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* Where '''~''' appears, it indicates [[Wikipedia:Free_variation|free variation]] between phonemes.
{| class="wikitable"
|{{IPA|i~i:}} '''(i)'''  || || {{IPA|u~u:}} '''(u)'''
|{{IPA|e~e:}} '''(e)''' || || {{IPA|o~o:}} '''(o)'''
| || {{IPA|a~a:}} '''(a)''' ||
*{{IPA|[aɪ~aɪ:]}} - '''ai'''
*{{IPA|[aʊ~aʊ:]}} - '''ao'''
*{{IPA|[wa~wa:]}} - '''ua'''
*{{IPA|[waɪ~waɪ:]}} - '''uai'''
*{{IPA|[ja~ja:]}} - '''ya'''
*{{IPA|[jaʊ~jaʊ:]}} - '''yao'''
*{{IPA|[je~je:]}} - '''ye'''
*{{IPA|[jo~jo:]}} - '''yo'''
{| class="IPA wikitable"
! rowspan="2"|
! rowspan="2"|Labial
! colspan="2"|Dental
! rowspan="2"|Palatal
! colspan="2"|Velar
! rowspan="2"|Glottal
! Nasal
| {{IPA|m}} '''(m)'''
| {{IPA|n}} '''(n)'''
| {{IPA|ɲ}} '''(ny)'''
| {{IPA|p~b}} '''(p)'''
| {{IPA|t~d}} '''(t)'''
| {{IPA|k~g}} '''(k)'''
| {{IPA|kʷ~gʷ}} '''(ku)'''
| {{IPA|ʔ}} '''(')'''
| {{IPA|s}} '''(s)'''
| {{IPA|ʃ}} '''(s)'''
| {{IPA|h~ɦ}} '''(h)'''
| {{IPA|ts}} '''(ts)'''
| {{IPA|tɬ}} '''(tl)'''
| {{IPA|tʃ}} '''(ts)'''
! Approximant
| {{IPA|l~r}} '''(l)'''
| {{IPA|j}} '''(y)'''
| {{IPA|w}} '''(u)'''
====Prenasalized consonants====
* In Kala, almost every consonant can be [[Wikipedia:Prenasalized_consonant|prenasalized]], but primarily the plosives /p/, /t/ and /k/ can be analyzed as prenasalized,
:while most other instances could be easily analyzed as cases  of [[Wikipedia:Syllabic_consonant|syllabic]] /n/ or /m/.
* '''mb''' /mp~mb/
:Example: '''mpaka''' /ˈmpa.ka/ - ''n'' - boundary / border / line
* '''nt''' /nt~nd/
:Example: '''ntama''' /ˈ - ''n'' - calf (a young cow or bull)
* '''nk''' /ŋk~ŋɡ/
:Example: '''nkapa''' /ˈŋ - ''n'' - alcohol / grog
==Writing System==
==Writing System==

Revision as of 08:29, 4 February 2011

Writing System

See: Moya

Grammatical Principles

  • The grammar of Kala should be regarded as a guide indicating how grammatical distinctions of gender, number, tense/aspect, noun, verb and particles are made. I have adopted the Arab grammarian's division into three categories (1) Noun [no / ata] Naua no.png / Naua ata.png, (2) Particle [peya] Naua peya.png, (3) Verb [uati] Naua uati.png. Kala does not always follow European models. It discards all redundancies. In English we say “two boys came yesterday”; in Kala “two boy come yesterday” [ta’o tahi yomaye tala] it is clear that more than one boy is already indicated by ‘two,’ while ‘yesterday’ shows the time, or tense of the verb.

Word Order


  • Basic word order is SOV and is invariable.


  • (subject) - (object) - (verb)
tlaka (ke) naka anya
man (TOP) woman see
The man sees the woman.
  • (subject) - (verb)
nahi apuaye
girl sing.PAST
The girl sang. / The girl did sing.
  • (subject) - (complement) - (verb)
ke ina manka a
TOP food cold COP
The food is cold.
  • (subject) - (prepositional phrase) - (verb)
ke naka tsa'e kama yalaye
TOP woman through village walk.PAST
The woman walked through the village.
  • (subject) - (prepositional phrase) - (object) - (verb)
na'eta itla omena yeta
1s.ACC.2s this apple give
I give to you this apple.
(In this case, the prepositional phrase is replaced by the pronominal construction.)
  • (subject) - (prepositional phrase) - (verb)
ta kima poto tayo tse'ek
2s like photo 2s.POSS appear.NEG
You do not look like your photo.


  • In addition to phrases, some sentences contain clauses, which resemble smaller sentences nested within the larger sentence.
They can modify noun phrases, verb phrases, or the whole of the larger sentence.


  • (subject) - (clause) - (prepositional phrase) - (verb)
tlaka ke ko asaye hina ka'e nuyoku yalaye
man CONJ live.PAST here to New York go.PAST
The man who lived here went to New York.
  • (subject) - (clause) - (verb)
na ke ha aya a omu
1s CONJ 3s beautiful COP think
I think that she is beautiful.


Affect / Degree

  • The diminutive is formed with -hi, and the augmentative with -ha.

These are respectively realized as -ki and -ka when attached to a word that has a final syllable containing h or y.

Example : ina - food, meal | inahi - snack, morsel | inaha - feast, banquet
Example : tsaka - house, home, dwelling | tsakahi - shack, hut, cabin | tsakaha - palace, mansion
  • These are also used to differentiate hue, or shade.
Example : yanahi - light yellow, kuyaha - dark green
  • In Kala the concepts of comparative and superlative degree of an adjective are merged into a single form, the elative. How this form is understood or translated depends upon context and definiteness. In the absence of comparison, the elative conveys the notion of “greatest”, “supreme.”
Example : tahaka - bigger/biggest | tsaka hayo ke nayo tahaka - His house is bigger than mine.
Example : yanaha - more yellow/most yellow | ke huam tayo yanaha - Your flowers are the most yellow.


  • In general, nouns do not indicate their gender. To distinguish the sexes, one can use the adjectival endings -ta and -na.
Example : nikata "a male dog", nikana "a female dog".


  • There is only one article in Kala, ke. It is used primarily as a "noun marker".
  • It is ambi-definite, meaning it can be either definite or indefinite. The distinction is made through context.
Example : kama "village", ke kama "the/a village", ke kama'a "the villages"
Example : inahi "snack", ke inahi "the/a snack", ke inahim "the snacks"


  • Nouns are either singular, plural or collective.
  • Concrete nouns are pluralized by suffixing -m.
Examples : kono - stone > konom - stones | naka - woman > nakam - women
  • When the last syllable of a word contains an m, the plural is marked by reduplicating the final vowel.
Examples : kama - village > kama'a - villages | teyemi - phrase > teyemi'i - phrases
  • Collective (plural) nouns are marked by prefixing tli-.
Examples : tsaka - house > tlitsaka - neighborhood | yama - mountain > tliyama - mountain range
  • Nouns need not be marked plural if a number is used to show quantity.
Example : sahi - color > sahim - colors > sahi ya'o - five color(s)
  • Adjectives do not show plural agreement. However, when an adjective is used nominally, it can be pluralized.
Example : nyeli - pink > nyelim - (the) pink (ones)


Noun Suffixes


  • Kala generally distinguishes four persons, the fourth person indicating abstract and inanimate nouns – both in the singular and plural numbers.

There is also a distinction between inclusive (I/we and you) and exclusive (we but not you) forms of the first person plural.

Nominative Accusative Possessive Reflexive Reciprocal
1S na ena nayo na'i
2S ta eta tayo ta'i
3S ha eha hayo ha'i
4S tla etla tlayo tla'i
1P nam enam namyo nami nanku
1P (EXCL) na'am ena'am na'amyo na'ami na'anku
2P tam etam tamyo tami tanku
3P kam ekam kamyo kami kanku
4P tlam etlam tlamyo tlami tlanku

Correlative Pronouns

query this that some none any every whichever
adjective ka itla uatla iha ak ula kua ote
person ko...ka iko uako ihako hok kola kohua oteko
thing no...ka itla uatla ihano nok nola nokua oteno
time ama/tsima...ka ima uama ihama amak amala kuama otema
place mo...ka hina uana ihamo mok mola mokua otemo
way to...ka yoto uato ihato tok tola tokua oheto
amount ku/o...ka iku uaku ihaku huk/ok kula hukua/okua oteku
reason nye...ka inye uanye ihanye nyek ulanye nyekua otenye
kind su...ka isu uasu ihasu suk sula sukua otesu






tense / aspect

The future tense is marked with the suffix -tli. Past tenses, including perfect and pluperfect, are marked with the suffix -ye. The present tense is unmarked:

  • na ina - 1.S eat - I eat / I am eating.
  • na inatli - 1.S eat.FUT - I will eat / I am about to eat.
  • na inaye - 1.S eat.PAST - I eat / I was eating / I have eaten / I had eaten.

Kala does not distinguish perfect and imperfect aspects of the verb (e.g. ‘I ate’, ‘I used to eat’, ‘I have eaten’, ‘I had eaten’). However, one can easily clarify the temporal sequence of two actions by marking the earlier one with the adverbial tsa (‘already’).


  • The conditional mood is formed with the particle iya.
  • iya na ina - COND 1.S eat - I might be eating.
  • The imperative mood is formed with the particle kya.
  • kya ina - IMP eat - Eat!
  • The negative mood is formed with the suffix -k.
  • na inak - 1.S eat.NEG - I do not eat / I am not eating.
  • The volitive mood is formed with the suffix -ue (from ueha - to want, desire).
  • na inaue - 1.S eat.VOL - I want to eat.
  • The necessitative mood is formed with the suffix -he (from heya - to need, require).
  • na inahe - 1.S eat.NEC - I need to eat.
  • The abilitative mood is formed with the suffix -pa (from pala - to be able).
  • na inapa - 1.S eat.ABIL - I am able to eat./ I can eat.


  • The passive voice is formed by attaching the accusative prefix e- to the pronoun.
  • ena ina - ACC.1.S eat - I am eaten. / I am being eaten.






Cardinal Numbers

  • e'o - zero / nothing
  • na'o - one
  • ta'o - two
  • ha'o - three
  • ma'o - four
  • ya'o - five
  • tsa'o - six
  • ka'o - seven
  • pa'o - eight
  • sa'o - nine
  • ue'o - ten
  • nye'o - (one) hundred
  • tle'o - (one) thousand
  • mue'o - ten thousand
  • kye'o - (one) hundred thousand
  • nte'o - (one) million

Higher Numbers

  • uena'o - eleven / 11
  • taue'o - twenty / 20
  • nyeka'o - one hundred seven / 107
  • hanyetauetsa'o (long form) | hatatsa'o (short form) - three hundred twenty six / 326
  • tsatletauema'o - six thousand and twenty four / 6024

Ordinal Numbers

  • ki- - ordinal prefix
Example : kisa'o - ninth (in a sequence)
Example : kiyanyepa'o - 508th


  • i- - fractional prefix
Example : isa'o - a ninth, 1/9
Example : iha'o te pa'o - three eighths, 3/8 [lit: a third of eight]

Word formation

