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==Pronunciation table==
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:1000px;"
! colspan="6" | <center>peműko<br>(labial)</center>
! colspan="6" | riisűko<br>(dental)
! colspan="6" | muitűko<br>(alveolar)
! colspan="6-" | vainűko<br>(palatal)
! colspan="2" |
! colspan="6" | ṡ̨uuše̋nos<br>(vowels)
! colspan="3" | nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos'''<br>(weak vowels)
![[Wikipedia:Ogonek#Similar diacritics|ǫ]]
==Glossing abbreviations==
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:left; margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
|1s/p = 1st person singular/plural
|ABL = [[Wikipedia:Ablative case|ablative suffix]]
|COL = [[Wikipedia:Collective noun|collective]]
|F = feminine
|INT = intensive prefix
|PRV = [[Wikipedia:Privative|privative prefix]]
|SUP = [[Wikipedia:Supine|supine]]
|2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural
|ABS = absolutive (an unmarked modifying adjective)
|DES = [[Wikipedia:Desiderative mood|desiderative]]
|FRQ = [[Wikipedia:Frequentative|frequentative]]
|LAT = [[Wikipedia:Lative case|lative suffix]]
|PST = past
|TRZ = transitivizer
|3 = 3rd person
|ADV = adverb
|DIM = diminutive
|FUT = future
|LOC = [[Wikipedia:Locative case|locative suffix]]
|REV = [[Wikipedia:Opposite (semantics)|reversive]]
|VOC = vocative particle
|A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural)
|AG = [[Wikipedia:Agent (grammar)|agent]]
|ELIS = [[Wikipedia:Elision|elision]]
|IMP = imperative
|M = masculine
|Q = [[Wikipedia:Interrogative word|interrogative particle]]
|G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural)
|AP = agent (active) participle
|ELT = [[Wikipedia:Elative case|elative]]
|INC = [[Wikipedia:Inchoative aspect|inchoative]]
|OCC = occupation suffix
|QUOT = direct quotation
|N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural)
|AUG = augmentative
|EP = [[Wikipedia:Epenthesis#As a grammatical rule|epenthesis]]
|IND = indicative
|PP = patient (past) participle
|RPR = recent perfective
|V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural)
|CAUS = [[Wikipedia:Causative|causative]]
|EQU = equative degree
|INS = instrument
|PRF = perfect
|SBJ = subjunctive
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''ta̋umuk̬e műgok̬e''' - Thomas and the Conclusion </div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''''múkanȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo'''''</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">''Translated from the Greek''</div>
*New American Bible
*Literal Greek Translation
*Senjecan Translation
*'''24.''' It happened that one of the Twelve, Thomas (the name means "Twin"), was absent when Jesus came.
*Thomas but one of the Twelve the being.called Twin not was with them when came Jesus
*'''de főőd̬o eȝúm éha þűn ta̋mau. ȝe̋mu fe̋e̋taþu ı̋lantu. eȝúm súna vűűa ne—méti ȝe̋su e-ǧe̋ma:'''
*'''25.''' The other disciples kept telling him: "We have seen the Lord!" His answer was, "I will never believe it without probing the nailpints in his hands, without putting my finger in the nail marks and my hand into his side."
*said therefore to.him the other disciples we.have.seen the Lord the but said to.them unless I see in the hands of.him the mark of.the nails and I.put the finger into the place of the nails and I.put my the hand into the side of.him never I.will.believe
*'''náru a̋nu tűnlus eȝús o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a mus ande̋rum nĭna̋ka m̃ar: de eȝúm o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a ši eȝu-manőm éna ðuvőm e̋e̋lom nake̋ȝa da ðuvőm ðe̋e̋om éna mu-ƥa̋rom ðeee̋ȝa da eȝu-pe̋gom éna mu-ma̋nom ðeee̋ȝa—u-őőa neánu m̃ar:'''
*'''26.''' A week later, the disciples were once more in the room, and this time Thomas was with them. Despite the locked doors, Jesus came and stood before them. "Peace be with you," he said;
*And after days eight again were inside the disciples of.him and Thomas with them comes the Jesus the doors having.been.shut and stood in the midst and said peace
*'''da ż' a̋han pósu eȝu-tűnlus náánu ȝúvi e-vűűa da ta̋mau eȝúm súna vűűa: ðurőm paxaþőm iilantőm. ȝe̋su e-ǧe̋ma da meðős éna e-ṡűra da e-te̋e̋a: m̃a ȝúm o mı̋ı̋ra m̃ar:'''
*'''27.''' then, to Thomas: "Take your finger and examine my hands.  Put your hand into my side. Do not persist in your unbelief, but believe!"
*then he.says to.the Thomas bring the finger here and see the hands and bring the hand and put into the side and not become faithless but faithful
*'''pósu tamaűs o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a íðþim tu-ƥa̋rom ne̋xek̬e mu-ma̋non na̋kek̬e da tu-ƥa̋rom ne̋xek̬e mu-pe̋gom éna ðe̋e̋ek̬e da őőru ne főőru ı̋le m̃ar:'''
*'''28.''' Thomas said in response, "My Lord and my God!"
* answered Thomas and said to.him the Lord and the God
*'''ta̋mau e-kı̋rak̬' eȝús o e-te̋e̋ak̬e: m̃a mu-anderűk̬e mu-ȝuműk̬e m̃ar:'''
*'''29.''' Jesus then said to him: "You became a believer because you saw me. Blest are they who have not seen and have believed."
*says to.him the Jesus because you.have.seen me blessed the not having.seen and having.believed
*'''ȝe̋su eȝús o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a hi tu mum nĭna̋ka—oőőa: ne nĭna̋kantusk̬e oőőantusk̬e fı̋raþus e̋sa:'''
*'''30.''' Jesus performed many other signs as well—signs not recorded here—in the presence of his disciples.
*Many therefore also other signs did the Jesus before the disciples of.him which not have.been written in the book this
*'''náru ȝe̋su eȝu-tunlűm n̨óópa me̋e̋o a̋no ne̋uon—táos i-luvős éna ȝa̋raþos iı̋la ne—e-kı̋a:
*'''31.''' But these have been recorded to help you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, so that through this faith you may have life in his name.
*these but have.been.written that you.might.believe that Jesus is the Christ the son of.the God and that believing life you.may.have in the name of.him
*'''ésti sos ȝa̋raþos iı̋la—táádi tu ȝe̋sum ma̋żaþum ȝuműs pőikum e̋su ooe̋ȝa—da tu őőu móóda eȝu-feetős éna ǧı̋ı̋ram ƣeve̋ȝa⁝

Latest revision as of 18:17, 22 February 2024