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====Attributive Article====
====Attributive Article====

The fully-definite articles above are used with an initial '''h''' (i.e. ''hin'', ''hín'', ''hit'') to precede adjectives and adverbs used attributively as parts of names, as opposed to "ordinary" articles suffixed to adjectives and adverbs to nominalise that quality. For instance ''Bænn Hin Ǫðiȝ'' is ''Bjarn the Weathly'', and ''Ǫðiȝin'' is ''the weathly (people)''.
The fully-definite articles above are used with an initial '''h''' (i.e. ''hin'', ''hín'', ''hit'') to precede adjectives and adverbs used attributively as parts of names, as opposed to "ordinary" articles suffixed to adjectives and adverbs to nominalise that quality. For instance ''Bænn Hin Ǫðiȝ'' is ''Bjarn The Weathly'', and ''Bænn ǫðiȝin'' is ''the weathly Bjarn (as opposed to the other one)''.


Revision as of 05:19, 26 July 2007

This majority language of Norse America is derived from Old Norse, with adstrates from Germanic, Celtic, Algonquian, Iroquoian, and Inuit, in particular Scots, Scots Gaelic, English, Nunatsiaviummiutut, Nunavimmiutitut, Míkmak, Ojibwe, Abenaki and Beothuk.



p b t d     k ɡ ʔ
f v s z ʃ ʒ θ ð x ɣ h
    tʃ dʒ      
  ɬ l        
m̥ m n̥ n     ŋ̥ ŋ  
ʍ w ɹ̥ ɹ ç j      

Voicing and Devoicing

In etymologically Old Norse roots, fricatives are voiced initially, finally, or between two voiced sounds (consonants or vowels). In etymologically non-Old Norse words, or in morphologically-created situations, voiceless fricatives may occur in those positions, which is handled differently by each orthography.

In etymologically Old Norse roots, liquids are devoiced immediately following a voiceless consonant. In etymologically non-Old Norse words, or in morphologically-created situations, voiced liquids may occur in these positions, which is handled differently by each orthography.

The phonemes /x/ and /ɣ/ have allophones [ç] and [ɟ] when immediately adjacent to an apical phoneme.


i y   u
e ø ə o
ɛ œ ɔ
a   ɑ  

Vowel Harmony

A simple harmony "guideline" tends to exist (but is not a hard rule), especially in natively Norse words:

  • Vowels within one word each share the frontedness and/or the roundedness of the preceeding vowel.
  • The vowels /a/ and /ɑ/ are considered to be neutral with respect to roundedness.
  • The vowel /ə/ is neutral with respect to both properties.

This is not a productive rule in the modern stage of the language, and does not apply to new compunds or borrowings, though it applies sporadically to older borrowings, and was almost certainly fully productive at and earlier point.

Sound adaptation in borrowed words

Every foreign phoneme (if possible) maps to the identical phoneme in Fínlǣsk.

The following general rules tend to apply to phonemes from various languages without exact duplicates in Fínlǣsk:

Foreign q ɢ ɴ ɟ ɰ ʌ
Fínlǣsk k ɡ ŋ* j w kw ɑ

*Inuktitut /ɴ/ becomes /ɡ/ word-initially.

Sandhi / Liaison


  i y u e ø ə o ɛ œ ɔ a ɑ øː əː ɛː œː ɔː ɑː
i ju


CCC sequences are phonotactically disallowed, though note that this means phonemic sequences (things like tj /tʃ/ are considered single consonants under these rules). The following is a simple summary of the rules, in the order they are applied, along with contrived examples.

  • If an orthographic j occurs anywhere in the CCC sequence, it is moved to the end: mantj /mɑntʃ/ + kun /kun/ > mantkjun /mɑnttʃun/
  • Phonemic "double" or "long" consonants lose their first orthographic component: mantkjun /mɑnttʃun/ > mankjun /mɑntʃun/.


Latin Script

p b   t d     k g
  f s sj / sk sg ð ȝ h
      tj dj / kj gj      
m   n     n  
ƿ (w)   r j      

i   u
e œ ų o
ę œ̨ ǫ
æ   a  

The correct alphabetic order is:

a b d ð e ę f g h i j k l m n o ǫ p r s t u ų ƿ z ȝ æ œ œ̨ ᵫ ᛫

Diacritics are acute for long vowels, or macron (the linea nasalis) for nasalized vowels.

The customary letter used for /w/ is ƿ, although the ƿᵫn romœ̨́fti (the Roman wyn, i.e. w) is also found. Some inhabitants consider it a shibboleth for "outsiders", though this is a pretty vague and nonspecific term most often (but not always) refering to members of Christian Churches other than the Northern Church.


ᛈ ᛒ ᛏ ᛞ     ᚴ ᚷ



Both verbs and nouns distinguish between single, dual and plural number.



A fully inflected noun consists of (in order) a stem, inflected for number and case, optional marking for definiteness, and an optional postposition. For instance: hámítmeð (with the house), hámsū (about a house).


Nouns are split into Masculine, Feminine and Neuter genders in the singular. In the dual and plural, Masculine and Feminine collapse into identically-formed paradigms, which is often called the Common plural.


Nouns have six cases, and are classified into a number of conjugations, called stems. There are three main stems, a, i, and u (associated with most nouns with open, front, and back vowels respectively) and a number of other, less-frequent stems (off-glide variants of the main stems, ja, ji, ju, ƿa, ƿi, ƿu, behave just like the plain versions). They are shown in the tables below with a summary of their uses and inflections.

a - háma (home) Singluar Dual Plural General Pattern
Nominative Initiator háma hámja hámá -a -ja
Accusative Undergoer hám hájm hám -∅ j -∅

Genitive From háms   hámų -s  
Dative To hámi   hǫ́mū -i   (uml)
Locative At hámæ hámję   -a +front -ja +i uml  
Oblique Everything else hámar hámr   -ar -r  

u - sōrr (son) Singluar Dual Plural
Nominative Initiator sōrr   sœ̄rr
Accusative Undergoer      
Genitive From      
Dative To      
Locative At      
Oblique Everything else      


Definiteness is marked as follows:

Definite To Marking
Speaker Listener Masculine Feminine Neuter
No No Not marked
Yes No -er -ér -eðð
Yes Yes -in -ín -it

Attributive Article

The fully-definite articles above are used with an initial h (i.e. hin, hín, hit) to precede adjectives and adverbs used attributively as parts of names, as opposed to "ordinary" articles suffixed to adjectives and adverbs to nominalise that quality. For instance Bænn Hin Ǫðiȝ is Bjarn The Weathly, and Bænn ǫðiȝin is the weathly Bjarn (as opposed to the other one).


Many common postpositions have become enclitics, and a process of their becoming instead enlargements of the case system is imminent, and arguably already underway in various colloquial lects.

Postposition Case Meaning
á on, upon; at, in; to, towards; by means of; during; in the manner of
af out of, from; with; concerning; because of
at Dative to
Locative near
Oblique towards
í in, within; among; during; into, onto
eftí after, behind; for, to obtain; along; according to; in succession to
flá Genitive from
Oblique concerning
fᵫ́ri Genitive because of, for
Dative against
Locative before, in front of
með Genitive by means of
Dative as well as
Locative in combination with
of over; across, through; around, about; concerning; because of; for
ǫ́ Genitive of
Dative out of, from
Oblique with the material of, made from
sjá beside, at the side of; compared with; close by
til in; of, concerning; on; as, for, to obtain; until, to, up to the time
útā outside (of); beyond; without
ū Genitive about, concerning
Dative across
Locative throughout, around, about
ᵫðð reaching to, against, with; towards, at; in exchange for; by; (together) with, close to; because of
ᵫfí above, over, at; across, upon

Postpositions show above with a leading hyphen have generally fused as enclitics.



Pronouns are marked for person, number and case. Additionally, pronouns carry inclusivity/exclusivity information for the first person not encoded elsewhere. See the respective sections above and below for more details on the individual systems.

Placeholder mostly-pure-ON pronouns

  1st 2nd 3rd
  Incl Excl Subject Object
Sg Du Pl Du Pl Sg Du Pl Sg Du Pl Sg Du Pl
Nominative eg     fitt hðu hðitt hðér an ant hðéj hðatt hðætt ðǫ
Accusative mik     okke oss hðikk ᵫkke ᵫððe hánn hánnt ðá ðat ðet ðǫ
Genitive mín     okká fǫ́ hðín ᵫkkar ᵫðar æns æntts hðéjæ hðess hðentts hðéjæ

The 3rd Person Subject/Object forms are used to distinguish between an 3rd Person who is the subject of the current sentence/clause (using the Proximal) and a 3rd person who is not the subject (using the Distal).



1st, 2nd, 3rd Common, 3rd Neuter


Active Voice

Simple bare verb.

Passive Voice

The use of the Passive is virtually obligatory when the agent of the verb is of lower percieved animacy than the undergoer.

Nonpast Tense

Aorist/Present Construction

Simple bare verb.

Future Construction

Auxilliary verbs or adverbs of intention or likelyhood are used.

Past Tense



Indicative, Interrogative (for yes/no questions on the truth value of the predicate), Subjunctive (includes Conditional and Irrealis), Imperative (includes Hortative and Jussive).


Imperfect, Perfect.

Attitudinal and Evidential modifiers

Equiv. doch, schon, mal, eben, ja, etc.

Gerunds, Participles, and their Adjectives and Nouns



Other Languages

Other languages in this AU presume the gradual creation and growth of European colonies in North & Central America starting around 1000CE instead of the rapid colonization of Central America starting around 1500CE and of North America starting around 1600CE.

Finla was the first major consolidation of power, followed by "Nova Scotia" (provisional name), consisting mostly of Christian Celtic and Anglo-Saxon missionaries from England and France who established their major centers on the southwest coast of Greenland and to the south of Finla between 1100CE and 1250CE. Their Hibernic language is a Celtic koine of Old Gaelic, Old Welsh, Old Breton and Old Cornish with adstrates from Old English and Old French and a significant superstrate from Church Latin.