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[[Category:Classical Laefêvëši]]

Latest revision as of 10:09, 1 July 2013

NOTE: This is an obsolete form of the conlang. It has been renamed to Classical Laefêvëši to distinguish it from the new version, which is Ascended or Celestial Laefêvëši.

Classical Laefêvëši has several types of numerals.

Cardinal numerals

0 mítta 10 śála
1 ýśa 11 sýśa 100 ǿse
2 vrâ 12 séva 20 vrála 200 vráse
3 lía 13 sélia 30 líala 300 ljáse
4 14 séma 40 mâla 400 máse
5 lúe 15 sélue 50 lúela 500 lêse
6 lâina 16 seína 60 lâinala 600 laínse
7 âlei 17 séina 70 léiala 700 léise
8 lêja 18 sélna 80 lêjala 800 jálejse
9 fará 19 séra 90 farála 900 faráse


Cardinal numbers decline only for the basic cases. Numbers 1 (ýśa) and 2 (vrâ) have special suffixes, numbers 3 and above can be declined using suffixes or not. The basic cases replace sub-cases and additional cases according to the case hierarchy, or, alternatively, they take the usual nominal suffixes, in which case they have to agree in gender.

Case 1 (ýśa/ýśe) 2 (vrâ/vrê) 3 (lía) and up
Nom. -/ -/ -/ -/
Gen. -ma -ta -ha -/
Dat. -me -te -he -/
Acc. -mø -tø -hø -/
Loc. -mo -to -ho -/
Inst. -mu -tu -hu -/

Ordinal numerals

# masculine feminine neuter
0 mílli mítvi míddi
1 aśíli aśívi aśídi
2 adíli adívi áddi
3 lítli lítvi líddi
4 mátli mátvi máddi
5 lúeli lúevi lúedi
6 laíli laívi laídi
7 létli létvi léddi
8 leíli leívi leídi
9 faríli farívi farídi
10 śálli śálvi śáldi
11 sýśili sýśivi sýśidi
12 sévili sévivi sévidi
13 séliili séliivi séviidi
14 sémili sémivi sémidi
15 séluili séluivi séluidi
16 seínili seínivi seínidi
17 séinili séinivi séinidi
18 sélnili sélnivi sélnidi
19 sérili sérivi séridi
20 vrálli vrálvi vráldi
21 ýśaivrálli ýśaivrálvi ýśaivráldi
22 vrâivrálli vrâivrálvi vrâivráldi
23 líaivrálli líaivrálvi líaivráldi
24 mâivrálli mâivrálvi mâivráldi
25 lúeivrálli lúeivrálvi lúeivráldi
26 lâinaivrálli lâinaivrálvi lâinaivráldi
27 âleiivrálli âleiivrálvi âleiivráldi
28 lêjaivrálli lêjaivrálvi lêjaivráldi
29 faráivrálli faráivrálvi faráivráldi
30 líalli líalvi líaldi
40 mâlli mâlvi mâldi
50 lúelli lúelvi lúeldi
60 lâinalli lâinalvi lâinaldi
70 léialli léialvi léialdi
80 lêjalli lêjalvi lêjaldi
90 farálli farálvi faráldi
100 ǿśili ǿśivi ǿśidi
200 vrásili vrásivi vrásidi
300 ljásili ljásivi ljásidi
400 másili másivi másidi
500 lêsili lêsivi lêsidi
600 laísili laísivi laísidi
700 léisili léisivi léisidi
800 jálejsili jálejsivi jálejsidi
900 farásili farásivi farásidi
1000 aśímmili aśímmivi aśímmidi

Collective numerals

Formation - to the cardinal numeral add:

  • masculine gender: -ši
  • feminine gender: -še
  • neuter gender: -šo

The following noun is in partitive plural or genitive plural.


  • 5: lúe -> lúeši : lúeše : lúešo

Differential numerals

Formation - to the cardinal numeral add:

  • masculine gender: -či
  • feminine gender: -če
  • neuter gender: -čo

The following noun is in nominative plural.


  • 5: lúe -> lúeči : lúeče : lúečo

Multiplicative numerals

Formation from cardinal numerals, remove the final vowel and add:

  • masculine gender: -jua
  • feminine gender: -jue
  • neuter gender: -juo


  • 20: vrála -> vráljua : vráljue : vráljuo

Some numbers do not follow the above rules:

# masculine feminine neuter
0 mítjua mítjue mítjuo
1 ýjua ýjue ýjuo
2 ádjua ádjue ádjuo
3 líjua líjue líjuo
4 mâjua mâjue mâjuo
5 lújua lújue lújuo
6 lâjua lâjue lâjuo
7 âljua âljue âljuo
8 lêjua lêjue lêjuo
9 fárjua fárjue fárjuo


To the cardinal numeral add the suffix: -sia


  • 1/4 (one fourth): ýśe mâsia


Decimal numerals are written with a comma (,), also called decimal comma, which differentiate full numbers from the decimal numbers.

In speech, the decimal comma is read as máru and the decimal numbers are read digit by digit.


  • 3.547: 3,547 -> lía máru lúe mâ âlei

Numerals in -pē

Formation from cardinal numerals, remove the final vowel and add the suffix: -pē


  • 18: sélna -> sélnpē
Irregular forms
0 míppē
1 ýppē
2 áppē
3 líppē
4 mâppē
5 lúppē
6 lâppē
7 álpē
8 lêppē
9 fáppē

Adjectival numerals

Adverbs of frequency

Formation from cardinal numerals, remove the final vowel, if it is preceded by a consonant, geminate it (if possible), and add the suffix: -en


  • eleven times: sýśa -> sýśen
  • ten times: śála -> śállen
Irregular forms
zero times mítven
once ýssen
twice ádden
three times lírren
four times mârven
five times êllen
six times lâiven
seven times âllen
eight times lêjen
nine times fárven

Adverbs of time

Formation from cardinal numerals, remove the final vowel and add the suffix: -þi If after removing the final vowel the word ends in -s, it turns to , onto which the normal suffix -þi is added, thus forming a geminate consonant þþ.


  • fourteenth time: séma -> sémþi
  • hundredth time: ǿse -> ǿþþi
Irregular forms
zeroth time míþþi
first time ýþþi
second time áþþi
third time líþi
fourth time mâþi
fifth time líþi
sixth time lâþþi
seventh time léþþi
eighth time lêþþi
ninth time fáþþi
tenth time śálþi
eleventh time sýþþi

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