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BONICAEJ = 1.''v'' to practice, to use 2. ''slang, v'' to eat, to use up
BAFHEJ = ''v'' to sit, to repose, to rest
BACEID = ''n'' spike, spire, stake
BEJ = ''intrans. v'' to travel, ''trans. v'' to travel (with/to)
BELH = ''n'' oak tree, oak sap
BASCEITEJ = ''v'' to finish, complete
BIFEIT = ''adj'' oldest
BIFEM = ''adj'' older
BIF = ''adj'' old
BEAN = ''adv'' now, presently, stresses present tense
BEAS = ''adj'' three
BEAZEJ = ''v'' to touch, to contact
BEASCEJ = ''v'' walk, amble
BEICEIM = ''n'' era, period
BOAF = ''interj'' whoa!
BOANEIC = ''n slang'' dining area, restaurant or in-house
BOANEICEJ = 1.''v'' to practice, to use 2. ''slang, v'' to eat, to use up
BOASCOM = ''adj'' proper, correct, polite
BOS = ''n'' light, aura
BOTAV = ''adj'' eight
BOZ = ''n'' other people, others
BUR = ''n'' number, amount
BUREH = ''adj/adv'' numbered, accounted, numerous, recorded
BUREJ = ''v'' to count, to number

CIH = ''part'' that, relative conjunction
CABAH = ''adv'' approximately, nearly, about
CAD = ''adj'' warm, hot
CADEUH = ''n'' warmth, heat
CAH = ''n'' greatness, superiority
CAMEJ = ''v'' to produce smoke, to be smoked, to be screwed
CAMEIDEAN = ''adj'' burnt, smoked
CASC = ''n'' shovel, plow, blunt object for moving soil
CIT = ''n'' star, celestial body
CINEJ = ''v'' to fly, to hover/float in the air
CEJ = ''v'' to inspire
CEJEJ = ''v'' to be located at, to be inside/around/situated
CEAN = ''adj'' great, powerful ''adv'' with great force, forcefully
CEAREIS = ''prn'' everyone, everybody
CEAREIFH = ''prn'' everything
CEAT = ''adj'' eleven
CEAZEITEJ = ''v'' to settle, to colonize, to found
CEIH = ''part'' that, relative conjunction
CEIREJ = ''v'' to allow, to permit
COM = ''adj'' fast, rapid
COR = ''adj'' angry, furious
COREJ = ''v'' annoy, shock
COSAREJ  = ''v'' sting
COANEV = ''n'' metal object
COANEVOM = ''adj'' metallic, made of metal
CEUSEITEJ = ''v'' to lie, to deceive
CEUZIS = ''n'' liar, fraudulent person
CEUDEIN = ''adj'' mordant, sarcastic, cynical, annoying, decietful, cruel, rude
CEUHEJ = ''v'' to make treason against, to stab in the back
CUK = ''n'' broom

CONAEVOEM = ''adj'' metallic, made of metal
CUTESC = ''n'' status

DAEKIN = ''prn'' third person, singular, inanimate, accusitive
DACEAH = ''n'' tone, music
DAKEH = ''n'' key, chord, group of tones/notes
DAMEAF = ''n'' belt, strap

DERASC = ''n'' krill like sea creatures
DAZEJ = ''v'' to hate, to detest, to abhor

DERIVAC = ''slang, interrog'' right?, yes?, ok?, clear?
DASCEJ = ''v'' to place, to put, to lay, to drop onto

DICEMOEM = ''adj'' sour tasting, alcohol-like flavor
DEKEIN = ''prn'' third person, singular, inanimate, accusitive

DIK = ''slang, n'' fermented fruit juice, particularly from berry origin
DELH = ''n'' life ''slang'' gift

DIH = ''part'' through, across
DELHEJ = ''v'' to be independent, autonomous, sovereign, dignified, etc

DIS = ''prn'' third person, singular, possessive
DESCEAK = ''n'' oblong breed of krill like sea creatures

DOEM = ''prn'' third person, singular, animate, accusitive
DEALHEIN = ''adj'' light red, unsaturated red

DOM = ''prn'' third person, singular, inanimate, nominative
DEAPIR = ''n'' lentils, pulses

DON = ''prn'' third person, singular, animate, nominative
DEARASC = ''n'' krill like sea creatures

DUESCEC = ''prn'' third person, plural, ablative/dative
DEAREIVAC = ''slang, interrog'' right?, yes?, ok?, clear?
DEASC = ''n'' function, purpose
DEASCEJ = ''v'' to function, to work properly (reflexive)
DEICEAL = ''n'' alcohol
DEICEJ = ''v'' to be drunk, to be an alcoholic, ''idiom'' "dicaej fhis sced" translates as drunk with unhappiness, meaning offended
DEICEAMOM = ''adj'' sour tasting, alcohol-like flavor
DEIK = ''slang, n'' fermented fruit juice, particularly from berry origin
DEIH = ''part'' through, across
DEIS = ''prn'' third person, singular, possessive
DOBELH = ''n'' husband
DOM = ''prn'' third person, singular, animate, accusitive
DON = ''adj'' similar, like
DOKEJ = ''v'' to be similar to (etym: doen+kaej-->doekaej like+be-->be-like)
DOAM = ''prn'' third person, singular, inanimate, nominative
DOAN = ''prn'' third person, singular, animate, nominative
DOAPEJ = ''v'' to cause
DOAP = ''part'' denotes action towards locatively, to
DUNEJ = ''v'' to live (medically, not spatially), to exist
DUT = ''prn'' elsewhere, somewhere else
DUTOM = ''adj/adv'' foreign(ly), exotic(ally), from elsewhere
DEUFH = ''adv'' again, ''salut'' (until) again
DEUVEJ = ''v'' to climb
DEUSCEAC = ''prn'' third person, plural, ablative/dative

FASEIR = ''n'' script, orthography, alphabet
FABAT = ''n'' accusations, gossip, talk (zero-plural)
FAKIH = ''n'' shape, form, example
FAMOAH = ''n'' strength, harshness, resilience
FASIR = ''n'' script, orthography, alphabet
FASC = ''n'' mark
FASCEJ = ''v'' to write, to mark
FEACOR = ''adj/adv'' shocked, frightened, amazed, dazzled
FEAFEJ = ''v'' to weave, to shuffle, to dodge (all otaempeia)
FEAN = ''adj'' young, small, little

FASCAEJ = ''v'' to write, to mark
FEAREIH = ''prn'' first person, plural, nominative, inclusive

FERIH = ''prn'' first person, plural, nominative, inclusive
FEAZEJ = ''v'' to think such, to believe, to understand (transitive)

FIRET = ''n'' height as a quality
FEAZEIT = ''n'' a person who understands (something) (plural feazeib), an intellectual

FOENIN = ''prn'' first person, plural, accusitive
FEAZIT = ''n'' an adherent, a believer
FEAZAT = ''n'' reasoning, a reason, a motive
FEAZEINAH = ''n'' thought, philosophy
FEASCEJ = ''v'' to teach
FEASCIT = ''n'' instruction, period of instruction
FEASCOH = ''n'' teacher, instructor
FEIREN = ''n'' culture, identity
FEIREAT = ''n'' height as a quality
FEIROM = ''adj'' tall, high
FEJ = ''v'' to rise, to wake up, to stand
FOAS = ''n'' bitterness, gross flavor
FOASEAN = ''adj'' bitter, gross (flavor)
FONEIN = ''prn'' first person, plural, accusitive
FOROM = ''adj/adv'' cold(ly), cool(ly)
FUH = ''n'' nose (zero-plural)
FEUZEJ = ''v'' to learn, to study

FHANOET = ''n'' grain(s)
FHEJ = ''v'' to take, to receive

FHEMAEJ = ''v'' to plant
FHEK = ''prn'' both, each

FHENOET = ''n'' field(s)
FHEKALEJ = ''v'' to translate, to be bilingual (arch)

FHEQUT = 1.''n'' amaranth the plant 2.''n'' amaranth grain
FHANOT = ''n'' grain(s)

FHIMEPAEJ = ''v'' to harvest, to take
FHAT = ''n'' error, mistake

FHINAEJ = ''v'' to sow, to plant
FHEADEJ = ''v'' to give, to offer

FHIS = ''part'' within, inside of
FHEAK = ''interject'' hell! damn! ''slang adj/adv'' a lot, many, very

FHIKAH = ''adj'' two
FHEAMEJ = ''v'' to plant
FHEAM = ''n'' container (originally, seed container, but the meaning has widened)
FHEAN = ''adj'' clever, witty
FHEANOT = ''n'' field(s)
FHEAQUT = 1.''n'' amaranth the plant 2.''n'' amaranth grain
FHIJOAK = ''n'' flavored meal or porridge, similar to oatmeal, usually from fhequt
FHINEJ = ''v'' to start, to begin, to commence
FHEIKAH = ''adj'' two
FHEIMEAPEJ = ''v'' to harvest, to take
FHEIMEIZ = ''n'' shore, edge, corner
FHEINEJ = ''v'' to sow, to plant
FHEINEAHOK = ''n'' farmer, ''arch'' sower, planter
FHEIS = ''part'' within, inside of
FHOD = ''n'' breasts (zero plural)
FHOM = ''adj/adv'' polite(ly), merciful(ly), sympathetic(ally)
FHOAQ = ''adj/adv'' absolutely, really, truely, verily
FHULH = ''n'' shelter
FHEUDOM = ''adj'' adequete, capable

HAET = ''n'' spirit, diety
HEJ = ''v'' to work, to labor
HEFH = ''conj'' or
HELIH = ''n'' language, speach
HET = ''n'' spirit, diety
HAC = ''n'' year
HACAZ = ''n'' meat, including poultry
HACEAM = ''n'' kindling, zero-plural
HAFEJ = ''v'' feel (intentional form)
HAFHEJ = ''v'' to appear (as such), to seem, to look (as such)
HAH = ''prn'' thing
HAJAREIN = ''n'' city in Kupeimeiceah, new Heajaz
HAKEIH = ''n'' devotee to Hakenah
HAKENAH = ''n'' water diety
HAKUVASAH = ''n'' traitor, turncoat
HALEJ = ''v'' to speak, to say
HALHEJ = ''v'' to tell a story, to mythologize
HALEAH = ''n'' news, stories
HAMEAT = ''n'' flame
HAMEJ = ''v'' to burn, to incinerate
HAN = ''n'' leg, foot
HANEJ = ''v'' to dazzle, to amaze, to stupify
HANAH = ''adj'' amazing, fascinating, incredible, dazzling
HANAKEALHEIN = ''n'' heaven, nirvana
HANEIT = ''adj'' yes
HAREPAH = ''n'' political structure based on cultural symbiosis, specialization

HAJARIN = ''n'' city in Kupimiceh, new Hejaz
HARAMEAV = ''n'' the sun

HAKIH = ''n'' devotee to Hakaenah
HARAPAH = ''n'' political group based on harepah

HAKAENAH = ''n'' water diety
HARAPEANEIN = ''n'' symbiosis, co-operation

HANAKELHIN = ''n'' heaven, nirvana
HARAH = ''n'' woman

HARAEPAH = ''n'' political structure based on cultural symbiosis, specialization
HAREAH = ''n'' flowering plant

HARAPAH = ''n'' political group based on haraepah
HAREISC = ''n'' leader

HARAPENIN = ''n'' symbiosis, co-operation
HASEJ = ''v'' to feel (unintentional, universal form)

HAV = ''prn'' first person, singular, nominative
HAV = ''prn'' first person, singular, nominative

HAZAEJ = ''v'' to kill, to harm
HAZ = ''interj'' shush! ''n'' scar, harmed body part
HAZEJ = ''v'' to kill, to harm
HAZATOM = ''adj'' amber, golden
HIH = ''prep'' with, alongside, ''adj'' pregnent
HIHEJ = ''v'' to agree with someone, to support some one
HIJ = ''n'' water (not rainfall)
HIM = ''prn'' first person, singular, accusitive
HINEJ = ''v'' need, require
HIZEALEJ = ''v'' to drown
HEAHEIM = ''n'' sister
HEAJAZ = ''n'' city in Laescelh
HEAJAZAREIFH = ''n'' city-state in Laescelh
HEAKEIH = ''n'' egg
HEALAT = ''n'' life
HEALATOM ''adj'' sacred
HEALEISCEIH = ''n'' a devotee to twilight goddess
HER = ''adv'' well ''adj'' happy, healthy
HESEJ = ''v'' to release, to let go, to relinquish
HEATEIK = ''adj'' bad
HEAV = 1.''adj'' sole 2.''adj'' one
HEAZ = ''prn'' first person, singular, possessive
HEIC = ''n'' brevity, short period, ''coll'' twenty days or less, ''n'' estimate, guess
HEICEJ = ''v'' to guess, to estimate
HEIDEIVEIZ = 1.''n'' a tree species 2.''n'' spice produced from the bark of the hidiviz tree
HEILEIN = ''adj'' shorter
HEILEIT = ''n'' peace, life ''greet/salut'' similar to shalom
HEILEITEJ = ''v'' welcome, greet
HEILEITEAH = ''interj'' I'm sorry, please excuse me
HEIMEIN = ''adj'' black, burnt
HEIP = ''interj'' oh, my, well
HEIREALANAH = ''n'' storm diety
HEIREIH = ''n'' a devotee to Hirelanah
HEIREIDEJ = ''v'' to assist, to help

HAZATOEM = ''adj'' amber, golden
HEIROANUR = ''n'' bird

HEIM = ''prn'' first person, singular, accusitive
HEISCEJ = ''v'' to break

HEJAZ = ''n'' city in Laescelh
HEISCOM = ''adj'' destined to end, impermanent, breakable

HEJAZARIFH = ''n'' city-state in Laescelh
HEISC = ''n'' death, destruction, damage

HELISCIH = ''n'' a devotee to twilight goddess
HOATAC = ''n'' picture, drawing, sketch

HETIK = ''adj'' bad
HOATEAC = ''n'' small oasis or pool in an arid area

HEV = 1.''adj'' sole 2.''adj'' one
HOATEIV = ''n'' tomarrow

HEZ = ''prn'' first person, singular, possessive
HOAVEIM = ''n'' sybling, close friend

HIDIVIZ = 1.''n'' a tree species 2.''n'' spice produced from the bark of the hidiviz tree
HOAVEJ = ''v'' be friendly, brotherly/sisterly with

HILIN = ''adj'' shorter
HOASCUQ = ''n'' pattern

HIP = ''interj'' oh, my, well
HONEJ = 1.''v'' to see 2. ''v'' to sense (literal rather than inuitive)

HIRELANAH = ''n'' storm diety
HONEAJ = ''n'' male fertility deity with a very small cult following

HIRIH = ''n'' a devotee to Hirelanah
HOT = ''n'' day, day time, bright-ness

HIRIDAEJ = ''v'' to assist, to help
HUQOT = ''n'' yesterday, the previous day

HIRONUR = ''n'' bird
HUTEIR = ''n'' wild dog, wild fox, ''n'' sand/dirt grains

HOTIV = ''n'' tomarrow
HEUH = ''part'' under, beneath

HOENAEJ = 1.''v'' to see 2. ''v'' to sense (literal rather than inuitive)
HEUHOH = ''adv/adj'' truly, ultimately, completely, really, absolutely, general stress word

HUTIR = ''n'' wild dog, wild fox
HEUSC = ''n'' person

JAH = ''n'' sky (during the day)
JEJ = ''v'' to stop, to terminate, to finish
JACEAL = ''n'' positive point/period, upbeat part
JACOM = ''adj'' optimistic, positive, upbeat
JEIKOSC = ''n'' fat(s), kurds
JEIM = ''n'' cost, price
JEN = ''adj'' final, terminal, last, ''n'' nonsense, gibberish
JESOM = ''n'' tears
JEID = ''conj'' but, however, nonetheless
JID = ''adj'' equal, fair, balanced
JIDAH = ''n'' equality, fairness, balance, reciprocity, karma
JOJ = ''adv'' now, presently
JUHIH = ''n'' hunger
JUHIHOM = ''adj/adv'' hungry
JUK = ''adj/adv'' fearful(ly), terrifying(ly)

KAEJ = ''v'' to be
KACEAL = ''n'' chasms, pitfalls, period(s) of suffering or sorrow

KAELH = ''interj'' ugh
KALH = ''adj/adv'' easy/easily, without stress or difficulty

KAROETAEJ = ''v'' to do
KAROTEJ = ''v'' to do

KARASC = ''slang, noun'' bitch, whore
KARASC = ''slang, noun'' bitch, whore

KEDES = ''n'' blood
KAZEIH = ''n'' arm
KEADEAS = ''n'' blood
KEADEASEAN = ''adj'' bloody, violent
KEADEAZEAN = ''adj'' threatening, dangerous
KEAH = ''prn'' second person, plural/formal, dative/ablative
KEAMEJ = ''v'' to be afraid, to be terrified, to be cowardly
KEAREIN = ''slang'' sure, thanks
KEAROSOM = ''adj'' light green, fresh green
KEH = ''n'' working station, workroom
KEJ = ''v'' to be
KELH = ''interj'' ugh
KEROM = ''adj'' fresh, new, young
KETEJ = ''v'' to remember, to recall
KEVEJ = ''v'' to complete, to finish
KEIZEAN = ''adv'' previous, ''adj'' prior
KEIT = ''adv'' otherwise, ''adj'' other
KOAKAS = ''name, n'' specific Classical Faraneih philosopher, or the school of thought he founded
KOAKASEIH = ''n'' philosopher that follows koakas

KEH = ''prn'' second person, plural/formal, dative/ablative
KOTEJ = ''v'' to know, to predict

KERIN = ''slang'' sure, thanks
KOLH = ''n'' futile thing

KUESCAEJ = ''v'' to grind (into a powder)
KEUD = ''n'' enemy (collectiv and singular, regular plural)

KUPIMICEH = ''n'' desert region northwest of Laescelh
KEUNAT = ''n'' marriage
KEUNATEJ = ''v'' to marry (ie: to make/force to marry, I marry her to me > keunatejeih hav doan sceuh hin (PF)/ fheis hav (LF)
KEUNAT = ''n'' arranged marriage
KEUSCEJ = ''v'' to grind (into a powder)
KEUT = ''adj'' seven
KEUZEJ = ''v'' to be victorious, to succeed.
KEUSCEH = ''n'' sadness, loss, shock, mourning
KEUSCEAN = ''adj/adv'' dry, sad(ly), tearful(ly)
KUH = ''n'' polity, administrative unit
KUPEIMEICEAH = ''n'' desert region northwest of Laescelh
KUREJ = ''v'' to give, to donate
KUSC = ''n'' performance

LAEVITOEM = ''adj'' delicious, sweet
LAVEIN = ''adj/adv'' complex, intricate(ly)
LAVOTEJ = ''intrns v'' to be complex, ''trns v'' to make complicated
LAEJ = ''v'' to want
LEVEITOM = ''adj'' delicious, sweet
LEPIR = ''n'' pleasure, joy

LAEPIR = ''n'' pleasure, joy
LESCEALH = ''n'' hilly region dominated by the Faranih

LAESCELH = ''n'' hilly region dominated by the Faranih
LALEJ = ''v'' to call out, to scream, to call for help

LAPILH = ''n'' dear, sweet
LAPEILH = ''n'' dear, sweet

LEVEZIH = ''n'' a devotee to the star goddess
LIH = ''adj'' all, global ''adv'' globally

LIDIN = ''adj'' worse
LIR = ''prn arch'' all things, everything (global sense), all of the above
LEASEIF = ''n'' voice
LEASEIV = ''n'' song
LEAVEJ = ''v'' sing
LEAVIZAH = ''n'' the star goddess
LEAVIZEIH = ''n'' a devotee to the star goddess
LEIDEIN = ''adj'' worse

LID = ''prn'' that
LID = ''prn'' that

LIROEDEZ = ''n'' breed of melons famous for its sweet and sour taste
LIRODEAZ = ''n'' breed of melons famous for its sweet and sour taste

LIZELH = ''n'' sapphire like gems exported from alpine regions of Kupimiceh
LITEH = ''adj/adv'' bad, evil, malicious(ly)
LITEHOM = ''adj/adv'' cunning(ly), plotful(ly), craft(ily)
LIZEALH = ''n'' sapphire like gems exported from alpine regions of Kupimiceh
LOL = ''n'' sound, noise, disturbance
LONEJ = ''v'' to be lost, to be confused
LOT = ''n'' everyone
LOSCAT = ''n'' mud, clay, adobe
LUDEIH = ''n'' an evil person, a cruel person
LEUREUNEIH = ''n'' incantation, charm, quiet chant, prayer (often with a negative connotation of dark or mixed nature)

LHAEFH = ''prn'' this
LHEJ = ''v'' to be named, to be called
LHEFH = ''prn'' this, ''col'' thus, this
LHAH = ''n'' drink produced with steeping, tea or tea-like drinks
LHAL = ''n'' song, chant
LHALEJ = ''v'' to sing

LHELETAEH = ''myth'' heroine of the Lheletimen
LHEALEATEH = ''myth'' heroine of the Lheletimen

LHELETIMEN = ''n'' ballad of Lheletaeh
LHEALEATIMEN = ''n'' ballad of Lheletaeh

LHINED = ''n'' continent containing Laescelh, Kupimiceh, and other regions
LHEINEAD = ''n'' continent containing Laescelh, Kupimiceh, and other regions
LHIH = ''n'' ball, bowl
LHOCIM = ''n'' river in northeastern Laescelh
LHOMEJ = ''v'' to dance ''slang'' to have intercourse with
LHONEAD = ''n'' movement
LHOAP = ''n'' virtue, conscience
LHOPEJ = ''v'' to behave virtuously, set an example (ACC - to whom, DAT - means)
LHOPAH = ''n'' virtuous person, saint
LHUH = ''adj'' perfect, epitomic, flawless ''adv'' perfectly, flawlessly
LHUL = ''adj'' most perfect, most divine
LHEUDAN = ''n'' overcast clouds, sky-covering stratus clouds

MERES = ''prn'' second person, plural/formal, possessive
MAKEJ = ''v'' to belong (to), to be owned (by)
MANAHUHOM = ''adj/adv'' disgusting(ly), unappetizing(ly), repulsive(ly)
MEJ = ''v'' to stop, to slow, to stall, to wait
MEPEJ = ''v'' to be able to, can
MEAREAS = ''prn'' second person, plural/formal, possessive
MESCEIH = ''n'' forest, wood
MEASCEINEAFH = ''n'' forested region west of Laescelh
MIZ = ''n'' slices of bread, snack(s)
MIDEJ = ''trans v'' to build, to construct, to erect ''intrans v'' fix/be fixed, repair/ be repaired
MEIKEJ = ''v'' to rain, ''v + adj'' to become or grow (adjective)
MEIKANAH = ''n'' raindrop
MEIKEH = ''n'' rain(storm)
MEINESCOM = ''adj'' green, emerald
MEISED = ''n'' coast, shore (from Mescinefh, a coastal forest)
MIZOEM = ''adj'' real, vivid
MIZEUN = ''n'' ocean
MOZ = ''adj'' nine

MESCINEFH = ''n'' forested region west of Laescelh
MOFHEJ = ''v'' be convinced, be persuaded, be advised, be given advice

MIKANAH = ''n'' raindrop
MOKEIN = ''prn'' second person, singular, accusitive

MINAESCOEM = ''adj'' green, emerald
MOLEIN = ''prn'' second person, plural/formal, accustive

MOEKIN = ''prn'' second person, singular, accusitive
MOALEIH = ''prn'' second person, plural/formal, nominative

MOELIN = ''prn'' second person, plural/formal, accustive
MOQEAQ = ''arch n'' predictable or seasonal flood, tide

MOLIH = ''prn'' second person, plural/formal, nominative
MUD = ''adj'' sexual, sexy, hot, concerning sex, reminescent of sex, causing lust
MUDAR = ''n'' sex, sexual behavior, promiscuity, philandering
MUDEJ = ''v'' to (have) sex, to initiate sexual behavior
MUK = ''n'' face (person, or object) , front
MUZED = ''n'' intent, reasoning
MUR = ''n'' taste, bit, bite, little piece
MEUK = ''adj'' a few, some

NAKEIR = ''prn, interrog'' what, which
NEJ = ''v'' to return, to go back (to)
NAKAT = ''prn, interrog'' who
NAKIR = ''prn, interrog'' what, which
NAKUMEJ = ''v'' to flood
NAVOAT = ''n'' origin
NAZEAH = ''n'' answer, response, anti-question
NILHEH = ''n'' paternal grandmother (Poeleizih)
NIS = ''n'' thousand
NESER = ''adj'' ten
NEAB = ''n'' son, (affectionately) male child
NEASCEIP = ''prn, interrog'' why, for what, for what reason
NEIBEID = ''n'' creator
NEIBEIDEJ = ''v'' to birth, to create, to fashion
NEIBEIT = ''n'' grandmother
NEIH = ''part'' denotes action towards in forming ablative/dative case
NEIKIH = ''n'' aunt
NEIKOAL = ''slang'' huh, what
NEILEH = ''n'' paternal aunt (Poeleizih)
NEIMEIH = ''n'' mother
NEIREIS = ''prn'' second person, singular, possessive
NOD = ''n'' hundred
NOH = ''n'' mommy
NONOH = ''n'' mama
NOR = ''prn'' second person, singular, nominative
NEUBOM = ''adj/adv'' shiny, luminous, with luster

NAKUMAEJ = ''v'' to flood
NEUL = ''n'' abusive person

NESCIP = ''prn, interrog'' why, for what, for what reason
NEUM = ''n'' hand

NIH = ''part'' denotes action towards in forming ablative/dative case
NEUSC = ''n'' use

NIKOL = ''slang'' huh, what
NEUSCEJ = ''v'' to use, to utilize

NIRIS = ''prn'' second person, singular, possessive
NURAT = ''n'' condolences, apologies, kindness (zero-plural)

NOER = ''prn'' second person, singular, nominative
NUSC = ''n'' pretense, impersonation, forgery
NUSCEJ = ''v'' to pretend (to do something), to impersonate (some one or thing)

PENATAEJ = ''v'' to trust, to hold in high esteem
PAB = ''n'' heart

PENETOEM = ''adj'' brown, dirty brown
PAFEUZEJ = ''v'' to read, to look over, to examine

POELEIZIH = ''n'' a devotee to Poelesc
PAFHEJ = ''v'' to continue, to go further/onward

POELESC = ''n'' god of cities, demonized in non-Poeleizih mythologies
PET = ''n'' night, darkness

POERAEJ = ''v'' to deduce
PAFEJ = ''v'' to change, to move onward

PURAEJ = ''v'' to meld, to join
PEJ = ''v'' to want

PUZEIL = 1. ''n'' a domesticated tree 2. ''n'' the edible roots of that tree
PAMINAH = ''n'' tower, large building
PASEAREAN = ''adv'' again, indicates repetition
PEANATEJ = ''v'' to trust, to hold in high esteem
PEANETOEM = ''adj'' brown, dirty brown
PEPEDEJ = ''v'' retrieve, pick (back) up, save
PESEJ = ''v'' to introduce
PIH = ''part'' of, from (spacially)
PIK = ''n'' butterfly/moth
PITEJ = ''v'' to bargain for, to search for, to attempt
PIZAT = ''n'' forgiveness, pardon
PIZOHEJ = ''v'' to forgive
POALEJ = ''v'' come quickly, race, come (to help some one) quickly, race (to their aid)
PORESC = ''n'' city
POLIZEIH = ''n'' a devotee to Poelesc
POLEASC = ''n'' god of cities, demonized in non-Poeleizih mythologies
POLH = ''n'' stare
POLHEJ = ''v'' to stare
POREJ = ''v'' to deduce
POROK = ''n'' strategy, plan, device
POV = ''n'' mother
POSC = ''n'' deceived person
POSCEAT = ''n'' lie, deceit, falsehood
PUKET = ''adj'' six
PUREJ = ''v'' to meld, to join
PUZEIL = ''adj'' far, distant ''n'' great distance, horizon ''fig'' -eapuzeil = quite distant
PUZIL = 1. ''n'' a domesticated tree 2. ''n'' the edible roots of that tree
PEUL = ''n'' jug, gulp

QETARAEJ = ''arch. v'' to rescue, to save
QEJ = ''v'' to defeat, to triumph over
QAB = ''n'' finger, digit
QAH = ''n'' girl, daughter
QALHEJ = ''v'' to promise

QITOEM = ''adj'' red, crimson
QAMAH = ''n'' bundle, collection
QAMAHEJ = ''v'' to gather, to collect, (''reflexive'') to assemble
QAMAT = ''n'' legend of the great gods' war
QAT = ''n'' enemy, zero-plural
QETAREJ = ''arch. v'' to rescue, to save
QEASC = ''n'' creature(s)
QITIS = ''arch n'' bloodshed, violence
QIDIH = ''n'' pain, suffering, cruelty
QITOM = ''adj'' red, crimson

QIDIS = ''arch. n'' war, violence
QIDIS = ''arch. n'' war, violence

QURAEZOEM = ''adj'' pertaining to miltary particularly occupation
QIDISEIH = ''n'' warrior, fighter, soldier
QIDEJ = ''v'' to fight, to attack
QOD = ''n'' lightning(strike)
QODEJ = ''v'' to strike, to hit
QONEJ = ''v'' to unroll, to spread, to open (a letter, a seal)
QOV = ''n'' moment, instant, ''arch n'' blitzkreig, ambush, sudden attack
QUDEJ = ''v'' to undermine (often violently and internally)
QUREZEM = ''adj'' pertaining to miltary particularly occupation
QEUZ = ''n'' hair (regular plural)
QUV = ''n'' midst ''arch n'' middle of chaos, heat of battle

RAEJ = ''v'' to have
REJ = ''v'' to have, + fheis - to contain, envelope
REHEJ = ''v'' to be aquainted with, to know (connaitre form)
RETEIN = ''adj'' fun, enjoyable, interesting

RAZOER = 1. ''slang, n'' penis, phallus 2. ''n'' pillar, support
RACUEMIH = ''n'' child

RIH = ''conj'' comperative conjuntion
RAFH = ''prep'' under, below
RAZOH = ''n'' bone, cartilegde
RAZOR = 1. ''slang, n'' penis, phallus 2. ''n'' pillar, support
RIB = ''adj/adv'' exact(ly), precise(ly)
RIHEJ = ''v'' to shelter, to comfort, to protect
RIZET = ''n'' a species of yellow flower
RIZOM = ''adj'' yellow
RISCAH = ''n'' world, universe
REINEJ = ''v'' to nurse
REIN = ''n'' nipple
RAZEJ = ''v'' to hide (transitive or reflexive)
REAK = ''n'' night, night-time
REAN = ''part'' until
REIH = ''prep'' over, ontop of, above
REIZOTEJ = ''v'' doubt, suspect, be paranoid of

RIZ = ''prn'' third person, plural, possessive
RIZ = ''prn'' third person, plural, possessive

ROENOEH = ''n'' forest, wood
ROHEJ = ''v'' to cause stress, to be difficult, to challenge
ROM = ''adj'' difficult, hard, stressful
RONOH = ''n'' forest, wood
REUK = ''prn'' here
REUVEJ = ''v'' to search (for), to look (for)

SEROEM = ''adj'' bizarre, unusual
SACEJ = ''v'' to defecate
SAH = ''n'' nightsky, dusk
SAP = ''n'' duck, waterfowl
SEH = ''n'' flower
SEJ = ''v'' to batter, to hit, to harm
SEN = ''adj'' eternal
SENEJ = ''v'' to swim, ''slang v'' to move/shimmer
SENUR = ''slang n'' freshwater bog, freshwater swamp
SIH = ''n'' skeptic, disbeliever
SEAREISC = ''n'' knot, tangle
SEARISC = ''n'' chaos, anarchy, madness, uncivilized behavior, disorder, bizarrity
SEAROM = ''adj'' bizarre, unusual
SEASCIT = ''n'' loneliness
SEASCOM = ''v'' lonely
SEIH = ''part'' (spatially) in front of, forward (temporally) after(wards)
SEIL = ''adj/adv'' worthy, deserving
SEIMAH = ''n'' eye (irregular plural)
SEIN = ''adv'' more
SOMAF = ''n'' eyes
SUBEJ = ''v'' to own
SUN = ''n'' sleeping mat
SUQ = ''interj'' expresses extreme happiness, yes!, halleluia!
SUREH = ''adj'' five
SEUD = ''n'' short period of time (about an hour)
SEUPEJ = ''v'' to buy, to barter for

TAS = ''adj'' four
TEBIN = ''adj'' large, plentiful
TEH = ''n'' friend, companion
TEJ = ''v'' to remove, to take off/away, to undress

TEIP = ''prn'' third person, plural, nominative
TACAH = ''n'' idiot

TELHIC = 1. ''n'' a domestic fruit tree 2. ''n'' the fruit of that tree
TADEJ = ''v'' to listen, to hear

TERAEJ = ''v'' to wish
TAD = ''n'' chutney, sauce, flavoring

TERIPES = ''prn'' fourth person
TADAZEJ = ''v'' to insult, to strip the outer layer off

TIBIN = ''prn'' third person, plural, accusitive
TAFH = ''n'' ear(s)

TIMERITAH = ''n'' peninsula on the western coast of Ledan
TASERIV = ''n'' truth, statements of truth

TUEFIH = ''n'' valley or gorge
TASIP = ''adj'' four
TIBEK = ''adv'' as normal, the normal way, normally, as usual, as often
TIC = ''n'' goat
TICOM = ''adj'' stubborn
TIP = ''prn'' third person, plural, nominative
TIS = ''n'' home, homeland, shelter
TIZEH = ''n'' breast, chest, rib cage
TIZEJ = ''v'' to hear
TEH = ''n'' group, ethnicity, crowd
TEALHEIC = 1. ''n'' a domestic fruit tree 2. ''n'' the fruit of that tree
TEALHOM = ''adj'' dark purple, saturated violet
TEAREJ = ''v'' to wish
TEAREIPEAS = ''prn'' fourth person
TEARISC = ''greet'' formal (Poelisem)
TEIBEIN = ''prn'' third person, plural, accusitive
TEIH = ''part'' for, because (causative)
TEIHEIM = ''n'' brother
TILHEATEJ = ''v'' to play, to frolic
TEIMEARITAH = ''n'' peninsula on the western coast of Ledan
TEINELHEH = ''n'' flock, herd
TEISOM = ''adj'' unripe, petulant, rebellious
TIRIJ = ''salut'' informal (Poelisem)
TIREJ = ''v'' to be required to, must, should
TOBIT = ''n'' grandfather
TOKEIH = ''n'' uncle
TOH = ''n'' father
TEUFEIH = ''n'' valley or gorge
TEUVEAN = ''adj'' blue, violet, purple

VAELIB = ''arch. prn'' exclusive we, determined as impolite in most groups  
VAH = ''adj'' common, ubiquitous
VED = ''n'' peace ''slang'' submission, subjugation
VELEIB = ''arch. prn'' exclusive we, determined as impolite in most groups  
VASCEL = ''n'' reason, sense
VASCOM = ''adj/adv'' reasonable, sensible, sensibly, reasonably
VIR = ''adv'' also, additionally, and
VISOM = ''adj/adv'' famous(ly)
VIZEIH = ''n'' dear, darling, bride, groom
VEAREINEJ = ''v'' to wonder, to ponder the possibility of
VEAZOP = ''n'' throat
VIQOM = ''adj/adv'' merely, only, simply, just
VIS = ''n'' cart, carriage
VEIT = ''part/prep'' denotes action from, used to form ablative forms
VEHEJ = ''v'' to sleep, to rest, to relax, to recouperate
VODUR = ''n'' begining
VODURIH = ''fig'' in the begining (used as once upon a time is)
VOJID = ''n'' love (emotion)
VOK = ''n'' place, location locale
VOSCIH = ''n'' lover, partner
VOAP = ''part'' as, while, at the same time as
VOANABEAP = 1. ''n'' a crop native to Laescelh, raised for its fibers 2. ''n'' cloth made from those fibers
VOAREJ = 1. ''v'' to find 2. ''arch. v'' to experience (through)
VOZEIS = ''prn'' first person, plural, possessive

VEER = ''adv'' also, additionally
VOSC = ''n'' love, rapture

VIT = ''part/prep'' denotes action from, used to form ablative forms
VOSCEJ = ''v'' to love, to cherish

VOEDUR = ''n'' begining
VUFHEIC = ''prn'' first person, plural, ablative/dative

VOEDUREIH = ''fig'' in the begining (used as once upon a time is)
VUZEJ = ''v'' to lust (after/for)

VONABEP = 1. ''n'' a crop native to Laescelh, raised for its fibers 2. ''n'' cloth made from those fibers
VUZIT = ''n'' lust

VORAEJ = 1. ''v'' to find 2. ''arch. v'' to experience (through)
VEUT = ''n'' place, room

VOZIS = ''prn'' first person, plural, possessive
''adj'' contained, trapped, cornered

VUFHIC = ''prn'' first person, plural, ablative/dative
VEUSCAH = ''n'' good friend

ZAET = ''adj'' none, not one
ZEJ = ''v'' to depart, to leave, to exit
ZEV = ''adj'' never, not ever
ZER = ''ad'' unhealthy, sick, unwell, ill
ZET = ''adj'' none, not one
ZADIH = ''n'' silence, quiet
ZAKOTOM = ''adj'' unknown, unidentified
ZALIHOM = ''adj/adv'' ugly, with harsh intent, unkind, disfigured
ZAMEAF = ''adj/adv'' free, loose, insecurely tethered, independent, feral
ZAMIZ = ''n'' imagination, dream, fantasy, illusion, hallucination

ZAS = no
ZAS = no
ZASEJ = ''v'' squash, flatten, level
ZASOM = ''adj'' flat, level ''adv'' gratingly
ZATASERIV = ''n'' unfounded belief(s), preconception(s), prejudice(s)

ZAH = ''adv'' not
ZAH = ''adv'' not

ZELAEJ = ''v'' to steal, to take
ZALIH = ''adv'' never, forever not
ZILEJ = ''v'' to copy, to plagarize
ZIS = ''n'' trouble(s)
ZELEJ = ''v'' to steal, to take
ZEAR = ''part'' denotes locative movement away from, from
ZEARASEJ = ''v'' to drive out/away/forward
ZEIH = ''prep'' (spatially) behind, in back of, (temporally) prior/before
ZEIHIN = ''interrog'' no? not really? (like French ...n'est-ce pas?)
ZEILH = ''n'' lip
ZOATOM = ''adj/adv'' empty, devoid, hollowed
ZOTEJ = ''v'' to be careful, to be cautious, to be thoughtful
ZUMAT = ''n'' party, dinner, private celebration

SCEP = ''slang, adv'' used to show unenthusiasm, similar to whatever
SCAH = ''n'' palm (of the hand)
SCAC = ''n'' future
SCAM = ''adv/adj'' if(hypothetical), perhaps, potential(ly)
SCAN = ''n'' vendor, seller
SCANEJ = ''v'' to sell, to vend
SCAP = ''adv/adj'' if(negative)
SCASC = ''n'' hill, mountain, crest, rocky area
SCACEATEJ = ''v'' laugh, chuckle
SCEJ = ''v'' to fill
SCEAD = ''n'' unhappiness, distaste, bitterness
SCEAN = ''adj'' gross, nasty
SCEAP = ''slang, adv'' used to show unenthusiasm, similar to whatever
SCEATEJ = ''v'' to be necessary (to be done); similar to falloir
SCEAZOM = ''adj'' worthless, pathetic, loser-ish
SCIBEJ = ''v'' to come (from), to arrive (from), to ripen (colloquially)
SCEIT = ''n'' slice, cut, part, piece
SCOH = ''n'' skin
SCOM = ''adj'' excessive, ''colloquial'' obese
SCOT = ''adj'' white
SCEUDEJ = ''v'' fill, comprise the interior of
SCEUH = ''prep'' with
SCUNEJ = ''v'' clean (a wound), dress (a wound)

SCETAEJ = ''v'' to be necessary (to be done); similar to falloir
SCUQ = ''n'' order, structure

Latest revision as of 20:04, 29 September 2012



BAFHEJ = v to sit, to repose, to rest

BACEID = n spike, spire, stake

BEJ = intrans. v to travel, trans. v to travel (with/to)

BELH = n oak tree, oak sap

BASCEITEJ = v to finish, complete

BIFEIT = adj oldest

BIFEM = adj older

BIF = adj old

BEAN = adv now, presently, stresses present tense

BEAS = adj three

BEAZEJ = v to touch, to contact

BEASCEJ = v walk, amble

BEICEIM = n era, period

BOAF = interj whoa!

BOANEIC = n slang dining area, restaurant or in-house

BOANEICEJ = 1.v to practice, to use 2. slang, v to eat, to use up

BOASCOM = adj proper, correct, polite

BOS = n light, aura

BOTAV = adj eight

BOZ = n other people, others

BUR = n number, amount

BUREH = adj/adv numbered, accounted, numerous, recorded

BUREJ = v to count, to number


CABAH = adv approximately, nearly, about

CAD = adj warm, hot

CADEUH = n warmth, heat

CAH = n greatness, superiority

CAMEJ = v to produce smoke, to be smoked, to be screwed

CAMEIDEAN = adj burnt, smoked

CASC = n shovel, plow, blunt object for moving soil

CIT = n star, celestial body

CINEJ = v to fly, to hover/float in the air

CEJ = v to inspire

CEJEJ = v to be located at, to be inside/around/situated

CEAN = adj great, powerful adv with great force, forcefully

CEAREIS = prn everyone, everybody

CEAREIFH = prn everything

CEAT = adj eleven

CEAZEITEJ = v to settle, to colonize, to found

CEIH = part that, relative conjunction

CEIREJ = v to allow, to permit

COM = adj fast, rapid

COR = adj angry, furious

COREJ = v annoy, shock

COSAREJ = v sting

COANEV = n metal object

COANEVOM = adj metallic, made of metal

CEUSEITEJ = v to lie, to deceive

CEUZIS = n liar, fraudulent person

CEUDEIN = adj mordant, sarcastic, cynical, annoying, decietful, cruel, rude

CEUHEJ = v to make treason against, to stab in the back

CUK = n broom

CUTESC = n status


DACEAH = n tone, music

DAKEH = n key, chord, group of tones/notes

DAMEAF = n belt, strap

DAZEJ = v to hate, to detest, to abhor

DASCEJ = v to place, to put, to lay, to drop onto

DEKEIN = prn third person, singular, inanimate, accusitive

DELH = n life slang gift

DELHEJ = v to be independent, autonomous, sovereign, dignified, etc

DESCEAK = n oblong breed of krill like sea creatures

DEALHEIN = adj light red, unsaturated red

DEAPIR = n lentils, pulses

DEARASC = n krill like sea creatures

DEAREIVAC = slang, interrog right?, yes?, ok?, clear?

DEASC = n function, purpose

DEASCEJ = v to function, to work properly (reflexive)

DEICEAL = n alcohol

DEICEJ = v to be drunk, to be an alcoholic, idiom "dicaej fhis sced" translates as drunk with unhappiness, meaning offended

DEICEAMOM = adj sour tasting, alcohol-like flavor

DEIK = slang, n fermented fruit juice, particularly from berry origin

DEIH = part through, across

DEIS = prn third person, singular, possessive

DOBELH = n husband

DOM = prn third person, singular, animate, accusitive

DON = adj similar, like

DOKEJ = v to be similar to (etym: doen+kaej-->doekaej like+be-->be-like)

DOAM = prn third person, singular, inanimate, nominative

DOAN = prn third person, singular, animate, nominative

DOAPEJ = v to cause

DOAP = part denotes action towards locatively, to

DUNEJ = v to live (medically, not spatially), to exist

DUT = prn elsewhere, somewhere else

DUTOM = adj/adv foreign(ly), exotic(ally), from elsewhere

DEUFH = adv again, salut (until) again

DEUVEJ = v to climb

DEUSCEAC = prn third person, plural, ablative/dative


FABAT = n accusations, gossip, talk (zero-plural)

FAKIH = n shape, form, example

FAMOAH = n strength, harshness, resilience

FASIR = n script, orthography, alphabet

FASC = n mark

FASCEJ = v to write, to mark

FEACOR = adj/adv shocked, frightened, amazed, dazzled

FEAFEJ = v to weave, to shuffle, to dodge (all otaempeia)

FEAN = adj young, small, little

FEAREIH = prn first person, plural, nominative, inclusive

FEAZEJ = v to think such, to believe, to understand (transitive)

FEAZEIT = n a person who understands (something) (plural feazeib), an intellectual

FEAZIT = n an adherent, a believer

FEAZAT = n reasoning, a reason, a motive

FEAZEINAH = n thought, philosophy

FEASCEJ = v to teach

FEASCIT = n instruction, period of instruction

FEASCOH = n teacher, instructor

FEIREN = n culture, identity

FEIREAT = n height as a quality

FEIROM = adj tall, high

FEJ = v to rise, to wake up, to stand

FOAS = n bitterness, gross flavor

FOASEAN = adj bitter, gross (flavor)

FONEIN = prn first person, plural, accusitive

FOROM = adj/adv cold(ly), cool(ly)

FUH = n nose (zero-plural)

FEUZEJ = v to learn, to study


FHEJ = v to take, to receive

FHEK = prn both, each

FHEKALEJ = v to translate, to be bilingual (arch)

FHANOT = n grain(s)

FHAT = n error, mistake

FHEADEJ = v to give, to offer

FHEAK = interject hell! damn! slang adj/adv a lot, many, very

FHEAMEJ = v to plant

FHEAM = n container (originally, seed container, but the meaning has widened)

FHEAN = adj clever, witty

FHEANOT = n field(s)

FHEAQUT = 1.n amaranth the plant 2.n amaranth grain

FHIJOAK = n flavored meal or porridge, similar to oatmeal, usually from fhequt

FHINEJ = v to start, to begin, to commence

FHEIKAH = adj two

FHEIMEAPEJ = v to harvest, to take

FHEIMEIZ = n shore, edge, corner

FHEINEJ = v to sow, to plant

FHEINEAHOK = n farmer, arch sower, planter

FHEIS = part within, inside of

FHOD = n breasts (zero plural)

FHOM = adj/adv polite(ly), merciful(ly), sympathetic(ally)

FHOAQ = adj/adv absolutely, really, truely, verily

FHULH = n shelter

FHEUDOM = adj adequete, capable


HEJ = v to work, to labor

HEFH = conj or

HELIH = n language, speach

HET = n spirit, diety

HAC = n year

HACAZ = n meat, including poultry

HACEAM = n kindling, zero-plural

HAFEJ = v feel (intentional form)

HAFHEJ = v to appear (as such), to seem, to look (as such)

HAH = prn thing

HAJAREIN = n city in Kupeimeiceah, new Heajaz

HAKEIH = n devotee to Hakenah

HAKENAH = n water diety

HAKUVASAH = n traitor, turncoat

HALEJ = v to speak, to say

HALHEJ = v to tell a story, to mythologize

HALEAH = n news, stories

HAMEAT = n flame

HAMEJ = v to burn, to incinerate

HAN = n leg, foot

HANEJ = v to dazzle, to amaze, to stupify

HANAH = adj amazing, fascinating, incredible, dazzling

HANAKEALHEIN = n heaven, nirvana

HANEIT = adj yes

HAREPAH = n political structure based on cultural symbiosis, specialization

HARAMEAV = n the sun

HARAPAH = n political group based on harepah

HARAPEANEIN = n symbiosis, co-operation

HARAH = n woman

HAREAH = n flowering plant

HAREISC = n leader

HASEJ = v to feel (unintentional, universal form)

HAV = prn first person, singular, nominative

HAZ = interj shush! n scar, harmed body part

HAZEJ = v to kill, to harm

HAZATOM = adj amber, golden

HIH = prep with, alongside, adj pregnent

HIHEJ = v to agree with someone, to support some one

HIJ = n water (not rainfall)

HIM = prn first person, singular, accusitive

HINEJ = v need, require

HIZEALEJ = v to drown

HEAHEIM = n sister

HEAJAZ = n city in Laescelh

HEAJAZAREIFH = n city-state in Laescelh

HEAKEIH = n egg

HEALAT = n life

HEALATOM adj sacred

HEALEISCEIH = n a devotee to twilight goddess

HER = adv well adj happy, healthy

HESEJ = v to release, to let go, to relinquish

HEATEIK = adj bad

HEAV = 1.adj sole 2.adj one

HEAZ = prn first person, singular, possessive

HEIC = n brevity, short period, coll twenty days or less, n estimate, guess

HEICEJ = v to guess, to estimate

HEIDEIVEIZ = 1.n a tree species 2.n spice produced from the bark of the hidiviz tree

HEILEIN = adj shorter

HEILEIT = n peace, life greet/salut similar to shalom

HEILEITEJ = v welcome, greet

HEILEITEAH = interj I'm sorry, please excuse me

HEIMEIN = adj black, burnt

HEIP = interj oh, my, well

HEIREALANAH = n storm diety

HEIREIH = n a devotee to Hirelanah

HEIREIDEJ = v to assist, to help

HEIROANUR = n bird

HEISCEJ = v to break

HEISCOM = adj destined to end, impermanent, breakable

HEISC = n death, destruction, damage

HOATAC = n picture, drawing, sketch

HOATEAC = n small oasis or pool in an arid area

HOATEIV = n tomarrow

HOAVEIM = n sybling, close friend

HOAVEJ = v be friendly, brotherly/sisterly with

HOASCUQ = n pattern

HONEJ = 1.v to see 2. v to sense (literal rather than inuitive)

HONEAJ = n male fertility deity with a very small cult following

HOT = n day, day time, bright-ness

HUQOT = n yesterday, the previous day

HUTEIR = n wild dog, wild fox, n sand/dirt grains

HEUH = part under, beneath

HEUHOH = adv/adj truly, ultimately, completely, really, absolutely, general stress word

HEUSC = n person


JAH = n sky (during the day)

JEJ = v to stop, to terminate, to finish

JACEAL = n positive point/period, upbeat part

JACOM = adj optimistic, positive, upbeat

JEIKOSC = n fat(s), kurds

JEIM = n cost, price

JEN = adj final, terminal, last, n nonsense, gibberish

JESOM = n tears

JEID = conj but, however, nonetheless

JID = adj equal, fair, balanced

JIDAH = n equality, fairness, balance, reciprocity, karma

JOJ = adv now, presently

JUHIH = n hunger

JUHIHOM = adj/adv hungry

JUK = adj/adv fearful(ly), terrifying(ly)


KACEAL = n chasms, pitfalls, period(s) of suffering or sorrow

KALH = adj/adv easy/easily, without stress or difficulty

KAROTEJ = v to do

KARASC = slang, noun bitch, whore

KAZEIH = n arm

KEADEAS = n blood

KEADEASEAN = adj bloody, violent

KEADEAZEAN = adj threatening, dangerous

KEAH = prn second person, plural/formal, dative/ablative

KEAMEJ = v to be afraid, to be terrified, to be cowardly

KEAREIN = slang sure, thanks

KEAROSOM = adj light green, fresh green

KEH = n working station, workroom

KEJ = v to be

KELH = interj ugh

KEROM = adj fresh, new, young

KETEJ = v to remember, to recall

KEVEJ = v to complete, to finish

KEIZEAN = adv previous, adj prior

KEIT = adv otherwise, adj other

KOAKAS = name, n specific Classical Faraneih philosopher, or the school of thought he founded

KOAKASEIH = n philosopher that follows koakas

KOTEJ = v to know, to predict

KOLH = n futile thing

KEUD = n enemy (collectiv and singular, regular plural)

KEUNAT = n marriage

KEUNATEJ = v to marry (ie: to make/force to marry, I marry her to me > keunatejeih hav doan sceuh hin (PF)/ fheis hav (LF)

KEUNAT = n arranged marriage

KEUSCEJ = v to grind (into a powder)

KEUT = adj seven

KEUZEJ = v to be victorious, to succeed.

KEUSCEH = n sadness, loss, shock, mourning

KEUSCEAN = adj/adv dry, sad(ly), tearful(ly)

KUH = n polity, administrative unit

KUPEIMEICEAH = n desert region northwest of Laescelh

KUREJ = v to give, to donate

KUSC = n performance


LAVEIN = adj/adv complex, intricate(ly)

LAVOTEJ = intrns v to be complex, trns v to make complicated

LAEJ = v to want

LEVEITOM = adj delicious, sweet

LEPIR = n pleasure, joy

LESCEALH = n hilly region dominated by the Faranih

LALEJ = v to call out, to scream, to call for help

LAPEILH = n dear, sweet

LIH = adj all, global adv globally

LIR = prn arch all things, everything (global sense), all of the above

LEASEIF = n voice

LEASEIV = n song

LEAVEJ = v sing

LEAVIZAH = n the star goddess

LEAVIZEIH = n a devotee to the star goddess

LEIDEIN = adj worse

LID = prn that

LIRODEAZ = n breed of melons famous for its sweet and sour taste

LITEH = adj/adv bad, evil, malicious(ly)

LITEHOM = adj/adv cunning(ly), plotful(ly), craft(ily)

LIZEALH = n sapphire like gems exported from alpine regions of Kupimiceh

LOL = n sound, noise, disturbance

LONEJ = v to be lost, to be confused

LOT = n everyone

LOSCAT = n mud, clay, adobe

LUDEIH = n an evil person, a cruel person

LEUREUNEIH = n incantation, charm, quiet chant, prayer (often with a negative connotation of dark or mixed nature)


LHEJ = v to be named, to be called

LHEFH = prn this, col thus, this

LHAH = n drink produced with steeping, tea or tea-like drinks

LHAL = n song, chant

LHALEJ = v to sing

LHEALEATEH = myth heroine of the Lheletimen

LHEALEATIMEN = n ballad of Lheletaeh

LHEINEAD = n continent containing Laescelh, Kupimiceh, and other regions

LHIH = n ball, bowl

LHOCIM = n river in northeastern Laescelh

LHOMEJ = v to dance slang to have intercourse with

LHONEAD = n movement

LHOAP = n virtue, conscience

LHOPEJ = v to behave virtuously, set an example (ACC - to whom, DAT - means)

LHOPAH = n virtuous person, saint

LHUH = adj perfect, epitomic, flawless adv perfectly, flawlessly

LHUL = adj most perfect, most divine

LHEUDAN = n overcast clouds, sky-covering stratus clouds


MAKEJ = v to belong (to), to be owned (by)

MANAHUHOM = adj/adv disgusting(ly), unappetizing(ly), repulsive(ly)

MEJ = v to stop, to slow, to stall, to wait

MEPEJ = v to be able to, can

MEAREAS = prn second person, plural/formal, possessive

MESCEIH = n forest, wood

MEASCEINEAFH = n forested region west of Laescelh

MIZ = n slices of bread, snack(s)

MIDEJ = trans v to build, to construct, to erect intrans v fix/be fixed, repair/ be repaired

MEIKEJ = v to rain, v + adj to become or grow (adjective)

MEIKANAH = n raindrop

MEIKEH = n rain(storm)

MEINESCOM = adj green, emerald

MEISED = n coast, shore (from Mescinefh, a coastal forest)

MIZOEM = adj real, vivid

MIZEUN = n ocean

MOZ = adj nine

MOFHEJ = v be convinced, be persuaded, be advised, be given advice

MOKEIN = prn second person, singular, accusitive

MOLEIN = prn second person, plural/formal, accustive

MOALEIH = prn second person, plural/formal, nominative

MOQEAQ = arch n predictable or seasonal flood, tide

MUD = adj sexual, sexy, hot, concerning sex, reminescent of sex, causing lust

MUDAR = n sex, sexual behavior, promiscuity, philandering

MUDEJ = v to (have) sex, to initiate sexual behavior

MUK = n face (person, or object) , front

MUZED = n intent, reasoning

MUR = n taste, bit, bite, little piece

MEUK = adj a few, some


NEJ = v to return, to go back (to)

NAKAT = prn, interrog who

NAKIR = prn, interrog what, which

NAKUMEJ = v to flood

NAVOAT = n origin

NAZEAH = n answer, response, anti-question

NILHEH = n paternal grandmother (Poeleizih)

NIS = n thousand

NESER = adj ten

NEAB = n son, (affectionately) male child

NEASCEIP = prn, interrog why, for what, for what reason

NEIBEID = n creator

NEIBEIDEJ = v to birth, to create, to fashion

NEIBEIT = n grandmother

NEIH = part denotes action towards in forming ablative/dative case

NEIKIH = n aunt

NEIKOAL = slang huh, what

NEILEH = n paternal aunt (Poeleizih)

NEIMEIH = n mother

NEIREIS = prn second person, singular, possessive

NOD = n hundred

NOH = n mommy

NONOH = n mama

NOR = prn second person, singular, nominative

NEUBOM = adj/adv shiny, luminous, with luster

NEUL = n abusive person

NEUM = n hand

NEUSC = n use

NEUSCEJ = v to use, to utilize

NURAT = n condolences, apologies, kindness (zero-plural)

NUSC = n pretense, impersonation, forgery

NUSCEJ = v to pretend (to do something), to impersonate (some one or thing)


PAB = n heart

PAFEUZEJ = v to read, to look over, to examine

PAFHEJ = v to continue, to go further/onward

PET = n night, darkness

PAFEJ = v to change, to move onward

PEJ = v to want

PAMINAH = n tower, large building

PASEAREAN = adv again, indicates repetition

PEANATEJ = v to trust, to hold in high esteem

PEANETOEM = adj brown, dirty brown

PEPEDEJ = v retrieve, pick (back) up, save

PESEJ = v to introduce

PIH = part of, from (spacially)

PIK = n butterfly/moth

PITEJ = v to bargain for, to search for, to attempt

PIZAT = n forgiveness, pardon

PIZOHEJ = v to forgive

POALEJ = v come quickly, race, come (to help some one) quickly, race (to their aid)

PORESC = n city

POLIZEIH = n a devotee to Poelesc

POLEASC = n god of cities, demonized in non-Poeleizih mythologies

POLH = n stare

POLHEJ = v to stare

POREJ = v to deduce

POROK = n strategy, plan, device

POV = n mother

POSC = n deceived person

POSCEAT = n lie, deceit, falsehood

PUKET = adj six

PUREJ = v to meld, to join

PUZEIL = adj far, distant n great distance, horizon fig -eapuzeil = quite distant

PUZIL = 1. n a domesticated tree 2. n the edible roots of that tree

PEUL = n jug, gulp


QEJ = v to defeat, to triumph over

QAB = n finger, digit

QAH = n girl, daughter

QALHEJ = v to promise

QAMAH = n bundle, collection

QAMAHEJ = v to gather, to collect, (reflexive) to assemble

QAMAT = n legend of the great gods' war

QAT = n enemy, zero-plural

QETAREJ = arch. v to rescue, to save

QEASC = n creature(s)

QITIS = arch n bloodshed, violence

QIDIH = n pain, suffering, cruelty

QITOM = adj red, crimson

QIDIS = arch. n war, violence

QIDISEIH = n warrior, fighter, soldier

QIDEJ = v to fight, to attack

QOD = n lightning(strike)

QODEJ = v to strike, to hit

QONEJ = v to unroll, to spread, to open (a letter, a seal)

QOV = n moment, instant, arch n blitzkreig, ambush, sudden attack

QUDEJ = v to undermine (often violently and internally)

QUREZEM = adj pertaining to miltary particularly occupation

QEUZ = n hair (regular plural)

QUV = n midst arch n middle of chaos, heat of battle


REJ = v to have, + fheis - to contain, envelope

REHEJ = v to be aquainted with, to know (connaitre form)

RETEIN = adj fun, enjoyable, interesting

RACUEMIH = n child

RAFH = prep under, below

RAZOH = n bone, cartilegde

RAZOR = 1. slang, n penis, phallus 2. n pillar, support

RIB = adj/adv exact(ly), precise(ly)

RIHEJ = v to shelter, to comfort, to protect

RIZET = n a species of yellow flower

RIZOM = adj yellow

RISCAH = n world, universe

REINEJ = v to nurse

REIN = n nipple

RAZEJ = v to hide (transitive or reflexive)

REAK = n night, night-time

REAN = part until

REIH = prep over, ontop of, above

REIZOTEJ = v doubt, suspect, be paranoid of

RIZ = prn third person, plural, possessive

ROHEJ = v to cause stress, to be difficult, to challenge

ROM = adj difficult, hard, stressful

RONOH = n forest, wood

REUK = prn here

REUVEJ = v to search (for), to look (for)


SACEJ = v to defecate

SAH = n nightsky, dusk

SAP = n duck, waterfowl

SEH = n flower

SEJ = v to batter, to hit, to harm

SEN = adj eternal

SENEJ = v to swim, slang v to move/shimmer

SENUR = slang n freshwater bog, freshwater swamp

SIH = n skeptic, disbeliever

SEAREISC = n knot, tangle

SEARISC = n chaos, anarchy, madness, uncivilized behavior, disorder, bizarrity

SEAROM = adj bizarre, unusual

SEASCIT = n loneliness

SEASCOM = v lonely

SEIH = part (spatially) in front of, forward (temporally) after(wards)

SEIL = adj/adv worthy, deserving

SEIMAH = n eye (irregular plural)

SEIN = adv more

SOMAF = n eyes

SUBEJ = v to own

SUN = n sleeping mat

SUQ = interj expresses extreme happiness, yes!, halleluia!

SUREH = adj five

SEUD = n short period of time (about an hour)

SEUPEJ = v to buy, to barter for


TEBIN = adj large, plentiful

TEH = n friend, companion

TEJ = v to remove, to take off/away, to undress

TACAH = n idiot

TADEJ = v to listen, to hear

TAD = n chutney, sauce, flavoring

TADAZEJ = v to insult, to strip the outer layer off

TAFH = n ear(s)

TASERIV = n truth, statements of truth

TASIP = adj four

TIBEK = adv as normal, the normal way, normally, as usual, as often

TIC = n goat

TICOM = adj stubborn

TIP = prn third person, plural, nominative

TIS = n home, homeland, shelter

TIZEH = n breast, chest, rib cage

TIZEJ = v to hear

TEH = n group, ethnicity, crowd

TEALHEIC = 1. n a domestic fruit tree 2. n the fruit of that tree

TEALHOM = adj dark purple, saturated violet

TEAREJ = v to wish

TEAREIPEAS = prn fourth person

TEARISC = greet formal (Poelisem)

TEIBEIN = prn third person, plural, accusitive

TEIH = part for, because (causative)

TEIHEIM = n brother

TILHEATEJ = v to play, to frolic

TEIMEARITAH = n peninsula on the western coast of Ledan

TEINELHEH = n flock, herd

TEISOM = adj unripe, petulant, rebellious

TIRIJ = salut informal (Poelisem)

TIREJ = v to be required to, must, should

TOBIT = n grandfather

TOKEIH = n uncle

TOH = n father

TEUFEIH = n valley or gorge

TEUVEAN = adj blue, violet, purple


VAH = adj common, ubiquitous

VED = n peace slang submission, subjugation

VELEIB = arch. prn exclusive we, determined as impolite in most groups

VASCEL = n reason, sense

VASCOM = adj/adv reasonable, sensible, sensibly, reasonably

VIR = adv also, additionally, and

VISOM = adj/adv famous(ly)

VIZEIH = n dear, darling, bride, groom

VEAREINEJ = v to wonder, to ponder the possibility of

VEAZOP = n throat

VIQOM = adj/adv merely, only, simply, just

VIS = n cart, carriage

VEIT = part/prep denotes action from, used to form ablative forms

VEHEJ = v to sleep, to rest, to relax, to recouperate

VODUR = n begining

VODURIH = fig in the begining (used as once upon a time is)

VOJID = n love (emotion)

VOK = n place, location locale

VOSCIH = n lover, partner

VOAP = part as, while, at the same time as

VOANABEAP = 1. n a crop native to Laescelh, raised for its fibers 2. n cloth made from those fibers

VOAREJ = 1. v to find 2. arch. v to experience (through)

VOZEIS = prn first person, plural, possessive

VOSC = n love, rapture

VOSCEJ = v to love, to cherish

VUFHEIC = prn first person, plural, ablative/dative

VUZEJ = v to lust (after/for)

VUZIT = n lust

VEUT = n place, room

adj contained, trapped, cornered

VEUSCAH = n good friend


ZEJ = v to depart, to leave, to exit

ZEV = adj never, not ever

ZER = ad unhealthy, sick, unwell, ill

ZET = adj none, not one

ZADIH = n silence, quiet

ZAKOTOM = adj unknown, unidentified

ZALIHOM = adj/adv ugly, with harsh intent, unkind, disfigured

ZAMEAF = adj/adv free, loose, insecurely tethered, independent, feral

ZAMIZ = n imagination, dream, fantasy, illusion, hallucination

ZAS = no

ZASEJ = v squash, flatten, level

ZASOM = adj flat, level adv gratingly

ZATASERIV = n unfounded belief(s), preconception(s), prejudice(s)

ZAH = adv not

ZALIH = adv never, forever not

ZILEJ = v to copy, to plagarize

ZIS = n trouble(s)

ZELEJ = v to steal, to take

ZEAR = part denotes locative movement away from, from

ZEARASEJ = v to drive out/away/forward

ZEIH = prep (spatially) behind, in back of, (temporally) prior/before

ZEIHIN = interrog no? not really? (like French ...n'est-ce pas?)

ZEILH = n lip

ZOATOM = adj/adv empty, devoid, hollowed

ZOTEJ = v to be careful, to be cautious, to be thoughtful

ZUMAT = n party, dinner, private celebration


SCAH = n palm (of the hand)

SCAC = n future

SCAM = adv/adj if(hypothetical), perhaps, potential(ly)

SCAN = n vendor, seller

SCANEJ = v to sell, to vend

SCAP = adv/adj if(negative)

SCASC = n hill, mountain, crest, rocky area

SCACEATEJ = v laugh, chuckle

SCEJ = v to fill

SCEAD = n unhappiness, distaste, bitterness

SCEAN = adj gross, nasty

SCEAP = slang, adv used to show unenthusiasm, similar to whatever

SCEATEJ = v to be necessary (to be done); similar to falloir

SCEAZOM = adj worthless, pathetic, loser-ish

SCIBEJ = v to come (from), to arrive (from), to ripen (colloquially)

SCEIT = n slice, cut, part, piece

SCOH = n skin

SCOM = adj excessive, colloquial obese

SCOT = adj white

SCEUDEJ = v fill, comprise the interior of

SCEUH = prep with

SCUNEJ = v clean (a wound), dress (a wound)

SCUQ = n order, structure