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===Pronunciation table===
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:500px;"
![[Wikipedia:Ogonek#Similar diacritics|ǫ]]

<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''mazra̋s naalka̋þaþo''' - [[Wikipedia:Diatessaron|Diatessaron]] of the Anointing</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''''garáiȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo'''''</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">''Translated from the Greek''</div>
*Mk 14:1-9; {{Color|green|Mt 26:6-13;}} {{Color|blue|Luke 7:36-50;}} {{Color|red|Jn 12:1-8;}} {{Color|orange|my additions}}
*As this is a [[Wiktionary:cento|cento]] of verses, the numbering indicates the number of Senjecan sentences, not of the Biblical verses.
===Literal Translation of the Greek===
*1: And {{Color|red|six days before Passover}}  being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper {{Color|orange|Jesus}} {{Color|blue|reclined at table.}}
*2: {{Color|blue|And behold a woman who was in the city, a sinner, and having.known that}} {{Color|green|approached him}} having an.alabaster jar of.ointment, pure expensive nard.
*3: {{Color|blue|Having stood behind at his feet crying, with.the tears she began to wet his feet and with.the hairs of her head she.was.wiping and was.kissing his feet}}
*4:  {{Color|blue|And,}} having.broken the alabaster.jar, {{Color|blue| was anointing them with the ointment.}}
*5: {{Color|red|And the house was.filled with the odor of.the ointment.}}
*6: {{Color|green|And having.seen the disciples were.angry.}}
*7: {{Color|red|And Judas the Iscariot, one of his disciples, the one him, says,}} "Why this waste of.ointment has.happened?
*8: For this ointment (for) more.than three.hundred denarii and to.the poor."
*9: And they scolded her.
*10: {{Color|red|But he.said this, not because about the poor it.mattered to.him but because thief he.was and the having the.being.put he.was removing.}}
*11: {{Color|green|And having.known Jesus said to.them,}} {{Color|red|"Leave her, that for the day of.the burial she.may.keep it.}}
*12: {{Color|green|Why trouble for.the woman? For a.good work she does for me.}}
*13: For  always the poor you have with yourselves, and when you.wish for.them good, but me not  always
*14: What she.had she.did.
*15: For having.put she this ointment upon my body prepare.for.burial me she.did (it)
*16: And truly I.say, wherever is.preached {{Color|green|this}} in whole world, also what she did in her memory.
*17: {{Color|blue|And he.said to.her., "Have.been.forgiven your sins."}}
*18: {{Color|blue|And began the reclining-with to.say among themselves,"Who this is who even sins forgives?}}
*19: {{Color|blue|And he.said to the woman, "The faith has.saved you. Go in peace."}}
===Senjecan text===
*1: '''da betan̨a̋s éna ṡimoonűs rudesműs m̃eesős éna vűűantu ȝesu sa̋a̋ðta aha̋s pĕsaxa̋s fésa serős éna e-ṡe̋la.'''
*2: '''da eenő riȝős éna e-vűűantu ǧe̋nu a̋ƣlu da serős éna num ṡe̋lu sĭsa̋a̋raþu páiṡ̬it̨őno ba̋a̋nom ma̋zt̬im pőugi m̃űsi na̋ldim ƣe̋vantu num e-ȝőba:'''
*3: '''da þu-pedőm éna pósu ṡĭṡűrantu ɫı̋ı̋gantu kinőm xéma þu-pedőn ma̋a̋nu e-tőda da nu-niimős pilőm xéma þu-pe̋don e-tűdak̬' e-kűsak̬e.'''
*4: '''da páiṡ̬it̨őno ba̋a̋nom ȝĭȝa̋fantu. mazt̬ı̋s xéma non e-ma̋ża:'''
*5: '''da m̃e̋e̋so mazt̬ı̋s odős ha pe̋e̋laþo e-ı̋la:'''
*6: '''da nĭna̋kantu tűnlus e-ge̋ga:'''
*7: '''da ȝĕhuda̋hu ískar̨őőþu. þu' mőṡu síra vűűantu þu-tunlűm te̋e̋a: m̃a i-mazt̬ı̋s ƣőősa xávu e-e̋ba:'''
*8: '''h' i-ma̋zt̬i deenaar̨őm űpo tı̋r satőm ṡ̨óga fa̋a̋raþ' ı̋lu e-ma̋a̋ƣa da peedűm o dőőaþo ı̋lu m̃ar:'''
*9: '''da nus þum e-ga̋da:'''
*10: '''þóósi nu som e-te̋e̋a. ne hi nús o pe̋e̋dun sépa e-vı̋na. þóósi hi vőőurlu e-e̋sa da doþma̋kom ƣe̋vantu e-ðe̋e̋anton e-őȝa:'''
*11: '''da sĭsa̋a̋rantu ȝe̋su núm o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a ii-þum he̋ne. tádi mu-ðoova̋s aha̋s fára nom auke̋ȝa:'''
*12: ''' ȝus xávu ǧe̋nu' me̋ra: mús éra va̋do kı̋om kı̋a:'''
*13: '''hi ȝus mi-ȝú' súna vísum pe̋e̋dun u-ƣe̋va. da. méti ɫe̋e̋la. núm o va̋dom kı̋' u-ma̋a̋ƣa. ésti ne vísum mum u-ƣe̋va:'''
*14: '''nu—tom e-ƣe̋va—e-kı̋a:'''
*15: '''hi mu-bődom éva i-ma̋żom ðĭðe̋e̋antu nu ðoova̋s o mum fa̋ru nom kı̋-a:'''
*16: '''da va̋a̋ mu ȝús o te̋e̋a. i-vaðte̋e̋om őru v̌eetűs o k̬enáru űűaþo u-ı̋lu—étu nu tom kĭkı̋a—nu-żuuma̋s éna te̋e̋aþo u-ı̋la m̃ar:'''
*17: '''da þús o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a tu-a̋gon dűűraþon ı̋ı̋la m̃ar:'''
*18: '''da sunṡe̋lantus mi-núm ȝúṡa te̋e̋u e-toda̋sa: m̃a su estítu a̋gon dűűrantu xu e̋sa m̃ar:'''
*19: '''da ǧenűs o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a tu-őőa tum nĭne̋sa m̃ar⁝'''
===Glossing abbreviations===
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:left; margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
|1s/p = first person singular/plural
|V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural)
|CAUS = [[Wikipedia:Causative|causative]]
|EQU = equative degree
|INS = instrument
|Q = [[Wikipedia:Interrogative word|interrogative particle]]
|2s/p = second person singular/plural
|ABS = absolutive (an unmarked modifying adjective)
|CONV = conversive
|F = feminine
|INT = intensive prefix
|QUOT = direct quotation
|3p/m = third person [[Wikipedia:Demonstrative#distal and proximal demonstratives|proximal/medial]]
|ADV = adverb
|DES = [[Wikipedia:Desiderative mood|desiderative]]
|FRQ = [[Wikipedia:Frequentative|frequentative]]
|M = masculine
|REL = [[Wikipedia:Relativizer|relativizer]]
|4 = [[Wikipedia:Obviative|fourth person]]
|AG = [[Wikipedia:Agent (grammar)|agent]]
|DIM = diminutive
|FUT = future
|PP = patient (past) participle
|RPRF = recent perfective
|A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural)
|AP = agent (active) participle
|ELIS = [[Wikipedia:Elision|elision]]
|IMP = imperative
|PRF = perfect
|SBJ = subjunctive
|G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural)
|AUG = augmentative
|EP = [[Wikipedia:Epenthesis#As a grammatical rule|epenthesis]]
|INC = [[Wikipedia:Inchoative aspect|inchoative]]
|PRV = [[Wikipedia:Privative|privative prefix]]
|SUP = [[Wikipedia:Supine|supine]]
|N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural)
|ELT = [[Wikipedia:Elative|elative]]
|IND = indicative
|PST = past
!da||þu=ped-őm||éna||pósu||ṡĭ~ṡűr-a-ntu-Ø||ɫı̋ı̋g-a-ntu-Ø||kin-őm||xéma|| þu=ped-őn||ma̋a̋n-u||e=tőd-a||da||nu=niim-ős||pil-őm||xéma||þu-pe̋don||e=tűd-a=k̬-'||e=kűs-a=k̬e

Latest revision as of 17:17, 12 January 2024