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'''CBB Conlang Relay''' or '''CBBCR''' was a [[conlang relay]] organized on the [[CBB|Conlanger Bulletin Board]]. ([http://aveneca.com/cbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2287 link])
'''[http://aveneca.com/cbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2287 CBB Conlang Relay]''' or '''CBBCR''' was a [[conlang relay]] organized on the [[CBB|Conlanger Bulletin Board]].
==Initial text==
:There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness, knowledge, and wisdom.
:Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels?
:We appeal as human beings to human beings: Remember your humanity, and forget the rest.
:If you can do so, the way lies open to a new Paradise; if you cannot, there lies before you the risk of universal death.
==Intermediate steps==
===[http://dl.dropbox.com/u/54130806/CBBCR/Torch.pdf CrazyEttin (Antregabua)]===
===Skógvur (Vanga)===
===nmn (Jumju)===
===Ossicone (Uskra)===
:Um śi'ara'uk, ikuma sun usta ama, ira śismi'asa.
:Iki sku numa ikuma sun uska ama.
:Ikuma sanik ukuma iki niskra utan sku.
:As nima nai sri?
:As na ira mri ikuma sun uhuśika sri?
:Nima 'in. Tima 'in.
:Tihuśika na satakas upru.
:Sakuras atrim ama pra na tima sku tima.
:Ira sakas arik uska ama, iki mri tihuśika, mri sakas numa ukuma.
:When I was flying, I wanted to make it so I (will) grow.
:But possibly I wanted to find it.
:I carried it to die but he speaks with anger.
:Is it part of them?
:And so I don't want to know that?
:It is a person. You are a person.
:You know and give it to everyone.
:You remember it now and you are happy.
:So you will be able to find it.
:But if you don't know it, you have no change of dying.
===Chagen (Pazmat)===
===Trailsend (Feayran)===
:Náa sokujuxáda, ttunuxéiwlhtorukete hanusàojusóirùule.
:Háa úng suqqutoknkaéwlhto hulonrùukaéwlhtos.
:Síi úk holujukúruùttorùoqkoùn, úk uá luxàuroqrùusástoste tií?
:Mosujàukáruùk tií?
:Háa hé hoskukóstojuke holujusúruùsùokoùn há?
:Náa hulháruùmnaè, sú ué hulhákumnaè.
:Róu xezulháruùkumnaè, lhéi hí sukulhákorùukeniè.
:Hóo ùewukuxárukesk, róu jowusàoxákusn.
:Déi tí sulháruù tí hé sulháku, uk ná hoskulhoqaìnxástokuke.
:Úk ué ttoruraéruùq.
===[[/Perkelen|Milyamd (Perkelen)]]===
:Xiñ ñidot. Xin tiwoñña be, mosogegña xin, he satña xik gıt fabab.
:Xiñ cıxebi. Beñ fıñe jowı, gıñ wigıxak, he gıñ ñi xalogetpa satin.
:Cejit habña be, satña xik xıwı belendi. Beñ jowı, satin jibınña gı boxadit, ñi yim pa?
:Satña xif tomocid?
:Beñ xif satdi, xin nahıhapña xik satdi, wabe?
:Satña powa… Bıñoñ be, wıñ satin powa.
:Wabeñ be, satña wın nahıhapet. He wık nejid wınña ñici xaloget.
:Xiñ cıxebi. Wıñ bek giweña, wabeñ wın geyinoset.
:Ñiñ be, satña wın bıño. Hobıhañ be, gıñ katehet wın nahıhapetpa.
:Habña be, satña belenet.
:I am a flyer, I wish I have it (a medical scent) and make them experienced by a result.
:I am sure, it must be a coincidence, they could find it in such manner.
:But unfortunately, I carried them all the way to the death, but suprisingly, could they talk about the idea in anger?
:Did they arrive far from me?
:I am sure that I would teach that idea I carry them to it, right?
:They are a family, also (the point is) you are kin.
:The truth is you know them, you gave it to everyone in the proper manner.
:I am sure you remember, it is true that you are happy because of it.
:So they are you, the problem is you didn't know the idea.
:But they presumably died.
===Xing (Wakeu)===
:E lannga mai. E kai a mai ta pone we nge pwala era.
:E anga mai. E ngalo kia. E kunei ta kokki o era. I kaima.
:E nei mella mweto i melo.
:E appe tala era mai.
:E lika a mai taima tewa era. Ta koma o mai e lika a mai tewa era.
:E nei meaiwa era. E nei ta kina kia, e nei ta meaiwa o era.
:E nei ta rua kia. E nei po ta koma o mai era, we nei melo tera terei. E nei taima ta kokki i ngoe.
:E anga mai. E tima ngoe me pare o taima. E tette a ngoe ta rua.
:E nei mella kia. E nei ta kina o ngoe. E nei melo raikitoo, e kelikeli era. E kunei melo ta koma i ngoe.
:Ko leuku era i melo.
:I'm flying. I want the substance, that they should evolve.
:I'm certain. It's a coincidence. It's not their ways. For sure.
:So are the misfortunes, on the other hand.
:I am far away from them.
:I give it to them. I give them my knowledge.
:They are my family. It's the issue. it's their family.
:I'm certain. You are happy because of that. You remember the truth.
:So it is. It's your issue. The problems, on the other hand, they have vanished. You do not know them, on the other hand.
:On the other hand, they die.
===MrKrov (Pag-buum)===
===[http://dl.dropbox.com/u/54130806/CBBCR/torchsend-1.pdf Maraxxus (Maxédri)]===
:KekQuj’Duq ketRípetHöglú tonHeő rumexsBrans.
:Šű tavemisvaTamúrt. Lampren tomvon. DeŠűVaslanróNigles.
:Leb vaslan sáRemakraDovqór leb deplúorBóvintenq.
:Quj'Duq-lú lón’Duqró adRaumexorn.
:Ton dománs quj’dipalŠavóOtmornun.
:Leb kellorve qukiTacriyhurór tonQuj'DuqróPégetorq.
:Leb tirnakirq tomvon.
:Leb kellorve tacriyhurór lú quj’duqiValaxemPrá dipalq.
:Leb tavemisq quki tisel lebMiyhurQuj’DipalsiróÉqütn.
:Sá lebTirnTritq.
===cedh (Buruya Nzaysa)===
:Tɛh ɔ ñalisa u ru ɔdɔ, ni pɔ’ɔ wə ɛ’i se’ə. Esəña smada nzɔ uysava nada.
:Səh ɔ yɔsko; səh ɔ toxasa. Ma’ɔwa nzo ñəmona olmat. Sə lo ruyo puh nzɔ xɔsɔ bəduga lu letsədə ah. Sə ɛru ɔ ñanɛvo tsəñe u ɛru. Tsonexa puh lo maldɔ sədə ɔ gəsta ñavra o oba dəpse kwə kətsɔda. Tsonexa lu mvɔnza puh lo avo aymɛ mvəbo oba ru ñeda. Esə ɔ nzɔñu rɛ səh ɔ toxasa!
:Puh ɔ spɛ’ayla sədə, gasə dediga u mvəskɛ puh lo avo ah ɔ nzesu. Dal sə nzɔ ñəmona lu mvɔnza rɛbɛ aymɛ. Sə ɔ lotsɛ ñalta lu pima ah u maldɔ sədə ñuməgi. Esə nzɔ lu lotsɛ. Dal eskena u namə dedi meko ntɛxavu dalmə. Xutsɔ ɔdɔ’ɔwa podɔ ŋkə esə mɔra o mura.
:Sə lu restɛ xɛpu adɔ. Ma ɛru ɔ rudɔ nonə. Ma nzɔ ntɛ u sɔnza mɔwa, dal ntɛ u tsɛñɛru. Tsonah atsa ntɛ xə’ə oba maldɔ ɔdɔ no.
:When we become too many people, you will want to jump. I am certainly feeling this desire recently.
:We are lucky; we are numerous. You are not familiar with this responsibility. The solution to that challenge is almost the opposite of it. Everyone is a distant relative of everyone. We are used to giving a large family and many children to other people. We are used to sharing the knowledge for our prosperity with many people. It is a good thing that we are numerous!
:For other nations, that which is necessary for their prosperity might be different. But this responsibility is our proper tradition. It is true that we indeed depend on the sacrifice of others for our happiness and prosperity. This is the truth. But some alternative options also present themselves. So you can choose and decide for yourself.
:It is your own choice. Not everyone is going to be a role model. This does not begin with doctrine, but with mutual agreement. In the end, many people die this way.
===2-4 (Kàipói)===
:Àpi ái póki ái áo na cái iànio tcí no hópài ki.
:Xa cáihì, na mòti caonò lcà àpi.
:Riá ái kòi; riá ái riopaha.
:Noi lai ái omáiha cì tikánò.
:Na xiáo ani mià kòkiói io.
:Hópài ianì ái gapoiha gìnaha cài hópài ianì.
:Riá ái nà omái ìti mò cì gáxai ato ki cài hópài cánà ki.
:Hió ìti cì hópài ato ki hào no póhaihì.
:Àpi ái cáca lcà ná lai xiáo ato!
:Paxi oa póhaihì xco ái noika icaha oa ráiri cánà.
:Gi tinà no hào ái pòto hoha no riá.
:Lálio mao ái tcòka no hópài gi xiopòta.
:Àpi ái lálio.
:Gi rìmoi lálòha iti pioti lcà àpi.
:Òpa lai còmì áki mòtiha kó í ágonà lcà oa lai.
:Lai màirí pó.
:Noi hópài ianì kò cáni xoái.
:Noi póki cì tcáno, gi cì xànoi.
:Cò hópài ato ki tímo lò òxi.
:There will start to be too many people if they want to insist on.
:As for the desire, they recently can indeed feel it.
:We are happy; we are numerous.
:You aren't familiar with responsibility.
:They do almost without any difficulty.
:Everyone is distantly related to everyone.
:We will always give to the another people a large family with many children.
:The tradition of flourishing is always shared among many people.
:It is indeed the virtue that we do much!
:For another nation, a duty for flourishing may possibly be unusual.
:But the conscience of tradition is morally appropriate of us.
:The actual truth is the sacrifice of another people that rely on.
:It is the truth.
:But an optional replacement also suggests itself, indeed.
:So you have become able to indeed select and decide for yourself.
:You vote on your own.
:Everyone is not going to have a role model.
:Do not begin with a doctrine, but with an agreement.
:Thus many people still become dead.
==Final text==
:It will start if they want persons too much.
:Desire, they can really feel it.
:We are happy; We are numerous.
:You are not familiar with responsibility.
:They do [Not in the vocabulary] without any difficulty
:Everyone is related distantly to everyone else.
:We will give the always big family with many children, other persons are wanted.
:Tradition of flourishing is always shared among many persons.
:It is really a virtue that you do much!
:Duty to flourish may be unusual for other communities, but conscience of tradition is morally our [Not in the vocabulary].
:The actual truth is the sacrifice of person that relies on.
:It is the truth, but an optional replacement also really suggests it.
:So you have made ability to really choose and decide for yourself.
:You vote alone.
:Not everyone will have a role model.
:One starts not with a doctrine, but with an agreement.
:Thus many persons still become dead.

A temporary [[/Overview|side-by-side comparison]] is available.

{{relay|relay=CBB Conlang Relay}}
{{relay|relay=CBB Conlang Relay}}

Latest revision as of 08:41, 29 September 2012

CBB Conlang Relay or CBBCR was a conlang relay organized on the Conlanger Bulletin Board.

A temporary side-by-side comparison is available.

CBB Conlang Relay

Skógvur — Vanga — torch

nmn — Jumju — torch

Ossicone — Uskra — torch

Chagen — Pazmat — torch


Milyamd — Perkelen — torch

Xing — Wakeutorch

MrKrov — Pag-buum — torch

Maraxxus — Maxédri — torch

cedhBuruya Nzaysatorch

2-4 — Kàipói — torch

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