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Aåe /aθε/ – example
Aåe /aθε/ – example
Aåusre /aθysrε/ – digital
Aåusre /aθysrε/ – digital
Aåusry /aθysre/ – computer
Aåusry /aθysre/ – computer

Revision as of 06:49, 30 March 2024


Aåe /aθε/ – example

Aåusre /aθysrε/ – digital Aåusry /aθysre/ – computer Aåusrylif /aθysrelif/ – calculator Aåusi /aθysi/ – to calculate, compute Aåusta /aθysta/ – screen Adar /adar/ – praise, hallow Ademal /adεmal/ – drama(conflict) Agape /aʧapε/ – agape Agar /aʧar/ – to ask AgeΔΓ /aʧεŋ/ – question AgeΔΓon /aʧεŋɔn/ – to question, doubt Agre /aʧrε/ – farm(noun) Agrekil /aʧrεkil/ – farmer Ahehe /ahεhε/ – neutral Ahödunk /ahudyɳk/ – to discuss Ahödury /ahudyre/ – discussion AhheΔΓen /aχεŋεn/– fame AhheΔΓým /aχεŋim/ – famous Ajeftunk /ajeftyɳk/ – to provide Ajil /ajil/ – wife Ajonon /ajɔnɔn/ – to return, give back Ajunk /ajyɳk/ – to prepare Ajyk – /ajek/ back, returned to where something had been Ajynud /ajenyd/ – backwards Ajýgon /ajĭʧɔn/ – to return, go/come back Al /al/ – alley Alö /alu/ – plain(adjective) Aluminy /alymine/ – aluminium Alvepujer /alvεpyjεr/ – avenue Alvis /alvis/ – forest Amen /amεn/ – amen Amon /amɔn/ – like(verb) An /an/ – ball Anan /anan/ – poor, bad(in ‘Poor choice/bad choice’) Anil /anil/ – husband Anözif /anuksif/ – grace Ansijen /ansijεn/ – ancient Anyzil /aneksil/ – ancestor AΔΓde /aŋde/ – so, in this way Aðada /aðada/ – colour Apar /apar/ – to appear Apibunk /apibyɳk/ – to resemble Apyk /apek/ – appearance Arhhunk /arχyɳk/ – to confuse, mix up(impersonal) Arhhusi /arχysi/ – to confuse, mix up (personal) Arhhü /arχɐi/– confusion Aroma /arɔma/ – aroma Artifis /artifis/ – artificial, artificially Aslek /aslεk/ – church At /at/ – mid, medium Atom /atɔm/ – atom Atominadus /atɔminadys/ – chemistry Axyn /azen/ – romantic love Axynykil /azenekil/ – relative(noun) Axynyn /azenen/ – related Axyry /azere/ – relationship Azagÿnsi /aksaʧaiɳsi/ – to divorce Azar + dative /aksar/ – to marry Azary /aksare/ – marriage Azer /aksεr/ – relative(adjective) Azidik /aksidik/ – careful Azifunk + dative /aksifyɳk/ – to care, take care (of/for) Azynunk /aksenyɳk/ – to love romantically Azzyn /azχen/ – love (in general)


Äpon /ɵːpɔn/ – to consume


Ãhãsi /ɑːːsi/ – to annoy Ãlnyzi /ɑːlneksi/ – to treat


Åalmon /θalmɔn/ – salmon Åek /θεk/ – or Åehhimer /θεχimεr/– too many Åelodä /θεlɔdɵː/ – astronomical Åelodus /θεlɔdys/ – astronomy Åelmalyn /θεlmalen/ – giant(adjective) Åelnigon /θεlniʧɔn/ – to travel Åelnigry /θεlniʧre/ – journey Åelomakil /θεlɔmakil/ – giant(noun) Åelomalynýl /θεlɔmalenĭl/ – long Åelomalýnyl /θεlɔmalĭnel/ – big, large Åelon /θεlɔn/ – to expand Åeloset /θεlɔsεt/ – star Åeløåil /θεlaɔθil/ – alien Åelu /θεly/ – villa Åempalÿ /θεmpalai/ – long ago Åerval /θεrval/ – verse Åesun /θεsyn/ – long-term Åëlunk /θεilyɳk/ – to extrapolate Åusnimison /θysnimisɔn/ – to download Åusnimisým /θysnimisĭm/ – download Åúr /θɐr/ – thread Åylu /θely/ – mansion Åyr /θer/ – gold


Balon /balɔn/ – to fall Bank /baɳk/ – bank Barunk /baryɳk/ – to work, labour Baruwon /baryʋɔn/ – to earn Baryn /baren/ – work Beker /bεkεr/ – beach Berev /bεrεv/ – proverb Bësi /bεisi/ – to leave(behind/someone with), to abandon Benigamon /bεniʧamɔn/ – genesis Bibel /bibεl/ – bible Biberunk /bibεryɳk/ – to drink Bibyn /biben/ – comfort Bibyr /biber/ – to comfort Biminar – bus stand Bir /bir/ – rib Biry /bire/ – drink Bismut /bismyt/ – bismuth Beløtxekrivv /bεlaɔtzεkrig/ – blitzkrieg Bojynunk /bɔjenyɳk/ – to note, take note Borhhuse /bɔrχyse/ – Faymere(name) Boron /bɔrɔn/ – boron Böron /burɔn/ – to prove Bøg /baɔʧ/ – right (opposite of left) Bøjifunk /baɔjifyɳk/ – to spell Bøjyvvurunk /baɔjegyryɳk/ – to transcribe Bøjyvvury /baɔjegyre/ – transcription Bøjynukil /baɔjenykil/ – writer Bøjynunk /baɔjenyɳk/ – to write Bøsam /baɔsam/ – sign, symbol Bøsar /baɔsar/ – to sign Bøsazým /baɔsaksĭm/ – signature Bøwijer /baɔʋijεr/ – record, archive Bøwijunk /baɔʋijyɳk/ – to record Bøwým /baɔʋĭm/ – account(record of one’s experience) Bulek /bylεk/ – club Buni /byni/ – leisure Byjokil /bejɔkil/ – reader Byjon /bejɔn/ – read Bykon /bekɔn/ – beacon Bys /bes/ – bus Byselga /besεlʧa/ – bus garage Byselta /besεlta/ – bus station


Da /da/ – angelic Dary /dare/ – angel Dãnon /dɑːnɔn/ – to submit, give in (to + locative) Dãry /dɑːre/ – submission De /dε/ – worthy Debesi /dεbεsi/ – to spread(on something) Debigon /dεbiʧɔn/ – beginning Debigunk /dεbiʧyɳk/ – to begin, start Deda /dεda/ – holy Dedahabunk /dεdaːbyɳk/ – to anoint Dedahabury /dεdaːbyre/ – anointing Dedakil /dεdakil/ – saint Dedytimos /dεdetimɔs/ – scripture Deginon /dεʧinɔn/ – to build Dekon /dεkɔn/ – look at, watch Delokty /dεlɔk̚te/ – under control, controlled Delta /dεlta/ – delta Departyl /dεpartel/ – department Dendyn /dεɳden/ – dungeon Denon /dεnɔn/ – to need, require Denyn /dεnen/ – requirement, condition Derapole /dεrapɔlε/ – leopard Deron /dεrɔn/ – to pass Desir /dεsir/ – will(noun(e.g in the Lord’s Prayer)) Desöl /dεsul/ – desolate Desur /dεsyr/ – surprised Detasyn /dεtasen/ – creature Det-dojsi /dεtʔdɔisi/ – to copy Det-dojunk /dεtʔdɔjyɳk/ – to imitate Deteja /dεtεja/ – creative Detejarokil /dεtεjarɔkil/ – creator Detejaron /dεtεjarɔn/ – create Deteli /dεtεli/ – creation Dewita /dεʋita/ – version Dëmunk /dεimyɳk/ – to set up, establish Díjal /dɪjal/ – glad Dijõkon – to chase Dika /dika/ – acid Dinep /dinεp/ – ford Dir /dir/ – kind Diravv /dirag/ – kindness Divvog /digɔʧ/ – suitable Díktator /dɪk̚tatɔr/ – dictator Do /dɔ/ – rod Dobesalu /dɔbεsaly/ – letter(product of writing) Dobesi /dɔbεsi/ – to send Dohunk /dɔhyɳk/ – to hold Dohha /dɔχa/ – mode(average by most frequent occurrence) Dojanos /dɔjanɔs/ – 20 Dojanal /dɔjanal/ – 20th Dojenal /dɔjεnal/ – second Dojeni /dɔjεni/ – 2 Dojenylöhh /dɔjεneluχ/ – secondary school Dokalse /dɔkalsε/ – tar Dokaner /dɔkanεr/ – leader Dokar /dɔkar/ – lead Domahhaiiö /dɔmaχaʒu/ – quadratic Don /dɔn/ – to bring Donag /dɔnaʧ/ – generation Donagilif /dɔnaʧilif/ – descendant Donagilijon /dɔnaʧilijɔn/ – to descend(be a descendant of) Donagým /dɔnaʧĭm/ – descent, lineage Donon /dɔnɔn/ – give, trade over, hand over Donry /dɔɳre/ – gift Donÿf /dɔnaif/ – dative Dor /dɔr/ – road Doranö /dɔranu/ – glorious Doranöjo /dɔranujɔ/ – glory Dorar /dɔrar/ – to glorify Dorö /dɔru/ – ground Doröbýn /dɔrubĭn/ + genitive – according (to) Doröbýn /dɔrubĭn/ + resultant – on the grounds (that) Doton /dɔtɔn/ – to detect Dotor /dɔtɔr/ – detector Dotöjowi /dɔtujɔʋi/ – pluperfect Dotÿ /dɔtai/ – detection Dowa /dɔʋa/ – passive Doweva /dɔʋεva/ – towards Dozy /dɔkse/ – guide Dozybejif /dɔksebεjif/ – guidebook Dõzi /do̞ːksi/ – to guide Dönkerlad /duɳkεrlad/ – darkness Dög /duʧ/ – good Dögajo /duʧajɔ/ – goodbye Dögar /duʧar/ – to prefer Dögary /duʧare/ – preference Dögarre /duʧaʃε/ – fortunate, lucky Dögarrer /duʧaʃεr/ – fortune Dögeri /duʧεri/ – gospel Dögider /duʧidεr/ – enjoyment Dögidunk /duʧidyɳk/ – to enjoy Dögot /duʧɔt/ – honour Dögunk /duʧyɳk/ – to prioritise Döguhu / duʧyː / – priority Dögyn /duʧen/ – goodness Dömunk /dumyɳk/ – to compensate (for + genitive) Dömükil /dumɐikil/ – developer Dömüzi /dumɐiksi/ – to improve, upgrade, update, develop Dömüzyn /dumɐiksen/ – improvement, upgrade, update, development Dönamõx / dunamo̞ːz /– excellent, amazing Dövvtam /duk̚tam/ – special Dõ / do̞ː/ – for a long time Dõjyn / do̞ːjen / – quality Dõka / do̞ːka / – friendly, dear Dõki / do̞ːki / – friend Dõkiiiyn /do̞ːkiʒen/ – friendship Dõkunk / do̞ːkyɳk/ – to contact Dõma / do̞ːma/ – free Dõmahhad / do̞ːmaχad/– holiday Dõmýn – / do̞ːmĭn/ freedom Dõn / do̞ːn/ – a long time ago Døm /daɔm/ – sword Dømysi /daɔmesi/ – to send for Dyn /den/ – head Dyner /denεr/ – mental Dynesar /denεsar/ – mental state Dynif /denif/ – mind Dynísi /denɪsi/ – to be aware Dynor /denɔr/ – round(adjective) Dynutina /denytina/ – psychology Dynutinøn /denytinaɔn/ – psychological Dyworomunk /deʋɔrɔmyɳk/ – to disfigure Dywuta /deʋyta/ – face Dúii /dɐʒ/ – red Dúiiad /dɐʒad/ – brick Dyxyr /dezer/ – familial Dyxyry /dezere/ – family Dýnxy /dĭɳze/ – dynasty


Eå /εθ/ – breath Eåartit /εθartit/ – nostril Eåøl /εθaɔl/ – alcohol Eåølaå /εθaɔlaθ/ – drunk Eåølaåým /εθaɔlaθĭm/ – drunkeness Eåunk /εθyɳk/ – to breathe Ebnys /εbnes/ – diagnosis Ebon /εbɔn/ – to bite Eby /εbe/ – bite Ebysar /εbesar/ – to diagnose Edar /εdar/ – trade Edev /εdεv/ – agreement Ediga /εdiʧa/ – bridge Edijoner /εdijɔnεr/ – division Edysi /εdesi/ – to produce Edÿme /εdaimε/ – promise Edÿmunk /εdaimyɳk/ – to promise Efis /εfis/ – hard(requiring a great effort) EfyΔΓ /εfeŋ/ – answer, reply, response EfyΔΓesi /εfeŋεsi/ – to answer, reply, respond Efÿf /εfaif/ – possessive Ega /εʧa/ – change Egar /εʧar/ – to change(personal) Egabunk /εʧabyɳk/ – to play (an instrument) Egam /εʧam/ – picture, image Egena /εʧεna/ – everything Egenøiien /εʧεnaɔʒεn/ + genitive – each, every Egezehh /εʧεksεχ/ – apologetic Egezi /εʧεksi/ – to apologise Egëp /εʧεip/ – everywhere Egïna /εʧɪina/ – everyone Egunk /εʧyɳk/ – to change(impersonal) Egÿsi /εʧaisi/ – to be sorry Ehe /εː/ – card Eheju /εhεjy/ – oh no Ehha /εχa/ – mean(average) Eiiet /εʒεt/ – yet Eiiijo /εʒijɔ/ – character Eiiy /εʒe/ – myself Ejil /εjil/ – female Ejunk /εjyɳk/ – to try Eka /εka/ – beautiful Ekel /εkεl/ – personal Ekigo /εkiʧɔ/ – public(adjective) Ekikíjý /εkikɪjĭ/ – public, masses(declines like plural) Ekil /εkil/ – human, person Ekilezze /εkilεzχε/ – population Ekilinsa /εkiliɳsa/ – culture Ekïl /εkɪl/ – human(adjective) Ekjil /εk̚jil/ – woman Ekläs /εk̚lɵːs/ – cool Eklisi /εk̚lisi/ – to participate, take part Eklisry /εk̚lisre/ – participation Eknil /εk̚nil/ – man Ekorunk /εkɔryɳk/ – cover up, close up Ekory /εkɔre/ – coverage Ekõrunk /εko̞ːryɳk/ – to shut, close Ekymif /εkemif/ – dove Ekýl /εkĭl/ – in the same way(as) El /εl/ – except Elåunk /εlθyɳk/ – to announce Elar /εlar/ – to let Elez /εlεks/ – bone Elizi /εliksi/ – to lie(down) Eljel /εljεl/ – up Elid /εlid/ – tough, hard Elidaåusry /εlidaθysre/ – hardware Elidimin /εlidimin/ – consonant Eliftam /εliftam/ – space(e.g a room) Elifter /εliftεr/ – vast, spacious Elnigon /εlniʧɔn/ – to rise(in value/level) Elnigyn /εlniʧen/ – rise Elnisi /εlnisi/ – to assess Elnír /εlnɪr/ – assessment(NOT as in examination) Elsif /εlsif/ – blue Elsijel /εlsijεl /– sky Elsijëf /εlsijεif/ – cloud Elunk /εlyɳk/ – to take, capture Elyfåyn /εlefθen/ – subscription Elyfåyr /εlefθer/ – to subscribe Elyn /εlen/ – while(period during which) Emaåon /εmaθɔn/– to fly Emëdar /εmεidar/ – to remind Emëdary /εmεidare/ – reminder Emfa /εɱfa/ – frame Emif /εmif/ – bird Emiftøm /εmiftaɔm/ – beak Emíjif /εmɪjif/ – feather Emunk /εmyɳk/ – to cause Emyn /εmen/ – cause Enber /εɳber/ – diagnostic Enemine /εnεminε/ – available Eneminery /εnεminεre/ – availability Engam /εɳʧam/ – organ(instrument) Eni /εni/ – off Enid /εnid/ – nice Enil /εnil/ – male Enre /εɳrε/ – increase Ensilva /εɳsilva/ – Hedge Ensunk /εɳsyɳk/ – to sense Epo /εpɔ/ – hope Epod /εpɔd/ – dome Eposi /εpɔsi/ – to hope Epunk /εpyɳk/ – to prevent Epy /εpe/ – self Epyfodyl /εpefɔdyl/ – private Epymon /εpemɔn/ – to cope Epyhylerunk /εpeːlεryɳk/ – to use the latrine/toilet Eher /εːr/ – sweat Er /εr/ – where Ere /εrε/ – robe Ereja /εrεja/ – four Erejal /εrεjal/ – fourth Eret /εrεt/ – sand Eretofyn /εrεtɔfen/ – sandal Eretsejad /εrεtsεjad/ – desert Eris /εris/ – desire, lust Erison /εrisaɔn/ – to desire, lust Ernuåÿ /εrnyθai/ – to happen, occur Ernunk /εrnyɳk/ – to happen(e.g in “I happened to come across this stone”) Eron /εrɔn/ – to sweat Ersyn /εrsen/ – familial love Erson /εrson/ – to love familially Erur /εryr/ – curve Erus /εrys/ – corner Erusol /εrysɔl/ – enclosure Eruson /εrysɔn/ – to enclose Erusunk /εrysyɳk/ – to surround Erutina /εrytina/ – nature Erutine /εrytinε/ – natural Erutinadus /εrytinadys/ – science Erutinamë /εrytinamεi/ – environmental Erutinamyn /εrytinamen/ – environment Eruwon /εryʋɔn/ – to square Eruwone, eruwokaå /εryʋɔnε/ or /εryʋɔkaθ/– squared Eruwos /εryʋɔs/ – square(noun) Eruwyn /εryʋen/ – square(adjective) Esaiiik /εsaʒik/ – native(adjective) Esaiiikil /εsaʒikil/ – native(noun) Esar /εsar/ – place, spot Esasry /εsasre/ – suggestion Esasunk /εsasyɳk/ + locative + participle OR infinitive – to suggest, hint at Eskil /εskil/ – user Esi /εsi/ – to insert Esilamÿ /εsilamai/ – livestock Esit /εsit/ – domestic Esívvunk /εsɪgyɳk/ – to locate Esï /εsɪi/ – use Esïtë /εsɪitεi/ – useful Eslar /εslar/ – to replace, substitute for Eslarem /εslarεm/– replacement, substitution Esoiiinåe /εsɔʒiɳθε/ – purpose Eson /εsɔn/ – to use Esõteron /εso̞ːtεrɔn/ – camp Esõtezi /εso̞ːtεksi/ – to camp, go camping Esrejunk /εsrεjyɳk/ – to deserve Esta /εsta/ – waste Estanal /εstanal/ – wasteland Estar /εstar/ – to waste Esu /εsy/ – house Esur /εsyr/– surface Esülif /εsɐilif/ – room Esÿf /εsaif/ – location Esÿjÿ /εsajai/ – locative Et /εt/ – the (things/ones) Etan /εtan/ – song Etanlif /εtaɳlif/ – poem Etanlï /εtaɳlɪi/ – poetry Etikïl /εtikɪil/ – speech Etima /εtima/ – etymological Etimin /εtimin/ – letter(in the alphabet) Etimojli /εtimɔili/ – vocabulary, lexicon Etimos /εtimɔs/ – word, text Etimosryjý /εtimɔsrejĭ/ – terminology (declines like plural) Etimÿf /εtimaif/ – etymology Etolerý /εtɔlεrĭ/ – news Etolëf /εtɔlεif/ – (news) article Etøn /εtaɔn/ – to pronounce Etõ /εto̞ː/ – pronunciation Etrefon /εtrεfɔn/ – to meet, come across Etyjunk /εtejyɳk/ – to name Etyldon /εteldɔn/ – to destroy Etyldým /εteldĭm/ – destruction Etýdunk /εtĭdyɳk/ – to wipe Et-dividar /εtʔdividar/ – divide, separate Et-divunk /εtʔdivyɳk/ – to alienate, exile Et-divury /εtʔdivyre/ – exile Etrefy /εtrεfe/ – meeting, gathering Evim /εvim/ – possession(concept) Evokil /εvɔkil/ – servant Evos /εvɔs/ – service Evuåÿ /εvyθai/ + genitive – to belong (to) Evumoð /εvymɔð/– belief Evumoðil /εvymɔðil/ – believer Evunery /εvynεre/ – possession(item), property Evunk /εvyɳk/ – to have Eze /εksε/ – (highway)exit Ezi /εksi/ – to spend Ezzad /εzχad/ – midday Ezze /εzχε/ – presence Ezzim /εzχim/ – middle Ezzým /εzχĭm/ – main


Ë /εi/ + ablative – through Ë /εi/ + genitive – between Ëåöåëvö /εiθuθεivu/ – skilled Ëåöåëvy /εiθuθεive/ – skill Ëåunk /εiθyɳk/ – to smell Ëåy /εiθe/ – smell, odour Ëbivunk /εibivyɳk/ – to spread(out), scatter, distribute(personal) ËÏR /εjɪir/ – I Ëmil /εimil/ + ablative – throughout Ënar /εinar/ – to crush Ërrÿ /εiʃai/ – hot Ëviåosunk /εiviθɔsyɳk/ – to train Ëvitaå /εivitaθ/ – experienced Ëvitar /εivitar/ – to experience Ëvity /εivite/ – experience


Fakíl /fakɪl/ – torch Fan /fan/ – (definite/indefinite)article Fanekdynï /fanεk̚denɪi/ – careless, reckless Fate /fatε/ – afterwards Fel /fεl/ – final(adjective) Feleri /fεlεri/ – relief Felerunk /fεlεryɳk/ – to relieve Feligon /fεliʧɔn/ – to arrive Feligým /feliʧĭm/ – arrival Felmary /felmare/ – goal Felmarytam /fεlmaretam/ – inspiration, model Felon /felɔn/ – to work(in the attempt to succeed) Felpartit /fεlpartit/ – suffix Felunk /fεlyɳk/ – to work(out) Felÿnal /fεlainal/ – last(place) Felÿsi /fεlaisi/ – to complete, finish, end Feno /fεnɔ/ – iron Feta /fεta/ – after Fetÿgison /fεtaiʧisɔn/ – to bury Fexun /fεzyn/ – harvest Fezzøn /fεzχaɔn/ – to harvest Fifif /fifif/ – angry Fiktaron – to invent Fiktiv – fiction Fiktiver – fictional Finyn /finen/ – career Finÿ /finai/ – complete, total Firunk – to establish Fis /fis/ – office Fíjyjaå – space(astronomy) Font – font Fortasdejimol – strong Fozze /fɔzχε/ – grape Fozzeåø /fɔzχεθaɔ/ – wine Fozzöwa – vineyard Førif – furious Førøn – to scowl Fumyn /fymen/ – scowl Furys /fyres/ – anger Fy /fe/ – if Fyfýn /fefĭn/ – raging Fyjý /fejĭ/ – Fiji Fyl /fel/ – final(noun) Fylunk – to finalise Fyna /fena/ – more Fynalÿf /fenalaif/ – conditional Fynamil /fynamil/ – often Fynerunk – to increase Fynildar /fenildar/ – to flatter(someone else) Fynisi /fenisi/ – to flatter(oneself) Fýfyn /fĭfen/ – rage Fyzi /feksi/ – touch(irregular 2nd declension verb)


Gafusi – to eat Gahh – cup Gaiie – line Gaiiegar – gradient Gaiië – straight, direct Gaiiö – linear Gakobunk – to pour Gakõbunk – to spill Garon – to clothe Garoii – cloth Garyn – clothes, clothing Garr – tag Gason – to bear, to stand Gatan – curtain Gelis – story Gene – gene Genë – genetic Genö – moral(adjective) Genöry – moral(noun) Genõmer – morality Genÿf – genitive Gesín – insect Gesÿ – history Gevven – understanding (adjective) Gëhöm /ʧεihum/ – parent Gëf – fig Gel – egg Gi /ʧi/ – left (opposite of right) Gigyn /ʧiʧen/ – pleasure Gijina /ʧijina/ – camel Gijýn – hill Giiiin – fellow Ginen – ending Gino – superlative Ginlib – building Gito – other Gitowaåunin – jealous (of + dative) Gitysi – to reference Givinal – pasture Givunk – to please Givva – (if you)please Gixankil – conqueror Gixanunk – to conquer Gixaným – conquest Gobingunk – to acknowledge Gon – to know(in general) Gonol – very(not the same as gõx) Gonte – information Gontëf – data Gontëføtÿf – database Gote – understanding(noun) Gõx – very, to a superlative extent Gudus – linguistics Gujagýdus – linguistic Gujavvla – language Gulïgírr – sweet Gulïgírrim – sweetness Gulïklisi – to indulge Gumemil – apocalypse Gumemøl – apocalyptic Gÿ – tea Gÿf – jar Gÿmil – endtime Gÿnýn – end


Ha – there Hanam – therefore, and so Haven – haven Heladeji – alphabet Het – Act Hol – religious Holarnet – month Holy – faith Holykõbaå – faithful Holyn – religion Holyfokriset – Christianity Homar – Year Hosans – hydrogen Husunk – push Húk – hook Húpunk – to descend(upon) Hyla – much, many, a lot of Hylaha – accurate Hylahahem – accuracy Hylibenunk – to point (at + locative) Hyliheka – elegant Hylihi – precise, specific Hylijarokil – designer Hylijaron – to design Hylihysi /heliesi/ – to describe Hylihysry /heliesre/ – description Hyliry – detail Hylï – detailed Hyron – to realise Hÿtunk – to act(upon + genitive)


HHad – day HHadyn – daily HHages – diary HHanok – today HHäme – amount HHendel – general HHerýk – violence HHerýktam – aggression HHerýnk – violent HHerýntam – aggressive HHigÿn – severe HHiju – what HHïfïn – violation HHïfunk – to violate HHör – burg(mostly for placenames)


Ibajo – by Ibajøn – to join Ibapes – bypass Ibe – show, display Ibekil – companion Ibelunk – to take out, away Ibenunk – to show, display (to + dative) Ibetýdunk – to wipe out Ibina /ibina/ – exodus Ibivunk – to spread(out), scatter, distribute(impersonal) Iblasi – to steal(from + ablative) Ibøwøn – to escape, run away Ibÿf /ibaif/ – ablative Idif /idif/ – flesh Ido /idɔ/ – body Idoreta – ocean Idunk – to bless Idury /idyre/ – blessing Ifehu – fury Ifehh – common, normal Ifen – sorrow Ifery – standard Iferyr – to standardise Ifi /ifi/ – general, generally, usually, probably Ifiry /ifire/ – convention Iforar /ifɔrar/ – to curse Iforat /ifɔrat/ – curse Igros – hand Igyn – knowledge Ihe /ihε/ – silent Ihibalon /iːbalɔn/ – to stumble Ihigõ /iːʧo̞ː/ – for a short time, briefly Ihýninigon – to slip/sneak through/in Ihýt /ihĭt/ – silence Ijaner – miraculous Ijanu – miracle Ijisi – to call out Ikø – from beneath Ilmaha /ilmaː/ – cell Ilunk – to shine Iluptúson – to include Iluptyson – to contain Imdõma /iɱdo̞ːma/ – free(economically) Imen /imεn/ – sense(as in ‘common sense’) Imesoåÿ /imεsɔθai/ – to look, seem Imfer /iɱfεr/ – (e.g bank) account Impentor /iɱpεɳtɔr/ – money Impentõmÿ /iɱpεɳto̞ːmai/ – economy Impentö /iɱpεɳtu/ – economic Impentöjif /iɱpεɳtujif/ – commercial Impentunk /iɱpεɳtyɳk/ – to buy Impentyna /iɱpεɳtena/ – rich Impifý /iɱpifĭ/ – loot, bounty (declines like plural) Impiklos – treasure Imilon /imilɔn/ – to last Impovÿf – wealth Imsoåÿ /iɱsɔθai/ + dative – to cost Indon /iɳdɔn/ – town Ine /inε/ + genitive – beyond Infõ /iɳfo̞ː/ – most Infújon /iɳfɐjɔn/ – to obsess Infün /iɳfɐin/ – obsession Infyki /iɳfeki/ – whoever Infyni /iɳfeni/ – always, forever, all the time Infÿn /iɳfain/ – whatever Inizi /iniksi/ – to crucify Ink /iɳk/ – ink Inkÿsi /iɳkaisi/ – to burn Inry /iɳre/ – move, play Inryr /iɳrer/ – to move, play Intra /iɳtra/ – entrance Intran /iɳtran/ – introduction Intrar /iɳtrar/ – to enter Intrunk /iɳtryɳk/ – to introduce Insa /iɳsa/ – custom, tradition, practice Inver /iɳvεr/ – murderer Invige – murder Invigeni – to die, be dead Invigenoåÿ – to murder Invigentë – mortal Invigim – death Inynus /inenys/ – job Iný /inĭ/ – secret(noun) Inývvla /inĭgla/ – code Irnalonti – dictionary Isfek /isfεk/ – speck Isoron – to isolate Isorõn – isolation Isoru – isolated Isu /isy/ – 6 IvvleΔΓe – glass IvvliΔΓilif – window Ivvunk – to understand Ivvurunk – to interpret Ivvury /igyre/ – interpretation Iwõkon – to chase away, drive off Ixolyn – organ(structure within organisms) Izi – to speak Izikil – contact IΔΓíd – fresh, ripe IΔΓsuΔΓus – blood


Ïkil /ɪikil/ – humanity Ïlukÿf /ɪilykaif/ – message Ïlukÿl /ɪilykail/ – messenger Ïmar /ɪimar/ – to appreciate Ïmym /ɪimaim/ – appreciation


IIiniii /ʒiniʒ/ – relevant IIinoåÿ /ʒinɔθai/ – to be useful IIinonery /ʒinɔnεre/ – resource IIowa(-wý) /ʒɔʋa/ – arrow


Jad /jad/ – stone Jak /jak/ – certain Jakon /jakɔn/ – to assure Jakunk /jakyɳk/ – to define Jakry /jakre/ – certainty Janem /janε/ – proud Janry /jaɳre/ – pride Jantinry /jaɳtiɳre/ – hubris Janukil /janykil/ – wanderer Janunk /janyɳk/ – to wander Jasi /jasi/ – to be sure Jawa /jaʋa/ – away Jawasi /jaʋasi/ – to be absent Jawusunk /jaʋysyɳk/ – to push away Jawyr /jaʋer/ – to despair Jawyris /jaʋeris/ – despair Jawÿbajo /jaʋaibajɔ/ + ablative without definite article – away from Jazyn /jaksen/ – definite Jazýn /jaksĭn/ – definition Jaåer /jaθεr/ – command Jaåevunk /jaθεvyɳk/ – to own Jaåevy /jaθεve/ – ownership Jaåysi /jaθesi/ – to command Jaåywesi /jaθeʋεsi/ – to obey Jaåywesry /jaθeʋεsre/ – obedience Jedon /jεdɔn/ – to weed Jeftam /jεftam/ – sister Jegön – weed(drug) Jehal /jεhal/ – health jeron /jεrɔn/ – to warn Jeroner /jεrɔnεr/ – warning Jeruhy /jεrye/ – advice Jerunk /jεryɳk/ – to advise Jetil /jεtil/ – age(in years) Jiiiyno /jiʒenɔ/ – type, kind Jiiiynon /jiʒenɔn/ – to classify Jiiiynory /jiʒenɔre/ – classification Jijar /jijar/ – to perfect Jije /jijε/ – high(up) Jijída /jijɪda/ – perfect Jijídam /jijɪdam/ – perfection Jijímfün /jijɪɱfɐin/ – perfectionism Jijratem /jijratεm/ – high street Jijraterum /jijratεrum/ – town centre Jinz /jiɳks/ – junction Jizi /jiksi/ – to switch, interchange Johy /jɔe/ – rule Jojël /jɔjεil/ – young Jokar /jɔkar/ – to knock Jokil /jɔkil/ – healer Joler /jɔlεr/ – new Jolva /jɔlva/ – sexual Jolvytar /jɔlvetar/ – to have (sexual) intercourse (with) Jolvytry /jɔlvetre/ – sex, sexual intercourse Josi /jɔsi/ – to think critically Joven /jɔvεn/ – government Jovon /jɔvɔn/ – to rule Jöf /juf/ – control Jöfasunk /jufasyɳk/ – to disobey Jöfsuhunk /jufsyːɳk/ – to gain control Jöfunk /jufyɳk/ – to control Jörisem /jurisεm/ – journalism Jöriskil /juriskil/ – journalist Jõkil /jo̞ːkil/ – doctor Jõnunk /jo̞ːnyɳk/ – to heal Jøtun /jaɔtyn/ – mode (situation, e.g ‘survival mode’) Jørri – firm Jøwøn /jaɔʋaɔn/ – to flee Jylo /jelɔ/ – zebra (Jýlo)


Kajesinop /kajεsinɔp/ – casino Kal /kal/ – vehicle Kalse /kalsε/ – carbon Kalsesary /kalsεsare/ – ash Kampus – campus Kanon /kanɔn/ – to reproduce Kalym /kalem/ – potassium Karol /karɔl/ – local (person who is from a certain place, from said place’s point of view) Käde – cover Kaåon /kaθɔn/ + infinitive – to force, make Kasan /kasan/ – oil Kaxdunk /kazdyɳk/ – to stand Kãstytes – prison Kãstyteskil – prisoner Keftajif /kεftajif/ – niece Keftam /kεftam/ – sibling Keftanif /kεftanif/ – nephew Kejüsä – olive Kejzi /kεiksi/ – to affect Kekil /kεkil/ – who Kelen /kεlεn/ – empty Kelon /kεlɔn/ – to empty Kelos /kεlɔs/ – case, box Kelyn /kεlen/ – emptiness Kerÿlad /kεrailad/ – black Keses /kεsεs/ – green Kesry /kεsre/ – effect Kësøn /kεisaɔn/ – to opt Kifon /kifɔn/ – to drag, pull Kikel /kikεl/ – which Kikil /kikil/ – like, similar to Kikunk /kikyɳk/ – to relate Kikýl /kikĭl/ – complementary, corresponding Kilomyter /kilɔmetεr/ – kilometre Kïlano /kɪilanɔ/ – chain(e.g of amino acids) Kïløsam /kɪilaɔsam/ – brand, trademark Kïløsi /kɪilaɔsi/ – to group Kïlý /kɪilĭ/ – group, community Kobon /kɔbɔn/ – to fill Kobovõsa /kɔbɔvo̞ːsa/ – full Kobovõsabyn /kɔbɔvo̞ːsaben/ – fully, in full Kolel /kɔlεl/ – whole Kon /kɔn/ – to multiply Kone /kɔnε/ + ablative – times Könkor /kuɳkɔr/ – concourse Kor /kɔr/ – Pork Koromunk /kɔrɔmyɳk/ – to ruin, spoil, corrupt, pervert, stain Korory /kɔrɔre/ – corruption, perversion Korunk /kɔryɳk/ – to cover Kovar /kɔvar/ – to sing Kõlam /ko̞ːlam/ – column Kõlon /ko̞ːlɔn/ – colon kõsi /ko̞ːsi/ – to cut Krise /krisε/ – christian(adjective) Krisekil /krisεkil/ – christian(noun) Kriset /krisεt/ – Christ Krisøk /krisaɔk/ – analysis Krisøn /krisaɔn/ – to analyse Krohyry /krɔhere/ – range Krok /krɔk/ – high(in amount) Kroketu /krɔkεty/ – highway Kromeåar /krɔmεθar/ – to promote Kromeðy /krɔmεðe/ – promotion Krosi /krɔsi/ – crossing Krõsi /kro̞ːsi/ – to cross Krøå /kraɔθ/ – almost, nearly Krýs /krĭs/ – priest Køsyn /kaɔsen/ – option Køzano /kaɔksanɔ/ – bottom Køzanomer /kaɔksanɔmεr/ – denominator Krif /krif/ – far Krýnek /krĭnεk/ – cattle Krut /kryt/ – synagogue Kulota /kylɔta/ – eye Kuxen /kyzεn/ – bronze Køkyn /kaɔken/ – as though Køl /kaɔl/ – as, as well as Køno /kaɔnɔ/ – rear, back, backside Kønøtÿf /kaɔnaɔtaif/ – background Køryn /kaɔren/ – stomach Køwon – to know(personally) Køxe /kaɔzε/ – under, beneath, below Kwinkwa /kwiɳkwa/ – five Kwinkwanal /kwinkwanal/ – 50th Kwinkwano /kwinkwanɔ/ – pentagon Kwinkwanos /kwinkwanɔs/ – 50 Kylÿb /kelaib/ – will(noun(document written before death to state last wishes)) Kyn /ken/ – ruin(noun) Kyna /kena/ – cinema Kyson /kesɔn/ – to choose, select Kyswunk /keswyɳk/ – to check Kýn /kĭn/ – although, despite Kÿson /kaisɔn/ – choice


Lafa /lafa/ – hard(with a great effort) Lamina /lamina/ – animal Laminekakil /laminεkakil/ – hunter Laminekar /laminεkar/ – to hunt Lamineta /laminεta/ – meat Lano /lanɔ/ – side Lajon /lajɔn/ – lane Lasi /lasi/ – to take away(by force) Lat /lat/ – art Latiso /latisɔ/ – hospital Larrit – alright Lavis /lavis/ – festival Lavona /lavɔna/ – piano Lavonÿf /lavɔnaif/ – harp Lazi /laksi/ – to celebrate Lazým /laksĭm/ – celebration Lekon /lεkɔn/ – to rate Lema /lεma/ – tribe Lemyn* /lεmen/ – harbour Lemysilif – /lεmesilif/ childbirth Lemyvitar /lεmevitar/ – to give birth (to + genitive) Lery /lεre/ – opening Levvesÿ /lεgεsai/ – leviticus Liåijo /liθijɔ/ – lithium Lihhÿr /liχair/ – grey Lihhif /liχif/ – white Lihhet /liχεt/ – light(noun) Lij /lij/ – open Lijyr /lijer/ – to open Likýl – fair Lisi /lisi/ – to call Lo /lɔ/ – old Löhh – /luχ/ school Lomodløn /lɔmɔdlaɔn/ – old-fashioned Lopa /lɔpa/ – forgiveness Lorre – Earth Löryn /luren/ – school uniform Lõdekil /lo̞ːdεkil/ – elder Lõt /lo̞ːt/ – flute Lubunk /lybyɳk/ – abide Lugry /lyʧre/ – bullet Luner /lynεr/ – moon Lunhhe /lyɳχε/ – lunch Lunk /lyɳk/ – to calm down, be calm Luným /lynĭm/ – calmness Lureg /lurεʧ/ – gun Lydon /ledɔn/ – to play (a game) Lyganus /leʧanys/ – extension, elongation Lyganuzi /leʧanyksi/ – to extend(personal) Lyganuzunk /leʧanyksyɳk/ – to extend, elongate(impersonal) Lyhh /leχ/ – rate Lyjes /lejεs/ – lion Lymif /lemif/ – raven Lyner /lenε/ – precious Lynif /lenif/ – distance Lynúf – distant Lynunk /lenyɳk/ – to distance Lynyl /lenel/ – length Lynyný /lenenĭ/ – dimensions(relating to mapping something out) Lywe /leʋε/ – consequential Lywerar /leʋεrar/ – to follow Lywerer /leʋεrεr/ – consequence Lywël /leʋεil/ – follower Lÿn /lain/ – uncommon, rare


Mahhahözi /maχauksi/ – peace Mahhajýgon /maχajĭʧɔn/ – to retreat Mahhe /maχε/ – power, authority Mahhehe – might Mahhekõbaå – powerful Mahhi /maχi/ – ally Mahhilï /maχilɪi/ – alliance Mahhik /maχik/ – magic Mahhø /maχaɔ/ – mighty Mahhözï /maχuksɪi/ – peaceful Mahhúme – absolute, supreme, sovereign Mahhýnta /maχĭɳta/ – hostile Maj /maj/ – May(month) Majúr – major Malmýl /malmĭl/ – repetition Malyk /malek/ – cream Malyn /malen/ – creamy Manor /manɔr/ – manor Manunk /manyɳk/ – to phrase Mar /mar/ – to make, reach, reach out Mardun /mardun/ – verb Masame /masamε/ – deuteronomy Mat /mat/ – market Materiz /matεriks/ – matrix Mavan /mavan/ – psalm Maå /maθ/ – air Maåodor /maθɔdɔr/ – runway Mänøn – to engage Megu /mεʧy/ – everyone else Meheli /mεːli/ – mail Mehelunk /mεːlyɳk/ – to mail Melsik /mεlsik/ – lightning Melsilif /mεlsilif/ – shock(noun) Meltam /mεltam/ – worry Meltar /mεltar/ – to worry Melxib /mεlzib/ – thunder Memon /mεmɔn/ – all Men /mεn/ – remains Menåiv /mεɳθiv/ – it is/they are admitted Menåõv /mεɳθo̞ːv/ – it/they will be admitted Menåyv /mεɳθaiv/ – it was/they were admitted Menåÿ /mεɳθai/ – to admit, confess Menõsi /mεno̞ːsi/ – to stay, remain, dwell Mentan /mεɳtan/ – when Metroselta /mεtrɔsεlta/ – metro station Miiiilmon – to practise Miiiiry – practice Mikalon /mikalɔn/ – to cry Mil /mil/ – time(e.g in spacetime) Mildõk /mildo̞ːk/ – contemporary, of that time Milelun /milεlyn/ – gradual Milmil /milmil/ – again Milmilon milmilɔn– to repeat Milnok /milnɔk/ – already Milnõ /milno̞ː/ – until Miloler /milɔlεr/ – since Milry /milre/ – duration Milsuwon /milsyʋɔn/ – to get back, retrieve, recover Milsýsi /milsĭsi/ – to wait, be patient Milýl /milĭl/ – recent Minø /minaɔ/ + resultant – behind Mison /misɔn/ – to place, put Mixer /mizεr/ – help Mixõ /mizo̞ː/ – helpful Mixødon /mizaɔdɔn/ + dative – to help Mixøtë /mizaɔtεi/ – helpable MiΔΓ /miŋ/ – link MiΔΓunk /miŋyɳk/ – to link Mínymÿ /mɪnemai/ – age, long period of time Míson /mɪsɔn/ – to alight Modløn /mɔdlaɔn/ – fashioned Modo /mɔdɔ/ – fashion Modø /mɔdaɔ/ – worship Modunk /mɔdyɳk/ – to worship Moðøry /mɔðaɔre/ – altar Monder /mɔɳdεr/ – random Monetys /mɔnεtes/ – name Monetÿf /mɔnεtaif/ – nominative Monin /mɔnin/ – noun Monoset /mɔnɔsεt/ – yellow Monot /mɔnɔt/ – mountain Mont /mɔɳt/ – mount Mosunk /mɔsyɳk/ – to sell Motor /mɔtɔr/ – motor Motorwy /mɔtɔrwe/ – motorway Monubøjynury /mɔnybaɔjenyre/ – typography Monunk /mɔnyɳk/ – to type Monutimory /mɔnytimɔre/ – typology Mõnuåÿ – to matter Muntegra /myɳtεʧra/ – silver Muserrum – museum Mygõ /meʧo̞ː/ – time, occasion Mylmilö /melmilu/ – continuous Mylmilunk /melmilyɳk/ – to continue Mylunk /melyɳk/ – to dread Mymolil /memɔlil/ – ham Myn /men/ – world Myna /mena/ – global Myndovv /meɳdɔg/ – praise(noun) Mynö /menu/ – apple Mynym /menem/ – watch Mynysyn /menesen/ – synonym Myr /mer/ – to consider Myralysi /meralesi/ – to swear Myrä /merɵː/ – considerate Myros /merɔs/ – stupid Myrosil /merɔsil/ – idiot Myrõs /mero̞ːs/ – insult Myrõsi /mero̞ːsi/ – to insult Myrununk /merynyɳk/ – to mock Myrunury /merynyre/ – mockery Myryn /meren/ – consideration Myter /metεr/ – metre Myze /meksε/ – dread Mýl /mĭl/ – during, meanwhile Mÿ /mai/ – race (competition) Mÿjat /majat/ – policy Mÿjidunk /majidyɳk/ – to submit (e.g an application), enter Mÿjidury /majidure/ – submission, application, entry Mÿjin /majin/ – formal Mÿjysi /majesi/ – to report, announce (to + locative) Mÿn /main/ – then Mÿnun /mainun/ – phrase


Na /na/ – and Naåel /naθεl/ – extreme Nagíf /naʧɪf/– formula Nagralif /naʧralif/ – problem Nagraxdunk /naʧrazdyɳk/ – to bow Nagraxým /naʧrazĭm/ – bow(for the crowd) Nagre /naʧrε/ – great, grand, majestic Nagrebaruwer – profit Nagrebaruwon – to profit Nagrediga /naʧrεdiʧa/ – great bridge Nagredÿme /naʧrεdaimε/ – covenant Nagrery /naʧrεre/ – greatness, grandness, majesty Nagrevul /naʧrεvyl/ – eschatology Nagribif /naʧribif/ – page Nagribïf – tab Nagrinry – game NagröΔΓydus – phonology Nagrukil – mathematician Nagrumer – mathematical Nagrumÿf – mathematics Nagrunk – to advance, proceed Nagrysi – to boast Namdög – confident, brave, bold Namdögry – confidence, bravery, boldness Nas /nas/ – against Nasja /nasja/ – tower Nasriset /nasrisεt/ – antichrist Natal /natal/ – birth Nazaxdunk /naksazdyɳk/ – to oppose Nazaxer /naksazεr/ – opposition Näsi – to be allowed, licensed Näsit – wild Näsoåÿ – to allow, license Näsry – allowance, license Natarrem – chance, luck Nãgrys – title Nebynesu /nεbenεsy/ – homeless Ned /nεd/ – low, down Nedam /nεdam/ – memory Nedehunk – to philosophise Nedeta /nεdεta/ – philosphy Nedetë /nεdεtεi/ – philosophical Nedyl /nεdel/ – lower Nedyn /nεden/ – brain Nef /nεf/ – ever Nefon– to lament Neføn – lamentation Neftam – brother Nefÿn /nεfain/ – everlasting Neiientë – immortal Nejak /nεjak/ – uncertain Nejakry /nεjakre/ – uncertainty Nejan /nεjan/ + resultant – instead(of) Nejol – weak Nejolaåer – instruction Nejolaåysi – to instruct Nejon – to divide(maths)(use present passive participle + ablative) Nejújunk – to omit Nejüry – omission Nejy /nεje/ – at least Nek /nεk/ – not Nek…nek /nεk… nεk/ – neither…nor Nekahh /nεkaχ/ – mercy Nekar /nεkar/ – to kill Nekdäsi – to despise Nekgenö – immoral Nekgenõmer – immorality Neklihhet – dark Nekøkaå – strange, foreign Nekøkaåil – stranger, foreigner Nekølaå – sober Nekwasunin – blind Nekyåuwon – to refuse, deny Nekytï /nεketɪi/ – false Nekytïkil /nεketɪikil/ – deceiver Nekytïkunk /nεketɪikyɳk/ – to deceive Nelekÿmi /nεlεkaimi/ – vowel Nelfa /nεlfa/ – easy Nelfÿiiin – practical Nelgon – to drop(in level/value) Nelid /nεlid/ – soft Nelidaåusry /nεlidaθysre/ – software Nelil /nεlil/ – disadvantages Neluným /nεlynĭm/ – stress Nemixyte – helpless Nemo – see nemsi Nemot – betrayal Nemoton – to betray, secretly turn against Nemsi – to subtract Nemsine + ablative – minus Nemtakon – to mean, actually say Nemtasky – intent Nemtazi – to intend Nemtunk – to mean, actually contain Nemy /nεme/ – airport Nenãn – smile Nenes /nεnεs/ – sad Nenesah – sadness Nenezyn /nεnεksen/ – misery Nenezyr /nεnεkser/ – to be miserable Nenip /nεnip/ – dirty Neniper /nεnipεr/ – dirtiness Neniry /nεnire/ – dirt Neno – region Nenõk – no longer Nenunk – to smile Nenúðunk – to quarrel Nenúðury – quarrel Nehes – I am happy Nehís – see si Nes – happy Nesah – happiness Nesi /nεsi/ – to be happy, rejoice Nesmil /nεsmil/ – event Nestë /nεstεi/ – able to be happy Neta /nεta/ – starvation Netetar /nεtεtar/ – to starve Neto – content(noun) Netojunk – to encapsulate Netøn – to mean, entail Netöf /nεtuf/ – encapsulation Netukil /nεtykil/ – liar Netur /nεtyr/ – lie Neva /nεva/ – heaven(-jý) Nevykaå – sudden, suddenly Nevÿb /nεvaib/ – heavenly Nezi /nεksi/ – to not be, cease to exist Nezõsi – to remove Në /nεi/ – lack, shortage Nëbyn /nεiben/ + genitive – without Nëdãr – to remember Nëfunk – to drain Nëhhü – different Nëhhým /nεiχĭm/ – difference Nëiiyn – cold(noun) Nëiiynys – winter Nërra – cold(adjective) Nësi /nεisi/ – to lack Nëtunk – to lie(as opposed to telling the truth) Nëtü – fake Nëvunk – to lose Nëzunk – to negate Ni /ni/ – in Ni + dative – into Ni + genitive – among Nidar /nidar/ – to ride Nidub /nidyb/ – government Nigon – to go Nigojn – to go, fare Nihe /niε/ – secret(adjective/adverb) Nihilal /nihilal/ – zero Nihhet /niχεt/ – night Nijagar – to invite Nijunk – to rain Nilan /nilan/ – inside(prepositional) Nilunk – to take in Nilyn /nilen/ – inside(noun) Nildon /nildɔn/ – port Nimihil /nimihil/ – mever Nimihilmil /nimihilmil/ – never again Nimoda – domain Ninev /ninεv/ – exit Ninevunk – to exit, leave Ninevah – evening Ninkunk – to walk Ninrron – exploration, to explore Nisok /nisɔk/ – Cuisine Nirrid – dimension Nitokum /nitɔkym/ – nothing much Nituje /nityjε/ – nickel Nivon /nivɔn/ – to move(similar to nigon) Nok /nɔk/ – now Nõhok – immediately, at once Nõk – from now on Nõletarë – unreasonable Nomÿnar /nɔmainar/ – to turn(into(impersonally)) Nomyl /nɔmel/ – lemon Nonego – non-region(term used for small parts of land between regions of a city) Non /nɔn/ – to turn(in some direction) Nop /nɔp/ – point Nor /nɔr/ – north Nornal /nɔrnal/ – kingdom, empire Nos /nɔs/ – king Notijap /nɔtijap/ – temptation Nove /nɔvε/ – top, summit Novemer /nɔvεmεr/ – numerator Novesu /nɔvεsy/ – roof, ceiling Nönon /nunɔn/ – to crawl Numer /nymεr/ – number Numerilsi /nymεrilsi/ – to number Numunk – to count Numyn /nymen/ – count Nunk – notice Nununk – to laugh Nur /nyr/ – trombone Núd – direction Nøn /naɔn/ – hunger Nøtunk – to hunger Nøva /naɔva/ + genitive – on top of, above Nøwe – head, chief Ny /ne/ – ever Nyfen /nefεn/ – joy Nÿjon /najɔn/ – to break Nymok – even(opposite of ‘odd’) Nyr /ner/ – rain Nyron /nerɔn/ – to awake Nysi /nesi/ – to gossip Nýk /nĭk/ – no(opposite of yes) Nývar /nĭvar/ – to move(push someone somewhere) Nÿf /naif/ – negative Nÿn /nain/ – broken Nÿsi /naisi/ – to be disallowed, forbidden Nÿsoåÿ /naisɔθai/ – to disallow, forbid Nÿzyn /naiksen/ – indefinite D.Nal /ᵈnal/ – land, country D.Naly /ᵈnale/ – international D.Nalý /ᵈnalĭ/ – lands, countries


Odunk /ɔdyɳk/ – to argue, make the argument(that) Odury /ɔdyre/ – argument Oheå /ɔhεθ/ – this Ohhoj /ɔχɔj/ – 8 Ohhojal /ɔχɔjal/ – eighth Oiiel /ɔʒεl/ – anywhere Oiien /ɔʒεn/ – any Oiienal /ɔʒεnal/ – first, original Oiienan /ɔʒεnan/ – once Oiienzzi /ɔʒεɳzχi/ – 1 Oiion /ɔʒɔn/ – anything Oiiÿn /ɔʒain/ – anyone Ojero /ɔjεrɔ/ – cunning Ojerton /ɔjεrtɔn/ – to trick Ojmi /ɔimi/ – row Ojuii /ɔjyʒ/ – pink Ojÿlef /ɔjailεf/ – brown Ojÿlefnys /ɔjailεfnes/ – autumn Ok /ɔk/ – that(resultant) Ole /ɔlε/ – hello Olesi /ɔlεsi/ – to greet, send one’s greetings Ome /ɔmε/ – that(descriptive) Omo /ɔmɔ/ – see omsi Omsi – to add, contribute (to + ablative) Omsine + ablative – plus On /ɔn/ – to do Onery /ɔnεre/ – deed Ono /ɔnɔ/ – no Onodisetabelmentarisem – antidisestablismentarianism Onoginen – infinite, eternal Onoginenev – infinitive Onoginerým – infinity Onokil /ɔnɔkil/ – no one Onory /ɔnɔre/ – nothing Onosun /ɔnɔsyn/ – short-sighted, short-term Onosuni /ɔnɔsyni/ – reluctantly Onowõs – square-root Onõwon – to square-root Ontë /ɔɳtεi/ – doable Ontejï – doability Onÿfry /ɔnaifre/ – defense, protection Onÿfunk /ɔnaifyɳk/ – to defend, protect, shield Or /ɔr/ + genitive – about(in a locative sense) Ora /ɔra/ – wrong Orary /ɔrare/ – error Oradon /ɔradɔn/ – to sin Oralate /ɔralatε/ – sin Oralatekil /ɔralatεkil/ – sinner Oramar /ɔramar/ – to fail Oratina /ɔratina/ – evil Oravyd /ɔraved/ – monster Orba /ɔrba/ – circle Ororon /ɔrɔrɔn/ – to engulf Orysi /ɔresi/ – to distort, twist (what someone else has said) Os /ɔs/ – so(e.g so he did...) Oste /ɔstε/ – east Oster /ɔstεr/ – eastern Ostud /ɔstyd/ – eastward(s) Otare /ɔtarε/ – drama(play, movie) Ovirkil /ɔvirkil/ – fool Ovirtöm /ɔvirtum/ – foolish Ovirtus /ɔvirtys/ – foolishness Ovunk /ɔvyɳk/ – come Ovyjum /ɔvejum/ – prediction, expectation Ovyjunk /ɔvejyɳk/ – to predict, expect Oxygen – oxygen OΔΓa – bell OΔΓsý – instinct


Õ – pot Õdunk – to debate Õdury – debate Õgo – hole Õgõ – pit Õnfäry – shield Õnín – offering Õnys – season Õwøn – to run


Ödunk – to encourage Ögegon – to assume Ögon – arrogant Ögoner – arrogance Öhhunk – to blow Öhhytar – wind Öjelsif – purple Öjo – half Öjøsi – to encourage Öjuii – orange Öjux /ujyz/ – somewhat, to a moderate extent Ökeka – crazy Önøsi – to imagine Ösi /usi/ – to think Ösøry – idea Ösøvuð – idealism Ösøvï – idealistic Östam /ustam/ – theory Ösyn /usen/ – thought Ösyne /usenε/ – thoughtful, solemn


Ø – expression of pain Øåa – inspirational Øåÿsi – to inspire Øåÿsry – inspiration Øjunk – to cultivate Ølym – silver(element) Ømyn – heel Ørahahhol – revelation Ørar – to reveal Ørunk – to(make an)offer Øryn – offer Øsi /aɔsi/ – to want Øsösry /aɔsusre/ – dream Øtã – source, root Øtãf – outlet Øte – still Øtit /aɔtit/ – leaf Øtyl /aɔtel/ – leafy Øtÿf /aɔtaif/ – base, template Øwäg – grass Øwita – plant, crop Øwitunk – to plant Øzi /aɔksi/ – to wish


Ðalunk – to beget, bear Ðonyr + locative – round(preposition) Ðoton – to disrupt, thwart Ðotõn – to interfere Ðõton – to interrupt


Pak /pak/ – bubble Palne – bed Palsy /palse/ – palace Panåe – disease Par /par/ – piece, to piece together Parte – part Partit /partit/ – section Partixip /partizip/ – particple Partÿf /partaif/ – chronic Pasizi /pasiksi/ + genitive/resultant – to suffer Pasizyn /pasiksen/ – suffering Pazahhe – endurance Pazahhunk + genitive/resultant – to endure Pazi /paksi/ – to struggle Pazyn /paksen/ – struggle Pãre – piece Peðary – rainbow Pegat – stamp Pen – (writing) pen Punk – keep Pelfem – platform Pelihif – chamber Pelsi – sleep, to sleep Peroty – approach(noun) Pes – pass(noun) Pesetarar – separate, set apart Pesetaraj – separated PesewiΔΓoåÿ – to depend (on + ablative) Peta – attempt(noun) Pifým /pifĭm/ – deck Piiiin – pigeon Pyn /pen/ – plain (noun) Poges – test Pokil /pɔkil/ – shepherd Polif /pɔlif/ – chronicle Politï – political Polity /pɔlite/ – politics Polityrutinadus /pɔliterytinadys/ – political science Posilif /pɔsilif/ – perfume Posper – phosphorus Povvÿ /pɔgai/ – testament Pøkifon /paɔkifɔn/– to crouch Pøkøn /paɔkaɔn/ – to sit Pøm /paɔm/ – such, of such a kind Pøsyn /paɔsen/ – sheep Pøsynkïl – flock Pøwon – to stop, put an end to Pøwösi – to rest, come to rest Pøwösry – rest(noun) Pøwysi – to shut up Primer – primary Pulixy – chicken Pun – punishment Punifer /pynifεr/ – store Punon – to punish Punry – storage Pújunk /pɐiyɳk/ – to store Pynÿn /penain/ – revenge Pyte – fraction


Rab /rab/ – bar (building) Raðemdon – to excuse Rahem – ram Rajø – (the human) race Raki /raki/ – wicked, cruel Rakil /rakil/ – enemy Ralatina /ralatina/ – trouble Ralatinar /ralatinar/ – to trouble Ralif /ralif/ – bad Raligan – terrible Ralon /ralɔn/ – to blame (for/on + ablative) Ralopon /ralɔpɔn/ – to criticise, give feedback Ralory /ralɔre/ – criticism, feedback Ralön /ralun/ – fault, blame Ralönë – faultless, blameless Raltes – route Ram /ram/ – mark Rani /rani/ – afraid, scary Rar /rar/ – to mark Rasat /rasat/ – unfortunately Rasixem – racist Rasixet – racism Rasyn /rasen/ – goat Rativv /ratig/ – thank you Rativvi /ratigi/ – to thank Ravv /rag/ – grammar Ravvilif /ragilif/ – punctuation Redunk – to shoulder Redyn – shoulder Reha – prayer Rehãdil – matriarch Rehãl – matriarchal Rehejol – maternal Rehöm – mother Rehunk – to pray Rekobunk – to soak (up) Relfej – queue Rem – class Remahhunk – to overpower Reme – all over Rena – intestine Renjon – to overcome, overwhelm Reny – small intestine Renzõr – dry Renzõsi – to dry Renåelomalýnyl – large intestine ReΔΓo – flower Rerime(-mý) – perimeter Resak – cross Reskit – bracket Ret – stream Reta – water Retar – to water Retøtã – well Retunk – to flow Retÿdar – to float Rev – over Revasunk – to manage, oversee, deal (with + dative), handle Revidunk – to deliver Revylit – revolution Revylunk – to revolt Rezi – steel Ridon – to embrace Rijne – grain Rily – relay Rimar – to wonder Rimer – wonder Rimetyz – chess Rity – translation Rofem – form(noun) Rofemnirret – formless Rofemon – form(verb) Rol – lord Rondeby – roundabout Ronyn – morning Rot – thorn Rotaran – narrator Rõl – master Rud – door Rukar – to hit Rupton – to hide Ry – thing, being, item Rylï – category Ryfon – to carry Rygiiiin – fellowship Ryhyp – bar(shape) Rymver – wonderful Rynin – pain Rytol – literal Ryton – to translate Ryrry – heat Ryrrynys – summer Ryvon – to drift RyΔΓým – ritual(adjective/adverb) RyΔΓyp – ritual(noun) RýlÏ – categorical


Salunk – to guard Salyn /salen/ – guard Sasel – place, spot (plural stem: saselp-) Sat /sat/ – law Satõki – advocate Satõzi – to advocate (for + dative) Saåal /saθal/ – coast Saåasa /saθasa/ – sea Saåasalif /saθasalif/ – wave Saåavyd /saθaved/ – sea monster Saåesina – frog Saåuåa /saθyθa/ – island Sãr – ant Sebenum – antimony Sed – but, however Seden – garden Segufer – refugee(plural: Segufý, seguf-) Sejad – city Sejadano – cityside Sejakil – citizen Sejakým – citizenship Sejeron – to reject, turn off, turn down Sejin – rejected Sejun – rejection Sel – together Selbarukil – partner Seldohunk – to hold together Selevunk – to share Selga – garage Selisi – to call together Selmison – to draw up, arrange, bind/join together, connect, assemble Selmýson – to chain (to + with clause) Selmýsry – chain(e.g in prison) Selta* – station Seltat – estate Selvesi – to sow Selykunk – to gather, come together, meet up Sementyn – cement Sen – scene Senidif – heart Senli – declension Sensi – to centre Sentel – centre(location; mathematical) Senterum – centre(e.g of a marketplace) Senteryl – central Senterylnop – centrepoint Serfon – to serve Serfus – slave Setat – state Seteg – gate Setrakil – neighbour Setrap – strap Setrat – street(emý) Setratemnol – neighbourhood Setrem – next Setryjet – wood(material) Sëfil – track Si – to be Sibon – to have to Sigen – enough Sigen si – to satisfy Sije – simple, basic Sika /sika/ – cute, adorable Sikar /sikar/ – to adore Silavv /silag/ – field Silif /silif/ – child Silihiskil – heir Silihison – to inherithhhhhhhh Siljif /siljif/ – daughter Silnif /silnif/ – son Silsi /silsi/ – to list Silsým – list Siltyjet – timber Silvif – soil Silvita – seed Silvunk – to sprout Sirkelput – circular Sirkelýn – see Sirkelput Sirumsisunk /siryɱsisyɳk/ – to circumcise Sirrar – to emphasise, stress Sismelar – to embarrass Situs /sitys/ – existence Siwyn – desperate Soå – introduces a question Soåÿ – to exist(personally) Sondik – danger Sondile – dangerous Soðus – waterfall Sot – south Sotud – southward(s) Sotyn – southern SöΔΓunk – to hear, listen to SöΔΓy – sound SöΔΓydus – phonetics Sõlyf /so̞ːlef/ – offspring Sõn /so̞ːn/ – enough! Sub /syb/ – bush Suj /syj/ – just Sujakymal /syjakemal/ – of course, in obvious certainty Sujidif /syjidif/ – naked Sujunk – to judge Sukar /sykar/ – accuse Sukil /sykil/ – judge Sukÿf /sykaif/ – accusative Sunimul /synimyl/ – luminous Sury /syre/ – judgement Susasi /sysasi/ – to reward Susary /sysare/ – reward Sut /syt/ – obvious, obviously Suhut /syːt/ – clear Suhutry /syːtre/ – clarity Suwon – to get, receive Suzi /syksi/ – to condemn, rebuke Suzým – condemnation Súd – safe Súdelunk – to rescue Syjve – tree Sylon – to reek Synol – alone Syntax – syntax Synúk – deep Syrof – forest Syrunk – win(verb) Syrým – win(noun) Sysmýl – embarrassed Syrresni – paper Sytejinon – bakery Sytejýn – bread Sytekil – baker Sytel – yeast Sytyr /seter/ – to bake Sÿjokil – saviour Sÿjosi – to save Sÿjosunk – to release, set free Sÿjösry – salvation Sÿjunk – to reap Sÿkil – hero


RRany – snake RResni – sheet RRÿnfy – even(in “not even that”), even if/when


Ta /ta/ – why Tako – taco Tano – contract(law) Taso – cat Taðem – reason Tejisi – to manage(to do) Tejï – ability Tejýn – meal Tejsi – to be able Tejsiåÿ – to be possible Tendotor – metal detector Tendy – metal Tenuf – present(in ‘the present’) Tera – flood Terar – to flood Teraseteg – floodgate Teru – out Terulan – outside Tevvigunk – to outsmart Teta – food Tetanë – famine Termir – terminus Tesunk – get stuck Tesmi – spite(noun) Tetønon /tεtaɔnɔn/ – to feed Tifak /tifak/– chance Tile – little Tin /tin/ – tin Tipo /tipɔ/ – here Tiposi /tipɔsi/ – to be present Tiposoåÿ – to become, turn (into(personally)) Tiripus /tiripys/ – spirit Tiripys /tiripes/ – spiritual Tof /tɔf/ – foot Tofan /tɔfan/ – football Tofaryn /tɔfaren/ – shoe Tolar /tɔlar/ – to feel Tor /tɔr/ – effort Toson /tɔsɔn/ – exist(generally) Totej – real, actual Totëhe – reality Töjo /tujɔ/ – past Töjowi – past tense Töjýl – before Töjýlunk + dative – to reserve Töjýmil – last, previous Tönok /tunɔk/ – yesterday Tøfon /taɔfɔn/ – feeling Tøm /taɔm/ – mouth Tømif /taɔmif/ – taste Tømunk – to taste(personal) Tømyr /taɔmer/ – to taste(impersonal) Tøn /taɔn/ – to kiss Tøhy /taɔe/ – kiss Trejanos – thirty Trezanos – triangle Trezeni – three Trezenylöhh – university TriΔΓo – triangle Truba – pipe Tunk – to interest Turbotor – superjumbo Tün – interest Tüsä /tɐisɵː/ – fruit Tyåým – measurement Tyfin – maybe, perhaps Tyjapar – to disappear Tyjapyk – disappearance Tyn /ten/ – both Tynon /tenɔn/ – to measure Tynym – measurer Tyrab – crowd Tyrar – to crowd Tyrrat-ro – drama(school subject) Tyvenme – possibility


Uåo – sacrifice Uåode – sacred Uåon – to sacrifice Uðyn – bow(archery) Uhiju /yhiju/ – music Uhijukil /yhijykil/ – musician Uhijuner /yhijynεr/ – musical Ujijif /yjijif/ – (musical) note Ulebon /ulεbɔn/ – fort Ulki /ylki/ – shame Ulkikõbaå – shameful Ulkunk – to shame, disgrace (impersonal) Ulser – result Umikon /ymikɔn/ – to cry out, scream Umine /yminε/ – subject, topic Umÿf /ymaif/ – resultant case Unaversil – universe Unoje – court Unojekil – court-official Unok /ynɔk/ – county Unon /ynɔn/ – council Unovvunk /ynɔgyɳk/ – to testify (to), proclaim Unovvÿ /ynɔgai/ – testimony Ununk /ynyɳk/ – to unite Uny /yne/ – united Uron /yrɔn/ – to discover Urunk – to find Uvryðomä – resilience Uvryðö – resilient Ux /yz/ – so(to such an extent), as Uzedon – leave(from a certain place)


Üsi – limit, parameter, to limit


Veraval – valley Vespa – wasp Vestyl – west Vestylano – westside Vestyler – western Vidø – wide Vidõ – width Viiiigunk – to settle Viiiikil – settler Vikni(-esý) – viking Vilgo – village Vinyn /vinen/ – shopping Virkil /virkil/ – wise man Virtaxy /virtaze/ – philosophy Virtöm /virtum/ – wise Virtus /virtys/ – wisdom Virxef – insight Visunk – to rear Vita /vita/ – life Vitamun /vitamyn/ – life lesson Vitar /vitar/ – to live Vitadon – to grow Vitadyn /vitaden/ – life-giving Vitanin /vitanin/ – alive, living Vite /vitε/ – (human)right Vix /viz/ – fish Viz /viks/ – sieve Vödar /vudar/ – to forget Vödyr /vuder/ – forgetful Voiiyn – forgetfulness Võdar – to ignore, neglect Vøgynunk – to dement Vønun – content(adjective) Vul /vyl/ – prophecy Vulokil – prophet Vulon – to prophesy Vulö – future Vulöwi – future tense Vyå – truth-affirming Vyåuwon – to accept Vydonil – adult Vydonø – adulthood Vydykil – teacher Vydynon – to teach Vydynsary – teaching Vydynsi – to educate, inform Vyðunk + locative – to support Vyðury – support Vyjunk – to right, correct Vylil – advantage Vymar – to succeed Vymary – success Vyref – insightful Vyreta – river Vysyt – visit Vysyton – to visit Vytä – honest Vytãm – honesty Vytï – true Vytur /vetyr/ – truth Vyv /vev/ – yes Vyvyv /vevev/ – right, correct(adjective), proper Vÿtösary /vaitusare/ – statement Vÿtunk – to state Vÿtur /vaityr/ – fact


VVaiiezzo /gaʒεzχɔ/– border VVaiiezzolano /gaʒεzχɔlanɔ/ – borderline VVan /gan/ – comparative VVaner – comparison VVanesi – to compare VVanjed – weed(plant) VVehãdil – patriarch VVehãl – patriarchal VVehöm – father VVig – complex, complicated, advanced VVigevvnyl – intelligence VVigevv – intelligent VVigif – smart VVikalon – to weep VVivvunk – to get to know, find out VVogre – rational VVogry – rationality VVoletam – reason(relating to rationality) VVoletar – to reason (with + ablative) VVoletarë – reasonable VVolge – logical VVolgi – logic VVyvitøn – to survive VVÿtyn – survival VVÿkil – survivor VVÿx – such, in such a way


Waåunk – to search, look (for + dative) Waskul – sight Wasnihen – hindsight Wasunk – to see Wasunkë – visible Wazer – vision Wi – tense Wigem – patheticness Wigë – pathetic WiΔΓoåÿ – to matter, be important Wo + resultant – about, concerning Wod – down Wohizi + resultant – to cover, speak about Woles – slow(adjective) Wolve – wolf Worak – narrow Worÿsi – to complain, grumble Wõry – complaint Wõsi – to mention Wømon – to frighten Wy – way Wyfak – risk Wyfar – to risk Wyjodar – to persuade Wylin + participle OR + dative – so that(with uncertainty) Wylin – because(uncertain(e.g because I thought…)) Wylin…wylin – whether…or(not affected by purpose clause form) Wynop – waypoint Wyri – accident Wyrïr – accidental Wyta – tone


Xahhe – for battle/war Xande – 9 Xandejal – ninth Xanehhel – leader/general in wartime Xanhoryn – pregnancy Xanhos – pregnant Xanjöfasunk – to rebel Xansyrunk – to win against, defeat Xansyry – victory Xanxinon – to join forces(in war) Xanze – war Xanzekil – soldier Xanzekïlý – forces, troops, army Xanzenigon – to war, go to war Xendar /zεɳdar/ – percentage Xendivar /zεɳdivar/ – percent Xendyter /zεɳdetεr/ – centimeter Xenin /zεnin/ – mixture Xep /zεp/ – Ape Xibar /zibar/ – shock(verb) Xibarunk /zibaryɳk/ – to approximate, estimate Xibary /zibare/ – approximation, estimate Xidan /zidan/ – tool Xilo /zilɔ/ – plan Xilon /zilɔn/ – to plan Xilys /ziles/ – guess Xilysunk /zilesyɳk/ – to guess Xinon /zinɔn/ – to mix, combine Xiren /zirεn/ – insistence Xirrysi – to insist Xonar /zɔnar/ – to repair Xøkil /zaɔkil/ – fighter Xøn /zaɔn/ – fight Xusi /zysi/ – must Xyd /zed/ – disco Xyzÿ /zeksai/ – battle Xÿf /zaif/ – r Xÿfon – to fight Xÿfunk – to attack Xÿzi /zaiksi/ – to battle


Y, igan, ïvvino, yme – small Ybas – fall Ydop – process Ydõ – project Ydyf – skin Yfÿn – mechanism Ygal – lamb Ygina – donkey Ygito – another Ygri – edge Yhale – phase Yjartit – caricature Yjesu – tent Yjetu – speed Yjo – only Yjonivonkal – car Yjosaåasakal – boat Yjosëfilkal – train Yjunk – to drive Yk, arre, kyzzø, nin, ne, sa, kaå, bölyb, böleb – to (simplest form of verb, irregular independent conjugation) Ym – absolutive, absolute Ymar – farm (verb) Ymolif – credit Ymon – to pay Ymot – trust Ymot-de – trustworthy Ymoton – to trust Ymukil – learner Ymun – lesson Ymunk – to learn Yn /en/ – a Ynin /enin/ + ablative – in front of Ynin + genitive – near Ynzzøry – fear Yres – feature, aspect, characteristic Ysar /esar/ – file Yser – quote Ysi /esi/ – say, speak Ysil /ysil/ – cheese Ysry /esre/ – voice Yto – a few Ytõ – automatic Yv /ev/ + participle OR + dative – so that(with certainty) Yv – because(certain(e.g because I knew…)) Yv…yv – either..or(not affected by purpose clause form) Yvodon – to convince Yvöry /evure/ – explanation Yvösuniner – explanatory Yvösunk – to explain Yvvene – burst Ywtar /eʷtar/ – weather Yxyn /ezen/ – flame Yxyner – flaming Yyyesi – to burst (open)


Ÿfer – mechanical Ÿfÿkil – mechanic Ÿhaje – hate Ÿhajon – to hate Ÿjon – will(verb) Ÿjÿjunk – to regret Ÿjÿn – regret Ÿler – score Ÿlofyn – xylophone Ÿn – someone Ÿnegu – someone else Ÿsi – to tell Ÿx – how(as in ‘how stupid’)


Ý + genitive /ĭ/ – some Ýbejif /ĭbejif/ – book Ýbejifïlý /ĭbεjifɪilĭ/ – encyclopedia Ýbejilsým /ĭbεjilsĭm/ – bibliography Ýbejum /ĭbεjym/ – library Ýdus – /ĭdys/ study(noun) Ýheå /ĭhεθ/– something Ýl – /ĭl/ short Ýlamil /ĭlamil/ – soon Ýlÿsi /ĭlaisi/ – to summarise Ýlÿsry /ĭlaisre/ – summary Ýmil /ĭmil/ – while(noun) Ývvnelif /ĭgnεlif/ – smoke Ývvnesi /ĭgnεsi/– light(verb) Ýze /ĭksε/ – fire Ýzin /ĭksin/ – table Ýzymunk /ĭksemyɳk/ – to expose


YYalwe – cul-de-sac YYar – to embed YYikÿson – selection YYizetu – fast, quick YYizyn – many YYø – mean, method


Zanet – heath Zanum /ksanym/ – vulnerable Zatan /ksatan/ – contraction Zatøn /ksataɔn/ – to contract Zazzunk /ksazχyɳk/ – to organise Zazzury /ksazχyre/ – system Zazzü – systematic Zedan – dust Zortýn – 10 Zortyjal – tenth


ZZãhýn – heavy ZZon /zχɔn/ – slow(verb) ZZøtar /zχaɔtar/ – fear, be afraid of Zzunk /zχyɳk/ – to make up, constitute ZZyl /zχel/ – schoolbus


ΔΓola – across ΔΓolã – along ΔΓoma – tongue ΔΓyp – pure ΔΓýp – clean

∞aneli /ɬanεli/ – armour ∞anelï – armoured ∞asi /ɬasi/ – to attend ∞asým – attention, focus ∞asunk /ɬasyɳk/ – to concentrate, focus (on + ablative) ∞on – to click ∞örr – foam