''. The perfective root conveys the idea of the action of bringing from the beginning to the end of the action itself, focusing on its conclusion and completeness.
The different roles of the verbal aspect may vary depending on the semantic meaning of the verbal root. An action can be indeed described during its development or after its conclusion and keep its original meaning, because the single action is limited in time.
hḗmɑ ʔagagokow
<small>I was bringing some bread / I used to bring some bread / I brought some bread (repetitively)</small>
hḗmɑ ʔagogakow
<small>I brought some bread (I finished the action / the bread is/was in the place where I put it)
In these examples both roots keep the same meaning of “''bringing''”.</small>
Oppositely, states, conditions, and feelings tend to describe a verbal feature which has an ongoing nature, with a lengthened duration in time. Both aspects convey the same semantic meaning, but also have different semantic nuances:
sopa ʔañowekow
<small>I loved the dog / I used to love the dog (the described condition is long-lasting)</small>
sopa ʔañewokow
<small>I loved the dog (the described condition is now over)
In these examples both roots have the broader meaning of “loving”. The perfective root, however, conveys a slightly changed meaning of “''stopping loving''”, “''no more loving''”.</small>
The verbal aspect is tightly bounded with tense, as some functions of the verbal aspect cannot be expressed in certain verbal tenses.
=== Tense ===
Kī́rtako verbs can also display another feature: the '''tense'''. They make this distinction through a prefix, ʔa-, which is added to both aspectual roots. This prefix sets the action or the state in a past time, in relation to the time of the conversation, creating thus two separated tenses, called ''present'' and ''past tense''.
gagok- → ʔagagok-
<small>to bring<sup><small>PRES</small></sup> → to bring<sup><small>PAST</small></sup></small>
The form not marked by the prefix is called ''present'', although it may also convey actions or state always happening or in the future.
The tense is tightly bounded with the verbal aspect, as some functions of the verbal aspect cannot be expressed in certain verbal tenses.
=== The aspect-tense system ===
In the verbal system the feature of aspect is inseparably bounded with the feature of tense. They are fused in an interlaced aspect-tense system which is expressed by the verbal root and the temporal prefix. This system conveys different information regarding the action or the state, which are semantically expressed by the verb.
The aspect-tense system is as follows:
{| class="wikitable"
| 11 || '''ty mē'''
| || colspan="2"| <center>''Aspect''</center>
| 15 || '''ty qo'''
| rowspan="2" style="width: 90px;"| <center>''Tense''</center> || style="width: 190px;"| <center>'''Imperfective present'''</center> || style="width: 190px;"| <center>'''Perfective present'''</center>
| 23 || '''xupty ci'''
| <center>'''Imperfective past'''</center> || <center>'''Perfective past'''</center>
For the sake of ease in analysis, such forms are usually called ''verbal tenses''. The main information, conveyed by the various verbal tenses is given below.
==== Imperfective present ====
The ''imperfective present'' conveys primarily ongoing actions or states, during the same moment when speech occurs.
hḗmɑ hḗmonow
<small>I am eating bread (in this moment, ongoing action)</small>
It can also convey habitually recurring actions or states, which are repeated on an almost regular basis, including the same moment when speech occurs.
hḗmɑ jḗsɑti hḗmonow
<small>I eat bread every day (recurring action, present moment included)</small>
It can, moreover, convey general truths, actions or states which are repeated on an indefinite basis, or perpetually recurring.
rū́roki kitatsar ʔū́khasɑt
<small>the sun shines in the sky (general truth)</small>
With a time-referring element, like a temporal adverb, this tense can also convey future actions or state, which are set after the moment when speech occurs, ongoing or recurring in that future moment.
hḗmɑ rosɑti hḗmonow
<small>I will be eating bread tomorrow (in that moment, the action will be occurring)</small>
hḗmɑ phuwɑkotsar jḗsɑti hḗmonow
<small>Next year I am going to eat bread everyday (the action is going to be repeated in future time)</small>
==== Perfective present ====
The ''perfective present'' conveys basically complete actions or states, which are completed at the same moment when speech occurs.
hḗmɑ homḗnow
<small>I ate/have eaten bread (at this very moment, the action is completed)</small>
An action is, however, not usually complete at the exact moment of the present, whereas it tends to be completed in the present or in the future. Thus, this tense usually conveys actions or state that will be completed or finished in a future time after the moment when speech occurs.
hḗmɑ homḗnow
<small>I am going to eat bread (the action is going to be completed)</small>
Usage of inherent time-referring elements is therefore optional.
hḗmɑ phusɑti homḗnow
<small>I am going to eat bread tomorrow (the action is going to be completed)</small>
As the inherent reference to future time is prevailing, and despite its name of perfective “present”, usage of time-referring elements is compulsory to convey the meaning of completeness at the same moment when speech occurs.
==== Imperfective past ====
The imperfective past conveys primarily actions or states, which are set before the moment when speech occurs, ongoing or recurring in that past moment.
hḗmɑ ʔaɣḗmonow
<small>I was eating bread (in that moment, the action was occurring)</small>
It can also convey habitually recurring actions or states, which are repeated on an almost regular basis, but only in the past and excluding the moment when speech occurs.
hḗmɑ jḗsɑti ʔaɣḗmonow
<small>I used to eat bread every day (the action was repeated in past time)</small>
==== Perfective past ====
The perfective present conveys basically complete actions or states, which are completed before the moment when speech occurs.
hḗmɑ ʔaɣomḗnow
<small>I ate bread (the action is or was completed)</small>
=== Mood ===
Kī́rtako verbs display an additional feature: the '''mood''', namely the way or the manner an action is performed, or a state is in being. They make this distinction through a certain number of ''suffixes'', which are added to both aspectual roots. These suffixes create three separated moods, called ''indicative'', ''subjunctive'' and ''conditional mood''.
Each mood can display every possible aspectual and temporal form of the root. Usage of such forms, however, is not necessarily the same in each mood. The different usage and information conveyed by the moods are described below.
==== Indicative ====
The ''indicative'' is the main mood of Kī́rtako verbal system. It features the '''zero''' suffix ending (shown with -Ø), or, it can be said that it does not feature any suffix.
It primarily conveys a meaning of ''statement'' and ''certainty'', regarding the referred information. At a syntactical level, it is used mostly in main clauses, as the basic form of information transfer. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣow
<small>I am going home (imperfective present)</small>
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓwerow
<small>I will be listening to you voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)</small>
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗnɑt
<small>he’s going to eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)</small>
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑt
<small>the tailor was sewing the dress (imperfective past)</small>
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekow
<small>I came to the village (perfective past)</small>
The indicative mood may also be found in sentences which do not express any certainty. In such a case, this kind of information is conveyed by other elements in the sentence.
==== Subjunctive ====
The ''subjunctive'' mood features the suffix -iñ-. It has three main functions.
It conveys, primarily, a meaning of ''hope'' and ''wish'', usually from the speaker, regarding the referred information. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñow
<small>I wish I am going home (imperfective present)</small>
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓweriñow
<small>if I only be listening to your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)</small>
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗniñɑt
<small>I wish he eats two eggs (perfective present - future usage)</small>
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowiñɑt
<small>I wished the tailor were sewing the dress (imperfective past)</small>
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekiñow
<small>if only I had come to the village (perfective past)</small>
It also conveys a meaning of ''exhortation'', regarding the referred information. In this meaning it is seldomly used in the past tenses. It usually expresses an exhortation only in the present and in the future.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñow
<small>I better be going home (imperfective present)</small>
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓweriñow
<small>I’ll better be listening to your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)</small>
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗniñɑt
<small>let him eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)</small>
Such usages, in the allowed tenses, can be semantically overlapped, as an exhortation can be interpreted as a kind of wish from the speaker for the action to be performed or the state to be in being. The context will usually clarify the function of the subjunctive forms in a sentence.
As an exhortative form, the subjunctive is used to express the ''imperative'' form, which does not exist in Kī́rtako as an independent form. Such usage is specified in another chapter below.
Moreover, the subjunctive is mostly used dependent clauses. It is widely used as a ''subordinating form'' in such clauses. In this case it is usually used without the other modal meanings, and it simply replaces the indicative form, without inferring any other additional modal meaning.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣow → tsɑgewow hī́ɑt sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñow
<small>I am going home → I say I am going home (imperfective present)</small>
==== Conditional ====
The ''conditional'' mood features the suffix -ɑts-. It has several functions.
It conveys, primarily, a meaning of ''desire'' and ''wish'', usually from the speaker, regarding the referred information. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑtsow
<small>I’d like to be going home (imperfective present)</small>
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓwerɑtsow
<small>I’d like to hear (repeatedly) your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)</small>
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗnɑtsɑt
<small>I’d like to eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)</small>
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑtsɑt
<small>I wanted the tailor to be sewing the dress (imperfective past)</small>
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekɑtsow
<small>I did like to come to the village (perfective past)</small>
It also conveys a meaning of ''will'', regarding the referred information, usually from the subject of the sentence. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑtsow
<small>I want to be going home (right now) (imperfective present)</small>
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓwerɑtsow
<small>I want to hear (repeatedly) your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)</small>
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗnɑtsɑt
<small>he wants to eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)</small>
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑtsɑt
<small>the tailor wanted to be sewing the dress (imperfective past)</small>
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekɑtsow
<small>I would have come to the village (perfective past)</small>
Moreover, it conveys a meaning of ''potentiality'', usually deemed as inherent in the action or the state themselves, regarding the referred information. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑtsow
<small>I may be going home (right now) (imperfective present)</small>
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓwerɑtsow
<small>I may be hearing your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)</small>
ʔahno hašī́kɑtsɑt
<small>it might rain (perfective present - future usage)</small>
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗnɑtsɑt
<small>I may eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)</small>
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑtsɑt
<small>the tailor might have been sewing the dress (imperfective past)</small>
<small>it might have snowed (perfective past)</small>
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekɑtsow
<small>I might have come to the village (perfective past)</small>
It can also convey a meaning of ''possibility'', usually from the subject of the sentence, regarding the referred information. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑtsow
<small>I could be going home (imperfective present)</small>
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓwerɑtsow
<small>I could be hearing your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)</small>
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗnɑtsɑt
<small>I could eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)</small>
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑtsɑt
<small>the tailor could have been sewing the dress (imperfective past)</small>
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekɑtsow
<small>I could have come to the village (perfective past)</small>
Such usages can be semantically overlapped, as a will can be interpreted as a kind of desire from the speaker for the action to be performed or the state to be in being. Furthermore, a possibility may be interpreted as a form of potentiality, from the subject or inherent in the action or the state. The context will usually clarify the function of the conditional forms in a sentence.
As said above, the conditional can convey a potentiality or a possibility, usually referring to a future moment in relation to the moment, we are speaking about. Thus, these forms can be used, even without any time-referring element, to express actions or states set in a future moment in relation to a past period, in both aspects.
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑtsɑt
<small>the tailor would have been sewing the dress (but it wasn’t happening)</small>
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekɑtsow
<small>I would come to the village (but it didn’t happen)</small>
This usage is known as “''future in the past''”.
=== Modal verbs ===
Some verbs can be used to conveys modal meanings, combined with other verbal forms. Such verbs are usually called '''modal verbs'''.
Modal verbs are:
*ʔī́sɑme: ''do not'' (negative verb)
*gṓtsekɑme: to be allowed to (''can, may'')
*phɑgesɑme: to be able to (''can'')
*goʔī́kɑme: to want to
*kokisɑme: to be compelled to (''have to'')
Other modal features are directly conveyed by the verbal roots, through the verbal moods. These features, as already explained above, are:
*''Possibility'', ''potentiality'', ''will'', ''desire'': conditional mood
*''Wish'', ''hope'': subjunctive mood
The different usage and information conveyed by the modal verbs are described below.
In the following description the adverb jṓr, ''necessarily'', is included, as it has a modal meaning and usage. On the contrary, the negative verb ʔī́sɑme is not included, as its role and usage are extensively explained in the morphological section.
==== gṓtsekɑme ====
This verb conveys the modal meaning that the subject of the sentence is generically ''allowed'' to perform the action or to be in a certain state. Who gives permission is not relevant for the purpose of the verbal information.
Therefore, this verb conveys one of the meanings of the modal verb '''to can''' or '''to may'''.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme gṓtsekow
<small>I can go home (I am allowed to go home)</small>
The verbal form specified by the modal verb is conjugated in the nominal form called ''subjunctive infinitive''. This form, deemed as a nominal form introduced by the modal verb, plays a similar role to that of the direct object of the sentence, but, unlike a nominal direct object, it is placed just before the modal verb.
phū́kali sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme gṓtsekɑt
<small>the person can go home</small>
Thus, the possible direct object of this infinitival form is deemed as a belonging to such form, and it is declined in the ablative case.
ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme gṓtsekɑt
<small>the woman can eat bread</small>
As can be seen, both 3<sup>rd</sup> person endings can be added to the modal verb, depending on the animacy degree of the verb.
When negated, the modal verb is placed just before the negative verb.
ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme gṓtsekɑme ʔī́sɑt
<small>the woman cannot eat bread</small>
==== phɑgesɑme ====
This verb conveys the modal meaning that the subject of the sentence is generically ''able'' to perform the action or to be in a certain state. This ability may be either temporary or permanent.
Therefore, this verb conveys two of the meanings of the modal verb '''to can''' or of the modal expression '''to be able to'''.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme phɑgesow
<small>I can go home (I am able now)</small>
khatowī́tili khatowiñɑme phɑgesɑt
<small>the tailor can sew (he learnt it, he has a permanent ability)</small>
Such usages can be semantically overlapped, and, as in English, there is no clear distinction between a temporary or a permanent ability within the modal usage of this verb. The context will usually clarify the role of the modal verb.
The verbal form specified by the modal verb is conjugated in the nominal form called ''subjunctive infinitive''. This form, deemed as a nominal form introduced by the modal verb, plays a similar role to that of the direct object of the sentence, but, unlike a nominal direct object, it is placed just before the modal verb.
phū́kali sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme phɑgesɑt
<small>the person can go home</small>
Thus, the possible direct object of this infinitival form is deemed as a belonging to such form, and it is declined in the ablative case.
ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme phɑgesɑt
<small>the woman can eat bread</small>
As can be seen, both 3<sup>rd</sup> person endings can be added to the modal verb, depending on the animacy degree of the verb.
When negated, the modal verb is placed just before the negative verb.
ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme phɑgesɑme ʔī́sɑt
<small>the woman cannot eat bread</small>
==== goʔī́kɑme ====
This verb conveys the modal meaning that the subject of the sentence is generically ''willing'' to perform the action or to be in a certain state.
Therefore, this verb conveys one of the meanings of the modal verb '''to want'''.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme goʔī́kow
<small>I want to go home (My will is to go home)</small>
The verbal form specified by the modal verb is conjugated in the nominal form called subjunctive infinitive. This form, deemed as a nominal form introduced by the modal verb, plays a similar role to that of the direct object of the sentence, but, unlike a nominal direct object, it is placed just before the modal verb.
phū́kali sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme goʔī́kɑt
<small>the person wants to go home</small>
Thus, the possible direct object of this infinitival form is deemed as a belonging to such form, and it is declined in the ablative case.
ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme goʔī́kɑt
<small>the woman wants eat bread</small>
As can be seen, both 3<sup>rd</sup> person endings can be added to the modal verb, depending on the animacy degree of the verb.
When negated, the modal verb is placed just before the negative verb.
ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme goʔī́kɑme ʔī́sɑt
<small>the woman does not want to eat bread</small>
This verb is deemed as modal, as it tends to add a modal value to other verbs. For this reason, it does not usually convey the direct wish for something, and it is not usually used with a direct object without another verbal form. This meaning is normally expressed by the verb guʔā́šɑme.
hḗmɑ guʔā́šow
<small>I want bread</small>
Nevertheless, it is sometimes possible to use the modal verb goʔī́kɑme as a normal transitive verb.
hḗmɑ goʔī́kow
<small>I want bread</small>
In such case, this usage is allowed as a second verbal form is semantically implied. It is noteworthy that, as the infinitival form is dropped, the direct object of the sentence is declined in the proper case, according to its role.
hḗmɑ(šu hḗmoniñɑme) goʔī́kow
<small>I want (to eat) bread</small>
==== kokisɑme ====
This verb conveys the modal meaning that the subject of the sentence is generically ''compelled'' to perform the action or to be in a certain state. The source of this obligation is  not relevant for the purpose of the verbal information, but obligation is usually meant as independent from the will of the subject.
Therefore, this verb conveys one of the meanings of the modal verbs '''to must''' or '''to have to'''.
sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme kokisow
<small>I have to go home (I am obliged to go)</small>
Sentence construction is typically altered by this verb, as it tends to be used in the ''passive construct'', especially in the classic period.
sṓgoɣɑ phū́kali ʔimḗɣiñɑme kokis
<small>the person has to go home</small>
Such usage of the passive construct for this verb, however, tends to die out in the later period, and sentences to be built with the normal syntactical construction, as required by the meaning of the sentences.
phū́kali sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme kokisɑt
<small>the person has to go home</small>
The verbal form specified by the modal verb is conjugated in the nominal form called subjunctive infinitive. This form, deemed as a nominal form introduced by the modal verb, plays a similar role to that of the direct object of the sentence, but, unlike a nominal direct object, it is placed just before the modal verb.
sṓgoɣɑ phū́kali ʔimḗɣiñɑme kokis
<small>the person has to go home</small>
Thus, the possible direct object of this infinitival form is deemed as a belonging to such form, and it is declined in the ablative case.
hḗmɑšu ʔṓnali hḗmoniñɑme kokis
<small>the woman has to eat bread</small>
As can be seen, both 3<sup>rd</sup> person endings can be added to the modal verb, depending on the animacy degree of the verb.
When negated, the modal verb is placed just before the negative verb.
hḗmɑšu ʔṓnali hḗmoniñɑme kokisɑme ʔī́sɑt
<small>the woman must not eat bread</small>
The negative form of this verb usually conveys the ''obligation to not'' perform the action or to be in a certain state.
==== jṓr ====
This adverb conveys the modal meaning that the subject of the sentence generically ''needs'' to perform the action or to be in a certain state. This necessity is usually meant as the subject’s own one.
Therefore, this verb conveys one of the meanings of the modal verbs '''to must''' or '''to need'''.
sṓgoɣɑ jṓr ʔimḗɣow
<small>I must go home (I need to go)</small>
This adverb is placed inside of a sentence without altering the order of the other elements. Therefore, a direct object is declined in the passive case, as for its role in the sentence, and the main verb is conjugated according to tense and mood required by the syntax of the sentence.
ʔṓnali hḗmɑ jṓr hḗmonɑt
<small>the woman must eat bread</small>
Likewise, the adverb does not alter the syntax of a negative sentence, being placed before the verbal cluster.
ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu jṓr hḗmonɑme ʔī́sɑt
<small>the woman does not need to eat bread</small>
The negative form of this adverb usually conveys the ''lack of need'' to perform the action or to be in a certain state.
== Passive construct ==
Kī́rtako verbs do not display any morphological passive voice, either simple or compound. It is however possible to use a syntactical construction with a passive meaning, by modifying the word order from '''SOV''' to '''OSV'''. When placed in the first position, the direct object is somehow highlighted. Cases are unaltered and the agent of the sentence is still marked by the agentive case.
wī́roli ʔṓna lī́lopɑt → ʔṓna wī́roli lī́lop
<small>the man sees the woman → the woman is seen by the man</small>
As can be seen, the 3<sup><small>rd</small></sup> person of the verb is systematically chosen in the short form.
When a sentence lacks an agent, the verb is usually conjugated in the 3<sup><small>rd</small></sup> person plural short form:
wī́ro lī́lopon
<small>they see the man → the man is seen</small>
== Reflexive construct ==
Kī́rtako verbs do not display any morphological passive voice or any reflexive pronouns. Verbs, which have a reflexive meaning in other languages, have different verbal root and are deemed as different verbs.
kā́kuʔɑme - gṓɣapɑme
<small>to bend (something) - to bend (oneself)</small>
With some verbs, however, it is possible to use to use a syntactical construction with a reflexive meaning, namely when the action is actively performed by the subject, but its result affects the subject itself. It is called ''reflexive construct''.
In this construct, the personal pronoun, agreeing in number and person in the required case, is preceded by the adjective meʔɑ, ''same''.
meʔɑ jo mī́woñow, meʔɑ nɑ mī́woñer... meʔɑno jono mī́woñonow...
<small>I wash myself, you wash yourself… we wash ourselves…</small>
In most cases personal pronouns in the passive case are used, as the pronoun is regarded as the direct object of the action of the verb; the adjective meʔɑ is declined in agreement. This construct can be used only with transitive verbs.
In the later period, in the western texts, the adjective meʔɑ can be placed after the pronominal forms.
== Imperative ==
Kī́rtako lacks proper imperative forms. As the subjunctive mood can convey an exhortative meaning, the 2<sup><small>nd</small></sup> person forms are used in an imperative role, in both aspects according to the aspectual nature of the action or the state.
In the negative form is primarily found, however, the imperfective aspect:
tumawiñɑme ʔī́siñer
<small>do not drink! (both once and never)</small>
== Verb “to have” ==
Possession and belonging are conveyed by two different verbs, hḗʔī́ɣɑme e totirɑme. Both verbs play the role of the English verb '''to have'''. The difference in the role of the two verbal forms is essentially like the same difference in usage between the genitive case and the ablative case.
The verb '''totirɑme''' conveys an ''intentional possession'' from the possessor.
phū́kali sṓgo totirɑt
<small>the person has (owns) a house</small>
This kind of possession is meant as fundamentally limited in time, non-intrinsic and consciously performed by the possessor.
kojā́hukha totirow
<small>I have a stylus</small>
As it conveys an intentional possession, this verb is regarded as transitive: the owner is expressed in the ''agentive'' case, as an agent with a will of its own, and the owned is expressed in the ''passive'' case, as it is the direct object of the verb.
šupā́tɑli<small><sup>AGEN</sup></small> tirṓsi<small><sup>PASS</sup></small> totirɑt
<small>the king has a palace</small>
As a transitive verb, this verb can be used only with 1st class nouns as their subject.
The verb '''hḗʔī́ɣɑme''' conveys, conversely, an ''unintentional possession'' from the possessor or the ''intrinsic belonging'' to the possessor.
phū́ka ʔaki lilā́nošu hḗʔī̀
<small>a person has two hands</small>
This kind of possession is meant as fundamentally unlimited in time, intrinsic and unconsciously performed by the possessor.
ʔḗmašu hḗʔī̀ɣow
<small>I have a head</small>
As it conveys an unintentional possession or a belonging, this verb is regarded as intransitive: the owner is expressed in the ''passive'' case and the owned is expressed in the ''ablative'' case, as it is deemed as a belonging to the subject. In the 3<small><sup>rd</sup></small> person the verb usually selects the short forms.
šupā́tɑ<small><sup>PASS</sup></small> ʔaki rakonošu<small><sup>ABL</sup></small> hḗʔī̀
<small>the king has two eyes</small>
As a transitive verb, this verb can be used only with nouns of both classes as their subject.
In the texts of the later period, however, this verb tends to be regarded as a transitive one, with the owner in the ''agentive'' case and the owned in the ''passive'' case, while it still selects the 3<small><sup>rd</sup></small> person short forms.
phū́kali ʔaki lilā́no hḗʔī̀
<small>a person has two hands</small>
In such cases, also 2<small><sup>nd</sup></small> class nouns can be declined in the agentive case. This phenomenon can be considered as part of the general confusion in case usage in the later period.
== Interrogative clauses ==
Interrogative clauses, namely simple ''questions'', do not display any specific feature regarding their word order. Interrogative pronouns are placed in their logical position inside the clause, and they are not moved at the beginning of the sentence:
wī́roli šɑ lī́lopɑt?
<small>what is the man seeing?</small>
Interrogative pronouns may be optionally fronted, but this position is deemed as strongly marked or a way to express the passive construct:
šɑ wī́roli lī́lopɑt?
<small>the man is seeing what? / what is being seen by the man?</small>
Clauses without any interrogative pronoun (also called “''yes-no questions''”) feature the interrogative particle om, which usually marks the verbal form, by being placed right before it.
wī́roli ʔṓna om lī́lopɑt?
<small>is the man seeing the woman?</small>
However, the particle om can be placed before any element of the clause to specify its role as the main element of the question:
wī́roli om ʔṓna lī́lopɑt?
<small>is the woman, who is being seen by the man?</small>
If there is a modal verb at the end of the clause, om is placed before that, after the infinitival form of the main verb:
wī́roli ʔṓna lī́lopɑme om ʔī́sɑt?
<small>isn’t the man seeing the woman?</small>
Dependent clauses in Kī́rtako language feature a wider usage of the ''subjunctive'' mood, which replaces the forms of the indicative mood, becoming thus a sort of ''subordinating form''. Many dependent clauses can also be headed by a ''non-finite form'', usually a subjunctive infinitive. In such clauses the meaning of exhortation or wish of the subjunctive mood is not expressed.
===Declarative content clauses (subjective and objective clauses)===
Declarative content clauses mainly feature the ''infinitive'', which plays the role of the object of the declarative verb. In subjective declarative clauses the indicative infinitive is mostly used, although it can be also replaced by its subjunctive (or conditional) form:
wā́gosɑme wā́go (ʔɑñ)
<small>it is right to rule</small>
In such clauses the infinitive is deemed as a noun, and it tends to be placed in the logical position of the subject.
For objective declarative clauses, which can have a different subject from the main clause, two constructions are possible:
*The objective clause is placed at the end of the main clause, and the verb is conjugated in the ''subjunctive infinitive'' (or conditional), while the subject is declined in the proper case, according to the clause syntax.
wī́roli ʔatsegɑwɑt ʔṓnali kogiwiñɑme
<small>the man said that the woman is going to come</small>
The direct object of the infinitival form is regularly declined in the ''ablative case''.
papuli mamuɣɑ ʔatsegɑwɑt tatuli tū́kḗšu ʔaʔilukokiñɑme
<small>the father told the mother that his brother killed the bear</small>
*The objective clause is placed after the declarative verb, and it is introduced by the particle '''hī́ɑt'''. The dependent verb is conjugated in the ''subjunctive'' or in the conditional.
papuli ʔatsegɑwɑt hī́ɑt tatuli tū́kḗ ʔaʔilukokɑtsɑt
<small>the father told the mother that his brother might have killed the bear</small>
The dependent clause syntax is not essentially altered, except for the modal change.
This construction is quite uncommon in the classical period, while it becomes more recurring in the texts of the later period.
===Adverbial clauses of reason (causative clauses)===
There are two possible constructions:
*The adverbial clause is placed at the end of the main clause, and the verb is conjugated in the ''subjunctive infinitive'' (or conditional), declined in the ''causative case''.
wī́roli ʔakogiwɑt sopali ʔṓnašu ʔañī́makiñɑmekhu
<small>the man came because the dog had bitten the woman</small>
The direct object of the infinitival form is regularly declined in the ''ablative case''.
*The adverbial clause is placed at the end of the main clause, and it is introduced by the particles šɑkhu or šɑtukhu. The dependent verb is conjugated in the ''subjunctive'' or in the conditional.
šɑtukhu sopali ʔṓnašu ʔañī́makiñɑt wī́roli ʔakogiwɑt
<small>as the dog had bitten the woman, the man came</small>
The particle šɑtukhu is usually used when these clauses are placed before the main clauses, while šɑkhu is used when they are placed after the main clause.
The non-finite construction has already almost fallen out of use in the classical period, being limited to the dependent clauses where the subject is the same as the main clause.
===Adverbial clauses of purpose (final clauses)===
They are constructed in the following way:
The adverbial clause is placed at the end of the main clause, and the verb is conjugated in the ''subjunctive infinitive'' (or conditional), declined in the ''dative case''.
papuli mū́ketu rimusɑt rā́nošu mṓtsatiñɑmeɣɑ
<small>the father tends the flock to collect the milk</small>
The direct object of the infinitival form is regularly declined in the ''ablative case''.
===Adverbial clauses of time (temporal clauses)===
Construction of clauses of time always involves the usage of the ''subjunctive'' or conditional mood and their placement at the end of the main clause or before it. There are several introducing particles with different meanings:
{| class="wikitable"
| 145  || '''sto voty qo'''
| style="width: 110px;"| šɑtutsar || <small>when</small>
| 2156 || '''xupqur sto qoty bum'''
| juʔṓtsar || <small>when / while</small>
| 1 259 978 || '''mil xupsto qoty vaqur qosto śoty rō'''
| juʔṓɣɑ || <small>until / as long as</small>
| ''etc.''
| juʔṓšu || <small>how long / since when</small>
| juʔṓšu phun || <small>after</small>
| juʔṓšu roš || <small>before</small>

The particle juʔṓtsar has different usage as compared to the particle šɑtutsar:
Verbs do not change according to time, aspect, mode, number, gender, etc. They are usually associated with grammar particles which convey the negation, the time, the aspect, the modality or the evidentiality of the action. No one of this particle are strictly mandatory if the context is clear enough to express these meanings.
*when šɑtutsar is used with both verbal aspects, it has always the meaning of ''when''.
*when juʔṓtsar is used with verbal forms in the imperfective aspect, it takes on the meaning of ''while'', and when it is used with verbal forms in the the perfective aspect, it takes on the meaning of ''when''.
In the later period the subjunctive mood is increasingly replaced by the indicative forms.

The particles are strictly placed in this order:
=== Adverbial clauses of manner (modal clauses)===
They are constructed in the following way:

{| align="center"
The adverbial clause is placed at the end of the main clause, and it is introduced by the particle mɑtsar. The dependent verb is conjugated in the ''subjunctive'' or in the conditional.
|- align="center"
wī́roli jagetu rimusɑt mɑtsar ʔṓnaɣɑ ʔatsegɑwiñɑt
|{{color|red|'''Negation'''}} ||-||{{color|blue|'''Time'''}} ||-||{{color|green|'''Verb form'''}}||-|| {{color|orange|'''Aspect'''}}||-|| {{color|purple|'''Mode'''}}||-|| {{color|brown|'''Evidentiality'''}}
<small>the man is tending the flock as he had told the woman</small>
===Relative clauses===
Relative clauses have a specifying role for nouns (or pronouns). There are two possible constructions:
*By placing, before the specified noun, the ''agentive participle'', or the ''passive participle''. The possible direct object of the participle is declined in the ''ablative case'', as with the infinitival form, while the agent of the passive particle is declined in the ''agentive case''. Both participles agree in case and number with the name they specify.
jagetušu rimusī́to wī́ro ʔalolī́pow
<small>I saw the man tending the flock → I saw the man who was tending the flock</small>
tū́kḗli ʔaʔilukokuki jage ʔalolī́pow
<small>I saw the sheep killed by the bear → I saw the sheep who was killed by the bear</small>

It is noteworthy to highlight that this is not a real passive sentence.
* ''It seems they aren't looking for him right now'': '''tȳn la tȳn {{color|red|nat}} {{color|blue|mo}} {{color|green|qum}} {{color|orange|sty}} {{color|purple|vol}} {{color|brown|nah}}'''

====Negative particles====
*By using the relative pronoun hī́. In this case relative clauses can be placed before or after nouns, although the trend is to be placed after them. Such clauses can also be placed outside the main clause if ambiguity can be easily avoided. The relative pronoun tends to be placed in its logical syntactical position, but it may also be placed near the specified noun, thus at the beginning or at the end of the clause. The dependent verb is conjugated in the ''subjunctive'' or in the conditional.
* '''nat''': ''assertive negation'', it negate an assertion, a question, a normal sentence
** '''Ul ma piǵ kra''', ''I can see you'' → '''Ul la {{color|red|nat}} piǵ kra''', ''I cannot see you''
* '''pē''': ''prohibitive negation'', it negate an order, expressing a prohibition
** '''Ma tȳn ma snā dī do kāǵ si fa''', ''Tell him what you know'' → '''Ma tȳn ma snā dī do {{color|red|pē}} kāǵ fa''', ''Don't tell me what you know''

====Time particles====
hī́li jage ʔaʔilukokɑt tū́kḗ ʔalolī́pow
* '''ta''': ''past'', it locates the action in the past
tū́kḗ hī́li jage ʔaʔilukokɑt ʔalolī́pow
* '''rā''': ''remote past'', it locates the action in the remote past, historical past or a past that we feel remote and far
tū́kḗ ʔalolī́pow hī́li jage ʔaʔilukokɑt
* '''mo''': ''present'', it locates the action in the present, it is usually omitted, and when expressed it conveys the meaning of precise present "''right now''"
<small>I saw the bear who killed the sheep</small>
* '''fut''': ''future'', it locates the action in the future
The non-finite construction is by far the most used, while the finite construction is generally used when the clause is too complex. In the later period, however, the finite construction enjoys increased vitality even in simpler sentences. Constructions with the passive participles remain largely used in every period.
* '''fu ta''': ''future in the past'', it locates the action in the (hypotetic) future of a past action (still in the past)
* '''ta fu''': ''anterior future'', it locates the action in the past of a future action (still in the future)

Time particles are often left out, expecially in direct speech, since the time of the action is usually inferred by the context. They are used at the beginning of the speech to temporally localize the action or when omission may cause ambiguity.
=== Conditional clauses ===
Conditional clauses employ specific constructions, which provide for a combined usage of mood, aspect, tense, and introduction particles in two sentences, namely the ''antecedent'' (<small>which conveys the hypothetical assumption, introduced by “if”</small>) and the ''consequent'' (<small>which conveys the possible outcome of the hypothesis</small>).

====Aspectual particles====
Broadly, it conveys the idea of a possible, unlikely, or impossible hypothesis, in the past, in the present, or in the future.
* '''fa''': ''perfective'', it marks a completed action, with no regard for its effects or results
* '''ǵa''': ''perfect'', it marks a completed action which results are still affecting the moment we are talking about, (= English perfect tenses)
* '''sty''': ''continous'', it marks an uncompleted ongoing action in the moment we are talking about (= English continuous tenses)
* '''rē''': ''repetitive'', it marks an action which is repeated many times (= ''doing again'', ''keep on doing again'')
* '''sōl''': ''habitual'', it marks an action which is routinely or habitually performed (''usually'', ''used to'')
* '''pyr''': ''prospective'', it marks an action which is about to start in the moment we are talking about (= ''to be about to'')
* '''maj''': ''experiencial'', it marks the fact we have have or never have had experience of the action in the moment we are talking about (''ever'', ''never'')

====Modal particles====
The antecedent is usually introduced by the particle ʔḗɣī́tsar or is marked by the particle omlo, placed before the conjugated verbal form. The dependent verb is conjugated in the ''subjunctive'' mood in the antecedent, while the verb in the consequent can be conjugated in the ''conditional'' mood or in the ''indicative'' mood.
* '''vol''': ''volitive'', it conveys intention or will, ''going to'', ''want''
*''Possible hypothesis''. The conveyed hypothesis is regarded as largely possible. Such hypotheses usually convey actions or states in the present or in the future.
* '''des''': ''octative'', it conveys wish, ''want'', ''wish'', ''desire''
* '''kra''': ''abilitial'', it conveys a momentaneus ability, ''can''
* '''pos''': ''potentive'', it conveys ability, capability, ''can'', ''know how''
* '''ro''': ''potential'', it conveys possibility, ''may'', ''might''
* '''vā''': ''causative'', it marks that the action is caused by someone on someone/thing else, ''let'', ''make'', ''get'', ''have''
* '''kōm''': ''incohative'', it marks a beginning action, ''to begin'', ''to start''
* '''fōr''': ''hypothetical'', it marks the uncertainty of the action or that the action is/was/will be hypothetical, ''maybe'', ''if''
* '''si''': ''imperative'', to give orders (usually not used with the negative prohibitive particle).
Modal particles can be used in the same sentences together, since they conveys meanings which can be expressed in the same sentences. If there are two or more modal particles, they follow the order of the list above.

====Evidential particles====
In the antecedent the verb is conjugated in the ''present subjunctive'' and in the consequent the verb is conjugated in the ''present indicative''. Both aspects can be used.
* '''nah''': ''reported action'', the speaker does not personally see the action, the action is reported by someone else
* '''box''': ''doubtful action'', the speaker does not personally see the action, the action is reported by someone else, but the speaker expresses his/her doubt about its truthfulness
* '''kap''': ''deduced action'', the speaker does not personally see the action, but he/she deduces the action by seeing traces or evidences

===Derivative morphology===
hḗmɑ omlo totirugiñow, ʔḗhlo homḗnonow
As usual for an isolating language, words in Qihep can often be used as nouns, adjectives or verbs.
<small>if I buy bread, we will eat together</small>

ʔḗɣī́tsar hḗmɑ jḗsɑti titorugiñow, ʔḗhlo jḗjuʔṓ hḗmononow
<small>if I buy bread every day, we will always eat together</small>

* '''Tȳn rȳs ta {{color|red|smāx}} fa''', ''he kissed her''
In the consequent, the indicative mood can be replaced by the subjunctive to express the imperative-exhortative meaning of this mood. However, this way it is not possible to  distinguish the possible hypothesis from the unlikely hypothesis.
* '''Rȳs tȳn dī {{color|red|smāx}} nat vyūmbēl maj''', ''she has never forgot his kiss''

In the first sentence '''smāx''', as in English, plays the role of verb, while in the second sentence it is a noun.
hḗmɑ omlo totirugiñow, ʔḗhlo homḗniñonow
<small>if I buy bread, let’s eat together!</small>

Some suffixes can be added to the words to indicate a more precise meaning:
*''Unlikely hypothesis''. The conveyed hypothesis is regarded as largely unlikely to happen. Such hypotheses usually convey actions or states in the present or in the future.

====Verb → Noun====
In the antecedent the verb is conjugated in the ''present subjunctive'' and in the consequent the verb is conjugated in the ''present conditional''. Both aspects can be used.
* '''-kȳt''': it forms a noun indicating the concrete result of the action (almost corresponding to English ''-tion'')
* '''-tan''': it forms a noun indicating the ongoing process of the action (almost corresponding to English ''-ing'')
* '''-mor''': it forms a noun for the person who performs the action (corresponding to English ''-er'')

====Verb → Adjective====
hḗmɑ omlo totirugiñow, ʔḗhlo homḗnɑtsonow
* '''-sy''': it forms an adjective with a perfective passive meaning (almost corresponding to English ''-ed''). Because of its passive meaning, it cannot be added to intransitive verbs.
<small>if I bought bread, we would eat together</small>
** '''ul la dī mīl{{color|red|sy}} tanvran''', ''my beloved man''

====Noun/Adjective → Verb====
ʔḗɣī́tsar hḗmɑ jḗsɑti titorugiñow, ʔḗhlo jḗjuʔṓ hḗmonɑtsonow
* '''-skyt''' (''to make''): it forms a verb indicating that the object is made according to the meaning of the adjective or of the noun (almost corresponding to English ''-fy'', ''to make'')
<small>if I bought bread every day, we would always eat together</small>
** '''mē''', ''one'' + '''-skyt''' → '''mēskyt''', ''to unite''
* '''-bly''' (''to become''): it forms a verb indicating that the subject is becoming according to the meaning of the adjective or of the noun (almost corresponding to English ''to become'', ''to get'')

In the consequent, the indicative mood can be replaced by the subjunctive to express the imperative-exhortative meaning of this mood. However, this way it is not possible to distinguish the possible hypothesis from the possible or impossible hypothesis.
Typologically speaking, Qihep is a strictly SOV language. That means that in the sentences the word order is unvariably '''Subject-Object-Verb'''.

* '''{{color|green|Subject}} - {{color|blue|Object}} - {{color|red|Verb}}''': '''{{color|green|Tȳn}} {{color|blue|ma}} {{color|red|śak sty}}''', ''{{color|green|He}} {{color|red|is following}} {{color|blue|you}}''
hḗmɑ omlo totirugiñow, ʔḗhlo homḗniñonow
<small>if I bought bread, we should eat together (let’s eat together)!</small>

Word order is usually strictly respected, since words cannot show morphologically their role in the sentence (almost like in English).
*''Impossible hypothesis''. The conveyed hypothesis is regarded as largely impossible to happen. Such hypotheses usually convey actions or states both in the present/future and in the past. Past hypotheses are regarded as inherently impossible.

Indirect object are usually placed before the direct object.
For present or future hypotheses, in the antecedent the verb is conjugated in the ''present subjunctive'' and in the consequent the verb is conjugated in the ''present conditional''. Both aspects can be used.

* '''{{color|green|Ul}} {{color|orange|tȳn}} {{color|blue|woroh}} {{color|red|nat kreś maj}}''', ''{{color|green|I}} {{color|red|have never given}} {{color|orange|him}} {{color|blue|the key}}''
niwoɣɑ omlo kogiwiñɑt, nɑ jḗparɑtsow
<small>if he came here, I would help him</small>

Other members of the sentences are placed after the object, and they are mandatorily marked by postpositions, except from some adverbs clearly showing their meaning.
ʔḗɣī́tsar niwotsar jḗsɑti ʔɑñiñ, nɑ jḗjuʔṓ japḗrɑtsow
<small>if he were here every day, I would always help him</small>

*'''{{color|green|Tȳn}} {{color|blue|trojkȳtxep}} {{color|purple|woroh ō}} {{color|red|ta āś fa}}''', ''{{color|green|He}} {{color|red|opened}} {{color|blue|the door}} {{color|purple|with the key}}''
In the consequent, the conditional mood can be replaced by the subjunctive to express the imperative-exhortative meaning of this mood. However, this way it is not possible to distinguish the possible hypothesis from the possible or impossible hypothesis.
* '''{{color|green|Ul}} {{color|orange|tȳn}} {{color|blue|woroh}} {{color|purple|arbultsēd}} {{color|red|kreś fa}}''', {{color|purple|Yesterday}} ''{{color|green|I}} {{color|red|gave}} {{color|orange|him}} {{color|blue|the key}}''

The order of the other elements of the sentence is not as strict as the main elements, but it usually follow the order '''Place-Manner-Time'''.
For past hypotheses, in the antecedent the verb is conjugated in the ''past subjunctive'' and in the consequent the verb is conjugated in the ''past conditional''. Both aspects can be used.

The word order of a Qihep sentence is thus this:
hḗmɑ omlo ʔatotirugiñow, ʔḗhlo ʔahomḗnɑtsonow
<small>if I had bought bread, we would have eaten together</small>

<center>'''Subject - Indirect Object - Direct Object - Place - Manner - Temporal adverbs or construction - Verb system'''</center>
ʔḗɣī́tsar hḗmɑ jḗsɑti ʔatitorugiñow, ʔḗhlo jḗjuʔṓ ʔahḗmonɑtsonow
<small>if I had bought bread every day, we would have always eaten together</small>

====Genitive construction====
Because of the impossible past nature of this type, the conditional mood cannot be replaced by the subjunctive to express the imperative-exhortative meaning of this mood.

- GN - AN - NP - RN (head-final)
These three types can be mixed.

=== Interrogative content clauses (indirect questions) ===
===Babel text===
Indirect questions are syntactically built in the same way as the direct questions, with the only exception being the indicative mood replaced by the ''subjunctive'' mood. The word order of such sentences is substantially unaltered, but the entire clause is placed before or after the main clause. Interrogative pronoun can be fronted to the beginning of the sentence, while the particle om stays in its regular position.
1. tsal dīn dī vranvran mē xēp rā xēp ī tȳn la mēm dum nuts sōl<br>
šɑɣɑ ʔaʔḗmiɣer → pā́kṓnɑtsow šɑɣɑ ʔaʔḗmiñiɣer
2. tsēd o le xīs ud qin sty tȳn la <u>Śinār</u> lān stā dī sbēnlān qum fa ī nārmeś rā sōlǵīv fa kōm<br>
<small>where did you go? → I’d like to know where you went</small>
3. ī tȳn la drug tȳn la rā kāǵ fa "ma la qin si ul la trojsās skyt fa si ī ul la qem la pīr ō qōc fa si" tȳn la sās ā skām fa dī trojsās i kāx ā skām fa dī trojkāx rā nūts fa<br>
4. ī tȳn la rā kāǵ fa "ma la qin si ul la byl i qem dī fīp kōpdīn fut dūqin fa dī fītrojkȳt tsel vor le ul la dī ńīm snāsy bly fa ī ul la ā nat fut rasjēq fa<br>
5. ī Pō rā dōlqin fa vran dī denden troj sty dī byl i fītrojkȳt piǵvor fa<br>
6. ī tȳn rā kāǵ fa "ma la piǵ fa si tȳn la mē vranvran ī mē xēp xēp sty tyn la do skyt ǵa kōm ī ńakmē tȳn la fut fajan fa kra tȳn la do skyt fa ud dī do ā le tȳn la skyt fa ā"<br>
7. "ma la tyk prīc par qin si ul la dōlqin fa si ī ul la tȳn la dī xēp obmiś fa si tsel vor le tȳn la drug tȳn la dī xepsvūk nat fut enēm fa pos"<br>
8. ī Pō tȳn la ńik lān to rā rasjēq fa ī tȳn la byl dī trojtan jan fa<br>
9. tyk byl ā <u>Bābel</u> rā ńīmkreś fa prīc par le Pō tsal dīn dī xēp tykmeś ud rasjēq fa

Latest revision as of 03:33, 12 July 2023

Ancient Figo is one of the languages belonging to Piti language family. It stems directly from Proto-Piti language. It is spoken in the classic period and gives rise to a separate branch, named Figo languages. One daughter language belongs to this group and stems from ancient Figo. It has two alphabetical scripts.

Typological structure

Ancient Figo is a morphologically agglutinative language, with an additional but strongly marked introflexive feature, realized in verbal roots.

The basic word order is essentially SOV (Subject-Object-Verb).

fūgali mūg līločeš
(the) person sees (the) cow

The entire system is set according to typological parameters of the modifier-head (or head-final) type:

  • object - verb
  • noun - postposition
  • adjective - noun
  • relative clause - noun


This chapter gives an extensive description of ancient Figo phonological features.


The consonant system distinguishes 22 phonemes, traditionally arranged in the following scheme:

plosive voiceless
fricative velar

The group of the plosive consonants distinguishes three sub-groups: voiceless, voiced, and palatal, even though the palatal sub-group includes only the phoneme [c].

The group of the fricative consonants is overall well developed, with several places of articulation.

The group of the nasal and of the liquid consonants is substantially less rich. The phonemes [j] and [w] have a full consonantal value when in the coda position of the syllable.


There are 7 vocalic phonemes, which exhibit other forms of distinction:

5 vowels have a short form and a long form. The mid-central phoneme, [ə], and the open-mid front phoneme, [ɛ], make no length distinction.



The stress is mostly on the first syllable of the word root.


Nevertheless, in words where [u], either long or short, is the vowel in the first syllable the stress tends to placed on the following vowel.


Monosyllabic words, often with a grammatical meaning, are meant to be unstressed and cliticized to the word which they are grammatically bound to.

Polysyllabic words, which are generally composed by more than a word root, usually turn one of the stresses in a secondary one. The stress on the first root is the most likely to become secondary, while also the second stress may become the secondary, albeit in very rare cases.

Syllabic structure

The basic syllable structure in Ancient Figo is (C)V(C). There are, however, some constraints:

  1. A word cannot consist of an exclusively vowel syllable, V, but such a syllable, V, can be found at the beginning of a multisyllabic word:
  1. A word can consist of only one syllable of type VC, and a polysyllabic word can begin with such a syllable:
  1. A CVC-type syllable is usually found at the end of a word, while is quite infrequent within the word or at its beginning. Monosyllabic words with such a syllabic structure are known to exist.
  1. CV-type syllables are allowed in every position within a polysyllabic word. Monosyllabic words with this structure are limited in number, but relevantly used.

Clusters of more than two consonants are prohibited, both in syllabic onset and in coda.


There are no diphthongs of any kind; the phonemes [j] and [w] have always full consonantal value.


This chapter gives an extensive description of ancient Figo morphological features.


Nouns in ancient Figo language end almost exclusively in a vowel. A certain number of nouns may end in a consonant; in this case a euphonic vowel, -ə-, is added at the end of noun before the normal declension endings.

Nouns are grouped into two declension classes: animate nouns or class I and inanimate nouns or class II. The first class generally includes nouns indicating animate beings, namely capable of intentional motion or action, while the second class includes inanimate objects or entities. As a rule, we can sketch out the following scheme:

  • class I: human beings, animals, deities
  • class II: plants, objects, ideas, feelings, senses, perceptions

A noun is not irreversibly included in one of the two classes, as nouns lack clear morphological marks for each class. For example, there are some logical-semantical exceptions, like the word ogō, wind, which firmly belongs to class I, or čiš, water, which freely shifts from a class to the other during the history of the language, depending on the overall cultural perception of the noun’s animateness degree, being thus regarded as a lifeless object or a moving entity.

Despite the general lack of morphological markers in the basic forms, being thus unable to distinguish the two classes, the declension patterns depend on which class a noun belongs to.

There are three morphological numbers for almost all nouns, singular, dual, and plural.

The dual number is used when two entities are mentioned (or when these entities are usually found in couple):

sobanu līločow
I see dogs (three, four, some, many, …)
sobaj līločow
I see two dogs (only the idea of two is possible)

In this case, the usage of the numeral ogi, two, is not required. It can be used, however, to highlight the value of the numeral.

ogi sobaj līločow
I see two dogs (right two and not any other quantity)

The dual number is not a continuously stable feature per se in the history of ancient Figo language. It is largely used in the classical period, while it tends to be always introduced by the numeral in the first later period. It begins to die out in the texts of the later period, except for those nouns which are typically found in couple, like rogu, eye.


Ancient Figo nouns do decline, according to an active-stative system with 7 cases:

Agentive This case marks primarily the subject of a transitive verb. It is also used to mark the subject of an intransitive verb, which displays a certain degree of activity, will or intention in performing the said action or in being in a certain state. It can be used only with nouns belonging to class I.
Passive This case marks primarily the direct object of a transitive verb. It is also used to mark the subject of an intransitive verb, which displays no degree of activity, will or intention in performing the said action or in being in a certain state. It is regarded as the base form of the noun, and it is used as the vocative form.
Genitive This case marks possession and belonging, either intentional, unintentional, or indirect. It also marks the origin or the source.
Dative This case marks primarily the indirect object. In a broad sense, it can also mark the final point of a movement (motion toward a place).
Causative This case marks the reason or the cause, which are the source of an action or a state.
Instrumental This case marks the tool or the instrument which are used to perform an action or to be in a certain state. It can be used only with nouns belonging to class II.
Locative This case marks the place where an action is performed, or a certain state exist (stative location). It can also have a temporal value. It can be used only with nouns belonging to the class II.

The cases are usually classified in 4 groups:

  1. Primary main cases: agentive
  2. Secondary main cases: passive, ablative
  3. Primary oblique cases: dative, causative
  4. Secondary oblique cases: instrumental, locative

Other types of clause complements are conveyed using various postpositions, which can select one or more cases.

Noun declension

Nouns are declined for case and number by adding the following endings to the base form of the noun:

class I
class II
-li -lī -linu
- -j1 -nu - -j1 -nu
-ɕu -ɕuj -ɕunu -ɕu -ɕuj -ɕunu
-he -hej -henu -he -hej -henu
-xu -xuj -xunu -xu -xuj -xunu
-xe -xej -xenu
-car -cari -carnu

1 If the noun ends in -i in the base form, the dual passive desinence merges with the vowel resulting in -ī. If the noun ends in -ī in the base form, the dual passive ending will be identical to the base form, in -ī.

Some examples are shown below: a class I noun, pobu, father, and a class II noun, sōnu, house.

pobuli pobulī pobulinu
pobu pobuj pobunu sōnu sōnuj sōnunu
pobuɕu pobuɕuj pobuɕunu sōnuɕu sōnuɕuj sōnuɕunu
pobuhe pobuhej pobuhenu sōnuhe sōnuhej sōnuhenu
pobuxu pobuxuj pobuxunu sōnuxu sōnuxuj sōnuxunu
sōnuxe sōnuxej sōnuxenu
sōnucar sōnucari sōnucarnu

As for the rules, the endings for the secondary oblique cases cannot be added to a class I noun, while the endings for the primary main case cannot be added to a class II noun.

In nouns ending in a consonant a vowel -ə-, is usually added between the root and the normal declension endings:

pass. čiš → gen. čišəɕu, dat. čišəhe, ...

Some nouns, like sōnu, may display some irregularity when the declension endings are added. In most cases the final vowel -u is changed into -o. This kind of irregularities is sporadic and typical of the earlier period texts.

pass. sōnu → gen. sōnoɕu, dat. sōnohe, ...

Adjectives and pronouns

Adjectives closely resemble the noun form, mostly ending in a vowel and showing the same exceptions of nouns. Pronouns, instead, may exhibit different forms in the root form.


Attributive adjectives are always placed before the nouns they specify, while predicative adjectives are always placed after them.

jōbā līru
(the) young man
līru jōbā ɛneš
(the) man is young

All adjectives agree in case and number with the noun they specify, being declined with the nominal endings. They thus display a complete declension set, not belonging inherently to one of the two classes.

jōbāɕu līruɕu rēw sōnu pinkucar sōnošucar mējseš
the young man’s new house is located in the nearby village

Declension of qualifying adjectives

Example: jōbā, young

jōbāli jōbālī jōbālinu
jōbā jōbāj jōbānu
jōbāɕu jōbāɕuj jōbāɕunu
jōbāhe jōbāhej jōbāhenu
jōbāxu jōbāxuj jōbāxunu
jōbāxe jōbāxej jōbāxenu
jōbācar jōbācari jōbācarnu

The adjectival declension displays the same irregularities of nouns:

pass. rēw, newag. rēwəli, gen. rēwəɕu, dat. rēwəhe, ...

Comparison of qualifying adjectives

Adjectives have only one comparison form, comparative. It is formed by adding the following ending:


This ending is always placed before the case endings. The second comparative term is in the genitive case. In the later period, it may be followed by the postposition fɛw.

līru ōnaɕu (fɛw) jōbārō ɛneš
the man is younger than the woman

If the second comparative term is followed by the postposition šīn, among, which govern the passive case, the construction takes on a superlative meaning.

ōna junu šīn jōbārō ɛneš
the woman is the youngest of/among us

If the comparative form has no second comparative term, in most cases it takes on a superlative meaning:

līru jōbārō ɛneš
the man is the youngest (or younger)

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns display a marked dichotomy between the forms in the agentive case and the forms in the passive case. Both forms have two different roots, exhibiting thus a mixed declension; more than one form for each case is created on both roots.

1st sing.
2nd sing.
3rd sing.
1st dual.
2nd dual.
3rd dual.
1st plur.
2nd plur.
3rd plur.
oltu ertu ɛštu oltuj ertuj ɛštuj oltunu ertunu ɛštunu
ju šɛ joj nɛj šɛj junu nɛnu šɛnu
oltuɕu ertuɕu ɛštuɕu oltuɕuj ertuɕuj ɛštuɕuj oltuɕunu ertuɕunu ɛštuɕunu
joɕu nɛɕu šɛɕu juɕuj nɛɕuj šɛɕuj juɕunu nɛɕunu šɛɕunu
oltuhe ertuhe ɛštuhe oltuhej ertuhej ɛštuhej oltuhenu ertuhenu ɛštuhenu
johe nɛhe šɛhe juhej nɛhej šɛhej juhenu nɛhenu šɛhenu
oltuxu ertuxu ɛštuxu oltuxuj ertuxuj ɛštuxuj oltuxunu ertuxunu ɛštuxunu
ɛštuxe ɛštuxej ɛštuxenu
ɛštucar ɛštucari ɛštucarnu

First and second person forms are meant as referents for class I entities; the endings for the secondary oblique cases are thus not used with them. Conversely, the third person forms display a complete declension, in which the case forms are used whether the referred name belongs to class I or class II.

Personal pronouns have two forms in the genitive and in the dative case. These forms are distinguished between long forms (oltuɕu, ertuɕu,...) and short forms (juɕu, nɛɕu,...), which have a different use:

  • In the genitive case:
    • Long form: it is used as an indeclinable possessive adjective
ertuɕunu sōnu alolīčohon
we saw your house
    • Short form: it is used as the proper genitive form of the pronoun, conveying origin (esempio: from me) and with postpositions. It is also used as a direct object form for verbal infinitives and in negative sentences in the classical period.
nɛɕu hōθīnem ēsow
I wasn’t looking for you
nɛɕu ēh šinohiga imēhohon
I will come with you
  • In the dative case:
    • Long form: it is mostly used with postpositions or as a marked form of motion towards a place.
ɛštuhenu nū cɛnəhunohon
I am talking about them
    • Short form: it is used to strictly mark the indirect object.
šɛhe hēme agohegow
I gave him bread

1st and 2nd person pronouns show, already in the classical period, a clear trend towards a nominative-accusative alignment. They tend to be declined in the agentive case with verbs which would require the passive case as unintentional subjects. This trend becomes regularity in the later period.

ju hīɕagow → oltu hīɕagow
I am falling

Reflexive pronoun and adjective

There is only one form of relative pronoun:

It displays a complete declension, in which the case forms are used whether the referred name belongs to class I (animate) or class II (inanimate). It does not however appear to have forms for the agentive case, being this case not used for a reflexive form.

- - -
mēj mēnu
mēɕu mēɕuj mēɕunu
mēhe mēhej mēhenu
mēxu mēxuj mēxunu
mēxe mēxej mēxenu
mēcar mēcari mēcarnu

Unlike the personal pronouns, this pronoun does not have long or short forms, being the shown forms used according to the role of their cases.

In the earlier period this pronoun is used in an adjectival role, usually specifying a reflexive meaning of the personal pronouns.

oltu mē ju mīhoňow
I wash myself

In the same period, the adjectival reflexive form can be found fused with the pronominal form.

oltu mēju mīhoňow
I wash myself

However, usage of personal pronouns in this construction has declined already in the classical period, leaving the former adjective alone to play the role of a reflexive pronoun. This form remains the same regardless of the person of the subject. It, nevertheless, agrees with the subject in number and case.

oltu mē mīhoňow, ertu mē mīhoňər... oltunu mēnu mīhoňohon...
I wash myself; you wash myself… we wash ourselves…

Forms in the genitive case are, also used as possessive reflexive forms. These forms are used only when the owner is the subject of the sentence (even when only implied by the verb) for every person.

mēɕu soba līločow
I see my dog (I am the subject and the owner)

Still in the classical period, usage of the possessive reflexive form for the 1st and the 2nd person is unpredictable and unclear. It is indeed always possible to use the normal possessive forms.

oltuɕu soba līločow
I see my dog

With the 3rd person, usage of possessive reflexive forms become mandatory when the subject is the owner, while the normal possessive forms are used only when the owner is not the subject.

mēɕu soba līločeš
he sees his dog (his own dog, he is the dog’s owner)
ɛštuɕu soba līločeš
he sees his dog (the dog belongs to someone else)

Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

The forms of the possessive adjectives are the following:

  • that: ɛšlu
  • this: ninlu

These forms can be used also as demonstrative pronouns.

Interrogative pronouns

Basic interrogative pronouns display two different forms: one for animate entities (who?) and one for inanimate entities (what?).

  • what: ɕɛ
  • who: ɕō

Both pronouns can be declined, with the nominal declension endings, according to their animacy class.

ɕōhe čiš agohegər?
whom did you give water to?

There are also other interrogative pronouns (and adverbs):

  • ɕɛducar: where (static location)
  • ɕɛduhe: where (motion toward)
  • ɕɛduɕu: where... from (motion form)
  • ɕɛduxu: why (cause)
  • ɕɛlēdu: when
  • ɕɛmin: how much (inanimate)
  • ɕōmin: how much (animate)
  • ɕɛmen: how

There are also the following interrogative adjectives:

  • ɕɛgu: which (animate)
  • ɕōgu: which (animate)
  • ɕɛminəxu: how much / many (animate)
  • ɕōminəxu: how much / many (animate)

Inside of an interrogative clause, pronouns usually stay in their syntactical position, according to their role, but in the later period they tend to be moved at the beginning of the sentence. In addition, like other parts of the sentences, can be followed by postpositions:

ɕōhe nū cɛnəhunɛš?
whom are you talking about?

Locative postpositions usually choose declined forms of the inanimate pronoun ɕɛ, rather than the other interrogative adverbs mentioned above.

Relative pronoun

There is only one form of relative pronoun:

This form displays a complete declension, in which the case forms are used whether the referred name belongs to class I or class II.

Indefinite adjectives and pronouns

There are three basic forms of indefinite adjectives:

  • jodu: every
  • mōhū: some, any
  • hēsu: no

The form of the adjective mōhū is diachronically irregular; in the pre-classical period is indeed regularly mohū. In the same period these adjectives do not agree with the nouns they specify, and they are usually found in an undeclined form.

This kind of adjectives can usually mark both an undefined quality and a quantity regarding the nouns they specify. When marking quantity, they always agree with their name in singular number. When marking quality, however, they can also agree with nouns in the plural.

jodu sōnošu
every village (all the villages)

There are, also, two basic forms of indefinite pronouns:

  • čōmu: much, many, a lot
  • sīčā: few, a little, a few

These pronouns usually mark an undefined quantity of the entities, indicated by the nouns they specify. They exhibit a particular construction: these indefinite pronouns stay always in the singular number, while the nouns they specify are declined always in the genitive case. In this construction a greater role is played by the distinction between countable and uncountable nouns. Countable nouns are usually required in the plural number, while uncountable nouns are required in the singular number by this kind of pronouns.

čōmu mōsuɕunu
many mice, a lot of mice
sīčā čišəɕu
a little water

The syntactic role of the noun cluster is conveyed by the indefinite pronouns, which are thus properly declined. The number of the cluster, however, is not expressed by them and stays in the singular. The verb of the sentence, if needed, agrees with the indefinite subject noun cluster in the singular number.

čōmuli mōsuɕunu rōnu mōcadeš
a lot of men are collecting milk

The declension class of the two pronouns, nevertheless, depends on the class of the nouns they specify.

There are, also, several other forms of indefinite pronouns (and adverbs), mostly derived by merging the indefinite adjectives with other nouns or pronouns:

  • joduɕɛ: everything, all, all things (inanimate - class II)
  • joduɕō: everyone, everybody (animate - class I)
  • jodučoɕɛ: everything you like, everything you want (inanimate - class II)
  • jodučoɕō: everyone you want, everybody you like (animate - class I)
  • jodulēdu: every moment, always (invariable)
  • jodulēduhe: forever (invariable)
  • jodumɛni: in every way (invariable)
  • mōhūɕɛ: something (inanimate - class II)
  • mōhūɕō: someone, somebody (animate - class I)
  • mōhūčoɕɛ: anything you like (inanimate - class II)
  • mōhūčoɕō: anyone you like (animate - class I)
  • mōhūlēdu: sometimes (invariable)
  • mōhūmɛni: somehow, in some way (invariable)
  • hēsuɕɛ: nothing (inanimate - class II)
  • hēsuɕō: no one, nobody (animate - class I)
  • hēsulēdu: in no moment, never (invariable)
  • hēsumɛni: in no way (invariable)

These pronouns, except the invariable ones, can be declined according to their animacy class.


There is a limited number of pure adverbial forms, like ūmdu, inside, or ēdu, together, mostly akin to postpositions, both for their origin and their meaning.

An adverbial form can be derived from an adjectives by adding the suffix -mɛcar, -ly, to the basic form of the adjective.

lānu → lānumɛcar
true → truly

The adverbial use of the adjectives can involve the comparison forms.


The numeral system relies on a decimal base.

The first ten cardinal numbers are noun-like forms on their own:

  • 1: ɕōw
  • 2: ogi
  • 3: migō
  • 4: nōh
  • 5: čōn
  • 6: θūha
  • 7: hoɕe
  • 8: šu
  • 9: cōju
  • 10: fēw

Numerals from 11 to 19 are built with the construction NUM + fēw. Examples:

  • 11: ɕōwfēw
  • 15: čonfēw

The numerals for (one) hundred and (one) thousand are noun-like forms on their own:

  • 100: ňōšu
  • 1000: liā

The nouns of the multiples of tens, hundreds and thousands are built with the construction NUM + fēwtunu / ňōšunu / liānu:

  • 30: migōfēwtunu
  • 600: θūhaňōšunu
  • 9000: cōjuliānu

Numbers above the multiples of thousands have no own name and are specified by the lesser numerals.

Composite numbers are built by just putting them aside, without any conjunction, in descending order:

  • 1985: liā cōjuňōšunu šufēwtunu čon

All cardinal numerals are meant as invariable forms.

Ordinal numerals are formed by adding the adjectival ending -gu to the cardinal numeral form:

  • 1st: ɕōwgu
  • 6th: θūhagu

If the numeral form is composite, the ending is added only to the last numeral form:

  • 25th: ogifēwtunu čongu


In the ancient Figo language a noun cluster can be followed by a postposition, which gives a new meaning to the case of the selected noun cluster. Thus, every possible clause complement can be effectively expressed.

All postpositions are always placed after the noun they specify. Most postposition share a similar origin with the adverbial forms, while some postposition originated from fixed case forms of nouns.

General list of postpositions

Each postposition tends to follow a noun cluster, which is declined in one grammatical case. Thus, it is said that each postposition governs a specific case.

Most postpositions govern only one case, while some other postpositions govern more than one, while slightly altering their meaning depending on the selected case (like šīn). Other postpositions (like fes) govern different cases, according to the class of the specified noun.

case meaning
ēh + genitive with, together with (marking company)
hōš + genitive from, native to (marking origin)
jɛl + genitive from, coming from (marking a departure point)
+ dative for, aiming to (marking purpose)
xodixe + instrumental by, with, by means of (marking instrument - class II)
+ genitive by way of, using (marking exploiting - class I)
fes + instrumental without, without using (marking absence of instrument - class II)
+ genitive without, in the absence of (marking absence - class I)
kōw + dative towards, in the direction of (marking direction)
few + genitive in relation to (marking relation)
mɛn + passive in comparison to, like, as (marking comparison)
+ dative about, regarding, concerning (marking topic, theme)
čēr + dative through, throughout, across (marking from a side to the other)
čērlu + dative beyond, on the other side of
fun + locative/genitive after (temporal value)
roɕ + locative/genitive before (temporal value)
šīn + genitive between, among, in the middle of
lūn + dative away, away from (marking distancing)
kōlu + dative against, in opposition to (marking opposition)
šīn1 + instrumental by, with, by means of (marking instrument - class II)
+ genitive by way of, using (marking exploiting - class I)

1 Usage of this postposition with this meaning is already fallen into disuse in the classical period, being found only in archaic texts.

Some postpositions conveying location or motion make use of different case to specify a static location (locative or passive case), a motion towards a place (dative case) or a motion from a place (genitive case). Such postpositions are called locative postpositions:

case meaning
ūm + locative/passive/dative/genitive inside of
sah + locative/passive/dative/genitive outside of
limtu + locative/passive/dative/genitive under
nit + locative/passive/dative/genitive over, on
pin + locative/passive/dative/genitive near
fōr + locative/passive/dative/genitive in front of, opposite
ɕom + locative/passive/dative/genitive behind
īr + locative/passive/dative/genitive around
šīn + locative/passive/dative/genitive between, among

A clear explanation of each postposition is presented in the following section.


The postposition ēh conveys the meaning of the complement of company. It specifies an entity, together with which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists.

sōnohe oltuɕu mōšodiɕunu ēh ēmihow
I went home with my friends

This postposition always governs the genitive case.

It never conveys the instrument, by which the action is performed; this function is expressed by the instrumental case or by the postposition kī́g. Thus, this postposition is seldomly used with class II nouns, if not in a broad sense.


The postposition hōš conveys the meaning of the complement of origin. It specifies the original point of an action or a state.

ju Kīrtaɕu hōš ɛnow
I am from Kī́rta. (It is my birthplace)

This postposition always governs the genitive case.

It can however convey, especially in later texts, the general meaning of motion from a place, in other words, the beginning point of a motion of any kind.

sōnuɕu hōš ēmihəgow
I departed from the house. (my motion began from that place)

In the classical period, this last role is played directly by the genitive case alone.

sōnuɕu ēmihəgow
I departed from the house. (my motion began from that place)


The postposition jɛl conveys the meaning of the complement of provenience. It specifies the beginning point of an action or a state which can have more than one direction.

Kīrtaɕu jɛl šinohow
I came from Kī́rta. (my travel began in that city)

This postposition always governs the genitive case.

The postposition conveys the meaning of the complement of purpose. It specifies an entity, which is the final goal why a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists.

hēme ɛštuɕu mōšodihe sū ašišorəgow
I bought some bread for his friend

Generally, the purpose is implicitly meant to be positive, being thus of benefit to the subject or to someone else. It is however possible that the meaning of the purpose is neutral or even negative for someone.

This postposition always governs the dative case.

The use of this postposition is very limited in pre-classical texts, where the purpose is conveyed directly by the dative case alone. This use of the case alone falls into a severe decline in the classical texts, while it disappears entirely in the later period, when the purpose is expressed only by the postposition sū̀.

oltuɕu momuhe šinusow → oltuɕu momuhe sū šinusow
I sing for my mother

It never conveys the cause, because of which the action is performed; this function is expressed by the causative case alone.


The postposition xodixe conveys more meanings by governing more than one case. It conveys, firstly, the meaning of the complement of mean. It specifies an entity, through which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists. In this role it governs the genitive case.

šɛ oltuɕu mōšodiɕu xodixe hōšisogiga imēhow
I will send it through my friend

It never conveys the entity, together which the action is performed; this function is expressed by the postposition ʔḕ.

It may additionally convey the meaning of the complement of instrument. It specifies an object by which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists. In this role it governs the instrumental case.

mōsu jūhaxe xodixe ēlugogon
the mouse was killed with a stone.

In this meaning it is never used with class I nouns.

The meaning of the complement of instrument is basically conveyed by the instrumental case alone.

mōsu jūhaxe ēlugogon
the mouse was killed with a stone.

Therefore, this postposition is almost never used in the pre-classical and in the classical period in this meaning. The only use in this sense is limited to stressing the role of the complement or to avoiding ambiguities. In the texts of the later period the use of this postposition with the meaning of instrument takes a firm hold and spreads significantly.

In pre-classical texts the postposition šīn may express the same functions of this postpostion. In the classical period šīn retains the only locative meaning.


The postposition fes conveys more meanings by governing more than one case.

It conveys, firstly, conveys the meaning of the complement of absence or exclusion. It specifies an entity, without which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists. In this role it governs the genitive case.

sōnohe oltuɕu mōšodiɕunu fes ēmihow
I went home without my friends

In this meaning it is scarcely used with class II nouns, except in a broad sense.

It can convey both the idea that the exclusion of the said entity is required to the action to be performed and the idea of the simple absence without any benefit for the final goal.

It additionally conveys the deprivation, namely the absence of the instrument through which the action is performed, or a state is being. In this role it governs the instrumental case.

mōsu ertuɕu urōšəgaxe fes ruhāniga imēhow
I will catch the mouse without your help

In this meaning it is never used with class I nouns.

It can convey both the idea that the exclusion of the said entity is required to the action to be performed and the idea of the simple absence without any benefit for the final goal.


The postposition kōw conveys the meaning of the complement of direction. It specifies a location or an entity, towards which a movement is aimed, or a certain action is performed.

ɛštuɕu mōšodilinu ɕučōdeguhe tirōsašahe kōw imēhešon
his friends are going towards the royal palace

This postposition always governs the dative case.

It never conveys the ending point of a motion of any kind; this function is expressed by the dative case alone.


The postposition few conveys the meaning of the complement of relation. It specifies an entity, which is the other term in any kind of relations.

ɛštuɕu cecəli ɛšluɕu sōharīdiɕu few hōlumɛcar egmirem fɛnəseš
her child can write well compared to that child

It is therefore used to mark the second term in adjective comparisons. Comparison is indeed meant as a relation between two or more parties.

ertuɕu mōšodi oltuɕu pobuɕu few ogērō ɛneš
your friend is older than my father

In this function, this postposition may be omitted. This is common in texts of earlier period, while it happens rather infrequently in the texts of the classical period.

ertuɕu mōšodi oltuɕu pobuɕu ogērō ɛneš
your friend is older than my father

This postposition always governs the genitive case.

It never conveys an entity, which is the second term in an equivalence comparison; this function is expressed by the postposition mɛn.


The postposition mɑg conveys the meaning of the complement of equivalence. It specifies an entity, which is the second term in an equivalence comparison.

ɑktušu kogā́ti mɑg ʔoptsaʔɑt
he works like his friend

This postposition always governs the passive case.

It never conveys an entity, which is the other term in any kind of non-equivalence comparison; this function is expressed by the postposition phɑw.


The postposition gū́ conveys the meaning of the complement of theme. It specifies an entity, which is the topic to which the conversation or the sentence refers.

owtušu kogā́tinoli ɑktunošu wɑkiɣɑ gū́ ʔatsɑgewugonɑt
my friends were talking about their village

This postposition always governs the dative case.


The postposition pḗr conveys the meaning of the complement of crossing. It specifies a location or an entity, through which a movement or a certain action is performed.

ponunoɣɑ pḗr ʔapetṓkow
I walked through the fields

This postposition always governs the dative case.


The postposition phun conveys a temporal relation of posteriority. It specifies the temporal location, after which a certain action is performed or a certain state exists.

ertušu kogā́tinora phun ʔakogiwekow
I came after your friends

The temporal location does not distinguish among real entities, actions, ideas, feeling or cognitions, except by their case usage.

This postposition governs the genitive case, when used with a 1st class noun, and it governs the locative case, when used with a 2nd class noun.


The postposition roš conveys a temporal relation of anteriority. It specifies the temporal location, before which a certain action is performed or a certain state exists.

ertušu kogā́tinora roš ʔakogiwekow
I came before your friends

The temporal location does not distinguish among real entities, actions, ideas, feeling or cognitions, except by their case usage.

This postposition governs the genitive case, when used with a 1st class noun, and it governs the locative case, when used with a 2nd class noun.


The postposition wū́g conveys the meaning of the complement of distancing or estrangement. It specifies a location or an entity, away from a certain action is performed or a certain state exists, or the idea of estrangement from such a location or entity.

ɑktušu kogā́tino sṓgošu wū́g siɣakɑt
he will send his friend away from his house

This postposition always governs the ablative case.


The postposition pṓtu conveys more meanings. It conveys, firstly, the meaning of the complement of detriment. It specifies an entity, to the detriment of which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists.

ɑktu ertušu kogā́tinoɣɑ pṓtu ʔakakigekow
I did it against your friends

It may additionally convey the meaning of the complement of opposition or objection. It specifies an entity, against which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists.

šupā́tɑɣɑ pṓtu tsegɑwugow
I am going to speak against the king

It may moreover convey the meaning of motion against a place, in other words, the location against which a certain action is performed, or a certain state exists.

mā́soli ʔḗpsɑɣɑ pṓtu ʔakarṓʔɑt
the mouse ran against the door

This postposition always governs the dative case.

Locative postpositions

Locative postpositions convey a spatial location, which can be either static or in motion. Such postpositions are characterised by a peculiar usage of the nominal cases. They can govern four different cases, while keeping the same meaning. The different cases express the relation between the main meaning of the postposition and the type of staticity or motion the subject of the said location may have. The meaning of the different cases are:

  • Locative or passive case: static location
  • Dative case: motion towards a place
  • Genitive case: motion from a place

These postpositions tend to convey locations and spatial positions, being thus used mostly with 2nd class nouns. They can however convey an unreal location, imaginary or ideal. In such a case, they may be used with nouns of both classes, selecting different case to express the static location. They govern the locative case for 2nd class nouns and the passive case with 1st class nouns.


The postposition ʔū́m conveys the meaning of internal location. It specifies a location inside of an enclosed place.

owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar ʔū́m ʔamḗʔis
my friend was inside the royal palace
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ ʔū́m ʔaʔḗmiɣow
I went inside the royal palace
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu ʔū́m kogiweker
you will come from inside the royal palace

It never conveys generic location; this function is expressed by the locative case alone.


The postposition sā̀ conveys the meaning of external location. It specifies a location outside of an enclosed place.

owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar sā̀ ʔamḗʔis
my friend was outside the royal palace
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ sā̀ ʔaʔḗmiɣow
I went outside the royal palace
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu sā̀ kogiweker
you will come from outside the royal palace


The postposition wim conveys the meaning of lower location. It specifies a location below another place.

mā́so phṓwutsar mektū́tsar wim ʔaʔɑñ
the mouse was under the black table
mā́soli phṓwuɣɑ mektū́ɣɑ wim kṓraʔɑt
the mouse is running under the black table
mā́soli phṓwušu mektū́šu wim ʔaʔḗmiɣekɑt
the mouse ran away from under the black table


The postposition git conveys the meaning of upper location. It specifies a location above another place.

kojā́hukha rḗʔotsar mektū́tsar git ʔaʔɑñ
the stylus is on the new table
kojā́hukha rḗʔoɣɑ mektū́ɣɑ git ʔathowḗsow
I put the stylus on the new table
kojā́hukha rḗʔošu mektū́šu git rā́wuger
you will take the stylus from (over) the new table

No distinction is made between the upper location with contact (“on the tabe”) or without contact (“over the house, above the house”).


The postposition pig conveys the meaning of close location. It specifies a location near another place.

owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar pig ʔamḗʔis
my friend was near the royal palace
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ pig ʔaʔḗmiɣow
I went close to the royal palace
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu pig kogiweker
you will come from nearby the royal palace


The postposition phṓr conveys the meaning of frontal location. It specifies a location in front of another place.

owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar phṓr ʔamḗʔis
my friend was in front of the royal palace
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ phṓr ʔaʔḗmiɣow
I went in front of the royal palace
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu phṓr kogiweker
you will come from opposite the royal palace


The postposition šom conveys the meaning of back location. It specifies a location behind another place.

owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar šom ʔamḗʔis
my friend was behind the royal palace
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ šom ʔaʔḗmiɣow
I went behind the royal palace
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu šom kogiweker
you will come from behind the royal palace


The postposition tī́n conveys the meaning of middle location. It specifies a location between two or more places or entities.

owtušu kogā́ti šupā́tɑkotsar tirṓsitsar gitirṓsicarna tī́n ʔamḗʔis
my friend was between the royal palace and the tower
šupā́tɑkoɣɑ tirṓsiɣɑ gitirṓsiɣɑna tī́n ʔaʔḗmiɣow
I went between the royal palace and the tower
šupā́tɑkošu tirṓsišu gitirṓsišurna tī́n kogiweker
you will come from between the royal palace and the tower

No distinction is made between the position between two places or entities (“between the eyes”) or among more places or entities (“among the candidates”).

It may additionally convey the meaning of an unreal middle position. In such a case, they may be used with nouns of both classes with no distinction, and it governs only the ablative case. In such role it may occasionally be used to express the second comparison term in the superlative adjectival construction.

ɑktu ertušu kogā́tinošu tī́n gitikorṓtu (ʔɑñ)
he is the tallest of my friends

It never conveys the meaning of crossing; this function is expressed by the postposition pḗr.


The postposition ʔī́r conveys the meaning of circular location. It specifies a location around another place.

tsetseno ʔokḗtsar ā́kritsar ʔī́r ʔahowī́kon
the children sat around the old tree
tsetsenoli ʔokḗɣɑ ā́kriɣɑ ʔī́r kṓraʔonɑt
the children are running around the old tree
tsetsenoli ʔokḗšu ā́krišu ʔī́r ʔawū́ʔḗmiɣonɑt
the children came from (around) the old tree


The verbal system of Kī́rtako language is based on the fundamental dichotomy between imperfective aspect and perfective aspect. This distinction is conveyed by two different verbal roots for every verbal meaning, the imperfective root (Rimp) and the perfective root (Rprf). The perfective root is usually derived from the imperfective one through an introflexive process of vowel switching:



Rimp = gagok- → Rprf = gogak-

Although considerably rare, there are some irregular perfective roots.

Another distinction is made, on a temporal level, between a non-past tense, generally called “present”, and a past tense, by means of the prefix ʔa-, known as augment, which conveys the past tense, while non-past actions are marked by its absence.

Rimp = gagok- → Rimp-past = ʔagagok-

There are three verbal moods and three non-finite forms:

  • Moods: indicative, subjunctive, conditional
  • Non-finite: infinitive, agentive participle, passive participle

The citation form of verbs is the present imperfective infinitive, marked by the ending -ɑme, added to the imperfective root in its present form. From such form the imperfective root can be inferred and can be changed in its perfective equivalent.

The following personal endings are then added to the various aspectual and temporal forms. In this way, verbs show their agreement with the clause subject in person and number:

1st sing.
2nd sing.
3rd sing.
1st plur.
2nd plur.
3rd plur.

The different moods are formed by adding the following infixes to the verbal root, before the personal endings:

  • indicative: Ø
  • subjunctive: -iñ-
  • conditional: -ɑts-

The non-finite verbal forms are meant as nominal/adjectival forms of the same verbs. They do not use the personal endings, but they declined as nouns or adjectives with the nominal declension endings.

As verbal forms can, however, be formed on both roots and add the past prefix. They can also add the modal infixes before their typical endings.

The non-finite endings are:

  • infinitive: -ɑme
  • agentive participle: -ī́to
  • passive participle: -uki

The infinitival form is meant as a 2nd class noun.

Conjugation of a regular verb

Example: lī́lopɑme, to see

Indicative mood

1st sing.
2nd sing.
3rd sing.
1st plur.
2nd plur.
3rd plur.

The indicative mood conveys mainly true and certain actions or state, or at least regarded as such. It is the most used verbal mood in main clauses.

Subjunctive mood

1st sing.
2nd sing.
3rd sing.
1st plur.
2nd plur.
3rd plur.

The subjunctive is mainly used as a dependent mood, with or without any subordinative conjunctions. In main clauses it may convey wish or exhortation, being thus used also as an imperative form.

Conditional mood

1st sing.
2nd sing.
3rd sing.
1st plur.
2nd plur.
3rd plur.

The conditional mood conveys mainly the intrinsic potentiality of an action or a state, both in main and in dependent clauses. It may also convey wish or hope.

For this reason the present tense usually refer to future actions, while the past tenses are used to refer to future actions in the past (the past perfective is routinely used as future in the past tense).

Non-finite forms

imp. pres.
imp. pres.
imp. pres.
imp. pres.

The infinitive is a nominal form of a verb. It is used as a verbal noun in sentences, and it can be declined. It is regarded as 2nd class noun.

In its subjunctive form it is often used as object or subject of other subordinative verbs, like the negative verbs, the modal verbs or in dependent clauses in their infinitival type.

Direct objects of the infinitival forms are declined in the ablative case.

Agentive participle
imp. pres.
imp. pres.
imp. pres.
imp. pres.

The agentive participle is an adjectival form of a verb. It is used as a verbal adjective in sentences, and it can be declined. It is linked to nouns which actively perform an action.

It is usually used to build relative clauses, in which the subject is the linked noun, and the direct object is declined in the ablative case:

ʔṓnašu ʔalolī́pɑtsī́toli wī́roli
the man which might have seen the woman

As an adjectival form, it displays a complete declension, to agree with the class of the referred noun.

Passive participle
imp. pres.
imp. pres.
imp. pres.
imp. pres.

The passive participle is an adjectival form of a verb. It is used as a verbal adjective in sentences, and it can be declined. It is linked to nouns which undergo an action, or inactively are in a certain state.

Despite the lack of a verbal passive form, this participle is the closest form to such role. It can, however, be used only as an adjective and it is often used to build relative clauses, in which the object is the linked noun, and the subject is declined in the agentive case. In the earlier period it is not used in this role.

wī́roli ʔalolī́puki ʔṓna
the woman seen by the man

As an adjectival form, it displays a complete declension, to agree with the class of the referred noun.

The third person

The are two forms for the third person verbal ending:

  • -ɑt, called long form
  • , called short form

These two forms have different uses:

  • The long form, -ɑt, is generally used when the subject has an active or animate role, even if the expressed action may also be totally independent from its will. Examples:
sopali wī́ro ñamī́kɑt
the dog is biting the man (agentive active role)
sopa hī́šakɑt
the dog is falling (this role in not dependent from the subject’s will, but it is still animated)
  • The short form, , is generally used when the subject has an inanimate role, and, preferably, with inherently inanimate subjects. Example:
sopa kḗwon
the dog is sleeping (non-active and non-animated role)

It is also used in passive constructions:

wī́ro sopali ñamī́k
the man is bitten by the dog

Such usage of both endings is not permanently fixed during the history of the language and some confusion can be found in the earlier period and, most of all, in the later period.

The long forms may also be found with intrinsically inanimate nouns, if they are subjects of an action which is regarded as semantically animate.

pike rḗtɑnɑt
the water is flowing

When using the short forms, some verbs, especially those whose infinitival forms end in -ɣɑme or in -ʔɑme, may drop the final consonant of the verbal root, and undergo a shift in the vowel tone.

ʔimḗɣɑme → ʔimḕ
andare → va

This phenomenon is not, however, a mandatory feature of every verb with these endings.


The verbal negation is conveyed by the negative verb ʔī́sɑme. As it has a monosyllabic root, it does not display a perfective root.

Within the sentence this verb is conjugated according to the person and the number of its subject and according to the required tense. It has the subjunctive infinitival form of the negated verb as direct object. The aspectual information is conveyed by the infinitival form. The object of the infinitive, is, as a rule, declined in the ablative case.

sopali wī́ro ʔañī́makɑt → sopali wī́rošu ñī́makiñɑme ʔaʔī́sɑt
the dog bit the man → the dog didn’t bite the man
sopa kḗwon → sopa kḗwoniñɑme ʔī́s
the dog is sleeping → the dog isn’t sleeping

As can be seen, the negative verbs can use both the third person endings, according to the rules and the animacy degrees conveyed by the negated verb.

Double negatives are generally not allowed; the presence of another negative element in the sentence inhibits the negative verb.


This chapter gives an extensive description of Kī́rtako syntactical features.

Main clause and word order

Kī́rtako is an almost strictly SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) language.

wī́roli sopa lī́lopɑt 
the man is seeing the dog

The quite rich case system allows every other possible word order, but most of them prove to be very marked and infrequently used. The only word order with a clear role and a frequent usage is OSV (Object-Subject-Verbs), which marks the so-called passive construct.

sopa wī́roli lī́lop
the dog is being seen by the man

The other elements in the sentence are usually placed in the order “place-manner-cause-time”, although they are basically freer than the main elements. An object in the dative case, when conveying the indirect object, tends to be placed before the direct object of the sentence.

A peculiar feature is the verbal infinitival agreement: when infinitival forms, as nominal forms of the verbs, take a direct object, are regarded as an expression of belonging, and the direct object is declined in the ablative case.

sopašu lī́lopiñɑme ʔī́sow
I am not seeing the dog.

Moreover, as it can been seen in the example above, when an infinitival form is governed by a modal verb or by the negative verb ʔī́sɑme, the infinitive is always placed before the conjugated modal form.


The noun cluster is formed by a noun, carrying the main meaning, and by other noun-type forms, namely adjectives, which specify this meaning or add other meaning to the main noun. Inside of a noun cluster, the noun can be replaced by a pronoun.

The noun usually closes the noun cluster, being preceded by every other specifying form. Thus, other elements conveying possession and belonging are always placed before the noun, as well as every attributive adjective.

wī́rora sṓgo
the man’s house
owtušu lilā́
my hand
jṓpā́ ʔṓna 
the young woman

The role of the noun cluster in the sentence and its number are marked by case and number endings. These endings mark also other adjectival elements inside the noun cluster, resulting this in the process called nominal agreement.

Both attributive and predicative adjectives agree in case and number with the noun they specify. Other elements, which convey possession or belonging do not agree with the main nominal form.

jṓpā́li wī́roli sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑt
the young man is going home
jonora sṓgo
our house
jṓpā́no ʔṓnano
the young women
ʔṓnano jṓpā́no (ʔɑñon)
the women are young

The agreement among nouns and adjectives is not a universal phenomenon. Indefinite adjectives, indeed, usually do not agree with the nominal form, neither in case nor in number.

The grammar role of noun clusters can be further specified by postpositions, which are placed after the cluster. Thus, it can be stated that the noun cluster can be closed by a postposition.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔū́m ʔimḗɣow
I am going inside the house

The cases

The grammatical role of the noun cluster in a sentence is conveyed by some endings. These endings are bound to grammatical cases, with usually well-defined roles.

The cases in Kī́rtako language are 9:

  • Agentive
  • Passive
  • Ablative
  • Genitive
  • Dative
  • Causative
  • Instrumental
  • Abessive
  • Locative

The grammatical roles and all possible differences in usage among similar cases are enlisted below:


The agentive case features the endings -li in the singular and -noli in the plural.

The grammatical role of this case is marking the agent of the sentence, which is the active element of the action.

sopali wī́ro lī́lopɑt
the dog is seeing the man
wī́roli sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑt
the man is going home

This is the only grammatical role played by the agentive case. The usage of this case as an agent marker is specified will be explained in a different section below.

As a marker of an agent, namely an element able to perform an action, this case cannot be used with 2nd class nouns, as they cannot be active agents of an action.


The passive case features the zero ending (shown with -Ø) in the singular and the ending -no in the plural. In the singular form it is the same as the basic root form of the noun.

The main role of this case is marking the patient of the sentence, which is the direct object of a transitive verb.

sopali wī́ro lī́lopɑt
the dog is seeing the man

It also marks the unactive subject of a sentence, which is the unactive element of a state or the unactive participant of an involuntary action.

wī́ro ʔaɣašī́k
the man fell
sopa kḗwon
the dog is sleeping
ʔṓna jṓpā́ (ʔɑñ)
the woman is young

The usage of this case as a patient or unactive subject marker is specified in another section below.

As the basic form of a noun, it is used as the natural vocative form.

mamu, kogiwiñer!
mom, come!

It also represents the noun in its basic quality, namely its purest semantic meaning.


The genitive case features the endings -ra in the singular and -nora in the plural.

The grammatical role of this case is marking voluntary possession. It conveys non-intrinsic conscious possession.

phū́kara sṓgo
the person’s house (this person intentionally and consciously owns the house)

This is the only grammatical role played by the genitive case.

The difference between voluntary possession and involuntary possession or belonging, thus the different in usage between the genitive and the ablative case, will be explained in a different section below.

As a marker of voluntary possession, namely possession by an element with its own will, this case cannot be used with 2nd class nouns, as they usually convey semantically inanimate elements.


The ablative case features the endings -šu in the singular and -nošu in the plural.

The main role of this case is marking belonging to someone or to something.

phū́kanošu wime
the people’s world (this is an example of inverse belonging, since people actually belong to the word and not vice versa)

In a broader sense it conveys involuntary, or intrinsic possession, namely an unconscious and unintentional possession.

phū́kašu lilā́
the person’s hand (a person does not intentionally and consciously own his hand, that is an intrinsic possession)

The difference between involuntary possession or belonging and voluntary possession, thus the different in usage between the ablative and the genitive case, will be explained in a different section below.

As it conveys belonging, the ablative case also marks the noun clusters in their role as direct objects of non-finite verbal forms, namely nominal-adjectival types like the infinitive and the participles. This peculiar marking is called infinitival agreement.

wī́ro lī́lopon → wī́rošu lī́lopɑme
the man is seen → the seeing of the man → the man’s vision
wī́roli jagetu rimusɑt → jagetušu rimusī́to wī́ro
the man is tending the flock → the man tending the flock

Such role as a direct object is, thus, regarded as a belonging to the verbal form.

For this reason, the ablative case always marks the direct object of a sentence in which there is the negative verb. This verb requires an infinitival form, which introduces in turn a direct object in the ablative case.

sopa lī́lopow → sopašu lī́lopiñɑme ʔī́sow
I am seeing the dog → I am not seeing the dog

It marks, also, the motion from a place, and, with some specific verbs, origin or source.

wɑkišu kigowow
I come from the village (my journey started there)
wɑkišu hā́kigowow
I come from the village (I was born there)

Difference in usage between genitive and ablative cases

Because of the different semantic and syntactical behaviour of both intrinsically animate and inanimate nouns, there is a strong difference in usage between the genitive case and the ablative case.

The genitive case conveys a meaning of intentional possession, namely possession by elements with will and intention and consciously done (although even animals are often included in this semantic group).

phū́kara sṓgo
the person’s house → this person intentionally owns the house

The ablative case conveys a meaning of unintentional possession, namely possession by animate and inanimate elements, without any will and intention, and a meaning of intrinsic possession (as regarding, for example, to body parts), which is basically an unconscious possession, or a meaning of belonging, usually called inverse belonging.

phū́kašu lilā́
the person’s hand → this person does not intentionally or consciously own a hand; it belongs intrinsically to him/her
phū́kašu wime
the person’s world → this person does not actually own the world, he/she belongs to the world

Because of its inherent meaning, the genitive cause cannot be used with 2nd class nouns, as they usually convey semantically inanimate elements, unable to match with the idea of a conscious or intentional possession.


The dative case features the endings -ɣɑ in the singular and -noɣɑ in the plural.

The main role of this case is marking the indirect object of the sentence, which is the recipient of the action.

phū́kali sopaɣɑ hḗmɑ kɑwokɑt
the person is giving bread to the dog

In a broader sense it conveys motion to a place.

wɑkiɣɑ ʔimḗɣow
I am going to the village

It may mark, also, the purpose or the goal of an action or a state.

owtušu mamuɣɑ kinusow
I am singing for my mother


The causative case features the endings -khu in the singular and -nokhu in the plural.

The main role of this case is marking the cause of the sentence, which is the main underlying reason of an action or a state.

phū́kali sṓgoɣɑ ʔahnokhu ʔaʔḗmiɣɑt
the person went home because of the rain
wī́roli ʔṓnakhu ʔalū́ʔḗmiɣɑt
The man walked away because of the woman

In a broader sense it also marks the efficient cause.

sasī́gino tsū́thḗkhu ʔaʔosī́pon
the plants spoiled because of the snow

This is an essential role in marking an unconscious agent, unable to display its own will and being thus intrinsically inanimate, inside of an agentive-inactive system. The supposed “agent” became thus the cause, while avoiding the role of subject of the sentence.

Some 2nd class nouns, although semantically inanimate, are able to elicit actions or changes in other elements. However, lacking their own will, they cannot play the role of active agent of the sentence and be marked by the agentive case.


The instrumental case features the endings -khɑ in the singular and -nokhɑ in the plural.

The grammatical role of this case is marking the instrument through which the action is performed, or a state is in being.

phū́kali mā́so jū́wakhɑ ʔaʔilukokɑt
the person killed the mouse with a stone

It cannot convey the meaning of the complement of company.

This is a quite important role in marking an inanimate agent, unable to display its own will and even to make a motion, inside of an agentive-inactive system. The supposed “agent” became thus the instrument, while avoiding the role of subject of the sentence.

phū́ka jū́wakhɑ ʔaphū́wikon
the person was hit by/with a stone ← A stone hit the person

As a marker of inanimate instrument, used to perform an action, this case cannot be used with 1st class nouns, as they usually convey semantically animate elements.


The abessive case features the endings -gil in the singular and -nogil in the plural.

The main role of this case is marking the deprivation, namely the absence of the instrument through which the action is performed, or a state is being.

sopa hḗmɑgil ʔiluk
the dog will die without bread

It cannot convey the meaning of the complement of absence of company.

It may also convey the lack of an inanimate entity, whose absence is aimless to the action or the state.

phṓɣagil jageli ʔajilɑkɑt
the sheep without wool ran away

In this meaning the abessive case has a specifying role and it thus tends to be placed before the noun it specifies, similarly to other specifying elements of the noun cluster.

As a marker of inanimate instrument, used to perform an action, this case cannot be used with 1st class nouns, as they usually convey semantically animate elements.


The locative case features the endings -tsar in the singular and -notsar in the plural.

The semantic role of this case is marking the location, namely the place where an action is performed, or a state is in being.

ʔṓnali mā́so sṓgotsar ʔalolī́pɑt
The woman saw a mouse in the house

It thus marks primarily the static location, namely the motionless position.

wɑkitsar mḗʔisow
I am in the village; I am at the village

As a marker of places, this case cannot be used with 1st class nouns, as they usually convey semantically animate elements.

The active-stative alignment

The case system of Kī́rtako language is based on a morphological alignment called agentive-stative type (also called in Piti philological studies the agentive-passive alignment). This kind of alignment is essential different from the nominative-accusative alignment, which is widespread among most European languages, and from the even rarer ergative-absolutive alignment.

In an agentive-stative alignment the choice of the case relies on the intrinsic ability of the subject to be an active agent in the sentence or not. Unlike the ergative-absolutive alignment, subjects of an intransitive verb can also be agentive subjects, if the action is performed with a certain degree of animacy or intentionality. This usually also depends on the semantic nature of the verb itself. Let’s see two examples:

  • to jump: this verb is considered as grammatically intransitive, but the described action involves an activity and a will from the subject. Thus, the alignment selects the agentive case for such subjects.
  • to fall: this verb is considered as grammatically intransitive, but the described action involves no active engagement or no active will from the subject. It is more regarded as an incidental event, even if it implies some kind of motion. Thus, the alignment selects the passive case for such subjects.

The system selects only the passive case for direct objects of transitive verbs. Potential confusion is avoided, as the agentive case and the passive case cannot be selected for two kinds of elements which may be in the same sentence.

The general usage rule for these cases is:

  • Subject of a transitive verb: agentive case
  • Active subject of an intransitive verb: agentive case
  • Inactive subject of an intransitive verb: passive case
  • Direct object of a transitive verb: passive case


sopaliAGEN wī́roPASS ñamī́kɑt
the dog is biting the man
(sopali is the subject of the transitive verb ñamī́kɑme and is declined in the agentive case, while wī́ro is the object of the verb and it is declined in the passive case)
sopaliAGEN ʔimḗɣekɑt
the dog is running away
(sopali is the subject of the intransitive verb ʔimḗɣekɑme, for which it is an active subject. As such, it intentionally and actively performs the action, and it is declined in the agentive case)
sopaPASS kḗwon
the dog is sleeping
(sopa is the subject of the intransitive verb kḗwonɑme, for which it is an unactive subject. As such, it does not intentionally and actively perform the action, and it is declined in the passive case)

The rules of this system are interlaced with the class system. 2nd class nouns cannot be declined in the agentive case at all. Sentences in which these elements might be transitive or active subject are usually differently arrange, as such nouns cannot be in the agentive case:

the storm spoiled the harvest → the harvest spoiled because of the storm
umatsṓta kumḗkhu ʔaʔosī́p

however, some natural entities can be perceived as animate, as having their own will, like sɑño, light, pike, water, ʔako, wind, and they may optionally be regarded as 1st class nouns. In such cases these nouns can be active subjects of transitive verbs and be declined in the agentive case.


Among all elements of a sentence, the verb conveys the most features. Indeed, this element conveys such features like person, number, tense, aspect, and mood, as well as its own semantic meaning.

At the semantic level, the verb carries a basic meaning, which conveys an action, a situation, a feeling, or a state.

to bring
to sleep
to be placed
to know

Each verb is formed by a root form, called verbal root, to which affixes are added, both suffixes and prefixes. By means of these affixes, verbs are conjugated, according to the verbal conjugation.

Each verbal root has a counterpart, derived by the basic root through an introflexive process of vowel switching, conveying an aspectual change.

gagok- → gogak-
to bringIMPF → to bringPRF

In terms of analysis, these are deemed as separated roots with a different aspectual value, but the same basic semantic meaning. They are called imperfective root and perfective root. Monosyllabic roots, however, do not display any aspectual counterpart. Any distinction according to tense, mood, person, and number is made through affixal endings.

Verbal aspect

Kī́rtako verbs primarily display a basic feature: the verbal aspect. They make this distinction between two aspects, called imperfective aspect and perfective aspect, by means of two different verbal roots, carrying the same semantic meaning, the imperfective root, and the perfective root.

The verbal aspect essentially describes the extension degree over time of an action or a state.

  • Imperfective aspect: it marks incomplete actions, namely the incompleteness of an action or a state. It is used to mark ongoing actions or states, repeated actions or states during an extended time, or a prolonged action or state in time. It is also used to express an action or a state in themselves, without any reference to their completeness degree.

gagok-: to bring. The imperfective root conveys the action of bringing or carrying while the action itself is ongoing. It may convey the action of repetitively bringing, focusing on the repetitiveness or it may simply describe the action of bringing, without any reference to it being completed or not.

  • Perfective aspect: it marks complete actions, namely the completeness of an action or a state. It is used to mark a completed and finished action or state.

gogak-: to bring. The perfective root conveys the idea of the action of bringing from the beginning to the end of the action itself, focusing on its conclusion and completeness. The different roles of the verbal aspect may vary depending on the semantic meaning of the verbal root. An action can be indeed described during its development or after its conclusion and keep its original meaning, because the single action is limited in time.

hḗmɑ ʔagagokow
I was bringing some bread / I used to bring some bread / I brought some bread (repetitively)
hḗmɑ ʔagogakow
I brought some bread (I finished the action / the bread is/was in the place where I put it)
In these examples both roots keep the same meaning of “bringing”.

Oppositely, states, conditions, and feelings tend to describe a verbal feature which has an ongoing nature, with a lengthened duration in time. Both aspects convey the same semantic meaning, but also have different semantic nuances:

sopa ʔañowekow
I loved the dog / I used to love the dog (the described condition is long-lasting)
sopa ʔañewokow
I loved the dog (the described condition is now over)
In these examples both roots have the broader meaning of “loving”. The perfective root, however, conveys a slightly changed meaning of “stopping loving”, “no more loving”.

The verbal aspect is tightly bounded with tense, as some functions of the verbal aspect cannot be expressed in certain verbal tenses.


Kī́rtako verbs can also display another feature: the tense. They make this distinction through a prefix, ʔa-, which is added to both aspectual roots. This prefix sets the action or the state in a past time, in relation to the time of the conversation, creating thus two separated tenses, called present and past tense.

gagok- → ʔagagok-
to bringPRES → to bringPAST

The form not marked by the prefix is called present, although it may also convey actions or state always happening or in the future.

The tense is tightly bounded with the verbal aspect, as some functions of the verbal aspect cannot be expressed in certain verbal tenses.

The aspect-tense system

In the verbal system the feature of aspect is inseparably bounded with the feature of tense. They are fused in an interlaced aspect-tense system which is expressed by the verbal root and the temporal prefix. This system conveys different information regarding the action or the state, which are semantically expressed by the verb.

The aspect-tense system is as follows:

Imperfective present
Perfective present
Imperfective past
Perfective past

For the sake of ease in analysis, such forms are usually called verbal tenses. The main information, conveyed by the various verbal tenses is given below.

Imperfective present

The imperfective present conveys primarily ongoing actions or states, during the same moment when speech occurs.

hḗmɑ hḗmonow
I am eating bread (in this moment, ongoing action)

It can also convey habitually recurring actions or states, which are repeated on an almost regular basis, including the same moment when speech occurs.

hḗmɑ jḗsɑti hḗmonow
I eat bread every day (recurring action, present moment included)

It can, moreover, convey general truths, actions or states which are repeated on an indefinite basis, or perpetually recurring.

rū́roki kitatsar ʔū́khasɑt 
the sun shines in the sky (general truth)

With a time-referring element, like a temporal adverb, this tense can also convey future actions or state, which are set after the moment when speech occurs, ongoing or recurring in that future moment.

hḗmɑ rosɑti hḗmonow
I will be eating bread tomorrow (in that moment, the action will be occurring)
hḗmɑ phuwɑkotsar jḗsɑti hḗmonow
Next year I am going to eat bread everyday (the action is going to be repeated in future time)

Perfective present

The perfective present conveys basically complete actions or states, which are completed at the same moment when speech occurs.

hḗmɑ homḗnow
I ate/have eaten bread (at this very moment, the action is completed)

An action is, however, not usually complete at the exact moment of the present, whereas it tends to be completed in the present or in the future. Thus, this tense usually conveys actions or state that will be completed or finished in a future time after the moment when speech occurs.

hḗmɑ homḗnow
I am going to eat bread (the action is going to be completed)

Usage of inherent time-referring elements is therefore optional.

hḗmɑ phusɑti homḗnow
I am going to eat bread tomorrow (the action is going to be completed)

As the inherent reference to future time is prevailing, and despite its name of perfective “present”, usage of time-referring elements is compulsory to convey the meaning of completeness at the same moment when speech occurs.

Imperfective past

The imperfective past conveys primarily actions or states, which are set before the moment when speech occurs, ongoing or recurring in that past moment.

hḗmɑ ʔaɣḗmonow
I was eating bread (in that moment, the action was occurring)

It can also convey habitually recurring actions or states, which are repeated on an almost regular basis, but only in the past and excluding the moment when speech occurs.

hḗmɑ jḗsɑti ʔaɣḗmonow
I used to eat bread every day (the action was repeated in past time)

Perfective past

The perfective present conveys basically complete actions or states, which are completed before the moment when speech occurs.

hḗmɑ ʔaɣomḗnow
I ate bread (the action is or was completed)


Kī́rtako verbs display an additional feature: the mood, namely the way or the manner an action is performed, or a state is in being. They make this distinction through a certain number of suffixes, which are added to both aspectual roots. These suffixes create three separated moods, called indicative, subjunctive and conditional mood.

Each mood can display every possible aspectual and temporal form of the root. Usage of such forms, however, is not necessarily the same in each mood. The different usage and information conveyed by the moods are described below.


The indicative is the main mood of Kī́rtako verbal system. It features the zero suffix ending (shown with -Ø), or, it can be said that it does not feature any suffix.

It primarily conveys a meaning of statement and certainty, regarding the referred information. At a syntactical level, it is used mostly in main clauses, as the basic form of information transfer. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣow
I am going home (imperfective present)
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓwerow
I will be listening to you voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗnɑt
he’s going to eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑt
the tailor was sewing the dress (imperfective past)
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekow
I came to the village (perfective past)

The indicative mood may also be found in sentences which do not express any certainty. In such a case, this kind of information is conveyed by other elements in the sentence.


The subjunctive mood features the suffix -iñ-. It has three main functions.

It conveys, primarily, a meaning of hope and wish, usually from the speaker, regarding the referred information. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñow
I wish I am going home (imperfective present)
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓweriñow
if I only be listening to your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗniñɑt
I wish he eats two eggs (perfective present - future usage)
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowiñɑt
I wished the tailor were sewing the dress (imperfective past)
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekiñow
if only I had come to the village (perfective past)

It also conveys a meaning of exhortation, regarding the referred information. In this meaning it is seldomly used in the past tenses. It usually expresses an exhortation only in the present and in the future.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñow
I better be going home (imperfective present)
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓweriñow
I’ll better be listening to your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗniñɑt
let him eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)

Such usages, in the allowed tenses, can be semantically overlapped, as an exhortation can be interpreted as a kind of wish from the speaker for the action to be performed or the state to be in being. The context will usually clarify the function of the subjunctive forms in a sentence.

As an exhortative form, the subjunctive is used to express the imperative form, which does not exist in Kī́rtako as an independent form. Such usage is specified in another chapter below.

Moreover, the subjunctive is mostly used dependent clauses. It is widely used as a subordinating form in such clauses. In this case it is usually used without the other modal meanings, and it simply replaces the indicative form, without inferring any other additional modal meaning.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣow → tsɑgewow hī́ɑt sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñow
I am going home → I say I am going home (imperfective present)


The conditional mood features the suffix -ɑts-. It has several functions. It conveys, primarily, a meaning of desire and wish, usually from the speaker, regarding the referred information. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑtsow
I’d like to be going home (imperfective present)
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓwerɑtsow
I’d like to hear (repeatedly) your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗnɑtsɑt
I’d like to eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑtsɑt
I wanted the tailor to be sewing the dress (imperfective past)
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekɑtsow
I did like to come to the village (perfective past)

It also conveys a meaning of will, regarding the referred information, usually from the subject of the sentence. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑtsow
I want to be going home (right now) (imperfective present)
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓwerɑtsow
I want to hear (repeatedly) your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗnɑtsɑt
he wants to eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑtsɑt
the tailor wanted to be sewing the dress (imperfective past)
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekɑtsow
I would have come to the village (perfective past)

Moreover, it conveys a meaning of potentiality, usually deemed as inherent in the action or the state themselves, regarding the referred information. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑtsow
I may be going home (right now) (imperfective present)
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓwerɑtsow
I may be hearing your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)
ʔahno hašī́kɑtsɑt
it might rain (perfective present - future usage)
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗnɑtsɑt
I may eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑtsɑt
the tailor might have been sewing the dress (imperfective past)
it might have snowed (perfective past)
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekɑtsow
I might have come to the village (perfective past)

It can also convey a meaning of possibility, usually from the subject of the sentence, regarding the referred information. The usage of the verbal tenses is the same as explained in the specific section.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣɑtsow
I could be going home (imperfective present)
owtušu ʔḗtsɑ phusɑti khṓwerɑtsow
I could be hearing your voice tomorrow (imperfective present - future usage)
ʔaki thā́tsono homḗnɑtsɑt
I could eat two eggs (perfective present - future usage)
khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑtsɑt
the tailor could have been sewing the dress (imperfective past)
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekɑtsow
I could have come to the village (perfective past)

Such usages can be semantically overlapped, as a will can be interpreted as a kind of desire from the speaker for the action to be performed or the state to be in being. Furthermore, a possibility may be interpreted as a form of potentiality, from the subject or inherent in the action or the state. The context will usually clarify the function of the conditional forms in a sentence.

As said above, the conditional can convey a potentiality or a possibility, usually referring to a future moment in relation to the moment, we are speaking about. Thus, these forms can be used, even without any time-referring element, to express actions or states set in a future moment in relation to a past period, in both aspects.

khatowī́tili pā́ktā́ ʔakhatowɑtsɑt
the tailor would have been sewing the dress (but it wasn’t happening)
wɑkiɣɑ ʔakogiwekɑtsow
I would come to the village (but it didn’t happen)

This usage is known as “future in the past”.

Modal verbs

Some verbs can be used to conveys modal meanings, combined with other verbal forms. Such verbs are usually called modal verbs.

Modal verbs are:

  • ʔī́sɑme: do not (negative verb)
  • gṓtsekɑme: to be allowed to (can, may)
  • phɑgesɑme: to be able to (can)
  • goʔī́kɑme: to want to
  • kokisɑme: to be compelled to (have to)

Other modal features are directly conveyed by the verbal roots, through the verbal moods. These features, as already explained above, are:

  • Possibility, potentiality, will, desire: conditional mood
  • Wish, hope: subjunctive mood

The different usage and information conveyed by the modal verbs are described below.

In the following description the adverb jṓr, necessarily, is included, as it has a modal meaning and usage. On the contrary, the negative verb ʔī́sɑme is not included, as its role and usage are extensively explained in the morphological section.


This verb conveys the modal meaning that the subject of the sentence is generically allowed to perform the action or to be in a certain state. Who gives permission is not relevant for the purpose of the verbal information.

Therefore, this verb conveys one of the meanings of the modal verb to can or to may.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme gṓtsekow
I can go home (I am allowed to go home)

The verbal form specified by the modal verb is conjugated in the nominal form called subjunctive infinitive. This form, deemed as a nominal form introduced by the modal verb, plays a similar role to that of the direct object of the sentence, but, unlike a nominal direct object, it is placed just before the modal verb.

phū́kali sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme gṓtsekɑt
the person can go home

Thus, the possible direct object of this infinitival form is deemed as a belonging to such form, and it is declined in the ablative case.

ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme gṓtsekɑt
the woman can eat bread

As can be seen, both 3rd person endings can be added to the modal verb, depending on the animacy degree of the verb.

When negated, the modal verb is placed just before the negative verb.

ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme gṓtsekɑme ʔī́sɑt
the woman cannot eat bread


This verb conveys the modal meaning that the subject of the sentence is generically able to perform the action or to be in a certain state. This ability may be either temporary or permanent.

Therefore, this verb conveys two of the meanings of the modal verb to can or of the modal expression to be able to.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme phɑgesow
I can go home (I am able now)
khatowī́tili khatowiñɑme phɑgesɑt
the tailor can sew (he learnt it, he has a permanent ability)

Such usages can be semantically overlapped, and, as in English, there is no clear distinction between a temporary or a permanent ability within the modal usage of this verb. The context will usually clarify the role of the modal verb.

The verbal form specified by the modal verb is conjugated in the nominal form called subjunctive infinitive. This form, deemed as a nominal form introduced by the modal verb, plays a similar role to that of the direct object of the sentence, but, unlike a nominal direct object, it is placed just before the modal verb.

phū́kali sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme phɑgesɑt
the person can go home

Thus, the possible direct object of this infinitival form is deemed as a belonging to such form, and it is declined in the ablative case.

ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme phɑgesɑt
the woman can eat bread

As can be seen, both 3rd person endings can be added to the modal verb, depending on the animacy degree of the verb.

When negated, the modal verb is placed just before the negative verb.

ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme phɑgesɑme ʔī́sɑt
the woman cannot eat bread


This verb conveys the modal meaning that the subject of the sentence is generically willing to perform the action or to be in a certain state.

Therefore, this verb conveys one of the meanings of the modal verb to want.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme goʔī́kow
I want to go home (My will is to go home)

The verbal form specified by the modal verb is conjugated in the nominal form called subjunctive infinitive. This form, deemed as a nominal form introduced by the modal verb, plays a similar role to that of the direct object of the sentence, but, unlike a nominal direct object, it is placed just before the modal verb.

phū́kali sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme goʔī́kɑt
the person wants to go home

Thus, the possible direct object of this infinitival form is deemed as a belonging to such form, and it is declined in the ablative case.

ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme goʔī́kɑt
the woman wants eat bread

As can be seen, both 3rd person endings can be added to the modal verb, depending on the animacy degree of the verb.

When negated, the modal verb is placed just before the negative verb.

ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu hḗmoniñɑme goʔī́kɑme ʔī́sɑt
the woman does not want to eat bread

This verb is deemed as modal, as it tends to add a modal value to other verbs. For this reason, it does not usually convey the direct wish for something, and it is not usually used with a direct object without another verbal form. This meaning is normally expressed by the verb guʔā́šɑme.

hḗmɑ guʔā́šow
I want bread

Nevertheless, it is sometimes possible to use the modal verb goʔī́kɑme as a normal transitive verb.

hḗmɑ goʔī́kow
I want bread

In such case, this usage is allowed as a second verbal form is semantically implied. It is noteworthy that, as the infinitival form is dropped, the direct object of the sentence is declined in the proper case, according to its role.

hḗmɑ(šu hḗmoniñɑme) goʔī́kow
I want (to eat) bread


This verb conveys the modal meaning that the subject of the sentence is generically compelled to perform the action or to be in a certain state. The source of this obligation is not relevant for the purpose of the verbal information, but obligation is usually meant as independent from the will of the subject.

Therefore, this verb conveys one of the meanings of the modal verbs to must or to have to.

sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme kokisow
I have to go home (I am obliged to go)

Sentence construction is typically altered by this verb, as it tends to be used in the passive construct, especially in the classic period.

sṓgoɣɑ phū́kali ʔimḗɣiñɑme kokis
the person has to go home

Such usage of the passive construct for this verb, however, tends to die out in the later period, and sentences to be built with the normal syntactical construction, as required by the meaning of the sentences.

phū́kali sṓgoɣɑ ʔimḗɣiñɑme kokisɑt
the person has to go home

The verbal form specified by the modal verb is conjugated in the nominal form called subjunctive infinitive. This form, deemed as a nominal form introduced by the modal verb, plays a similar role to that of the direct object of the sentence, but, unlike a nominal direct object, it is placed just before the modal verb.

sṓgoɣɑ phū́kali ʔimḗɣiñɑme kokis
the person has to go home

Thus, the possible direct object of this infinitival form is deemed as a belonging to such form, and it is declined in the ablative case.

hḗmɑšu ʔṓnali hḗmoniñɑme kokis
the woman has to eat bread

As can be seen, both 3rd person endings can be added to the modal verb, depending on the animacy degree of the verb.

When negated, the modal verb is placed just before the negative verb.

hḗmɑšu ʔṓnali hḗmoniñɑme kokisɑme ʔī́sɑt
the woman must not eat bread

The negative form of this verb usually conveys the obligation to not perform the action or to be in a certain state.


This adverb conveys the modal meaning that the subject of the sentence generically needs to perform the action or to be in a certain state. This necessity is usually meant as the subject’s own one. Therefore, this verb conveys one of the meanings of the modal verbs to must or to need.

sṓgoɣɑ jṓr ʔimḗɣow
I must go home (I need to go)

This adverb is placed inside of a sentence without altering the order of the other elements. Therefore, a direct object is declined in the passive case, as for its role in the sentence, and the main verb is conjugated according to tense and mood required by the syntax of the sentence.

ʔṓnali hḗmɑ jṓr hḗmonɑt
the woman must eat bread

Likewise, the adverb does not alter the syntax of a negative sentence, being placed before the verbal cluster.

ʔṓnali hḗmɑšu jṓr hḗmonɑme ʔī́sɑt
the woman does not need to eat bread

The negative form of this adverb usually conveys the lack of need to perform the action or to be in a certain state.

Passive construct

Kī́rtako verbs do not display any morphological passive voice, either simple or compound. It is however possible to use a syntactical construction with a passive meaning, by modifying the word order from SOV to OSV. When placed in the first position, the direct object is somehow highlighted. Cases are unaltered and the agent of the sentence is still marked by the agentive case.

wī́roli ʔṓna lī́lopɑt → ʔṓna wī́roli lī́lop
the man sees the woman → the woman is seen by the man

As can be seen, the 3rd person of the verb is systematically chosen in the short form.

When a sentence lacks an agent, the verb is usually conjugated in the 3rd person plural short form:

wī́ro lī́lopon
they see the man → the man is seen

Reflexive construct

Kī́rtako verbs do not display any morphological passive voice or any reflexive pronouns. Verbs, which have a reflexive meaning in other languages, have different verbal root and are deemed as different verbs.

kā́kuʔɑme - gṓɣapɑme
to bend (something) - to bend (oneself)

With some verbs, however, it is possible to use to use a syntactical construction with a reflexive meaning, namely when the action is actively performed by the subject, but its result affects the subject itself. It is called reflexive construct.

In this construct, the personal pronoun, agreeing in number and person in the required case, is preceded by the adjective meʔɑ, same.

meʔɑ jo mī́woñow, meʔɑ nɑ mī́woñer... meʔɑno jono mī́woñonow...
I wash myself, you wash yourself… we wash ourselves…

In most cases personal pronouns in the passive case are used, as the pronoun is regarded as the direct object of the action of the verb; the adjective meʔɑ is declined in agreement. This construct can be used only with transitive verbs.

In the later period, in the western texts, the adjective meʔɑ can be placed after the pronominal forms.


Kī́rtako lacks proper imperative forms. As the subjunctive mood can convey an exhortative meaning, the 2nd person forms are used in an imperative role, in both aspects according to the aspectual nature of the action or the state.


In the negative form is primarily found, however, the imperfective aspect:

tumawiñɑme ʔī́siñer
do not drink! (both once and never)

Verb “to have”

Possession and belonging are conveyed by two different verbs, hḗʔī́ɣɑme e totirɑme. Both verbs play the role of the English verb to have. The difference in the role of the two verbal forms is essentially like the same difference in usage between the genitive case and the ablative case.

The verb totirɑme conveys an intentional possession from the possessor.

phū́kali sṓgo totirɑt
the person has (owns) a house

This kind of possession is meant as fundamentally limited in time, non-intrinsic and consciously performed by the possessor.

kojā́hukha totirow
I have a stylus

As it conveys an intentional possession, this verb is regarded as transitive: the owner is expressed in the agentive case, as an agent with a will of its own, and the owned is expressed in the passive case, as it is the direct object of the verb.

šupā́tɑliAGEN tirṓsiPASS totirɑt
the king has a palace

As a transitive verb, this verb can be used only with 1st class nouns as their subject. The verb hḗʔī́ɣɑme conveys, conversely, an unintentional possession from the possessor or the intrinsic belonging to the possessor.

phū́ka ʔaki lilā́nošu hḗʔī̀ 
a person has two hands

This kind of possession is meant as fundamentally unlimited in time, intrinsic and unconsciously performed by the possessor.

ʔḗmašu hḗʔī̀ɣow
I have a head

As it conveys an unintentional possession or a belonging, this verb is regarded as intransitive: the owner is expressed in the passive case and the owned is expressed in the ablative case, as it is deemed as a belonging to the subject. In the 3rd person the verb usually selects the short forms.

šupā́tɑPASS ʔaki rakonošuABL hḗʔī̀
the king has two eyes

As a transitive verb, this verb can be used only with nouns of both classes as their subject. In the texts of the later period, however, this verb tends to be regarded as a transitive one, with the owner in the agentive case and the owned in the passive case, while it still selects the 3rd person short forms.

phū́kali ʔaki lilā́no hḗʔī̀ 
a person has two hands

In such cases, also 2nd class nouns can be declined in the agentive case. This phenomenon can be considered as part of the general confusion in case usage in the later period.

Interrogative clauses

Interrogative clauses, namely simple questions, do not display any specific feature regarding their word order. Interrogative pronouns are placed in their logical position inside the clause, and they are not moved at the beginning of the sentence:

wī́roli šɑ lī́lopɑt?
what is the man seeing?

Interrogative pronouns may be optionally fronted, but this position is deemed as strongly marked or a way to express the passive construct:

šɑ wī́roli lī́lopɑt?
the man is seeing what? / what is being seen by the man?

Clauses without any interrogative pronoun (also called “yes-no questions”) feature the interrogative particle om, which usually marks the verbal form, by being placed right before it.

wī́roli ʔṓna om lī́lopɑt?
is the man seeing the woman?

However, the particle om can be placed before any element of the clause to specify its role as the main element of the question:

wī́roli om ʔṓna lī́lopɑt?
is the woman, who is being seen by the man?

If there is a modal verb at the end of the clause, om is placed before that, after the infinitival form of the main verb:

wī́roli ʔṓna lī́lopɑme om ʔī́sɑt?
isn’t the man seeing the woman?


Dependent clauses in Kī́rtako language feature a wider usage of the subjunctive mood, which replaces the forms of the indicative mood, becoming thus a sort of subordinating form. Many dependent clauses can also be headed by a non-finite form, usually a subjunctive infinitive. In such clauses the meaning of exhortation or wish of the subjunctive mood is not expressed.

Declarative content clauses (subjective and objective clauses)

Declarative content clauses mainly feature the infinitive, which plays the role of the object of the declarative verb. In subjective declarative clauses the indicative infinitive is mostly used, although it can be also replaced by its subjunctive (or conditional) form:

wā́gosɑme wā́go (ʔɑñ)
it is right to rule

In such clauses the infinitive is deemed as a noun, and it tends to be placed in the logical position of the subject.

For objective declarative clauses, which can have a different subject from the main clause, two constructions are possible:

  • The objective clause is placed at the end of the main clause, and the verb is conjugated in the subjunctive infinitive (or conditional), while the subject is declined in the proper case, according to the clause syntax.
wī́roli ʔatsegɑwɑt ʔṓnali kogiwiñɑme
the man said that the woman is going to come

The direct object of the infinitival form is regularly declined in the ablative case.

papuli mamuɣɑ ʔatsegɑwɑt tatuli tū́kḗšu ʔaʔilukokiñɑme
the father told the mother that his brother killed the bear
  • The objective clause is placed after the declarative verb, and it is introduced by the particle hī́ɑt. The dependent verb is conjugated in the subjunctive or in the conditional.
papuli ʔatsegɑwɑt hī́ɑt tatuli tū́kḗ ʔaʔilukokɑtsɑt
the father told the mother that his brother might have killed the bear

The dependent clause syntax is not essentially altered, except for the modal change.

This construction is quite uncommon in the classical period, while it becomes more recurring in the texts of the later period.

Adverbial clauses of reason (causative clauses)

There are two possible constructions:

  • The adverbial clause is placed at the end of the main clause, and the verb is conjugated in the subjunctive infinitive (or conditional), declined in the causative case.
wī́roli ʔakogiwɑt sopali ʔṓnašu ʔañī́makiñɑmekhu
the man came because the dog had bitten the woman

The direct object of the infinitival form is regularly declined in the ablative case.

  • The adverbial clause is placed at the end of the main clause, and it is introduced by the particles šɑkhu or šɑtukhu. The dependent verb is conjugated in the subjunctive or in the conditional.
šɑtukhu sopali ʔṓnašu ʔañī́makiñɑt wī́roli ʔakogiwɑt 
as the dog had bitten the woman, the man came

The particle šɑtukhu is usually used when these clauses are placed before the main clauses, while šɑkhu is used when they are placed after the main clause.

The non-finite construction has already almost fallen out of use in the classical period, being limited to the dependent clauses where the subject is the same as the main clause.

Adverbial clauses of purpose (final clauses)

They are constructed in the following way:

The adverbial clause is placed at the end of the main clause, and the verb is conjugated in the subjunctive infinitive (or conditional), declined in the dative case.

papuli mū́ketu rimusɑt rā́nošu mṓtsatiñɑmeɣɑ
the father tends the flock to collect the milk

The direct object of the infinitival form is regularly declined in the ablative case.

Adverbial clauses of time (temporal clauses)

Construction of clauses of time always involves the usage of the subjunctive or conditional mood and their placement at the end of the main clause or before it. There are several introducing particles with different meanings:

šɑtutsar when
juʔṓtsar when / while
juʔṓɣɑ until / as long as
juʔṓšu how long / since when
juʔṓšu phun after
juʔṓšu roš before

The particle juʔṓtsar has different usage as compared to the particle šɑtutsar:

  • when šɑtutsar is used with both verbal aspects, it has always the meaning of when.
  • when juʔṓtsar is used with verbal forms in the imperfective aspect, it takes on the meaning of while, and when it is used with verbal forms in the the perfective aspect, it takes on the meaning of when.

In the later period the subjunctive mood is increasingly replaced by the indicative forms.

Adverbial clauses of manner (modal clauses)

They are constructed in the following way:

The adverbial clause is placed at the end of the main clause, and it is introduced by the particle mɑtsar. The dependent verb is conjugated in the subjunctive or in the conditional.

wī́roli jagetu rimusɑt mɑtsar ʔṓnaɣɑ ʔatsegɑwiñɑt
the man is tending the flock as he had told the woman

Relative clauses

Relative clauses have a specifying role for nouns (or pronouns). There are two possible constructions:

  • By placing, before the specified noun, the agentive participle, or the passive participle. The possible direct object of the participle is declined in the ablative case, as with the infinitival form, while the agent of the passive particle is declined in the agentive case. Both participles agree in case and number with the name they specify.
jagetušu rimusī́to wī́ro ʔalolī́pow
I saw the man tending the flock → I saw the man who was tending the flock
tū́kḗli ʔaʔilukokuki jage ʔalolī́pow
I saw the sheep killed by the bear → I saw the sheep who was killed by the bear

It is noteworthy to highlight that this is not a real passive sentence.

  • By using the relative pronoun hī́. In this case relative clauses can be placed before or after nouns, although the trend is to be placed after them. Such clauses can also be placed outside the main clause if ambiguity can be easily avoided. The relative pronoun tends to be placed in its logical syntactical position, but it may also be placed near the specified noun, thus at the beginning or at the end of the clause. The dependent verb is conjugated in the subjunctive or in the conditional.
hī́li jage ʔaʔilukokɑt tū́kḗ ʔalolī́pow
tū́kḗ hī́li jage ʔaʔilukokɑt ʔalolī́pow
tū́kḗ ʔalolī́pow hī́li jage ʔaʔilukokɑt 
I saw the bear who killed the sheep

The non-finite construction is by far the most used, while the finite construction is generally used when the clause is too complex. In the later period, however, the finite construction enjoys increased vitality even in simpler sentences. Constructions with the passive participles remain largely used in every period.

Conditional clauses

Conditional clauses employ specific constructions, which provide for a combined usage of mood, aspect, tense, and introduction particles in two sentences, namely the antecedent (which conveys the hypothetical assumption, introduced by “if”) and the consequent (which conveys the possible outcome of the hypothesis).

Broadly, it conveys the idea of a possible, unlikely, or impossible hypothesis, in the past, in the present, or in the future.

The antecedent is usually introduced by the particle ʔḗɣī́tsar or is marked by the particle omlo, placed before the conjugated verbal form. The dependent verb is conjugated in the subjunctive mood in the antecedent, while the verb in the consequent can be conjugated in the conditional mood or in the indicative mood.

  • Possible hypothesis. The conveyed hypothesis is regarded as largely possible. Such hypotheses usually convey actions or states in the present or in the future.

In the antecedent the verb is conjugated in the present subjunctive and in the consequent the verb is conjugated in the present indicative. Both aspects can be used.

hḗmɑ omlo totirugiñow, ʔḗhlo homḗnonow
if I buy bread, we will eat together
ʔḗɣī́tsar hḗmɑ jḗsɑti titorugiñow, ʔḗhlo jḗjuʔṓ hḗmononow
if I buy bread every day, we will always eat together

In the consequent, the indicative mood can be replaced by the subjunctive to express the imperative-exhortative meaning of this mood. However, this way it is not possible to distinguish the possible hypothesis from the unlikely hypothesis.

hḗmɑ omlo totirugiñow, ʔḗhlo homḗniñonow
if I buy bread, let’s eat together!
  • Unlikely hypothesis. The conveyed hypothesis is regarded as largely unlikely to happen. Such hypotheses usually convey actions or states in the present or in the future.

In the antecedent the verb is conjugated in the present subjunctive and in the consequent the verb is conjugated in the present conditional. Both aspects can be used.

hḗmɑ omlo totirugiñow, ʔḗhlo homḗnɑtsonow
if I bought bread, we would eat together
ʔḗɣī́tsar hḗmɑ jḗsɑti titorugiñow, ʔḗhlo jḗjuʔṓ hḗmonɑtsonow
if I bought bread every day, we would always eat together

In the consequent, the indicative mood can be replaced by the subjunctive to express the imperative-exhortative meaning of this mood. However, this way it is not possible to distinguish the possible hypothesis from the possible or impossible hypothesis.

hḗmɑ omlo totirugiñow, ʔḗhlo homḗniñonow
if I bought bread, we should eat together (let’s eat together)!
  • Impossible hypothesis. The conveyed hypothesis is regarded as largely impossible to happen. Such hypotheses usually convey actions or states both in the present/future and in the past. Past hypotheses are regarded as inherently impossible.

For present or future hypotheses, in the antecedent the verb is conjugated in the present subjunctive and in the consequent the verb is conjugated in the present conditional. Both aspects can be used.

niwoɣɑ omlo kogiwiñɑt, nɑ jḗparɑtsow
if he came here, I would help him
ʔḗɣī́tsar niwotsar jḗsɑti ʔɑñiñ, nɑ jḗjuʔṓ japḗrɑtsow
if he were here every day, I would always help him

In the consequent, the conditional mood can be replaced by the subjunctive to express the imperative-exhortative meaning of this mood. However, this way it is not possible to distinguish the possible hypothesis from the possible or impossible hypothesis.

For past hypotheses, in the antecedent the verb is conjugated in the past subjunctive and in the consequent the verb is conjugated in the past conditional. Both aspects can be used.

hḗmɑ omlo ʔatotirugiñow, ʔḗhlo ʔahomḗnɑtsonow
if I had bought bread, we would have eaten together
ʔḗɣī́tsar hḗmɑ jḗsɑti ʔatitorugiñow, ʔḗhlo jḗjuʔṓ ʔahḗmonɑtsonow
if I had bought bread every day, we would have always eaten together

Because of the impossible past nature of this type, the conditional mood cannot be replaced by the subjunctive to express the imperative-exhortative meaning of this mood.

These three types can be mixed.

Interrogative content clauses (indirect questions)

Indirect questions are syntactically built in the same way as the direct questions, with the only exception being the indicative mood replaced by the subjunctive mood. The word order of such sentences is substantially unaltered, but the entire clause is placed before or after the main clause. Interrogative pronoun can be fronted to the beginning of the sentence, while the particle om stays in its regular position.

šɑɣɑ ʔaʔḗmiɣer → pā́kṓnɑtsow šɑɣɑ ʔaʔḗmiñiɣer
where did you go? → I’d like to know where you went