Dil wordlist: Difference between revisions

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m (ZE)
m (228 (thigh))
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Here is a list of all the (227) words that Louis Couturat happened to include in the chapter on [[Dil]] in his 1903 book ''Histoire de la Langue Universelle'' (pp 181-187). Until the original ''Dil'' dictionary is scanned and made available online, this is (presumably) the best and only vocabulary source.
Here is a list of all the (228) words that Louis Couturat happened to include in the chapter on [[Dil]] in his 1903 book ''Histoire de la Langue Universelle'' (pp 181-187). Until the original ''Dil'' dictionary is scanned and made available online, this is (presumably) the best and only vocabulary source.

''' a ''' far ;
''' a ''' far ;
Line 160: Line 160:
''' sac ''' wise ;
''' sac ''' wise ;
''' sag ''' health ;
''' sag ''' health ;
''' sak ''' thigh ;
''' sed ''' costume, outfit ;
''' sed ''' costume, outfit ;
''' sek ''' eight ;
''' sek ''' eight ;

Revision as of 12:37, 30 November 2013

Here is a list of all the (228) words that Louis Couturat happened to include in the chapter on Dil in his 1903 book Histoire de la Langue Universelle (pp 181-187). Until the original Dil dictionary is scanned and made available online, this is (presumably) the best and only vocabulary source.

a far ; ag silver ; al aluminium ; an none ; bagdad Baghdad ; beg beg ; bej five ; bim beam, ray ; blag joke ; ble wheat ; blem problem ; blik republic ; bon bone ; bren brain ; brid bridle ; briz breeze ; bu notwithstanding ; ciar Hungary ; cik Belgium ; cip Egypt ; civ mercury ; col chlorine ; cor chromium ; dak edit ; ded the one ; did the same ; dien India ; dil language ; din religion ; dir dear, expensive ; diuk duke ; doit Germany ; dok doctor ; dor door ; dot doubt ; drol funny, humorous ; e and ; eb I, me ; ebz we, us ; ed that (dem. pron.) ; ek no one ; el you (singular) ; elz you (plural) ; em it ; emec he, him ; emev she, her ; emz they, them ; en in ; ez something ; fil elephant ; fir four ; flej arrow ; foan mouth, delta ; foar fair (event) ; fon source, spring ; fra between ; frik Africa ; fu next to ; fuet whip ; gaj right (direction ; galuic capon ; geb give ; geib take ; glav sabre ; glev broadsword ; gliv sword ; gloz system ; goj left (direction) ; gre despite ; gur mountain ; gut good ; id this ; ik someone ; in outside of ; iz all ; jak (a) little ; jat purchase, buy ; jep shape ; jev shave ; jik chic ; jok a lot ; joz thing ; kaip communicate ; kaj cache ; ke what, which, that ; ki who (male or female) ; kid such, that kind of ; kik each one ; kloj bell ; koz cause ; kriev Protestantism ; kriv Catholicism ; ku hit, strike, blow ; kud elbow ; kut cost ; kuv cover, lid ; la after ; laef cry, weep ; laf laugh ; le before ; lek electricity ; let letter ; li is it that … ? ; lik magnetism ; lob hire, let, rent ; loj horse ; lojid foal ; lu along ; ma but ; mab temple ; meak Mecklembourg-Schwerin ; med method, means ; mem memory ; meok Mecklembourg-Strelitz ; meuk Mecklembourg ; mik ant ; mil thousand ; moan less ; mok mock, ridicule ; muj put-down ; naen winter ; nait knight ; nal Anhalt ; nan summer ; ne no, not, nor ; nec snow ; nei yes ; nep nation ; nes window ; nez nothing ; nib vehicle ; nim ichneumon ; noar south ; nor north ; nos wedding ; nov nine ; o or ; ok oxygen ; om man ; omuec eunuch ; pak Easter ; pej peach ; plom diploma ; poem poetry ; poim prose ; pus thumb ; ran orient ; rein dirtiness ; ren cleanliness ; riej poverty ; rij richness, wealth ; rik America ; roj rock, stone ; rop Europe ; rul rule ; rus Russia ; sa under, beneath ; sac wise ; sag health ; sak thigh ; sed costume, outfit ; sek eight ; sem Luxembourg ; sev save ; si if ; sib seven ; sic Asia ; sir wax ; siv heart, core ; siz six ; slaef waken ; slaf sleep ; sman Turkey ; soaf thirst ; sof hunger ; spe late ; spi early ; spun spoon ; stad town, city ; staed countryside ; steal planet ; stel star ; steol fixed star ; su on, upon ; suj stub, stump ; ta yesterday ; taj stain ; te today ; ti tea ; tien Argentina ; to tomorrow ; toip shell, round ; toj ink ; top cannon, gun ; trus case, kit ; truv find ; tu too (much) ; tual shortness ; tul length ; tun two ; u near ; un one (number) ; unez ten ; unon million ; ved wood ; veir Württemberg ; ven vein ; ver verse, rhyme ; vieg grave, tomb ; vien vinegar ; vier stanza, verse ; viet black ; vig cradle ; vik week ; vin wine ; vir whirlpool, vortex ; vit white ; voar autumn ; vod water ; vor spring ; yaz write ; yer Bavaria ; yir fear ; zad hundred ; zan three ; ze according to ; zit visit ; zor force