Яжык Аркеоский (Jažyk Arkéoskij): Difference between revisions

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Arkhæn [ɑr.'keɪ.ɨn] or Arkhæo [ɑr.'keɪ.] is a constructed language. It is spoken by the nation of Arkhæo. The Language contains 29 letters; 8 vowels, 21 consonants, and a diacretic form.
Arkéan [.'ke.] or Arkéo [.'ke.o] is a language spoken by the nation of Arkhéo. The language has gone through many chnges and spelling reforms, and it will continue to evolve.

= History =
Before Arkæo became it's own nation, It was a part of larger country know Verkhazi. This nation was a gloabal superpower in the continent of Se'Ashiran and ruled the Verkhazi Empire. However, eventually through fierce resistance from it's enemies, The Khamuhiyot Nation, the empire faced eventual collapse, and the nation was split into two; one nation became Arkhæo, and the other became Chanar /'ʃænaɹ/
= Ålkavat (alphabet) =
The Arkéan Language uses three writings systems:
*The Ålkavat Romaźa Ålfyśa (Official Romanization Alphabet), used for teaching and informal writing.
*The Ålkavat Cyrylys Ålfyśa (Official Cyrillic Alphabet), used for formal writing.
*The Ålkavat Arkéoskij Ålfyśa (Official Arkhean Alphabet) is used for "sacred" writings, government documents, and sometimes very formal writing. The name of the script is derived from the first four letters of Arkhéan's ancestor language, Verkhaza. The letters were Ál, Ka, Vāw and Hīt.

= Phonology =
= Phonology =
Listed below are the phonetics as they are pronounced in roman script.
Arkhean Language contains a large phonemic inventory. Most of the sounds it contains are shared with many Slavic languages, as well as sharing palatal secondary articulation. This language also contains a phoneme not found in any native language, the lateral trill, which is represented by the IPA as /ɺ͡r/ and Orthographically as <Ŀ ŀ>.
{|class="wikitable article-table" style="width: 290px; text-align:center;"
:/ɑː/<a> (e.g. like "a" in "add")
|+Vowel Phonemes
:/eɪ/<æ> (e.g. like the "a" in "bade" or "face")
:/ɛ/<e> (e.g. like the "e" in "vet")
! style="width: 90px; " |
:/aɪ/<"i"> (e.g.: like the "i" in "die" or "pry")
! style="width: 90px; " |Front
:/oʊ/<o> (e.g. like the "o" in "oh")
! style="width: 90px; " |Central
:/ə/<"u"> (e.g. like the "u" in "bum" or "tums")
! style="width: 90px; " |Back
:/uː/<ɯ> (e.g. like the "oo" sound in "zoo")
:/ɪ/<y> (e.g. the "I" in "in" or "tin"
:/iː/<ƴ> (e.g. like the "ee" in "bee" Arkhæn example: ƴtekfot like "eetek-fawt")
| i
| ɨ
| u
*Letter "A" can also be pronounced as /æ/ like the "a" in "tap".
| e
*Letter "E" can also be prnounced as /eɪ/ if there is an "H" before or after the letter.
*Letter "U" can also be pronounced as /ʌ/ like the "u" in "cut" or "strut".
| o
*Letter "Ƴ" can also sound like /ɛr/ if it is the first letter and beside an r, example "ƴrgăm".
:Arkæo sometimes has the same diphthongs for different variations of spelling.
| ə
*for the /eɪ/ sound: <æ, and ei>
*for the /aɪ/ sound: < ai and æy>
*for the /ʃ/ sound: <sh and ch>
| ɛ
:Two letter combinations that make a sound when put together.
| ɔ
:''"I" related:''
:/juː/<Iu> (e.g. Iumega: ['juː.mɛgə]/you-Mega)
:/jɑː/<Ia> (e.g. Iatos: ['jɑː.toʊs]/ya-tos)
:/jɪ/<Ii> (e.g. Iitona would sound like the "yi" in "yin")
:/ɪəɹ/<Ie> (e.g. Cierăn: [sɪə'ɹɒn]/sEERawn)
:Ii can also sound like /iː/ only if it is not at the beggining of a word.
:''"J" related:''
:/wɑ/<joi> (e.g. Joikăn: [wɑ.'kɒn]/wa.kawn)
:''"U" related:''
:/ɔ/<Ua>    (e.g. Uaranzei: <'ɔr.ɑn.zeɪ> or like "orrawnzay")
:The letter "A" with a breve (Ă) denotes that the letter is pronounced as /ɒ/ like in "lawn"
:Letter "Oon"(Ɯ/ɯ) is majiscule if it occurs after fricatives (d, p, k, etc.) and miniscule if it occurs before them: e.g. "might" MahdƜ vs. "will" Ashrɯd
:The consonants of the language is roughly the same as in English, with the exception of letter "C" and "H".
*Latin Letter "C" is pronounced solely like /s/
*Latin Letter "H" is mute at the begginning of words and after consonants "k", "d" and "m" and "n".
*Latin Ligature "ʦ" is a ligature that represents the /ts/ sound.
*Letter "Jza": Dz(miniscule dz)is pronounced as /ʒ/ (e.g. dzakar:  [ʒɑ.'kɑr]/like "s" in "vi'''s'''ion" or "plea'''s'''ure")
= Morphology =
===Verbal Morphology===
====Personal Endings====
Arkhæo distinguishes four persons, 3 tenses:

{| class="wikitable"
*1st person; the speaker(s): I, we
*2nd person; the adressee(s): you(singular) you(plural)
  ! IPA
*3rd person; other(s): he, she, they;
  ! Letter
*Noun; things, ideas, etc.: it;
  ! Example
  | colspan="3" style="text-align: center;" | '''Monopthongs'''
  | a
  | a
  | br'''a''',f'''a'''ther, c'''o'''t, b'''a'''d
  | e
  | e
  | b'''e'''t
  | ɛ
  | é
  | b'''a'''y, f'''a'''ce
  | o
  | o
  | r'''oa'''d
  | ɔ
  | ó
  | '''o'''r, f'''o'''r, c'''o'''t
  | u
  | u
  | z'''oo'''
  | ə 
  | ë
  | '''u'''nder 
  | i
  | i
  | b'''ee'''
  | ɨ
  | y
  | ros'''e'''s
  | colspan="3" style="text-align: center;" | '''Dipthongs''' 
  | aj
  | aj
  | cr'''y'''
  | ɔj
  | oj
  | b'''oy''', j'''oy'''

*Vowel "A" becomes /ə/ when unstressed.
*Distant Past: what happened a long time ago(denoted as "Awhile ago").
*Past: what already happened
*Present: what is happening
*Future: what is going to happen in the short-term

{| class="wikitable"
|+'''Followed by an R...'''
! letters
! Example
| ɪər
| ýr
| '''ear''', f'''ear''' 
| ɛər
| ĕr
| '''air''', f'''air'''
| ɔr
| or
| f'''or''', p'''our'''
| ɛr
| yr
| butt'''er'''

= Grammar =
Arkhean Allophony only occurs with vowels:
* In the Past Tense:
*/æ/ is an allophone of /a/, word initially and before /l/, and occurs after /ɬ/ and /ɮ/.
:the suffix -en for words that end in consonants and -jen for vowels. This suffix would be equivalent to -ed in english but this applies for all verbs except for:  
*/ɐ/ is an allophone of /ə/ when followed by plosives.
:The verb "to be" the past tense for "ta"(am) would be "tan" (was), and for ir(are) would be ira(were).
*/ɪ/ is an allophone of /ɨ/ when it is word-initial.
:words that end in nasal consonants, n and m, they would have the suffix -a.
*In Present Tense:
:all verbs stay the way they are.
*In Future Tense:
:The suffix -a for words that end in consonants and the suffix -n for wors that end in vowels, these suffixes would be equivalent tothe suffix -ing.

:The distant past tense is rarely used in conversations and it is used mainly for histories(reference historical texts for example). Words would contain the prefix ja- for words that start with consonants and jek- for words that start with vowels. This suffix is equival.ent to "awhile ago" or "a long time ago". example: "''I did my work a long time ago''" would be "''ja-Myr joirk ze adren."'' or ''"A long time ago, my work I finished"'' in english.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
|+Consonant Phonemes
  ! rowspan=2|
  !colspan=2 width=70px|Bilabial
  !colspan=2 width=70px|Labio-
  !colspan=2 width=70px|Alveolar
  !colspan=2 width=70px|Velar
! <small>hard</small>
! <small>soft</small>
! <small>hard</small>
! <small>soft</small>
! <small>hard</small>
! <small>soft</small>
! <small></small>
! <small></small>
! <small>hard</small>
! <small>soft</small>
! <small></small>
! <small></small>
! Nasal
| m || mʲ
| colspan=2|
| colspan=2|n
| ɲ
! Stop
| p b || pʲ bʲ
| t d || tʲ dʲ
| k ɡ||kʲ ɡʲ
! Affricate
| t͡s d͡z||t͡sʲ d͡zʲ
|t͡ʃ d͡ʒ
|[t͡ɕ d͡ʑ]
! Fricative
|f v || fʲ vʲ
|s z || sʲ zʲ
|ʃ ʒ
|[ɕ ʑ]
|colspan=2|x [ɣ]
|χ [ʁ]
! Approximant
|colspan=2|ɹ~ɾ <ref>The Arkhéan <R r> can be either an Alveolar Approximant [ɹ] or an Alveolar Tap [ɾ], as both consonant sounds are used in Free-Variation, meaning they can be used interchangeably without changing the meaning of the word, and only relies on the preference of the speaker.
! Lateral Approximant
! Lateral Trill

'''Word Order'''
:The typical word order of Arkhæn is that of the Subject-Verob-Object(SVO) word order.

Things to note:
{| class="wikitable"
*Infinite verbs (will, may ,might, shall, etc.) always come after the finite verb (such as learn, know, run, etc.).
  ! IPA
:Example, to say "I will unleash my power, it would be translated as "''Ze zarev ashrɯd myr kædii " which would then be translated as "I unleash will my power"
  ! Letter
:Another example: "I might know this" would be said as "''Ze joikăn măhdƜ zar''" or "I know might this."
  ! Example
(in english)  
  | m
  | m
  | '''m'''et
  | mʲ
  | mj
  | '''mu'''sic
  | n
  | n
  | '''n'''ame
  | '''ne'''w
  | p
  | p
  | '''p'''ot
  | pʲ
  | pj
  | '''pu'''re
  | b
  | b
  | '''b'''an
  | bʲ
  | bj
  | no english equvalent
  | t
  | t
  | '''t'''an
  | tʲ
  | tj
  | no english equivalent
  | r
  | r
  | '''r'''an, '''r'''ed, '''r'''ot, ca'''r''' 
  | d
  | d
  | '''d'''ad
  | dʲ
  | dj
  | '''dew''', a'''deiu'''
  | k
  | k
  | s'''k'''y
  | kʲ
  | kj
  | cute
  | x
  | ǩ
  | lo'''ch'''
  | g
  | g
  | '''g'''one
  | gʲ
  | gj
  | ar'''gu'''e
  | d͡ʒ
  | dž
  | '''j'''udge
  | d͡ʑ
  | dź
  | no english equivalent
  | f
  | f
  | '''f'''at
  | fʲ
  | fj
  | '''fj'''ord
  | v
  | v
  | '''v'''an
  | ts
  | c
  | ba'''ts'''
  | tsʲ
  | cj
  | no english equivalent
  | s
  | s
  | '''s'''un
  | sʲ
  | sj
  | no english equivalent
  | z
  | z
  | '''z'''eal
  | zʲ
  | zj
  | somewhat like in '''ze'''al
  | ʃ
  | š
  | '''sh'''un
  | ʒ
  | ž
  | bei'''ge'''
  | ʑ
  | ź
  | plea'''su'''re
  | h
  | h
  | '''h'''ead
  | l
  | l
  | '''l'''ad
  | ɺ͡r
  | ŀ
  | no english equivalent
  | tʃ
  | č
  | '''ch'''eese
  | χ
  | ȟ
  | no english equivalent
  | d͡z
  | dz
  | be'''ds'''

Latest revision as of 20:57, 21 March 2014

Arkéan [aɾ.'ke.n̩] or Arkéo [aɾ.'ke.o] is a language spoken by the nation of Arkhéo. The language has gone through many chnges and spelling reforms, and it will continue to evolve.


Before Arkæo became it's own nation, It was a part of larger country know Verkhazi. This nation was a gloabal superpower in the continent of Se'Ashiran and ruled the Verkhazi Empire. However, eventually through fierce resistance from it's enemies, The Khamuhiyot Nation, the empire faced eventual collapse, and the nation was split into two; one nation became Arkhæo, and the other became Chanar /'ʃænaɹ/

Ålkavat (alphabet)

The Arkéan Language uses three writings systems:

  • The Ålkavat Romaźa Ålfyśa (Official Romanization Alphabet), used for teaching and informal writing.
  • The Ålkavat Cyrylys Ålfyśa (Official Cyrillic Alphabet), used for formal writing.
  • The Ålkavat Arkéoskij Ålfyśa (Official Arkhean Alphabet) is used for "sacred" writings, government documents, and sometimes very formal writing. The name of the script is derived from the first four letters of Arkhéan's ancestor language, Verkhaza. The letters were Ál, Ka, Vāw and Hīt.


Arkhean Language contains a large phonemic inventory. Most of the sounds it contains are shared with many Slavic languages, as well as sharing palatal secondary articulation. This language also contains a phoneme not found in any native language, the lateral trill, which is represented by the IPA as /ɺ͡r/ and Orthographically as <Ŀ ŀ>.


Vowel Phonemes
Front Central Back
Close i ɨ u
Close-mid e o
Mid ə
Open-mid ɛ ɔ
Open a
IPA Letter Example
a a bra,father, cot, bad
e e bet
ɛ é bay, face
o o road
ɔ ó or, for, cot
u u zoo
ə ë under
i i bee
ɨ y roses
aj aj cry
ɔj oj boy, joy
  • Vowel "A" becomes /ə/ when unstressed.
Followed by an R...
IPA letters Example
ɪər ýr ear, fear
ɛər ĕr air, fair
ɔr or for, pour
ɛr yr butter

Allophony Arkhean Allophony only occurs with vowels:

  • /æ/ is an allophone of /a/, word initially and before /l/, and occurs after /ɬ/ and /ɮ/.
  • /ɐ/ is an allophone of /ə/ when followed by plosives.
  • /ɪ/ is an allophone of /ɨ/ when it is word-initial.


Consonant Phonemes
Bilabial Labio-


Alveolar Post-




Velar Uvular Glottal
hard soft hard soft hard soft hard soft
Nasal m n ɲ
Stop p b pʲ bʲ t d tʲ dʲ k ɡ kʲ ɡʲ
Affricate t͡s d͡z t͡sʲ d͡zʲ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ [t͡ɕ d͡ʑ]
Fricative f v fʲ vʲ s z sʲ zʲ ʃ ʒ [ɕ ʑ] x [ɣ] χ [ʁ] h
Approximant ɹ~ɾ [1] j
Lateral Approximant l
Lateral Trill ɺ͡r
  1. The Arkhéan <R r> can be either an Alveolar Approximant [ɹ] or an Alveolar Tap [ɾ], as both consonant sounds are used in Free-Variation, meaning they can be used interchangeably without changing the meaning of the word, and only relies on the preference of the speaker.
IPA Letter Example

(in english)

m m met
mj music
n n name
ɲ ň new
p p pot
pj pure
b b ban
bj no english equvalent
t t tan
tj no english equivalent
r r ran, red, rot, car
d d dad
dj dew, adeiu
k k sky
kj cute
x ǩ loch
g g gone
gj argue
d͡ʒ judge
d͡ʑ no english equivalent
f f fat
fj fjord
v v van
ts c bats
tsʲ cj no english equivalent
s s sun
sj no english equivalent
z z zeal
zj somewhat like in zeal
ʃ š shun
ʒ ž beige
ʑ ź pleasure
h h head
l l lad
ɺ͡r ŀ no english equivalent
č cheese
χ ȟ no english equivalent
d͡z dz beds