Uínlītska: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Sound adaptation in borrowed words: fixup - no longer just Inukt.)
m (fix ''Eskimo-Aleut'' -> ''Inuktitut'' for a little specificity)
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This majority language of Norse America is derived from Old Norse, with adstrates from Scots, Scots Gaelic, English, Algic, Iroquoian, Eskimo-Aleut and particularly Míkmak and Beothuk.
This majority language of Norse America is derived from Old Norse, with adstrates from Scots, Scots Gaelic, English, Algic, Iroquoian, Inuktitut and particularly Míkmak and Beothuk.


Revision as of 14:29, 15 March 2007

This majority language of Norse America is derived from Old Norse, with adstrates from Scots, Scots Gaelic, English, Algic, Iroquoian, Inuktitut and particularly Míkmak and Beothuk.



p b t d     k ɡ
f v s z ʃ ʒ θ ð x ɣ
    tʃ dʒ    
  ɬ l      
m̥ m n̥ n     ŋ̥ ŋ
ʍ w ɹ̥ ɹ ç j    

Voicing and Devoicing

In etymologically Old Norse roots, fricatives are voiced initially, finally, or between two voiced sounds (consonants or vowels). In etymologically non-Old Norse words, or in morphologically-created situations, voiceless fricatives may occur in those positions, which is handled differently by each orthography.

In etymologically Old Norse roots, liquids are devoiced immediately following a voiceless consonant. In etymologically non-Old Norse words, or in morphologically-created situations, voiced liquids may occur in these positions, which is handled differently by each orthography.

The phonemes /x/ and /ɣ/ have allophones [ç] and [ɟ] when immediately adjacent to an apical phoneme, i.e. from the second or third column of the above table.


i y   u
e ø   o
ɛ œ ə ɔ
a     ɑ

Sound adaptation in borrowed words

Every foreign phoneme (if possible) maps to the identical phoneme in Fínlǣsk.

The following general rules tend to apply to phonemes from various languages without exact duplicates in Fínlǣsk:

Inuktitut q ɢ ɴ ɟ h    
Ojibwe         h ɰ ʔ
Fínlǣsk k ɡ ŋ* j ç w g**

*Inuktitut /ɴ/ becomes /ɡ/ word-initially.

**Ojibwe /ʔ/ becomes /k/ next to voiceless consonants.


Latin Script

p pp b   t tt d     k kk g
  f ff v s ss z sk ssk sg ð ðð ðð h hh hh
      tj ttj dj    
    l hl ll      
m hm mm   n hn nn     n hn nn
w hw ww   r hr rr j hj jj    

i   u
e œ   o
ę œ̨ y ǫ
æ     a

Before the advent of printing, the Latin script orthography used an uncial hand similar to the Insular script. This is usually transliterated using the printed insular letters, e.g. ᵹ, ſ, ɼ, ƿ, and so on.

Doubled ðð, ff, hh, kk, pp, ss, tt show voiceless sounds where voicing would be expected.

Doubled bb, dd, ðð, hh, gg and liquids show voiced sounds where devoicing would be expected.

The use of single voiceless letters for voiced sounds (and vice-versa) is for etymological purposes, and is less frequent in modern texts, except as a formalism, archaism, affectation, or analogical hypercorism.

A prefixed h shows a voiceless liquid where voicing would be expected. Before a liquid, hh shows /x/. The sequence of /ɣ/ followed by a voiced liquid is shown with an h before a doubled liquid letter. For example:

ahla /ɑɬɑ/
ahhla /ɑxɬɑ/
ahlla /ɑɣlɑ/
ahhlla /ɑxlɑ/

The correct alphabetic order is:

a b d ð e ę f g h i j k l m n o ǫ p r s t u w y z æ œ œ̨ ᵫ

Diacritics are acute for long vowels, or macron (the linea nasalis) for nasalized vowels.


ᛈ ᛒ ᛏ ᛞ     ᚴ ᚷ


Other Languages

Other languages in this AU presume the gradual creation and growth of European colonies in North & Central America starting around 1000CE instead of the rapid colonization of Central America starting around 1500CE and of North America starting around 1600CE.

Finla was the first major consolidation of power, followed by "Nova Scotia" (provisional name), consisting mostly of Christian Celtic and Anglo-Saxon missionaries from England and France who established their major centers on the southwest coast of Greenland and to the south of Finla between 1100CE and 1250CE. Their Hibernian language is a Celtic koine of Old Gaelic, Old Welsh, Old Breton and Old Cornish with adstrates from Old English and Old French and a significant superstrate from Church Latin.