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==Pronunciation table==
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![[Wikipedia:Ogonek#Similar diacritics|ǫ]]

<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''babela̋s þőőro''' - The Tower of Babel (''Genesis 11:1-9'')</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''''ivrěȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo'''''</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">''Translated from the Hebrew''</div>
==Literal translation of the Hebrew text==
*1. And.was all earth of.language one and.of.speech one.
*2. as.they.traveled from.east, they.found level.valley Shinar, and they.lived.there.
*3. And.said to.his.neighbor, "Come, bricks and.burn (them) thoroughly." And.was to.them the.brick for.stone, and.the.asphalt it.was to.them for.mortar.
*4. And.they.said, "Come, city and tower in.the.heavens, and.make for.ourselves name, on.face.of
*5. And.came.down JHWH to.see and.the.tower which had.built sons.of Adam.
*6. And.said JHWH, "See, people one and language one to all them and this they.are.beginning not from them all which they.have.imagined
*7. Come, and.mix.up there their.language so that not they can understand one language their neighbor's.
*8. And scattered JHWH them from there over.the.face.of, and they.ceased from.building
*9. Therefore was.called Babel because there mixed.up JHWH speech.of and.from. there scattered.them.abroad JHWH on.face.of
==Senjecan text==
*1. '''da őru v̌e̋e̋tu þűn ȝeka̋sk̬e þűn sam̃a̋sk̬' e-e̋sa:'''
*2. '''da—méti sus a̋a̋usam áfa e-ta̋ƣa—mexa̋s ṡinara̋s éna le̋e̋po le̋ðom e-de̋e̋sa e-e̋sa. da tóru e-m̃e̋e̋sa:'''
*3. '''da nı̋ı̋gu su-hausűs o e-te̋e̋a m̃a ǧe̋me: m̃ú teeƣta̋a̋inon te̋e̋ge da xófvi (non) a̋iðe m̃a. da teeƣta̋a̋ino taainős ðééa súm o e-e̋sa da diiðı̋mo pikős ðééa súm o e-e̋sa:'''
*4. '''da e-te̋e̋a m̃a ǧe̋me: m̃ú mim̃úm éra rı̋ȝomk̬e no-főőro numőm éna þőőromk̬e de̋me. da mim̃úm éra fe̋e̋tom va̋a̋ne—meetáádi őro v̌eetős moorős éva ża̋a̋daþus ile̋ȝa m̃ar:'''
*5. '''da ȝa̋hm̃u e-ı̋za táádi—ȝ' adamű' sűnus non e-dĭde̋mi—rı̋ȝomk̬e főőromk̬e naake̋ȝa:'''
*6. '''da ȝa̋hm̃u e-te̋e̋a m̃a eenő. le̋uðu þűn (e̋sa) da őru súm o þűn ȝe̋ka (e̋sa). da sus nom kı̋u tőda. da ímu őro—ȝa nom kı̋u nĭname̋ȝa—súm ápa bőþaþ' u-ı̋la ne:'''
*7. '''ǧe̋me: m̃ú a̋te da tóru su-ȝe̋kam m̨a̋ne. meetáádi þűn su-hausűs ȝe̋kam þume̋ȝa m̃ar:'''
*8. '''da ȝa̋hm̃u tórþis őro v̌eetős moorős éva sun e-ża̋a̋da. da sus rı̋ȝom de̋mu e-de̋usa:'''
*9. '''nááru no-fe̋e̋to babe̋la fe̋e̋taþo ı̋la. hi ȝa̋hm̃u tóru őro v̌eető' sa̋m̃am e-m̨a̋na. da ȝa̋hm̃u tórþis őro v̌eetős moorős éva láfvi sun e-ża̋a̋da⁝'''
==Glossing abbreviations==
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:left; margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
|1s/p = first person singular/plural
|V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural)
|CAUS = [[Wikipedia:Causative|causative]]
|EQU = equative degree
|INS = instrument
|Q = [[Wikipedia:Interrogative word|interrogative particle]]
|2s/p = second person singular/plural
|ABS = absolutive (an unmarked modifying adjective)
|CONV = conversive
|F = feminine
|INT = intensive prefix
|QUOT = direct quotation
|3p/m/d = third person [[Wikipedia:Demonstrative#distal and proximal demonstratives|proximal/medial/distal]]
|ADV = adverb
|DES = [[Wikipedia:Desiderative mood|desiderative]]
|FRQ = [[Wikipedia:Frequentative|frequentative]]
|M = masculine
|REL = [[Wikipedia:Relativizer|relativizer]]
|AG = [[Wikipedia:Agent (grammar)|agent]]
|DIM = diminutive
|FUT = future
|PP = patient (past) participle
|RPRF = recent perfective
|A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural)
|AP = agent (active) participle
|ELIS = [[Wikipedia:Elision|elision]]
|IMP = imperative
|PRF = perfect
|SBJ = subjunctive
|G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural)
|AUG = augmentative
|EP = [[Wikipedia:Epenthesis#As a grammatical rule|epenthesis]]
|INC = [[Wikipedia:Inchoative aspect|inchoative]]
|PRV = [[Wikipedia:Privative|privative prefix]]
|SUP = [[Wikipedia:Supine|supine]]
|N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural)
|ELT = [[Wikipedia:Elative|elative]]
|IND = indicative
|PST = past
!da||ȝa̋hm̃-u||e=ı̋z-a||táádi||ȝ-'||adam-ű-'||sűn-us||n-on||e=dĭ~de̋m-a||rı̋ȝ-om=k̬e főőr-om=k̬e||naak-e̋ȝa
da ȝa̋hm̃u

Latest revision as of 19:57, 8 December 2023