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[[Category: General lexica]]
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1. What is mandarin?
Mandarin uses Peking pronunciation as standard pronunciation, northern dialect as basic dialect, and representative contemporary article as grammatical standard.
2. A picture of pronunciation organs
3. The difference between “Hànyu” and “Putonghuà”
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Latest revision as of 10:05, 22 November 2011

< Sirius

Thematic Vocabulary

Bodily Actions

  • ash eat
  • fi drink
  • finktz walk
  • fru jump, leap
  • herf crawl
  • het sit
  • hish hold, grasp
  • ikoi dance
  • jestu gesture
  • kasiar shave
  • kin kill
  • kiyu live
  • kol lie (recline)
  • kush kiss
  • miartzi die
  • no swim
  • pli cry, weep
  • pritzu wrestle
  • rot shout, cry out, yell
  • sfyutz spit
  • shelra smile
  • shemp bite
  • sheck run
  • shoff squat
  • shosh taste
  • skenj drown
  • skish kick
  • snowu breathe
  • sortu laugh
  • sternu sneeze
  • sto stand
  • strenk catch
  • stresh climb
  • strip swallow
  • swif throw
  • tzank touch
  • tzush feel
  • wemi vomit
  • wiyu hunt, pursue
  • yoff yiff

Body parts and substances

  • ansh forehead
  • anshir thumb, dewclaw
  • eckan liver
  • falma palm of hand, sole of foot, pawpad
  • feji foot
  • felna fur, skin, hair
  • fern heel
  • feski a hair
  • finma fist
  • flep blood vessel, vein
  • flom feather
  • foktz wound
  • frust anus
  • gen (or ken) gene
  • hafsha head
  • harf wrist
  • himatz fetus, embryo
  • hofra feces
  • horsku wing
  • host bone
  • hurf body
  • i egg
  • iarta iris
  • iri ear
  • jerni finger, toe; digit
  • keni chin
  • kowi paw (far-kowi hand, forepaw; feji-kowi footpaw)
  • lapi lip
  • miar meat, flesh
  • moni neck
  • mosht breast
  • musk muscle
  • mutz penis
  • neckar kidney(s)
  • nora nerve
  • nost nose
  • nuk claw, nail, talon
  • nutz back (nutz-host backbone)
  • ombla navel
  • ontzi eye
  • orkna organ
  • ori buttocks
  • orshi testicle(s)
  • ostrack shell
  • part beard, mane, secondary facial fur
  • prakina arm
  • preshna brain
  • romna throat
  • rotz abdomen, belly
  • run waist
  • runi leg
  • rutz blood
  • shenu cheek
  • shnu knee
  • shomp tooth
  • shur intestines
  • shwip vagina
  • skelza skeleton
  • skoftz shoulder
  • snomna lung(s)
  • sorj heart
  • sorman urine
  • sorn horn
  • sost hip
  • stomack stomach
  • suji sweat, perspiration
  • tackur tear
  • tashu tongue
  • thurok chest
  • tomna tail
  • uf face
  • ur mouth

Body terms

  • arik male (adj.), masculine
  • ari-koni hermaphrodite
  • ihik healthy
  • klum pleasure
  • kolna pain
  • konik female (adj.), feminine
  • mortz dead
  • neshra neuter
  • osh awake; be awake
  • oshtza refreshed, zesty, perky
  • poni disease, illness, sickness
  • poshu fat, plump
  • poktza mature, adult
  • shenkar birth
  • shenra sex, gender
  • skreshi fever
  • sof sleep
  • strod tired, weary
  • tzush sense, feel
  • yuisha alive

Buildings and institutions

  • ackar farm
  • ambari stairs, staircase
  • anaki prison, jail
  • fonori fireplace
  • ekliri church
  • etra store, shop (n.)
  • etra-shortz market, marketplace (literally shop-yard)
  • fiark tower, castle
  • hafili bar, tavern, pub
  • hatzki cellar, basement
  • hatzlomtze hotel, inn
  • hefru attic
  • jesh wall
  • kefir bridge
  • matra university
  • molori mill
  • orjistri elevator
  • orp ceiling
  • peplithi library
  • proshori factory
  • ruri room
  • salp chimney
  • shol school
  • shortz yard, garden, park
  • stekoni roof
  • strop building
  • thiyotzar theater
  • tom house
  • torl window
  • toryu door
  • uti floor
  • yuhori hospital

Colors, light, and seeing

  • afsfi reveal, uncover
  • fens beautiful
  • fersha display, show, exhibit
  • forji inspect, examine
  • ikna image, picture
  • metu blemish, blot
  • mormron ugly
  • plock light
  • plocki shine, radiate light
  • plonk bright, vivid
  • pluckow color
  • skotz shade, shadow
  • skontz dark, dim
  • sorron ornament, decoration
  • tzofi hide, conceal
  • weji to see
  • fi gray
  • foffar purple
  • hin dark blue
  • horn black
  • luk white
  • narj orange
  • ror red
  • sath brown
  • siar green
  • sol yellow

To indicate a lighter color, add fol "pale" before, thus fol ror "pink", fol hin "light blue", etc.


  • alfpetz alphabet
  • antzeri an address
  • esroy announce, proclaim
  • esroyri an advertisement, announcement
  • homloki admit, confess
  • isti say

Forms of matter

  • toln thing, object

Function words

  • asha this
  • atsha that
  • e if
  • esti to be
  • etz (marks past tense)
  • fantzi every, each
  • hashar how much?, how many?
  • he that (as in "I know that you are right"); why? for what reason?
  • her who?
  • hesh to have
  • het what?
  • hetzak any
  • hi and
  • hiyu how?
  • ho together; when? at what time?
  • hoj where? at/to what place?
  • inu only, solely, exclusively
  • maki to be able to, can
  • ne not
  • offaru to exist
  • she also, too
  • shen to become
  • shkroy to do
  • skul should, ought to
  • teck apart, separately
  • we or
  • welraz but, however
  • wishar maybe, perhaps, possibly
  • tzo then (at this time)
  • tzoj there (at/to this place)
  • yoj here (in/to this place)
  • yomza to cause, to make (as in "make someone happy")

Matter-related actions

  • yoshoi dig


  • asifar zero (0)
  • him half (½)
  1. in
  2. tu
  3. stri
  4. hetz
  5. fick
  6. west
  7. heft
  8. ust
  9. nyu
  10. jest
  • 20 tuar, 30 striar, 40 hetzar, 50 fickar, 60 westar, 70 heftar, 80 ustar, 90 nyuar
  • satz hundred (100)
  • ashal thousand (1,000)
  • ashal-ashal million (1,000,000)

e.g., 357 = stri-satz fickar heft


  • ari man, adult male
  • festra father
  • fet boy, young male
  • hafsha chief, leader
  • hun son
  • huarla girl, young female
  • jishi master
  • kam marriage
  • kon woman, adult female
  • krep baby, infant
  • meal member (of a group)
  • mostra mother
  • nemfi spouse, husband or wife
  • nenitz enemy
  • prostra brother
  • resh monarch, king
  • rishna queen
  • shonki soldier
  • swerra sister
  • thearm person, sapient being
  • tokstra daughter
  • tual slave
  • wenitz friend
  • wiri family
  • yowiar child, young person


  • a to, towards
  • af about, on the topic of; from, out of, away from
  • afshar after, later than; farther than, beyond
  • es outside of
  • fa on, on top of
  • far in front of, before
  • fe at
  • fershar near, close to
  • for before, earlier than
  • frosh around
  • fru through
  • furo across, at/to the other side of
  • ho between, among, amid
  • hock during, while
  • metz with, using, by means of
  • na in, located inside of
  • ne for, in exchange for
  • nef instead of, rather than
  • nemetz without
  • of of
  • offar above, over
  • ofshar under, below, beneath
  • ofjatz behind, in back of
  • tzashar than, compared to
  • welratz except for, besides, other than
  • yommu because of; for, for the purpose of
  • yusho like, similar to

Species and types of animals

  • anki snake
  • arna spider
  • arta grasshopper
  • aska lobster
  • esa horse
  • ewi sheep
  • fasi butterfly
  • fethik monkey, ape
  • hafar goat
  • harfna reptile
  • hitz whale
  • horkrak chicken
  • hormi worm
  • huck pig, swine
  • ili virus
  • iwi bird
  • kow cow
  • lintz lion
  • mantzi mantis
  • matz mosquito
  • mintz cat
  • molshna mammal
  • muar mouse
  • muri ant
  • muwi fly (insect)
  • olf fox
  • ollu wolf
  • or otter (riw-or, river otter; mori-or, sea otter)
  • orna donkey
  • ortz bear
  • peshla bee
  • prank frog
  • pushi insect
  • samna human
  • sani rabbit, hare
  • self cockroach
  • sertza deer
  • scorristar kangaroo
  • shel turtle, tortoise
  • shu fish
  • skyura squirrel
  • son dog
  • sor lizard
  • trontz dragon
  • tweffij anthro or biped (including humans)
  • tzeckar tiger
  • tzorfsha animal (as in not plant)

Species and types of plants

  • arent peanut
  • batot potato
  • eliwa olive
  • erini banana
  • fack lentil
  • fear pea
  • feark oak
  • fel cork
  • fefri pepper (black; i.e., not salt)
  • fetzi pine
  • fihi kelp, seaweed
  • for onion
  • frun plum
  • halm bamboo
  • hampet hemp, cannabis
  • hial cabbage
  • holith gourd (e.g. squash)
  • hormar garlic
  • kave coffee
  • len flax
  • mantrik tangerine, mandarin orange
  • meshi grass
  • meth mint
  • mith corn (maize)
  • mitza mushroom
  • mol apple
  • mork carrot
  • narj orange
  • pampsha cotton
  • pap bean
  • paprick pepper (hot/sweet/bell)
  • potzri grape
  • rimperi ginger
  • rinshin ginseng
  • sehi cucumber
  • senofi mustard
  • sik fig
  • tatzil date (fruit)
  • thretka lettuce
  • uarn oat

Time and sequence

  • most soon, quickly

Tools and implements

  • rifta fan